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一次降水性冷锋的边界层谱特征及尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用1994年1月15日至19日南京北郊二台洞梯度观测站1995年气象塔的实测资料,南京小教场的地面和探空资料。对94年1月份发生的一次伴有大量降水的强冷锋的湍流谱及多尺度时间、空间分布进行了计算分析。  相似文献   

对江苏省电力部门和安徽省气象部门的闪电定位资料分析结果表明,两个部门资料中闪电在时间变化和空间分布特征上都比较一致。在分析安徽省气象部门闪电资料时发现,无论是正闪还是负闪,电流峰值都主要集中在0-60kA。  相似文献   

闪电定位资料分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对江苏省电力部门和安徽省气象部门的闪电定位资料分析结果表明,两个部门资料中闪电在时间变化和空间分布特征上都比较一致.在分析安徽省气象部门闪电资料时发现,无论是正闪还是负闪,电流峰值都主要集中在0~60kA.  相似文献   

FY-4A卫星闪电资料与地基ADTD(Advanced Direction and Time of arrival Detecting system)闪电资料对于研究暴雨等强对流天气具有一定的指示意义,通过对四川省冕宁暴雨个例的研究,对比分析了这两种闪电资料的差别,设计了将两种闪电资料引入数值预报模式的多组数值试验。结果表明:(1)两种闪电资料在不同地区有不同的探测效果,ADTD闪电资料范围更广且分散,FY-4A卫星监测到的闪电数量更密集、分布更集中;两种闪电资料在进入模式之后所转化成的代理雷达回波具有很好的一致性;对于低频次的闪电来说,ADTD闪电定位仪可能比FY-4A闪电成像仪探测效率更高。(2)引入任何一种闪电资料都对降水预报具有正效果,其中ADTD闪电资料的应用对于短时降水预报准确率的提高更为有效。(3)两种闪电资料对于云微物理量的调整作用,在不同的区域有不同效果,说明这两种闪电资料的分布不完全一致,揭示出这两种闪电资料具有一定的互补性。  相似文献   

文章应用批处理及MeteoInfo脚本程序的方法对地闪资料进行分析处理,得到地闪密度分布图、地闪频次分布图,从而进行雷电气候特征分析,以提高地闪资料在雷电灾害风险评估工作中的应用效果。  相似文献   

利用ADTD雷电定位显示监测系统资料和常规天气预报资料及驻马店多普勒雷达回波资料,对2013年7月20日信阳地区强雷暴天气的地闪和雷达回波的特征及相互关系进行了分析,结果表明闪电密集区移动方向的前沿位置与30dBz雷达回波区位置重叠,闪电密集区的移动可以准确地反映出对流云团的移动趋势。闪电密集区消失早于雷达回波区消散,地闪强度减小趋势比雷达回波减弱有30到60min的提前量。正地闪的出现,预示对流云团发展;正地闪消失,预示对流云团进入消亡阶段。利用闪电定位资料分析预测闪电落区和时效性比单一使用雷达回波资料更准确。闪电密集区的移动可以准确地反映出对流云团的移动趋势,因此可以将30或60min闪电分布图引入对流性天气的跟踪监测和预警预报业务中。  相似文献   

利用2007~2008年海南省闪电监测定位资料和同期海南雷电灾害个例及人工观测雷电的数据进行对比,分析总结海南闪电监测定位系统的定位误差、漏测率和误测率;并在此基础上,指出闪电监测定位资料应用中存在的若干问题及其应用前景。结果表明:海南省发生闪电绝大多数为负地闪;与雷击灾害事故对比来看,海南省闪电定位仪探测漏测率和闪击落地的定位精度平均误差偏大,但与人工观测雷暴日对比结果表明平均探测漏测率在技术标准允许范围内;晴空闪电日误测率属于技术标准允许范围;闪电定位系统的探测时间精度基本可信;闪电定位仪探测数据与降水分布的同步监测结果基本吻合,可反映出雷暴移动方向、路径及发生、发展趋势。总体来看海南省闪电定位系统数据可信度基本达到应用标准。  相似文献   

用天气学方法对1997年10月19日全州县境内出现的一场历史上罕见的冰雹过程的中小尺度进行分析,揭示这次过程的一些机制,为掌握冰雹发生前中小尺度系统的活动和演变规律和积累经验,对提高的预报服务能力将有所帮助。  相似文献   

