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We present results from a seismic refraction experiment on the northern margin of the Guayana Shield performed during June 1998, along nine profiles of up to 320 km length, using the daily blasts of the Cerro Bolívar mines as energy source, as well as from gravimetric measurements. Clear Moho arrivals can be observed on the main E–W profile on the shield, whereas the profiles entering the Oriental Basin to the north are more noisy. The crustal thickness of the shield is unusually high with up to 46 km on the Archean segment in the west and 43 km on the Proterozoic segment in the east. A 20 km thick upper crust with P-wave velocities between 6.0 and 6.3 km/s can be separated from a lower crust with velocities ranging from 6.5 to 7.2 km/s. A lower crustal low velocity zone with a velocity reduction to 6.3 km/s is observed between 25 and 25 km depth. The average crustal velocity is 6.5 km/s. The changes in the Bouguer Anomaly, positive (30 mGal) in the west and negative (−20 mGal) in the east, cannot be explained by the observed seismic crustal features alone. Lateral variations in the crust or in the upper mantle must be responsible for these observations.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of repeated geodetic leveling data was made along nine subparallel, E—NE-trending leveling lines located in the central to northern Sierra Nevada and the eastern Central Valley. The analysis was made to identify relative changes of elevation and evaluate these changes with respect to the regional geology and tectonics. The analysis used National Geodetic Survey first- and second-order, unadjusted, observed elevations.The relative changes in elevation indicate that crustal deformation is continuing to occur in the Sierra Nevada along pre-existing zones of crustal weakness and that this deformation is localized along some strands of Late Cenozoic faulting within the Mesozoic Foothills fault system. This deformation is characterized by variable and nonunifor westward tilt of the Sierran block west of the Melones fault zone, and relatively consistent eastward tilt of the Sierran block east of the Melones fault zone. Variable elevation changes occur within the Foothills fault system and are often associated with prominent geological or structural contacts. In addition, subsidence in the Central Valley appears to be of small magnitude and localized in extent, indicating nontectonic changes in elevation problably due to compaction of unconsolidated sediments.  相似文献   

Geobarometric studies have documented that most of the metasedimentary wall rocks and plutons presently exposed in the southernmost Sierra Nevada batholith south of the Lake Isabella area were metamorphosed and emplaced at crustal levels significantly deeper (~15 to 30 km) than the batholithic rocks exposed to the north (depths of ~3 to 15 km). Field and geophysical studies have suggested that much of the southernmost part of the batholith is underlain along low-angle faults by the Rand Schist. The schist is composed mostly of metagraywacke that has been metamorphosed at relatively high pressures and moderate temperatures. NNW-trending compositional, age, and isotopic boundaries in the plutonic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada appear to be deflected westward in the southernmost part of the batholith. Based on these observations, in conjunction with the implicit assumption that the Sierra Nevada batholith formerly continued unbroken south of the Garlock fault, previous studies have inferred that the batholith was tectonically disrupted following its emplacement during the Cretaceous. Hypotheses to account for this disruption include intraplate oroctinal bending, W-vergent overthrusting, and gravitational collapse of overthickened crust. In this paper, new geologic data from the eastern Tehachapi Mountains, located adjacent to and north of the Garlock fault in the southernmost Sierra Nevada, are integrated with data from previous geologic studies in the region into a new view of the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene tectonic evolution of the region. The thesis of this paper is that part of the southernmost Sierra Nevada batholith was unroofed by extensional faulting in Late Cretaceous-Paleocene time. Unroofing occurred along a regional system of low-angle detachment faults. Remnants of the upper-plate rocks today are scattered across the southern Sierra Nevada region, from the Rand Mountains west to the San Emigdio Mountains, and across the San Andreas fault to the northern Salinian block.

