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Subtidal habitats have not yet been accounted for in habitat maps of South African estuaries. In this study, a novel method for mapping subtidal estuarine habitats, using a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) piloted from a boat, was developed and tested in the Knysna Estuary. Video footage was recorded along 48 transects across the width of the estuary, and then reviewed to identify, classify and map habitats. Using the method developed in this study, 21 hours of footage was recorded over 15 days of sampling, and about 30 hours of post-processing was carried out to map an area exceeding 850 ha. This study has produced the first baseline dataset of subtidal habitats for a South African estuary. Additionally, the study revealed the previously unknown distribution of the invasive red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis, and the underestimation in previous studies of the estuary of area cover of eelgrass Zostera capensis by 130 ha.  相似文献   

White-breasted cormorants Phalacrocorax [carbo] lucidus breed around South Africa's coast and at inland localities. Along the coasts of the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape provinces, numbers breeding were similar during the periods 1977–1981 (1 116 pairs at 41 localities) and 2008–2012 (1 280 pairs at 41 localities). Along the coast of KwaZulu-Natal (not counted in 1977–1981), 197 pairs bred at nine localities in 2008–2012, when the overall number breeding around South Africa's coastline was about 1 477 pairs. Between the two study periods, numbers decreased in the Northern and Western Cape provinces following the loss of several breeding localities, but they increased in the Eastern Cape. In the Western Cape, however, numbers were stable east of Cape Agulhas and at nine well-monitored West Coast localities that were surveyed from 1978 to 2012. White-breasted cormorants breed throughout the year, with breeding at some localities more seasonal than at others and the timing of peaks in breeding varying at and between localities. In the vicinity of Saldanha Bay/Langebaan Lagoon (Western Cape), in Algoa Bay (Eastern Cape) and in northern KwaZulu-Natal, it is likely that birds moved between breeding localities in different years, although breeding often occurred at the same locality over several years. Human disturbance, presence of predators, competition for breeding space and occurrence of breeding by other waterbirds may influence movements between colonies. Securing sufficient good habitat at which white-breasted cormorants may breed will be important for conservation of the species. The species may breed at an age of 4 years, possibly younger. The bulk of their diet around South Africa's coast consists of inshore marine and estuarine fish species that are not intensively exploited by humans.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on South African marine fishes have shown that many species exist as single, well-mixed stocks throughout their core distribution. The black musselcracker or poenskop Cymatoceps nasutus is a slow-growing, late-maturing and long-lived sparid (Perciformes: Sparidae) that is endemic to South African coastal waters. Conventional tagging studies suggest that it is resident, with limited connectivity between different regions along the coast. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA were used to investigate the genetic structure of C. nasutus along the South African coastline and showed evidence of at least two populations. Samples collected from the Tsitsikamma Marine Protected Area on the South Coast to KwaZulu-Natal on the East Coast showed no significant population structure over much of the distribution. Gene flow for C. nasutus within this region is not limited by geographic distance and appears to be unaffected by various oceanographic barriers and biogeographical boundaries. Samples from the Western Cape to the west of Tsitsikamma, however, showed moderate to substantial differentiation for both markers, which may be influenced by a temperature barrier – a coldwater ridge – along the South Coast. These data provide the first genetic assessment of this South African sparid, and suggest that a two-stock management strategy would be appropriate for the species.  相似文献   

