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Abstract— Due to the effects of erosion, tectonism and burial, impact structures are often obscured or destroyed. Geophysical methods are increasingly being used in detecting the signatures of impact structures. While gravity lows associated with impact structures are well understood, associated magnetic anomaly lows are not. In this study, drill cores from three Canadian impact structures were analyzed for rock magnetic properties and mineralogy, in order to explain the magnetic anomaly lows associated with these structures. Samples from the drill cores were cut and measured for anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and natural remanent magnetization (NRM) parameters. Drill cores from the twin impact craters of the Clearwater structure exhibited different NRM characteristics, and samples from their respective drill cores were subject to demagnetization by alternating field and thermal techniques. The difference noted in their NRM characteristics was attributed to the acquisition of a viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) at depth in Clearwater East. At all three structures, both magnetic susceptibilities and remanent magnetizations are well below regional values in impact generated breccias, melt rocks, shocked crystalline rocks, and in postimpact sedimentary infill. The processes of brecciation, alteration, shock, and infill by nonmagnetic sediments contribute to the development of the magnetic lows. However, a significant contribution to the observed magnetic anomalies was found, by first-order forward modelling, to arise from basement rocks beneath the impact structures. This zone of reduced magnetization may be caused by the partial demagnetization of magnetite by the impact-induced transient stress wave traveling away from the point of impact.  相似文献   

Abstract— Intense magnetic anomalies over Martian surface suggest preservation of large volumes of very old crust (>3 Gyr) that formed in the presence of a global magnetic field. The global distribution of the magnetic intensities observed above the Martian crust suggests a division into three zones. Zone 1 is where the magnetic signature is negligible or of relatively low intensity at Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) satellite mapping altitude (400 km). Zone 2 is the region of intermediate crustal magnetic amplitudes and zone 3 is where the highest magnetic intensities are measured. Crater demagnetization near zone 3 reveals the presence of rocks with both high magnetic intensity and coercivity. Magnetic analyses of terrestrial rocks show that compositional banding in orogenic zones significantly enhances both magnetic coercivity and thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) efficiency. Such enhancement offers a novel explanation for the anomalously large intensities inferred of magnetic sources on Mars. We propose that both large magnetic coercivity and intensity near the South Pole is indicative of the presence of a large degree of deformation. Associated compositional zoning creates conditions for large scale magnetic anisotropy allowing magnetic minerals to acquire magnetization more efficiently, thereby causing the distinct magnetic signatures in zone 3, expressed by intense magnetic anomalies. We use a simple model to verify the magnetic enhancement. We hypothesize that magnetically enhanced zone would reside over the down welling plume at the time of magnetization acquisition.  相似文献   

The climatological signal of δ18O variations preserved in ice cores recovered from Puruogangri ice field in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) was calibrated with regional meteorological data for the past 50 years. For the period AD 1860–2000, 5-yearly averaged ice core δ18O and a summer temperature reconstruction derived from pollen data from the same ice core were compared. The statistical results provide compelling evidence that Puruogangri ice core δ18O variations represent summer temperature changes for the central TP, and hence regional temperature history during the past 600 years was revealed. A comparison of Puruogangri ice core δ18О with several other temperature reconstructions shows that broad-scale climate anomalies since the Little Ice Age occurred synchronously across the eastern and southern TP, and the Himalayas. Common cold periods were identified in the 15th century, 1625–1645 AD, 1660–1700 AD, 1725–1775 AD, 1795–1830 AD, 1850–1870 AD, 1890–1920 AD, 1940–1950 AD, and 1975–1985 AD. The period 1725–1775 AD was one of the most prolonged cool periods during the past 400 years and corresponded to maximum Little Ice Age glacier advance of monsoonal temperate glaciers of the TP.  相似文献   

Sunspots are the most readily visible manifestations of solar magnetic field concentrations and of their interaction with the Sun's plasma. Although sunspots have been extensively studied for almost 400 years and their magnetic nature has been known since 1908, our understanding of a number of their basic properties is still evolving, with the last decades producing considerable advances. In the present review I outline our current empirical knowledge and physical understanding of these fascinating structures. I concentrate on the internal structure of sunspots, in particular their magnetic and thermal properties and on some of their dynamical aspects. Received 27 September 2002 / Published online 3 March 2003  相似文献   

