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V. Corchete 《地学学报》2008,20(6):489-493
The gravimetric geoid computed in the northern part of Iberia, is presented in this paper. This computation has been performed considering two study windows fitted to the areas with higher density of gravity data, to reduce the computation errors associated to the scarcity of gravity data, as much as possible. The bad influence of a bathymetry with poorer resolution than the topography is also reduced considering the smallest marine area possible. Moreover, the computation of this gravimetric model is based on the most recent geopotential model: EIGEN‐GL04C (obtained in 2006). The method used in the computation of the new gravimetric geoid has been the Stokes integral in convolution form. The terrain correction has been applied to the gridded gravity anomalies, to obtain the corresponding reduced anomalies. Also the indirect effect has been taken into account. Thus, a new geoid model has been calculated and it is provided as a data grid in the Geodetic Reference System of 1980, distributed for the northern part of Iberia from 40 to 44 degrees of latitude and ?10 to 4 degrees of longitude, on a 161 × 561 regular grid with a mesh size of 1.5′ × 1.5′. This new geoid and the previous geoid Iberian Gravimetric Geoid 2005, are compared with the geoid undulations measured for eight points of the European Vertical Reference Network (EUVN) on Iberia. The new geoid shows an improvement in precision and reliability, fitting the geoidal heights of these EUVN points with more accuracy than the previous geoid. Moreover, this new geoid has a smaller standard deviation (12.6 cm) than that obtained by any previous geoid developed for the Iberian area up to date. This geoid obtained for the northern part of Iberia will complement the previously obtained geoid for South Spain and the Gibraltar Strait area; both geoids jointly will give a complete picture of the geoid for Spain and the Gibraltar Strait area. This new model will be useful for orthometric height determination by GPS over this study area, because it will allow orthometric height determination in the mountains and remote areas, in which levelling has many logistic problems. This new model contributes to our knowledge of the geoid, but the surrounding areas must be better known to constrain the lithospheric and mantle models.  相似文献   

In this paper an estimator for geoid is presented and applied for geoid computation which considers the topographic and atmospheric effects on the geoid. The total atmospheric effect is mathematically developed in terms of spherical harmonics to degree and order 2,160 based on a recent static atmospheric density model. Also the contribution of its higher degrees is formulated. Another idea of this paper is to combine one of the recent Earth gravity models (EGMs) of the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) mission with EGM08 and the terrestrial gravimetric data of Fennoscandia in an optimum way. To do so, the GOCE EGMs are compared with the Global Positioning System (GPS)/levelling data over the area for finding the most suited one. This comparison is done in two different ways: with and without considering the errors of the EGMs. Comparison of the computed geoids with the GPS/levelling data shows that a) considering the total atmospheric effect will improve the geoid by about 5 mm, b) GOCO03S is the most suited GOCE EGM for Fennoscandia, c) the errors of some of the GOCE EGMs are optimistic and far from reality. Combination of GOCO03S from degree 120 to 210 and EGM08 for the rest of degrees shows its good quality in these frequencies.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to discuss the use of GPS positioning together with a gravimetrically determined geoid, for deriving orthometric heights in the North of Algeria, for which a limited number of GPS stations with known orthometric heights are available, and to check, by the same opportunity, the possibility of substituting the classical spirit levelling. For this work, 247 GPS stations which are homogeneously distributed and collected from the international TYRGEONET project, as well as the local GPS/Levelling surveys, have been used. The GPS/Levelling geoidal heights are obtained by connecting the points to the levelling network while gravimetric geoidal heights were interpolated from the geoid model computed by the Geodetic Laboratory of the National Centre of Spatial Techniques from gravity data supplied by BGI. However, and in order to minimise the discordances, systematic errors and datum inconsistencies between the available height data sets, we have tested two parametric models of corrector surface: a four parameter transformation and a third polynomial model are used to find the adequate functional representation of the correction that should be applied to the gravimetric geoid. The comparisons based on these GPS campaigns prove that a good fit between the geoid model and GPS/levelling data has been reached when the third order polynomial was used as corrector surface and that the orthometric heights can be deducted from GPS observations with an accuracy acceptable for the low order levelling network densification. In addition, the adopted methodology has been also applied for the altimetric auscultation of a storage reservoir situated at 40 km from the town of Oran. The comparison between the computed orthometric heights and observed ones allowed us to affirm that the alternative of levelling by GPS is attractive for this auscultation.  相似文献   

