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Distribution of the rare-earth elements (REE) in dacite has been studied so as to get a better understanding of the migration behavior of REE during alteration. Both unaltered and altered samples were collected in an unpolluted area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southwest China. The REE concentrations were analyzed by ICP-MS. It is concluded that the REE were enriched during dacite alteration in varying degrees. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of altered samples approximately maintain the characteristics of unaltered samples. However, if we normalize the REE concentrations of altered samples with unaltered dacite, fractionation of REE will appear. The LREE are more enriched than HREE in all altered samples with the LREE possibly precipitated as carbonate minerals. Both positive and negative Eu anomalies exist. Enrichment, immobility and depletion are noticed for the element Lu. Heavy mineral alteration, difference in stability constant between carbonate LREE and HREE complexes, downward migration of weathering fluid and microenvironment change may be responsible for the fractionation of REE in the altered dacite.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the rare-earth elements(REE)during the weathering of granites was studied in southern Guangxi,China.Based on the study of the weathering profiles,the soil,weathered and sub-weatereb zones are identified with different REE geochemical behaviours throug the weathering profiles of granite.The Ce anomalies of the weathering profiles cover a large range of values with most falling between 1.02 and 1.43in the soil zone and 0.16and 0.40in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.Light rare-earth elements(LREE) and heavy rare-earth elements(HREE)are enriched to varying degree in the weathering profiles as compared to host granites.In the soil zone,more HREEs are leached than LREEs,and HREEs are more enriched than LREE in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.It is considered that infiltration and adsorption on clays are two processes controlling the enrichment and formation of REE deposits in the weathering profiles of granite.  相似文献   

The differential enrichment of gold and arsenic observed in As-bearing hydrothermal gold deposits in Southwest Gizhou is induced by vapor-liquid separation in response to changing physico-chemical conditions during the hydrothermal evolution and is a reflection of the geochemical behavior of the two elements.  相似文献   

The range of observed chemical compositions of natural terrestrial waters varies greatly especially when compared to the essentially constant global composition of the oceans.The concentrations of the REEs in natural terrestrial waters also exhibit more variation than what was reported in seawater,In terrestrial waters ,pH values span the range from acid up to alkaline,In addition,terrestrial waters can range from very dilute waters through to highly concentrated brines.The REE concentrations and their behavior in natural terrestrial waters reflect these compositional ranges,Chemical weathering of rocks represents the source of the REEs to natural terrestrial waters and ,consequently,the REE signature of rocks can impart their REE signature to associated waters,In addition,Because of the typical low solubilities of the REEs both surface and solution complexation can be important in fractionating REEs in aqueous solution.Both of these processes are important in all natural terrestrial waters,however,their relative importance varies as a function of the overall solution composition,In alkaline waters,for example,Solution complexation of the REEs with carbonate ions appears to control their aqueous distributions whereas in acid waters,the REE signature of the labile fraction of the REEs is readily leached from the rocks.In circumneutral pH waters,both processes appear to be important and their relative significance has not yet been determined.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the REE geochemistry of the Shenzhen Bay (SZB) and Dapeng Bay(DPB) modern sediments, discuss their REE distribution patterns, reveal the REE geochemical difference between the two bays which share the same material source but are deposited in different sedimentary environments, and expound their dynamic changes.It can be concluded that the SZB and DPB sediments are essentially of continental source.Their REE distribution patterns are quite different from those of Pacific pelagic sediments, but are very similar to those of South Chi-na granites.Because of different sedimentary environments prevailing in the SZB and DPB, some REE fractionation would have taken place in the sediments of the two bays.  相似文献   

Based on their REE contents and REE patterns,eclogites from the ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt in central China may be roughly divided into xis types including LREE-rich.LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly,LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly,REE pattern-smooth,MREE-rich and HREE-rich.The LREE_rich,LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly and LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly types of eclogites are dominant .REE types of eclogites in different areas can be compared and the REE feactures of the same REE type of eclogites in different areas are similar.The results of reconstruction of the primary rocks show that the primary rocks of eclogites possibly are dominated by continental tholeiites which are the product of partial melting of relatively fertile mantle and the rocks of tholeiite crystallization-differentiation.There is perfect evolution relationship among the primary rocks of the LREE-rich, LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly and LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly types of eclogites and among those of the REE pattern smooth and MREE-rich types of eclogites,the former three types were deried from continental settings and the latter two from nearly oceanic settings.Meanwhile,it is concluded that the mantle sources of primary rocks of the eclogites are inhomogeneous and the primary rocks of eclogites in this area appear to have undergone varying degree of crustal contamination.  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation of the Lincang germanium deposit is discussed in the light of the spatial distribution of Ge-rich coal and siliceous rocks,the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite in the Ge-rich coal,the variation of Ge abundance in the coal seams and the geochemical characteristics of the siliceous rocks.The results show that the siliceous rocks intercalated with the coal seamw were deposited from a hyrothermal medium through which germanium was enriched in the coal beds.The primary source of germanium is thought to be the Gerich granite in the basement of the sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

