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The second mid-summer survey of surface-nesting seabirds at the Prince Edward Island group (Marion and Prince Edward islands) was conducted during December 2008, seven years after the initial mid-summer survey. Wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans may have decreased slightly at Prince Edward Island, mirroring a decrease of roughly 2% per year at Marion Island from 1998 to 2005, a decline that has since reversed. Numbers of grey-headed albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma on Marion Island have remained stable, whereas the population on Prince Edward Island decreased by 20% from 2001 to 2008 (3% per year). The estimate of Indian yellow-nosed albatrosses T. carteri at Prince Edward Island was similar in 2001 and 2008. Counts of both sooty albatrosses Phoebetria spp. were substantially higher at Prince Edward Island in 2008, possibly as a result of better coverage compared to 2001. Dark-mantled sooty albatrosses P. fusca on Marion Island have decreased by almost 2% per year since 1996, continuing a negative trend from the early 1980s, whereas light-mantled sooty albatrosses P. palpebrata have increased by almost 6% per year at Marion Island since 1996. Counts of both giant petrels increased at Prince Edward Island (northern Macronectes halli by 44%; southern M. giganteus by 28%), whereas their numbers have remained stable at Marion Island. Current best estimates for annual breeding populations (pairs) at the two islands are 3 650 wandering albatrosses, 9 500 grey-headed albatrosses, 7 000 Indian yellow-nosed albatrosses, 2 900 dark-mantled sooty albatrosses, 800 light-mantled sooty albatrosses, 750 northern giant petrels and 2 800 southern giant petrels, confirming the global importance of the Prince Edward Islands for these seven species. Apart from the dark-mantled sooty albatross, their populations are reasonably healthy despite fishing mortality.  相似文献   

Exchange of 61 wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans has been recorded between the French Crozet Islands and the South African Prince Edward Islands, 1 068 km apart in the Southern Ocean. Most movements of banded birds (57) have been westwards, from the Crozets to the Prince Edwards. In all, 18 fledglings banded at Possession Island, Crozets, have bred at Marion Island, Prince Edwards, but only one fledgling from Marion Island has been recorded breeding on Possession. The wandering albatrosses of the two island groups form a metapopulation that ideally should be conserved as a single unit. It is suggested that France and South Africa collaborate through the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels to effect an improved conservation status for the wandering albatrosses of the two island groups.  相似文献   

Four species of penguin breed regularly at South Africa's Prince Edward Islands: king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus, gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua, macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus and southern rockhopper penguin E. chrysocome. In December 2008, it was estimated that some 65 000 pairs of king penguins were incubating eggs at Marion Island, the larger of the two islands in the group, and 2 000 pairs at Prince Edward Island. At Marion Island from 1987 to 2008, there was no long-term trend in numbers of king penguin chicks that survived to the end of the winter period, but there was considerable fluctuation in chick production in the 1990s. It was roughly estimated that on average 88% of king penguin chicks survived the winter period (from April to September/October). Numbers of gentoo penguins at Marion Island decreased from more than 1 300 pairs in the mid-1990s to fewer than 800 pairs in 2003, and then increased to almost 1 100 pairs in 2008 as breeding success improved. Between 1994/1995 and 2008/2009, numbers of macaroni and southern rockhopper penguins at Marion Island decreased by about 30% and 70% respectively. In 2008/2009, some 290 000 pairs of macaroni penguins bred at this island, mostly in two large colonies where there was a progressive decrease in the density of nests. At both these colonies, decreases in numbers breeding followed outbreaks of disease. Inadequate breeding success has influenced the decreases of macaroni and rockhopper penguins. In 2008/2009, some 42 000 pairs of southern rockhopper penguins bred at Marion Island and 12 000 pairs of macaroni penguins and 38 000 pairs of southern rockhopper penguins at Prince Edward Island.  相似文献   