For GPS levelling applications, it is convenient to express the height reference surface in a suitable geodetic reference system. This can be obtained through a set of levelled GPS points. Unfortunately, available data are sparse. A gravimetric geoid is often used to interpolate the height reference surface issued from GPS and levelling. Both surfaces do not coincide exactly with each other. At this point, one must compare two realisations of the geoid, detect outliers, retrieve (if possible) the causes of the discrepancies and finally combine the two kinds of data. The paper presents some practical solutions to these problems.  相似文献   

Some steps were taken recently for Hungary aiming at the determination of geoid heights with a cm-accuracy. The present HGTUB98 gravimetric solution was based on terrestrial gravity data, height data and the EGM96 geopotential model, and was computed with the 1D Spherical FFT method. The gravity data were used in the area 45.5 ° ≤ϑ ≤ 49 °, 16 ° ≤ λ ≤ 23 °, the resolution of the grid was 30″ × 50″. The DTM used had a resolution of 1 km × 1 km.Our solution was evaluated using GPS/levelling data at 340 and 308 points respectively and at 138 vertical deflection points. We have compared our solution to the European EGG97 geoid solution, the gravimetric solution HGR97B developed by A. Kenyeres and the litospheric geoid solution by G. Papp. We have correlated our recent HGTUB98 solution to the Moho model of Central Europe. The comparison with GPS/levelling yielded respectively an accuracy of ±8.7 cm and ±4.4 cm (in terms of standard deviation) when a linear trend was removed. The comparison of the 1D planar FFT solution for the deflections of the vertical with 138 astrogeodetic deflections yielded an accuracy (in terms of standard deviation) of ±0.62″ and ±0.52″ for ξ and η, respectively.  相似文献   

A new, high precision, high accuracy and high resolution gravimetric geoid of Australia has been produced using most updated data, theory and methodology. This paper presents a concise report of the new Australian geoid determination. Some aspects of the new geoid computation, such as data validation, geoid determination strategies and computational procedures, are described. The relative precision of the new geoid is better than 5 cm for average baseline length of 4km~40km and 18 cm for average baseline length of 120km when compared with three local GPS/levelling networks.  相似文献   

An improved hybrid gravimetric geoid model for Egypt, EGY-HGM2016, has been recently computed implementing the least-squares collocation (LSC) method through the remove-compute-restore (RCR) procedure. The computation of EGY-HGM2016 involves different datasets in terms of gravity anomalies determined from the GOCE (gravity field and steady-state ocean circulation explorer)-based global geopotential model (SPW-R4) up to d/o 200 and EGM2008 from d/o 201 to 720 combined with terrestrial gravity datasets in terms of 2140 gravity field anomalies and about 121,480 marine surface gravity anomalies. In addition, orthometric heights from 17 GPS/levelling measurements have been considered during the modelling process to improve the determination of the hybrid gravimetric geoid over the Egyptian region. The EGY-HGM2016 model estimated over Egypt provides geoid heights that are ranging from 7.677 to 21.095 m with a standard deviation (st. dev.) of about 2.534 m in the northwest of the country excluding the involvement of the orthometric heights from GPS/levelling measurements. When the later dataset is considered during the implementation of LSC process, hybrid residual height anomalies ranging from ?1.5 to +0.9 m, with a mean of 0.22 m and a st. dev. of 0.17 m, are obtained. Comparison of the predicted hybrid gravimetric geoid with the corresponding ones obtained from EGM2008, GOCE-based SPW R4 model, and GPS/levelling reveals considerable improvements of our EGY-HGM2016 model over Egypt.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis was carried out to investigate spatial associations between natural seismicity and faults in southeastern Ontario and north-central New York State (between 73°18′ and 77°00′W and 43°30′ and 45°18′N). The study area is situated to the west of the seismically active St. Lawrence fault zone, and to the east of the Lake Ontario basin where recently documented geological and geophysical evidence points to possible neotectonic faulting. The weights of evidence method was used to judge the spatial associations between seismic events and populations of faults in eight arbitrarily defined orientation groups. Spatial analysis of data sets for seismic events in the periods 1930–1970 and post-1970 suggest stronger spatial associations between earthquake epicentres and faults with strikes that lie in the NW–SE quadrants, and weaker spatial associations of epicentres with faults that have strikes in the NE–SW quadrants. The strongest spatial associations were determined for groups of faults with strikes between 101° and 146°. The results suggest that faults striking broadly NW–SE, at high angles to the regional maximum horizontal compressive stress, are statistically more likely to be spatially associated with seismic events than faults striking broadly NE–SW. If the positive spatial associations can be interpreted as indicating genetic relationships between earthquakes and mapped faults, then the results may suggest that, as a population, NW–SE trending faults are more likely to be seismically active than NE–SW striking faults. Detailed geological studies of faults in the study area would be required to determine possible neotectonic displacements and the kinematics of the displacements.  相似文献   

