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An assessment of catch and effort in the Eastern Cape shore and skiboat linefisheries was undertaken between 1994 and 1996 by means of roving creel and access point surveys. Catch-and-effort data were obtained from direct observation of 3 273 shore-fishers, 172 recreational and 223 commercial skiboat outings. Total effort in the region was high at 903 186 fisher-days year?1 in the shore fishery and 64 266 and 24 357 fisher-days year?1 in the commercial and recreational skiboat sectors respectively. The fisheries are multispecies in nature. The shore fishery consisted of 66 species, the recreational skiboat fishery 44 species and the commercial skiboat fishery 48 species. Just 10 species accounted for 75, 83 and 90% of the catch of the shore, recreational and commercial skiboat fishery respectively. The average catch per unit effort (cpue) was low in all sectors, 1.15 kg fisher?1 day?1 in the shorefishery, 9.4 kg fisher?1 day?1 in the recreational skiboat fishery and 21.5 kg fisher?1 day?1 in the commercial skiboat fishery. Catch data showed that professional and club anglers are more successful fishers. Comparisons with historic records for Port Elizabeth revealed that the cpue in the shore fishery had declined markedly, whereas the total effort increase was negligible (0.1%). In addition, the species composition of the fishery has changed.  相似文献   

Interview questionnaires and access point surveys were conducted in order to describe and quantify the catch composition of the inshore net-fisheries in the Western Cape, South Africa. A total of 138 562 fish, representing 29 species from 20 families, was recorded in 141 monitored commercial gillnet fishing operations between February 1998 and October 1999. Numerically, the legal target species, harders Liza richardsonii, dominated the catches, contributing 94.87% of the total gillnet catch. Elf, Pomatomus saltatrix, horse mackerel Trachurustrachurus capensis, gurnard Chelidonichthys capensis and barbel Galeichthys feliceps were the most common bycatch species, and contributed 4.2% to the total catch numerically and occurred in 12–47% of the marine 44–64-mm gillnet catches that were monitored. Five species most frequently targeted by shore-anglers on the West Coast: galjoen Dichistius capensis, white stumpnose Rhabdosargus globiceps, hottentot Pachymetopon blochii, silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus and white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus, also occurred in gillnet catches. Most of the bycatch consisting of immature, undersized fish that were often injured during entanglement and were not released alive. L. richardsonii also numerically dominated the beach-seine hauls that were monitored (>99%) with only four bycatch species being recorded in low numbers. Beach-seine questionnaire respondents, however, reported sporadic catches of at least 17 bycatch species, including occasional appreciable catches of the important linefish species L. lithognathus and A. inodorus.  相似文献   

Boat-based creel surveys were used to collect catch and effort data on the shore- and boat-based linefisheries of the Kromme, Gamtoos, Swartkops, Sundays, Bushmans, Kariega, Kowie and Great Fish estuaries in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, from January 1996 to April 1997. The surveys, which were performed primarily during routine fisheries law enforcement patrols by a regional conservation agency, recorded the catch and effort of 2 468 individual angler outings (12 840 angling hours) during 337 angler-count patrols. Although 26 species were recorded, a large proportion of the catch (85%) comprised only four species. Spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii (43%) was most commonly caught, followed by Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi (16%), dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus (14%) and white seacatfish Galeichthys feliceps (12%). In terms of mass, the overall catch was dominated by A. japonicus (50%) and P. commersonnii (33%). Overall catch per unit effort (cpue) by number was highest during summer and lowest during winter, and vice versa for cpue according to mass. Angler counts showed the Sundays Estuary had the highest mean angling effort for both weekdays and weekends (10.1 and 22.9 anglers count?1 respectively). The Gamtoos Estuary had the lowest count for weekdays (5.5 anglers count?1) and the Kariega Estuary the lowest for weekends (9.8 anglers count?1). Shore-based was more popular than boat-based angling (59% compared to 41%), and all estuaries had substantially higher angling effort on weekends than on weekdays. Angling with bait (93.3%) was more popular than lure- or fly-angling (6.7% combined). Considerations for management of A. japonicus in the Eastern Cape estuarine linefishery are presented.  相似文献   