Roving creel surveys and aerial surveys of shore-angling were undertaken as part of a national investigation into linefishing in South Africa. Shore patrols utilized a random stratified sampling procedure to collect catch-and-effort data, and a questionnaire provided information on fishing effort, angler demographics, economics and attitudes towards current regulations. A total of 1 677 patrols, covering 19 616 km, was conducted between April 1994 and February 1996, during which period 9 523 anglers had their catches checked and 4 490 were interviewed. A further 16 497 km were covered by aerial surveys, when 22 609 anglers were counted. From the aerial surveys, angler densities were highest on the KwaZulu-Natal coast (4.65 anglers·km?1), followed by the Southern Cape coast (2.29 anglers·km?1), the Eastern Cape coast (0.36 anglers·km?1) and the West Coast (0.12 anglers·km?1). Catch rates varied from 1.5 kg·angler?1·day?1 on the Southern Cape coast to 0.45 kg·angler?1·day?1 on the KwaZulu-Natal coast. Total effort was estimated at 3.2×106 angler days·year?1 and the total catch was estimated at 4.5×106 fish·year?1 or 3 000 tons·year?1. Targeted species varied regionally, with elf Pomatomus saltatrix (29%) being the most sought after species on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, kob Argyrosomus japonicus (18%) on the Eastern Cape coast and galjoen Dichistius capensis on the Southern Cape coast (30%) and along the West Coast (50%). The catch composition by mass was dominated by P. saltatrix on the KwaZulu-Natal coast (29%), the Eastern Cape coast (26%), and on the Southern Cape coast (56%) and by white stumpnose Rhabdosargus globiceps (40%) on the West Coast. Although anglers generally supported the regulations currently governing the linefishery, the questionnaire results showed that knowledge and compliance of them was poor. A low level of law enforcement was found, except for in KwaZulu-Natal. Management of the linefishery is discussed in relation to the findings of this study.  相似文献   

Upwelling from the Benguela Current system on the South African west coast has produced a seaweed flora distinct from that in the region east of Cape Agulhas. The origins of the major red algal component of the West Coast flora appear to be in temperate and polar regions of the southern Pacific Ocean, whereas the South and East Coast floras are more closely related to the floras of the tropical Indian Ocean and of South and West Australia. Although the West Coast flora has a high degree of endemism, recent evidence suggests that events since the initiation of the Benguela system < 12 million years ago have been crucial in its formation. Evidence on the effects of upwelling on growth and physiology suggests that rapid irregular fluctuations in temperature and nutrients on the West Coast have little effect on the strongly seasonal patterns of development, which are probably brought about by aspects of the light regime. Variations in light intensity in the sublittoral caused by upwelling or downwelling conditions appear to have relatively minor effects on seaweed production. Little is known of the effects of high concentrations of available nutrients in upwelled water, although the kelp Ecklonia maxima appears to have evolved both morphologically and physiologically to the West Coast conditions.  相似文献   

5种南海海藻醇提取物活性初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史大永  李敬  郭书举  苏华  范晓 《海洋科学》2009,33(12):40-43
海藻是海洋生物代谢产物的主要来源之一,能产生丰富多样的生物活性物质.为了更好地利用中国南海的海藻资源,分别对采自中国湛江硇洲岛的1种绿藻基根硬毛藻Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Setchell和4种红藻刺状鱼栖苔Acantophora spicififera (Vahl) Boerg、三列凹顶藻Laurencia tristicha Tseng, Chang et Xia、紫杉状海门冬Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan、鸡毛菜Pterocladia tenuis Okam进行了生物活性研究,分别对细胞毒活性(KB、Bel-7402、PC-3M、Ketr3和MCF-7)、Na~+,K~+-ATPase抑制活性以及犬血管平滑肌细胞增殖抑制活性进行了筛选,部分海藻提取物表现出一定的生理活性.  相似文献   

