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Abundant reserves of Na-feldspar (albite) and K-feldspar (orthoclase or microcline) are found in granites, syenite, tracite and pegmatites. As both feldspar minerals have similar chemical structure and physicochemical properties, their separation is challenging. Flotation is known to be the only technique to enable their separation. The fundamentals on the separation of these minerals were well documented in our earlier studies. In this study, a pegmatite ore with a K2O/Na2O (3.78:3.37) ratio of 1.12 was studied in a Denver flotation cell both at natural and acidic pH using HF and H2SO4. Because of the perthitic structure of the ore no significant separation is observed at natural pH. Interestingly, a selective separation was achieved at low pH using HF and H2SO4 (pH 2.5–2.8). The selectivity is induced by the addition of Na+ ions through depression of albite. Selective separation has been carried out by stagewise flotation using the tree technique. Accordingly, a pegmatite ore composed of 3.37% Na2O and 3.78% K2O is upgraded to 10.51% K2O and 3.02% Na2O with a K2O/Na2O = 3.48 in HF medium and to 2.55 in H2SO4 medium. It is shown that products recovered in other stages are also considered as commercially significant. Especially, quartz, which is recovered in the tailings in HF medium, is suitable for glass industry. The overall results show that commercial utilization of these results is possible.  相似文献   

Barite has previously been found only in the oxidized ores of the Kerch deposits. The author adduced some facts that prove the presence of barite in the ores of the reduction zone. Here barite forms fine crystals and grains. Phythmorphosis occurs here very seldom. In this case barite is accompanied by pyrrhotine. In the drag ores horizontal sheets of cryptocrystalline barite were found. The origin of such sheets can be explained only by the vertical migration of barium and sulfur. The conclusion is drawn that all the described details of the occurrence of barite can be explained by the migration of hydrosulfide barium. — Author.  相似文献   

L. DEJONGHE 《Sedimentology》1990,37(2):303-323
The Chaudfontaine ore deposit is composed mainly of barite and hosted in Frasnian shale and carbonate formations of Belgium. Thirteen sedimentary structures involving barite crystals are described and discussed. Many of these structures appear to have developed under gravity control. The role of mechanical and chemical ore apposition processes are detailed in each case. The study shows that two populations of barite were formed: (1) crystals which grew in brine above the water-sediment interface and (2) crystals which developed in the sediment during early diagenesis. The two modes of formation have specific sizes, habits and structures. Both populations crystallized under the control of the prevailing physico-chemical conditions, and the size and abundance of the barite crystals may be expressed as a function of the degree of barium supersaturation. High-energy currents and unstable sediment caused previously deposited crystals to be reworked. Morphological similarities were found between Chaudfontaine barite and gypsum from evaporites.  相似文献   

The separation efficiency and selectivity of flotation are directly proportional to recoveries of the mineral species in the feed due to true flotation and entrainment. In this study, effects of the hydrodynamic conditions on true flotation and entrainment were investigated by using a fractional factorial experimental design. A method previously described in the literature was applied to determine the contributions of true flotation and entrainment in flotation of a complex sulphide ore. In order to apply the method, the kinetic flotation tests were conducted under various hydrodynamic conditions defined by some physical variables. Some of these tests were conducted in the presence and absence of a collector to evaluate the self-induced floatability. The selectivity index of the mineral species for entrainment was seen to be suitable evaluation of the non-selectivity and efficiency of the entrainment. Furthermore, the results of the size-by-size analysis of the froth products indicated that the presence of the self-induced hydrophobic particles in the feed is as important as the presence of very fine particles for accurate estimation of true flotation and entrainment in flotation of a complex sulphide ore. In addition, the estimated results for entrainment in flotation of the complex sulphide ore can be misleading. Therefore, a new approach would be necessary to determine the contributions of true flotation and entrainment in flotation of a complex sulphide ore.  相似文献   


