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梁伟诺  何克宏  胡亮 《海洋学报》2023,45(11):76-87
珠江口地处南海北部,滩涂资源丰富,潮间带大型底栖生物物种多样性高。然而,目前大部分潮间带相关研究和物种分布记录限于珠江口东岸,而对珠江口西岸的潮间带研究相对缺乏。本文以潮间带大型底栖生物主要类群短尾下目(蟹类)为研究对象,于2021−2023年间对位于珠江口西岸的珠海市淇澳岛全岛潮间带蟹类区系进行了普查,并结合历史资料对记录物种进行整理和校订,更新了淇澳岛潮间带蟹类物种名录,并对其生境与地理分布特点进行了分析。本研究共采集蟹类标本90号,分属10科21属31种,其中帕氏东方相手蟹(Orisarma patshuni)、莱氏异额蟹(Anomalifrons lightana)等17种为淇澳岛新记录,高野近方蟹(Hemigrapsus takanoi)为珠江口新记录。结合历史记录,目前淇澳岛共记录潮间带蟹类13科29属48种,其中以相手蟹科(10种)、弓蟹科(10种)和沙蟹科(8种)的物种最为丰富;区系成分主要由东亚特有类群与印度−西太平洋或西太平洋沿岸分布类群构成,具有典型的东亚暖水性特征;各类生境中以泥质滩涂和红树林边缘的蟹类物种最为丰富。至本文止,珠江口西岸潮间带蟹类记录物种数已由31种提升至55种,与珠江口东岸记录物种数持平;珠江口两岸记录总数已达14科38属77种,其中两岸共有种(33种)占总种数的42.9%。  相似文献   

Estuaries are exposed to a number of threats and many South African estuarine systems are functionally and structurally altered. The extent to which fish are affected by these alterations is not fully understood. The estuarine round herring Gilchristella aestuaria is an appropriate species to use when examining such effects. The most widely used approaches to evaluating the nutritional condition of fish larvae are based on biochemical methods. In order to identify the most suitable technique for assessing body condition of fish larvae in estuaries, the nutritional condition of post-flexion larvae of G. aestuaria from the Sundays and Kariega estuaries on the south-east coast of South Africa was evaluated using three different biochemical techniques: (i) total lipid content analysis and the triacylglycerol/cholesterol (TAG/CHOL) ratio; (ii) protein content analysis; and (iii) the RNA/DNA ratio. Results from techniques (ii) and (iii) revealed that G. aestuaria larvae from the Kariega Estuary were in better condition than larvae from the Sundays Estuary, probably due to a recent plankton bloom. It is concluded that the individual RNA/DNA ratio can provide a reliable, sensitive and cost-effective method to assess the immediate effects of environmental changes on the nutritional condition of estuarine fish larvae.  相似文献   

福建漳江口红树林保护区浮游植物群落的季节变化研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
于2001年1月~2003年1月对福建省漳江口红树林区水体浮游植物群落的季节变化进行了研究。结果表明,漳江口红树林区浮游植物以硅藻门种类为主,优势种为长菱形藻(Nitzschia longissima)和菱形藻(Nitzschia sp.1)等,同时出现多种裸藻、绿藻和甲藻。本次调查共鉴定到浮游植物31属87种(包括变种),其中硅藻门23属75种(包括变种),蓝藻门3属3种,绿藻门1属4种,金藻门1属1种,甲藻门2属2种,裸藻门1属2种。浮游植物密度变化范围为2.78×104~1.14×106个/L,平均为3.51×105个/L,季节变化为双峰型。出现大量的底栖硅藻和淡水性藻类是该水域浮游植物的一个特点。浮游植物的组成和结构表明该水域水质较好。  相似文献   

