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刘当波  陈磊  尤峻汉 《天文学报》2007,48(3):269-279
当具有各向同性速度分布的相对论电子穿过稠密气体区,或者轰击稠密气体区的表面时,切仑科夫效应将会产生一种特殊的原子或离子发射线,称做切仑科夫线状发射.这一预言在光学波段已由实验室的实验所证实.把线状发射理论推广到X射线波段,给出计算切仑科夫铁Kα和Kβ发射线的强度比和本征红移比的基本公式,列出了不同价次铁线的强度比和本征红移比.这一计算结果在活动星系核中有可能找到潜在的应用.最近观测发现源NGC3783,除存在着6.4 keV的铁Kα发射线,还存在着很强的7.0 keV的铁Kβ发射线,且两者等值宽度之比为EW_(Kα)/EW_(Kβ)≈3.43,这很难用传统的"光电吸收-莹光机制"来解释.切仑科夫线状发射机制可为解决这一困惑提供一条新途径.此外,期待切仑科夫铁Kα和Kβ线的本征红移比也会在以后的观测中能得到检验.假如切仑科夫线状辐射的设想得到观测的进一步支持,则对中央大质量黑洞周围物理环境的传统认识将有大的修改-活动更加剧烈,而且更加高能,其中气体也更加稠密.  相似文献   

丁利  刘当波  尤峻汉  陈磊 《天文学报》2007,48(2):130-138
类星体与赛弗特Ⅰ型星系中观测到很陡的巴尔末减缩,与传统的理论预言相矛盾.这是一个长期没有解决的困惑.如果活动星系核的宽的氢线是产生于“Cerenkov线状辐射”机制,这一难题就可解决.搜集了过去已发表的近百个有巴尔末减缩观测结果的类星体与赛弗特星系源,并采用“Cerenkov线状辐射”这一新型辐射机制的线强比公式完成了对观测的巴尔末减缩的理论计算.理论与观测符合很好,这是活动星系核宽的氢发射线主要起源于“Cerenkov线状辐射”机制的一个重要证据.如果这一结论最终获得肯定,将大大改变人们对活动星系核物理的认识.  相似文献   

最近XMM—Newton观测到了Seyfert 1星系,NGC3783,除存在着6.4keV的铁Kα发射线外,还存在着很强的7.0 keV的铁Kβ发射线,且两者之间的等值宽度(EW) 之比难以由传统的“光电吸收-莹光机制”来解释.利用尤峻汉等人提出的Cerenkov线状发射机制可合理解释EWKα/EWKβ.给出了详细的模型考虑和理论计算,结果表明活动星系核中产生铁K线的机制不只有莹光机制还有Cerenkov线状辐射机制.两者共存于活动星系核(AGNs)中,而且以Cerenkov辐射机制为主.  相似文献   

本文提出用切仑科夫射电谱线发射机制解释分子云的非热发射谱线。相对论电子在某种粒子数反转布居的分子云中穿行时,可以产生具有反常强度比的微波发射谱线。对与超新星遗迹成协的Ⅱ_(?)类OH源的非热平衡发射谱线所作的计算表明,这种非热辐射机制可能成为解决天体脉塞理论困难的一种有希望的途径。  相似文献   

本文利用宽波段能谱结构讨论了四个PG类星体的红外辐射机制.结果表明,在产生红外连续辐射的可能机制中,非热的、具有幂律特征的辐射和被核光度加热的“核尘埃”的热再辐射是红外辐射的主要来源.对于高光度的活动星系核,它的主星系的红外辐射及恒星形成区的红外辐射是可以忽略的.  相似文献   

类星体SDSS J151653.22+190048.2 (简称J1516+1900)在紫外-光学-近红外波段展现出奇特的光谱性质:其光学Hα、Hβ和近红外的Paα、Paβ等发射线的半高全宽(full width at half maximum intensity, FWHM)均超过5000 km/s,等值宽度接近类星体平均值;而紫外波段光谱的常见发射线Lyβ、OVI、Lyα、NV、Si IV和CIV等,由FWHM1700 km/s的中等宽度成分主导.这种现象很可能是由于紫外发射线的宽线成分经尘埃消光,强度严重削弱,从而使得中等宽度成分凸显出来;在光学和近红外波段,尘埃消光减弱,发射线由宽线成分主导,潜在的中等宽度成分不容易被看到.根据中等宽度成分的线宽和J1516+1900中央超大质量黑洞的质量MBH5.75×108M⊙,在维里化假设下,估计中等宽度发射区到中央黑洞的距离约为1.6 pc.另一方面,利用J1516+1900丰富的观测谱线,结合光致电离模型计算,可以限定J1516+1900的中等宽度发射线区气体密度1012cm-3、电离参数10-0.65.据此估计该发射线区到中心黑洞距离0.016 pc,只有维里化距离的1%.这一矛盾结果预示着中等宽度发射区可能具有较为复杂的物理结构,未来需要观测更多类似J1516+1900的部分遮蔽类星体并进行系统的分类和研究.  相似文献   

本文总结最近从Xray 观测得到的关于宽吸收线类星体一些新结果, 我们和人家的结果都表明吸收物质的柱密度比原来从紫外估计的高三个量级, 在PG1411 + 442 中, 我们发现Xray 除了吸收成分外, 还有散射成分, 其量级和UV 吸收的剩余流量一致, 从而说明以前从UV 推断的结论是有问题的。此外, 对PG1126041 的研究表明从宽吸收线类星体到Seyfert 星系的窄本征吸收线其物理性质是连续过渡的。  相似文献   