重晶石是海底热液活动产物之一,其化学元素及Sr、S、O同位素组成可以有效地揭示热液流体的演化过程。本文通过分析研究全球23个热液区中重晶石的化学元素和Sr、S、O同位素组成,探讨了热液区重晶石的元素富集特征,以及沉积物、岩浆、微生物对重晶石的影响因素。结果表明:高温比低温使Sr更容易进入重晶石晶格,重晶石晶型和元素组成特征指示了不同的成矿条件;板状重晶石具有较高的SrO/BaO比值,反映了较高温的成矿条件;柱状重晶石具有较低的SrO/BaO比值,反映了较低温的成矿条件。研究推测Ca类质同象替代Ba的程度可能也受温度的影响。重晶石中的87Sr/86Sr、δ34S、δ18O值变化范围较大,分别为0.703 73~0.717 49、3.7‰~36.1‰、3.3‰~18.8‰,表明不同热液区成矿流体受沉积物、岩浆作用、微生物作用等多种因素的影响。受沉积物来源影响的Sr、S使重晶石的87Sr/86Sr值及δ34S值偏高,温度和热液—沉积物反应程度是主要控制因素;受岩浆来源的SO2的歧化作用和后期H2S的氧化作用影响重晶石的δ34S值,扩张中心的演化程度是岩浆影响重晶石δ34S值的主要控制因素;微生物还原作用伴随着S、O同位素分馏,直接影响重晶石的δ34S和δ18O值,沉积环境条件和初级生产力是主要控制因素。


采用HNO3 NH4HF2混合深剂进行封闭溶样。在10%HNO3介质中,以CCX富集分离Ag,吸附在CCX的Ag经浓HNO3解脱后,在5%HNO3中,采用SCN^-滴定法进行测定,经矿样验证,该方法适用于矿石、金精矿中Ag的野外快速测定。  相似文献   

Low grade nickel ores containing large amounts of serpentine minerals have historically been difficult to process efficiently. The Mt Keith ore was no exception with recoveries in the first five years of operation averaging just 60%.In this research, the factors limiting performance have been identified and a new process has been devised that raises recovery significantly. The process exploits the particle size dependence of nickel sulphide flotation and the different ways that pH change and pulp density influence the response of coarse and fine particles.Implementation of the new process at Mt Keith has raised nickel recovery by 10%. In turn, nickel production has increased by over 6000 t.p.a. and the net present value (NPV) of the operation has increased by over A$300 m. These outcomes illustrate the large commercial benefits that can be gained by understanding particle size effects in flotation.  相似文献   

文章在介绍当前含稀土磷矿石综合利用现状的基础上,总结了近年来国内外含稀土磷矿浮选捕收剂的研究进展,并指出了今后含稀土磷矿石捕收剂的研发趋势。  相似文献   

高松矿田芦塘坝矿段节理特征分析①   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高松矿田芦塘坝矿段节理系统的实地观测,对岩石节理特征、性质、方位的详细分析,探讨了节理系统发育的特征,发现该矿段三个方位岩石节理优势组:第一组300°~340°∠70°~85°,第二组120°~170°∠50°~65°,第三组250°~280°∠35°~55°,分别占节理总数的55%、23%和18%。对各优势节理组中脉状硫化矿以及氧化矿观察采样,分析测试主要成矿元素Cu、Pb、Sn、Ag、As、Mn,研究了节理与成矿的关系,认为第三组节理与成矿关系最为密切,第二组次之,第一组节理虽发育广泛,但含矿性较差,这可能与NE向断裂主要起导矿作用,而矿液最终充填于控矿构造EW向小断裂中有关。  相似文献   

随着硫化铅矿资源的不断消耗,难处理氧化铅矿石己成为生产铅的重要来源.本文对产自缅甸的低品位氧化铅矿(Pb1.78%,氧化率为76.97%,铅矿物主要为白铅矿,少量铅矾和方铅矿)采用硫化-黄药浮选法,分析了硫化剂、捕收剂及抑制剂对氧化铅矿的作用机理,研究了磨矿细度、浮选药剂制度及流程等因素对浮选指标的影响.结果表明,采用1次粗选2次扫选和3次精选闭路流程,以硫化钠为硫化剂,水玻璃、六偏磷酸钠和羧甲基纤维素(CMC)为抑制剂,丁基黄药和羟肟酸为组合捕收剂,最终获得含Pb品位56.73%,Pb回收率82.83%的铅精矿.  相似文献   

高旭征 《矿床地质》1985,4(3):10-18
一、引言及符号进行物理作用的空间范围称为场。地球空间中某物质系某相中某组分进行扩散时受到了扩散作用力,呈该性质的地球空间范围称为地球化学位场或扩散作用力场。本文从上述观点出发,以单一组分组成的理想气体为模型,应用了作者建议的光子原理化学热力学方法,  相似文献   