To better understand the recent motion of the Pacific plate relative to the Rivera plate and to better define the limitations of the existing Rivera–Pacific plate motion models for accurately predicting this motion, total-field magnetic data, multibeam bathymetric data and sidescan sonar images were collected during the BART and FAMEX campaigns of the N/O L'Atalante conducted in April and May 2002 in the area surrounding the Moctezuma Spreading Segment of the East Pacific Rise, located offshore of Manzanillo, Mexico, at 106°16′W, between 17.8°N and 18.5°N. Among the main results are: (1) the principle transform displacement zone of the Rivera Transform is narrow and well defined east of 107o15′W and these azimuths should be used preferentially when deriving new plate motion models, and (2) spreading rates along the Moctezuma Spreading Segment should not be used in plate motion studies as either seafloor spreading has been accommodated at more than one location since the initiation of seafloor spreading in the area of the Moctezuma Spreading Segment, or this spreading center is not a Rivera–Pacific plate boundary as has been previously assumed. Comparison of observed transform azimuths with those predicted by the best-fit poles of six previous models of Rivera–Pacific relative motion indicate that, in the study area, a significant systematic bias is present in the predictions of Rivera–Pacific motion. Although the exact source of this bias remains unclear, this bias indicates the need to derive a new Rivera–Pacific relative plate motion model.  相似文献   

Two large ice fields between 46°30′ and 51°30′S cover the Patagonian Andes. The North and South Patagonian Ice Fields are separated by the transandine depth line at 47°45′ to 48°15′S. Canal and Río Baker run through this depression. The two ice fields are generally considered relics of a continuous ice cap, which covered the entire Patagonian Andes from 39° to 52°S and extended far into the eastern foreland of the Andes. This assumption is not correct for the 200-km-long section of the Andes between Lago Pueyrredón (Lago Cochrane in Chile) (47°15′S) and Lago San Martín (Lago O'Higgins in Chile) (48°45′S). The lack of a continuous ice cap extending far into the east is caused by the transandine depth line, playing a crucial role in the fluvial erosion and the glacial scouring of this tectonic zone. This depression formed a river system (e.g. Río Baker, Río Bravo and Río Mayer) that drains towards the west. Reconstruction of the maximum glacial advance of the last ice age shows that the eastern outlet glaciers of the two ice fields between Lago San Martín and Lago Pueyrredón did not drain towards the east, but rather followed the general gradient of the transandine depth line. In this area the eastern flank of the Andes between Monte San Lorenzo (3770 m) and Sa. de Sangra (2155 m) supported valley glaciers, which were independent of the expanding ice fields. Only a few valley glaciers advanced towards the Patagonian Meseta. The terminal moraines of these glaciers were erroneously interpreted as the eastern edge of a continuous ice cap. North of 47°30′S the outlet glaciers of the NPI advanced 200 km during the LGM and the late glacial advances nearly reached to 71°W. In contrast, south of 49°S glacier expansion was comparatively less: The LGM is situated only 85–115 km east of the present margins of the large outlet glaciers (O'Higgins, Viedma, and Upsala), and no late glacial advance reached 72°W. These considerable differences of glacier expansion were influenced by the northward migration of the westerly precipitation belt during glacial cycles. There is tentative evidence that the glaciers advanced three times in the period from 14 000 to 9 500 14C years BP.  相似文献   

