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The current study provides long-term catch rate and biological data for tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier caught in the KwaZulu-Natal bather protection programme. Between 1978 and 2014, 1 760 G. cuvier were caught in nets and between 2007 and 2014, 108 G. cuvier were caught on drumlines. Standardised catch rates increased significantly over time (p < 0.001) for both small (≤180 cm precaudal length, PCL) and large sharks (>180 cm). There was also a significant temporal increase in the mean size of sharks across gear types (p < 0.001). A quasi-Poisson generalised additive mixed model showed that the deployment of drumlines had no significant effect on the catch rate of sharks in nets. The nets, however, caught significantly larger sharks (mean 184.5 cm, SD 39) than did drumlines (mean 138.6 cm, SD 36.5; p < 0.001). The size frequency of the catch was unimodal and females significantly outnumbered males in both gear types. Few young-of-the-year (0.8%) or mature sharks (1.8%) were caught. Only 23 (4.7%) of the 486 sharks tagged and released were recaptured, with the majority (87.0%) of those recaptured <150 km from their original tagging locality. The results from this study suggest an increasing local population trend in G. cuvier along the KwaZulu-Natal coast.  相似文献   

A total of 772 bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas was caught in Natal's protective "shark nets" between 1978 and 1990. Confusion in distinguishing C. leucas from C. amboinensis resulted in their catch data being combined from 1966, when data collection began, to 1977. The catch rate of the species pair declined until 1977, recovered until the mid 1980s, but subsequently declined again. The trend in catch rate of C. leucas alone for the period 1978–1990 was similar, with minima of 0,70 sharks·km-net?1·year?1 in 1978 and 0,95 in 1990, and a maximum of 2,08 in 1986. Recaptures of six tagged sharks suggest that the species is not highly migratory. Catches, particularly of immature sharks, were highest at the northernmost beaches. Most bull sharks were caught in summer and in turbid water (mean water clarity 2,0 m). The sex ratio of the catch was 1 male to 1,3 females. Sizes ranged from 74 to 213 cm precaudal length, with modes of 141–145 cm (males) and 171–175 cm (females). Size at maturity for both sexes was between 180 and 190 cm. The mating season was prolonged but with a summer peak. Seven gravid females were examined; the mean litter size was 8,7 embryos and size at birth was approximately 55 cm. Fluke infections were observed on 9 per cent of animals examined. As size increased there was a shift in diet, in terms of frequency of occurrence, from teleost to elasmobranch predominance. There was a high incidence of benthic and demersal species in the stomachs. Minor prey groups included mammals, birds, turtles, molluscs and crustaceans. Scavenging appeared to be important.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1993, 209 great hammerhead sharks Sphyrna mokarran were caught in the shark nets which protect the swimming beaches of KwaZulu-Natal. This species constituted 0,97% of the total shark catch, with a mean annual catch of 13. Catch rates showed a significant decline during the period under review, from 0,66 to 0,09 sharks·km-net?1·year?1. Most sharks were caught in the north of the netted region between January and May. Catches at Mzamba, the southern extremity of the netted region, represent the southernmost records of this species on the east African coast. The males ranged in size from 106 cm precaudal length (18 kg) to 264 cm (220 kg) and females from 140 cm (35 kg) to 326 cm (400 kg). Males matured at about 217 cm and females at 237 cm. Very few sharks were found in mating condition. Elasmobranchs were found in 82% of non-empty stomachs. There was a high incidence of stingrays (Dasyatidae), guitarfish (Rhinobatidae) and other bottom-dwelling fish in the diet.  相似文献   

Between 1980 and 2001, a total of 661 African angel sharks Squatina africana was caught in the protective nets off KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The mean annual catch was 30 sharks (range = 11–69, SD = 12.4), with no trend in catch rate over the study period. Individuals were caught throughout the year and through much of the netted region, with a higher catch to the south. The sex ratio of the catch was 2.9 females:1 male. Males matured between 640mm and 700mm and females at about 700mm precaudal length (PCL). Mature males had clusters of thorn-shaped denticles, each about 2mm high, near the anterio-dorsal margins of both pectoral and pelvic fins. Of the mature females, 44% were pregnant, many of which contained only ova in utero. Embryos were present from April through to January. The average litter size was six, with length at parturition at least 240mm PCL. Most early-term pregnant females and all mature males were caught in the south. The reproductive cycle showed some seasonality and appeared to be biennial, with a gestation of about one year. Teleosts were the most common prey (76% of stomachs with food), followed by cephalopods (52%).  相似文献   