Data collected by questionnaire and telephone surveys conducted during 1998 and 1999 are used to describe the socio-economic characteristics of inshore netfishers in the Western Cape. Approximately two-thirds of netfishers work or have worked in other fishing sectors and a further 6–50%, depending on the area surveyed, are retired. Very few (0–11%) permit-holders in most areas classified their occupations as netfishers and the majority claimed to make <5% of their income from netfishing. Estimated costs and returns to net permit-holders suggest that, in most areas, commercial netfishing at current levels of catch and effort is not economically sustainable in the long-term. Only Saldanha-Langebaan gillnetters and beach-seine permit-holders, on average, manage to cover their opportunity costs and make an economic profit. The lack of profits in other areas is compelling evidence that the net fisheries are at or beyond the open access equilibrium point, suggesting that effort reduction in the order of 60% is necessary if maximum economic yield is to be obtained from the fishery. The netfisheries provide part-time employment for approximately 2 000 crew in the Western Cape. Additional economic benefits and employment directly related to the fishery in the form of equipment and fuel purchases made by fishers, maintenance of fishing gear and the sale of fish are estimated to contribute at least R15 million to the regional economy annually. Between 42 and 76% of respondents felt that their catches had declined since they had started netfishing and most felt that no new permits should be issued. Knowledge of catch restrictions among respondents was low (53–73%), indicative of a lack of communication between management and fishers, poorly defined permit conditions and a lack of enforcement. Many fishers interviewed feel it is unfair that they are restricted to catching only low-value target species and do not adhere to the catch restrictions, even if they do know them. The importance of the netfishery for participants varies greatly between and within areas. In order to reduce effort equitably, current and potential new permit-holders should be assessed on an individual merit basis.  相似文献   

Public perception has been that an apparent increase in the nearshore occurrence of white sharks Carcharodon carcharias in False Bay, on the south coast of South Africa, can at least be partly attributed to beach-seine (treknet) operations attracting sharks into this coastal area. To assess the merit of these concerns, all available beach-seine catch-and-effort data from the False Bay fishery over a 32-year period were analysed. A total of 27 cartilaginous species from 15 families was recorded in around 11 400 hauls from 1974 to 2006. Most (98%) of these comprised small benthic invertebrate feeders such as smooth houndshark Mustelus mustelus and lesser guitarfish Rhinobatos annulatus. Large sharks such as C. carcharias and ragged-tooth shark Carcharias taurus were rare, occurring in <0.2% of hauls. The only medium to large sharks that occurred frequently (15% of hauls) in any appreciable numbers (0.3 per haul) were bronze whalers Carcharhinus brachyurus. The relatively high numbers of C. brachyurus compared with C. carcharias, their overlapping size distributions and the difficulty of identifying sharks from a distance, suggests that many of the sharks observed following beach-seine nets are the bronze whalers. Overall, the frequency of occurrence of C. carcharias in the nets is much lower than would be predicted from the high number of observations in the nearshore region. Furthermore, beach-seine fishing rights in False Bay have been reduced from around 170 in the 1970s to five at present. There has been no corresponding decrease in shark incidents. On the contrary, shark incidents have increased from two in the 1970s to six during the period 2000–2005. Overall, there appears to be no strong link between beach-seine activity and human incidents with white sharks in False Bay.  相似文献   

St Lucia is one of the largest estuarine systems in Africa, and attracts thousands of anglers each year. Catchcard data from the National Marine Linefish System for the years 1986–1999 were analysed to determine catch composition, catch per unit effort (cpue) and seasonality of catches by recreational anglers. Because not all anglers completed catch cards, estimates of total catch were made using additional data on the number of private boat outings, the number of boat trailers at boat slipways and the number of boats recorded entering the campsite gates during 1992 and 1993. In all, 27 fish families, constituting 55 species, were recorded by recreational anglers. Dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus, spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii, perch Acanthopagrus berda, Natal stumpnose Rhabdosargus sarba, springer Elops machnata and mini-kob Johnius dorsalis were the most prominent species caught in terms of numbers and mass. Catch rates expressed numerically (fish angler?1 h?1) peaked during the summer and early winter. However, in terms of mass, catch rates peaked during late winter and spring, when there were increased landings of large dusky kob. Fluctuations in cpue were linked to salinity and estuary mouth conditions (i.e. mouth closure). Despite annual fluctuations in cpue, regression analysis revealed an overall downward trend for the dominant species (dusky kob and spotted grunter) and a gradual increase for stumpnose, perch and springer, but with the exception of stumpnose, these trends were not significant. Socio-economic aspects of the fishery were also investigated by conducting an independent boat-angler survey. The value of the recreational fishery, in terms of accommodation and direct angler expenditure, was estimated to be in the region of R9 million during 1992. Angler attitudes towards fishing regulations were positive and anglers generally had a good knowledge of the regulations for target species. Based on this assessment, a number of suggestions are made regarding the future management of the recreational fishery at St Lucia.  相似文献   