Fisheries managers are increasingly promoting catch-and-release (C&R) to manage recreationally angled fish stocks. Despite this, there is a scarcity of information on the effects of C&R on estuarine-dependent species. Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi dominates the recreational fisheries catch and provides an important source of food for subsistence fishers in some temperate South African estuaries. The health and survival of R. holubi exposed to a C&R event was investigated by examining their physiological stress response (blood glucose and lactate), reflex impairment (reflex action mortality predictors [RAMP]) and short-term (12-hour) survival. Fish were captured and exposed to one of three air-exposure treatments: 0 s, 30 s or 90 s. Stress and health were measured either immediately (immediate) or one hour after (delayed) the C&R event. There was no significant difference in blood glucose between air-exposure treatments, but there was a significant difference between the mean immediate and delayed glucose levels within each treatment (F(2,143) = 81.8, p < 0.01). In contrast, blood lactate level was significantly higher in the 90-s treatment (p < 0.05). Immediate blood lactate levels were significantly lower than the delayed samples for each treatment (F = 4.29, p = 0.02; n = 169). Although all fish exhibited at least one reflex impairment, the RAMP score was significantly higher in the 90-s air-exposure treatment (H(2,86) = 9.73, p = 0.007). Also, RAMP scores were significantly lower in the delayed samples (p < 0.01). Although short-term mortality was relatively low (2.3%) for this species, it was highest in the 90-s treatment (7%). These results suggest that physiological stress is higher when R. holubi are exposed to longer periods of air exposure and that the physiological stress of fish subject to a C&R event is best measured after a delay.  相似文献   

The biomass, species composition and diversity of benthic diatom assemblages in mud-flat soils in Kandelia candel (L.) Druce communities with and without vegetation were studied seasonally at the Houyu Bay in Fuding City, Fujian Province, China. A total of 103 taxa were identified (including varieties). Eighty-four taxa were found in the mud-flat with vegetation and 74 taxa in the mud-flat without vegetation, while the biomass was large in January and April and decreased from July to October. The most abundant species in the mud-flat with vegetation are Nitzschia cocconeiformis, Gyrosigma scalproides and N. fasciculata, compared with G. scalproides and N.obtusa var. scalpelliformis in the mud-flat without vegetation. High/P values at 2 sites during all seasons suggest that diatom assemblages in the sediments of the Houyu Bay represent an original environment. Multi-dimensional scaling of diatom assemblages from mud-flats with and without vegetation shows that a slight seasonal change and only a single association occur in the mangroves.  相似文献   

大亚湾红树林与海岸植物叶片气孔特征及其发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
缪绅裕  王厚麟 《台湾海峡》2001,20(2):251-258
光镜下观察了大亚湾地区红树林及海岸20种植物叶片气孔的结构特征及部分植物气孔器的发育过程。结果表明:大部分植物仅下表皮具气孔;气孔类型有无规则、平列、环绕、横列和四轮列型;气孔指数和气孔密度不同植物间变化较大;保卫细胞以卤蕨最大,阔苞菊最小;气孔开张度以桐花树最大,阔苞菊最小。高盐度对秋茄、木榄幼苗叶片气孔器的发生发育有一定抑制作用。海芒果、海漆的气孔器发育为周源型,而木榄、秋茄为中源型。多数真红树植物气孔在表皮下陷,发生于保卫细胞形成之后,气孔特征及其发育表现出生活于相同海岸带的不同植物既有相似性又有多样性。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in freshwater inflow and other environmental conditions may induce changes in density and species composition of mangrove fishes along estuarine gradients. Fishes within mangrove habitats in a subtropical estuary were sampled monthly from May 1989 to May 1990, using block nets with rotenone and visual censuses. At 18 stations, temperature ranged from 22 to 34°C, depth from 10 to 104cm and underwater visibility from 1 to 13m. Salinity ranged from 0 to 60 upstream, and 35 to 54 mid- and downstream. A total of 573191 individuals (76 species) was observed or collected, with an average density of 6·5 fish m−2. Engraulidae, Atherinidae, Poeciliidae and Cyprinodontidae numerically dominated the assemblage. Distinct assemblages occurred up-, mid- and downstream and maintained coherent groups in these gradient positions over the seasons. Residents totalled 94·5% of the individuals, estuarine transients comprised 5·1% and occasional marine visitors were less than 0·4%. Densities of resident fishes peaked in winter as temperatures and water levels fell, uncorrelated with changes in salinity. These observations suggest that mangrove habitats may sustain diverse and abundant fish communities dominated by euryhaline residents. Although estuarine transients were consistently rare in upstream sub-basins, downstream were found numerous sub-adults of species occurring as adults on nearby reefs (Lutjanidae, Haemulidae). Thus, reef-associated estuarine transients may be abundant in mangrove habitats having near-marine salinities. Contrary to expectations, mangrove habitats in northeastern Florida bay did not function as a nursery as defined under the nursery-ground paradigm: young-of-the-year juveniles of estuarine transient species did not seek low salinity sub-basins. However, northeastern Florida Bay may not be representative of most mangrove estuaries as the area: (1) is without lunar tides and related circulation; (2) has low and variable amounts of submersed vegetation; and (3) experiences severe hypersaline conditions.  相似文献   