The temperature-depth profile data by Lachenbruch et al. (1982) in ice-bearing permafrost near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, are analyzed with control theory to retrodict the last 1000-yr history of the surface temperature. For this purpose, an inversion scheme for a nonlinear problem of heat diffusion in permafrost is developed. The following conclusions are made: (1) During the last 1000 years, the surface temperature near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, oscillated with amplitude of 3 ± 1°C. (2) There was a minimum of the temperature in 1853 AD between two maxima at 1623 AD and 1937 AD. (3) A net warming by 4°C occurred from 1853 AD to 1973 AD.  相似文献   

The current morphology of the martian lithospheric magnetic field results from magnetization and demagnetization processes, both of which shaped the planet. The largest martian impact craters, Hellas, Argyre, Isidis and Utopia, are not associated with intense magnetic fields at spacecraft altitude. This is usually interpreted as locally non- or de-magnetized areas, as large impactors may have reset the magnetization of the pre-impact material. We study the effects of impacts on the magnetic field. First, a careful analysis is performed to compute the impact demagnetization effects. We assume that the pre-impact lithosphere acquired its magnetization while cooling in the presence of a global, centered and mainly dipolar magnetic field, and that the subsequent demagnetization is restricted to the excavation area created by large craters, between 50- and 500-km diameter. Depth-to-diameter ratio of the transient craters is set to 0.1, consistent with observed telluric bodies. Associated magnetic field is computed between 100- and 500-km altitude. For a single-impact event, the maximum magnetic field anomaly associated with a crater located over the magnetic pole is maximum above the crater. A 200-km diameter crater presents a close-to-1-nT magnetic field anomaly at 400-km altitude, while a 100-km diameter crater has a similar signature at 200-km altitude. Second, we statistically study the 400-km altitude Mars Global Surveyor magnetic measurements modelled locally over the visible impact craters. This approach offers a local estimate of the confidence to which the magnetic field can be computed from real measurements. We conclude that currently craters down to a diameter of 200 km can be characterized. There is a slight anti-correlation of −0.23 between magnetic field intensity and impact crater diameters, although we show that this result may be fortuitous. A complete low-altitude magnetic field mapping is needed. New data will allow predicted weak anomalies above craters to be better characterized, and will bring new constraints on the timing of the martian dynamo and on Mars’ evolution.  相似文献   

The LASCO-C3 coronagraph on SOHO, launched in December 1995, has been collecting images of the corona and background star fields in a regular manner since 1996. This instrument contains a number of broadband filters with various passbands in the range between 400 and 1100 nm. The filter used most often has been the Clear filter (400–900 nm) but there are four other filters with about 100 nm passbands that are also used periodically. Preliminary calibration of the C3 optical system was done before flight and a number of techniques that use star intensities or magnitudes and position have been applied during flight. In order to understand the long-term behavior of the C3 instrument, we have recently performed an analysis of LASCO data that examines the observed intensities of a set of moderately bright stars whose spectra is known from 13 color photometry. Using these star spectra and the observed count rates we have derived the photometric calibration factors of the C3 coronagraph for all five color filters with an absolute precision of about ± 7%. Observations with the Clear filter have been used to look for long-term trends in the instrument sensitivity. The observations indicate a very slight decrease in the instrument sensitivity of about 3.5% over the 8 years studied here.  相似文献   

The difference between Universal time (UT) and Dynamical time (TD), known as Delta T (ΔT) is tabulated for the first day of each year in the Astronomical Almanac. During the last four centuries it is found that there are large differences between its values for two consecutive years. Polynomial approximations have been developed to obtain the values of ΔT for any time of a year for the period AD 1620 to AD 2000 (Meeu 2000) as no dynamical theories describe the variations in ΔT. In this work, a new set of polynomials for ΔT is obtained for the period AD 1620 to AD 2007 that is found to produce better results compared to previous attempts.  相似文献   

