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We use high-resolution reflection seismic data and detailed grain-size analysis of a drill core (KDP-01) from Lake Khubsugul (northern Mongolia) to provide an improved reconstruction of the glacial history of the area for the last 450 ka. Grain-size analysis of suspended sediment load in modern rivers draining into the lake and of moraine material from the northern part of the catchment shows that the silt fraction is transported to the central part of the lake mainly by river suspension, whereas the clay fraction is mainly transported by glacial meltwater during deglaciation. The changes in of the clay/silt ratio in Lake Khubsugul sediments correlates well with the standard global paleoclimate records: low clay/silt ratios indicate warm climates, while a high clay/silt ratio reflects glacial erosion and cold climates. Pulses of clay input into the lake occur at the final stages of glacial periods (i.e., glacial maxima and subsequent onsets of deglaciation). The periodicity in glacial clay input in Lake Khubsugul is in tune with global periods of deglaciation, but there are differences in the intensity of the deglacial events for MIS-12 and MIS-2. These differences are attributed to specific conditions in regional distribution of moisture during glaciation, glacial ice volumes, and solar insolation intensity at the onset of deglaciation. Deglaciation of the Khubsugul glaciers occurred in response to an increase in summer solar insolation above a threshold value of 490 W/m2. Two types of deglaciation can be distinguished: (1) slow melting during several tens of 1,000 years during weak increases in summer insolation, and (2) short and fast melting during several thousands of years in response to strong increases in summer insolation. The maximum ice volume in the area of Lake Khubsugul during the past 450 ka occurred during the period of 373–350 ka BP (MIS 11a-10) and was caused by high levels of moisture in the region, whereas the MIS-2 and MIS-12 glacial periods were characterized by minima in ice volume, due to the strong aridity in the region.  相似文献   

Lake Simcoe is a large lake 45 km across and in places over 30 m deep, located between Lake Huron and Lake Ontario, in the glaciated terrain of southern Ontario, Canada. Seismostratigraphic analysis of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, together with lakebed sediment sampling and pollen study, revealed distinctive sequences in the sediments beneath Lake Simcoe, Ontario. A surface unit (Blue Sequence) of soft Holocene mud (low-amplitude surface reflection, discontinuous parallel internal reflections) lies in the deeper basins of the lake. The underlying unit (Green Sequence) is characterized by high-amplitude parallel internal reflections; basal sediments of this sequence consist of clay rhythmites with dropstones. The Green Sequence was deposited by lacustrine sedimentation in proglacial Lake Algonquin; sedimentation persisted until the basin was isolated from other glacial lakes at about 10 14C ka at the Penetang post-Algonquin phase. Subsequent erosion of the uppermost portion of the Green Sequence is attributed to wave action in a low-level early Holocene lake, possibly closed hydrologically and coeval with closed lowstands in the Huron and Georgian Bay basins. Two sequences with high-amplitude surface reflections and chaotic internal reflections (Purple and Red Sequences) lie below the Green Sequence. Northeast-southwest trending ridges, tens of metres in height, on the Red Sequence (the lowermost of these two units) are interpreted to be drumlins. An erosion surface descends into narrow valleys 50–80 m deep beneath the lake in bays to the west and south of the main lake basin. These depressions are interpreted as subglacial tunnel channels cut by rapid flows of meltwater. The sediments of Purple Sequence are interpreted as channel-fill sediments rapidly deposited during waning stages of the meltwater drainage. The Red Sequence is correlated with the Newmarket Till of the last glacial maximum identified beneath the Oak Ridges Moraine to the south.  相似文献   

有关塔克拉玛干沙漠演化的年代学数据尚少,本文在地貌认知较少的克里雅河下游沙漠深处的圆沙和喀拉墩一带16处剖面获取了18件河流沉积光释光(OSL)年龄。新测得的年龄数据分布于3.4—44.1 ka。全新世样品多分布于圆沙与喀拉墩干三角洲及其之间的地区,年龄集中在11 ka、8—9 ka、5—6.5 ka、4.6 ka与3.4—3.7 ka。深海氧同位素3阶段(MIS3)样品位置在克里雅河与和田河之间,分布在约38—47 ka前后。末次冰期冰盛期(LGM)末样品分布在通往圆沙古河道的西侧,年龄在14.5 ka前后。根据沉积物样品及年代学数据认为:克里雅河下游曾在MIS3阶段末、LGM末与全新世多次发生洪泛;数次的洪泛事件对克里雅河下游地貌发育产生重要影响;克里雅河下游干三角洲及现代河流西侧的流动沙丘主要形成于全新世,与前人“发育于汉唐以来”的观点不完全一致。克里雅河下游河流沉积发生时间与塔里木盆地周缘山脉冰进冰消有一定对应,暗示气候变化可能间接影响着塔克拉玛干沙漠沙丘的发育。  相似文献   

