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We investigate the possibility to use the neutrinos coming from a future galactic supernova explosion to perform neutrino oscillation tomography of the Earth’s core. We propose to use existing or planned detectors, resulting in an additional payoff. Provided that all of the discussed uncertainties can be reduced as expected, we find that the average matter densities of the Earth’s inner and outer cores could be measured with a precision competitive with geophysics. However, since seismic waves are more sensitive to matter density jumps than average matter densities, neutrino physics would give partly complementary information.  相似文献   

We calculated the expected neutrino signal in Borexino from a typical Type II supernova at a distance of 10 kpc. A burst of around 110 events would appear in Borexino within a time interval of about 10 s. Most of these events would come from the reaction channel , while about 30 events would be induced by the interaction of the supernova neutrino flux on 12C in the liquid scintillator. Borexino can clearly distinguish between the neutral-current excitations 12C(ν,ν)12C* (15.11 MeV) and the charged-current reactions 12C(νe,e)12N and , via their distinctive event signatures. The ratio of the charged-current to neutral-current neutrino event rates and their time profiles with respect to each other can provide a handle on supernova and non-standard neutrino physics (mass and flavor oscillations).  相似文献   

Despite their great intrinsic interest and extensive use as tools in other areas of astronomy, fundamental questions remain as to the nature of supernovae of all types. The radioactivity produced by nuclear fusion reactions in the explosions provides several excellent diagnostics, observable through gamma-ray emission. This great potential is largely unrealized because the fluxes from events at common distances are very small. Instrument sensitivity is paramount, and gamma-ray optics offer an excellent possibility for greatly increasing collecting area, without a large increase in background rates, and reaching the required sensitivities. Here we outline some of the major open questions about supernovae and discuss how gamma-ray spectroscopy can address them, including instrument requirements for a future focusing gamma-ray telescope.Supported by NASA and CESR.  相似文献   

A massive binary, in which the primary becomes a supernova, should leave a luminous secondary near the centre of its remnant. Contrary to expectation no statistically significant excess of OB stars is, however, found near the centres of optically visible galactic supernova remnants.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the identification of high-energy neutrinos from gamma ray bursts (GRBs) by means of a large-scale neutrino telescope. The procedure makes use of a time profile stacking technique of observed neutrino induced signals in correlation with satellite observations. By selecting a rather wide time window, a possible difference between the arrival times of the gamma and neutrino signals may also be identified. This might provide insight in the particle production processes at the source. By means of a toy model it will be demonstrated that a statistically significant signal can be obtained with a km3 scale neutrino telescope on a sample of 500 GRBs for a signal rate as low as 1 detectable neutrino for 3% of the bursts.  相似文献   

Photographic spectra of SN1987A in the LMC have been obtained from 1987 February 25 to 1988 June 30. Microdensitometer tracings of these have been reduced to intensity and corrections for instrumental response have been applied to the spectra. This paper presents these data in an atlas format, discusses the reduction procedures in detail, and presents radial velocity measurements of selected lines in the spectra  相似文献   

Supernova rates (hypernova, type II, type Ib/c and type Ia) in a particular galaxy depend on the metallicity (i.e. on the galaxy age), on the physics of star formation and on the binary population. In order to study the time evolution of the galactic supernova rates, we use our chemical evolutionary model that accounts in detail for the evolution of single stars and binaries. In particular, supernovae of type Ia are considered to arise from exploding white dwarfs in interacting binaries and we adopt the two most plausible physical models: the single degenerate model and the double degenerate model. Comparison between theoretical prediction and observations of supernova rates in different types of galaxies allows to put constraints on the population of intermediate mass and massive close binaries.