Sub-Antarctic Marion Island is one of the few islands where both species of Phoebetria albatrosses breed sympatrically. The last published assessment of their population trends, which reported counts up to 2008, concluded that the numbers of breeding pairs of sooty albatross P. fusca (Endangered) were decreasing, whereas numbers of light-mantled albatross P. palpebrata (Near Threatened) were increasing. Extending the counts to 2014 reversed these trends, with numbers of sooty albatrosses increasing from 2006 to 2014, and numbers of light-mantled albatrosses decreasing from 2007 to 2014. Confidence in island-wide counts is low due to the cryptic nature of the albatrosses on their largely inaccessible cliff-side nest sites, as well as counts for sooty albatrosses taking place late in the incubation period when 10?20% of nests have already failed. Given the greater conservation concern for the sooty albatross, we recommend that dedicated annual counts be conducted during the early incubation period, and be repeated shortly after the chicks hatch (late December), mid-way through the nestling period (late February) and prior to fledging (late April), to give a better idea of breeding success. Count zones also should be revised to facilitate more accurate counts, ensuring more reliable estimates of sooty albatross population trends at Marion Island.  相似文献   

The first midsummer survey of surface-nesting seabirds at Prince Edward Island was conducted during December 2001. It was also the first census for most species since the early 1980s. Despite concerns about the impacts of longline fishing mortality on various albatrosses and giant petrels, there was no evidence that populations of these species had decreased. Indeed, the estimate of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans (Vulnerable) has increased significantly, making Prince Edward Island equal with Marion Island as supporting the largest single-island populations of this species. Species that underwent significant decreases were macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus (Vulnerable), Crozet shags Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis and Kerguelen terns Sterna virgata (Near-Threatened). The reasons for these decreases are unclear, but for macaroni penguins may be partly a consequence of competition for space with the burgeoning population of fur seals Arctocephalus spp. The 2001 survey increased the population estimates for Subantarctic skuas Catharacta antarctica, lightmantled sooty albatrosses Phoebetria palpebrata (Vulnerable) and southern giant petrels Macronectes giganteus (Vulnerable), mostly as a result of greater coverage than for previous counts. The 2001 survey confirms that Prince Edward Island remains a globally important breeding site for seabirds.  相似文献   

Surveys of alien plants at subantarctic Prince Edward Island in 2001 show that the ranges of all three introduced species have increased since the last survey in 1998. Poa annua, the longest-established species, increased its range substantially after 1987, prior to which it was confined to a single site for more than 20 years. It remains largely restricted to sites characterized by intense disturbance by seals and seabirds. Sagina procumbens, the most recently discovered alien plant, has spread even more rapidly (up to 800 m year?1) and has colonized the west coast of the island (a leap of at least 3 km). Unlike Poa annua, it is not restricted to animal-disturbed areas, although its seeds probably are dispersed by both birds and fur seals. Cerastium fontanum also continues to spread at the island, but remains confined to the western coastal plain, where it occurs mostly on dry feldmark slopes or erosion scars. All three species have expanded their ranges faster than at Marion Island, possibly because of a warmer recent climate and higher densities of seabirds and seals at Prince Edward Island. The ranges of alien plants are likely to continue to expand, with S. procumbens causing considerable changes in the island's terrestrial ecology.  相似文献   

Breeding numbers of Laridae and other surface-nesting seabirds have been monitored at sub-Antarctic Marion Island since 1996/1997 and counts of breeding birds were made at nearby Prince Edward Island in December 2001 and December 2008. Four species are regular breeders at the islands: Subantarctic skua Catharacta antarctica, kelp gull Larus dominicanus, Antarctic tern Sterna vittata and Kerguelen tern S. virgata. The latter three species currently each have populations of below 150 breeding pairs at the islands. Kelp gull numbers appear to be relatively stable though they may have decreased since the 1980s. Kerguelen tern numbers decreased and then recovered at Marion Island, but numbers of the species have declined at Prince Edward Island and it maintains a tenuous foothold there. The small Antarctic tern population appears to be stable.  相似文献   

During the 1990s and early 2000s, populations of surface-nesting seabirds at Marion Island showed different trends, but for the majority of species numbers decreased. Reduced numbers of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua, eastern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi, Crozet shags Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis and probably macaroni penguins E. chrysolophus are most plausibly attributed to an altered availability of food. Decreases in numbers of dark-mantled sooty albatrosses Phoebetria fusca, light-mantled sooty albatrosses P. palpebrata, southern giant petrels Macronectes giganteus and possibly northern giant petrels M. halli may have resulted from mortality of birds in longline fisheries. However, populations of wandering Diomedea exulans and grey-headed Thalassarche chrysostoma albatrosses fluctuated around a stable level. Numbers of Subantarctic skuas Catharacta antarctica and kelp gulls Larus dominicanus breeding at Marion Island also decreased. Kerguelen Sterna virgata and Antarctic S. vittata terns remain scarce at the island. Trends for king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus were not reliably gauged, but numbers probably remained stable or increased. There were large fluctuations in numbers of king penguin chicks surviving to the end of winter.  相似文献   