The TRM of the lunar breccia 10048-55 and the crystalline rocks 12053-47 and 14053-48 have been investigated. TRM is acquired linearly by 12053-47 and 10048-55 in fields of 100 to 1 oe. In contrast, the TRM of 14053-48 departs from linearity in the same range of fields. The AF stability of TRM acquired by the samples varies markedly. 10048-55 and 12053-47 are of intermediate hardness, such as would be expected for a TRM carried at least in part by fine grain particles of iron having high coercivity. 14053-48 has extremely soft TRM which is most probably carried predominantly by multidomain iron. Thermal demagnetization of the TRM of 10048-55 revealed well distributed blocking temperatures, but the TRM of 14053-48 has markedly bimodal blocking temperatures. Comparison of the characteristics of the NRM and the TRM of the three samples suggest that only the NRM of 14053-48 is likely to be primarily thermal in origin.  相似文献   

The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar is a multi-frequency backscatter radar which has been in routine operation since 1999, with an orbit measurement capability since 2002. In total, CMOR has measured over 2 million orbits of meteoroids with masses greater than 10 μg, while recording more than 18 million meteor echoes in total. We have applied a two stage comparative technique for identifying meteor streams in this dataset by making use of clustering in radiants and velocities without employing orbital element comparisons directly. From the large dataset of single station echoes, combined radiant activity maps have been constructed by binning and then stacking each years data per degree of solar longitude. Using the single-station mapping technique described in Jones and Jones (Mon Not R Astron Soc 367:1050–1056, 2006) we have identified probable streams from these single station observations. Additionally, using individual radiant and velocity data from the multi-station velocity determination routines, we have utilized a wavelet search algorithm in radiant and velocity space to construct a list of probable streams. These two lists were then compared and only streams detected by both techniques, on multiple frequencies and in multiple years were assigned stream status. From this analysis we have identified 45 annual minor and major streams with high reliability.  相似文献   

Abstract— Due to the discoveries in Antarctica, the number of known enstatite chondrites has doubled in the last few years, and many rare or previously unknown types have been collected, most notably many EL3 and EH3 chondrites. We have applied the five major enstatite chondrite thermometers to the new and previously known enstatite chondrites, the thermometers being: (1) kamacite-quartz-enstatite-oldhamite-troilite (KQEOT), (2) oldhamite, (3) alabandite-niningerite, (4) sphalerite, and (5) phosphide-metal. Measured temperatures based on the KQEOT and oldhamite systems are 800 °C-1000 °C with the type 3 enstatite chondrites having values similar to those of type 4–6. It seems likely that these temperatures relate to events prior to parent body metamorphism, such as nebula condensation or chondrule formation, and were not significantly reset by later events. Measured temperatures for alabandite-niningerite, metal-phosphide and sphalerite in EH chondrites increase from 300 °C-400 °C to 600 °C-800 °C with petrographic indications of increasing metamorphism. In contrast, measured temperatures for all EL chondrites, including the most heavily metamorphosed, are generally <400 °C. Apparently EL chondrites cooled more slowly than the EH chondrites regardless of metamorphism experienced. Measured temperatures for the alabandite-niningerite, metal-phosphide and sphalerite are actually closure temperatures for the last thermal event suffered by the meteorite, and the fast cooling rates indicated are most consistent with processes occurring in thick regoliths.  相似文献   

