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Kohistan Sequence has been considered as island arc formed during the subduction of oceanic lithosphere at the leading edge of northward moving Indian continent.. Sedimentary sequences indicate that formation of the intra\|oceanic Kohistan arc began in early Cretaceous time. The isotopic data demonstrate the involvement of enriched, DUPAL type mantle, suggesting that Kohistan arc was formed at or south of the present equator (Khan et al., 1997). The Intra oceanic phase of Kohistan lasted until sometime between 102 and 85 Ma, when Kohistan collided with Asia. From this time until collision with India about 50 Ma ago, Kohistan existed as Andean\|type margin. This paleomagnetic study is from the volcanic and plutonic rocks exposed in Gupis\|Shamran area (west of Gilgit) in northern part of the Kohistan arc. According to geochronological data these rocks were formed 61~55Ma ago (Treloar et al., 1989), when Kohistan was existing as Andean\|type margin. Seven to nine samples were collected from nine sites of Shamran volcanics (58±1)Ma and from five sites of Pingal, Gupis, and Yasin plutons (Ar\|Ar hornblende ages ranges from 61~52Ma). On the basis of one Rb\|Sr age of (59±2)Ma from these plutons, the above\|mentioned Ar/Ar ages may be regarded as reasonable intrusion ages of these plutons (Searle, 1991).  相似文献   


The Chilas Complex in the Kohistan Terrane, Pakistan, is a huge basic intrusion, about 300 km long and up to 40 km wide, which is regarded as tilted island-arc type crust. It has been interpreted as the magma chamber root zone of the Kohistan Island Arc. The Chilas Complex is composed mainly of gabbronorite (main facies) and several masses of ultramafic–mafic–anorthosite (UMA) association. The UMA association consists mainly of olivine-dominant cumulate (dunite, wehrlite, lherzolite) and plagioclase-dominant cumulate (troctolite, olivine gabbro, gabbronorite, anorthosite), with minor amount of pyroxene-dominant cumulate (clinopyroxenite, websterite).The major element geochemistry of the gabbronorite (main facies) and rocks of the UMA association, plotted on Harker diagrams, are explained by a cumulate and a non-cumulate model, respectively. Namely, the UMA association is explained as variable crystal cumulates from a primary magma and the gabbronorite of the main facies is explained as due to the fractionation of the residual melt. Chemical variations of major, trace and rare earth elements for the gabbronorite of the main facies in the Chilas Complex are explained by fractional crystallization and accumulation of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from the residual melt of the primary magma.  相似文献   

The accurate estimation of fracture geometry parameters and the characterization of rock mass structure are two important topics in the geological disposal system of high-level radioactive waste(HLW). The Beishan area, as the current preselected area for China’s HLW disposal, has three subareas considered to be the key survey area at the stage of site selection. In this paper, a comprehensive survey method conducted on the outcrop is developed to estimate fracture geometry parameters. Results sh...  相似文献   

甘肃鹰嘴山地区岩体和隐伏岩体遥感信息提取研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
选择中国西北地区阿尔金山脉东段的鹰嘴山金矿及其周边地区为研究区,研究如何利用Landsat-7 ETM+遥感数据,实现对该区岩体和隐伏岩体信息自动提取。采用遥感信息多层次分离提取技术,通过对该区实测地物波谱数据和岩矿石多元数据的统计分析,得到岩体有关蚀变类型的遥感信息提取波段组合,并在对多波段遥感数据进行算术运算、比值和主成分分析的基础上,获取多幅经过信息增强处理的中间变量图像。结合对研究区已知岩体分布范围和特征的研究,从多幅中间变量图像中优选出主要包含岩体信息的最佳变量图像,并据此提取出该区的岩体和隐伏岩体信息。通过与已有地质资料的对比分析和野外实地验证,发现用该方法提取的岩体信息与实际情况吻合度高,效果较好。另外,对岩体信息提取误差产生的原因也进行了相关讨论。  相似文献   

白鹤滩水电站坝址区岸坡深部发育大量既非构造成因、又区别于常规卸荷裂隙的深部破裂,有关此类特殊地质现象的成因机制及其对工程的影响已成为水电站建设亟需解决的问题.以深部破裂现场精细描述为基础,总结深部破裂基本特征与发育分布规律,结合构造演化、河谷演化及浅生改造理论,辅以现场地应力测试及测年成果,采用地质过程机制分析方法,还...  相似文献   