Nowadays, Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) are used as a routine stage in the procedures to compute a gravimetric geoid. The GGMs based geoidal height also can be used for GPS/levelling and navigation purposes in developing countries which do not have accurate gravimetric geoid models. Also, the GGM based gravity anomaly including the digital elevation model can be used in evaluation and outlier detections schemes of the ground gravity anomaly data. Further, the deflection of vertical and gravity gradients components from the GGMs can be used for different geodetic and geophysical interpretation purposes. However, still a complete and user-friendly software package is not available for universities and geosciences communities. In this article, first we review the procedure for determination of the basic gravity field and gradient components from the GGMs, then general MATLAB based software is presented and applied as a sample case study for determination of gravity components based on the most recent EIGEN-GL04C GRACE model in Sweden. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A local geoid solution for the northern part of Greece is presented based on a recent processing of newly available gravity data in the area 40.25 ≤ /o ≤ 41.00, 22.5 ≤λ ≤ 24.25. The derived gravimetric geoid heights are compared with geoid heights computed at recently measured GPS/ leveling benchmarks. A 4-parameter transformation model is applied to the differences between the two aforementioned geoid height sets, and a discussion is given on the current state of the leveling datum in the test area and the Greek territory. Regional and local transformation parameters are computed and some numerical tests are performed. A common adjustment of gravimetric geoid heights and corresponding GPS/leveling heights will be carried out in another study following an integrated procedure in order to study problems arising from the combination of different height data sets for geoid determination. Finally, some conclusions are drawn on the problems related to the optimization of a local geoid solution.  相似文献   

An Mb = 5.1 earthquake occurred on February, 29, 1980, in the Western Pyrenees near Arudy (France). The telemetred network of the I.P.G.P., operating in this area since 1978, allowed a good localization of this earthquake (43°4.21′N, 0°24.59′W, depth 4km). During the two years preceding this earthquake the seismic activity exhibited a gradual decrease. A foreshock of magnitude 1.6 was recorded three hours before the main shock.A temporary network set up in the epicentral area a few days after the main shock permitted a precise study of the aftershock sequence. Fifty fault-plane solutions for earthquakes ranging from magnitude 1.5-4 were obtained. A complex pattern of faulting was revealed, with both strike-slip and normal faulting. However, a regional tectonic stress tensor can be proposed from a detailed investigation of the aftershock sequence. This stress tensor is in agreement with previous results in this area.  相似文献   

The multi-proxy analysis of sediment cores recovered in karstic Lake Estanya (42°02′ N, 0°32′ E; 670 m a. s. l., NE Spain), located in the transitional area between the humid Pyrenees and the semi-arid Central Ebro Basin, provides the first high-resolution, continuous sedimentary record in the region, extending back the last 21 000 years. The integration of sedimentary facies, elemental and isotopical geochemistry and biogenic silica, together with a robust age model based on 17 AMS radiocarbon dates, enables precise reconstruction of the main hydrological and environmental changes in the region during the last deglaciation.Arid conditions, represented by shallow lake levels, predominantly saline waters and reduced organic productivity occurred throughout the last glacial maximum (21–18 cal kyrs BP) and the lateglacial, reaching their maximum intensity during the period 18–14.5 cal kyrs BP (including Heinrich event 1) and the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.6 cal kyrs BP). Less saline conditions characterized the 14.5–12.6 cal kyrs BP period, suggesting higher effective moisture during the Bölling/Allerød. The onset of more humid conditions started at 9.4 cal kyrs, indicating a delayed hydrological response to the onset of the Holocene which is also documented in several sites of the Mediterranean Basin. Higher, although fluctuating, Holocene lake levels were punctuated by a mid Holocene arid period between 4.8 and 4.0 cal kyrs BP. A major lake-level rise occurred at 1.2 cal kyrs BP, conducive to the establishment of conditions similar to the present and interrupted by a last major water level drop, occurring around 800 cal yrs BP, which coincides with the Medieval Climate Anomaly.The main hydrological stages in Lake Estanya are in phase with most Western Mediterranean and North Atlantic continental and marine records, but our results also show similarities with other Iberian and northern African reconstructions, emphasizing peculiarities of palaeohydrological evolution of the Iberian Peninsula during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variation of major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, , , and Cl) in Himalayan snow and ice is investigated by using two snow pits from the East Rongbuk glacier (28°01′N, 86°58′E, 6500 m a.s.l.), one snow pit from the Nangpai Gosum glacier (28°03′N, 86°39′E, 5700 m a.s.l.), one snow pit from the Gyabrag glacier (28°11′N, 86°38′E, 6303 m a.s.l.), and three ice cores from the Sentik (35°59′N, 75°58′E, 4908 m a.s.l.), Dasuopu (28°33′N, 85°44′E, 7000 m a.s.l.), and East Rongbuk (27°59′N, 86°55′E, 6450 m a.s.l.) glaciers, respectively. In general, the major ions show a significant seasonal variation, with high concentrations during the non-monsoon (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon) season and relatively low concentrations during the monsoon season. Monsoon precipitation with high local/regional dust loading related to summer circulation is possibly responsible for the high concentrations occurring sporadically during the monsoon season. The crest of the Himalayas is an effective barrier to the spatial distribution of Na+, Cl and concentrations, but not to the major ions associated with dust influx (e.g. Ca2+ and Mg2+). Atmospheric backward trajectories from the HYSPLIT_4 model used in identifying chemical species sourcing suggest that the major ions in the Himalayan snow and ice come mainly from the Thar Desert located in the North India, as well as West Asia, or even the distant Sahara Desert in the North Africa during the winter and spring seasons. This is different from the conventionally assumed arid and semi-arid regions of the central Asia. Factors, such as different vapor sources due to atmospheric circulation patterns and geographical features (e.g. altitude, topography), may contribute to the differences in major ionic concentrations between the western and eastern Himalayas.  相似文献   