Vagrant birds recorded ashore at Marion Island and Prince Edward Island from 1987 to 2009 are documented. In total, 101 observations (including multiple sightings of potentially the same individual) of 29 species were made. Palaearctic and Holarctic migrants (17 species), African species (n = 6) and pelagic species with a predominantly Southern Ocean distribution (n = 6) were observed. The number of observations peaked during the austral autumn, which corresponded to both the northward migration of Palaearctic species and maximum observer effort. Ruddy turnstones Arenaria interpres, barn swallows Hirundo rustica, common house-martins Delichon urbicum and cattle egrets Bubulcus ibis were most frequently observed; ruddy turnstones and common house-martins apparently increasing in occurrence over the past two decades.  相似文献   

The onshore distributions and the abundances of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella and Subantarctic fur seals A. tropicalis were determined at Prince Edward Island during 16-20 December 2008. This repeats a survey conducted in December 2001 and extends the area surveyed to include the entire south-west coast of Prince Edward Island. Of the two colonies of Antarctic fur seals, the colony among Subantarctic fur seals north of Boggel Beach remained small, with increased numbers of Subantarctic fur seals and putative hybrids. The other Antarctic fur seal breeding colony at Penguin Beach remained free of Subantarctic fur seals and had expanded at a mean intrinsic rate of natural increase of 11.4% per year from 2001. With an estimated 810 pups, the Antarctic fur seal is still in the rapid recolonisation phase of population growth. The distribution of the more widespread and abundant Subantarctic fur seals also had increased, with several new breeding colonies along the east coast and one at Kent Crater on the west coast. The annual pup production was conservatively estimated at 14 130 pups. The mean intrinsic rate of natural increase has declined to ?0.3% per year over the last seven years, compared to the 9.3% per year between 1987/1988 and 2001/2002, and the population is in the mature phase of population growth.  相似文献   

Numbers of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua and Crozet shags Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis breeding annually at Marion Island, one of South Africa's Prince Edward Islands in the South-West Indian Ocean, were strongly correlated over 19 split-years from 1994/1995 to 2012/2013. Both species decreased between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s, exhibited a partial recovery in the late-2000s and then decreased to their lowest recorded levels in 2012/2013. In both instances, the partial recoveries in the late-2000s were associated with improved breeding success. At a colony of gentoo penguins, breeding success was negatively correlated with the date of arrival of adults to breed. Gentoo penguins and Crozet shags are demersal feeders in inshore waters around Marion Island and there is considerable overlap in the composition of their diets. Therefore, trends in their populations may be driven by food availability, which is likely to be influenced by benthic production around the island. We propose that, in South Africa, and based on the current assessment, the Crozet shag, which elsewhere breeds only at the Crozet Islands, is now Critically Endangered, and the more widely ranging gentoo penguin is Endangered.  相似文献   

The density of red crab Geryon maritae between 18°00′ and 18°30′S and in depths of 350-1 000 m was quantitatively examined by photography. This area, estimated to be approximately 92 000 ha, is part of the commercial crab ground off South West Africa. The biomass of red crab, up to 55,5 kg·ha?1, is one of the highest recorded off the African coast for the species. Density of red crab was highest in depths exceeding 600 m, the greatest density (350,2 crabs·ha?1) being recorded in the 600-699 m depth zone. Another crab, Bathynectes piperitus, was also photographed in the shallower depths of the survey area (300-500 m), and some density estimates for this species at those depths are presented.  相似文献   