为定量评估多元环境因子对红树林分布的影响,探索区域红树林生境适宜性和修复潜力的空间分布格局,本研究应用最大熵模型评估厦门湾红树林生境适宜性,叠加土地利用/覆被数据分析红树林修复潜力。结果表明,在生物气候、地形、水质、沉积物、水文等5组环境变量中,影响厦门湾研究区内红树林分布的主要环境变量类型为温度、地形和水质。在单项环境因子中,离岸线距离、营养盐浓度、盐度等对厦门湾红树林生境适宜性的贡献度最大。适宜性和修复潜力较高的区域主要分布于九龙江河口、翔安下潭尾、海沧东屿等区域。与现存红树林的分布相对照,理论上还有约406.4 hm^2的高修复潜力区和1001.2 hm^2的中修复潜力区可考虑用于未来红树林修复。现有的保护区和修复工程已基本覆盖了上述大部分区域,未来厦门湾内的红树林修复选址可考虑泉州市安海湾沿岸、龙海市九龙江河口、漳州港沿岸和附近岛屿。本研究尝试采用新兴模型方法判断红树林的综合适生条件,并实现空间化、定量化的评估,其结果可为红树林修复选址提供重要的科学依据,并为区域红树林保护与修复管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

The dynamics of methane (CH4) flux in relation to populations of methanogenic and methanotrophic bacteria was studied under the different biophysical conditions of the Indian Sundarban mangrove ecosystem. Soil depth profile analysis (up to 60 cm) in the lower littoral zone (LLZ) revealed that a methanogenic population of 6.45 ± 0.19 × 104 cells/g dry weight (dry wt) of soil accounted for a CH4 production rate of 6.23 ± 3.53 × 103 µmol m?2 day?1, whereas in the surface soil, a methanogenic population of 3.34 ± 0.37 × 10cells/g dry wt of soil accounted for a CH4 production rate of 31.6 ± 0.57 µmol m?2 day?1. The CH4 oxidation rate at 60 cm depth in the LLZ was 24.42 ± 1.28 µmol m?2 day?1, with an average methanotrophic population of 1.33 ± 0.43 × 104 cells/g dry wt of soil, whereas in the surface soil, the oxidation rate and average population were 3.38 ± 1.43 × 10µmol m?2 day?1 and 12.80 ± 2.54 × 10cells/g dry wt of soil, respectively. A similar soil profile in terms of CH4 dynamics and the populations of methanogenic and methanotrophic bacteria was found in the mid‐littoral and upper littoral zones of the studied area. The results demonstrate that most of the produced CH4 (approximately 60%) was oxidized by methanotrophic bacteria present in the soil, thus revealing their principal role in regulating the CH4 flux from this unique ecosystem.  相似文献   

