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Tests of nine angle-steel concrete column (ASCC) specimens under low cyclic loading are described in acompanion paper (Zheng and Ji, 2008). In this paper, the skeleton curves from the numerical simulation are presented, andshow good agreement with the test results. Furthermore, parametric studies are conducted to explore the influence of factorssuch as the axial compression ratio, shear steel plate ratio, steel ratio, prismatic concrete compression strength, yield strengthof angle steel and shear span ratio, etc., on the monotonic load-displacement curves of the ASCCs. Based on a statisticalanalysis of the calculated results, hysteretic models for load-displacement and moment-curvature are proposed, which agreewell with the test results. Finally, some suggestions concerning the conformation of ASCCs are proposed, which could beuseful in engineering practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes low cyclic loading testing of nine angle-steel concrete column (ASCC) specimens. In the tests, the influence of the shear-span ratio, axial compression ratio and shear steel plate ratio on the hysteretic behavior, energy dissipation, strength degradation, stiffness degradation, skeleton curve and ductility of the ASCCs is studied. Based on the test results, some conclusions are presented. The P-A and sectional M -φ hysteretic models for the ASCCs are presented in a companion paper (Zheng and Ji, 2008).  相似文献   

In this paper, wind-induced vibration control of a single column tower of a cable-stayed bridge with a multi- stage pendulum mass damper (MSPMD) is investigated. Special attention is given to overcoming space limitations for installing the control device in the tower and the effect of varying natural frequency of the towers during construction. First, the finite element model of the bridge during its construction and the basic equation of motion of the MSPMD are introduced. The equation of motion of the bridge with the MSPMD under along-wind excitation is then established. Finally, a numerical simulation and parametric study are conducted to assess the effectiveness of the control system for reducing the wind-induced vibration of the bridge towers during construction. The numerical simulation results show that the MSPMD is practical and effective for reducing the along-wind response of the single column tower, can be installed in a small area of the tower, and complies with the time-variant characteristics of the bridge during its entire construction stage.  相似文献   

为研究型钢混凝土柱在反复荷载下的受扭损伤,完成了11根型钢混凝土柱和1根钢筋混凝土柱复合受扭试验。通过试验观察了构件的受力过程和破坏特征,研究两种不同型钢混凝土柱的裂缝开展与分布规律。基于能量守恒定律,考察了柱截面配钢形式、扭弯比、轴压比、混凝土强度等级、配箍率以及配钢率对累积损伤的影响。研究结果表明:型钢混凝土柱的损伤演变分为3个阶段:弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段和破坏阶段;配钢形式、扭弯比和配箍率是影响型钢混凝土柱损伤程度的重要因素;配型钢,降低扭弯比和提高配箍率对于损伤指标分别最大降低了22.1%、14.3%和14.0%;损伤指标受轴压比、配钢率和混凝土强度等级影响程度较小。  相似文献   

纤维石膏板中不同间距灌注混凝土芯柱抗震性能试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文根据墙板承受竖向荷载的大小提出在空心石膏板中不同间距灌注混凝土芯柱方案,并对3组(12块)不同间距芯柱石膏板进行了低周反复荷载试验.探讨了构件的裂缝分布、破坏形态、极限承载能力、耗能能力、位移延性等受力特性。为此类板应用于多层住宅实际工程提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

在试验的基础之上,讨论了剪跨比、轴压比、荷载角对陶粒混凝土L形柱抗震性能(水平承载力、刚度、延性)的影响。最后,进行了理论计算,计算值和实测值符合较好。  相似文献   

This paper describes a nonlinear finite element (FE) analysis of high strength concrete (HSC) columns, and verifies the results through laboratory experiments. First, a cyclically lateral loading test on nine cantilever column specimens of HSC is described and a numerical simulation is presented to verify the adopted FE models. Next, based on the FE model for specimen No.6, numerical simulations for 70 cases, in which different concrete strengths, stirrup ratios and axial load ratios are considered, are presented to explore the effect of these parameters on the behavior of the HSC columns, and to check the rationality of requirements for these columns specified in the China Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GB 50011- 2001). In addition, three cases with different stirrup strengths are analyzed to investigate their effect on the behavior of HSC columns. Finally, based on the numerical results some conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

本试验对4组混凝土灌芯纤维增强石膏板T形纵横墙节点构件进行了低周反复试验研究,分析了混凝土灌芯纤维增强石膏板T形节点构件在水平低周反复荷载和常竖向荷载共同作用下的抗震性能(包括承载能力、变形能力、刚度退化、滞回环和耗能能力)以及结构的破坏特征,并对不同配筋形式的构件作了相应对比分析,得出了混凝土灌芯纤维增强石膏板T形节点构件配置水平拉接筋形式可以取代配置箍筋形式和抗剪性能优于普通砌体纵横墙节点构件的结论,为混凝土灌芯纤维增强石膏板结构的纵横墙节点抗震设计提供一定的试验依据和理论指导。  相似文献   

我国混凝土结构工程中目前应用的非预应力钢筋强度为300~400MPa,比发达国家低1~2个等级,结构材料用量偏大,消耗了过多的资源和能源。通过拟静力试验,对两片HRB500级钢筋网轻骨料混凝剪力墙分别进行了在低周期反复荷载作用下受力性能的研究,观测了墙体的整个破坏过程,分析了墙体的强度、底部剪切变形和抗震性能。试验及分析表明,剪力墙具有较大的延性和耗能能力,为HRB500级钢筋用作抗震剪力墙的分布筋提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

FRP约束混凝土柱抗震性能若干问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于实验研究和理论分析结果,对纤维增强复合材料(FRP)约束混凝土柱抗震性能研究中存在的若干关键问题进行了探讨,包括FRP约束混凝土构件在往复荷载作用下的受力特点、破坏特征、荷载-位移关系、弯矩-曲率关系、耗能及延性变化规律等,最后重点探讨了FRP约束混凝土柱在往复荷载作用下的刚度特性。  相似文献   

为实现地震作用下锈蚀钢筋混凝土柱精细化数值模拟分析,基于已有研究成果建立往复荷载作用下锈蚀钢筋与混凝土间的黏结滑移本构模型:结合课题组前期试验结果,采用ABAQUS有限元分析软件对建立的黏结滑移本构模型进行有效性验证,通过对数值计算结果与试验结果之间误差分析,进一步对黏结滑移模型中的摩擦黏结应力系数和退化系数进行修正,...  相似文献   

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