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前寒武纪—寒武纪转折期是地球历史演化的重要阶段之一,不仅纪录了后生动物的产生、灭绝以及加速分异的过程,同时也伴随着海洋地球化学明显的变化、长期全球性海洋缺氧等。为了更好地认识这一重要时期地球表层环境演变及动力机制,我们对湘西地区台地—盆地转换带不同沉积类型及空间变化进行了重点解剖,发现寒武纪最早期该地区在台—盆转换带上,碳酸盐岩与硅质岩地层呈现一种截然接触,显示硅岩的形成受张性同生断层控制; 该带内硅质岩成分、结构独特,主要有富管、孔丘状硅质岩、漏斗状/楔状硅质岩和脉状硅质岩体,为深部富硅热液流体沿(同生)断裂向上运移到海底喷流后沉淀(硅烟囱)而形成的一套硅质沉积。此带向盆地方向,主要发育层状硅质岩,反映热液活动衰减而海水影响增强。考虑到扬子北缘及南缘台—盆转换带的硅质岩广泛分布,因此,热液活动很有可能沿着台地边缘发育,规模巨大。在这种情况下,大量热液来源的富金属和非金属元素的还原性流体和温室气体进入海洋或大气,加速气候变暖以及海洋缺氧和富营养化。热液活动后期,由于地壳热力衰减、盆地沉降导致大规模海平面上升,深部富营养盐随上升洋流被输送至浅部,促使生物产率得到极大地提高,进而形成牛蹄塘组富有机质黑色岩系沉积。  相似文献   

湘西晚前寒武纪层状硅质岩化学成分纯净,硅质矿物平均含量95%以上。岩石富Fe、Mn,相对贫Al、Ti、Mg,富含Ba、As、Sb、Ag、U等微量元素。Fe/Ti、(Fe+Mn)/Ti、Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)、U/Th比值及AlFeMn、FeMn(Ni+Co+Cu)三角图均表明岩石为热水来源沉积岩。稀土元素总量低,Ce负异常,重稀土相对富集,显示主要为热水沉积作用的产物。δ30Si、δ18O值及岩石的形成温度清楚地表明组成岩石的二氧化硅来源于热水。岩石的MnO/TiO2、δCe及δ30Si值分析表明硅质岩沉积于大陆边缘斜坡半深海至大洋盆地深海环境中  相似文献   

在中国南方中扬子地区早寒武世早期,沉积了一套黑色碳质页岩、碳硅质页岩、黑色粉砂质页岩,分布范围广,厚度大,有机碳含量高,属于腐泥型为主的有机质类型,为中国南方海相区域主力烃源岩之一.为了认清该套烃源岩的形成环境,通过对岩石学特征、沉积相的变化、台-盆转化的研究并结合一些地球化学指标分析了该地区在转折期古环境发生的变化,初步探讨了下寒武统这套主力优质烃源岩的形成背景,提出了一个热水活动-上升洋流-缺氧事件复合模式,即为在地壳拉张背景下,热液活动与上升洋流共同作用造成生物产率提高,水体缺氧,使得有机质大量埋藏并得以保存,构成了在中扬子克拉通上和东南边缘重要的下寒武统优质烃源岩.  相似文献   

库鲁克塔格地区保存了相对完整的寒武纪-奥陶纪沉积地层,其沉积特征及演化规律的研究,对塔东地区寒武系-奥陶系油气勘探具有重要意义。通过库鲁克塔格地区详细的野外地质调查,结合前人相关研究成果,对该区寒武系-奥陶系沉积体系、沉积模式及演化规律的研究表明,寒武纪时期,库鲁克塔格地区经历了一次大的海侵-海退旋回,南、北两区沉积具有相似性。寒武纪早期的快速海侵导致南、北两区均发育陆棚相-深水盆地相沉积;寒武纪晚期,在逐渐海退的背景下,南、北两区开始出现沉积分异。奥陶纪,经历了新一轮大的海侵-海退旋回,南北两区沉积差异显著。北区从早奥陶世到晚奥陶世,发育台地边缘斜坡相-广海陆棚相-缓斜坡相-台地边缘礁滩相-开阔台地相相序,构成整体向上变浅的碳酸盐岩沉积层序;而南区发育深水盆地相-陆棚斜坡相-浊流盆地相-碎屑陆棚相相序,形成一套巨厚的深水复理石建造。库鲁克塔格地区寒武纪时期发育缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地,因台地不断向南构筑以及断裂活动,导致奥陶纪晚期台地边缘快速变陡,并在经历斜坡相快速堆积填平补齐之后,重新演变为缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地。晚奥陶世,由于周缘构造活动影响,却尔却克山-雅尔当山一带下沉,逐渐向远端变陡缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地演化。  相似文献   

