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At the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazilian coast, the Wildlife Refuge of Ilha dos Lobos (29°20′S; 49°43′W), is a full protection area and a seasonal resting refuge for South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). The regular presence of sea lions on the island is not only a touristic attraction in the region, but also a problem to the fishery community. This community faces economic impacts in its activities due to fish depredation caused by sea lions. Because of this issue, the perceptions and attitudes of different stakeholders from the region are important to be considered by managers, so that a realistic and decentralized action plan can be designed. The goal of this study was to analyze how different local stakeholders perceived the Wildlife Refuge of Ilha dos Lobos. Additionally, how these stakeholders differed from each other in terms of attitudes, knowledge and perceptions. In October 2011, January and March 2012, face-to-face interview surveys were conducted with fishermen and tourists, and drop-off questionnaires surveys with business, and tourism professional and teachers, in a total of 150 questionnaires, 30 for each group. The results indicated existence of differences across the five stakeholder groups. It was also suggested that non-direct stakeholders had a more favorable view of the Wildlife Refuge of Ilha dos Lobos and the sea lion, whereas direct stakeholder (the fishermen) saw it as an obstacle to their fisheries activities.  相似文献   

Shark nets were established along the KwaZulu-Natal coast in 1952 to protect bathers against shark encounters. Sea turtle bycatch data for the period 1981–2008 in these shark nets indicated that loggerheads Caretta caretta were caught most frequently at 40.9 y–1 or 1.11 km-net–1 y–1, followed by green turtles Chelonia mydas at 0.32 km-net–1 y–1 and leatherbacks Dermochelys coriacea at 0.14 km-net–1 y–1. Catch rate of loggerheads increased throughout the study period, and was positively correlated with the increase in the number of nesting females from the recovering population in Maputaland, South Africa (r = 0.52, p < 0.05, n = 28). This increase is ascribed to successful nest conservation. Leatherback bycatch remained stable, following their nesting trends, although they receive similar conservation efforts on nesting beaches as loggerheads. Bycatch of green turtles, although not a nesting species in South Africa, was stable over time. Mortality varied between species (from 53.2% to 70.6%) with loggerheads being the most hardy, followed by leatherbacks and green turtles. Few hawksbills Eretmochelys imbricata and olive ridleys Lepidochelys olivacea were caught in the shark nets. Fewer sea turtles are caught by shark nets than by longlines and because the nesting populations of loggerheads, green turtles and leatherbacks are either stable or increasing in the South-West Indian Ocean, shark net bycatch was considered negligible and sustainable.  相似文献   

A survey of seabirds and turtles at St Brandon’s Rock, 400 km north of Mauritius, was undertaken in 2010. We estimated that 1 084 191 seabirds comprising seven breeding species and excluding non-breeders were present at the archipelago and we counted 279 turtle tracks and nesting pits of green turtles Chelonia mydas. Hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata were also present. Analyses of 30 different islets that make up the atoll showed that the seabird species mostly partitioned their use of islets based on islet size, with four species preferring larger islets and two species preferring smaller islets. Alien species introduced historically are still present and other threats, such as shipwrecks, remain. We propose conservation and other measures that should adequately protect the birds, turtles and coral reef by treating the atoll as a system.  相似文献   

Small rookeries are rarely evaluated for marine turtles worldwide. Two species of sea turtles (Hawksbill, Eretmochelys imbricata; Leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea) nest on five main beaches of the northeast coast of the Paria Gulf in Venezuela. Population trends using generalized linear models at this rookery were assessed and compared with other small rookeries. Both species showed significant negative nesting trends: Nesting by critically endangered hawksbills decreased over nine seasons 2009–2017 (64–142 nests per year, General Linear Model Slope Value = ?0.061; data pooled for five beaches); similarly, vulnerable leatherback nests decreased across the same period in the main beach Los Garzos (0–69 nests/year; GLMSV = ?0.34). Besides human and natural predation of the nests, no significant environmental impacts affect the beaches except probably on Obispo Isthmus where a gas pipeline installation interrupted the nesting activity in 2014. Observed changes to the nesting trends in these small rookeries have a collective impact on broader conservation concerns for sea turtles in the region.  相似文献   

