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The instrumental drift of the superconducting gravimeter in Membach, Belgium, is estimated using 9 years of co-located and episodic absolute gravity measurements. We show that the best model of the long-term drift of the SG-C021 is an exponential. The thermal levelers used to compensate tilts are unlikely to induce the observed drift. Rather, the capacitance bridge, magnetic variations, gas adsorption on the levitating sphere, or helium gas pressure variations around it are most likely the possible combined causes of the observed instrumental drift. In practice, either linear or exponential drift models are equivalent as long as the record duration does not exceed 10 years. For longer records, this study demonstrates that an exponential models the drift better than a simple linear trend.  相似文献   

Long-term continuous gravity observations, recorded at five superconducting gravimeter (SG) stations in the Global Geodynamic Project (GGP) network, as well as data on orientation variations in the Earths rotation axis (i.e. polar motion), have been used to investigate the characteristics of gravity variations on the Earths surface caused by polar motion. All the SG gravity data sets were pre-processed using identical techniques to remove the luni-solar gravity tides, the long-term trends of the instrumental drift, and the effects of atmospheric pressure. The analysis indicates that the spectral peaks, related to the Chandler and annual wobbles, were identified in both the power and product spectral density estimates. The magnitude of gravity variations, as well as the gravimetric amplitude factor associated with the Chandler wobble, changed significantly at different SG stations and during different observation periods. However, when all the SG observations at these five sites were combined, the gravimetric parameters of the Chandler wobble were retrieved accurately: 1.1613 ± 0.0737 for the amplitude factor and –1°.30 ± 1°.33 for the phase difference. The value of the estimated amplitude factor is in agreement with that predicted theoretically for the zonal tides of an elastic Earth model.  相似文献   

用超导重力仪的潮汐观测资料研究海潮模型   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
系统研究了潮汐观测资料中海潮模型的适应性问题,用基于数值离散褶积积分方法获得的海潮负荷对武昌超导重务仪观测资料作负荷改正。结果说明,海潮负荷改正后的重力场观测残差大大降低了,与理论潮汐参数模型相比,8个主要潮流的平均振幅因子由改正前的1.38%降至0.13%和0.26%。  相似文献   

The scale factor of a superconducting gravimeter (SG) at the Esashi Earth Tides Station, Japan, was revised by repeating co-located absolute gravity measurements with an FG5 gravimeter. Although the calibration results from the absolute gravimeter (AG) show an apparent secular change in the scale factor of the SG (0.4% for the period 1993–2002), the relative scale factors, which are determined by tidal analysis with the response method, indicate that it has changed by no more than 0.01% during the above period. If the mean scale factor over the 10 years is adopted, a value of –56.082±0.029 Gal/V (1 Gal =10–8 m s–2) is obtained, which is about 0.4% smaller than that used in the global geodynamics project (GGP) database. Based on this newly determined scale factor, the tidal gravity factors at Esashi have been re-estimated. The observed tidal factors, corrected for the ocean tide effects with recent models, indicate that the theoretical gravity factors for an inelastic Earth model are more consistent with the observations than are those for an elastic model.  相似文献   

 Three long series of tidal gravity observations, totalizing approximately 24 years and recorded with three superconducting gravimeters, T004, T008, and T009, at stations Wuhan (China) and Kyoto (Japan), are studied. The tidal amplitude factors and phase differences are determined precisely using Eterna and Nsv techniques. The precision of the main tidal amplitudes is at the same level of 0.01 μGal. The atmospheric gravity signals are corrected using the coefficients determined with a regression method between tidal gravity residual and station air pressure. The oceanic gravity signals are modeled based on five global oceanic models. It is found that the oceanic models developed by the analysis of measurements from Topex/Poseidon altimeters have the best fit to the superconducting gravimeter measurements, since the observed residuals and the discrepancies between the amplitude factors and the theoretical tidal models are reduced more significantly. The long-period gravity variations are dominated by the non-linear drift phenomena of the instruments, and the short-term variations in gravity are due to the background noise at the stations. Received: 20 January 2000 / Accepted: 15 September 2000  相似文献   

FG5绝对重力仪232/240比对观测结果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了FG5绝对重力仪232/240的三次同期、同址高精度比对观测情况,分析了对比观测结果,实现了对FG5绝对重力仪240精度的验证。  相似文献   