The temporal evolution of the absolute galactic rates of different types of supernovae (including the type Ia rate) is presented in such a way that the results can be directly implemented into a galactic chemical evolutionary model. Particularly for type Ia’s the inclusion of binary evolution leads to results considerably different from those in earlier population synthesis approaches, in which binary evolution was not included in detail.  相似文献   

A self-consistent model of white dwarf burning in the Supernovae Ia events is proposed which includes the consequent stages of the flame, the spontaneous explosion and the detonation. The flame is ignited locally at several points near the center of the star, but soon it is pushed out of the center due to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Most of the hot fuel of the central part of the star remains unburnt by the flame. The unburnt fuel explodes spontaneously after the time delay determined by the average temperature near the star center. Until the time of the explosion the flame consumes more than 0.1 of the white dwarf mass out of the star center, which causes pre-expansion of the unburnt fuel in the outer layers of the star. The spontaneous explosion triggers the detonation which incinerates the rest of the star and produces the intermediate mass elements in the pre-expanded layers. The detonation overcomes gravitational binding and causes mass ejection. The proposed theory provides the physical basis for the explanation of the observed spectrum of Supernovae Ia.  相似文献   

We perform a realistic evaluation of the potential of IceCube, a kilometer-scale neutrino detector under construction at the South Pole, to detect neutrinos in the direction of the potential accelerators of the Galactic cosmic rays. We take fully account of the fact that the measurement of the energy of the secondary muons at the detector can be used to further discriminate between the signal and the background of atmospheric neutrinos. A PeVatron is defined as the accelerator of cosmic rays with energies of several PeV, the knee in the spectrum; it has a hard energy spectrum and produces secondary photons of hundreds of GeV on the interstellar medium. Assuming that the Milagro sources are PeVatrons, an IceCube analysis combining the information from the different sources can reveal them as such at the 3σ level in one year and at the 5σ level in three years. We discuss the dependence of these expectations on the considerable ambiguities associated with the source spectra.  相似文献   

Although kilometer-scale neutrino detectors such as IceCube are discovery instruments, their conceptual design is very much anchored to the observational fact that Nature produces protons and photons with energies in excess of 1020 eV and 1013 eV, respectively. The puzzle of where and how Nature accelerates the highest energy cosmic particles is unresolved almost a century after their discovery. From energetics considerations we anticipate on the order of 10–100 neutrino events per kilometer squared per year pointing back at the source(s) of both galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays. In this context, we discuss the results of the AMANDA and IceCube neutrino telescopes which will deliver a kilometer-square-year of data over the next 3 years.  相似文献   

We present a new technique to extract the cosmological information from high-redshift supernova data in the presence of calibration errors and extinction due to dust. While in the traditional technique the distance modulus of each supernova is determined separately, in our approach we determine all distance moduli at once, in a process that achieves a significant degree of self-calibration. The result is a much reduced sensitivity of the cosmological parameters to the calibration uncertainties. As an example, for a strawman mission similar to that outlined in the SNAP satellite proposal, the increased precision obtained with the new approach is roughly equivalent to a factor of five decrease in the calibration uncertainty.  相似文献   

In this paper we show the capabilities of the Large Volume Detector (INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory) to identify a neutrino burst associated with a supernova explosion, in the absence of an “external trigger”, e.g., an optical observation. We describe how the detector trigger and event selection have been optimized for this purpose, and we detail the algorithm used for the on-line burst recognition. The on-line sensitivity of the detector is defined and discussed in terms of supernova distance and intensity at the source.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2002,16(4):119-359
The core collapse of a massive star in the Milky Way will produce a neutrino burst, intense enough to be detected by existing underground detectors. The AMANDA neutrino telescope located deep in the South Pole ice can detect MeV neutrinos by a collective rate increase in all photo-multipliers on top of dark noise. The main source of light comes from positrons produced in the CC reaction of anti-electron neutrinos on free protons . This paper describes the first supernova search performed on the full sets of data taken during 1997 and 1998 (215 days of live time) with 302 of the detector's optical modules. No candidate events resulted from this search. The performance of the detector is calculated, yielding a 70% coverage of the galaxy with one background fake per year with 90% efficiency for the detector configuration under study. An upper limit at the 90% c.l. on the rate of stellar collapses in the Milky Way is derived, yielding 4.3 events per year. A trigger algorithm is presented and its performance estimated. Possible improvements of the detector hardware are reviewed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that high-energy neutrinos of cosmic origin, in the energy-range 1 TeV-1 PeV, interacting in the Antarctic ice, may be detected through the Cherenkov radio emission to which they indirectly give rise. The present article addresses two problems which do not seem to have been discussed previously in any detail. The first concerns various relevant features of the Antarctic ice. The second concerns radio interference, particularly as it applies to single, rare, and isolated pulses, each lasting only a few nanoseconds.  相似文献   