Sediments retrieved from a long core on the floor of glacial Lake Assiniboine, Saskatchewan, expose 106 couplets, consisting of thick, light coloured, silt-rich beds and thin, dark, clay-rich beds. The couplets contain sharp lower and upper contacts of the silt bed, silty and clayey laminations within both the silt and clay beds, and ice-rafted debris in the silt beds, which are features characteristic of glacial varves.Seasonal variations in runoff are reflected in grain size profiles of individual silt beds in the varves. Mean grain size maxima in the lower portion of the silt bed suggest that snow accumulation during the previous winter had been substantial and that a warm spring combined with a rapid melting rate generated significant volumes of nival meltwater runoff. Coarse laminae higher in the silty part of the couplet imply that substantial meltwater inflow was produced by summer melting of glacier ice.Vertical trends in clay bed thicknesses, silt bed thicknesses, and total couplet thicknesses were strongly influenced by the proximity of meltwater inflow channels and lake depth. These interpretations, and correlation of the core to varve exposures at the surface, formed the framework for a paleohydrological reconstruction. Close to 11,000 BP, ice dammed the outlet of glacial Lake Assiniboine and the water depth rose about 2 m yr–1. Eventually the lake became deep enough for couplets to form. Varve years 1–40 contain thick clay beds, silt beds, and couplets as a result of the proximal inflow of meltwater. A decline in silt bed and couplet thicknesses from varve years 41–85 occurred in response to ice retreat and more distal inflow. Varve deposition ceased in the shallow part of the basin probably because underflow currents from the distal source were redirected. Varve years 86–106 are distinguished by an increase in silt bed and couplet thicknesses and a decrease in clay bed thickness caused by a reduction in water depth and a return to proximal inflow. Varved sedimentation terminated when Lake Assiniboine drained through the Assiniboine valley to Lake Agassiz.  相似文献   

Paleothermal indicators based on clay mineral and organic matter analyses, were integrated with mudrock geochemistry and stratigraphic data to define the sedimentary evolution of the southwestern Thrace Basin during the Eocene to Oligocene. This multi‐method approach allowed us to reconstruct the burial evolution of the basin in Eocene and Oligocene times and to study the mudrock composition and relate this to their provenance and source area weathering. The studied mudrocks show similar chemical variations. The distribution of some major and trace elements for the studied samples reflect heterogeneous source areas containing both felsic to mafic rocks. In particular, the Light Rare Earth Elements/Transition elements (LREEs/TEs) ratios are very high for the Avdira and Organi samples (on the average between 1.5 and 2.2 for (La + Ce)/Cr and 3.5–8 for (La + Ce)/Ni), suggesting a felsic source(s), and very low for the Samothraki, Limnos, Paterma and Iasmos samples (on the average between 0.4 and 0.6 for (La + Ce)/Cr and 0.6–1 for (La + Ce)/Ni), suggesting a mainly basic source(s). The mineralogical composition coupled with the A‐CN‐K and A‐N‐K plots suggest a complex evolution. The clay mineral data (illite percentage in I/S and the stacking order R and the Kübler Index) coupled to vitrinite reflectance analysis indicate a high to intermediate diagenetic grade for the Middle to Upper Eocene samples (from Iasmos, Gratini, Organi, Paterma, Esimi and Samotraki sections) and a low diagenetic grade for the Upper Eocene to Oligocene samples (from Limnos and Avdira sections). These data helped in interpreting the geodynamic evolution of the studied basins where the magmatic activity plays an important role. In particular, Middle to Upper Eocene sediments show high to intermediate diagenetic grade since they are located in a portion of the basin dominated by Eocene to Oligocene magmatic activity and intrusion of granitoids, whereas, the Upper Eocene to Oligocene sediments are not involved in important magmatic activity and intrusion of granitoids and, thus, show low diagenetic grade. Furthermore, Middle to Upper Eocene sediments experienced deeper burial processes caused by lithostatic load, rather than the uppermost Eocene and Oligocene sediments, in relation of their position along the stratigraphic succession. These data suggest a burial depth of at least 3–4 km with a tectonic exhumation mainly related to the extensional phases of the Miocene age.  相似文献   