中元古代石秤花岗岩体为嵩山地区出露面积最大岩体,以往研究认为其主体岩性为钾长花岗岩。在野外实地调查研究过程中,首次发现石秤岩体中有晚期侵入形成的正长岩、碱长花岗岩小岩株、岩脉,石秤花岗岩岩体并不是单一的正长花岗岩岩性。通过对稀土矿化体分布、岩石学、化学成分特征及其与石秤花岗岩关系的研究,表明稀土矿化体为石秤花岗岩岩体在后期演化过程中更富集轻稀土等成矿物质,含矿热液沿裂隙充填所形成,为岩浆后期热液成矿。  相似文献   

Petrophysical evaluation and rock physics analysis are the important tools to relate the reservoir properties like porosity, permeability, pore fluids with seismic parameters. Nevertheless, the uncertainties always exist in the quantification of elastic and seismic parameters estimated through wireline logs and rock physics analysis. A workflow based on statistical relationships of rock physics and logs derived elastic and seismic parameters with porosity and the percentage error exist between them is given. The statistical linear regressions are developed for early Eocene Chorgali Formation between various petrophysically factors determined from borehole logging of well Ratana–03 drilled in tectonically disturbed zone and the seismic and elastic parameters estimated through rock physics modeling. The rock physics constraints such as seismic velocities, effective density and elastic moduli calculated from Gassmann fluid substation analysis are in harmony and close agreement to those estimated from borehole logs. The percentage errors between well logs and rock physics computed saturated bulk modulus (K sat ), effective density (ρ eff ), compressional and shear wave velocities (V P and V S) are 1.31%, 4.23 %, 5.25% and 4.01% respectively. The permeability of reservoir intervals show fairly strong linear relationship with the porosity, indicating that the reservoir interval of the Chorgali Formation is permeable and porous thus having large potential of hydrocarbon accumulation and production.  相似文献   

在研究完成变形岩体软弱破裂带可灌性的基础上,采用旋喷注浆技术进行直接加固处理,提高破裂带的内聚力和内摩擦角,实践证明,抑制了岩体的变表,防止了滑坡的产生。  相似文献   

One of the most important steps in designing underground structures is the evaluation of ground conditions in terms of squeezing potential and behavior of the geological structures. Generally, constructing a tunnel in the squeezing condition is a very slow and difficult task. Therefore, recognition and evaluation of the squeezing potential is very important in selecting a suitable excavation method and support, especially in weak rocks. This research is concerned with the assessment of squeezing potential along tunnel T4 of water conveyance system from Azad dam to Ravansar plain with the length of 11,380 m, located between Kurdistan and Kermanshah provinces, west of Iran. This tunnel is in an almost NS direction and flows through the contact zone of Iran and Arabic plates. According to the engineering geological investigations, the squeezing potential has been recognized as the most important difficulty in the excavation of tunnel T4. This conclusion can be explained by the several indicators including lithology, high disintegration of rock masses, alteration of rocks on the border of Iran and Arabic plates’ contact zone, low rock mass quality, high overburden, and highly jointed rock masses in a shuffle tectonic condition. This paper deals with the engineering geological and geomechanical properties of rock masses. Then, it evaluates squeezing intensity using empirical, semi-empirical, and analytical properties methods. The analysis conducted in these work shows that the tunnel excavation would encounter squeezing problems, which is most severe in region 2 due to the effects of the major young Zagros fault.  相似文献   

扎合岩体位于哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块北缘,属于萨吾尔晚古生代岛弧带,岩石类型以花岗闪长岩为主。笔者通过对该岩体的岩石地球化学、岩石类型、岩浆源区、构造背景研究表明,扎合岩体属于钙碱性系列侵入岩,在岩浆演化过程中没有明显的分离结晶作用且分异程度不高,暗示其原始岩浆的来源可能为上地幔,形成环境为后碰撞阶段的挤压环境;扎合岩体地球化学特征的确定为晚古生代西准噶尔地区地壳的垂向增生以及后碰撞岩浆活动的研究提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

为了对松动岩体的工程特性进行系统研究,以楞古水电站厂址区边坡为例,对该边坡岩体进行了详细的地质编录和物理勘探试验,重点对节理裂隙的空间发育规律、镶嵌结构和碎裂结构岩体的发育深度及空间分布、软弱结构面发育分布规律以及边坡已有变形破坏特征这四个方面进行了系统的统计和分析,认为松动岩体是区域断裂活动和浅表生改造的结果,岩体工程效应差、变形模量低;同时结合应力测试、声波测速、高密度电磁勘探等试验成果进行分析,结果显示松动岩体具低波速(波速大部分小于3 000 m/s)、低应力(最大主应力不超过20 MPa)、强透水性(透水性系数大于10 L/(min·m·m))。认为岩体破碎主要受断层及节理裂隙影响,分析了岩体破裂松动的演化过程及特征。  相似文献   