南京市闪电定位资料的对比分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为在雷电的监测预警预报服务中更好地应用江苏省组建的闪电定位系统,通过多种目测和多普勒雷达回波等信息,对2006年6-8月以南京小教场(118°48′E,32°00′N)为中心、半径10 km范围内的闪电定位资料的可信度和探测效率进行了检验分析,结果表明:江苏省气象局闪电定位系统所监测的闪电资料(地闪)是可信的,其漏测率在探测效率η的允许范围内,误测率约为9%,也在允许范围之内.江苏省电力公司的闪电定位系统所探测到的同时段同范围内的闪电资料(地闪)探测正确率大大低于江苏省气象局的监测系统.对江苏省电力公司闪电定位资料作适当修正后,其结果与气象局闪电定位系统资料有很好的一致性,实现了二套系统资料的信息共享、互补.  相似文献   

一次秋季冷锋降水过程气溶胶与云粒子分布的飞机观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用机载PMS(Particle Measuring Systems)测量系统,对2008年10月4—5日石家庄地区一次冷锋降水云系的3次气溶胶和云粒子探测资料进行了分析。结果表明,冷锋过境降水前后,气溶胶粒子分布差异较大。降水发生前,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度约为103cm-3,平均直径为0.95μm;气溶胶主要集中于3000m高度以下的对流层低层,云内气溶胶数浓度明显减少。降水发生后,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度约为102cm-3,比降水前约小1个量级,平均直径为1.28μm;气溶胶主要集中于1200m以下的近地面层,其数浓度随高度增加而降低。气溶胶粒子浓度在低层云区内水平变化较小,而在无云区和云下近地层水平起伏较大。云粒子平均浓度比气溶胶小1~2个量级。气溶胶粒子平均谱主要呈双峰型,而云粒子谱主要为单峰型。  相似文献   

During the Eulinox (European Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Project) campaign, two lightning sensors were available: a Lightning Position and Tracking System (LPATS), and the ONERA VHF interferometric (ITF) mapper. We looked for the typical VHF signature of positive and negative cloud-to-ground flashes in ITF records in order to separate intra-cloud (IC) flashes from cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes during five periods from 2 days. Then we used this set of data to check the efficiency of the South Germany LPATS. We concluded that this LPATS detected nearly all the negative CG flashes, but one-fourth of LPATS negative strokes are in fact IC flashes. The ratio of misinterpretation is much smaller (15%) for multi-stroke negative CG flashes. The LPATS recorded 62% of the positive strokes, but only 43% with the right polarity, and only 25% of LPATS positive strokes actually belonged to a positive CG flash. This reliability ratio is 100% if we consider only high-intensity LPATS strokes.  相似文献   

基于雷电监测数据的雷电流幅值累积概率分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用江西省2006—2015年闪电定位系统监测资料,通过数理统计、回归分析等方法,分析江西省雷电流幅值概率以及雷电流幅值累积概率分布特征。结果表明:基于雷电监测数据获得的雷电流幅值累积概率分布拟合公式,一定程度上反映了江西省雷电流幅值累积概率变化特征。正、负极性雷电流幅值平均概率分布特征均表现出明显的堆积效应,且正极性的集中中心小于负极性;同时,正极性闪电相对负极性闪电出现大幅值的概率更高。负闪电实测曲线与拟合曲线完全一致,总闪电实测曲线与拟合曲线基本一致,拟合效果较负闪电稍差,较正闪电好。推导出的江西省正、负闪电和总闪电的雷电流幅值累积概率分布公式,对解决电力系统中由于雷电流幅值造成的雷击输电线路故障并采取有效的解决方案具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

利用地面大气电场监测实现雷电预警   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地面平均大气电场仪通过监测地面附近一定范围内的大气电场,间接实现了对云层中,特别是雷暴云中的带电状况实时监测.以2008年的5月发生在西安泾河的三次雷电天气过程为例.结合闪电定位实时监测资料和雷达回波产品进行分析.结果表明:大气电场监测资料与地闪定位监测实况、雷达回波产品结合,能够有效监测发生在探测点周围局地对流的发生、发展、成熟、减弱不同阶段特征,实现对雷电灾害的短时预警.  相似文献   

The boundary layer in the warm sector of a moderately deepening winter cyclone during the Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic (ERICA) is studied near the cold front. Data from the National Center for Atmospheric Research Electra research aircraft are used to examine mean and turbulence quantities. The aircraft data and supplemental data from ships, drifting buoys and moored buoys reveal an equivalent-barotropic pressure field. The area is found to be dominated by gradients in temperature and in turbulent fluxes, with changes occurring over 100 km horizontally being comparable to changes over 350 m vertically. The horizontal components of the gradients are found to be a maximum in a direction perpendicular to the front. Cross-sections perpendicular to the front are used to illustrate boundary-layer structure. Profiles of wind speed, stress, wind direction and stress direction are estimated from an Ekman model that is modified to take into account the equivalent-barotropic pressure field. Comparison of profiles from the model to the aircraft-measured data show reasonable agreement far from the front (100 km) when the model uses a constant eddy viscosity of approximately 6 kg m–1 s–1. Near the front there is less agreement with the model. Profiles of turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and latent heat are divergent, with along-wind momentum flux negative and decreasing upward, cross-wind momentum flux positive and increasing upward, and heat flux and latent heat flux small, positive and decreasing upward. Far from the front, the turbulent kinetic energy budget shows that dissipation balances shear production. However, near-front behavior has an imbalance at low altitude, with shear production appearing as a TKE sink.  相似文献   

