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Freshwater inflow has a strong impact on the biological, chemical and physical characteristics of estuaries, which in turn affect the distribution and abundance of estuarine organisms. Increased climatic variability associated with climate change is predicated to modify precipitation patterns, which will likely intensify floods in estuaries. The demersal fish assemblage of the freshwater-dominated Great Fish Estuary, South Africa, was sampled using beam trawls, monthly, from December 2013 to November 2014. The first six months of the study were characterised by river flooding and high flow, with estuarine conditions found only in the mouth region; this was followed by six months of intermediate flow, with estuarine conditions recorded up to 10 km from the mouth. River flooding and subsequent reduced salinity resulted in a decrease in species richness and abundances of fishes in the estuary, with only two estuarine species (Glossogobius callidus and Psammogobius knysnaensis) and one marine migrant (Solea turbynei) recorded following river flooding (201 m3 s?1), in January 2014. The greatest species richness and abundances among both marine and estuarine fishes were recorded during intermediate flow conditions. We conclude that although freshwater inflow into estuaries is important for the nursery function of these systems, flooding—especially in freshwater-dominated estuaries—may cause a temporary decline in the abundance of most marine and estuarine fish species, including important bentho-pelagic marine migrant fishery species, such as Argyrosomus japonicus and Pomadasys commersonnii.  相似文献   

Relationships between key fish taxa and various abiotic factors in South African estuaries have been examined. Of the physico-chemical parameters recorded, temperature and salinity appeared to be the main factors affecting the distribution and occurrence of estuarine fishes. Tropical estuarine-associated species appear to prefer warm, turbid, brackish water conditions with many species being largely restricted to subtropical estuaries. The decline in sea temperatures as well as upwelling events limits the dispersal of tropical species into warm-temperate estuaries. Some eurythermal tropical species, however, do extend into warm-temperate estuaries. Warm-temperate estuaries are characterised by cool, more saline waters with low turbidity and are dominated by endemic taxa. Some warm-water endemic species are common in both warm-temperate and subtropical estuaries but are generally not a major component of the fish community of cool-temperate estuaries. Other endemic species appear to prefer cooler waters and occur in both warm- and cool-temperate estuaries but are uncommon in subtropical systems. Temperate species also occur in warm-temperate systems but are generally absent from subtropical estuaries. Widespread or cosmopolitan species occur in all biogeographic regions.  相似文献   

Understanding the level of connectivity between estuarine and coastal waters is essential for appropriate management of estuarine-associated taxa. Most studies have focused on the role of a single estuary, while limited research exists on the importance of multiple estuaries to individuals of estuarine-associated species. This study used acoustic telemetry to assess the usage of multiple estuaries and coastal waters by the estuarine-dependent spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii. Twenty-six adult fish were tagged with acoustic transmitters in the Kariega and Bushmans estuaries, South Africa, and their movements along a 300-km stretch of Indian Ocean coastline were monitored for up to 17 months. Tagged individuals spent most of their time in the estuary where they were tagged (55% and 85% for fish tagged in the two estuaries, respectively), followed by time in the sea (30% and 15%) and in other estuaries (15% and <1%). The mean durations of sea trips for fish tagged in the Kariega Estuary or Bushmans Estuary, respectively, were 25 days (range 3–55) and 12 days (range 2–22). Of the fish that went to sea, 93% from the Kariega Estuary and 60% from the Bushmans Estuary visited other estuaries. Most visits were undertaken to the Swartkops, Bushmans and Kowie estuaries, although the longest durations were spent in the Sundays Estuary. Individuals moved to estuaries up to 130 km away. The total distance travelled between estuaries by an individual during the study was ~529 km, with means of 201 and 184 km, respectively, for fish tagged in the Kariega and Bushmans estuaries. Despite covering large distances between estuaries, individuals often returned to their tagging estuary. Residency in their tagging estuary, combined with frequent visits to a neighbouring estuary, highlights the importance of estuarine habitats for this popular fish species, even after reaching maturity.  相似文献   