The nominate race of the greater crested tern Thalasseus bergii breeds only along the coast of the Benguela region (west coast) of southern Africa, where its population is increasing, in contrast to other species of breeding seabirds in the region which similarly depend on forage fish. Although this population’s trends are well known, its demographic parameters remain obscure. We used multi-event capture–recapture–recovery modelling to provide the first estimates of survival. The survival rate of birds older than two years was 0.93 (0.91–0.95); second-year survival was 0.93 (0.90–0.95) and first-year survival was 0.80 (0.73–0.85). A resighting of a 34-year-old bird is a new longevity record for the species. Population growth rates projected with a Leslie matrix model that included our survival estimates were very similar to estimates from annual counts of the breeding population (7–8% y?1), suggesting that these survival estimates adequately describe the species’ demography. High survival rates have likely contributed to the species’ recent population increase in the region.  相似文献   

On 23 June 2000, the bulk ore carrier MV Treasure sank off western South Africa between Dassen and Robben islands, which individually currently support the largest and 3rd largest colonies of African penguins Spheniscus demersus. Subsequently, more than 19 000 penguins were oiled, almost twice the previous highest number of seabirds oiled during a single event in southern Africa (10 000 penguins after the sinking of the Apollo Sea in June 1994). About 19 000 oiled penguins were collected for cleaning and care and about 150 oiled adults died in the wild. Some 19 500 unoiled penguins were caught at Dassen and Robben islands and relocated to Port Elizabeth, 800 km to the east, to remove them from waters affected by the oil. Of all penguins caught, which amounted to 20% of the total species population, less than 2 000 died within the first month, considerably less than in the Apollo Sea spill. This can be attributed to improved transport of penguins and the rapid arrival at rescue centres of experts able to administer emergency care. However, resources were severely extended and mortality would probably have been considerably higher had large numbers of birds not been removed from the area affected by the oil. Many relocated birds returned to their home islands within a month of being released, but considerable disruption of pair bonds is expected to result from mortality, different periods in captivity and disruption of moult cycles. This is likely to result in decreased breeding success. Recruitment to colonies will also be reduced by substantial loss of chicks and eggs. Although more than 3 000 orphaned chicks were collected for captive rearing, an estimated 4 000 died at the islands before they could be rescued. Up to 20% of bank cormorants Phalacrocorax neglectus at Robben Island, the 3rd largest colony of the species in South Africa, died. There was low success in catching oiled cormorants and in saving those that were caught. Of 53 grown birds of four species of cormorant that were oiled and caught, only 17 survived. Captive rearing of bank cormorant chicks, which it was feared may have been orphaned, proved more successful. Spilt oil had minor impact on gulls, terns and shorebirds in the region.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲湿地生物多样性及其保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄河三角洲湿地是典型的滨海河口湿地,重要的鸟类栖息地、繁殖地和中转站,具有典型的原生性、脆弱性,稀有性等特征,其生物资源丰富,有各种野生动物1 543种,种子植物393种,鸟类283种,其中属国家一级重点保护鸟类有9种,属国家二级重点保护鸟类有41种.该湿地的研究和保护,可以为生物多样性保护,特别是鸟类保护提供巨大支持.黄河三角洲自然保护区的建设为湿地及其生物多样性的保护和可持续利用创造了良好的条件和平台.近年来的调查发现,三角洲区域油田开发对湿地的影响正在逐步减少,自然保护区管理局先后实施的一系列工程,使生态环境得到明显改善,区内鸟类种类和数量明显增加,黄河三角洲在湿地生物多样性保护中的地位和作用也在进一步加强.  相似文献   