A large number of observational analyses have shown that lightning data can be used to indicate areas of deep convection. It is important to assimilate observed lightning data into numerical models, so that more small-scale information can be incorporated to improve the quality of the initial condition and the subsequent forecasts. In this study, the empirical relationship between flash rate, water vapor mixing ratio, and graupel mixing ratio was used to adjust the model relative humidity, which was then assimilated by using the three-dimensional variational data assimilation system of the Weather Research and Forecasting model in cycling mode at 10-min intervals. To find the appropriate assimilation time-window length that yielded significant improvement in both the initial conditions and subsequent forecasts, four experiments with different assimilation time-window lengths were conducted for a squall line case that occurred on 10 July 2007 in North China. It was found that 60 min was the appropriate assimilation time-window length for this case, and longer assimilation window length was unnecessary since no further improvement was present. Forecasts of 1-h accumulated precipitation during the assimilation period and the subsequent 3-h accumulated precipitation were significantly improved compared with the control experiment without lightning data assimilation. The simulated reflectivity was optimal after 30 min of the forecast, it remained optimal during the following 42 min, and the positive effect from lightning data assimilation began to diminish after 72 min of the forecast. Overall, the improvement from lightning data assimilation can be maintained for about 3 h.  相似文献   

基于WRF数值模式,采用Lin微物理方案,对中国南方地区一次冷锋降水过程进行模拟试验,并用CloudSat观测数据对模式模拟的云量、云液态水和云冰水含量的垂直分布特征进行检验。结果表明:模式模拟云量的垂直分布范围小于CloudSat观测到的分布范围,模拟的云量在低空往往出现缺失,模式可以较好地模拟出CloudSat探测到的深对流云的分布,但对零散分布的小尺度云团模拟效果较差;模式模拟的云液态水分布范围也小于CloudSat观测到的分布范围,云液态水含量值略低于CloudSat观测值,对CloudSat观测的云液态水含量值较低的区域,模式往往不能模拟出云液态水的存在;模式模拟的云冰水垂直分布特征与CloudSat观测结果较为一致,特别是对冰水含量大值中心的位置模拟效果较好,但模式模拟的云冰水含量值远低于CloudSat观测值。整体来看,模式对云冰水垂直分布的模拟效果优于对云液态水的模拟,但Lin微物理方案对云液态水和云冰水的模拟还需进一步改进与完善。  相似文献   

The conventional and intensive observational data of the China Heavy Rain Experiment and Study (CHeRES) are used to specially analyze the heavy rainfall process in the mei-yu front that occurred during 20-21 June 2002, focusing on the meso-β system. A mesoscale convective system (MCS) formed in the warm-moist southwesterly to the south of the shear line over the Dabie Mountains and over the gorge between the Dabie and Jiuhua Mountains. The mei-yu front and shear line provide a favorable synoptic condition for the development of convection. The GPS observation indicates that the precipitable water increased obviously about 2-3h earlier than the occurrence of rainfall and decreased after that. The abundant moisture transportation by southwesterly wind was favorable to the maintenance of convective instability and the accumulation of convective available potential energy (CAPE). Radar detection reveals that meso-β and -γ systems were very active in the MαCS. Several convection lines developed during the evolution of the MαCS, and these are associated with surface convergence lines. The boundary outflow of the convection line may have triggered another convection line. The convection line moved with the mesoscale surface convergence line, but the convective cells embedded in the convergence line propagated along the line. On the basis of the analyses of the intensive observation data, a multi-scale conceptual model of heavy rainfall in the mei-yu front for this particular case is proposed.  相似文献   

利用FY-4卫星云顶亮温(Cloud Top Temperature,CTT)资料和雷达回波资料,分析了2019年6—9月大连地区的闪电活动特征,重点分析了该地区2019年9月4日的一次强对流天气闪电活动特征与雷达回波及CTT之间的相关性.结果表明:此次过程雷暴起始于大连东南方向.在雷暴初始阶段,以云闪为主,云闪高度主...  相似文献   

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