Successful aquaculture species are often chosen for their fast growth rates and fecundity, which are also characteristics of invasive species. The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, which constitutes 80% of global oyster trade, has been confirmed as invasive in 17 of the 66 countries where it is cultured. The single study of its status in South Africa reported populations in six South Coast estuaries in 2001, dropping to three sites in 2003. We resurveyed these estuaries, visited others in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, and sampled oyster tissue for molecular analyses of population structure. Pacific oysters have disappeared from Knysna and, following our collections, possibly also from the GouKou Estuary. Between 2003 and 2012, the Breede Estuary population decreased by 87%, from an estimated 184 206 to 23 760 individuals. Within this estuary, oysters 12 km upriver had denser shells and higher body condition indices than did those within 1.4 km of the river mouth, presumably reflecting higher availability of suspended organic matter. However, low salinity over most of the species’ range in the estuary probably inhibits recruitment. New populations of Pacific oysters in the Swartkops and Kaaimans estuaries urgently require monitoring and eradication. Haplotype (h) and nucleotide (π) diversities across all oyster populations sampled (h = 0.2300 [SD 0.0595], π = 0.0006 [SD 0.0007]) were lower than those of co-occurring indigenous Cape rock oysters Striostrea margaritacea from the GouKou and Breede estuaries (h = 0.9076 [SD 0.0386], π = 0.00589 [SD 0.00347]). Pacific oysters either have been introduced to South African estuaries infrequently, or have experienced genetic bottlenecks following river floods or human exploitation, or both. Populations growing outside culture infrastructure are restricted to estuaries in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, with no evidence of occurrence in fully marine shelf environments. Given the species’ considerable socio-economic importance, estuarine and coastal surveillance coupled with aquaculture zoning are required to integrate biodiversity and food security considerations.  相似文献   

This study is the first to investigate and characterize the mycobiota associated with the alien species Asparagopsis taxiformis, a rhodophyte classified as one of the ‘100 worst invasive species’ in the Mediterranean Sea by the Hellenic Center for Marine Research, as it threatens biodiversity. Fungal endophyte and epiphyte communities were investigated on algal specimens from two sampling sites on the island of Linosa (Marine Protected Area Isole Pelagie, Italy). 87% of the 24 specimens that were analysed for epiphytes displayed a microfungal colonization. No endophytes were found. Only a small amount of microfungi was found to be associated with this alga. Only five fungal taxa were isolated; two of which are sporadically associated with the alga, while three, Eurotium rubrum, Cladosporium cladosporioides and Cladosporium pseudocladosporioides, seem to be related to A. taxiformis. This scarcity could be related to algal chemical composition.  相似文献   

Kingklip Genypterus capensis inhabit deep continental shelf and slope waters off southern Africa and are now largely harvested as a bycatch in trawl and longline fisheries for Cape hakes Merluccius spp. Regional differences in growth, vertebral count and otolith morphology indicate that kingklip may consist of three stocks. In this study, allozyme markers are used to test whether the two southern stocks, the putative Cape and South Coast stocks, are genetically distinguishable. Standard electrophoretic methods detected Mendelian polymorphisms at six (23%) of 26 enzyme-encoding loci in five samples extending from about 29°S on the West Coast to about 25°E on the South Coast. No deviations from Hardy-Weinberg proportions were observed in the samples or in the pooled sample. Gene diversities (heterozygosity) ranged from HS = 0.039 to 0.042 among samples, and averaged 0.041. Genetic differentiation among localities was remarkably small, FST = 0.003, and did not differ significantly from zero. A Bayesian analysis of population structure, based on detecting departures from Hardy-Weinberg proportions and gametic phase equilibria between loci, indicated with a high likelihood that the five samples were drawn from a single genetic population. In combination, these results are consistent with the occurrence of a single population off South Africa. However, the most conservative management strategy is to set harvest quotas individually on the Cape and South Coast stocks.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses and measurements of gillraker morphology were used to assess the diet and feeding ecology of the East Coast redeye round herring Etrumeus wongratanai and provide data for comparisons with other small pelagic fishes off South Africa. Samples were collected by jigging from a kayak off Scottburgh, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), over the period July 2013–May 2014. In total, 66 stomachs (containing 4 407 prey items) and 66 gill arches were examined. Stomach content analyses indicated that East Coast redeye round herring, at the time of sampling, fed on large (1 500–2 500?µm) particles, with ~2 500?µm particles making the greatest contribution to dietary carbon. The species feeds on larger particles than do anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax, but on particles of a similar size to those consumed by West Coast redeye round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi. There were significant differences in mean gillraker gaps between East Coast redeye round herring and both sardine and anchovy, but not between East Coast and West Coast redeye round herring. The differences in gillraker gaps between East Coast redeye round herring, sardine and anchovy are indicative of resource partitioning through differential feeding, based on zooplankton size. The data suggest that there is no resource partitioning between East and West coast redeye round herring, indicating that competition is likely to occur between them. However, such competition is minimised by limited spatial overlap between these two species.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of saury eggs, larvae and early juveniles have been investigated over the continental shelf off the South-Western Cape from August 1977 to August 1978. Young saury tend to occupy water of 18°C or warmer in all seasons and are found offshore of the Benguela oceanic front when inshore upwelling is evident. Their distribution in the region appears to be linked to seasonal hydrography. Spawning in the study area occurs mainly between Cape Columbine and Cape Point, and to a lesser extent east of Cape Point. The ratio of large larvae and early juveniles to small larvae is greater off the West Coast than off the South Coast. Most spawning appears to take place in summer, with a peak abundance of larvae and early juveniles towards the end of this season. Instantaneous natural mortality was calculated: 5 – 30 mm, Z = 0,14·day?1; 30 – 100 mm, Z = 0,02·day?1. There is therefore a marked but unexplained decline in mortality shortly after the transition from the larval to the juvenile phase.  相似文献   