This paper provides data on the landforms, soils, and sediments within a unique northern Michigan landscape known as the Grayling Fingers, and evaluates these data to develop various scenarios for the geomorphic development of this region. Composed of several large, flat-topped ridges that trend N–S, the physiography of the “Fingers” resembles a hand. Previously interpreted as “remnant moraines”, the Grayling Fingers are actually a Pleistocene constructional landscape that was later deeply incised by glacial meltwater. The sediments that comprise the Fingers form a generally planar assemblage, with thick (>100 m), sandy glacial outwash forming the lowest unit. Above the outwash are several meters of till that is remarkably similar in texture to the outwash below; thus, the region is best described as an incised ground moraine. Finally, a thin silty “cap” is preserved on the flattest, most stable uplands. This sediment package and the physiography of the Fingers are suggestive of geomorphic processes not previously envisioned for Michigan.Although precise dates are lacking, we nonetheless present possible sequences of geomorphic/sedimentologic processes for the Fingers. This area was probably a topographic high prior to the advance of marine isotope stage 2 (Woodfordian) ice. Much of the glacial outwash in the Fingers is probably associated with a stagnant, early Woodfordian ice margin, implying that this interlobate area remained ice-free and ice-marginal for long periods during stage 2. Woodfordian ice eventually covered the region and deposited 5–10 m of sandy basal till over the proglacial outwash plain. Small stream valleys on the outwash surface were palimpsested onto the till surface as the ice retreated, as kettle chains and as dry, upland valleys. The larger of these valleys were so deeply incised by meltwater that they formed the large, through-flowing Finger valleys. The silt cap that occupies stable uplands was probably imported into the region, while still glaciated. The Fingers region, a col on the ice surface, could have acted as a collection basin for silts brought in as loess or in superglacial meltwater. This sediment was let down as the ice melted and preserved only on certain geomorphically stable and fluvially isolated locations. This study demonstrates that the impact of Woodfordian ice in this region was mostly erosional, and suggests that Mississippi Valley loess may have indirectly impacted this region.  相似文献   

Studies of magnetic properties enable reconstruction of environmental conditions that affected magnetic minerals incorporated in sediments from Upper Klamath Lake. Analyses of stream sediment samples from throughout the catchment of Upper Klamath Lake show that alteration of Fe-oxide minerals during subaerial chemical weathering of basic volcanic rocks has significantly changed magnetic properties of surficial deposits. Titanomagnetite, which is abundant both as phenocrysts and as microcrystals in fresh volcanic rocks, is progressively destroyed during weathering. Because fine-grained magnetite is readily altered due to large surface-to-volume ratios, weathering causes an increase in average magnetic grain size as well as reduction in the quantity of titanomagnetite both absolutely and relative to hematite. Hydrodynamic mineralogical sorting also produces differences in magnetic properties among rock and mineral grains of differing sizes. Importantly, removal of coarse silicate and Fe-oxide grains by sorting concentrated extremely fine-grained magnetite in the resulting sediment. The effects of weathering and sorting of minerals cannot be completely separated. These processes combine to produce the magnetic properties of a non-glacial lithic component of Upper Klamath Lake sediments, which is characterized by relatively low magnetite content and coarse magnetic grain size. Hydrodynamic sorting alone causes significant differences between the magnetic properties of glacial flour in lake sediments and of fresh volcanic rocks in the catchment. In comparison to source volcanic rocks, glacial flour in the lake sediment is highly enriched in extremely fine-grained magnetite.  相似文献   