The Laowangzhai super-large gold orefield,which is situated in northern Mt.Ailao tectonic zone,Yunnan Province,is a typical gold orefield where lamprophyres are temporally and spatially related to gold mineralization.Major element data show that lamprophyres in the orefield are of alkalic series and can be divided into potassic and K-rich calc-alkaline lamprophyres.The rocks are enriched in rare-earth elements as compared with the primary mantle and mid-ocean ridge basalts(MORB).Modelled calculations by the least squares method of Petrological Mixing show that the mantle-source for the lamprophyres in enriched in rarc earth elemeots.The geotectonic development of western Yunnan,Sr and Nd isotopic compositions,incompatible element patterns and linear programing calculations indicate that the fluids were derived from dehydration of submaine sediments which are enriched in ALK,LREE and incompatible elements and then were carried to mantle wedges as a result of plate subduction.That is the main factor leading to the formation of a metasonatic fertile mantle in the area studied.  相似文献   

The Okinawa Trough is located between the shelf-sea area of the East China Sea and the deep-sea area of western Pacific Ocean. More than 60 chemical elements in the sediments from the shelf area of the East China Sea, the Okinawa Trough and western Pacific Ocean were determined by advanced techniques including neutron activation analysis, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, atomic fluorescence spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry. Quantitative comparisons of the element abundances of the sediments were made in terms of the enrichment coefficients (K) of the elements.K > 1.5 indicates enrichment (K = 1.5–2, weak enrichment; K = 2–4, strong enrichment) andK > 4, anomalous enrichment. The results show that the Okinawa Trough sediments are characterized by Hg anomaly and the enrichment of such elements as Au, Ag, Se, Te, Sb, Cd, Mn, Mo, etc. Detailed studies show that the excess Hg comes from hydrothermal solutions rather than from the continent, sea water, marine organisms, cosmic dust or volcanic rocks. Attributed to modern hydrothermal activities on the sea floor, Hg anomaly can be used as a geochemical indicator of modern seafloor hydrothermal activity. This project was granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Serpentinites from the inside corner high (6°38.5′S/68°19.34′E) from the Northern Central Indian Ridge (NCIR) are comprised mainly of high Mg-rich lizardite and chrysotile pseudomorphs with varying morphologies. 'Mesh rim', 'window', 'hourglass' and 'bastite' are the most common textures displayed by both chrysotile and lizardite. Numerous chrysotile veins in association with cross cutting magnetite veins indicate an advanced stage of serpentinisation. The relatively high abundance of chrysotile and lizardite suggest their close association and formation at a temperature below 250℃. Abundant 'mesh rim' and 'bastite' texture and variegated matrix reveal that the present serpentinites might have formed due to the interaction of harzburgite and seawater. Positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu^* up to +3.38), higher La/Sm (up to 4.40) and Nb/La (up to 6.34) ratios suggest substantial hydrothermal influence during the formation of the serpentinites.  相似文献   

铂族元素(简称PGE)通常被认为是不活动性元素,可以用来示踪地幔源区和镁铁-超镁铁质岩浆的演化过程。然而,越来越多的野外地质证据和实验研究表明,PGE具有热液活动性,其活动性在指示岩石和矿床成因、地幔交代作用等方面具有重要意义。本文在回顾实际样品中PGE流体活动性的基础上,重点收集和整理了前人有关PGE流体活动性的实验研究和模型计算。大量地质记录显示岩浆活动常常伴随着热液事件发生,并且铂族元素的富集常与岩浆后期热液叠加作用以及大洋或盆地的热液事件有密切联系。溶解度实验结果表明,PGE在富Cl~-流体中的溶解度最高可达100n×10~(-6),而在富HS~-流体中则低几个数量级,仅有n×10~(-12)级别。高温高压实验及模拟计算显示,PGE通常以络合物形式在流体中进行迁移和富集,涉及的主要无机配位阴离子有Cl~-、HS~-、OH~-以及NH_3。这些PGE络合物或络合阴离子团的稳定性受流体的温度、氧逸度、离子浓度、pH等诸多因素的制约。其中,PGE-Cl络合物种型在PGE的浅部迁移中可能贡献最大,其稳定条件为中低温(300℃)、高盐度、高氧逸度、高Cl~-浓度、酸性的地质流体环境。而在还原、碱性、高S~(2-)浓度、相对中低温的流体条件下,PGE-HS种型则占主导。当流体环境为高温和碱性条件时,PGE-OH络合物种型则较为常见。相对其他几种络合物形式,PGE-NH_3对于PGE迁移的贡献较小,其最佳稳定条件为相对中低温、中碱性、相对低氧逸度的地质环境。最后,本文探讨了前人工作的不足以及未来亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