A total of 2 728 spinner sharks Carcharhinus brevipinna was caught in nets that protect the swimming beaches of KwaZulu-Natal between 1978 and 1997. The species constituted 10.3% of the total shark catch during that period. An average of 136 spinner sharks was caught annually, with no trend in catch rate over the study period. The species was caught throughout the year, predominantly in the south and mainly from February to July. Males matured at approximately 150 cm precaudal length and females at 154 cm. Gonad indices in mature males were highest during December and January and in females during February and March. Mating takes place between January and March. The hepatosomic index of pregnant females was highest at the onset of pregnancy and lowest at parturition. Evidence suggests a two-year reproductive cycle in females, with a gestation period of 13–18 months. The average litter size was nine, with an estimated length at birth of between 50 and 60 cm. Near-term pregnant females were caught mainly in the north, indicating the possibility of a nursery there. Both large and small pregnant females produce pups of the same length, but larger females general1y have larger litters. Regional, seasonal and size variations were evident in the diet, with teleosts being the most frequently eaten prey.  相似文献   

The current study provides long-term catch-rate, biological and feeding data for smooth hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna zygaena, caught in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal bather protection programme. In total, 2 512 S. zygaena were caught in net installations between 1978 and 2014, and 72 S. zygaena were caught on drumlines between 2007 and 2014. There was no significant log-linear year trend in the net catch rate over time (slope = 0.0054, t = 1.808, p = 0.07). However, there was a significant temporal increase in mean size of the captured sharks (slope = 0.0012, t = 3.502, p < 0.001). A quasi-Poisson generalised additive mixed model showed that increasing latitude, winter months, colder sea temperatures and the deployment of drumlines all had a significant positive effect on the catch rate of sharks in nets. The size frequency of the catch was unimodal, with significantly more females caught in the nets and more males on the drumlines. The majority (93.1%) of all sharks caught were immature and measured between 80 and 120 cm precaudal length. Teleosts and cephalopods dominated the sharks’ diet in terms of all dietary indices. The prey species consumed indicate that immature S. zygaena are feeding primarily within the pelagic zone of shallow coastal habitats.  相似文献   

Between 1966 and 1989,255 shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus were caught in the gill nets which protect the tourist beaches of Natal. The catch rate showed no trend, fluctuating about a mean of 0,34 sharks·km-net?1·year?1. Catches were highest between May and November, when the water tends to be cooler. The sex ratio was 1,4 males to 1 female. Specimens ranged in size from 84 to 276 cm precaudal length, with a mode of 191–195 cm for males and 251–255 cm for females. Males matured at 160-170 cm and females at approximately 220 cm. Catches included two recently fertilized females and two with well-developed embryos. External injuries were found on 14 per cent of males examined and 41 per cent of females. Elasmobranchs were the most common prey category, occurring in 60 per cent of stomachs containing food, followed by teleosts at 40 per cent. Most of the elasmobranch prey were sharks shorter than 1 m.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1990, 209 Java sharks Carcharhinus amboinensis were caught in the shark nets that protect the swimming beaches of Natal, thereby constituting 0,5 per cent of the total shark catch. The catch rate was relatively constant at about 0,4 sharks·km net?1·year?1. Catches were highest at the northernmost beaches in summer and autumn and they consisted mostly of juvenile, but not newborn, and adolescent sharks. Specimens ranged from 99 to 176 cm PCL, with a mode of 131–135 cm for males and 131–145 cm for females. Males matured at 150 cm and females at 160 cm. Of the eight mature females caught, five were pregnant. Mating takes place in late summer and gestation is thought to last approximately 12 months. The largest embryo found was 53 cm. Teleosts were identified in 62,1 per cent of the 103 stomachs that contained food. Elasmobranchs (44,7%), crustaceans (12,6%) and cephalopods (11,6%) were the other major prey groups. Most of the fish prey were demersal, associated with soft bottoms.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1990,1 800 copper sharks Carcharhinus brachyurus were caught in the shark nets that protect the swimming beaches of Natal. The species constituted 9,6 per cent of the total shark catch. Annual catches and catch rates fluctuated widely about a mean of 138 sharks and 3,5 sharks·km net?1 respectively. Most sharks were caught at the southern beaches during the annual Natal sardine run in June and July, when shoals of pilchard Sardinops ocellatus move into the waters off southern Natal. Catches were dominated by sharks >140 cm pre-caudal length PCL. Mature males (generally ≥ 175 cm PCL) were present for much of the year, but mature females (generally ≥ 190 cm) and immature sharks were only abundant in June and July. Gonad indices in males were highest in March and April, whereas high gonad indices and large ova were recorded in females in June and July. Mating appears to take place after July and parturition about 12 months later, both occur south of the netted region. The smallest of 50 pregnant females caught was 178 cm. Mean embryo length within a litter ranged from 17 to 54 cm. Teleosts were found in 92 per cent and pilchard in 84 per cent of stomachs containing food.  相似文献   