赵平平  江茂生  李任伟 《沉积学报》2016,34(6):1021-1031
中-晚奥陶世转折期的两次全球性碳同位素正漂--Middle Darriwilian Inorganic Carbon Excursion(MDICE)和Guttenberg Inorganic Carbon Excursion(GICE)--在发生时间上与生物辐射、全球大规模海侵和地球磁极的倒转等重大地质事件,以及海水锶、氧、硫同位素的显著变化相吻合,说明它们可能受相同形成机制的控制。在报道了扬子地区陈家河剖面中-晚奥陶世界线附近的这两次碳同位素正漂事件,并与塔里木盆地进行对比之后发现,扬子地区和塔里木盆地的MDICE和GICE与海水锶同位素比值的快速剧烈下降出现在同一层位,指示这两次碳同位素的正漂的形成可能和当时洋中脊热液活动的加剧有关。海底热液系统能够通过向海水中注入铁等生命必需元素,刺激海洋生物的繁盛,提高海洋的生产力和有机碳的埋藏,进一步引起了MDICE和GICE这两次碳同位素正漂。  相似文献   

湘西地区志留纪沉积体系及典型前陆盆地的形成模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李斌  胡博文  石小虎 《地学前缘》2015,22(6):167-176
湘西地区发育志留系中、下志留统碎屑岩地层,缺失上志留统。经沉积学综合研究,可以划分出滞留盆地、浊积扇、三角洲、潮坪滨岸等沉积体系,从下向上海平面逐渐下降,其物源来自于东南部雪峰隆起。湘西地区志留纪沉积盆地构造演化经历了前陆盆地的形成期、发展期及萎缩期、消亡期几个阶段。其沉积构造演化规律为:前陆盆地初始形成期发育深水滞留盆地沉积体系;前陆盆地发展期发育海相浊积扇沉积体系;前陆盆地萎缩期发育三角洲沉积体系,前陆盆地消亡期发育潮坪沙坝滨岸沉积体系。  相似文献   

鲁西地块早前寒武纪构造-岩浆活动区划及演化的新认识   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以野外区域地质调查为基础,结合前人的岩石学和年代学成果,根据地壳构造层次划分、构造作用及岩浆活动特征,探讨了鲁西地块的前寒武纪构造演化格局。鲁西地块的构造-岩浆岩区可以划分为:西部的TTG类岩区和东部的片麻状二长花岗岩区。TTG类岩石是鲁西地块新太古代陆壳岩浆活动的产物,片麻状二长花岗岩是TTC类陆壳岩浆活动之后在新太古代晚期发生的大规模陆壳增生活动形成的。贯穿两个构造-岩浆岩区之间的多条北西向韧性剪切带表明鲁西地块在新太古代末发生的地壳加厚是两个岩区通过多条韧性剪切带挤压叠置实现的陆壳加厚作用所致。TTG岩区和片麻状二长花岗岩区内广泛发育的元古代未变形未变质的酸性岩脉和基性岩墙群表明鲁西地块在新太古代末两个岩区已经焊接在一起,进入元古代以后,鲁西地块完全克拉通化,具有刚性板块的特征。  相似文献   

