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采用PFC等离散元方法研究岩土材料的颗粒破碎已经成为热点。采用考虑局部应力集中的点荷载破碎准则,利用阿波罗填充和膨胀法保证破碎前、后颗粒之间的种群平衡,并引入尺寸因子来表征不同粒径的颗粒强度。在此基础上,开展了石英砂、钙质砂和萨克拉门托河砂3种不同破碎难易程度材料的数值试验,并与室内试验结果进行对比。结果表明:建立的三维颗粒破碎模型能够很好地描述破碎难易程度不同的颗粒材料的压缩特性;考虑应力集中效应的点荷载破碎准则比基于平均应力Mohr-Coulomb理论的颗粒破碎准则更能真实地反应颗粒材料的破碎现象。同时,所建立的模型能够揭示破碎对颗粒材料各向异性消散和级配曲线演化的影响规律。  相似文献   

采用渗流力学理论并结合Monte Carlo方法描述岩体裂隙的随机分布,研究渗流模型的尺寸效应并确定表征单元体积(REV),得到了3种开口度分布形式的等效渗透系数椭圆曲线,建立了等效渗透系数方向性的判别标准。离散裂隙网络(DFN)模型假定流体只在岩体裂隙内部流动,而不通过岩体本身渗流。基于二维离散元程序UDEC并进行二次开发,建立DFN模型,通过改变流体的流动方向,得到不同流动方向下岩体裂隙网络的等效渗透系数,并分析不同的开口度分布形式对岩体裂隙网络等效渗透系数方向性的影响。计算结果表明,表征单元体积存在的条件是等效渗透系数保持稳定且渗透椭圆比较光滑。等效渗透系数的方向性受开口度分布形式的影响很大:当开口度-长度关联分布时,等效渗透系数各向异性;当开口度对数正态分布时,等效渗透系数各向同性;当开口度恒定分布时,等效渗透系数的特性介于二者之间。变化系数(CV)是否大于5%是判定岩体裂隙网络渗透系数是否具有方向性的判别标准。  相似文献   

三峡永久船闸高边坡开挖三维离散元数值模拟   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
李世海  高波  燕琳 《岩土力学》2002,23(3):272-277
采用面-面接触的三维离散元刚性块体模型,从实测节现面中取出其中的三组,按照其倾向,倾角和节理间距将三峡永久船闸未开挖的区域划分为10^5个离散单元,通过施加力边界条件,给出了与实测初始地应力场接近的数值模拟结果;然后,分4步模拟了永久船闸的开挖过程。计算结果表明:开挖过程会引起节理面出现张开趋势,个别岩体还会沿着节理面滑移。岩体位移的不对称现象较为自然地说明了由节理引起的岩体各向异性特征。  相似文献   

王平  朱永建  余伟健  任恒  黄钟 《岩土力学》2019,40(7):2703-2712
由于煤矿再生岩体围岩结构和成分进行了重组,其力学特性将发生本质变化。根据再生岩体压实成岩过程中破碎岩体多次受压的实际情况,采用广西州景煤矿再生顶板破碎围岩进行有侧限条件的分次压实试验。结果表明:分次压缩过程可分为压实破碎、压实应力记忆和压密固结3个阶段。在第1次压缩时,压实特性曲线呈线性变化,后续压实特性曲线逐渐向指数形式转变,而"压实应力记忆"阶段表现为多项式变化。在侧限压缩条件下,提出以最小势能原理作为判定不规则岩样挤压破碎判据。破碎岩样压缩特性受压实次数和装岩高度的影响,破碎岩样分次压实次数越多,累积压缩应变越大,后续压缩时的应力增量越大。装岩高度越大,压缩至相同压应力时,累积总应变越大。压实应力达到一定程度,不同粗粒径破碎岩样的粒径分布规律趋于一致,据此建立了破碎岩样粒径分布与工程中破碎岩体压实程度之间的相关关系。  相似文献   

土石混合料剪切特性控制着高填方边坡的稳定性。土石混合料特殊的结构、物质及粒径组成等极其复杂,为探究土石混合料剪切特性影响因素及其规律,在室内试验基础上,基于PFC2D构建了颗粒离散元数值模型,分析了颗粒级配、初始孔隙率、块石尺寸及块石形状等因素对土石混合料剪切特性的影响。结果表明:土石混合料的剪应力-剪切位移曲线主要包括4个阶段:弹性变形、局部剪切、剪切破坏以及残余变形;块石形状、颗粒级配及初始孔隙率对土石混合料的破坏模式无明显影响,破坏模式均为应变软化型;当土石混合料的颗粒级配较差时,剪应力随剪切位移的增加出现较大波动,曲线出现明显"跳跃"现象;当含石量一定时,相同法向应力条件下,块石尺寸越大,土石混合料的抗剪强度越大,且随着法向应力的增大,不同块石尺寸的试验组之间抗剪强度差值也越大,块石尺寸对土石混合料抗剪强度的影响越明显。  相似文献   