We examined spatial variability in meristic and morphological characteristics of the branchial basket of sardine Sardinops sagax collected from four geographical regions around the southern African coast, namely Namibia and the South African west, south and east coasts. Our analysis tested the hypothesis of three putative sardine stocks off South Africa, one in each of the three geographical regions. We therefore collected fish data from Namibia to compare with South Africa, because sardine from the two countries are considered to be separate stocks. Morphometric measurements (gill arch length and gill raker spacing) and meristic data (number of gill rakers) were collected from the left side of the first gill arch from a total of 377 sardine, approximately equally divided between the regions. A multivariate general linear model with caudal length as covariate was used to assess differences among fish from the four regions and significant differences were observed, although not always consistently across all fish size classes. Small South Coast sardine had shorter gill arches than small West Coast sardine, but adults had gill arches of similar length, longer than those from Namibia and the East Coast. Small sardine from the South Coast had fewer gill rakers than small sardine from the West Coast, but larger fish had similar numbers of gill rakers, significantly more than sardine from Namibia and the East Coast. Sardine from the West and South coasts had similar gill raker spacings, which were smaller than those of fish from the East Coast and Namibia. Despite spatially and particularly temporally unbalanced sampling, we consider that these differences provide evidence of spatial variation in Benguela sardine phenotype and that it would support the hypothesis of discrete sardine stocks off Namibia and South Africa. The results are consistent with the hypothesis of three sardine stocks within the southern Benguela.  相似文献   

Changes and fluctuations in sea surface temperature (SST) around the South African coast are analysed at a monthly scale from 1982 to 2009. There is a statistically significant negative trend of up to 0.5 °C per decade in the southern Benguela from January to August, and a cooling trend of lesser magnitude along the South Coast and in the Port Elizabeth/Port Alfred region from May to August. The cooling is due to an increase in upwelling-favourable south-easterly and easterly winds. There is a positive trend in SST of up to 0.55 °C per decade in most parts of the Agulhas Current system during all months of the year, except for KwaZulu-Natal where warming is in summer. The warming was attributed to an intensification of the Agulhas Current in response to a poleward shift of westerly winds and an increase in trade winds in the South Indian Ocean at relevant latitudes. This intensification of the Agulhas Current could also have contributed to the coastal cooling in the Port Alfred dynamic upwelling region. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is significantly positively correlated at a 95% level with the southern Benguela and South Coast from February to May, and negatively correlated with the Agulhas Current system south of 36° S. The correlation with the Antarctic Annular Oscillation is weaker and less coherent. El Niño suppresses upwelling along the coast, whereas La Niña increases it. Although there does not seem to be a linear relationship between the strength of the ENSO and the magnitude of coastal SST perturbation, El Niño and La Niña appear to be linked to major warm and cool events, respectively, at a seasonal scale in summer in the southern Benguela and along the South Coast. However, care must be taken in interpreting low-resolution reanalysed climate data (ERA40 and NCEP) and optimally interpolated Reynolds SST, such as used here.  相似文献   