Surveys of alien plants at subantarctic Prince Edward Island in 2001 show that the ranges of all three introduced species have increased since the last survey in 1998. Poa annua, the longest-established species, increased its range substantially after 1987, prior to which it was confined to a single site for more than 20 years. It remains largely restricted to sites characterized by intense disturbance by seals and seabirds. Sagina procumbens, the most recently discovered alien plant, has spread even more rapidly (up to 800 m year?1) and has colonized the west coast of the island (a leap of at least 3 km). Unlike Poa annua, it is not restricted to animal-disturbed areas, although its seeds probably are dispersed by both birds and fur seals. Cerastium fontanum also continues to spread at the island, but remains confined to the western coastal plain, where it occurs mostly on dry feldmark slopes or erosion scars. All three species have expanded their ranges faster than at Marion Island, possibly because of a warmer recent climate and higher densities of seabirds and seals at Prince Edward Island. The ranges of alien plants are likely to continue to expand, with S. procumbens causing considerable changes in the island's terrestrial ecology.  相似文献   

滨海湿地是雁鸭类的重要栖息地,然而高强度的海岸圈围工程对滨海湿地生态系统和鸟类栖息地造成了显著影响,因此分析和研究海岸圈围对雁鸭类种群及栖息地的影响,对水鸟保护和滨海湿地资源可持续利用具有重要的理论和实践意义。位于长江口的横沙东滩,于2003年启动了海岸圈围促淤工程,工程的实施导致湿地生境和水鸟种群都发生着快速变化。本研究分别对2013、2015、2016和2017年,横沙东滩雁鸭类种群和生境因子的时空变化进行了调查与分析,通过拟合回归分析了两者的相关关系,探讨海岸圈围后生境的快速变化对雁鸭类种群产生的影响,从而提出海岸带圈围后水鸟栖息地的保护与管理对策。结果表明:1)海岸圈围工程的实施显著改变了滨海湿地的水鸟生境及种群特征。随着工程的推进,自然潮滩的盐沼湿地呈动态变化趋势;促淤区则随着泥沙的补给,新生了大面积的沼泽湿地;成陆区逐渐向淡水生态系统演替。伴随着生境的变化,雁鸭类种群逐渐从成陆区和自然潮滩向促淤区转移。2)不同生境类型影响雁鸭类种群数量特征的生境因子不同。未实施圈围的自然潮滩影响雁鸭类数量的主要因素是海三棱藨草/藨草群落面积;正在实施圈围的促淤区的主要影响因素是挺水植物面积、植被归一化指数(NDVI)和无植被覆盖水域面积;已圈围的成陆区主要影响因素为沉水植物面积。综上,雁鸭类偏向选择具有开阔水域、充足食物供给和相对较低植被盖度的生境类型。对于海岸圈围区域,若能合理利用圈围土地,保留部分区域为湿地,并根据水鸟的生境需求,适当营造水鸟适宜的栖息地,可在一定程度上减缓圈围工程对水鸟的影响,实现滨海湿地水鸟栖息地保护和湿地资源可持续利用的动态平衡。  相似文献   

Landing site and market surveys of sharks landed along the Arabian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates were undertaken between October 2010 and September 2012 to obtain biological data from this artisanal fishery. Data were collected on the size and sex of 12 482 individuals representing 30 species. Maximum sizes of Carcharhinus sorrah, C. amblyrhynchoides and Hemipristis elongata were extended by at least 300?mm total length (TL) compared with published global maxima. The size at 50% maturity was determined for males of five species and this indicated that the males of smaller shark species (<1 000 mm maximum TL) in the fishery were largely mature. For many species, including Loxodon macrorhinus and Mustelus mosis, overall sex ratios were male-biased, indicating that sexual segregation is likely in those species. Furthermore, sex ratios for several species, such as Rhizoprionodon acutus, showed differences across seasons. Overall, the landings contained a high proportion of juveniles, causing concerns about the sustainability of this fishery. Biological parameters of a number of species differed from those recorded earlier for the region, demonstrating a need for additional local data collection to support the development of management measures.  相似文献   