潘彦宁  董国臣  刘铭初  张虹 《地质通报》2014,33(12):1933-1940
在丰富的自然重砂数据资料基础上,对全国各省37个典型重晶石矿床中的自然重砂矿物报出结果进行了相关研究,发现2种成因类型的重晶石矿床具有特定的自然重砂矿物组合,沉积型重晶石矿床的自然重砂矿物组合为重晶石+黄铁矿+褐铁矿,热液型自然重砂矿物组合为重晶石+铅族矿物+黄铜矿+萤石+黄铁矿+闪锌矿+辉锑矿+孔雀石。同时,对此特征性自然重砂矿物组合进行了相关分析,为重晶石的找矿矿物学发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

吕古贤 《地学前缘》2015,22(4):1-12
矿田地质学是研究矿田建造、矿田构造和矿田成矿的学科领域。本文提出矿田的构造岩相分类建议。矿田第一层次的构造岩相分类以成矿地质作用和成矿地质环境为基础,概分为4大类,即沉积矿田或沉积岩相矿田、岩浆矿田或岩浆岩相矿田、变质矿田或变质岩相矿田以及复成型构造蚀变矿田或构造蚀变岩相矿田。考虑矿田成矿构造环境的规模、可识别性和可观测性,本研究以次级岩相建造划分矿田类型:比如在火山岩矿田类型之中,应该具体细分为火山角砾岩相矿田、火山熔结凝灰岩相矿田等类型。初步划分了31类构造岩相矿田:例如,山东淄博湖泊相铝土矿田、德兴陆相次火山热液相斑岩铜矿田、攀枝花基性辉长岩相钒钛磁铁矿田、美国上湖绿片岩相铁矿田、胶东玲珑焦家式黄铁绢英岩相金矿田等。矿田成矿作用和环境及其构造岩相分类,将会推动矿田尺度的地质调查和勘探,推进构造结合建造研究,为矿田地质研究紧密结合找矿预测提供了一个基础分类和研究思路。  相似文献   

The petrophysical properties of 1168 rock and ore samples collected across the sections of the Natalka ore field have been determined. 235 of them were prepared as thin and polished sections and studied by geological-mineralogical methods. The general two-level petrophysical zoning of the ore field was established and substantiated. Its relations with ore areas, the interzonal space, altered wall rocks, and the mineral composition were determined. Both levels of the revealed petrophysical zoning are traced in the ore field over 4 km along the strike and 800 m down the dip. The subvertical conductivity zone (confined to the Omchak ore cluster) has spatial-genetic relations with the petrophysical changes, which reflect the established mineralogical composition and structure of the metasomatites and ores.  相似文献   

黎敦朋  罗坤  肖爱芳  孔令添 《地质学报》2019,93(12):3095-3110
福建李坊重晶石矿床是东南沿海地区发现的一个大型独立重晶石矿床,已有30余年的开采历史,在沉积重晶石矿床中占有重要地位,然而对该矿床的成因和成矿时代仍众说纷纭。本文通过对福建李坊重晶石矿床中矿石组构的野外调查、电子探针分析和重晶石的流体包裹体测温,取得如下发现和认识:①首次在重晶石矿石中发现了管孔状构造、角砾状构造、蜂窝状构造等热水喷流通道相沉积构造;②首次在重晶石矿石中发现具有热水成因指示意义的同生钡冰长石矿物;③140个重晶石的流体包裹体均一温度值为89.3~208.5℃,均值为162.7℃,表明李坊重晶石矿床属于低温热水沉积矿床;综合矿石构造、矿物学和流体包裹体测温等证据,提出李坊重晶石矿床为"白烟囱型"热水沉积矿床的新认识,为华南地区早古生代热水沉积矿床的研究和找矿勘探提供了重要新资料。  相似文献   

王彦军  赵学晶 《安徽地质》2012,(2):93-97,102
本文对成庄矿区褶皱、断层及3号煤层的构造特征进行了总结论述.通过对矿区节理的统计、配套和分期,对该区燕山期以来的主应力方位、期次进行了划分,将主应力划分为3期,同时将成庄矿区含煤地层形成以后的构造演化划分为三个阶段:早期应力阶段奠定成庄矿区煤田构造基本格架;中期应力阶段对成庄矿区造成的影响很小;晚期应力阶段完成了矿区内煤田构造基本格局.  相似文献   