Opportunistic observations to determine the relative abundance and distribution of marine mammal and seabird predators of sardine Sardinops sagax were carried out during a dedicated multidisciplinary research survey off the South African east coast in June and July of 2005 that was timed to coincide with the annual sardine run. Associations between different predator species, between predators and clupeoids, and between predators and oceanographic variables, were examined. Species’ distributions were primarily separated by latitude and distance from shore. Bryde's whale Balaenoptera edeni, African penguin Spheniscus demersus, Cape cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis and West Coast round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi were predominantly found in the cool southern part of the survey region. Peak sardine run activity occurred within 4 km of shore at the northward limit of a strip of cool water (<21 °C) stretching along the East Coast. The principal predators associated with this activity were common dolphins Delphinus capensis and Cape gannets Morus capensis, and their nearshore distribution was associated with sardine and East Coast round herring E. teres. Few clupeoids were encountered along the KwaZulu-Natal continental shelf, although patches of high sardine abundance were recorded near the shore immediately south of Durban. It is clear that during the 2005 survey the sardine run terminated in this region, probably as a result of the nearshore intrusion of warm water from the Agulhas Current.  相似文献   

The annual movement of South African sardine Sardinops sagax up the east coast of South Africa, known as the ‘sardine run’, was investigated using data from aerial surveys for the period 1988–2005 and compared with remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll a data. Sardine sighting rates were highest within the Waterfall Bluff Bight off the Eastern Cape Coast, where conditions appeared to be most favourable. Sardine and predator sightings decreased significantly northwards of Mdoni on the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) coast, whereas the proportion of nearshore sightings increased. The causal mechanism for this inshore concentration is suggested to be the influx of warm Agulhas Current water from the Durban Eddy that forces sardine shoreward. Cape gannet Morus capensis, common dolphin Delphinus capensis and sardine distributions were associated, and there was an association between SST and sardine and predator distributions. There was a marked increase in bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus sightings upon commencement of the sardine run, with these dolphins being consid-ered to be a ‘migratory’ stock that enters KZN waters every winter.  相似文献   

Repeat photography was used to illustrate long-term changes occurring in coastal habitats in the Western Cape, South Africa. Historic images were sourced from books and theses, the public and subject specialists, and repeat photographs were then taken from the same perspectives. Visible changes could be categorised into four types: (1) changes in species’ ranges; (2) biological invasions; (3) sea level changes; and (4) direct engineering impacts. In terms of range changes, the images depict a progressive easterly spread of the cold-water kelp Ecklonia maxima and parallel easterly contraction of the warmer-water mussel Perna perna, both evidence for declining water temperatures along the South-West Coast. Since c. 1980 most shores have also become conspicuously invaded by the alien Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, while those on the West Coast have also been visibly invaded by the more-recently introduced Pacific barnacle Balanus glandula. No changes in vertical zonation due to changing sea levels could be detected, despite suitable images being available. Construction along the shore has radically altered the appearance of the shoreline in urban areas. Repeat photography thus proved a useful tool for both detecting and dramatically illustrating historic changes over the past century. These changes have altered substantially both the appearance and ecological attributes of many rocky shores in this region.  相似文献   