Observations on the behaviour of the common octopus Octopus vulgaris were made during daytime and night-time sampling on an unexploited rocky reef habitat in Baía dos Tigres, southern Angola. The relative numerical abundance sampled was 0.47 octopus person–1 h–1 during the day and 5.33 octopus person–1 h–1 during the night, suggesting that the population under study was nocturnal. The activity patterns differed between sizes of octopus. Small octopus (<20 cm total length [TL]) were observed roaming during the night, whereas the large individuals (>20 cm TL) generally fed in their dens. This ontogenetic behavioural shift may be due to tidal constraints or could be a strategy to avoid cannibalism. Octopus inhabiting a shallow, small-boulder substratum made extensive modifications to their habitat, excavating dens of up to 1 m deep in the sand below the boulders. These dens were not visible during the day as the octopus appeared to retract the small boulders over their den entrances. This unique behavioural strategy is thought to be a means to reduce predation and reduce light intensity during the day. Octopus were not observed in the small-boulder habitat during the five hours of daytime sampling. With nocturnal activity and extensive habitat modification, it is likely that avoidance of predation may be an important driver influencing the behaviour of the octopus population under study.  相似文献   

Information is presented on the distribution of chlorophyll a between the Cunene River (18°S), on the border of South West Africa (Namibia) and Angola, and East London (28°E) on the east coast of South Africa. Spectrophotometric measurements of samples collected during various research cruises and estimates from satellite measurements were used. The coast was divided into a number of oceanographic regions. Spatial and temporal variation of chlorophyll a in the waters off central-northern South West Africa, the Lüderitz region, the South-Western Cape and the Algoa region are discussed in some detail. There was a narrow coastal band of moderate to high chlorophyll a (3 to in excess of 10 mg·m?3) at the surface between Cape Cross (22°S) and Möwe Point (c. 19°S) throughout most of the year, whereas in much of the area between 23 and 33°S concentrations reached maximum values in autumn. Along the South-Western Cape coast, high concentrations of chlorophyll a were observed in the St Helena Bay area up to 90 km off shore throughout the year, evenly distributed in the upper 30 m. A narrower band of high concentrations of chlorophyll a extended southwards to Cape Agulhas during summer when upwelling was most active. During late summer and autumn a subsurface maximum developed on the Agulhas Bank associated with the thermocline. Low to moderate concentrations were widespread over the entire coastal zone during winter, with strong mixing in the upper 50 — 100 m. A fairly consistent feature of the Algoa region was the presence of moderate concentrations of chlorophyll associated with a wedge-shaped zone of coastal and dynamic upwelling. The implications of the distribution of chlorophyll in time and space are discussed with respect to the distribution and migration of pelagic fish species, particularly anchovy.  相似文献   

The conservation status of New Zealand (NZ) marine mammals (suborders Cetacea and Pinnipedia) is reappraised using the 2008 version of the NZ Threat Classification System. The list comprises 56 taxa (named species or subspecies, and as yet unnamed forms or types) in the following categories: Threatened—eight taxa (five Nationally Critical and three Nationally Endangered); Vagrant—six taxa; Migrant—20 taxa; and Data Deficient—13 taxa. A further nine taxa are listed as Not Threatened. Relative to the previous listing, the threat status of two species worsened: the NZ sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) was uplisted to Nationally Critical and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was uplisted to Nationally Endangered. No species was considered to have an improved status. With the uplisting of the NZ sea lion and the continued listing of the Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori) as Endangered and Maui's dolphin (C. hectori maui) as Nationally Critical, all three endemic NZ marine mammals are now considered threatened with extinction. We considered future research or management actions that would allow the downlisting of the eight taxa currently listed as Threatened.  相似文献   