The mean effective fishing area (EFA) of a Japanese-type crab trap fishing for Geryon maritae on the northern South West African red-crab grounds was calibrated as 2 160 m2. The commercial fishery uses traps covered with 90-mm mesh. In order to be able to use the density results obtained by this survey from traps covered with 60-mm mesh, a preliminary mesh selectivity study was carried out. The carapace width at 50-per-cent retention for 90-mm mesh was estimated as 72 mm. Based on the EFA results, it seems that most commercial fishing takes place in areas of crab density varying between 46 and 231 crabs·ha?1, but that densities can reach ~510 crabs·ha?1. It is suggested that crab traps would fish more efficiently on the northern South West African crab grounds if longlines were set across the depth contours rather than in a longshore direction.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PCBs and their toxic potential were examined in subcutaneous fat of eight albatross and one petrel species collected from the North Pacific and the Southern Oceans. Among all the species analyzed, high PCB levels were found in adult male blackfooted albatross from the North Pacific with the mean value of 92 microg/g wet weight. No significant gender difference in PCB accumulation was observed (P>0.1). The mean PCB levels in Southern Oceanic birds were 1 or 2 orders of magnitude lower than those from the North Pacific albatrosses. A regional-specific accumulation of non-ortho coplanar congeners were observed, most birds from the Southern Ocean had higher IUPAC 169 levels while IUPAC 126 concentrations were higher in those from the North Pacific. The estimated toxic equivalents for black-footed and Laysan albatrosses from the North Pacific were in the same range of some fish-eating birds, which were highly contaminated by PCBs. The correlation between ratio of IUPAC 169/126 concentration and total PCBs concentration indicated the possibility of induction in cytochrome P450 activities in North Pacific albatrosses (P<0.01). The calculated hazard indices indicated that black-footed and Laysan albatrosses inhabiting in the North Pacific had similar threshold levels which were known to cause toxic effects in some populations of fish-eating birds.  相似文献   

Commercially harvested since ancient times, the highly valuable red coral Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) is an octocoral endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Eastern Atlantic Ocean, where it occurs on rocky bottoms over a wide bathymetric range. Current knowledge is restricted to its shallow populations (15–50 m depth), with comparably little attention given to the deeper populations (50–200 m) that are nowadays the main target of exploitation. In this study, red coral distribution and population structure were assessed in three historically exploited areas (Amalfi, Ischia Island and Elba Island) in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea) between 50 and 130 m depth by means of ROV during a cruise carried out in the summer of 2010. Red coral populations showed a maximum patch frequency of 0.20 ± 0.04 SD patches·m?1 and a density ranging between 28 and 204 colonies·m?2, with a fairly continuous bathymetric distribution. The highest red coral densities in the investigated areas were found on cliffs and boulders mainly exposed to the east, at the greatest depth, and characterized by medium percentage sediment cover. The study populations contained a high percentage (46% on average) of harvestable colonies (>7 mm basal diameter). Moreover, some colonies with fifth‐order branches were also observed, highlighting the probable older age of some components of these populations. The Ischia population showed the highest colony occupancy, density and size, suggesting a better conservation status than the populations at the other study locations. These results indicate that deep dwelling red coral populations in non‐stressed or less‐harvested areas may diverge from the inverse size‐density relationship previously observed in red coral populations with increasing depth.  相似文献   

During three summer surveys at Prince Edward Island (PEI), southern Indian Ocean (2001, 2004 and 2008), 416 southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina were inspected for identification tags. In all, 42 seals that had been tagged as weaned pups at their natal site were found on Marion Island (MI), 38 of which could be individually identified by resighting their tag numbers. The majority of the MI-tagged seals were yearlings or subadults, and all but one were hauled out at PEI for the annual moult. The attendance rate of the known individuals at their natal island during the annual moult was only 40%, based on their resighting histories. This was significantly lower than the 77 ± 6% moult attendance rate estimated for a random MI population sample drawn from the same cohorts (based on 10 000 replications). Annual resight probabilities (considering all haulout phases) was 58% per annum for the MI seals seen at PEI, and 80 ± 4% for the simulation. Seasonal and annual absences of seals from MI violate the ‘homogeneity of capture’ assumption of mark-recapture models. When multiple sightings during any year are treated as a single sighting, resights during other haulouts (e.g. breeding) compensate only partially for absences during the moult. Therefore, mark-recapture studies undertaken in archipelagos should ideally include both marking and resighting of individuals on all islands which will allow discrimination between mortality and local migration.  相似文献   