Batholithic rocks in the upper plates of the Blackburn Canyon fault of the eastern Tehachapi Mountains, low-angle faults in the Rand Mountains and southeastern Sierra Nevada, and the Pastoria fault of the western Tehachapi Mountains are inferred to have been removed from a position structurally above rocks exposed in the southeastern Sierra Nevada and transported to their present locations along low-angle detachment faults. Some of the granitic and metamorphic rocks in the northern part of the Salinian block are suggested to have originated from a position structurally above deep-level rocks of the southwestern Sierra Nevada. The Paleocene-lower Eocene Goler Formation of the El Paso Mountains and the post-Late Cretaceous to pre-lower Miocene Witnet Formation in the southernmost Sierra Nevada are hypothesized to have been deposited in supradetachment basins that formed adjacent to some of the detachment faults.

Regional age constraints for this inferred tectonic unroofing and disaggregation of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith suggest that it occurred between ~90 to 85 Ma and ~55 to 50 Ma. Upper-plate rocks of the detachment system appear to have been rotated clockwise by as much as 90° based on differences in the orientation of foliation and contacts between inferred correlative hanging-wall and footwall rocks. Transport of the upper-plate rocks is proposed to have occurred in two stages. First, the upper crust in the southern Sierra Nevada extended in a south to southeast direction, and second, the allochthonous rocks were carried westward at the latitude of the Mojave Desert by a mechanism that may include W-vergent faulting and/or oroclinal bending. The Late Cretaceous NNW extension of the upper crust in the southernmost Sierra Nevada postulated in this study is similar to Late Cretaceous, generally NW-directed, crustal extension that has been recognized to the northeast in the Funeral, Panamint, and Inyo mountains by others. Extensional collapse of the upper crust in the southern Sierra Nevada batholith may be closely linked to the emplacement of Rand Schist beneath the batholith during Late Cretaceous time, as has been suggested in previous studies.  相似文献   

In 1998–1999, a large-scale seismic array was deployed in Finland as a part of the EUROPROBE/SVEKALAPKO subproject, involving 14 European universities and research institutes. The objective of the project was to map the deep lithosphere structure and thickness beneath the Fennoscandian Shield by means of teleseismic events. In addition, about 580 local seismic events were registered during the data acquisition period. Among them, only eight local earthquakes were recorded, the rest being quarry blasts from mining sites in Russia, Finland, Estonia and Sweden. In this study, we present the analysis of the seismic wave field from the strongest local events registered by the majority of the stations of the SVEcofennian–KArelian–LAPland–KOla Transect (SVEKALAPKO) array with the aim of mapping the structure of the upper mantle beneath the array. For this purpose, we selected the events corresponding to a single source type and compared these recordings with those from wide-angle reflection and refraction experiments in the area to identify the regional phases. The record sections of selected events demonstrate strong reflections (PmP) from the Moho boundary. The refracted Pn phases can be seen as first arrivals at distances of about 200–400 km from the source. At offsets of about 400–800 km, phases reflected from inhomogeneities in the uppermost mantle (P1) and double reflections from the Moho boundary (PmPPmP) were recorded.Results from 2D forward ray trace modeling of reflected and refracted P-waves along four profile swathes from SVEKALAPKO stations demonstrate that the mantle reflections originate from two different groups of boundaries beneath the array: one group of phases arrive from subhorizontal and gently dipping reflectors below the Moho boundary at a depth of 70–90 km, while the other group are phases originating from a depth of 100 to 130 km. Based on the irregular character of the first group of reflections, their different spatial orientation and correlation with the Moho offsets, we interpret the boundaries of this group as relicts of ancient subduction and collision processes. The second group of reflections can be explained by a transition from mechanically strong to mechanically weak lithosphere.  相似文献   

The Hodson mining district is in the westernmost foothills of the Sierra Nevada in California, about 17 km west of the town of Angels Camp. This district is part of the West Gold Belt, which lies about 12–16 km west of, and generally parallel to, the better known Mother Lode Gold Belt in central California. The district produced several million dollars worth of Au between about 1890 and 1940.  相似文献   