The tidal basin of the Kosi Bay lagoonal-lacustrine complex is dominated by fish traps that line the intertidal and subtidal environments. These have been considered significant sediment sinks, responsible for transformation of parts of the system from subtidal and intertidal sand-flat settings to mangrove habitats. Mangrove progradation has been attributed to sediment retention within the trap structures. Fish-trap counts since 1942 indicate no significant increase in trap number prior to 1980, but thereafter trap numbers have increased exponentially. Historical GIS analysis indicates a linear growth rate of mangrove areas since 1942, a trend not mirrored in the numbers of fish traps. Modelling of mangrove progradation indicates lateral extension rates per annum much lower than global figures for choked systems elsewhere. Modelling of choking thresholds for the Kosi Bay system yields a minimum date of ~2500 AD. By including sea-level rise within the model, newly formed mangrove communities may either be drowned or remain in step with predicted sea-level rises within the next 150–200 years. The role of fish traps in the conversion of subtidal environments to sedimentary environments dominated by mangroves is negligible, and this shallowing would not be of concern in light of the short-term nature of managerial timescales.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is presented that, in the absence of quota restrictions, commercial catches of pilchard Sardinops ocellatus in the western Cape and the abundance of pilchard in the diet of Cape gannet Morus capensis obtained at three South African colonies are directly related to pilchard biomass when the latter is low. There were significant correlations (p < 0,05) between the abundance of pilchard in gannet diet at Lambert's Bay and Malgas Island combined, and the total catch and CPUE at annual, though not monthly, time-scales. Trends in levels of correlation are discussed in relation to short-term variability, sampling intensity, statistical chance and the distribution of pilchard. Gannet diet and commercial catches reflect regional, but not local, changes in biomass. The 1983 pilchard year-class was relatively strong. Gannet diet is suggested to be a reliable monitor of the trend in pilchard biomass at low pilchard biomasses, a time at which direct surveys are least reliable.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses were performed on the Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi. The contents were identified to species level and the dietary importance of each component assessed by employing unrelated quantifying methods, which were subsequently combined to determine an index of relative importance (IRI). The index was determined on a seasonal basis as well as for individual sampling stations. The aquatic macrophyte Zostera capensis was the single most abundant item and, together with filamentous algae, constituted the major proportion (IRI = 7 314) of the diet. Crustacea were the next most abundant (IRI = 6 534), followed by Mollusca (IRI = 160). Stomach contents from the sampling stations in the lower reaches were dominated by aquatic macrophytes and algae, whereas those from the middle and upper reaches had a higher incidence of Crustacea. Mollusca in the diet were uniformly distributed throughout the estuary. There was considerable flexibility in the feeding pattern of R. holubi.  相似文献   

A subtidal marine ichthyofaunal survey was carried out on shallow reefs (1–30m deep) in the Pondoland region between the Mtamvuna River and Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The purpose of this survey was to provide the baseline data required for the zonation of a large marine protected area proposed for the region. Survey work was carried out in May and June during 2002 and 2003. A seafloor map based on earlier seismic-reflection profiling data, coupled with fishers' co-ordinates of known reefs in the area, was used to plan the survey. An underwater visual census (UVC), using the point-count method, assessed fish diversity, relative abundance and size structure. During the UVC, a total of 261 point fish-counts, covering an area of 14 288m2, was completed. A total of 138 fish species from 49 different families was identified and a relatively high proportion of endemic species (26.6%) were recorded. As a result of the turbid conditions encountered south of Mbotyi, numbers and diversity of fish species observed declined with increasing latitude. Endemic sparid linefish species, which are overe-xploited in other areas, were particularly abundant in this region, and a number of new range distributions of various species were recorded during the survey. The results of this survey contributed towards the zonation of the Pondoland Marine Protected Area, which was proclaimed in June 2004.  相似文献   

The recruitment of distinct year-class cohorts in two sparid species, Rhabdosargus holubi and Lithognathus lithognathus, were linked to records of daily mouth state in the intermittently open East Kleinemonde Estuary, South Africa, between 1995 and 2006. L. lithognathus only recruited into the estuary in years when the mouth opened between late August and January. This was attributed to a limited spawning season and inability to recruit during wave overwash events. In contrast, R. holubi recruitment was uninterrupted and not influenced by seasonality of estuary access opportunities (mouthopening and overwash events). Estuarine-dependent residency periods ranged from 27 months to 48 months for L. lithognathus and 12 months to 23 months for R. holubi. The interannual abundances of these estuarydependent sparids were determined by reproductive seasonality, recruitment strategy and seasonal timing of estuarine access opportunities.  相似文献   