The distribution of fish within eight small streams feeding into the lower Taieri and Waipori Rivers on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island was examined. A total of eight native and two introduced species were recorded. Eels (Anguilla spp.) and giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus Gmelin) were the most widely distributed species being located in all streams surveyed. Common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall) and brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus) were also widely distributed being detected in seven and six of the streams respectively. Three streams of potential conservation significance were identified. These were Picnic Gully Creek which contained a significant population of banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus Gray), a Category C threatened species, and Cullens and Alex Creeks which contained significant populations of giant kokopu, a Category B threatened species. The population of giant kokopu in Cullens and Alex Creeks currently represents the largest known population of this species on the east coast of New Zealand (excluding Southland). It has been suggested that brown trout may influence the distribution of native galaxiids. The longitudinal distribution of giant kokopu and brown trout in streams was examined at night using a continuous spotlight sampling approach. Distributions of these two species rarely overlapped at a local scale. Coarse habitat use data indicated that brown trout regularly occupied a variety of habitat types including modified agricultural channels. In contrast, giant kokopu rarely used agricultural channels being predominantly located in pool habitats.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of macrobenthic communities was investigated in three areas in the KwaZulu- Natal Bight, a section of shelf off the east coast of South Africa. Areas were pre-selected on the basis of three known oceanographic features, posited to deliver land- or Agulhas Current-derived nutrients onto the shelf and to drive ecosystem functioning in this region. Replicate sediment samples were collected with a 0.2 m2 van Veen grab, during two surveys (A, B) corresponding with normal periods of high and low rainfall, respectively. A subset of the full station array was selected across the shelf in an arrangement of increasing depths (inner-, mid- and outer shelf) through each feature area to investigate the spatial distribution and feeding modes of macrobenthic taxa. The two periods showed some differences in abundance and numbers of macrobenthic taxa, but were not statistically different. Total macrobenthic abundance from Survey A was 20 215 individuals from 642 taxa, decreasing to 18 000 individuals from 503 taxa during Survey B. Polychaeta and Crustacea were the dominant taxa sampled; abundance of the latter was attributed largely to a proliferation of Paguristes sp.1 at inner-shelf samples in the midbight (Thukela) region during Survey B. Similarity classification distinguished seven sample groups reflecting differences in feature areas and shelf positions under investigation. The Thukela River midshelf community supported the highest macrobenthic abundance, while the midshelf off the southern bight (Durban region) was most species rich. Findings were attributed to the habitat complexity of the midshelf which includes a palaeo-dune cordon at the 60 m isobath. Functionally, the community was dominated by interface- and deposit-feeding fauna, emphasising the importance of trophic plasticity in an environmentally variable and heterogeneous shelf environment.  相似文献   

Up to 12 marine mollusc and three crab species are thought to have been deliberately or accidentally introduced to South Africa. Of these, only the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the European shore crab Carcinus meanas have become invasive. M. galloprovincialis, probably introduced in the late 1970s, is already the dominant mussel throughout the Cape west coast. As a result, indigenous intertidal mussels Aulacomya ater have been largely displaced, mussel standing stock has increased and the upshore limit of mussel beds has become considerably elevated. Implications include competitive exclusion of large limpets but enhanced recruitment of juvenile limpets, increased habitat availability for mussel infauna, reduction of habitat for algal infauna and enhanced food availability for predators, particularly terrestrial species. C. maenas was first recorded from Table Bay Docks in 1983 and currently ranges from Camps Bay to Saldanha Bay. Although it is a voracious predator, it appears unable to colonize wave-swept shores, so is unlikely to displace indigenous crabs, or to severely impact prey species on the open coast. Valuable conservation areas and mariculture sites in sheltered lagoonal areas are, however, threatened by it.  相似文献   

By measuring the maximum water level of the traces attained by the Japan Sea Tsunami on 26 May 1983, we obtained the distribution along the west coast of the northeast Japan. The level reaches a maximum at the coast eastward of the epicenter and decreases with the relationship 8.6e –0.017x (m) with distancex (km) measured from the coast nearest to the epicenter. A small increase of levels was observed at coasts to the south of the tsunami source having distance larger than 200 km. With the aid of tide gauge records we revealed an excitation of edge wave which brought about the small increase of levels at the southern coast. In comparison with the decrease with distance obtained on the coasts of the main islands of Japan, some noticeable peaks were observed at several small islands. It is suggested that the reason why a short period component is predominant for the initial wave motion of tsunami is that the source region has depth of 3, 000 meters. The feature of wave period is discussed in comparison with that of the 1964 Niigata Tsunami.  相似文献   