Shark catches in the protective nets set off the beaches of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa, are strongly influenced by the sardine run, the winter influx of shoals of Sardinops sagax from the south-west. The effect of the sardine run, which is highly variable from year to year, is greatest in June and July at beaches south of Durban. Total annual shark catch and effort are presented for the period 1952–2005, and total monthly shark catch on the KZN south coast for the period May–August, 1965–2005. Measures to reduce catches of sharks associated with the sardine run have been introduced and have been increasingly successful. Reliable species-specific catch data are available for the period 1978–2005 only. For this period, the spatio-temporal distribution of each of 14 species of shark and the frequency of occurrence of sardine in their diets is documented. Occurrence varies according to species, as does the apparent influence of the sardine run on shark distribution. During June and July on the KZN south coast, sardine were found in the diet of all but two species and frequency of occurrence was 40% or greater in eight species. The presence of copper or bronze whaler sharks Carcharhinus brachyurus in KZN waters appears to be strongly associated with the sardine run, as does that of certain life-history stages of dusky sharks C. obscurus. Spinner sharks C. brevipinna and smooth hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini are caught in greater numbers in summer than in winter, but appear to shift their spatial distribution seasonally to feed on sardine.  相似文献   

A total of over 28,000 benthic and benthopelagic fish belonging to 34 families and comprising at least 85 species were collected from the Hebridean Terrace in the Rockall Trough between soundings of 500 and 2000 m. Commercial type trawls (20.6 m Granton or 140 foot German bottom trawls) fished on paired warps at 33 stations accounted for 89% of all individual caught, the remainder being caught by a 16.4 m prawn trawl fished on a single warp (22 stations) and a 3 m Agassiz trawl (12 stations). The stations sampled, with a few exceptions, fell into discrete bathymetric zones separated by increments of approximately 250 m and different combinations of nets were used at each of these zones. The catch composition of the commercial trawls differed from those of the other nets. The most obvious difference was that squalid sharks, the alepocephalid Alepocephalus bairdii and the black scabbard fish Aphanopus carbo were important in the commercial type trawls but were absent or poorly represented in the other nets. Net size and towing speed were considered to be important factors influencing the catch composition. Net selectivity was most apparent on the upper and mid slopes but less apparent on the lower slopes.Relatively few families contribute to the total biomass at a given bathymetric zone and because the families Squalidae and Alepocephalidae contribute significantly to the biomass on the upper and mid slope it is therefore concluded that small nets must grossly underestimate the biomass at these depths. The greatest biomass occurred at mid slope depths (750–1000 m).  相似文献   

The narrow-barred Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson is one of the most important linefish species caught in KwaZulu-Natal and southern Mozambique waters, forming the basis of important commercial, artisanal and recreational fisheries. A total of 439 S. commerson were sampled along the east coast of southern Africa (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and southern Mozambique) between April 2011 and March 2012. Retrospective length-at-age data observed from whole otoliths were used to compare and describe sex-specific growth. Growth rates obtained from otolith-derived data were compared with those estimated from 29 tag-recaptured fish. Overall, ages ranged from 0.48 to 14.6 years for females and 0.4 to 13.57 years for males. Otolith readings yielded an average percent error of 11.21%, lower than recorded in a previous study from the region. Marginal zone analysis provided strong evidence that one translucent and one opaque growth zone were laid down annually. Schnute growth-function parameters indicated significant differences in growth between sexes. Females approached their mean asymptotic length at a faster rate, and grew to a greater mean length-at-age, relative to males. Growth in both sexes was rapid, achieving 67.46 cm FL (females) and 65.4 cm FL (males) in their first year of life. Growth rates obtained from tag-recaptured S. commerson indicated slower growth for smaller/younger fish up until 70 cm FL after which growth was very similar to that observed from otolith-derived data. The results of this study provide accurate, validated life-history parameters for king mackerel that are important for the assessment of stock status in the region.  相似文献   

