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We have developed a lidar to study the temperature structure of the nighttime mesopause region over the Arecibo Observatory (18.35°N, 66.75°W) by measuring the lineshape of the fluorescence spectrum of atomic potassium that is deposited in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) by meteors. To demonstrate how the potassium lidar can enhance MLT studies at Arecibo, we show recent results for: (1) comparisons with airglow temperature measurements; (2) simultaneous operations with stratospheric and mesospheric temperature profiling by Rayleigh lidar; (3) simultaneous observations of K, Ca+, and E-region electron density profiles; and (4) occurrences of sporadic K layers, and relationships to sporadic E layers.  相似文献   

利用17年的SABER(Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry)Level2C数据研究了中间层与低热层大气(MLT, Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere) CO2 VMR(Volume Mixing Ratio)的年际变化特征.使用多元线性回归模型对双月平均时间序列拟合,定量地提取各变化特征.结果表明,SABER CO2 VMR长期趋势在中间层保持在5.5%/decade左右,在中间层顶和低热层降低至4.5%/decade左右;结果与模式预测在统计意义上相符.长期趋势没有显著的纬度差异,但在各纬度上都具有明显的季节依赖,MLT CO2 VMR长期趋势的季节性改变源自低层大气长期趋势季节性改变.SABER CO2 VMR对QBO (Quasi-Biannual Oscillation)和ENSO (El Ni1o-Southern Oscillation)在绝大多数区域没有统计显著的响...  相似文献   

The 16-day planetary wave in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A meteor radar located at Sheffield in the UK has been used to measure wind oscillations with periods in the range 10–28 days in the mesosphere/lower-thermosphere region at 53.5°N, 3.9°W from January 1990 to August 1994. The data reveal a motion field in which wave activity occurs over a range of frequencies and in episodes generally lasting for less than two months. A seasonal cycle is apparent in which the largest observed amplitudes are as high as 14 ms−1 and are observed from January to mid-April. A minimum in activity occurs in late June to early July. A second, smaller, maximum follows in late summer/autumn where amplitudes reach up to 7–10 ms−1. Considerable interannual variability is apparent but wave activity is observed in the summers of all the years examined, albeit at very small amplitudes near mid summer. This behaviour suggests that the equatorial winds in the mesopause region do not completely prevent inter-hemispheric ducting of the wave from the winter hemisphere, or that it is generated in situ.  相似文献   

Horizontal winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over the Antarctic have been measured by a meteor radar at Rothera (67.5°S, 68.0°W) and MF radar at Davis (68.6°S, 78.0°E). Data from Rothera recorded over a 20-month interval in 2005–2006 and data from Davis recorded over the 13-year interval 1994–2006 are examined to investigate the monthly mean behaviour of the lunar semidiurnal tide. Both data sets show a clear signal of the 12.42-h lunar semidiurnal (M2) tide. The amplitude reaches values as large as 8 m s−1. The vertical wavelengths of the tide vary seasonally from 10 to 65 km. Comparisons of the phase of the tide measured over the two sites reveals that it does not purely consist of a migrating wavenumber 2 mode. This suggests that other, non-migrating, modes are likely to be present.  相似文献   