石崎材 《地下水》2023,(2):111-112+144
崩塌是边坡常见的地质灾害现象,突发性强且危害性大,是工程边坡防灾减灾的重点。文章对藏东南宗坝地区某边坡开展了现场勘查,分析危岩体的发育特征,利用PFC3D软件模拟了危岩体发生失稳后的运动过程。计算结果表明:危岩体失稳后运动特征受地形条件影响较大,落石在坡表滚动、碰撞和跳跃,沿斜坡表面呈散射状向下运动。数值模拟结果初步确定危岩体失稳后的堆积特征,主要威胁范围为坡脚前缘居民区、318公路及帕隆藏布,为防灾减灾工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

锚固节理岩体等效力学参数三维离散元模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
节理岩体是工程边坡的重要研究对象,通过数值模拟(3DEC)的方法研究了加锚节理岩体的力学特性。以龙滩水电站左岸边坡的锚固设计为例,推导了边坡加锚节理岩体的等效力学参数,进行了岩石数值单轴压缩试验、直剪试验以及岩体结构面直剪试验,对数值试验的结果进行了误差分析和修正,确定出加锚节理岩体的等效力学参数为:岩石的变形模量、内摩擦角、内聚力不变,结构面的内摩擦角不变,内聚力由50 kPa提高到122 kPa。所得结论与采用物理试验的试验结果相符,验证了用数值模拟方法进行岩石力学试验的可行性和可靠性。  相似文献   

沈位刚  赵涛  戴峰  王塞玉 《工程地质学报》2016,24(s1):1047-1053
落石是山区公路边坡常见的地质灾害。落石撞击破碎是落石灾害中常见的现象,落石破碎致使运动轨迹改变往往会增大落石的危害性,但其通常未被考虑到落石的防护设计中。因此,落石破碎机理的研究对落石防护措施设计有重要的指导意义。本文运用离散元方法(离散元开源软件Esys-Particle)模拟落石铅直撞击地面的过程。在模型中,落石由大量的颗粒组成,并且相邻的颗粒由可断裂的黏结材料黏接;地面由一层固定的颗粒组成,从而模拟地面的摩擦、弹性变形性质。模型模拟出落石反弹、破碎和粉碎等过程,分析黏结材料的杨氏模量、颗粒间凝聚力和内摩擦角对落石撞击地面过程的影响,得出落石撞击过程中破坏率和动能的变化过程。研究发现:当杨氏模量和凝聚力的比值较小时,落石将会发生反弹;当杨氏模量和凝聚力的比值增大到一定程度时,落石将会破碎成不同大小的块体;当杨氏模量和凝聚力的比值超过一定限度时,落石将会破碎成非常细小的块体;内摩擦角的变化对撞击过程影响非常小。  相似文献   

裂隙岩体流固耦合问题是目前国内外研究热点之一,采用离散元软件UDEC对裂隙岩体发生节理剪胀的渗透性变化规律进行了模拟分析。基于现场调查的裂隙信息统计生成裂隙网络岩体模型。 通过固定垂直应力、不断增加应力比RS(RS=水平应力/垂直应力)使岩体出现剪胀,采用库伦滑移节理模式对岩体在剪胀过程中的渗透性变化情况进行模拟。结果发现:当应力比较小(RS3.1)时,节理水力隙宽、流速、渗透系数等参数都随着应力比的增加表现出明显的降低; 而当岩体出现剪胀现象之后(应力比大于3.1),发生剪切滑移和剪胀现象的节理控制着裂隙岩体的总体渗流行为,与不考虑节理剪胀的计算结果相比,岩体渗透能力出现了显著增长。这一结果表明,剪胀对裂隙岩体渗透性的影响是显著而不可忽视的。  相似文献   

薛龙  王睿  张建民 《岩土力学》2018,39(12):4681-4690
实际荷载条件下(如交通、地震荷载),粒状岩土材料常受到三维复杂应力路径作用。目前,多数粒状岩土材料的本构理论和模型都基于简单应力路径加载条件下的物理试验提出,在更加复杂应力路径下的适用性则需要进一步验证。但受机械控制的限制,物理试验中无法实现很多客观存在的三维复杂应力路径加载。为了能够再现并分析三维复杂应力路径下粒状介质的力学响应,提出了一种离散元数值试验方法,该方法采用球形数值试样,通过直接控制试样边界应力达到对3个主应力大小和方向的任意控制,从而可以实现诸多物理试验中无法实现的复杂应力路径。通过与目前常见的一些物理试验进行定性对比,论证了该数值试验方法通过高精度的加载控制和测量能够再现已有物理试验现象。在此基础上,进一步开展了应力主轴的三维旋转,分析了在这种实际存在却无法通过物理试验再现的加载条件下粒状介质的变形规律,初步显示了提出的数值试验方法在深入研究三维复杂应力路径下粒状介质力学响应方面所拥有的能力和优势。  相似文献   