宋天锐  石玉若  郑宁 《地质学报》2014,88(9):1638-1650
华北中、新元古代地层的年龄数据很混乱(表1),本文建议将北京十三陵地区新发现的稀土矿物用SHRIMP方法测年,有助于问题的解决。北京十三陵地区保存了新太古代五台群和新—中元古代较完整的地层,电子耦合等离子体分析(即原子收光谱分析)(ICP)的定量分析数据表明,在这些地层中,岩石中所含钾和稀土元素含量都比北美页岩(NASC)、欧洲页岩(ES)和澳大利亚后太古宙页岩(PAAS)高出很多,经电子扫描+能谱仪+波谱仪(SEM+EDS+WDS)分析证明,在岩石中包含独居石(碎屑的和自生-成岩的)和磷钇矿(自生-成岩的),并首次发现钍石-独居石环带状混合矿物(变质的)以及显微脉状稀土硅酸盐矿物(地下流体形成的)等稀土矿物。利用激光拉曼光谱鉴定发现稀土矿物的分布状态包括:1在太古宙五台群的片麻岩中,云母、石英和长石之间有非自形晶独居石,而且在石英单晶里还有独居石的自形晶包裹体;并发现独居石和钍石-独居石环带状混合矿物,这些稀土矿物都是变质成因的;2在新太古代五台群片麻岩的准平原化风化面上,沉积的元古宙常沟组的底砾岩中发现了碎屑的独居石,这些独居石的同位素年龄对于元古宇的底界定年意义重大;3在常州沟组下部压扁-透镜状层理的粉砂岩中,普遍发现碎屑锆石的外缘生长出自生-成岩磷钇矿,磷钇矿的同位素定年对于常州沟组的地层年代有代表性意义;4串岭沟组的粉砂岩中发现了无形晶状自生-成岩独居石和磷钇矿,并且较多出现在显微缝合线内外,可作为SHRIMP测年的对象;5大红峪组粉砂岩中除了发现碎屑独居石外还发现脉状硅-铝稀土矿物,可能与后元古宙热液活动有关。事实上这些自生-成岩的稀土矿物的形成,都是源自太古宙富含稀土元素的变质岩石,其形成机理也与地下流体活动有关。笔者认为北京十三陵以及至华北地区,前寒武系富稀土元素形成的自生-成岩的稀土矿物,有助于用SHRIMP方法对前寒武纪地层的同位素测年研究。  相似文献   


识别前寒武纪地质单元对了解松嫩地块物质组成和前寒武纪构造演化过程具有重要的科学意义。本文对出露于松嫩地块西缘龙江地区的花岗质岩石和乌兰浩特地区的斜长角闪岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素和Hf同位素分析。石英二长岩和二长花岗岩形成年龄分别为2480±12Ma和2544±23Ma,样品中存在~2.6Ga的继承锆石以及~2.0Ga的变质锆石,形成时代为新太古代;多数锆石εHf(t)>0,二阶段模式年龄为2793~3019Ma,少量锆石εHf(t)<0,二阶段模式年龄为3012~3138Ma,锆石Hf同位素特征表明松嫩地块西缘龙江地区存在新-中太古代的地壳生长事件,且在岩浆演化过程中受到中太古代古老地壳的混染。乌兰浩特斜长角闪岩存在2544±15Ma的继承锆石,形成年龄为2042±29Ma,形成时代为古元古代;多数锆石的εHf(t)>0,二阶段模式年龄为2301~3015Ma,少量锆石εHf(t) < 0,二阶段模式年龄为2647~3073Ma,锆石Hf同位素特征表明乌兰浩特地区存在古元古代中期-中太古代的地壳生长事件,且在岩浆演化过程中受到新太古代古老地壳的混染。综合区域研究成果,松嫩地块西缘龙江-乌兰浩特地区存在~1.8Ga、~2.0Ga、~2.5Ga和~2.7Ga四期岩浆事件以及古元古代中期-新太古代晚期和新-中太古代的地壳生长事件,其构造岩浆热事件与华北克拉通及全球古老大陆地壳增生时限一致。


介绍了1996-2003年期间,通过内蒙古大青山-乌拉山地区1:5万和1:25万区域地质调查,在本区早前寒武纪地层尤其是高级变质地层研究方面取得的重要进展。这些进展是:重建了一个由4个岩群12个岩组构成的早前寒武纪地层系统;发现了枣儿沟角度不整合面和新建了古元古代的美岱召岩群;提出了适合高级变质地层发育区地层工作的“构造-岩层-事件法”的工作思路和方法。在这一思路和方法指导下,明确了本区构造样式演化与高级区地层系统重建的关系,提出了主期构造决定岩石地层现今展布特征,早期构造造成地层组成、结构特征、空间叠置及接触关系性质,后期构造导致区内高级变质地层局部复杂化和再造的基本规律性的认识。最后对高级区开展地层研究提出4点建议。  相似文献   