Planetary waves in coupling the lower and upper atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The purpose of the paper is to answer the question if planetary waves (PW) are capable of propagating into the thermosphere. First the simplest vertical structure equation of the classic tidal theory accounting for a realistic vertical temperature profile is considered. Analysis and simulation show that the well-known normal atmospheric modes (NM), which are trapped in the lower and middle atmosphere, exhibit a wave-like vertical structure with a large vertical wavelength in the thermosphere. Moreover, the reflection of these modes from the vertical temperature gradient in the lower thermosphere causes appearance of the wave-energy upward flux in the middle atmosphere, and in a linearized formulation this flux is constant above the source region. To investigate a possibility of the NM forcing by stratospheric vacillations and to consider the propagation of different PW up to the heights of the upper thermosphere, a set of runs with a mechanistic Middle and Upper Atmosphere Model has been performed. The results of the simulation show that quasi-stationary and longer-period PW are not able to penetrate into the thermosphere. The shorter-period NM and ultra-fast Kelvin wave propagate up to the heights of the lower thermosphere. However, above about 150 km they are strongly suppressed by dissipative processes. The role of the secondary waves (nonmigrating tides) arising from nonlinear interaction between the primary migrating tides and quasi-stationary PW is discussed. We conclude that PW are not capable of propagating directly up to the heights of the ionospheric F2 region. It is suggested that other physical processes (for instance, the electrostatic field perturbations) have to be taken into account to explain the observed PW-like structures in ionospheric parameters.  相似文献   

A new parameterization of infrared radiative transfer in the 15-m CO2 band has been incorporated into the Spectral mesosphere/lower thermosphere model (SMLTM). The parameterization is applicable to calculations of heating rates above approximately 15 km for arbitrary vertical profiles of the CO2 concentration corresponding to the surface mixing ratio in the range 150–720 ppm. The sensitivity of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) to doubling of CO2 has been studied. The thermal response in the MLT is mostly negative (cooling) and much stronger than in the lower atmosphere. An average cooling at the stratopause is about 14 K. It gradually decreases to approximately 8 K in the upper mesosphere and again increases to about 40–50 K in the thermosphere. The cooling and associated thermal shrinking result in a substantial density reduction in the MLT that reaches 40–45% in the thermosphere. Various radiative, chemical, and dynamical feedbacks potentially important for the thermal response in the MLT are discussed. It is noted that the results of simulations are strikingly similar to observations of long-term trends in the MLT. This suggests that during the last 3–4 decades the thermal structure in the real upper atmosphere has undergone substantial changes driven by forcing comparable with that due to doubling of CO2.  相似文献   

The long-term variability of stationary and traveling planetary waves in the lower stratosphere has been investigated using the data of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. The results obtained show that during the last decades winter-mean amplitude of the stationary planetary wave with zonal wave number 1 (SPW1) increases at the higher middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. It has been suggested that the observed increase in the SPW1 amplitude should be accompanied by the growth in the magnitude of the stratospheric vacillations. The analysis of the SPW1 behavior in the NCEP/NCAR data set supports this suggestion and shows a noticeable increase with time in the SPW1 intra-seasonal variability. The amplitudes of the long-period normal atmospheric modes, the so-called 5-, 10- and 16-day waves, diminish. It is supposed that one of the possible reasons for this decrease can be a growth of radiative damping rate caused, for instance, by the increase of CO2. To investigate a possible climatic change of the middle atmosphere dynamics caused by observed changes in the tropospheric temperature, two sets of runs (using zonally averaged temperature distributions in the troposphere typical for January 1960 and 2000) with the middle and upper atmosphere model (MUAM) have been performed. The results obtained show that on average the calculated amplitude of the SPW1 in the stratosphere increased in 2000 and there is also an increase of its intra-seasonal variability conditioned by nonlinear interaction with the mean flow. This increase in the amplitudes of stratospheric vacillations during the last four decades allows us to suggest that stratospheric dynamics becomes more stochastic.  相似文献   

Nearly 900 nocturnal temperature profiles (85–105 km) from the Colorado State University Na lidar at Fort Collins, CO (40.59N, 105.14W) from 1990 to 2007. After the removal of an episodic warming attributable to Mt. Pinatubo eruption, the time series is analyzed as the sum of the climatological mean, annual and semiannual oscillation, solar cycle effect and trends along with possible annual/semiannual modulation of the latter two. The direct seasonal variation is consistent with the concept of the two-level mesopause. The trends in summer and winter are comparable 90–96 km at −0.15±0.1 K/year. The summer trend turns positive above 96 km. The winter trend is negative with minimum of −0.3 K/year at 100 km but positive at 104 km. The negative trend values are a factor of five smaller than an earlier analysis of the early part of this data due to removal of an episodic event.  相似文献   