A litter of eight near‐term shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque 1810) embryos is described from a 317.5 cm total length (TL) female caught off Hawke Bay, south‐east North Island, New Zealand on 5 February 1999. The embryos (3 males and 5 females) were 67.2–77.0 cm TL. Embryo length, condition, hepato‐somatic indices, and mass of yolk in their stomachs all indicate they were close to birth. This is the first shortfin mako litter reported from New Zealand and is outside the late winter‐early spring parturition period predicted from estimated embryonic and juvenile growth rates. Uterine width data from four mature non‐pregnant females and age‐0+ length‐at‐capture data suggest parturition occurs from September to late February (late winter‐mid summer) but is infrequent after January. We suggest that shortfin makos have an extended parturition period, possibly year‐round, with peak parturition occurring in late winter‐spring.  相似文献   

Octopus magnificus is a regular bycatch of traps set for spiny lobsters and bottom trawls for Cape hakes Merluccius spp. on the continental shelf of South Africa. Octopuses were collected from rocky substrata (traps) and soft sediments (research trawls) during a three-year period (2002–2005) and over a wide geographical and depth range to investigate their basic biological and life-history characteristics. Octopuses collected from trawl nets were smaller than those from traps. Males from traps and trawl nets were larger than females, with males being more frequently caught in traps than females. Size distributions were seasonally cyclical, increasing from a small mean size in the austral winter to a peak in summer, and receding during autumn. No mature females were found on soft sediments. The female gonadosomatic index peaked during summer, and sperm were found in oviducts year-round. Males reached 50% maturity at a weight of 4.6kg compared with 5.8kg in females. Mature females produced up to 10 000 medium-to-large (4–9mm maximum length) eggs, and potential fecundity was positively related to female body and ovary weight. Feeding rates were highest in trap-caught octopuses and gut contents consisted mainly of bait, spiny lobsters and teleosts (mainly jacopever Helicolenus dactylopterus). The gut contents of trawl-caught octopuses consisted mainly of crustaceans (84%), mostly portunid crabs but no spiny lobsters, teleosts (15%) and molluscs (1%). The results suggest that O. magnificus has a short (c. 1 year) lifespan, with winter/spring recruitment, a summer spawning peak, and post-spawning mortality in autumn. Alternatively, the species may have a longer lifespan with seasonal migrations between rocky and soft substrata.  相似文献   

Shark nets were established along the KwaZulu-Natal coast in 1952 to protect bathers against shark encounters. Sea turtle bycatch data for the period 1981–2008 in these shark nets indicated that loggerheads Caretta caretta were caught most frequently at 40.9 y–1 or 1.11 km-net–1 y–1, followed by green turtles Chelonia mydas at 0.32 km-net–1 y–1 and leatherbacks Dermochelys coriacea at 0.14 km-net–1 y–1. Catch rate of loggerheads increased throughout the study period, and was positively correlated with the increase in the number of nesting females from the recovering population in Maputaland, South Africa (r = 0.52, p < 0.05, n = 28). This increase is ascribed to successful nest conservation. Leatherback bycatch remained stable, following their nesting trends, although they receive similar conservation efforts on nesting beaches as loggerheads. Bycatch of green turtles, although not a nesting species in South Africa, was stable over time. Mortality varied between species (from 53.2% to 70.6%) with loggerheads being the most hardy, followed by leatherbacks and green turtles. Few hawksbills Eretmochelys imbricata and olive ridleys Lepidochelys olivacea were caught in the shark nets. Fewer sea turtles are caught by shark nets than by longlines and because the nesting populations of loggerheads, green turtles and leatherbacks are either stable or increasing in the South-West Indian Ocean, shark net bycatch was considered negligible and sustainable.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the deep-sea octopus Pteroctopus tetracirrhus was studied from monthly samples obtained throughout the year in different areas of the western Mediterranean (mainly around the Balearic Islands and along the coast of the Iberian Peninsula). A total of 373 individuals (205 females, 168 males) were analyzed; females ranged from 4.5 to 14.0 cm mantle length (ML) and males from 4.5 to 11.5 cm ML. There were few small-sized octopuses (<7 cm ML) in the samples, which might indicate that these individuals inhabit rocky grounds that are not accessible to trawlers or waters deeper than the maximum depth sampled (800 m). The species occurred more frequently around the Balearic Islands than along the Iberian Peninsula as they appeared in 20% and 7%, respectively, of the hauls in these areas. The octopus inhabits the lower continental shelf and upper slope in both areas, primarily between 200 and 500 m depth. Modal lengths were followed from autumn, when recruits were caught by trawlers, to summer, when reproduction took place. Females grew from 8 to 10 cm ML from winter to spring, but this modal size did not increase further in summer; males grew from 7 to 9 cm ML from winter to spring. The total disappearance of large individuals after summer suggests a life cycle lasting a single year. The evolution of the monthly mean sizes showed that the growth was best described by log-linear functions in both sexes. The length at first maturity was clearly higher in females (12 cm ML) than in males (8 cm ML). A total of 30 different prey items, belonging to four major taxonomic groups (crustaceans, osteichthyes, cephalopods and gastropods), were identified in the stomach contents. The diet of the octopus was based on crustaceans and teleosts, which accounted for 75% and 23% of the prey items, respectively. Cephalopods and gastropods were accessory prey as they only represented 1.6% and 0.7%, respectively, of the total. The octopus showed a marked preference for the benthic fish Symphurus nigrescens and the endobenthic crustacean Alpheus glaber. The bathymetric distribution of P. tetracirrhus coincides with those of these two main prey, which suggests that the distribution of the octopus might be strongly linked to its trophic resources.  相似文献   