观测地球内核平动振荡Slichter模有助于约束地球内部结构,但其探测仍是国际性难题。基于全球分布的9个超导重力(Superconductiug Gravimeter, SG)台站的11个观测序列,利用最优序列估计(optimal sequence estimation, OSE)方法进行了探测实验。首先利用模拟的11个SG台站记录验证了OSE方法的有效性,然后将OSE方法用于剔除潮汐及气压等影响后的实测重力残差数据,但所得结果中仍残留有高阶潮波信号。针对此,利用解调过程进一步剔除了这些信号,以消除对目标信号识别的影响。最终结果表明,没有发现Smylie于1992年发表论文中所声称的观测结果,但找到了另外一组满足分裂规律的可能信号,其周期分别为4.310±5.7×10-3 h(m=-1)、3.914±6.4×10-3 h(m=0)和3.642±5.1×10-3 h(m=+1)。该组信号很可能是Slichter模三重分裂信号,但仍需进一步验证。  相似文献   

针对地心运动时间序列噪声种类复杂,随机性强,信号与噪声难以有效分离等问题,本文采用网平移法对IGS站周解进行解算,得到2012—2018年的地心运动时间序列,并提出了一种基于变分模态分解(VMD)及能量熵的地心运动时间序列降噪方法。首先,对各方向时间序列进行VMD分解,获得各方向高频依次到低频的时间序列分量;然后,计算每个变分模态分量的能量熵,辨识出噪声与信号的分界,并将信号分量进行重构,得到降噪后的地心运动时间序列;最后,通过与基于EMD和EEMD的降噪方法对比,从相关系数、信噪比、剩余能量百分比、方差贡献率等参数评价指标上定量说明该方法对地心运动时间序列降噪表现出更好的降噪效果。  相似文献   

噪声分析对GPS时间序列分析有着重要影响,然而针对时间跨度较长的大尺度GPS网的共模误差相关研究较少。本文选取了平均基线长度大于2000 km的欧洲地区9个GPS台站2006-2014年的数据,使用主成分分析法剔除坐标时间序列的共模误差,同时利用极大似然估计的方法对滤波前后的时间序列进行了噪声分析。结果表明,欧洲地区广域GPS网的噪声模型存在多样性,各个分量具有不同的噪声特性,主要表现为白噪声+闪烁噪声、白噪声+幂率噪声,少部分台站N、E两个方向含有随机漫步噪声。经过空间滤波后,部分台站最优噪声模型发生改变,但仍以白噪声+闪烁噪声、白噪声+幂率噪声为主。滤波对N、E方向速度场影响为0.2 mm/a,U方向速度场影响为0.5 mm/a。  相似文献   

针对海道测量中侧扫声纳声强数据中的噪声问题,分析侧扫声纳海底杂波的统计模型,提出基于ping数据的经验模态分解抑制噪声方法。结果表明,从ping声强数据中减掉周期小于4的模态后,声强数据可较好地服从Gamma分布,并保持声图中的细节信息。  相似文献   

针对时间序列混有的高频信息会影响地心运动规律分析的问题,采用网平移法对IGS提供的GNSS周解进行解算,得到2007-2017年地心运动时间序列,对其进行分解重构,剔除高频项,并利用重构时序对地心运动规律作进一步分析探讨。结果表明:本文解算的地心运动在Tx、Ty和Tz方向的精度均为毫米级。EMD方法重构的时序保留了原序列的基本信息,且抑制了高频项的影响,提高了周期贡献率,3个方向的贡献率分别提高了12.3%、16.7%及6.3%。通过分析重构后的时序发现,周年项振幅为各周期对应振幅的最大值,分别为2.32、1.89和2.07 mm;Ty和Tz方向长期变化趋势较Tx更为明显,分别为0.13和-0.27 mm/a;半年项较小,且在Tx和Ty方向上具有时变性。此外,还发现了一些其他较小的年际变化。  相似文献   

针对桥梁GNSS-RTK变形监测中多路径效应和随机噪声的影响,提出了一种基于Chebyshev滤波和自适应噪声的完备集合经验模态分解(CEEMDAN),以及小波阈值(WT)降噪技术的多滤波联合降噪方法。该方法首先对监测信号实施Chebyshev滤波抑制多路径效应;然后进行CEEMDAN分解,基于自相关性分析,对噪声IMF分量进行WT降噪去除随机噪声。本文以天津海河大桥GNSS-RTK变形监测作为试验,对监测数据进行多滤波降噪处理。结果表明:本文所提的多滤波降噪方法能有效抑制多路径效应和随机噪声,GNSS-RTK与多滤波降噪相结合的方法能够准确识别桥梁真实动态位移,为桥梁GNSS-RTK监测数据降噪处理提供了一种良好的途径。  相似文献   

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