The EISCAT VHF radar (69.4°N, 19.1°E) has been used to record vertical winds at mesopause heights on a total of 31 days between June 1990 and January 1993. The data reveal a motion field dominated by quasi-monochromatic gravity waves with representative apparent periods of 30–40 min, amplitudes of up to 2.5 m s–1 and large vertical wavelength. In some instances waves appear to be ducted. Vertical profiles of the vertical-velocity variance display a variety of forms, with little indication of systematic wave growth with height. Daily mean variance profiles evaluated for consecutive days of recording show that the general shape of the variance profiles persists over several days. The mean variance evaluated over a 10 km height range has values from 1.2 m2s–2 to 6.5 m2s–2 and suggests a semi-annual seasonal cycle with equinoctial minima and solsticial maxima. The mean vertical wavenumber spectrum evaluated at heights up to 86 km has a slope (spectral index) of -1.36 ± 0.2, consistent with observations at lower heights but disagreeing with the predictions of a number of saturation theories advanced to explain gravity-wave spectra. The spectral slopes evaluated for individual days have a range of values, and steeper slopes are observed in summer than in winter. The spectra also appear to be generally steeper on days with lower mean vertical-velocity variance.  相似文献   

HF radar stations (utilizing the spaced-antenna partial-reflection technique) located at Adelaide (35°S, 138°E) and Mawson Station (67°S, 63°E) have observed horizontal mesospheric winds continuously since mid-1984. Observations in the period 1984–87 are compared with the Northern Hemisphere [latitude conjugate] stations of Kyoto (35°N, 136°E) and Poker Flat (65°N, 147°W), and with satellite-derived circulation models. Particular reference is made to the equinoctial changeovers in zonal flow and to the temporal and altitude variations in the planetary wave activity at Mawson and Adelaide.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of the long-term behavior of different geophysical data has demonstrated that trend parameters can change during a period of observation. Sophisticated general methods for an objective analysis of structural changes in linear trends have been developed during the last 10 years. Such methods are applied for an analysis of changes in trend parameters of the mesosphere/lower thermosphere wind observed over Obninsk (55°N, 37°E) from 1964 to 2007 and Collm (52°N, 15°E) from 1979 to 2008, respectively. We found that trend models with breakpoints are generally preferred against straight lines. At Obninsk, there are break-years in trends of the winter prevailing winds close to 1977, when a climatic regime shift was observed. The break-years in trends of the semidiurnal tides for both stations are close to years of possible changes in stratospheric ozone. Correlations of the Obninsk and Collm winds with atmospheric indices are also considered.  相似文献   

水平非均匀基流中行星波的传播   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
行星波传播理论虽然已有很多研究,但是大多以纬向对称基流为主,无法解释东西风带之间相互作用的事实.鉴于此,本文从理论上系统讨论了纬向对称和水平非均匀基流中定常和非定常波动的传播特征.首先,对纬向对称基流中波动传播的周期特征进行分析后发现,西风中位相东传超长波周期大于30 d,而东风中位相西传超长波的周期则小于30 d.之后,从传播的空间以及周期特征等方面系统研究了水平非均匀基流中球面波动传播理论,得到以下结论:经向基流使得定常波可以穿越东风带,在南北两半球间传播,为东西风带之间的相互作用提供了理论解释;强的经向流使得波动传播具有单向性;亚澳季风区低层纬向1波呈低频特征.  相似文献   

The characteristics of high-latitude planetary waves (PWs) in the troposphere and lower stratosphere (TLS) are studied by using the data from radiosonde observations during 1998 to 2006 at three Alaskan stations in USA (Nome, 64.50°N, 165.43°W; McGrath, 62.97°N, 155.62°W; Fairbanks, 64.82°N, 147.87°W). It is found that strong PWs exist in two regions. One is around tropopause, and the other is in the polar night jet (PNJ) in winter. The PW activities are rather intermittent, and their lifetimes are no longe...  相似文献   