当前盐岩的宏观力学模型通常是唯象模型,不能很好地解释盐岩受力变形破坏的真正物理基础。盐岩是由于化学沉积而形成的矿物集合体,是一种主要由NaCl和少量杂质组成的多晶体,其变形机制主要由晶粒与晶界的力学特性控制。通过扫描电镜(SEM),获得盐岩晶粒的微细观结构特征,采用分子动力学方法和纳米压痕技术,确定盐岩晶粒和晶界的微细观力学参数;将盐岩晶粒作为块体,基于Voronoi多边形技术,建立盐岩的微细观数值模型;利用离散元方法,对盐岩试件在单轴压缩和直剪条件下的宏观力学行为进行了数值模拟。数值模拟结果与宏观力学试验结果吻合度高,表明基于盐岩微细观晶粒结构特征并结合离散元数值模拟的方法能够较好地研究盐岩的宏观力学性能及其材料物理基础。  相似文献   

Rock failure is observed around boreholes often with certain types of failure zones, which are called breakouts. Laboratory‐scale drilling tests in some high‐porosity quartz‐rich sandstone have shown breakouts in the form of narrow localized compacted zones in the minimum horizontal stress direction. They are called fracture‐like breakouts. Such compaction bands may affect hydrocarbon extraction by forming barriers that inhibit fluid flow and may also be a source of sand production. This paper presents the results of numerical simulations of borehole breakouts using 3D discrete element method to investigate the mechanism of the fracture‐like breakouts and to identify the role of far‐field stresses on the breakout dimensions. The numerical tool was first verified against analytical solutions. It was then utilized to investigate the failure mechanism and breakout geometry for drilled cubic rock samples of Castlegate sandstone subjected to different pre‐existing far‐field stresses. Results show that failure occurs in the zones of the highest concentration of tangential stress around the borehole. It is concluded that fracture‐like breakout develops as a result of a nondilatant failure mechanism consisting of localized grain debonding and repacking and grain crushing that lead to the formation of a compaction band in the minimum horizontal stress direction. In addition, it is found that the length of fracture‐like breakouts depends on both the mean stress and stress anisotropy. However, the width of the breakout is not significantly changed by the far‐field stresses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional Voronoi tessellation model based on the distinct element method (DEM) is proposed to model the representative part of the microstructures of granular brittle rocks. Regularization is employed to decrease the frequency of polyhedrons with large edge ratio and contributes to a higher efficiency for element meshing. Sensitivity analyses are performed for a series of micro contact parameters in accordance with the macro responses observed in laboratory experiments (e.g. the uniaxial compression test, the Brazilian disc test and the triaxial compression test). Verifications by simulating the spalling test and plate impact test indicate that the 3D polycrystalline discrete element method (3PDEM) can be employed for efficiently simulating nonlinear mechanical behaviors, large deformation, strain softening and rock dynamics.  相似文献   

基于离散元法的节理岩体边坡稳定性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贺续文  刘忠  廖彪  王翠翠 《岩土力学》2011,32(7):2199-2204
节理岩体边坡的稳定性在很大程度上取决于节理的强度及其分布形式。由于节理岩体边坡的失稳破坏具有大变形和非连续的特点,因此,离散单元法成为研究节理岩体边坡破坏机制的最有效方法之一。通过采用离散元软件PFC2D进行数值模拟,对完整岩石及节理的力学性能进行研究,并建立含密集节理的岩体边坡模型,讨论了节理连通率对边坡破坏形式的影响。结果表明,节理岩体边坡的失稳破坏是一个渐进的过程;在多组节理密集分布的岩体边坡中,连通率越大,其稳定性越差;随着连通率的减小,边坡的破坏形式由大范围的滑坡转变为局部崩塌的形式  相似文献   