V390 Aur is classified as a G8 spectral class active single giant by Fekel and Marshall (1991). Multi‐site cooperative high‐speed photoelectric monitoring was carried out for it in the period 1998‐2003 as part of a program developed in Bulgaria recently to study chromospherically active evolved stars. Astronomers from Greece and Ukraine joined the flare activity study of V390 Aur in 2000. As a result, several flares with a duration from seconds to minutes were detected on this star at 3 observatories. Taking into account all the events detected, the flare rate of the star is estimated to 0.205 flares per hour. Comparison with the active dwarfs AD Leo and EV Lac indicates that the flare rate of V390 Aur is lower than that of AD Leo but comparable with the well‐known flare star EV Lac. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Warming permafrost in European mountains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Here we present the first systematic measurements of European mountain permafrost temperatures from a latitudinal transect of six boreholes extending from the Alps, through Scandinavia to Svalbard. Boreholes were drilled in bedrock to depths of at least 100 m between May 1998 and September 2000. Geothermal profiles provide evidence for regional-scale secular warming, since all are nonlinear, with near-surface warm-side temperature deviations from the deeper thermal gradient. Topographic effects lead to variability between Alpine sites. First approximation estimates, based on curvature within the borehole thermal profiles, indicate a maximum ground surface warming of +1 °C in Svalbard, considered to relate to thermal changes in the last 100 years. In addition, a 15-year time series of thermal data from the 58-m-deep Murtèl–Corvatsch permafrost borehole in Switzerland, drilled in creeping frozen ice-rich rock debris, shows an overall warming trend, but with high-amplitude interannual fluctuations that reflect early winter snow cover more strongly than air temperatures. Thus interpretation of the deeper borehole thermal histories must clearly take account of the potential effects of changing snow cover in addition to atmospheric temperatures.  相似文献   

A summary of major solar proton events   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Solar proton events have been routinely detected by satellites since the 20th solar cycle; however, before that time only very major proton events were detected at the Earth. Even though the detection thresholds differed between the 19th and more recent cycles, more than 200 solar proton events with a flux of over 10 particles (cm2 s ster)–1 above 10 MeV have been recorded at the Earth in the last three solar cycles. At least 15% of these events had protons with energies greater than 450 MeV detected at the Earth. Other than an increase in solar proton event occurrence with increasing solar cycle, no recognizable pattern could be identified between the occurrence of solar proton events and the solar cycle. The knowledge we have gained from the data acquired over the past 40 years illustrates the difficulty in extrapolating back in time to infer the number and intensity of major solar proton events at the Earth.The U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.  相似文献   

A Fourier analysis programme was applied on observational data taken in Stephanion Observatory, Greece, for flare star AD Leo. The purpose of this task is to try to register a short period variation in Johnson'sB-band in the star's brightness at quiet-state to confirm a result obtained by Pettersen (1980) inV-band of the flare star EV Lac. A negative result has been obtained.  相似文献   

We have studied solar activity by analyzing naked-eye sunspot observations and aurorae borealis observed at latitudes below \(45^{\circ}\). We focused on the medieval epoch by considering the non-telescopic observations of sunspots from AD 974 to 1278 and aurorae borealis from AD 965 to 1273 that are reported in several Far East historical sources, primarily in China and Korea. After setting selection rules, we analyzed the distribution of these individual events following the months of the Gregorian calendar. In December, an unusual peak is observed with data recorded in both China and Japan, but not within Korean data.In extreme conditions, where the collection of events is reduced and discontinuous in some temporal intervals, we used the non-parametric kernel method. We opted for the plug-in approach of Sheather and Jones instead of cross-validation techniques to estimate the probability density functions (pdf) of the events. We obtained optimized bandwidths of 13.29 years for sunspots and 9.06 years for auroras, and 95% confidence intervals. The pdf curves exhibit multiple peaks occurring at quasi-periodic times with a very high positive correlation, \(r_{\mathrm{tt}} = 0.9958\), between the dates of occurrence of the nine extrema of sunspots and auroras. Furthermore, these extrema enabled us to evaluate mean periods at two standard deviations, \(66.77 \pm 7.25~\mbox{years}\) for sunspots and \(65.06 \pm 9.36~\mbox{years}\) for auroras. The accuracy of the average periods, 62.00 years for sunspots and 61.80 years for auroras, was improved by the use of the power spectrum method. The percentage of the total number of non-observed sunspots, using redundant data, from AD 1151 to 1275 was estimated to be greater than or equal to 78%.  相似文献   

We present here a summary review of the work of Russian scientists, primarily Gus'kova and Pochtarev, on the magnetism of meteorites. They have measured the initial natural remanent magnetization and the magnetic susceptibility in more than 900 meteorite samples from collections throughout the Soviet Union. More sophisticated studies, involving both thermal and alternating field demagnetization experiments, were also conducted on a few samples. Meteorites almost invariably retain evidence of ancient magnetic fields in their pre-terrestrial history  相似文献   