Sedimentary cores BDP 96 and 98 and VER 96-2 St. 3 from Academician Ridge in Lake Baikal were investigated to investigate the effect of climatic fluctuations on rock weathering and clay formation in the Baikal drainage basin. Illite, smectite, vermiculite, and kaolinite were identified as the major clay minerals in the sediments by X-ray diffraction analysis. Biotite in gravels in alluvial soils of the Baikal drainage area weathers through illite to vermiculite, smectite, and finally to kaolinite. To investigate the relationship between weathering and climate, we measured the clay content and the concentration of biogenic silica in the sediments. High surface productivity (increased biogenic silica) and high chemical weathering (decreased clay content) occurred simultaneously, showing that crustal weathering and soil formation were enhanced under warm climatic conditions.Clay formation was enhanced in the watershed from the Late Miocene to the Middle Pliocene, and mechanical weathering of rocks increased during glacial intervals after the climate began to cool in Late Pliocene time. This change in the weathering mode in the watershed reduced the nutrient flux and aquatic productivity of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

根据粒度、微体生物组合、矿物组分和微量元素丰度,探讨了南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡中央海槽和南部下陆坡区冰-海沉积环境形成的硅质沉积物特征。硅质沉积物主要为硅藻软泥或粉砂质硅藻软泥,由微体生物遗体、粘土矿物、火山物质和陆源碎屑矿物所组成。硅质生物壳体主要为硅藻,含量>30%,含少量放射虫和硅质壳有孔虫。粘土矿物中蒙脱石的含量高达52.5%,其次为陆源伊利石,高岭石和绿泥石含量相对较低。碎屑重矿物以橄榄石、辉石、角闪石等非稳定组合为特征,轻矿物主要包括石英、长石和火山玻璃。微量元素丰度特征与大洋现代表层沉积物有所区别。研究区硅质沉积作用具有多种物源、生物沉积作用居重要地位、陆源(包括火山)物质以粉砂和粘土级细质点为主、相对较高的沉积速率和受地质构造背景影响等特征。  相似文献   

中国典型山地温冰川水化学空间分布特征与近期冰川动态   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从我国玉龙雪玉典型温水王白水1号冰川不同区段表面融水,新近积雪和冰川初给河水采样分析结果表明,雪线以下降水中的稳定同位素的离子含量比雪线以下为高,低海拔河水比高海拨融水的氧同浓度为低,可能在来源上存在着差异,这种分布特征说明本温冰川区局部大气环流情况高度而不同,有可能存在季气候区所特有的“降水量效应”或“季节性效应”。冰川不同水体内离子浓度变化说明,冰川融水与地壳表面接触时间越久,其中的可融性离了  相似文献   

L. Allan James   《Geomorphology》2003,55(1-4):283
Pleistocene glacial erosion left a strong topographic imprint in the northwestern Sierra Nevada at many scales, yet the specific landforms and the processes that created them have not been previously documented in the region. In contrast, glaciation in the southern and central Sierra was extensively studied and by the end of the 19th century was among the best understood examples of alpine glaciation outside of the European Alps. This study describes glacially eroded features in the northwest Sierra and presents inferred linkages between erosional forms and Pleistocene glacial processes. Many relationships corroborate theoretical geomorphic principles. These include the occurrence of whalebacks in deep ice positions, roches moutonnées under thin ice, and occurrence of P-forms in low topographic positions where high subglacial meltwater pressures were likely. Some of the landforms described here have not previously been noted in the Sierra, including a large crag and tail eroded by shallow ice and erosional benches high on valley walls thought to be cut by ice-marginal channels.  相似文献   

Erosion of Bedrock by Subglacial Meltwater, Soya Coast, East Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of the glacial erosional bedforms at the Soya Coast of Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica is discussed. The streamlined bedforms in the studied area are classified into crescentic transverse ridges and tadpole rocks, and these bedforms are accompanied by small erosional marks (s-forms) which suport the interpretation of subglacial meltwater erosion. Some tadpole rocks are superimposed on a large roche moutonnée, and these two kinds of landform are interpreted to have different modes of formation. Observations and interpretations of these bedforms are used to reconstruct the historical development of the glacial erosional bedforms, and to draw attention to the significance and implications of subglacial meltwater erosion on the marginal area of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the past. An initial episode of glacial plucking and abrasion produced roches moutonnées and basic large-scale landforms. Subglacial meltwater flowing peiodically into the Lützow-Holm Bay sculptured s-forms and streamlined bedforms in bedrock over much of the area. During this period, except for water-flowing phases, ice again came in contact with the bedrock to form striations superimposed on the s-forms and the hillocks.  相似文献   