Analyses of hourly values of zonal and meridional wind near 95 km observed by meteor radar at Yambol (42.5°N, 26.6°E) during January 1991–June 1992 indicate the presence of planetary waves with prevailing periods of 1.5–2.5, 4–6, 9–10 and 16–18 days. About 20% of the whole power of atmospheric motions is connected with these waves, so they play an important role in the dynamics of the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) region. By dynamic spectral analysis applied to the hourly neutral wind and to the calculated hourly values of tidal amplitudes it has been demonstrated that there is considerable modulation of tidal amplitudes by planetary waves in the neutral wind, as this process is better expressed in the semidiurnal tides. The nonlinear interaction between tides and planetary waves is studied by bispectral analysis. The results of these analyses indicate again that the nonlinear interactions between semidiurnal tides and planetary waves with periods 2–20 days are stronger than those of the diurnal tides and planetary waves. A peculiar feature of dynamics in the MLT region above Bulgaria is the presence of strong oscillations with periods of 20 and 30 h, which indicate significant nonlinear coupling between them.  相似文献   

The effect of the 11-year solar cycle on the response of planetary wavenumbers 1 and 2 at 10 and 30 hPa in winter to solar activity oscillations on the time scale of the Sun's rotation (27.2 day) is discussed in terms of statistical spectral analysis. The three oscillations studied are the 27.2 d (period of the Sun's rotation), 25.3 d (periodicity caused by modulation of the 27.2 d stratospheric response by annual atmospheric variation), and 54.4 d (doubled period of the solar rotation). A significant effect of the 11-year solar cycle is found for the 54.4 d periodicity in planetary wavenumber 1, and for the 27.2 and 25.3 d periodicities in planetary wavenumber 2. The effect of the 11-year solar cycle is expressed in the evident differences between the amplitudes of responses of planetary waves at maximum and minimum of the solar cycle: the amplitudes are much larger at high than at low solar activity. The 11-year modulation of planetary wave activity is most pronounced at mid-latitudes, mainly at 40–60°N, where the observed variability of planetary waves is large. The results obtained are in good agreement with results of the recent modeling study by Shindell et al. (Science 284 (1999) 305).  相似文献   

A medium frequency partial-reflection spaced-antenna wind radar was installed at Scott Base (78S) on Ross Island, Antarctica, in November 1982. Results from this radar for the period December 1982 to October 1984 inclusive are compared with simultaneous measurements made with a similar radar at Christchurch (44S), N. Z. Monthly mean zonal winds measured at 80 km are compared with recent models for the Southern Hemisphere middle atmosphere. There is a general agreement with the models but there is evidence that the Christchurch winter flow was atypical in 1983.  相似文献   