翁毅  张伟强 《台湾海峡》2011,30(2):264-268
广州番禺东涌剖面样品的AMS(磁谱仪)年龄及红树林孢粉分析结果表明,珠江三角洲存在晚更新世和全新世的红树林,红树林是海侵的标志之一.按照检出红树属花粉的9个剖面的分布以及5处埋藏红树林腐木的分布,可以描绘出全新世海侵的边界.根据东涌剖面的沉积旋回、样品年龄、红树林花粉含量曲线、半咸水-淡水硅藻及热性-温性硅藻含量曲线的综合分析,可将沉积环境的变迁分为4个阶段.第一阶段和第三阶段的海侵有利于红树林的发展,第二阶段不利于红树林的发展,第四阶段的晚全新世,红树林的生长频繁,显示人为因素的影响.  相似文献   

近些年来,团水虱(Sphaeroma spp.)在红树林生态系统中的持续爆发已成为天然和人工红树林遭受破坏的主要原因之一,在我国海南、广东和广西都有不同程度的发生.目前国内有关红树林湿地团水虱的生物学特征研究较少,而明确团水虱的生物学特征是研发其防控技术的重要依据.本研究通过文献查阅和实地调查,总结了团水虱危害中国红树林的现状,团水虱的种类、分布和生活史,以及繁殖和聚集的季节、繁殖方式、营养物质偏好等,以期为团水虱的防控提供理论和技术方面的支撑.  相似文献   

Pleistocene climatic and oceanographic changes have influenced the distribution of marine biodiversity in southern Africa. Most evidence, however, has been derived from rocky shore or demersal taxa; data on sandy shore species are limited, despite severe threats to many sandy beach ecosystems. To test the effects of past climatic changes on sandy shore species, we sampled 140 smooth plough shell Bullia rhodostoma individuals from eight localities and generated phylogeographic data derived from the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) marker. Nuclear markers (ATPSα, ATPSβ, ANT, SRPS4, TBP, LTRS and ZMP) showed no sequence variation. Bullia rhodostoma exhibited shallow genetic differentiation (ΦST = 0.07, p < 0.05) across its range. Isolation-by-distance suggests a stepping-stone model of migration, which is expected given the species’ direct-development life-history strategy. Demographic reconstruction suggests a post-LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) range expansion, concordant with the signal of shallow genetic differentiation. Phylogeographic patterns obtained suggest that, during lower sea levels than current, B. rhodostoma could have been restricted to the South-West Coast, the central Agulhas Bioregion and probably also the East Coast. When climatic conditions changed and temperatures began to rise after the LGM, the species began a rapid westward range expansion from these refugial regions.  相似文献   

The distribution of fish within eight small streams feeding into the lower Taieri and Waipori Rivers on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island was examined. A total of eight native and two introduced species were recorded. Eels (Anguilla spp.) and giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus Gmelin) were the most widely distributed species being located in all streams surveyed. Common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall) and brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus) were also widely distributed being detected in seven and six of the streams respectively. Three streams of potential conservation significance were identified. These were Picnic Gully Creek which contained a significant population of banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus Gray), a Category C threatened species, and Cullens and Alex Creeks which contained significant populations of giant kokopu, a Category B threatened species. The population of giant kokopu in Cullens and Alex Creeks currently represents the largest known population of this species on the east coast of New Zealand (excluding Southland). It has been suggested that brown trout may influence the distribution of native galaxiids. The longitudinal distribution of giant kokopu and brown trout in streams was examined at night using a continuous spotlight sampling approach. Distributions of these two species rarely overlapped at a local scale. Coarse habitat use data indicated that brown trout regularly occupied a variety of habitat types including modified agricultural channels. In contrast, giant kokopu rarely used agricultural channels being predominantly located in pool habitats.  相似文献   