Fish kills are not uncommon within estuaries in many regions of the world. In seasonally open systems, which are common in temperate areas, they are often associated with mouth openings. Such a kill occurred in July 2005 in the Surrey Estuary following a closed mouth period of seven months resulting in the loss of many thousands of fish. At the time the fish community within the estuary was under investigation which provided comprehensive data of this population prior to the kill. Monthly water quality monitoring was also being conducted prior to the kill and also carried out on a daily basis following the mouth opening. The Surrey was stratified during the closed mouth phase, isolated waters below the halocline had stagnated and become anoxic. As a result only waters above the halocline contained oxygen concentrations capable of sustaining most fish. It appears that if a mouth opening happens under low flow conditions, a shearing effect occurs within the water column where surface waters flow out to sea leaving deeper waters behind. This resulted in only anoxic waters being present for in excess of six days and was responsible for the fish kill. Fish sampling of the Surrey Estuary was conducted three and six months following the kill and those data were compared to that collected in the 12 months prior to the event. Three months after the kill few fish were collected within the estuary and included marine opportunists near the mouth and estuarine resident species in the far upper reaches of the system. However six months following the kill large numbers of estuarine resident species were collected throughout the Surrey Estuary. As many species were euryhaline, it is believed that some individuals migrated into freshwater reaches of the Surrey to escape the anoxic conditions within the estuary. As conditions improved they recolonised the Surrey Estuary. The high fecundity and rapid growth of these small, short lived species probably aided in their re-establishing populations within the estuary. It is clear from this research that artificial openings of estuaries should be avoided during low flow periods when oxygen concentrations are low. It also appears that many of the small estuarine resident species common in seasonally open estuaries are capable of recolonising estuaries following fish kills. The effects on larger, longer lived resident species are not known but likely to be more detrimental due to longer time required for them to reach sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Temporarily open/closed estuaries typically open to the sea due to freshwater inflow coupled with storm surge events. In September 2008, in the absence of freshwater inflow, the mouth of the East Kleinemonde Estuary breached in response to a storm surge. The mouth of the estuary closed the following day at a high level. Marine overwash events following the breach introduced large volumes of saline water into the estuary and raised the water level by 0.07–0.33 m. Salinity was significantly higher in the 15 month closed phase after the breach (31 ± 0.9) compared to 21.9 ± 0.9 in the closed brackish phase before the breach. The historical average salinity for the estuary during a closed period is 23–25. The increase in salinity has reduced submerged macrophytes Ruppia cirrhosa and Chara vulgaris cover by 38.1%. Macroalgal cover of species such as Dictyota dichotoma, Caulacanthus ustulatus, Codium tenue and Ulva spp. have increased by 7.9%. The saline high water levels have also significantly reduced supratidal salt marsh cover by 15.2%, and reed and sedge cover by 19.7%. Loss of these habitats may result in bank destabilisation and erosion. This is the first record of an extended saline period in the 15 years the estuary has been monitored. Sea level rise in association with climate change, together with localised freshwater inflow reduction is likely to result in an increase in marine overwash events. The frequency and duration of closed saline periods are likely to increase in this type of estuary. A loss of submerged macrophytes may have significant impacts on faunal composition and abundance and on the subsequent functioning of temporarily open/closed estuaries. This has serious ecological implications since these estuaries represent 70% of the different types of estuaries found in South Africa.  相似文献   

Successful aquaculture species are often chosen for their fast growth rates and fecundity, which are also characteristics of invasive species. The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, which constitutes 80% of global oyster trade, has been confirmed as invasive in 17 of the 66 countries where it is cultured. The single study of its status in South Africa reported populations in six South Coast estuaries in 2001, dropping to three sites in 2003. We resurveyed these estuaries, visited others in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, and sampled oyster tissue for molecular analyses of population structure. Pacific oysters have disappeared from Knysna and, following our collections, possibly also from the GouKou Estuary. Between 2003 and 2012, the Breede Estuary population decreased by 87%, from an estimated 184 206 to 23 760 individuals. Within this estuary, oysters 12 km upriver had denser shells and higher body condition indices than did those within 1.4 km of the river mouth, presumably reflecting higher availability of suspended organic matter. However, low salinity over most of the species’ range in the estuary probably inhibits recruitment. New populations of Pacific oysters in the Swartkops and Kaaimans estuaries urgently require monitoring and eradication. Haplotype (h) and nucleotide (π) diversities across all oyster populations sampled (h = 0.2300 [SD 0.0595], π = 0.0006 [SD 0.0007]) were lower than those of co-occurring indigenous Cape rock oysters Striostrea margaritacea from the GouKou and Breede estuaries (h = 0.9076 [SD 0.0386], π = 0.00589 [SD 0.00347]). Pacific oysters either have been introduced to South African estuaries infrequently, or have experienced genetic bottlenecks following river floods or human exploitation, or both. Populations growing outside culture infrastructure are restricted to estuaries in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, with no evidence of occurrence in fully marine shelf environments. Given the species’ considerable socio-economic importance, estuarine and coastal surveillance coupled with aquaculture zoning are required to integrate biodiversity and food security considerations.  相似文献   