Quantifying crustal deformation is important for evaluating mass balance, material transfer, and the interplay between tectonism and magmatism in continental arcs. We present a dataset of >650 finite strain analyses compiled from published works and our own studies with associated structural, geochronologic, and geobarometric information in central and southern Sierra Nevada, California, to quantify the arc crust deformation. Our results show that Mesozoic tectonism results in 65% arc-perpendicular bulk crust shortening under a more or less plane strain condition. Mesozoic arc magmatism replaced ∼80% of this actively deforming arc crust with plutons requiring significantly greater crustal thickening. We suggest that by ∼85 Ma, the arc crust thickness was ∼80 km with a 30-km-thick arc root, resulting in a ∼5 km elevation. Most tectonic shortening and magma emplacement must be accommodated by downward displacements of crustal materials into growing crustal roots at the estimated downward transfer rate of 2–13 km/Myr. The downward transfer of crustal materials must occur in active magma channels, or in “escape channels” in between solidified plutons that decrease in size with time and depth resulting in an increase in the intensity of constrictional strain with depth. We argue that both tectonism and magmatism control the thickness of the crust and surface elevation with slight modification by surface erosion. The downward transported crustal materials initially fertilize the MASH zone thus enhancing to the generation of additional magmas. As the crustal root grows it may potentially pinch out and cool the mantle wedge and thus cause reduction of arc magmatism.  相似文献   

A soil geochemical survey was conducted in a 27,000-km2 study area of northern California that includes the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the Sacramento Valley, and the northern Coast Range. The results show that soil geochemistry in the Sacramento Valley is controlled primarily by the transport and weathering of parent material from the Coast Range to the west and the Sierra Nevada to the east. Chemically and mineralogically distinctive ultramafic (UM) rocks (e.g. serpentinite) outcrop extensively in the Coast Range and Sierra Nevada. These rocks and the soils derived from them have elevated concentrations of Cr and Ni. Surface soil samples derived from UM rocks of the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range contain 1700–10,000 mg/kg Cr and 1300–3900 mg/kg Ni. Valley soils west of the Sacramento River contain 80–1420 mg/kg Cr and 65–224 mg/kg Ni, reflecting significant contributions from UM sources in the Coast Range. Valley soils on the east side contain 30–370 mg/kg Cr and 16–110 mg/kg Ni. Lower Cr and Ni concentrations on the east side of the valley are the result of greater dilution by granitic sources of the Sierra Nevada.Chromium occurs naturally in the Cr(III) and Cr(VI) oxidation states. Trivalent Cr is a non-toxic micronutrient, but Cr(VI) is a highly soluble toxin and carcinogen. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy of soils with an UM parent show Cr primarily occurs within chromite and other mixed-composition spinels (Al, Mg, Fe, Cr). Chromite contains Cr(III) and is highly refractory with respect to weathering. Comparison of a 4-acid digestion (HNO3, HCl, HF, HClO4), which only partially dissolves chromite, and total digestion by lithium metaborate (LiBO3) fusion, indicates a lower proportion of chromite-bound Cr in valley soils relative to UM source soils. Groundwater on the west side of the Sacramento Valley has particularly high concentrations of dissolved Cr ranging up to 50 μg L−1 and averaging 16.4 μg L−1. This suggests redistribution of Cr during weathering and oxidation of Cr(III)-bearing minerals. It is concluded that regional-scale transport and weathering of ultramafic-derived constituents have resulted in enrichment of Cr and Ni in the Sacramento Valley and a partial change in the residence of Cr.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous gabbroic to granitic intrusive rocks of the Tehachapi Mountains were emplaced at depths of 25–30 km and thus afford a view of deep processes in the Sierra Nevada batholith. They consist of the 115 Ma Tehachapi suite and the 100 Ma Bear Valley suite; new zircon U-Pb age data reveal the presence of the latter as far west as Grapevine Canyon. The Nd, Sr, Pb, and O isotopic whole-rock data and zircon Pb inheritance patterns for the bulk of the suites suggest an origin by mixing between depleted mantlederived magmas and metasedimentary material with a substantial component of old continental material. However, this mixing is not evident in variations between isotopic ratios and chemical and lithologic parameters. This implies that isotopic hybridization of magmas took place deeper than 30 km, and that fractionation processes are likely responsible for the bulk of the chemical variation in this part of the Sierra Nevada batholith. Consideration of the isotopic data in the context of the Sierra Nevada batholith as a whole suggests that the well-known east-to-west isotopic gradients in the batholith may reflect a change in the average isotopic character of the preintrusive frame-work rather than a change in amount of crustal component. On the other hand, the lack of areal gradients in Sr and Nd isotopic ratios in the main study area may indicate a lack of pronounced gradation at deep levels, at least within the western batholith.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analyses along a W–E-orientated transect across northern Corsica indicate an important episode of crustal exhumation in late early Miocene time. Samples taken from the Alpine orogenic wedge, from the adjacent foreland basin and from the crystalline basement complex flooring the basin are completely reset. This implies that a ≥ 2.0–2.3-km-thick crustal section made of thrust sheets and/or autochthonous foreland deposits has been removed by erosion since early Miocene time. A geometric projection of this lost cover towards the west indicates that all of northern Corsica was covered either by Alpine nappes or middle Eocene foreland deposits. Fission-track ages are the same across the main boundary fault system separating the Alpine orogenic wedge and the foreland, indicating the absence of significant differential vertical displacement between upper and lower plates during Neogene unroofing.  相似文献   

