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The COBE data on cosmic Background radiation (CBR) isotropy and spectrum are generally considered to be explicable only in the context of the Big Bang theory and to be confirmation of that theory. However, this data can also be explained by an alternative, non-Big Bang model which hypothesizes an intergalactic radio-absorbing and scattering medium. A simple, inhomogenous model of such an absorbing medium can reproduce both the isotropy and spectrum of the CBR within the limits observed by COBE, and in fact gives a better to fit to the spectrum observations than does a pure blackbody. Such a model does not contradict any other observations, such as the existence of distant radio sources.  相似文献   

宇宙学的基本假设之一是宇宙在大尺度上均匀各向同性.为了验证星系分布在大尺度上的均匀性,分别计算观测样本和观测空间几何体的分形维数,得到SDSS-DR4中星系分布的分形维数.观测空间几何体的分形维数用随机样本来确定.样本中的星系红移z的范围为0.01-0.26.当尺度持续增加至几十个Mpc时,星系分布的分形维数一致地趋向于3.所有的样本均显示了明显的转变尺度,当尺度大于此转变尺度时,星系分布的分形维数D<,G>~3,星系的分布转变为均匀分布.结果支持了宇宙学的基本原理关于宇宙大尺度均匀的假设.样本的转变尺度随着样本的光度增强而变大,说明小尺度上星系的分布不是简单的分形分布,而是多维分形分布.高光度星系的转变尺度非常大,直到100h-1Mpc左右才变得均匀.  相似文献   

Supporters of the standard Big Bang theory point to the abundances of light elements, predicted by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) as one of the main observational supports of the theory. However, current data no longer confirm BBN. Instead, measurements of the abundances of He3, He4, and D clearly contradict BBN at more than a 3 level, eliminating a key support of the Big Bang.  相似文献   

Fabio Noviello   《New Astronomy》2009,14(8):659-665
Phase transitions taking place during the inflationary epoch give rise to bubbles of true vacuum embedded in the false vacuum. These bubbles can imprint a distinctive signal on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). We evaluate the feasibility of detecting these signatures with wavelets in CMB maps, such as those that will be made available by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Planck mission.  相似文献   

Cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure data will shortly improve dramatically with the Microwave Anisotropy Probe and Planck Surveyor , and the Anglo-Australian 2-Degree Field and Sloan Digital Sky Survey. It is therefore timely to ask which of the microwave background and large-scale structure will provide a better probe of primordial non-Gaussianity. In this paper we consider this question, using the bispectrum as a discriminating statistic. We consider several non-Gaussian models and find that in each case the microwave background will provide a better probe of primordial non-Gaussianity. Our results suggest that if microwave background maps appear Gaussian, then apparent deviations from Gaussian initial conditions in galaxy surveys can be attributed with confidence to the effects of biasing. We demonstrate this precisely for the spatial bispectrum induced by local non-linear biasing.  相似文献   

I present results of new statistical techniques for the interpretation of the temperature and polarization maps and power spectra of the cosmic microwave background. We show that the power deficit at low ℓ in the WMAP1 data is consistent with a statistical fluctuation at the 10% level; that future high S/N maps of the temperature and polarization anisotropies can be combined into a reconstruction of the metric perturbations imprinted during inflation; and that machine learning techniques can accelerate cosmological parameter estimation by orders of magnitude while being highly accurate and robust.  相似文献   

The statistical properties of a map of the primary fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) may be specified to high accuracy by a few thousand power spectra measurements, provided the fluctuations are Gaussian, yet the number of parameters relevant for the CMB is probably no more than ∼10–20. Consequently, there is a large degree of redundancy in the power spectrum data. In this paper, we show that the moped data compression technique can reduce the CMB power spectrum measurements to ∼10–20 numbers (one for each parameter), from which the cosmological parameters can be estimated virtually as accurately as from the complete power spectrum. Combined with recent advances in the speed of generation of theoretical power spectra, this offers opportunities for very fast parameter estimation from real and simulated CMB skies. The evaluation of the likelihood itself, at Planck resolution, is speeded up by factors up to ∼108, ensuring that this step will not be the dominant part of the data analysis pipeline.  相似文献   