The Ediacaran–Cambrian transition was one of the most critical intervals in Earth history. During this interval, widespread chert was precipitated, commonly as a stratal wedge in carbonates, along the southern margin of the Yangtze Platform, South China. The chert wedge passes into a full chert succession further basinward to the south‐east. Four lithotypes of chert are identified across the marginal zone in western Hunan: mounded, vein, brecciated and bedded chert. The mounded chert is characterized by irregular to digitiform internal fabrics, generally with abundant original vesicles and/or channels that mostly are lined by botryoidal chalcedony cements with minor quartz and barite crystals. The host chert (or matrix) of these mounds is dominated by amorphous cryptocrystalline silica, commonly disseminated with pyrite. The vein chert, with minor quartz locally, generally cross‐cuts the overlying dolostone and chert horizons and terminates under the mounded and/or bedded chert bodies. The brecciated chert commonly occurs as splayed ‘intrusions’ or funnel‐shaped wedges and cross‐cuts the topmost dolostones. The bedded chert, the most common type, generally is thin to medium‐bedded and laminated locally; it is composed of amorphous silica with minor amounts of black lumps. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions from vein and void‐lining minerals (mainly quartz and barite) revealed homogenization temperatures from 120 to 180°C for the trapped primary fluids. Compositionally, these chert deposits generally are pure, with SiO2 > 92 wt%, and only minor Fe2O3 and Al2O3 contents, most of which show positive Europium anomalies in rare earth element patterns, especially for the mounded chert. All these data suggest that the marginal zone chert deposits resulted from a low‐temperature, silica‐rich hydrothermal system, in which the mounded chert was precipitated around the releasing vents, i.e. as silica chimneys. The vein and splayed brecciated chert, however, was formed along the syndepositional fault/fracture conduits that linked downward, while the bedded chert was precipitated in the quieter water column from the fallout of hydrothermal plumes onto the sea floor. These petrological and geochemical data provide compelling evidence and a new clue to the understanding of the extensive silica precipitation; rapid tectono‐depositional and oceanic changes during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in South China.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The depositional organization and architecture of the middle–late Devonian Yangdi rimmed carbonate platform margin in the Guilin area of South China were related to oblique, extensional faulting in a strike‐slip setting. The platform margin shows two main stages of construction in the late Givetian to Frasnian, with a bioconstructed margin evolving into a sand‐shoal system. In the late Givetian, the platform margin was rimmed with microbial buildups composed mainly of cyanobacterial colonies (mostly Renalcis and Epiphyton). These grew upwards and produced an aggradational (locally slightly retrogradational) architecture with steep foreslope clinoforms. Three depositional sequences (S3–S5) are recognized in the upper Givetian strata, which are dominated by extensive microbialites. Metre‐scale depositional cyclicity occurs in most facies associations, except in the platform‐margin buildups and upper foreslope facies. In the latest Givetian (at the top of sequence S5), relative platform uplift (± subaerial exposure) and associated rapid basin subsidence (probably a block‐tilting effect) caused large‐scale platform collapse and slope erosion to give local scalloped embayments along the platform margin and the synchronous demise of microbial buildups. Subsequently, sand shoals and banks composed of ooids and peloids and, a little later, stromatoporoid buildups on the palaeohighs, developed along the platform margin, from which abundant loose sediment was transported downslope to form gravity‐flow deposits. Another strong tectonic episode caused further platform collapse in the early Frasnian (at the top of sequence S6), leading to large‐scale breccia release and the death of the stromatoporoid buildups. Siliceous facies (banded cherts and siliceous shales) were then deposited extensively in the basin centre as a result of the influx of hydrothermal fluids. The platform‐margin sand‐shoal/bank system, possibly with gullies on the slope, persisted into the latest Frasnian until the restoration of microbial buildups. Four sequences (S6–S9), characterized by abundant sand‐shoal deposits on the margin and gravity‐flow and hemipelagic deposits on the slope, are distinguished in the Frasnian strata. Smaller‐scale depositional cyclicity is evident in all facies associations across the platform–slope–basin transect. The distinctive depositional architecture and evolution of this Yangdi Platform are interpreted as having been controlled mainly by regional tectonics with contributions from eustasy, environmental factors, oceanographic setting, biotic and sedimentary fabrics.  相似文献   

Weathering of heavy metal enriched black shales may be one of the most important sources of environmental contamination in areas where black shales are distributed. Heavy metal release during weathering of the Lower Cambrian Black Shales (LCBS) in western Hunan, China, was investigated using traditional geochemical methods and the ICP-MS analytical technique. Concentrations of 16 heavy metals, 8 trace elements and P were measured for samples from selected weathering profiles at the Taiping vanadium ore mine (TP), the Matian phosphorous ore mine (MT), and Taojiang stone-coal mine (TJ). The results show that the bedrock at these three profiles is enriched with Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Th, U, Mo, Cd, Sb, Tl, and P. Based on mass-balance calculation, the percentages of heavy metals released (in % loss) relative to immobile element Nb were estimated. The results show significant rates of release during weathering of: V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, U, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, and Tl for the TP profile; Sc, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Th, Cd, and Sn for the MT profile; and Sc, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Th, Cd, Sn, and Tl for the TJ profile. Among these heavy metals, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Sn show very similar features of release from each of the three weathering profiles. The heavy metals released during weathering may affect the environment (especially topsoil and surface waters) and are possibly related to an observed high incidence of endemic diseases in the area.  相似文献   