Knowledge of population distribution and movement is crucial for the conservation and management of shark species occurring in coastal waters. From 1984 to 2009, 641 scalloped hammerheads Sphyrna lewini, 1 342 smooth hammerheads Sphyrna zygaena and 1 352 unspecified hammerheads Sphyrna spp. were tagged and released along the east coast of South Africa, with recapture rates of 1.9%, 1.5%, and 0.7% respectively. Maximum and average distance moved was 629 km and 147.8 km (95% CI = 33.0–262.7 km) for S. lewini and 384 km and 141.8 km (95% CI = 99.1–184.5 km) for S. Zygaena respectively. The majority of sharks (68% S. lewini, 74.1% S. zygaena and 33.5% Spyrna spp.) were tagged in the Transkei region, with the largest number tagged in Port St Johns. Across regions, most tagged sharks were >50–100 cm precaudal length (PCL), except in Transkei where more sharks >100–150 cm PCL were tagged. In the Western Cape, Southern Cape and Eastern Cape, few sharks were tagged during the autumn/winter months, whereas in KwaZulu-Natal and Transkei sharks were tagged throughout the year. Large-scale directional movements observed may have been migrations in response to seasonal sea surface temperature changes. We identify coastal locations in Transkei that are of importance to juvenile and subadult hammerhead populations year-round.  相似文献   

The Benguela upwelling system is subjected to blooms of harmful and toxic algae, the incidence and consequences of which are documented here. Red tides are common and usually attributed to members of the Dinophyceae, most of which are non-toxic. The incidence of these blooms varies spatially, with most blooms confined to the area west of Cape Agulhas. Cape Point forms the natural divide for species that dominate blooms of the west coast of South Africa as opposed to those that dominate the South Coast. Blooms occur most commonly from January to May, during the latter half of the upwelling season. Each red tide is associated with synoptic weather patterns, which dictate the onshore and offshore movement of dinoflagellate-dominated frontal blooms. There is also interannual variation, thought to be related to weather pattern changes. The harmful effects of high-biomass, non-toxic blooms include die-offs resulting from anoxia or hypoxia. Other effects of high biomass blooms include those that may cause mechanical or physical damage or those that may alter the foodweb. Recently, a bloom of the very small pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens, referred to as brown tide, in Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon resulted in growth arrest in both oysters and mussels. Toxic species cause mass mortalities of fish, shellfish, marine mammals, seabirds and other animals. Human illness is caused by contaminated seafood when toxic phytoplankton are filtered from the water by shellfish that accumulate toxins to levels that are potentially lethal to humans and other consumers. Of these shellfish poisoning syndromes, Paralytic (PSP) and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) are common in the Benguela. Confirmed cases of PSP have been attributed to the dinoflagellate Alexandrium Catenella. Although shellfish are usually only marginally affected, in extreme cases of poisoning, mussel mortalities have been observed, and in most instances these have been attributed to blooms of A. Catenella. Sardine Sardinops sagax mortalities in St Helena Bay have also been attributed to the ingestion of this PSP-producing dinoflagellate. Monitoring has revealed the presence of Dinophysis acuminata, D. fortii, D. hastata, D. tripos and D. rotundata, all of which have been reported to cause DSP. The dinoflagellate Gymnodiniun cf. mikimotoi, has been implicated in a type of Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning and human skin and respiratory irritations have been attributed to aerosol toxins produced by this species.  相似文献   

East coast rock lobsters Panulirus homarus are collected by the indigenous people of the Wild Coast, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and are sold to coastal hotels and holidaymakers. The South African government has proposed a small-scale commercial fishery based on P. homarus to improve socio-economic conditions in that region. Catch data and information on fishery operations were collected for the artisanal fishery from Coffee Bay, Presley Bay, Port St Johns and Mbotyi, as well as from a commercial buying station near the Mdumbi Estuary, between March 2003 and October 2005. The catch per unit effort of rock lobster poling varied from 13.5 ± 7.7 fisher–1 outing–1 at Port St Johns to 5.9 ± 3.1 fisher–1 outing–1 at Coffee Bay, but the number of fishers or fishing frequency could not be verified. About two-thirds of the lobsters caught (69%) were smaller than the minimum legal size. Hotels and the buying station complied with size limits, but cottages and campers often bought undersized lobsters. Smaller lobsters (females) are caught by poling than by diving. Geographical variations in poling effort and lobster mean sizes could be indicators of heavy fishing pressure on shallow, inshore reefs. The implications of commercialising the fishery and its associated management are discussed.  相似文献   

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