We present a gravity model of the crustal structure in southern Mexico based on interpretation of a detailed marine gravity profile perpendicularly across the Middle America Trench offshore from Acapulco, and a regional gravity transect extending into continental Mexico across the Sierra Madre del Sur, the central sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Coastal Plain, and into the Gulf of Mexico. The elastic thickness of the Cocos lithospheric plate was found to be 30 km. In agreement with a previous seismic refraction study, no major differences in crustal structure were observed on both sides of the O’Gorman Fracture Zone. The gravity high seaward of the trench is interpreted as due to the incipient flexure and crustal thinning. The gravity low at the axis of the trench is explained by the increase in water depth and the existence of low-density accreted or continental-derived sediments (2.25 and 2.40 g/cm3). A gravity high of 50 mGal extending about 100 km landward is interpreted as caused by local shoaling of the Moho. The crust attains a thickness of 42 km under the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt but thins beneath the Coastal Plain and the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Gravity highs around the Sierra de Tamaulipas are interpreted in terms of relief of the lower–upper crustal interface, implying a shallow basement.  相似文献   

The Keystone-Muddy Mountain thrust sheet was displaced for several tens of kilometres across the land's surface in Cretaceous times. Its movement is related to the emplacement of the Sierra Nevada batholith, which provided a source of compressive stress over a period of about 140 Ma.The mechanical analysis presented here examines the stresses operating throughout the whole thrust sheet (i.e. the “toe”, “ramp” and “main thrust block”) which extends for approximately 200 km from front to rear. Frictional sliding can explain only the motion of the toe, the ramp and perhaps part of the main thrust block. A composite model, involving elastic upper and viscous lower layers, is used to account for the movement of most of the main thrust block.  相似文献   