德峨金矿位于桂西隆林孤立碳酸盐岩台地内部,赋矿地层为寒武系含砂泥质白云岩,近东西向断层或节理密集带是主要的控矿构造.矿化体包括断控型和层控型2种.热液矿物组合以黄铁矿-毒砂-辉锑矿-石英-方解石为主,蚀变以硅化、白云石化、绢云母化为特征.载金黄铁矿具显微环带结构,核部低As高S、Fe,环带反之,推测Au主要以离子形式赋存于黄铁矿环带和毒砂中.成矿流体具有中低温(182~296℃)、低盐度w(NaCleq)(0.53%~8.81%)的特点,石英包裹体中水的DV-SMOW值在-71.2‰~-62.9‰之间,石英矿物δ18OV-SMOW值在22.3‰~23.5‰之间,计算出与石英平衡的流体δ18OH2O为12.13‰~14.72‰,暗示成矿流体为多种流体混合.方解石δ13CV-PDB为-7.5‰~0.6‰,δ18OH2O为19.2‰~20.6‰,表明成矿热液中碳主要来源于海相碳酸盐岩的溶解.沉积成因黄铁矿δ34S为-21.81‰~14.15‰,离散度很大,具有沉积来源的特点;热液黄铁矿环带为-7.52‰~1.23‰,与毒砂类似(平均值为-3.83‰),且由核部向外环带逐渐向零值附近靠拢,结合金主要赋存在黄铁矿环带和毒砂的事实,暗示成矿热液可能以岩浆热液为主,环带的震荡变化可能跟岩浆硫上升过程中与大气降水、盆地建造水的不同程度混合有关.上述特征表明,德峨金矿具有卡林型金矿的一般特点,独特之处是其构造部位上处于孤立台地内部,赋矿地层为寒武系不纯白云岩.据此文章提出桂西孤立碳酸盐岩台地内部具有一定的找矿潜力,寒武系不纯白云岩是新的找矿层位和岩性,断裂构造和岩性是最主要的控矿因素.此认识对桂西地区卡林型金矿找矿工作向孤立台地内部探索具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

Middle Tithonian-Berriasian shallow platform carbonates of the Maestrat Basin (Salzedella and Montanejos sections, NE Spain) are stacked in sequence stratigraphic units of different orders. Higher-order sequences (parasequences and subunits) have a shallowing or deepening-shallowing evolution. They have been related to the short-term eccentricity and precession cycles. Major facies changes and stacking pattern of parasequences reveal the presence of two 2nd-order sequences. The Lower Sequence is middle Tithonian-mid early Berriasian in age. The Upper Sequence extends up to the mid-late Berriasian. It is suggested that local subsidence changes along with regional sea-level changes controlled the long-term evolution of accommodation in the Maestrat Basin. Facies evolution, stacking pattern and sharp lithological changes have allowed the definition of five 3rd-order sequences in the Lower Sequence in Montanejos. The transgressive deposits are characterised by the progressive absence of the restricted lagoon facies, and the presence of deepening-upward intervals in the parasequences. The highstand deposits display an increase in siliciclastics and a progressive predominance of restricted lagoon facies. Some of the 3rd-order sequence boundaries match the sequence boundaries identified in other European basins and may be related to sea-level falls (induced by the long-term eccentricity cycle) enhanced during periods of long-term loss of accommodation.  相似文献   

The Triassic (Indosinian) granites in the South China Block (SCB) have important tectonic significance for understanding the evolution of Eastern Asia. The Dengfuxian biotite granite in eastern Hunan Province, China, reported in this article, was recognized as Late Triassic (late Indosinian) weakly peraluminous A-type granite with a zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb age of 225.7 ± 1.6 Ma. It is enriched in F, Cs, Rb, Th, high field strength elements, and rare earth elements (REEs) and depleted in Ba, Sr, P, Ti, Nb, and Ta, with high Ga/Al ratios and zircon saturation temperatures. The Dengfuxian biotite granite shows high initial Sr isotope values (0.715932 to 0.716499) and negative ?Nd(t) (?10.46 to ?9.67) and ?Hf(t) (?9.92 to ?6.29) values, corresponding to the Nd model ages of 1.79 to 1.85 Ga and the Hf model ages of 1.65 to 1.88 Ga. It is proposed that the Dengfuxian biotite granite was derived from high-temperature partial melting of the Palaeoproterozoic lower crust undergoing granulitization. Some Late Triassic A-type granites were recently identified in the SCB with the ages between 202 and 232 Ma. These A-type granites have the same geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis as Dengfuxian A-type granite, and show A2-subtype granite affinity. The Late Triassic A-type granite formed a NE-trending granite belt, which is consistent with the main NE-trending faults in the SCB. The formation of these A-type granites was in response to the subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate underneath the SCB, and indicates an extensional tectonic environment in the SCB. Combined with previous studies on tectonic evolution, we suggest that there may be a tectonic transition inside the SCB from compression to extension at least from 225 to 230 Ma.  相似文献   