In many areas of Svalbard, the Neoglacial terminal deposits represent the Holocene glacial maximum. The glaciers began the retreat from their Neoglacial maximum positions around 1900 AD. Based on high resolution acoustic data and sediment cores, sedimentation patterns in four tidewater glacier-influenced inlets of the fjord Isfjorden (Tempelfjorden, Billefjorden, Yoldiabukta and Borebukta), Spitsbergen, were investigated. A model for sedimentation of tidewater glaciers in these High Arctic environments is proposed. Glacigenic deposits occur in proximal and distal basins. The proximal basins comprise morainal ridges and hummocky moraines, bounded by terminal moraines marking the maximum Neoglacial ice extent. The distal basins are characterized by debris lobes and draping stratified glacimarine sediments beyond, and to some extent beneath and above, the lobes. The debris lobe in Tempelfjorden is composed of massive clayey silt with scattered clasts. Distal glacimarine sediments comprise stratified clayey silt with low ice-rafted debris (IRD) content. The average sedimentation rate for the glacimarine sediments in Tempelfjorden is 17 mm/yr for the last ca. 130 years. It is suggested that the stratified sediments in Tempelfjorden are glacimarine varves. The high sedimentation rate and low IRD content are explained by input from rivers, in addition to sedimentation from suspension of glacial meltwater. The debris lobes in Borebukta are composed of massive clayey silt with high clast content. Distal glacimarine sediments in Yoldiabukta comprise clayey silt with high IRD content. The average sedimentation rate for these sediments is 0.6 mm/yr for the last 2300 years.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾柱样中石英颗粒的表面结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文统计分析了南极普里兹湾陆坡区一个柱样(NP951)13个层位的石英颗粒的形态和表面结构。石英表面呈现出强烈的冰川运动和较弱的化学溶蚀-沉淀作用留下的表面特征,表明该沉积物主要是处于低能海洋环境中的冰碛物。石英颗粒因化学溶蚀-沉淀作用形成的组合表面特征的定量统计结果与矿物的X射线衍射和微体古生物的分析结果相对应,能较好地解释该海区经历的沉积环境和古气候变化。  相似文献   

The biostratigraphy of fossil diatoms contributes important chronologic, paleolimnologic, and paleoclimatic information from Lake Baikal in southeastern Siberia. Diatoms are the dominant and best preserved microfossils in the sediments, and distinctive assemblages and species provide inter-core correlations throughout the basin at millennial to centennial scales, in both high and low sedimentation-rate environments. Distributions of unique species, once dated by radiocarbon, allow diatoms to be used as dating tools for the Holocene history of the lake. Diatom, pollen, and organic geochemical records from site 305, at the foot of the Selenga Delta, provide a history of paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic changes from the late glacial (15 ka) through the Holocene. Before 14 ka diatoms were very rare, probably because excessive turbidity from glacial meltwater entering the lake impeded productivity. Between 14 and 12 ka, lake productivity increased, perhaps as strong winds promoted deep mixing and nutrient regeneration. Pollen evidence suggests a cold shrub — steppe landscape dominated the central Baikal depression at this time. As summer insolation increased, conifers replaced steppe taxa, but diatom productivity declined between 11 and 9 ka perhaps as a result of increased summer turbidity resulting from violent storm runoff entering the lake via short, steep drainages. After 8 ka, drier, but more continental climates prevailed, and the modern diatom flora of Lake Baikal came to prominence. On Academician Ridge, a site of slow sedimentation rates, Holocene diatom assemblages at the top of 10-m cores reappear at deeper levels suggesting that such cores record at least two previous interglacial (or interstadial?) periods. Nevertheless, distinctive species that developed prior to the last glacial period indicate that the dynamics of nutrient cycling in Baikal and the responsible regional climatic environments were not entirely analogous to Holocene conditions. During glacial periods, the deep basin sediments of Lake Baikal are dominated by rapidly deposited clastics entering from large rivers with possibly glaciated headwaters. On the sublacustrine Academician Ridge (depth = 300 m), however, detailed analysis of the diatom biostratigraphy indicates that diastems (hiatuses of minor duration) and (or) highly variable rates of accumulation complicate paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic reconstructions from these records.  相似文献   

GrainsizecharacteristicsandenvironmentalindicationofthesedimentsaroundGreatWallStation,AntarcticaTX@刘耕年@崔之久@熊黑钢Grainsizecharacter...  相似文献   