福建沿岸地区红树林的种类与分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
于1998年11月至1999年1月对福建沿岸地区的红树林进行了调查,就福建红树林的种类组成、面积、分布情况、人工造林情况进行了论述,并就制约福建发展红树林的因素及解决方法提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of mud crabs were studied in a replanted mangrove forest in Buswang, Aklan, Philippines. Two fishing gears, lift nets and bamboo traps, were used to monitor relative abundance of Scylla spp. populations from March 2002 to December 2003 inside the mangrove forest. A third gear, a stakenet set across a creek, was used to monitor crabs migrating out of the mangroves during the ebb tide. Scylla olivacea formed 99.3% and 70.3% of the catch in the mangrove and the stakenet, respectively. The percentage of Scylla tranquebarica increased from <1% in the mangrove catches to 29% in the stakenet. Scylla serrata was present at very low levels in both catches. The lack of modal progression in the size–frequency plots and the year-round catch rate of gravid females suggested that recruitment was constant throughout the year. Even though relative abundance decreased over the study period indicating that the stock is being over-exploited, mud crab production is more than equivalent to that of most natural mangroves.  相似文献   

This study shows results on litterfall dynamics and decay in mangrove stands of Avicennia germinans distributed along a latitudinal gradient (three forest sites) in the Gulf of California, in order to assess whether internal sources could support the observed mangrove ecosystem organic deficit in this arid tropic. Total mean annual litterfall production increased southward (712.6 ± 53.3, 1501.3 ± 145.1 and 1506.2 ± 280.5 g DW m−2 y−1, in the Yaqui, Mayo and Fuerte areas respectively), leaves being the main component of litter in all locations during the entire year, followed by fruits. The wet season (June–September) showed the highest litterfall rates through fruits. The temporal trend of litterfall production was significantly explained through mean air temperature (R2 = 68%) whilst total annual litter production in the entire region showed a statistically significant relationship with total soil phosphorus, salinity, total nitrogen, organic matter and tree height (R2 = 0.67). Throughout 117 days of the decomposition experiment, the litter lost 50% of its original dry weight in 5.8 days (average decay rate of 0.032 ± 0.04 g DW d−1) and there were not significant differences in the remaining mass after 6 days. The percentage of both C and P released from the litter correlated significantly with the ratio of tidal inundated days to total experiment days (R2 = 0.62, p = 0.03 and R2 = 0.67, p = 0.02, respectively); however, the frequency of tidal inundation only showed a significant increase in C release from Avicennia litter after 6 and above 48 days of decomposition. Whereas the total C content of litter bags decreased linearly over the decomposition to (% Total C = 5.52 − 0.46 days, R2 = 0.81, p = 0.0005), N content displayed an irregular pattern with a significant increase of decay between 48 and 76 days from the beginning of the experiment. The pattern for relative P content of litter revealed reductions of up to 99% of the original (%tot-P = −9.77 to 1.004 days, R2 = 0.72, p = 0.01) although most of the P reduction occurred between 17 and 34 days after the experiment started. Soil N and P contents, which exhibited significant differences in the course of the decomposition experiment, appeared to show significant differences between sampling sites, although they were not related to tidal influence, nor by leaf and nutrient leaching. In a global basis, C/N litter ratios decreased linearly (C/N = 32.86 − 0.1006 days, R2 = 0.62, p = 0.02), showing a strong and significant correlation with meteorological variables (R2 = 0.99, p = 0.01). C/P ratios of litter increased through an exponential function (C/P = 119.35e0.04day, R2 = 0.89, p < 0.001). Changes in the remaining percentage of litter mass during the experiment were significantly correlated with soil C/N ratio (R2 = 0.56, p = 0.03) as well as with the soil C/P ratio (R2 = 0.98, p < 0.001). Our results of litter decomposition dynamics in this mangrove support the fact of null net primary productivity of the arid mangrove wetlands: fast litter decomposition compensates the ecosystem organic deficit in order to sustain the mangrove productivity. Litter decomposition plays a key role in the ecosystem metabolism in mangroves of arid tropics.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional steady-state model of light-driven phytoplankton productivity and biomass in partially mixed estuaries has been developed. Effects of variations in river flow, suspended sediment concentration, phytoplankton sinking, self-shading and growth rates on distributions of phytoplankton biomass and productivity are investigated.Numerical simulation experiments show that biomass and productivity are particularly sensitive to variations in suspended sediment concentrations typical of natural river sources and to variations in loss rates assumed to be realistic but poorly known for real systems. Changes in the loss rate term within the range of empirical error (such as from dark bottle incubation experiments) cause phytoplankton biomass to change by a factor of two. In estuaries with adequate light penetration in the water column, it could be an advantage for phytoplankton to sink. Species that sink increase their concentration and form a phytoplankton maximum in a way similar to the formation of the estuarine turbidity maximum. When attenuation is severe, however, sinking species have more difficulty in maintaining their population.  相似文献   