Of the southern African intertidal and shallow subtidal trochid and turbinid gastropods, Turbo sarmaticus, T. cidaris and Oxystele sinensis, are the most abundant large species, and therefore obvious targets for a winkle fishery. T. sarmaticus is harvested by recreational snorkel divers, and an application has been made for a permit to experimentally harvest the other two species commercially. This study involves four major aspects, namely morphometrics and flesh yield, shore-based abundance estimates, subtidal abundance estimates, and an estimate of the potential yield for each of the three species off the South-Western Cape, South Africa. Abundance and biomass of the winkles increased from west to east, highest densities being recorded in the low intertidal regions to 2 m depth. Low biomasses of the three species were recorded west of Cape Hangklip and are unlikely to support a fishery there. East of Cape Hangklip, invasion of rock lobsters Jasus lalandii has had a considerable impact on T. cidaris and O. sinensis populations. Consequently, a boat-based fishery with an estimated annual total allowable catch of 75.5 tons for T. cidaris, with a bycatch of 9.9 tons for O. sinensis, can only be considered in the easternmost fisheries-management area between Kleinbaai and Quoin Point. Because previous studies on the harvesting potential of T. sarmaticus off the Western Cape concluded that it was not commercially sustainable, a total allowable catch for that species was not considered. Management options deserving considerations before the commencement of a giant winkle fishery are discussed.  相似文献   

Statistical information and some interpretative detail, based on currents measured at 28 mooring sites between Cape Point and Yzerfontein since 1981, are presented. The most striking feature is the continual presence of wavelike reversals of current close to the coast and in deeper water offshore. These currents have a periodicity of 3–4 days and exhibit a net poleward transport. The energy at these frequencies is greater than that at tidal frequencies and dominates the flow. The observation of equatorward flow over the 230-m contour confirms the presence of a jet there, identified previously by drogue tracks and current profiling studies.  相似文献   

An eight-year research angling dataset collected between February 1998 and December 2005 in the Tsitsikamma National Park marine protected area (MPA), along the south-eastern Cape coast of South Africa, was examined to provide estimates of important fishery and population parameters for eight important shore-angling species. Five different estimates of natural mortality (M), and the coefficients of variation (CVs) of catch per unit effort (CPUE) and size measurements were calculated. There was no consistency in estimates of M between methods, highlighting the difficulty in obtaining reliable estimates of this parameter for per-recruit assessments. The CVs of CPUE measurements were generally higher than those for size measurements. Estimates obtained for the most abundant species, blacktail Diplodus capensis, with a mean CPUE of 0.252 fish h–1, yielded the lowest CVs for CPUE (0.806) and size (0.130) measurements. Therefore, blacktail is considered the preferred indicator species for making comparisons with estimates obtained for shore-angling fish in exploited areas and other MPAs along the South African coastline. The large inter annual variations in mean CPUE and size for all species indicated that a minimum assessment period of four years is required to obtain reliable estimates.  相似文献   

Rhabdosargus holubi is a small (maximum weight=2.4?kg) yet important fishery species in the estuaries of the south-east coast of South Africa. Little is known of its biology and specifically its growth rate, which is essential for sustainable management of the fishery. We examined and counted the opaque zones in the sectioned otoliths of 134 R. holubi to determine its age and growth parameters. The otoliths from two recaptured fish marked with oxytetracycline confirmed that one opaque zone was deposited annually. The species reached a maximum age of 18 years and growth was adequately described by a von Bertalanffy growth function of the form: Lt = 358.1 (1 – e?0.24(t+0.77)) mm fork length. There were no significant differences between any of the male and female growth parameters (likelihood ratio test: p = 0.3). The growth was slow (omega index: ω = 86.56); however, despite this, the unique life history of R. holubi may provide a degree of resilience to heavy fishing pressure in estuaries.  相似文献   

Results are presented following a long-term study of the diet of the Cape gannet Morus capensis at Bird Island, Algoa Bay, examining 4 178 regurgitations representing 36 351 prey items collected during 12 breeding cycles from April 1979 to March 1991. In all, 32 teleost and two cephalopod species were recorded. The pelagic shoaling pilchard Sardinops ocellatus, anchovy Engraulis capensis and saury Scomberesox saurus scombroides were identified as the main prey species. The diet composition showed marked interannual fluctuations during the sampling period, which appear to be related to changes in the abundance of the main prey species. The relative abundance of pilchard, anchovy and saury was also found to change intra-annually, the first two species occurring more frequently in the diet during the breeding season and saury dominating the diet in the non-breeding season. These changes are thought to originate from temporal variation in the oceanographic regime within the foraging range of the gannets.  相似文献   