富尘埃宽发射线类星体在星系演化中十分关键,而星系中分子气体的信息有助于人们了解其恒星形成潜力等性质。使用IRAM-30m望远镜对红移0.5 ⊙·a-1,气体耗竭时间为(20~300) Ma。将它们的红外光度与CO光度进行比较,发现该富尘埃宽发射线类星体样本的恒星形成效率相对其他亚毫米波星系及类星体无明显区别。在该样本中发现了活动星系核相对强度与气体耗竭时间的负相关关系,这与目前的类星体演化理论相符。  相似文献   

龚树模 《天文学报》1997,38(2):215-219
本文根据文[1,2]三个类星体表的3941个类星体作统计分析,发现在发射红移Zem1.4—3.2范围内吸收线较多,尤其在Zem1.8—2.4范围内明显增加;同时在Zem1.4—2.8范围内出现吸收线红移Zab>Zem的现象.结果表明,在Zem1.8—2.2间隔内的类星体活动性加剧,似可以说反映了类星体与环境相互作用的演化效应.  相似文献   

When the thermal relativistic electrons with isotropic distribution of velocities move through a dense gas region or impinge upon the surface of a cloud of dense gas, the Cerenkov effect will produce peculiar atomic or ionic emission lines, which we call the “Cerenkov line-like radiation”. This prediction has been verified by the laboratory experiments in optical waveband. In this paper, the importance of the Cerenkov line-like radiation in the exploration of broad emission lines in quasars and Syf1 s is pointed out. By using this mechanism, some long standing and significant puzzles in the study of quasars could be solved. Furthermore, the magnitude orders of energy losses of various effects of a relativistic electron in cosmic gas are estimated and compared with each other to prove the effectiveness of this new mechanism in quasars.  相似文献   

Recent observations show that outflows from Active Galactic Nuclei are much more common than previously thought, with such outflows seen in various wavebands. I review the recent advances in observations of wind signatures and the progress in modelling various wind launching mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we collect the redshift, bolometric luminosity, the full- width at half maximum of the Hβ emission line, the monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Å and the radio loudness for the sample of 117 quasars, including 20 radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) and 97 radio-loud quasars (RLQs). With the reverberation mapping method we calculate the black hole mass and Eddington ratio for this sample, as well as the radio luminosity from the total 5 GHz ?ux density. By analyzing the correlations among them, we obtain the following conclusions: (1) The black hole mass has weak correlations with the bolometric luminosity, radio loudness and radio luminosity for the RQQs, and has strong correlations with the bolometric luminosity, radio loudness and radio luminosity for the RLQs; (2) For the RQQs, the bolometric luminosity has weak correlations with the radio luminosity and 5 100 Å monochromatic luminosity, and for the RLQs, the bolometric luminosity has strong correlations with the radio luminosity and 5 100 Å monochromatic luminosity; (3) The RQQs and RLQs differ in the distributions of the black hole mass, emission line width and Eddington ratio. Based on these results, we suggest: the difference of emission line width between RQQs and RLQs is probably caused by the difference of black hole mass; the fundamental difference between RQQs and RLQs is caused by the difference of their intrinsic physical nature; the black hole mass, black hole spin, Eddington ratio, and host galaxy morphology are the important parameters to explain the origin of radio loudness and the double-peaked distribution; and the radio jet is closely related with the accretion rate of disk.  相似文献   

收集了47个Blazar天体的短时标光变资料,估算了中心天体质量和不同波段辐射区域,并对估算结果作了统计分析,发现Blazar天体中心黑洞质量在10~7M_☉到10~(10)M_☉之间,BL Lac天体与平谱射电类星体中心黑洞质量有很大差异,平谱射电类星体中心黑洞质量大于BL Lac天体中心黑洞质量;红外波段和γ射线波段辐射区域大小相似.同时,利用收集到Blazar天体的热光度分析了Blazar天体热光度与短时标光变之间的关系,证实了射电选BL Lac(RBL)天体和平谱射电类星体(FSRQs)的辐射是强成束的,但相对论聚柬效应对X射线选BL Lac(XBL)天体的辐射影响较小.  相似文献   

Observations of QSOs and Seyfert I galaxies show an anomalously steep Balmer decrement, which is in contradiction to the prediction of the traditional recombination theory. This is a long standing puzzle in past three decades in the study of AGNs. In this paper, we provide an alternative approach to solve this puzzle by using a newly recognized line emission mechanism, namely, the “Cerenkov line-like radiation”. For this purpose, we collected about a hundred of QSOs and Seyfert I galaxies, whose Balmer decrements have been measured and published in the past 30 years, and make the theoretical calculations on the observed Balmer decrements using an improved formula for the Cerenkov line intensity. The agreement between the calculations and observations is excellent. Therefore, we argue that the broad hydrogen lines of the QSOs and Seyfert I galaxies mainly originate from the Cerenkov line-like radiation of relativistic electrons. If this suggestion is further confirmed, our knowledge about the physics of AGNs will be greatly changed.  相似文献   

对南银极区的亮星系样本和类星体候选者样本进行了两点交叉相关函数分析,最邻近间距分析和Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验;结果表明这两个样本之间不存在显著性相关。  相似文献   

Summary. Recent papers dealing with the most controversial aspects of AGNs are reviewed. They suggest interesting conclusions: all Seyferts can be described by a single parameter, the X-ray column density; radio loud AGNs may host a rapidly spinning black hole and radio quiet AGNs a slowly spinning black hole; high-ionization AGNs (Seyfert galaxies and QSOs) contain an optically thick, geometrically thin accretion disk, while low-ionization AGNs (Liners) contain an optically thin, geometrically thick accretion disk; a number of blazars have been classified as BLLs on the basis of insufficient data; most objects with weak broad emission lines are in fact HPQs; many objects have been called Liners although they are not AGNs but rather the result of stellar activity; type 2 QSOs exist, but are quite inconspicuous if radio quiet. Received 16 November 1999 / Published online: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

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