中国主要红树林湿地沉积物中硫的分布特征及影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以中国红树林主要分布地区--海南、广东、广西、福建的13个红树林区为研究对象,对沉积物中硫的分布特征及相关影响因素进行了分析.中国红树林地区沉积物中硫含量为0.009%~0.809%,平均含量为0.214%,远高于非红树林生长地区沉积物中硫的平均含量.海南、广东、广西、福建四省区红树林沉积物中硫的平均含量分别为:0.34%、0.19%、0.20%、0.18%.13个地区含硫量高低顺序为:三亚、东寨港、云霄、钦州、俄湾、姚家屿、高桥、山口、大冠沙、北仑河口、福田、洛阳桥、浮宫.各个不同红树林地区沉积物中的硫含量差异显著.硫含量与有机质含量、盐度显著正相关,与pH值显著负相关.土壤粒度组成以及铁含量对土壤中全硫含量有一定的影响.  相似文献   

We developed delta generalised additive models (GAMs) to predict the spatial distribution of different size classes of South African hakes, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, using demersal trawl survey data and geographical (latitude and longitude) and environmental features (depth, temperature, bottom dissolved oxygen and sediment type). Our approach consists of fitting, for each hake size class, two independent models, a binomial GAM and a quasi-Poisson GAM, whose predictions are then combined using the delta method. Delta GAMs were validated using an iterative cross-validation procedure, and their predictions were then employed to produce distribution maps for the southern Benguela. Delta GAM predictions confirmed existing knowledge about the spatial distribution patterns of South African hakes, and brought new insights into the factors influencing the presence/absence and abundance of these species. Our GAM approach can be used to produce distribution maps for spatially explicit ecosystem models of the southern Benguela in a rigorous and objective way. Ecosystem models are critical features of the ecosystem approach to fisheries, and distribution maps constructed using our GAM approach will enable a reliable allocation of species biomasses in spatially explicit ecosystem models, which will increase trust in the spatial overlaps and, therefore, the trophic interactions predicted by these models.  相似文献   

河口沉积物在陆源砷向海洋输送过程中具有源和汇的双重作用,分析砷在河口沉积物中的存在形态和分布特征对于掌握砷的毒理效应和污染评价具有重要意义.通过野外调查和样品采集,对秦皇岛典型河流河口沉积物中砷的质量比进行了测定,并采用Tessier五步连续提取法对砷在沉积物中的存在形态进行了提取分析.结果表明,汤河河口表层沉积物中砷的质量比为35.73~46.63 mg/kg,戴河河口表层沉积物中砷的质量比为13.60~16.00 mg/kg,汤河河口沉积物砷含量明显高于戴河河口.总砷含量随沉积深度的增加而有降低的趋势.各形态砷在沉积物中的分布特征基本一致,即以残渣态为主,占其总量的87%以上,其他各形态相对含量较小,其中可利用性最强的可交换态含量最小,平均为1.04%.各形态砷分布与沉积物的pH和有机质含量有一定的相关关系, pH和有机质含量的改变将会影响砷的形态分布特征.  相似文献   

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