C. Jacobi 《Annales Geophysicae》1998,16(12):1534-1543
At the Collm Observatory of the University of Leipzig LF D1 low-frequency total reflection nighttime wind measurements have been carried out continuously for more than two decades. Using a multiple regression analysis to derive prevailing winds, tides and the quasi-2-day wave from the half-hourly mean values of the horizontal wind components, monthly mean values of mesopause wind parameters are obtained that can be analysed with respect to long-term trends and influences of solar variability. The response of the prevailing wind to the 11-year solar cycle differs throughout the year. While in winter no significant correlation between the zonal prevailing wind and solar activity is found, in spring and summer a negative correlation between the TWC can be seen from the measurements. This is connected with stronger vertical gradients of the zonal prevailing wind during solar maximum than during solar minimum. Since the amplitude of the quasi-2-day wave is dependent on the zonal mean wind vertical gradient, this is connected with a positive correlation between solar activity and quasi-two-day wave activity.Paper Presented at the Second IAGA/ICMA (IAMAS) Workshop on Solar Activity Forcing of the Middle Atmosphere, Prague, August 1997  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest that there may be a causal relationship between solar activity and the strength of the winter Northern Hemisphere circulation in the stratosphere. A three-dimensional model of the atmosphere between 10–140 km was developed to assess the influence of solar minimum and solar maximum conditions on the propagation of planetary waves and the subsequent changes to the circulation of the stratosphere. Ultraviolet heating in the middle atmosphere was kept constant in order to emphasise the importance of non-linear dynamical coupling. A realistic thermo-sphere was achieved by relaxing the upper layers to the MSIS-90 empirical temperature model. In the summer hemisphere, strong radiative damping prevents significant dynamical coupling from taking place. Within the dynamically controlled winter hemisphere, small perturbations are reinforced over long periods of time, resulting in systematic changes to the stratospheric circulation. The winter vortex was significantly weakened during solar maximum and western phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation, in accordance with reported 30 mb geopotential height and total ozone measurements.  相似文献   

Zonal mean data and amplitudes and phases of planetary zonal waves were derived from daily hemispheric maps for tropospheric and stratospheric levels, for the four winters 1975–76 to 1978–79. Important year-to-year fluctuation in zonal means and wave activity are described, most notable of which are the changes from 1975–76 to 1976–77. Comparison of the relative strengths of the stratospheric and tropospheric jet streams shows a strong negative correlation (–0.8) between monthly mean zonal stratospheric winds (at 10 mb, 65°N) and zonal tropospheric winds (at 200 mb, 32.5°N, in the jet core) and a positive correlation (+0.7) between the stratospheric 10 mb winds and the tropospheric 200 mb winds at 65°N. Parameters correlated were the departures from the climatological mean zonal winds. The structure of correlation between wave amplitudes in the same wave number (1, 2) at different altitudes and between wave numbers 1 and 2 is investigated. We find a high correlation (+0.93) between wave 1 in the stratosphere (10 mb height) and wave 2 (height) in the troposphere at 65°N; but only a weak correlation (+0.2) between wave 1 amplitudes in the stratosphere and troposphere. These results suggest the possible importance of wave-wave interactions in processes linking the stratosphere and troposphere. The wave correlations presented here are based on comparisons of monthly means of daily amplitudes; the correlation structure in individual wave developments may differ, in view of the likelihood of altitudinal lags in wave amplification.  相似文献   

Meteor radar measurements of winds near 95 km in four azimuth directions from the geographic South Pole are analyzed to reveal characteristics of the 12-h oscillation with zonal wavenumber one (s = 1). The wind measurements are confined to the periods from 19 January 1995 through 26 January 1996 and from 21 November 1996 through 27 January 1997. The 12-h s = 1 oscillation is found to be a predominantly summertime phenomenon, and is replaced in winter by a spectrum of oscillations with periods between 6 and 11.5 h. Both summers are characterized by minimum amplitudes (5–10 ms–1) during early January and maxima (15–20 ms–1) in November and late January. For 10-day means of the 12-h oscillation, smooth evolutions of phase of order 4–6 h occur during the course of the summer. In addition, there is considerable day-to-day variability (±5–10 ms–1 in amplitude) with distinct periods (i.e., 5 days and 8 days) which suggests modulation by planetary-scale disturbances. A comparison of climatological data from Scott Base, Molodezhnaya, and Mawson stations suggests that the 12-h oscillation near 78°S is s = 1, but that at 68°S there is probably a mixture between s = 1 and other zonal wavenumber oscillations (most probably s = 2). The mechanism responsible for the existence of the 12-h s = 1 oscillation has not yet been identified. Possible origins discussed herein include in situ excitation, nonlinear interaction between the migrating semidiurnal tide and a stationary s = 1 feature, and thermal excitation in the troposphere.  相似文献   

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