Between 2003 and 2006, a severe drought occurred throughout the Mondego River catchment's area, inducing lower freshwater flows into the estuary. As a consequence, both 2004 and 2005 were considered as extreme drought events. From June 2003 to June 2006, the fish assemblage of the Mondego Estuary was sampled monthly in five stations during the night, using a 2 m beam trawl. Fish abundance was standardized as the number of individuals per 1000 m2 per season and the assemblage was analyzed based on ecological guilds: estuarine residents, marine juveniles, marine adventitious, freshwater, catadromous and marine species that use the estuary as a nursery area. A total of 42 species belonging to 23 families were identified, with estuarine residents and nursery species dominating the fish community. Variations in the fish community were assessed using non-metric MDS, being defined as three distinct periods: summer and autumn 2003, 2004/2005 and winter and summer 2006. The main drought-induced effects detected were the depletion of freshwater species and an increase in marine adventitious in 2004/2005, due to an extended intrusion of seawater inside the estuary and a significant reduction in abundance during the driest period of estuarine resident species. Nevertheless, from the management point of view, it could be stated that although some variations occurred due to environmental stress, the main core of the Mondego Estuary fish community remained relatively unchanged.  相似文献   

The fish community of the Columbia River Estuary was sampled with trawl, beach seine, and purse seine over an 18 month period during 1980–1981. Seasonality of abundance and species richness in the estuary reflect the timing of migrations and the reproductive cycles of marine and anadromous species. Composition of the fish community and dominant species in the Columbia River estuary are similar to many smaller estuaries in the Pacific Northwest. These similarities reflect the influence of the nearshore marine environment on fish community structure throughout the West Coast as well as the wide geographic distribution and considerable physiological tolerance of many dominant euryhaline species. The distribution of fish assemblages within the Columbia River estuary is influenced by large seasonal variation in river discharge and salinity. Within large areas or salinity zones, species assemblages use different habitats and invertebrate prey. The distribution of abundance and the stomach fullness of fishes vary directly with the density of potential prey. We hypothesize that fish production may be limited by dynamic physical processes that control prey availability or the feeding efficiencies of predators in the highly turbid estuary.  相似文献   