Lago Roca-Lapataia valley (54°50′S, 68°34′W) is a paleofjord that was occupied by a valley-glacier system during the glacial maximum of the late Pleistocene (estimated ca. 18–20 ka BP). Deglaciation began before 10,080 ± 270 BP. The marine fauna in several marine terraces found in the area shows that early-middle Holocene climatic conditions were basically the same as at present. Species found are characteristic of cold and shallow waters, although minor temperature fluctuations cannot be ruled out for this period. A recent radiocarbon date of 7518 ± 58 BP on Chlamys patagonica (NZ # 7730) confirms that Lago Roca was transformed into a fjord ca. 7500–8000 BP. The sea reached its maximum level of 8–10 m a.s.l. around 6000 BP and at 4000–4500 BP was at least above 6 ± 1 m a.s.l. Later, when sea level fell, Lago Roca was occupied by fresh water and was no longer tidal. The relative land-sea positions during this period are a consequence of combined eustatic and neotectonic processes.  相似文献   

The 14 November 2001 Kunlun, China, earthquake with a moment magnitude (Mw) 7.8 occurred along the Kusai Lake–Kunlun Pass fault of the Kunlun fault system. We document the spatial distribution and geometry of surface rupture zone produced by this earthquake, based on high-resolution satellite (Landsat ETM, ASTER, SPOT and IKONOS) images combined with field measurements. Our results show that the surface rupture zone can be divided into five segments according to the geometry of surface rupture, including the Sun Lake, Buka Daban–Hongshui River, Kusai Lake, Hubei Peak and Kunlun Pass segments from west to east. These segments, each 55 to 130 km long, are separated by step-overs. The Sun Lake segment extends about 65 km with a strike of N45° 75°W (between 90°05′E 90°50′E) along the previously unrecognized West Sun Lake fault. A gap of about 30 km long exists between the Sun Lake and Buka Daban Peak where no obvious surface ruptures can be observed either from the satellite images or field observations. The Buka Daban–Hongshui River, Kusai Lake, Hubei Peak and Kunlun Pass segments run about 365 km striking N75° 85°W along the southern slope of the Kunlun Mountains (between 91°07′E 94°58′E). This segmentation of the surface rupture is well correlated with the pattern of slip distribution measured in the field. Detailed mapping suggest that these five first-order segments can be further separated into over 20 second-order segments with a length of 10–30 km, linked by smaller scale step-overs or bends.Our result also shows that the total coseismic surface rupture length produced by the 2001 Kunlun earthquake is about 430 km (excluding the 30-km-long gap), which is the longest coseismic surface rupture for an intracontinental earthquake ever recorded.Finally, we suggest a multiple bilateral rupture propagation model that shows the rupture process of the 2001 Mw 7.8 earthquake is complex. It consists of westward and eastward rupture propagations and interaction of these bilateral rupture processes.  相似文献   