We study the individual contribution to secondary lepton production in hadronic interactions of cosmic rays (CRs) including resonances and heavier secondaries. For this purpose we use the same methodology discussed earlier [C.-Y. Huang, S.-E. Park, M. Pohl, C.D. Daniels, Astropart. Phys. 27 (2007) 429], namely the Monte-Carlo particle collision code DPMJET3.04 to determine the multiplicity spectra of various secondary particles with leptons as the final decay states, that result from inelastic collisions of cosmic-ray protons and Helium nuclei with the interstellar medium of standard composition. By combining the simulation results with parametric models for secondary particle (with resonances included) for incident cosmic-ray energies below a few GeV, where DPMJET appears unreliable, we thus derive production matrices for all stable secondary particles in cosmic-ray interactions with energies up to about 10 PeV.

We apply the production matrices to calculate the radio synchrotron radiation of secondary electrons in a young shell-type SNR, RX J1713.7-3946, which is a measure of the age, the spectral index of hadronic cosmic rays, and most importantly the magnetic field strength. We find that the multi-mG fields recently invoked to explain the X-ray flux variations are unlikely to extend over a large fraction of the radio-emitting region, otherwise the spectrum of hadronic cosmic rays in the energy window 0.1–100 GeV must be unusually hard.

We also use the production matrices to calculate the muon event rate in an IceCube-like detector that are induced by muon neutrinos from high-energy γ-ray sources such as RX J1713.7-3946, Vela Jr. and MGRO J2019+37. At muon energies of a few TeV, or in other word, about 10 TeV neutrino energy, an accumulation of data over about 5–10 years would allow testing the hadronic origin of TeV γ-rays.  相似文献   

Whether or not supernovae contribute significantly to the overall dust budget is a controversial subject. Submillimetre (sub-mm) observations, sensitive to cold dust, have shown an excess at 450 and 850 μm in young remnants Cassiopeia A (Cas A) and Kepler. Some of the sub-mm emission from Cas A has been shown to be contaminated by unrelated material along the line of sight. In this paper, we explore the emission from material towards Kepler using sub-mm continuum imaging and spectroscopic observations of atomic and molecular gas, via H  i , 12CO( J = 2–1) and 13CO( J = 2–1). We detect weak CO emission (peak   T *A  = 0.2–1 K, 1–2 km s−1 full width at half-maximum) from diffuse, optically thin gas at the locations of some of the sub-mm clumps. The contribution to the sub-mm emission from foreground molecular and atomic clouds is negligible. The revised dust mass for Kepler's remnant is  0.1–1.2 M  , about half of the quoted values in the original study by Morgan et al., but still sufficient to explain the origin of dust at high redshifts.  相似文献   

The evolution of the spectrum of SN1987a is traced from 1987 February 26 to March 31. Based on the low-resolution spectroscopic data we identify the lines of H, He I, Na I, Fe II, Sc II, Ca II which are known to be present in Type II Supernovae, and also present evidence for the existence of lines of Mg I, CaI, O I, and N I. We discuss the evolution of the Hα profile, and draw attention to its complex structure around March 30. Close to the rest wavelength of Ha a double-peaked structure appeared in the profile with a peak-to-peak separation of ∼ 1400 km s−1, suggestive of an expanding shell or disc of gas. Using the available broadband photometric information, we also trace the evolution of the photosphere of SN1987a assuming that it radiates like a supergiant.  相似文献   

For the case of Tycho’s supernova remnant (SNR) we present the relation between the blast wave and contact discontinuity radii calculated within the nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in SNRs. It is demonstrated that these radii are confirmed by recently published Chandra measurements which show that the observed contact discontinuity radius is so close to the shock radius that it can only be explained by efficient CR acceleration which in turn makes the medium more compressible. Together with the recently determined new value E sn=1.2×1051 erg of the SN explosion energy this also confirms our previous conclusion that a TeV γ-ray flux of (2–5)×10−13 erg/(cm2 s) is to be expected from Tycho’s SNR. Chandra measurements and the HEGRA upper limit of the TeV γ-ray flux together limit the source distance d to 3.3≤d≤4 kpc.  相似文献   

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