殷德胜  汪卫明  陈胜宏 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2861-2866
视岩石裂隙为一种“充填介质”,进而将有填充物和无填充物的裂隙统一处理,推导了裂隙面的刚度系数、导水系数和法向应力之间的关系式。在此基础上,根据块体单元法的应力、渗流分析的基本原理,即认为岩块为刚体、变形集中发生于裂隙面,假定岩块不透水、渗流仅通过裂隙面进行,并考虑了法向应力和裂隙面刚度、导水系数的关系式,运用两场交叉迭代法,提出了三维随机裂隙岩体渗流与应力耦合分析的块体单元模型。编写了相应的Fortran程序,该程序将块体元的应力、渗流两个分析模块整合在一起,计算效率较高。该模型的最大优势是能考虑大规模复杂的节理、裂隙,且前、后处理简单。通过沙沱重力坝的分析,验证了方法的准确性和有效性  相似文献   

马正涛  李双洋  赵永春  李根 《冰川冻土》2020,42(4):1267-1274
块碎石作为道砟材料能够分散列车动荷载, 加之其内部含有大量空隙, 具有良好的对流换热特性, 作为冷却冻土路基的材料在青藏铁路建设中被广泛使用。但在列车荷载的作用下, 碎石集料会发生压密、 变形乃至破碎从而影响冷却效果。因此, 研究碎石层的变形过程及机理具有十分重要的现实意义。基于块体离散元法, 对块碎石集料的三轴剪切试验进行了数值分析, 将所得应力-应变曲线与室内试验结果进行了对比, 发现两者能较好地吻合, 说明块体离散元法能够较好地模拟块碎石集料的受力变形过程。结果表明: 增大围压或块体粒径, 块体单元受到的作用力加强, 集料的偏应力强度和抗剪强度值也随之增大。碎石块体在剪切作用下沿其接触面滑动分离, 形成X形剪切带是集料变形的主要形式, 此外在径向方向出现不同程度的扩张。基于试验和块体元研究路基碎石层的思路和方法可为今后评估青藏铁路碎石路基的热力稳定性提供理论依据和参数储备。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a three-dimensional coupled hydrothermal model for fractured rock based on the finite-discrete element method to simulate fluid flow and heat transport. The 3D coupled hydrothermal model is composed of three main parts: a heat conduction model for the rock matrix, a heat transfer model for the fluid in the fractures (including heat conduction and heat convection), and a heat exchange model between the rock matrix and the fluid in the fractures. Four examples with analytical solutions are provided to verify the model. A heat exchange experiment of circulating water in a cylindrical granite sample with one fracture is simulated. The simulation results agree well with the experimental results. The effects of the fracture aperture, fluid viscosity, and pressure difference on the heat exchange between the fluid and rock are studied. Finally, an application concerned with heat transport and fluid flow in fractured rock is presented. The simulation results indicate that the 3D fully coupled hydrothermal model can capture the fluid flow and temperature evolution of rocks and fluids.  相似文献   

The Monte Carlo method is used to generate parent stochastic discrete fracture network, from which a series of fractured rock samples of different sizes and orientations are extracted. The fracture network combined with a regular grid forms composite element mesh of the fractured rock sample, in which each composite element is composed of sub‐elements incised by fracture segments. The composite element method (CEM) for the seepage is implemented to obtain the nodal hydraulic potential as well as the seepage flow rates through the fractured rock samples. The application of CEM enables a large quantity of stochastic tests for the fractured rock samples because the pre‐process is facilitated greatly. By changing the sizes and orientations of the samples, the analysis of the seepage characteristics is realized to evaluate the variation of the permeability components, the existence of the permeability tensor and the representative element volume. The feasibility and effectiveness are illustrated in a numerical example. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The cohesive‐frictional nature of cementitious geomaterials raises great interest in the discrete element method (DEM) simulation of their mechanical behavior, where a proper bond failure criterion is usually required. In this paper, the failure of bond material between two spheres was investigated numerically using DEM that can easily reproduce the failure process of brittle material. In the DEM simulations, a bonded‐grain system (composed of two particles and bond material in between) was discretized as a cylindrical assembly of very fine particles connecting two large end spheres. Then, the bonded‐grain system was subjected to compression/tension, shear, rolling and torsion loadings and their combinations until overall failure (peak state) was reached. Bonded‐grain systems with various sizes were employed to investigate bond geometry effects. The numerical results show that the compression strength is highly affected by bond geometry, with the tensile strength being dependent to a lesser degree. The shear, rolling and torsion strengths are all normal force dependent; i.e., with an increase in the normal force, these strengths first increase at a declining rate and then start to decrease upon the normal force exceeding a critical value. The combined actions of shear force, rolling moment and torque lead to a spherical failure envelope in a normalized loading space. The fitted bond geometry factors and bond failure envelopes obtained numerically in this three‐dimensional study are qualitatively consistent with those in previous two‐dimensional experiments. The obtained bond failure criterion can be incorporated into a future bond contact model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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