Geochemical analyses and geobarometric determinations have been combined to create a depth vs. radiogenic heat production database for the Sierra Nevada batholith, California. This database shows that mean heat production values first increase, then decrease, with increasing depth. Heat production is 2 μW/m3 within the 3-km-thick volcanic pile at the top of the batholith, below which it increases to an average value of 3.5 μW/m3 at 5.5 km depth, then decreases to 0.5–1 μW/m3 at 15 km depth and remains at these values through the entire crust below 15 km. Below the crust, from depths of 40–125 km, the batholith's root and mantle wedge that coevolved beneath the batholith appears to have an average radiogenic heat production rate of 0.14 μW/m3. This is higher than the rates from most published xenolith studies, but reasonable given the presence of crustal components in the arc root assemblages. The pattern of radiogenic heat production interpreted from the depth vs. heat production database is not consistent with the downward-decreasing exponential distribution predicted from modeling of surface heat flow data. The interpreted distribution predicts a reasonable range of geothermal gradients and shows that essentially all of the present day surface heat flow from the Sierra Nevada could be generated within the 35 km thick crust. This requires a very low heat flux from the mantle, which is consistent with a model of cessation of Sierran magmatism during Laramide flat-slab subduction, followed by conductive cooling of the upper mantle for 70 m.y. The heat production variation with depth is principally due to large variations in uranium and thorium concentration; potassium is less variable in concentration within the Sierran crust, and produces relatively little of the heat in high heat production rocks. Because silica content is relatively constant through the upper 30 km of the Sierran batholith, while U, Th, and K concentrations are highly variable, radiogenic heat production does not vary directly with silica content.  相似文献   

Crustal structure of mainland China from deep seismic sounding data   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Since 1958, about ninety seismic refraction/wide angle reflection profiles, with a cumulative length of more than sixty thousand kilometers, have been completed in mainland China. We summarize the results in the form of (1) a new contour map of crustal thickness, (2) fourteen representative crustal seismic velocity–depth columns for various tectonic units, and, (3) a Pn velocity map. We found a north–south-trending belt with a strong lateral gradient in crustal thickness in central China. This belt divides China into an eastern region, with a crustal thickness of 30–45 km, and a western region, with a thickness of 45–75 km. The crust in these two regions has experienced different evolutionary processes, and currently lies within distinct tectonic stress fields. Our compilation finds that there is a high-velocity (7.1–7.4 km/s) layer in the lower crust of the stable Tarim basin and Ordos plateau. However, in young orogenic belts, including parts of eastern China, the Tianshan and the Tibetan plateau, this layer is often absent. One exception is southern Tibet, where the presence of a high-velocity layer is related to the northward injection of the cold Indian plate. This high-velocity layer is absent in northern Tibet. In orogenic belts, there usually is a low-velocity layer (LVL) in the crust, but in stable regions this layer seldom exists. The Pn velocities in eastern China generally range from 7.9 to 8.1 km/s and tend to be isotropic. Pn velocities in western China are more variable, ranging from 7.7 to 8.2 km/s, and may display azimuthal anisotropy.  相似文献   

Partial melting of mafic intrusions recently emplaced into the lower crust can produce voluminous silicic magmas with isotopic ratios similar to their mafic sources. Low-temperature (825 and 850°C) partial melts synthesized at 700 MPa in biotite-hornblende gabbros from the central Sierra Nevada batholith (Sisson et al. in Contrib Mineral Petrol 148:635–661, 2005) have major-element and modeled trace-element (REE, Rb, Ba, Sr, Th, U) compositions matching those of the Cretaceous El Capitan Granite, a prominent granite and silicic granodiorite pluton in the central part of the Sierra Nevada batholith (Yosemite, CA, USA) locally mingled with coeval, isotopically similar quartz diorite through gabbro intrusions (Ratajeski et al. in Geol Soc Am Bull 113:1486–1502, 2001). These results are evidence that the El Capitan Granite, and perhaps similar intrusions in the Sierra Nevada batholith with lithospheric-mantle-like isotopic values, were extracted from LILE-enriched, hydrous (hornblende-bearing) gabbroic rocks in the Sierran lower crust. Granitic partial melts derived by this process may also be silicic end members for mixing events leading to large-volume intermediate composition Sierran plutons such as the Cretaceous Lamarck Granodiorite. Voluminous gabbroic residues of partial melting may be lost to the mantle by their conversion to garnet-pyroxene assemblages during batholithic magmatic crustal thickening.  相似文献   