The restriction of freshwater flow into estuaries, the presence of in-stream barriers and the occurrence of invasive fish species in these habitats are identified as major threats to these young estuary- and marine-spawned fish species. These aspects have been investigated using the distribution and abundance of young estuary- and marine-spawned fish species in the headwater environments of four permanently open estuaries of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Fishes were collected twice per season over the 2009 and 2010 period, using mixed method sampling with seine net hauls and overnight fyke net deployments. Of the 74,751 fishes collected, 37,444 fishes, 18 families and 34 species were taken in fyke net catches, while 34,308 fishes, 21 families and 38 species were caught in seine nets. In the Great Fish, Kowie, Kariega and Sundays River systems, juveniles of estuarine residents dominated headwater catches, followed by juveniles of estuary-dependent marine species. The prevalence of larval and small juvenile stages of estuary- and marine-spawned fish species highlights the potential importance of these transitional areas for young fish.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the fish faunas in nearshore, shallow (<1.2 m) waters of the basins of estuaries along the same coastline, but which were open to the ocean for varying periods, have been determined and compared. The fish faunas of the permanently-open Oyster Harbour, the seasonally-open Broke, Irwin and Wilson inlets and the normally-closed Wellstead Estuary on the south coast of Western Australia were sampled by seine net seasonally for 2 years. Irrespective of the frequency and duration that the estuary mouth was open, the ichthyofauna of each estuary was numerically dominated by three atherinid species and three gobiid species (92.9–99.7%), each of which completes its life cycle within these estuaries. The ichthyofaunal compositions of each estuary differed significantly, however, from that of each other estuary. These differences were largely attributable to the relative abundances of the above six species varying between estuaries, which, in turn, reflected differences in such factors as estuary mouth status, macrophyte cover and salinity. For example, Favonigobius lateralis and Leptatherina presbyteroides, which are also represented by marine populations, were most abundant in the permanently-open estuary (Oyster Harbour), which, in terms of substrate and salinity, most closely resembled the nearshore marine environment. In contrast, Leptatherina wallacei made its greatest contribution in the only estuary to exhibit a protracted period of greatly reduced salinities, which is consistent with its distribution in permanently-open estuaries on the lower west coast of Australia, while Atherinosoma elongata and Pseudogobius olorum were particularly numerous in estuaries containing dense stands of the seagrass Ruppia megacarpa. Marine species made the greatest contribution to species richness in the permanently-open estuary and least in the normally-closed estuary. Species richness was greatest in summer and least in winter in each estuary, but differed markedly between years only in Wilson Inlet. Density of fishes was greatest in the most eutrophic estuary (Wellstead Estuary) and least in the most oligotrophic estuary (Broke Inlet) and only underwent marked seasonal variations in Wilson Inlet and Wellstead Estuary, in which densities fell to their minima in winter. Ichthyofaunal composition varied between years in the Broke and Wilson inlets and Wellstead Estuary, in which there was little or no connection with the ocean in one of those years. Species composition underwent progressive seasonal changes throughout the year in Wellstead Estuary, due to the abundance of certain species peaking at different times of the year.  相似文献   

This study collates published and unpublished data on the ichthyofaunas associated with beds of eelgrass Zostera capensis in eight estuaries and one lagoon in southern Africa. These macrophyte beds are utilized predominantly by small teleosts, both species which breed in the estuary and juvenile marine fish. By far the most abundant of the 97 species of fish recorded in these beds were Atherina breviceps, Gilchristella aestuaria, Liza dumerilii, Liza richardsonii and Rhabdosargus holubi. Classification grouped the ichthyofaunas of the six warm-temperate estuaries in the South-Eastern and Southern Cape at a similarity level >50 per cent. Ordination produced a similar clustering and also demonstrated that the subtropical Richards Bay and warm-temperate Mngazana estuary, together with the cold-temperate Langebaan Lagoon, were outliers. Classification and ordination showed that, within an estuary, the ichthyofaunas of dense and sparse Zostera areas were more similar than either was with those of non-vegetated areas. The species richness (R) of fish within eelgrass habitats along the southern African coast tended to decrease from north-east to south-west, a trend attributable to an attenuation in the number of tropical/subtropical Indo-Pacific species. The numerically dominant fish families in eelgrass beds in South Africa showed a greater degree of overlap with those of south-eastern Australia than with those of either southern Japan or eastern North America.  相似文献   

Estuaries along the Portuguese coast differ considerably in terms of their structure, geomorphologic and hydrologic characteristics. They play an important ecological role for different fish species, namely acting as important nursery areas. The fish assemblages of nine estuaries of the Portuguese coast were investigated in order to evaluate their main inter- and intra-estuarine variability patterns. Fish sampling surveys were conducted in May and July 2006, covering the full estuarine gradient. The different saline areas in each estuary were mapped using a Geographic Information System and fish assemblages’ were described and compared using a functional guilds approach. Generalized linear models were used to relate fish species richness to geomorphologic, hydrologic and environmental characteristics of the estuaries considered and correspondence analyses were performed to evaluate similarities in fish assemblages’ structure. At a large scale, river flow was the most important factor explaining the variability in species richness in estuaries along the Portuguese coast. At a regional scale, different abiotic factors explained the occurrence and abundance of fish species in the estuaries. Nonetheless, the overall role of the estuary was strongly related with the dominant saline zone within each estuary.  相似文献   