Starting from the assumption that the radiation source at the origin of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) could not have a luminosity larger than the maximum energy in ordinary matter divided by the minimum time allowed by causality, one arrives at an expression that gives the energy density of CMB as a function of the main cosmological parameters. Also, by defining a radiation charge as the hypothetical charge that opposes the congregation of a cloud of particles around a source of electromagnetic radiation, on arrives at another expression for the energy density of CMB that agrees exactly with the measured value for a value of the Hubble constant equal to 72.09 km s−1 Mpc−1. Both expressions are independent of the redshift.  相似文献   

We compare and combine likelihood functions of the cosmological parameters Ωm, h and σ 8, from peculiar velocities, cosmic microwave background (CMB) and type Ia supernovae. These three data sets directly probe the mass in the Universe, without the need to relate the galaxy distribution to the underlying mass via a 'biasing' relation. We include the recent results from the CMB experiments BOOMERANG and MAXIMA-1. Our analysis assumes a flat Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology with a scale-invariant adiabatic initial power spectrum and baryonic fraction as inferred from big-bang nucleosynthesis. We find that all three data sets agree well, overlapping significantly at the 2 σ level. This therefore justifies a joint analysis, in which we find a joint best-fitting point and 95 per cent confidence limits of     (0.17,0.39),     (0.64,0.86) and     (0.98,1.37). In terms of the natural parameter combinations for these data     (0.40,0.73),     (0.16,0.27). Also for the best-fitting point,     and the age of the Universe is 13.2 Gyr.  相似文献   

We compute the spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) arising during the epoch of cosmological hydrogen recombination within the standard cosmological (concordance) model for frequencies in the range 1–3500 GHz. We follow the evolution of the populations of the hydrogen levels including states up to principle quantum number   n = 30  in the redshift range  500 ≤ z ≤ 3500  . All angular momentum substates are treated individually, resulting in a total number of 465 hydrogen levels. The evolution of the matter temperature and the fraction of electrons coming from He  ii are also included. We present a detailed discussion of the distortions arising from the main dipolar transitions, for example Lyman and Balmer series, as well as the emission due to the two-photon decay of the hydrogen 2s level. Furthermore, we investigate the robusteness of the results against changes in the number of shells considered. The resulting spectral distortions have a characteristic oscillatory behaviour, which might allow experimentalists to separate them from other backgrounds. The relative distortion of the spectrum exceeds a value of 10−7 at wavelengths longer than 21 cm. Our results also show the importance of detailed follow-up of the angular momentum substates, and their effect on the amplitude of the lines. The effect on the residual electron fraction is only moderate, and mainly occurs at low redshifts. The CMB angular power spectrum is changed by less than 1 per cent. Finally, our computations show that if the primordial radiation field is described by a pure blackbody, then there is no significant emission from any hydrogen transition at redshifts greater than   z ∼ 2000  . This is in contrast to some earlier works, where the existence of a 'pre-recombination' peak was claimed.  相似文献   

We use numerical simulations of a (480 Mpc  h −1)3 volume to show that the distribution of peak heights in maps of the temperature fluctuations from the kinematic and thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich (SZ) effects will be highly non-Gaussian, and very different from the peak-height distribution of a Gaussian random field. We then show that it is a good approximation to assume that each peak in either SZ effect is associated with one and only one dark matter halo. This allows us to use our knowledge of the properties of haloes to estimate the peak-height distributions. At fixed optical depth, the distribution of peak heights resulting from the kinematic effect is Gaussian, with a width that is approximately proportional to the optical depth; the non-Gaussianity comes from summing over a range of optical depths. The optical depth is an increasing function of halo mass and the distribution of halo speeds is Gaussian, with a dispersion that is approximately independent of halo mass. This means that observations of the kinematic effect can be used to put constraints on how the abundance of massive clusters evolves, and on the evolution of cluster velocities. The non-Gaussianity of the thermal effect, on the other hand, comes primarily from the fact that, on average, the effect is larger in more massive haloes, and the distribution of halo masses is highly non-Gaussian. We also show that because haloes of the same mass may have a range of density and velocity dispersion profiles, the relation between halo mass and the amplitude of the thermal effect is not deterministic, but has some scatter.  相似文献   

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