Both radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating methods were applied to test their suitability for establishing a chronology of arid-zone lacustrine sediments using a 5.88-m-long core drilled from Lake Ulaan, southern Mongolia. Although the radiocarbon and OSL ages agree in some samples, the radiocarbon ages are older than the corresponding OSL ages at the 550-cm depth horizon (late Pleistocene) and in the 100–300-cm interval (early to late Holocene). In the early to late Holocene, radiocarbon ages are consistently older than OSL ages by 4,100–5,800 years, and in the late Pleistocene by 2,700–3,000 years. Grain-size analysis of early to late Holocene sediments and one late Pleistocene sediment sample (550-cm depth) indicates that eolian processes were the dominant sediment-transport mechanism. Also, two late Pleistocene sediments samples (from 400- to 500-cm depths) are interpreted to have been deposited by both eolian and glaciofluvial processes. Accordingly, the radiocarbon ages that were older than the corresponding OSL ages during the Holocene seem to have been a consequence of the influx of 14C-deficient carbon delivered from adjacent soils and Paleozoic carbonate rocks by the westerly winds, a process that is also active today. In addition to the input of old reworked carbon by eolian processes, the late Pleistocene sediments were also influenced by old carbon delivered by deglacial meltwater. The results of this study suggest that when eolian sediment transport is suspected, especially in lakes of arid environments, the OSL dating method is superior to the radiocarbon dating method, as it eliminates a common ‘old-carbon’ error problem.  相似文献   

Outcrops and cores of the Sirius Group sediments were studied at Table Mountain, Dry Valleys area, Antarctica. These sediments form a surficial veneer at least 9.5 m thick. Three facies — a gravelly sandstone, a sandstone, and a sandy conglomerate — are mapped and described from 13 outcrops and three cores. The gravelly sandstone, constituting 13%of all cored material, is bimodal with matrix-supported clasts comprising 5–33%of the facies. Fabric analysis indicates that it was deposited primarily by lodgment from glacial ice but with minor elements of meltout and flow. The sandstone facies, constituting 77%of all cored material, is a well-sorted, fine- to medium-grained sand, which commonly has laminated bedding. It is predominantly a glaciofluvial deposit but has some glaciolacustrine elements. The sandy conglomerate, constituting 10%of all cored material, is a minor facies. It is massive and clast-supported. It was deposited in a high-energy environment suggestive of subglacial meltwater channels.
Sirius Group sediments at Table Mountain are the result of wet-based ice advancing and retreating over waterlain deposits. This is consistent with an advancing ice mass in climatic conditions that were warmer than present. The majority of the sediments were deposited by alpine ice following a similar pathway to the present-day Ferrar Glacier and as such the depositional environment is one that concurs with evidence of a stable East Antarctic Ice Sheet approach. At Table Mountain, the predominantly glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine facies is inferred to represent a more distal part of the Sirius Group environment than that seen at other outcrops in the Dry Valleys.  相似文献   

Two small high-Arctic glaciers (Longyearbreen and Larsbreen) on Svalbard (78°N 15°E) were studied with respect to glaciological and hydrological characteristics. Fieldwork during the melting season of 1993 and 1994 was coupled with digital map analysis based on high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) to reveal the dynamics and temperature regime of small glaciers in a high-Arctic environment, and its relationship to the material transport and sedimentation of these glaciers. The study showed Longyearbreen and Larsbreen to be low activity glaciers, cold-based with temperate patches, and thus having a low potential of basal erosion. The transport of ions and suspended solids in the glacial meltwater implies storage of material in and around the glacier which comes into contact with the meltwater. The study suggests that small Arctic glaciers couple the slope system with the fluvial system and therefore build a highly effective denudation system. Small polythermal glaciers are therefore important in understanding Pleistocene and Holocene landform development in cold regions.  相似文献   

利用X衍射法分析了苏北平原浅钻剖面(YZ1)的粘土矿物类型和含量,并对其环境意义进行了探讨。结果表明,YZ1浅钻沉积物粘土成分主要由4种粘土矿物(伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石、蒙脱石)和少量长石、石英碎屑组成;研究区的古气候环境演变主要经历3个阶段,13 770~11 600 cal a B.P.期间的低温冷干阶段;11 600~9 610cal a B.P.期间的逐步升温阶段;9 610~1 520 cal a B.P.期间的全新世暖湿阶段,在这3个大的阶段背景条件下也存在一些次级波动。  相似文献   

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