During the period 17–22 December 2001, the onshore distribution and the abundance of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella and Subantarctic fur seals A. tropicalis were determined for Prince Edward Island. Two breeding colonies of Antarctic fur seals were located on the south-east coast of the island; the first a mixed (with Subantarctic fur seals) breeding colony with an estimated 24 pups on a vegetated promontory on the northern section of Boggel Beach, and the second, a presumably pure Antarctic fur seal breeding colony with an estimated 380 pups, at Penguin Beach. At a mean intrinsic rate of natural increase of 16.2% per year, Antarctic fur seals appear to be in the rapid recolonization phase of population growth. Breeding colonies of Subantarctic fur seals, largely found on the entire east coast, produced an estimated 15 000 pups, and the population had maintained a mean intrinsic rate of natural increase of some 9.5% per year since 1987/88.  相似文献   

A survey method previously developed for estimating potential net primary production (PN) of mangrove forests was applied at 19 widely separated sites in tropical northern Australia and six sites in the Gulf of Papua. These estimates are compared with previous results for mangrove forests at Hinchinbrook Island, north Queensland. Surveys of soil properties in these areas indicate that low availability of soil phosphorus is a major contributing factor to the consistently in PN estimates of Cape York and North-western Australian forests (range in PN=11–26; mean PN= 19kg C ha?1 day?1) compared with the Hinchin-brook Island and Gulf of Papua forests (range in PN=3–38; mean PN=26 kg C ha?1 day?1). The regional variation and possible effects of other soil properties, such as redox potential and salinity, are discussed briefly. It is suggested that the generally low salinities and moderate soil redox status may partially offset the effects of low soil P in the Cape York region.  相似文献   

Common white terns Gygis alba lay a single egg balanced on rocks or branches and consequently are at risk of low nesting success. A novel technique of hollowing out coconut husks and providing artificial nest sites was developed on Cousine Island, Seychelles. Our study aimed to critically assess whether common white tern nesting success differed between artificial and natural nest sites. For natural nest sites, nesting success and the stage of nest failure were also compared between seasons, nest heights, and tree species. Finally, we compared results from our study to those of a study conducted 10 years ago on the same island. Nesting success differed significantly between artificial nests and natural nests, with the success of artificial nests nearly double that of natural nests. Hatching success was similar for artificial and natural nests (65% and 52% respectively), suggesting coconut husks do not reduce egg losses, but rather provide secure perches for young chicks. Most natural nest failures occurred during the egg phase (70%), followed by the youngest chick phase (21%). Of the eggs that hatched in natural nests, 61% fledged successfully. Tree species and season significantly influenced nesting success for natural nests and nest height varied significantly between tree species. Higher nesting success was observed during the mixed seasonal period (50%) followed by the cooler, windier and drier South-East Monsoon season (33%). The hotter and more humid North-West Monsoon period had the lowest nesting success (20%). Comparisons of nesting success at natural and artificial nest sites with the earlier study did not differ significantly, despite a smaller population of common white terns being present on the island at that stage. Our results support the use of artificial nest sites to improve nesting success for this species and serve as a model for similar species currently under threat.  相似文献   

Incidental mortality in fisheries is the main at-sea threat albatrosses are facing nowadays. In this study we used remote sensing techniques to model the degree of spatial overlapping between the Black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) and Argentine fisheries, assuming this as a proxy of risk for albatrosses. Eleven tags were deployed on albatrosses during the non-breeding seasons 2011 and 2012 in the Patagonian Shelf. Their distribution overlapped to different extents with the two coastal trawl, three offshore trawl and one demersal longline fisheries. The overlap index showed highest values with both coastal fleets, followed by the ice-chilling trawl fleet. These intersections were located in the Argentinean–Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone, in coastal areas of the SE of Buenos Aires province, El Rincón estuary and over the shelf break. The analysis of intersections of focal areas from albatrosses and all fisheries allowed the identification of thirty-four fishing management units (1° by 1° grid within the Argentine EEZ) classified as of medium, high or very high conservation priority. Very high priority units were placed between 35 and 38°S in the external mouth of Rio de la Plata, and between 45 and 47°S in neighboring waters East to the hake fishing closure. Although there were possible biases due to the limited number of tracked birds and the locations where albatrosses were captured and instrumented, the information presented in this study provides a comprehensive picture of important areas of overlapping during winter that could be used by the fishery administration to prioritize conservation actions under limited resource scenarios.  相似文献   

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