通过对矿井锚索支护巷道喷浆骨料的各种配比试验研究,结合现场的实际应用,总结出比较适合巷道喷浆使用的采用红矸石做骨料的骨料配比方案。  相似文献   

The Cu-Sb-Pb polymetallic vein deposit is hosted by metavolcanics rocks of the Gawuch Formation at the Kaldom Gol area of the northwest Kohistan arc terrain in northern Pakistan. The mineralization is closely associated with the dioritic to granodioritic rocks of the Lowari pluton, which was intruded into the Gawuch metavolcanics. Details of ore characterization and processes of ore genesis of this evidently hydrothermal mineralization are not well documented. Integrating petrographic, mineral-chemical and isotopic investigations, this study aims to comprehend the source of hydrothermal fluids, geochemical evolution, mineral inclusions and physicochemical conditions of the Cu-Sb-Pb polymetallic vein deposit in Gawuch metavolcanics in the Kohistan arc terrain in northern Pakistan. The mineralization is distinguished into three types of ore-gangue associations: Type Ia, Type Ib, and Type II. The textural study revealed two pyrite generations: (i) Py1 displaying euhedral to subhedral habits and containing scarce inclusions, and (ii) Py2 occurring as anhedral grains hosting abundant inclusions. Type Ia is characterized by Py1 associated with abundant quartz (Qz) showing comb texture, sericite (Ser), and minor chlorite (Chl). Type Ib comprises Qz + Ser + Chl and Py2, chalcopyrite (Ccp), and magnetite (Mag). Type II is represented by mosaic quartz, rhombic adularia, and bladed calcite, and the ore minerals fahlore and galena. Alteration zones composed of Qz-Ser ± Chl and Qz-Ser-Chl, surround Type I (a, b) and Type II veins, respectively. Fahlore and galena mostly replace pyrite of Type Ia and chalcopyrite of Type Ib. In addition, malachite, azurite, hematite and covellite occur as secondary (supergene) minerals. The Co/Ni ratios (>1) of Kaldom Gol pyrites suggest that the ore-forming fluids were hydrothermal in origin and Py1 and Py2 solidified at 221–304 °C and 225–261 °C, respectively. The LA-ICP-MS time-resolved depth profiles confirm the existence of sphalerite, and chalcopyrite inclusions in pyrite (Py1 and Py2) and millerite, bravoite, vaesite, Au-tellurides, native Au and galena inclusions in chalcopyrite and fahlore. Sulfur isotope compositions of pyrites (δ34S = Py1, −0.58 to +2 ‰; δ34S = Py2, −0.24 to +2.04 ‰) indicate that the ore-forming fluids were derived from magmatic source (s). The mineral assemblage, hydrothermal alterations, textures, temperature and δ34S of pyrites suggest that the Cu-Sb-Pb polymetallic mineralization at Kaldom Gol represents an intermediate-sulfidation type of epithermal deposit.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The natural rock that contains micro particles, holes, cracks, impurities, etc. has a complex composition. According to whether the crack is closed or not,...  相似文献   

辽宁兴城地区岩石光谱测试及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在辽宁兴城野外实习基地采用ASD光谱仪完成不同岩石样品光谱测试的基础上, 分析了不同类型、不同地质时代的岩浆岩和沉积岩, 及其风化面和新鲜面的光谱曲线特征。兴城野外不同岩浆岩与沉积岩光谱曲线形态相似, 新鲜面和风化面的特征光谱吸收位置相差不大, 但新鲜面的反射率普遍高于风化面的反射率;岩浆岩和沉积岩样品一般在波长为900 nm左右存在铁离子吸收谷;除了在1 400 nm和1 900 nm处有水汽吸收带外, 岩浆岩和沉积岩样品在2 200 nm左右还存在强吸收谷, 而灰岩在2 300 nm左右有比较高的吸收谷, 这也是利用实测光谱进行岩性分类的理论基础。但是, 不同地质年代下的岩石光谱曲线变化并无规律, 更多地与岩石结构、成分和环境因素等相关。这样, 岩石光谱测试及其特征分析可满足研究区岩性识别、矿化蚀变信息提取的需要。  相似文献   

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