Events induced by deep gold-mining activity on the edge of the Witwatersrand basin dominate the seismicity of South Africa. The deployment of 54 broad-band seismic stations at 84 separate locations across southern Africa between April 1997 and April 1999 (Kaapvaal network) enabled the seismicity of South Africa to be better defined over a 2-year period. Seismic events located by the South African national network, and by localized seismic networks deployed in mines or across gold-mining areas, were used to evaluate earthquake location procedures and to show that the Kaapvaal network locates mining-induced tremors with an average error of 1.56±0.10 km compared with 9.50±0.36 km for the South African network. Travel times of seismic events from the mines recorded at the Kaapvaal network indicate regional variations in the thickness of the crust but no clearly resolved variations in seismic wavespeeds in the uppermost mantle. Greater average crustal thicknesses (48–50 km compared with 41–43 km) are observed in the northern parts of the Kaapvaal craton that were affected by the Bushveld magmatism at 2.05 Ga. Estimates of average crustal thickness for the southern part of the Kaapvaal craton from receiver functions (38 km) agree well with those from refracted arrivals from mining-induced earthquakes if the crustal thicknesses below the sources are assumed to be 40–43 km. In contrast, the average crustal thickness inferred from refracted arrivals for the northern part of the Kaapvaal craton is larger by about 7 km (51 km) than that inferred from receiver functions (44 km), suggesting a thick mafic lower crust of variable seismic properties due to variations in composition and metamorphic grade. Pn wavespeeds are high (8.3–8.4 km/s), indicating the presence of highly depleted magnesium-rich peridotite throughout the uppermost mantle of the craton. Seismic Pg and Sg phases indicate that the upper crust around the Witwatersrand basin is comparatively uniform in composition when averaged over several kilometres.  相似文献   

We have collected about 150 magnetotelluric (MT) soundings in northeastern Nevada in the region of the Ruby Mountains metamorphic core complex uplift and southern Carlin mineral trend, in an effort to illuminate controls on core complex evolution and deposition of world-class gold deposits. The region has experienced a broad range of tectonic events including several periods of compressional and extensional deformation, which have contributed to the total expression of electrical resistivity. Most of the soundings reside in three east–west profiles across increasing degrees of core uplift to the north (Bald Mountain, Harrison Pass, and Secret Pass latitudes). One short cross-line was also taken to assess an east–west structure to the north of the northern profile. Model resistivity cross-sections were derived from the MT data using a 2-D inversion algorithm, which damps departures of model parameters from an a priori structure. Geological interpretation of the resistivity combines previous seismic, potential field and isotope models, structural and petrological models for regional compression and extension, and detailed structural/stratigraphic interpretations incorporating drilling for petroleum and mineral exploration. To first order, the resistivity structure is one of a moderately conductive, Phanerozoic sedimentary section fundamentally disrupted by intrusion and uplift of resistive crystalline rocks. Late Devonian and early Mississippian shales of the Pilot and Chainman Formations together form an important conductive marker sequence in the stratigraphy and show pronounced increases in conductance (conductivity–thickness product) from east to west. These increases are attributed to graphitization caused by Elko–Sevier era compressional shear deformation and possibly by intrusive heating. The resistive crystalline central massifs adjoin the host stratigraphy across crustal-scale, steeply dipping fault zones. The zones provide pathways to the lower crust for heterogeneous, upper crustal induced, electric current flow. Resistive core complex crust appears steeply bounded under the middle of the neighboring grabens and not to deepen at a shallow angle to arbitrary distances to the west. The numerous crustal breaks imaged with MT may contribute to the low effective elastic thickness (Te) estimated regionally for the Great Basin and exemplify the mid-crustal, steeply dipping slip zones in which major earthquakes nucleate. An east–west oriented conductor in the crystalline upper crust spans the East Humboldt Range and northern Ruby Mountains. The conductor may be related to nearby graphitic metasediments, with possible alteration by middle Tertiary magmatism. Lower crustal resistivity everywhere under the profiles is low and appears quasi one-dimensional. It is consistent with a low rock porosity (<1 vol.%) containing hypersaline brines and possible water-undersaturated crustal melts, residual to the mostly Miocene regional extension. The resistivity expression of the southern Carlin Trend (CT) in the Pinon Range is not a simple lineament but rather a family of structures attributed to Eocene intrusion, stratal deformation, and alteration/graphitization. Substantial reactivation or overprinting by core complex uplift or Basin–Range extensional events seems likely. We concur with others that the Carlin Trend may result in part from overlap of the large Eocene Northeast Nevada Volcanic Field with Precambrian–Paleozoic deep-water clastic source rocks thickening abruptly to the west of the Pinon Range, and projecting to the north–northwest.  相似文献   