蒋玫  李磊  沈新强  全为民 《海洋学报》2014,36(6):131-137
根据2010—2011年春夏季对长江河口及邻近水域进行了仔稚鱼生态调查,应用单元和多元统计方法分析了春夏季长江河口及邻近水域仔稚鱼群落结构。4个航次调查共获得27个种类的仔稚鱼,隶属5目14科。优势种类主要包括鳀Engraulis japonicus、凤鲚Coilia mystus、康氏小公鱼Stolephorus commersonii、鮻Liza haematocheila、黄姑鱼Nibea albiflora、黄鳍刺虎鱼Acanthogobius flavimanus和寡鳞飘鱼Pseudolaubuca engraulis等。Shannon-Weaver指数(H′)在调查周期内的波动幅度较大,且2011年明显低于2010年。仔稚鱼群落结构和多样性指数春季年间较夏季年间差异性显著。调查区夏季群落结构年间相似性不高,春季群落结构格局年际变化则较明显。聚类分析表明,春夏季长江河口近岸水域仔稚鱼群落可划分为2个站位组,分别对应于长江河口淡水水域和长江口咸水水域。淡水水域组群落和咸水水域组群落总丰度与盐度相关性较高。表明盐度可能是造成长江河口仔稚鱼群落结构时空差异性的主要原因。  相似文献   

A high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) technique was used to measure dissolved organic carbon (DOC) during seasonal surveys of the Tamar Estuary, U.K. At the time of the programme, the field of DOC analysis had been plagued by numerous analytical difficulties. However, using thorough calibration of the analytical systems and the systematic analysis of an internal reference material, a valuable estuarine DOC data set was produced. The range of DOC concentrations observed (478–110 μM C) is consistent with the published data for riverine and coastal sea waters respectively. The Tamar Estuary is a freshwater DOC-dominated system, with strong correlation between lateral DOC distribution and salinity. However, mixing behaviour was not strictly conservative. During tidal cycle studies at a fixed station, DOC concentrations appeared to be uncoupled from salinity, and were inversely related to turbidity. It is concluded that tidally-induced resuspension of bottom sediments provided the dominant control mechanism for DOC concentration. The Tamar Estuary shows contrasting behaviour to the larger, more heavily impacted, Severn Estuary. Hence it is likely that the behaviour of DOC in estuaries cannot be classified as typical per se, but is a function of the natural and anthropogenic characteristics of the catchment and hydrology.  相似文献   

Growth rates of dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus calculated from mark-recapture and otolith-reading methods were compared. Mark-recapture data showed that A. japonicus are resident in an area between the Breede River Estuary and Cape Agulhas on the south-east coast of South Africa. Maximum recapture length was 1 150mm. A von Bertalanffy growth curve, fitted to length-at-age data derived from otolith sections of 168 specimens (1–42 years) from the Breede Estuary and adjacent marine environment, was differentiated to provide instantaneous length-based growth rates. Comparison of mark-recapture and otolith-based growth rates revealed that external dart tags suppress growth of A. japonicus <750mm, but do not affect the growth of larger fish.  相似文献   

渤海3个河口区底栖硅藻群落的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
底栖硅藻是河口泥滩系统中的重要初级生产者,其群落结构的时空变化可显著影响到河口底栖动物生产力。本研究选取渤海区域的大辽河口、汉沽河口和黄河口为研究对象,分析了泥滩中底栖硅藻群落结构的季节变化特征(2014-2016年)与空间差异,并探讨了环境因素的影响作用。结果表明,3个河口区底栖硅藻多样性和生物量高峰均出现在秋季,优势种存在显著季节演替特征;在空间上,大辽河口和汉沽河口的底栖硅藻生物量显著高于黄河口。底栖硅藻群落结构与多种环境因子的相关性分析表明,温度和营养盐浓度变化对底栖硅藻群落的季节性特征影响显著;河口沉积物的粒径、潮差与径流量可能是造成底栖硅藻群落空间差异的重要因素,黄河口较低的底栖硅藻生物量显著受限于较粗的沉积物粒径和显著的磷限制。  相似文献   