岩相古地理重建对认识盆地的沉积环境演化、沉积建造时空分布和油气勘探具有重要意义。为揭示上扬子地区寒武纪古地理背景这一先决条件对新发现的安岳巨型气田的控制作用及其对碳酸盐岩油气勘探的启示,本文综合油气勘探的地震、钻井资料及盆地周缘的露头剖面地质调查成果,重建了寒武纪两个构造层序的岩相古地理,分析了寒武系生储盖组合发育的特征。结果表明:早寒武世早期,伸展背景形成了破碎型克拉通盆地,近南北向的深水槽切割了上扬子克拉通,充填了丰富的富有机质沉积物,成为深层巨型生烃灶;早寒武世晚期—晚寒武世,上扬子板块转变为准稳定的构造背景,盆地性质转换为陆表海型克拉通坳陷盆地,沉积建造以发育潮坪楔及伴生的膏盐为特征,陆表海潮汐作用和古隆起控制了储层宏观分布;构造活跃期的裂陷沉积之上叠加以准稳定期的克拉通内坳陷沉积,形成了类似裂陷盆地的由裂谷层序和后裂谷层序组成的剖面形态像牛头的牛头型沉积建造结构;与大板块若即若离的亲缘过程中,构造活跃期和构造准稳定期交替叠合的盆地古地理特点是我国前晚三叠世小陆块离散演化阶段的一大特色,在沉积建造上形成良好的生-储-盖空间配置,是克拉通油气勘探的两大重要领域。  相似文献   

托阿尔期早期早侏罗世大洋缺氧事件(T-OAE,~183.8 Ma)是一次全球性的地质事件,鄂尔多斯盆地下侏罗统富县组记录了此次地质事件的陆地响应过程。主要基于盆地东缘野外地质调查、扫描电镜及薄片分析,本次研究描述了盆地东北部富县组岩性、颜色和沉积序列,利用前人研究成果总结了富县期岩相古地理变化规律及沉积模式,认为富县期经历了由干旱到湿润的古气候变化: 富县组下部含植物化石较为丰富的白色砂砾岩及黑色、灰色泥页岩沉积于湿润气候时期,对应着盆地下切河谷发育期和填平补齐期; 而上覆的罕见植物化石的杂色、红色泥页岩为(富县期晚期)相对平坦地形条件下的沉积,对应着早、中侏罗世湿润气候背景下的一次干旱气候脉动,为托阿尔期大洋缺氧事件在陆相环境的气候响应,可由此进行富县组区域等时性对比。研究认为“粗富县”为下切谷内河流充填沉积, “细富县”形成于湖泊环境或河漫环境, “黑富县”和“白富县”是湿润气候条件下沉积产物,而“红富县”和“杂富县”为T-OAE期后干旱条件下形成。  相似文献   

二叠纪晚期—三叠纪早期是准噶尔盆地演化的重要转换期,发育了具有特色性的不整合面。本研究以该盆地的西北部为例,综合利用地震和钻井资料,探讨该时期不整合的发育演化特征及其地质意义。研究表明,转换期发育P3/P2期主要不整合与T1/P3期次要不整合,它们在研究区北部叠加复合,构成了三叠系底界叠合不整合面,在南部被上二叠统所分隔而独立存在;转换期经历了主要不整合的形成、主要不整合被上二叠统超覆、次要不整合与叠合不整合的形成及其被三叠系最终超覆4个演化阶段。不整合的发育演化特征揭示了晚海西期和早印支期构造运动对准噶尔盆地影响的强弱程度、地层记录的“楔形体”内涵以及上二叠统与下三叠统的层序归属。P-T转换期不整合面及其相邻地层形成了有效的油气运移通道、良好的储盖组合和类型众多的圈闭,因此具有重要的油气勘探意义。  相似文献   

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