Abstract— The magnetometer experiment (MAG) onboard the Near‐Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)‐Shoemaker spacecraft detected no global scale magnetization and established a maximum magnetization of 2.1 times 10?6 Am2 kg?1 for asteroid 433 Eros. This is in sharp contrast with the estimated magnetization of other S‐class asteroids (Gaspra, ?2.4 times 10?2 Am2 kg?1; Braille, ?2.8 times 10?2 Am2 kg?1) and is below published values for all types of ordinary chondrites. This includes the L/LL types considered to most closely match 433 Eros based on preliminary interpretations of NEAR remote geochemical experiments. The ordinary chondrite meteorite magnetization intensity data was reviewed in order to assess the reasonableness of an asteroid‐meteorite match based on magnetic property measurements. Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensities for the ordinary chondrite meteorites show at least a 2 order of magnitude range within each of the H, L, and LL groups, all well above the 2.1 times 10?6 Am2 kg?1 level for 433 Eros. The REM values (ratio of the NRM to the SIRM (saturation remanent magnetization)) range over 3 orders of magnitude for all chondrite groups indicating no clear relationship between NRM and the amount of magnetic material. Levels of magnetic noise in chondrite meteorites can be as much as 70% or more of the NRM. Consequently, published values of the NRM should be considered suspect unless careful evaluation of the noise sources is done. NASA Goddard SFC studies of per unit mass intensities in large (>10 000 g) and small (down to <1 g) samples from the same meteorite demonstrate magnetic intensity decreases as size increases. This would appear to be explained by demagnetization due to magnetic vector randomness at unknown scale sizes in the larger samples. This would then argue for some level of demagnetization of large objects such as an asteroid. The possibility that 433 Eros is an LL chondrite cannot be discounted.  相似文献   

For about 20 years SCHOTT has been supplying the glass ceramic ZERODUR, a material with very low thermal expansion. Besides many other applications, ZERODUR is excellently suited for the manufacture of mirror substrates for telescopes. About 80% of all telescopes in the western world with mirror diameters >1.8 m have been equipped with ZERODUR during the last 10 years. The development of modern astronomical telescopes is aimed at larger primary mirrors and lighter secondary mirrors.New techniques have been developed by SCHOTT for manufacture of thin monolithic mirror blanks of more than 8 m in diameter. The development of thin meniscus shaped shells using the spin-casting technique was successfully completed last year. During a test production several mirror substrates up to 4.1 m in diameter and down to 57 mm in thickness could be produced. The know-how has been acquired for the fabrication of mirror substrates of more than 8 m in diameter by the spin-casting technique.SCHOTT has also performed considerable developmental work in the field of lightweighted ZERODUR mirror substrates which can be generated using different techniques: forming of the lightweighted structure during casting, fusion of individual components to a total structure and lightweighting of a massive block by various mechanical machining methods.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.Registered trademark of SCHOTT Glaswerke, Mainz.  相似文献   

For the period 1917–1987, Greek seismic activity exhibits a very significant positive correlation to the preceding global activity with a time-lag of 15 years. It seems that all Greece and the two characteristic areas in which we have separated it (Greece without Arc, and the area of the Greek seismic Arc), follow the global seismic activity but with a time-shift of 15 years. Moreover, it seems to exist an intrinsic interaction mechanism between the Greek seismic arc and the rest of Greece, which may be deduced by their different behavior exhibited when they are correlated with the global activity, as well as from the correlation between themselves, where a very significant positive correlation has been found with a time-lag of 3 years, for Greece without arc preceding. A quasi-periodic term of 30-yrs is also observed in these detailed four seismic time-series.The cross-correlation analysis of seismic time-series, as shown, is served as a powerful tool to clarify the complicated space-time pattern of the world wide mosaic of tectonic plate motions. The implications of spring-block model of tectonic plates interaction is invoked, considering the earth's rotation rate changes as their triggering agent.Particular emphasis is given to the potential of such studies in earthquake prediction efforts from local or regional scales to a global scale and vice-versa.  相似文献   

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