The Hidaka Collision Zone (HCZ), central Hokkaido, Japan, is a good target for studies of crustal evolution and deformation processes associated with an arc–arc collision. The collision of the Kuril Arc (KA) with the Northeast Japan Arc (NJA), which started in the middle Miocene, is considered to be a controlling factor for the formation of the Hidaka Mountains, the westward obduction of middle/lower crustal rocks of the KA (the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt (HMB)) and the development of the foreland fold-and-thrust belt on the NJA side. The “Hokkaido Transect” project undertaken from 1998 to 2000 was a multidisciplinary effort intended to reveal structural heterogeneity across this collision zone by integrated geophysical/geological research including seismic refraction/reflection surveys and earthquake observations. An E–W trending 227 km-long refraction/wide-angle reflection profile found a complicated structural variation from the KA to the NJA across the HCZ. In the east of the HCZ, the hinterland region is covered with 4–4.5 km thick highly undulated Neogene sedimentary layers, beneath which two eastward dipping reflectors were imaged in a depth range of 10–25 km, probably representing the layer boundaries of the obducting middle/lower crust of the KA. The HMB crops out on the westward extension of these reflectors with relatively high Vp (>6.0 km/s) and Vp/Vs (>1.80) consistent with middle/lower crustal rocks. Beneath these reflectors, more flat and westward dipping reflector sequences are situated at the 25–27 km depth, forming a wedge-like geometry. This distribution pattern indicates that the KA crust has been delaminated into more than two segments under our profile. In the western part of the transect, the structure of the fold-and-thrust belt is characterized by a very thick (5–8 km) sedimentary package with a velocity of 2.5–4.8 km/s. This package exhibits one or two velocity reversals in Paleogene sedimentary layers, probably formed by imbrication associated with the collision process. From the horizontal distribution of these velocity reversals and other geophysical/geological data, the rate of crustal shortening in this area is estimated to be greater than 3–4 mm/year, which corresponds to 40–50% of the total convergence rate between the NJA and the Eurasian Plate. This means that the fold-and-thrust belt west of the HCZ is absorbing a large amount of crustal deformation associated with plate interaction across Hokkaido Island.  相似文献   