Roving creel surveys and aerial surveys of shore-angling were undertaken as part of a national investigation into linefishing in South Africa. Shore patrols utilized a random stratified sampling procedure to collect catch-and-effort data, and a questionnaire provided information on fishing effort, angler demographics, economics and attitudes towards current regulations. A total of 1 677 patrols, covering 19 616 km, was conducted between April 1994 and February 1996, during which period 9 523 anglers had their catches checked and 4 490 were interviewed. A further 16 497 km were covered by aerial surveys, when 22 609 anglers were counted. From the aerial surveys, angler densities were highest on the KwaZulu-Natal coast (4.65 anglers·km?1), followed by the Southern Cape coast (2.29 anglers·km?1), the Eastern Cape coast (0.36 anglers·km?1) and the West Coast (0.12 anglers·km?1). Catch rates varied from 1.5 kg·angler?1·day?1 on the Southern Cape coast to 0.45 kg·angler?1·day?1 on the KwaZulu-Natal coast. Total effort was estimated at 3.2×106 angler days·year?1 and the total catch was estimated at 4.5×106 fish·year?1 or 3 000 tons·year?1. Targeted species varied regionally, with elf Pomatomus saltatrix (29%) being the most sought after species on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, kob Argyrosomus japonicus (18%) on the Eastern Cape coast and galjoen Dichistius capensis on the Southern Cape coast (30%) and along the West Coast (50%). The catch composition by mass was dominated by P. saltatrix on the KwaZulu-Natal coast (29%), the Eastern Cape coast (26%), and on the Southern Cape coast (56%) and by white stumpnose Rhabdosargus globiceps (40%) on the West Coast. Although anglers generally supported the regulations currently governing the linefishery, the questionnaire results showed that knowledge and compliance of them was poor. A low level of law enforcement was found, except for in KwaZulu-Natal. Management of the linefishery is discussed in relation to the findings of this study.  相似文献   

The density of red crab Geryon maritae between 18°00′ and 18°30′S and in depths of 350-1 000 m was quantitatively examined by photography. This area, estimated to be approximately 92 000 ha, is part of the commercial crab ground off South West Africa. The biomass of red crab, up to 55,5 kg·ha?1, is one of the highest recorded off the African coast for the species. Density of red crab was highest in depths exceeding 600 m, the greatest density (350,2 crabs·ha?1) being recorded in the 600-699 m depth zone. Another crab, Bathynectes piperitus, was also photographed in the shallower depths of the survey area (300-500 m), and some density estimates for this species at those depths are presented.  相似文献   

The habitat characteristics and spatial segregation of the two common gobies Gobius fallax Sarato, 1889 and Gobius auratus Risso, 1810 were investigated by fish frequency and abundance estimates through visual counts in the northern Adriatic Sea. The latter species is represented by a recently described, unusual colour morph in the northern Adriatic Sea. Gobius fallax was observed at five of the nine locations examined and its abundance did not differ between two of three transect locations at Piran (Slovenia) and at the western coast of Cres (Kvarner region, Croatia). Gobius auratus was not found in the Gulf of Trieste but was present at several Kvarner locations, and co‐occurred with G. fallax at one location at Cres. Both inhabit rocky substrates but they show different preferences for substrate inclinations and bathymetric segregation. Gobius fallax was most frequent between 2 and 8 m depth and was most abundant on substrate inclining less than 30°. Its highest abundance over entire transects was 0.3 indiv.·m?2 but within certain transect sections this increased to 1.25 indiv.·m?2. Gobius auratus attained its highest abundance in depths below 8 m and at substrate inclinations between 30 and 90°. This species attained its highest values at the western coast of Cres, where it reached a maximum of 1.5 indiv.·m?2 over entire transects but even up to 3.0 indiv.·m?2 in certain transect sections. At Krk, the maximum abundance over entire transects was only 0.3 indiv.·m?2.  相似文献   

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