锡矿山锑矿田地质特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
锡矿山锑矿田位于白马山—龙山东西向串珠状隆起带的北缘,新华夏系雪峰山隆起带南东侧,湘中凹陷的北端。该地区升降运动激烈并反接于北北东与东西向构造的复合部位。  相似文献   

锡矿山锑矿田地质特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Xikuangshan antimony ore field is situated at the northern margin of Baimashan-Longshan clustered uplift zone, the southeastern limb of Neocathaysian Xuefengshan uplift zone, and the northern extremity of the ancient central Hunan sea basin formed during Devonian to Triassic. The strata exposed in this area are a suite of sedimentary carbonate rocks intercalated with clastic rocks belonging to Qiziqiao formation of Middle Devonian, Shetianqiao formation and Xikuangshan formation of Upper Devonian, and Yanguan stage of Lower Carboniferous. Structure: Fhe main fold is the Xikuangshan anticline. lts western limb has been cut and hence destroyed by a big fault F75 and its eastern limb has been modified by a N-S torsion stress of late stage into several groups of secondary folds echeloning upright. The leading faults consist predominantly of a NNE trending longitudinal tension fault (F75) and a great faulted zone in the west composed of a series of NE-trending faults (F3, F71 and F72) located in the foot wall of F75 and intersecting F75 at acute angles to form a pattern like the letter. Of less importance, there exist a pair of conjugate faults running NNW and NEE, and stretch-tension faults trending nearly EW. Igneous rocks: Within 25 km2 of the ore field, no igneous rocks have so far been found apart from a kersantite dyke infilling a NNE fissure, the age of which is dated isotopically at 119 million years, hence belonging to Late Yenshanian Orogeny. Ore deposit: The antimony ore bodies occur in some secondary brachy anticlines in the foot wall of the west great faulted zone, its country rock being silicified limestone of middle to lower Shetianqiao Formation. Controlled both by lithological and structural features, the ore bodies vary from place to place position, shape and size. From west to east the ore bodies become smaller in size, poorer in grade and fewer in number of ore-bearing layers. ln addition, irregular ore veins can be readily found at intersections of faults or along fracture zones. The study of ore-forming temperatures and material sources, together with an analysis of geologic setting, mineralization, ore texture and structure and other factors, led the authors to believe that antimony deposits in this ore field are genetically mesothermal-epithermal ones distributed in certain definite stratigraphic units.  相似文献   

西灶沟、老代仗沟及王坪西沟铅锌矿是河南汝阳南部铅锌矿田中的3个典型中-低温热液充填交代型脉状铅锌矿床。电参数测试工作表明矿区各种岩矿石具有不同的电参数值,铅锌矿石激化率最高、电阻率最低,其他金属含量低的岩石则相反;激电异常呈明显EW向带状分布,其展布方向与矿化的蚀变破碎带一致;近场源三极激电测量反映浅部或埋藏较浅的铅锌矿床找矿效果较好,电法测量是寻找铅锌矿床的有效手段。文章基于西灶沟铅锌矿床岩矿石的电参数等地质-地球物理信息,建立了汝阳南部铅锌矿田的地质-地球物理找矿模型。  相似文献   

Sedimentary phosphates contain-besides the phosphate minerals-, various associated gangue minerals such as: clays, silica, calcareous minerals (mainly calcite and dolomite), carbonaceous matter, iron oxides and/or pyrite. The common practiced flow-sheets for concentrating these types of phosphate ores consist of a combination of various mineral processing units such as: crushing and screening, attrition, washing, magnetic separation, and/or flotation. However, none of these combinations was successfully efficient to upgrade the calcareous ores because of the close similarity of the physical properties (density, particle size, particle shape, etc.) as well as the surface physico-chemical properties of the carbonate and phosphate minerals. For the last five decades extensive efforts have been spent to adopt flotation for separating carbonates from phosphate ores. These efforts include thermodynamic analysis, modification of the technique, controlling the pulp environment, and finding new reagents that can specifically differentiate between carbonates and phosphates.This paper reviews some of the published work on the separation of carbonates from phosphate ores by flotation and presents the flotation results of phosphate ore samples different in their physical properties and mineralogical composition. The results obtained reflect the effect of ore nature on the flotation performance and the reagents consumption.  相似文献   

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