九龙江口鱼类浮游生物的生态   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
江素菲  陈枫 《台湾海峡》1993,12(4):351-358
1987年3月到1988年2月在九龙江口的5个固定站位上,逐月进行鱼卵和仔,稚鱼调查的资料。结合1983年至1984年的鉴定资料进行分析,结果表明,该海区的鱼类生态结构系由淡水,半咸水,沿岸和海水鱼类等4种生态类型组成。鱼类主要产卵期为3-9月,盛期为5-8月。鱼卵数量以河口上游最多。种数则以河口下游较多。仔,稚鱼相对集中于河口中游,其数量和种数均为最多。在九龙江口放流,增殖或引进鱼类新种成功的机  相似文献   

This study investigated the support for, and potential impacts of, alternative management measures to address declining fish stocks in the Breede River estuary. A survey of residents and visitors was carried out during 2011–2012. Angling was the most important attraction of the estuary, and accounted for at least R 25 million in annual expenditure in the area. The majority of recreational anglers were concerned about the status of fish stocks and felt that additional regulations were necessary. There was greatest support for banning the trolling of artificial lures, and majority support for a closed area and an upper size limit for one of the main species targeted – the dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus. The options of a night ban on fishing and a closed season received little support. Ratings of alternative scenarios suggested that anglers were more sensitive to fish abundance than to regulations. Modelled results showed that regulations resulting in increased abundance of fish, and large A. japonicus in particular, would have a positive impact on angling value of the estuary, whereas further declines in fish stocks would result in a decrease in expenditure in the area.  相似文献   

Recruitment of early life stages into estuaries is an integral part of the life cycle of many marine fish species. Although estuaries are naturally environmentally dynamic, they also are subject to anthropogenic disturbances, including land use and climate change, which may affect recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is an endemic marine-spawning species predominantly associated with freshwater-rich estuaries which serve as nursery areas for postflexion larvae and juveniles. This study assessed the effect of environmental variables on the dynamics of recruitment of R. holubi larvae and juveniles into the Swartkops and Sundays estuaries, South Africa. Over a period of two years, fyke nets were set at each estuary mouth to monitor movement into the estuaries at each tidal phase over a 24 h cycle during two sampling sessions per season. Rhabdosargus holubi larvae recruited into estuaries primarily in summer and autumn and during the ebb tide at night, while juvenile movements showed no pattern. Salinity, turbidity and temperature were significantly important factors affecting R. holubi recruitment, with pH having no significant effect. Turbidity and salinity are affected by rainfall and freshwater abstraction which may thus influence recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is dependent on estuaries, so a combination of future changes in turbidity, salinity and temperature due to predicted climate change may place populations at risk.  相似文献   

Partitioning of temperature resources amongst an estuarine fish assemblage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Temperature (i.e. habitat at any given temperature) is an ecological resource for which organisms compete to maximise growth and other fitness measures, but the temperature (thermal habitat)-resource concept has not been widely applied to the study of estuarine fish. Temperature–abundance relationships for 16 fish and four invertebrate species from the Thames estuary were analysed to test hypotheses regarding temperature resource partitioning. Significant temperature–abundance models were apparent, explaining >65% of the variability in 13 fish species and 50% of variability in three invertebrate species. Fish demonstrated differential responses to temperature across the range. Invertebrates generally preferred warmer conditions than fish. Calculated thermal niche breadths indicated species preferenda spread across the recorded temperature range and some separation along the thermal niche axis within the same functional guild or taxonomic group. Calculated overlap coefficients and resource separation ratios provided some evidence for resource separation and demonstrated that species closely aligned on other niche axes (e.g. physical habitat use, feeding type) were most likely to be separated in terms of their use of thermal habitat resources, suggesting where other niche axes variables are not separating species, division of the temperature resources may be preventing competition between fish species. Few fish species demonstrated significant overlap with potential invertebrate prey, suggesting facultative use of the estuary to exploit optimal thermal habitat rather than food supply. The temporal migration pattern of fish in estuaries is therefore interpreted as a response to resource separation along the temperature axis which limits potential competition between functionally or taxonomically similar species. Thermal resource partitioning in estuaries has temporal rather than spatial dimensions and provides an example of the niche compression/expansion hypothesis.  相似文献   

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