Since the creation of the Sub-Commission for the Geoid in South America (SCGSA) in 1993, many efforts have been carried out in the different countries in order to improve the geoid computations. The validation of the gravity data in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile has improved many of the gravity surveys in those countries. GPS observations carried out on benchmarks of the geometric levelling have been facilitated by the SIRGAS (Geocentric Reference System for South America) project and can contribute for testing the gravimetric determination of the geoid. Several countries made available GPS data for SCGSA like Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile. The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) has been improved considerably in Brazil and Argentina. A great number of topographic maps has been digitized to generate a DTM grid of 3′ resolution (DTM3). New gravity surveys in the Amazonas region have been in progress along Rio Negro and its tributaries. Many different organizations in most of the countries in South America have been involved with local or national geoid computations. This fact has brought attention to the data in several countries facilitating the efforts for a continental geoid. All these activities are strongly supported by Geophysical Exploration Technology (GETECH) — University of Leeds. The objective envisaged at the moment is to produce a 10′ resolution geoid for South America using FFT and to compare the result with that of the numerical integration of the modified Stokes integral.  相似文献   

The composition of Hippidion diet, and possible changes that could relate to its extinction, were evaluated in the Argentinean-Chilean Central Andes, a Neotropical environment characterized by arid to semiarid conditions (Andean hot and cold deserts). Microhistological analyses were made on feces of Hippidion found at Los Morrillos (31°43′S–68°42′W, 3000 m a.s.l.) and Gruta del Indio (34°35′S, 68°22′W, 660 m a.s.l.). At Gruta del Indio the diet of Hippidion was based mainly on woody species. At Los Morrillos, it was based on herbaceous species.This flexibility in diet composition could be a relative adaptive advantage allowing a longer permanence of this species in comparison to others recorded in the region (such as Megatheriumand Mylodon). Nevertheless, this advantage was not enough to guarantee its survival during the Holocene. Extinction could have been affected by diverse agents, such as growing aridification of the area, increasing competition with other species (mainly Lama guanicoe), and human presence, along with a relatively low population density (as expected from the limited presence of Hippidion at the archaeological and palaeontological sites of South America. At Gruta del Indio significant changes in the diet of Hippidion corresponding to different intervals of the period 31,000–9000 14C BP are not evident. Given this evidence for similar diets for Hippidion throughout the late Quaternary, other factors need to be considered to explain the extinction of this horse.  相似文献   

Published and new data exist for relative sea-level change for 105 locations (127 samples) during the late Holocene, along the Italian (and Istrian) coasts. These data, compared with predictions (derived from two different models associated with the last glacial cycle) allowed the calculation of the tectonic vertical movements. They are based on precise measures of geomorphological and archaeological markers between 0.4 and 12.6 ka cal. BP, sampled at elevations between +7 and −51 m. In order to decipher the broad pattern of Holocene tectonic vertical movements along the Italian coastline, these data were compared with predicted sea-level curves using the most recent models published for the Mediterranean sea. Tectonic rates varied from −4.85 mm/a, in a core at Sybaris, to 5 mm/a, in the volcanic areas of Pozzuoli and Pantelleria. New MIS 5.5 (125 ka) data, mostly from the Venetian plain, are reported. In particular the depth of the base of MIS 5.5 paralic deposits found in four cores near Venezia provides a mean subsidence of 0.62 mm/a. New, precise mass spectrometer U-Th analyses on Cladocora layers from the bottom of a long core (named ENEA), indicate older ages (195.7 ± 1.6 and 161.2 ± 1.2 ka, respectively), relative to the published MIS 5.5 ages, which were based on alpha-counting U-Th data.Instrumental data obtained from tide gauges and repeated levelling measurements from the NE Adriatic and Sicily are also considered. These methods have one great advantage with respect to continuous GPS measurements and the satellite altimetric observations, in that a much greater time span is available. Although the altimetric measurements are available for 16 years, and the GPS for less than a decade, repeated levelling lines cover up to 50 years and tide gauge observations in some cases to 100 years or more. The greater time span allows for more stable differential rate estimates. The repeated levelling shows that the plain east of Mestre is subsiding (to −4 mm/a). The Messina tidal gauge demonstrates a total coseismic and post-seismic subsidence of 77 cm associated with the event of 1908, the post-seismic phase lasting for at least 13 years. The Reggio Calabria tidal station points to an uplift of this station relative to Palermo in the order of 1–2 mm/a.  相似文献   

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