Knysna Estuary supports an estimated 30 full-time and 200 part-time subsistence fishers involved in bait collection, mud crab harvesting, and fishing. The mud prawn Upogebia africana dominates the bait-fishery, with estimated catches amounting to about 3% of the standing stock, suggesting sustainable use. Harvest of Marphysa spp. and Gorgonorhynchus dayi is conducted in a destructive manner. Most of the value of fishing lies in the setline catches of spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii and white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus, whereas small species and individuals, particularly Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi, are also caught with handlines. Indications are that the linefishery is also sustainable at present. The subsistence fishery is worth an estimated R0.7-R1.1 million per annum, with full-time fishers earning at least R11 000-R17 000 per annum from the estuary. Currently operating under recreational regulations, the fishery is poorly controlled and fails to reach its full potential. The main threat to the estuary from damaging harvests of bait species, such as Marphysa spp. and G. dayi, should be discouraged through heavy penalisation of buyers and traders. Sales of mud prawn could probably be legalised. If off-take rates are found to be sustainable, sales of certain fish species could be legalised if access to the fishery could be effectively controlled under a co-management arrangement.  相似文献   

Previous field observations have suggested an association between the urchin Parechinus angulosus and juveniles of the abalone Haliotis midae. To test the generality and nature of this association, surveys were carried out at five sites between Cape Point and Danger Point in the kelp beds of the South-Western Cape, South Africa. These showed that both species occupy primarily hard substrata, showing preferences for encrusting coralline algae. They also confirmed a strong, positive relationship between urchins and juvenile abalone. Of the juvenile abalone sampled, more than 98% were found beneath sea urchins. All small (3–10 mm) and medium-sized(11–20 mm) juvenile abalone were under urchins, whether on flat or vertical reef, or in crevices. A small proportion (~10%) of larger juveniles(21–35 mm) was not found under urchins, and in these instances they occupied crevices instead. These findings are of particular importance in terms of their implications for the lucrative commercial abalone fishery in South Africa, indicating that urchins are of critical importance to the continued survival of viable abalone populations. There has been a dramatic decrease in natural populations of sea urchins over the past five years in the heart of the abalone fishing grounds, and the present findings suggest that this will lead to recruitment failure of abalone, because juvenile abalone seem dependent on the urchins. The long-term consequences for the industry may be crucial.  相似文献   

The influence of prolonged mouth closure on the population dynamics of the caridian shrimp, Palaemon peringueyi and the estuarine isopod, Exosphaeroma hylocoetes, in the littoral zone of temporarily open/closed Kasouga Estuary located on the south-eastern coastline of southern Africa was assessed monthly over the period October 2007 to September 2008. Prolonged mouth closure of the estuary contributed to hypersaline conditions (psu > 35) prevailing throughout the estuary for the last four months of the study. The high salinities coincided with a decrease in the areal extent (up to 80%) of the submerged macrophytes, mainly Ruppia maritima, within the littoral zone of the estuary. Total abundance and biomass values of the shrimp and isopod over the period of investigation ranged from 0 to 14.6 ind m−2, from 0 to 13.3 mg dwt m−2, from 12 to 1540 ind m−2 and from 0.1 to 2.16 mg dwt m−2, respectively. Maximum values of both the shrimp and isopod were recorded in the upper reaches of the estuary in close association with R. maritima. Over the course of the investigation, both the abundance and biomass values of the shrimp decreased significantly (P < 0.05 in both cases) which could be related to reduced habitat availability, R. maritima, that acts as a refuge against fish predation. Additionally, the decrease in abundance and biomass values could be attributed to reduced recruitment opportunities for the shrimp and the cessation of reproduction in the estuarine isopod. The establishment of a link to the marine environment following an overtopping event in September 2008 contributed to a decrease in salinity within the system although no recruitment of either the isopod or shrimp was recorded.  相似文献   

Abstract. The short-term effect of elevated water temperatures (Δ t = 5–10°C after passing through the cooling circuit of an electricity generating plant) on plankton in a warm temperate estuary. South Africa, was investigated. Phytoplankton entrained on the flood tide was more severely affected than that entrained on the ebb, but chlorination of cooling water was probably a major factor affecting phytoplankton assemblages. Abundance of zooplankton of marine origin was significantly reduced after passing through the cooling circuit. The effect of thermal stress on the curyhalinc zooplankton was not clear, as the origin of the water canal to the generators is located at the extreme seaward limit of spatial distribution of cstuarinc plankton at low tide. Estuarinc species of zooplankton were therefore infrequently sampled and in low numbers only. Other factors which increase mortality are discussed.  相似文献   

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