搁浅、误捕和救助记录是研究野生动物分布和获取其基本生物学数据的重要来源,尤其是对那些缺少系统性野外调查的物种。本研究收集了福建沿海2006—2019年间鲸鲨(Rhincodon typus)的搁浅、误捕和救助记录,初步探讨福建沿海鲸鲨的时空分布情况,并提出相应的保护对策。共收集福建沿海鲸鲨搁浅、误捕和救助记录30例,包括搁浅10例、误捕18例和救助2例,其中福州鲸鲨记录大部分在平潭岛附近,这可能与平潭海域上升流带来的丰富生物资源有关;所有记录中有28例(93.3%)发生在6—10月,表明夏秋季可能是鲸鲨在福建沿海活动的高峰期。此外,有体长记录的22条鲸鲨中,17条(77.3%)为幼年个体,可能是因为幼年鲸鲨偏好在高生产力的近岸海域聚集以获取充足的食物,因此也更容易搁浅或被误捕。较多的误捕记录(60.0%)提示渔业活动对鲸鲨有较大威胁。因此,建议建立全省甚至全国性的鲸鲨搁浅误捕数据库,进一步严格和规范渔业管理,改进渔具以降低误捕鲸鲨的概率,加强对公众(特别是渔民)的宣传教育,以更好地保护这一濒危物种。  相似文献   

Upogebia deltaura was collected quantitatively and qualitatively between June 1980 and August 1982 from a level, sandy bottom at a 12 m depth in the archipelago of Lysekil (on Gullmarsfjorden) about 70 km north of Göteborg, in western Sweden. A total of 347 individuals were obtained. The deepest burrows reached a depth of more than 65 cm into the substrate. During the cold season, U. deltaura was situated much deeper in the substrate than it was during the summer, probably as a result of ‘hibernation’. The average density was 5·0 individuals 0·1 m−2, and the maximum of 10 specimens was found in one 0·1 m2 sample. Out of the 341 individuals identifiable as to sex, 186 (54·6%) were females and 155 (45·4%) were males. Berried females were found between May and August, and the average number of eggs carried was 4757. Ecdysis took place between May and August; most females moulted in the middle of June and most males about one month later, in mid July. The chelipeds of large males were proportionally bigger than were those of large females. Maximum total body length of the females was 65·7 mm, and that of the males was 65·3 mm.  相似文献   

The deep-water trawl fishery along the KwaZulu-Natal coast of South Africa targets several crustacean species, with the knife (or pink) prawn Haliporoides triarthrus contributing most of the catch. Logbook data of fishing effort and catch between 1988 and 2010 were used to assess the distribution and abundance of H. triarthrus on fishing grounds. Generalised linear models were used to quantify the effects of year, month and depth on catch rates. Standardised trends indicated a general decline in abundance between 1990 and 1998, followed by an increase between 2001 and 2008. Catch rates peaked in March, and they were highest between 200 and 499 m depth. Biological samples collected during commercial fishing were used to assess size and sex composition, growth rates and reproductive activity of H. triarthrus. Females became larger than males and mean carapace length (CL) varied by month. The youngest female cohort appeared in November (modal CL of 25 mm), and dissipated after two years (39 mm). Sex ratios were equal for all data combined, but fluctuated by month and CL. Few reproductively active females were recorded. Length-based methods and the standard von Bertalanffy growth function were used to estimate growth parameters (L and K) of females (40.6 mm CL and 1.06 y–1) and males (35.2 mm and 1.27 y–1) respectively. Our findings were compared with information on H. triarthrus from Mozambican waters.  相似文献   

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