A 145 km N–S seismic traverse was deployed to determine the crustal structure of the Limpopo mobile belt in southern Zimbabwe and the nature of its northern boundary with the Zimbabwean craton. Rockbursts from South African gold mines to the south and regional seismicity from the Kariba-South Zambia belt to the north were used as seismic sources. P-wave relative teleseismic residuals were also measured to assess whether any velocity contrast between the craton and the mobile belt extended into the upper mantle.Interpretation of reduced travel times from the local Buchwa iron-ore mine blasts, which were broadside to the traverse, revealed an upper crustal interface in the Limpopo mobile belt at a depth of 5.8 ± 0.6 km, dividing material with a velocity of about 5.8 km/s from that of about 6.4 km/s. On the craton, arrivals from the same source showed a 4.4 ± 0.5 km thick 5.5 km/s layer overlying crust of about velocity 6.5 km/s. P-wave arrivals from the regional seismicity were used to construct a crustal cross-section. Absolute crustal thickness was tentatively estimated from the identification of a Moho reflection on the mine blast recordings. To the south of Rutenga, the crust thins from around 34 km to 29 km in association with a positive gravity anomaly centred over the late-Karoo Nuanetsi Igneous Province and Karoo Tuli Syncline. North of Rutenga to the boundary with the Zimbabwean craton, the crust is about 34 km thick. The craton boundary was found to be a steeply southerly dipping zone associated with high-velocity material, which could either be deep-seated greenstones or mafic material associated with the margin in the region studied. This zone divides cratonic crust, which was found to be about 40 km thick, from that typical of the mobile belt and implies a step in the Moho of around 6 km.Analysis of relative teleseismic residuals showed that the velocity contrasts are not confined to the crust but extend into the uppermost upper mantle with the cratonic lithosphere being about 4% faster than that of the Limpopo mobile belt. The resolution of the technique is such that it is difficult to ascertain whether these differences are features of Precambrian evolution or are due to reactivation of the upper mantle during Karoo igneous and tectonic activity.  相似文献   

Onshore–offshore seismic refraction profiling allows for the determination of crustal and mantle structures in the transition between continental and oceanic environments. Islands and narrow landmasses have the unique geometry of allowing for double-sided onshore–offshore experiments that favor the construction of composite “super-gathers” using the acquisition of onshore–offshore and ocean-bottom seismometer receiver gathers, land explosion shot gathers, and near-vertical incidence multichannel seismic (MCS) profiling. A number of sites at plate boundaries are amenable to the application of double-sided onshore–offshore imaging, including the Indo-Australian/Pacific transform boundary on South Island, New Zealand. By comparing the ratio of island width to mantle refraction (Pn) “maximum” crossover distance, using nondimensional distances, we provide an indicator of raypath “coverage” for crustal illumination. Islands or narrow land masses whose widths are less than twice their maximum crossover distance are candidates for double-sided onshore–offshore experiments. The SIGHT (South Island GeopHysical invesTigation) experiment in New Zealand is located where the width of South Island is sufficiently narrow with respect to its crustal thickness that a double-sided onshore–offshore experiment allows for complete crustal imaging of the associated plate boundary.  相似文献   

K. Kitamura  M. Ishikawa  M. Arima   《Tectonophysics》2003,371(1-4):213-221
Ultrasonic compressional wave velocities (Vp) and shear wave velocities (Vs) were measured with varying pressure up to 1.0 GPa in a temperature range from 25 to 400 °C for a suite of tonalitic–gabbroic rocks of the Miocene Tanzawa plutonic complex, central Japan, which has been interpreted as uplifted and exposed deep crust of the northern Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) arc. The Vp values of the tonalitic–gabbroic rocks increase rapidly at low pressures from 0.1 to 0.4 GPa, and then become nearly constant at higher pressures above 0.4 GPa. The Vp values at 1.0 GPa and 25 °C are 6.3–6.6 km/s for tonalites (56.4–71.1 wt.% SiO2), 6.8 km/s for a quartz gabbro (53.8 wt.% SiO2), and 7.1–7.3 km/s for a hornblende gabbro (43.2–47.7 wt.% SiO2). Combining the present data with the P wave velocity profile of the northern IBM arc, we infer that 6-km-thick tonalitic crust exists at mid-crustal depth (6.1–6.3 km/s Vp) overlying 2-km-thick hornblende gabbroic crust (6.8 km/s Vp). Our model shows large differences in acoustic impedance between the tonalite and hornblende gabbro layers, being consistent with the strong reflector observed at 12-km-depth in the IBM arc. The measured Vp of Tanzawa hornblende-bearing gabbroic rocks (7.1–7.3 km/s) is significantly lower than that Vp modeled for the lowermost crustal layer of the northern IBM arc (7.3–7.7 km/s at 15–22 km depth). We propose that the IBM arc consists of a thick tonalitic middle crust and a mafic lower crust.  相似文献   

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