Sources of modern hydrothermal systems are considered on the basis of high-precision REE data on representative samples of characteristic hydrochemical types of hydrothermal systems of the Eastern Volcanic Belt of Kamchatka and data available on modern magmatogenic fluid systems of the Kamchatka, Kuriles, and oceanic rift zones. It was found that modern high-temperature chloride-sodium hydrothermal vents have elevated REE contents and that all considered hydrochemical types of the Kamchatka hydrothermal systems are characterized by similar REE patterns. High REE contents in the hydrothermal vents with pH up to 5.0 show bimodal distribution. Correlations established between La/Yb ratios in the hydrothermal vents of various types and in the igneous rocks of the Eastern Volcanic Belt of Kamchatka are interpreted in genetic terms. A positive correlation was found between rare-earth elements, chlorine and boron contents. It was noted that all considered hydrochemical types show distinct negative europium anomaly, whereas submarine hydrothermal vents of oceanic rift zones are characterized by positive europium anomaly. It was proposed that REE was transported in the hydrothermal vents from apical zones of deep-seated magma chambers containing acid derivatives.  相似文献   

Trace element mobility during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic basalts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trace element analyses have been carried out on hydrothermally altered pillow basalts of greenschist facies dredged from the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Sr is leached from the rock, and its behavior is apparently controlled by the same reactions as Ca. Cu is also leached from the basalt, but often shows local precipitation in veins as sulfides. Fe, B, Li, Ba, Mn, Ni and Co show sufficient variations in concentration and location within the altered basalts to indicate that some mobilisation occurs, but there may be subsequent uptake or precipitation into the secondary mineral assemblages. V, Y, Zr and Cr do not appear to be affected by hydrothermal alteration.The production of a metal-enriched solution by hydrothermal alteration and subsequent precipitation of metal salts to form metalliferous sediments is indicated, as is precipitation of metal sulfides in the basaltic basement.  相似文献   

In Mid Proterozoic crystalline rocks of the Mount Isa Inlier, around Cloncurry, Australia, 2000 km2 of alteration and brecciation are the product of high-temperature (> 450 °C) concentrated saline solution activity. During retrogression, this fluid was locally responsible for mobility of V, Y, Nb and light rare-earth elements (15 × enrichment). Copper and S were leached during alteration and this may have been a significant source of components in nearby Cu-Au deposits. Similar rare-earth-element behaviour has been observed in the hematite breccias which host Cu-sulfides at the giant Olympic Dam Cu-Au deposit.  相似文献   

Precisional analyses of the abundances of La, Ce, and major elements in thermal waters and rocks of the Uzon-Geyzernaya volcanotectonic depression, supplemented by published data on a number of modern high-temperature hydrothermal systems of Kamchatka and two other areas of the world, allowed defining genetically important patterns of rare-earth elements (REE) distribution. The La and Ce abundances positively correlate with silica contents both in fresh igneous rocks of the study areas and in the products formed by hydrothermal processes.All studied hydrothermal clays are enriched in La and Ce. The general enrichment trend is similar to the pattern of positive correlation between the La and Ce abundances. Geothermal waters display a strong relationship between REE enrichment and pH. Enhanced REE enrichment trend is observed in thermal waters with abundant SO42 ? and K. The REE versus Cl and B diagrams show two individual fields reflecting the level of acidity-alkalinity of thermal waters. These data demonstrate that La and Ce concentrations in the products of modern hydrothermal systems (in fluids and secondary mineral phases) are governed by wallrock composition, anionic water composition, and pH/Eh-dependent adsorption processes.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic simulation of the geochemical mobility of Au and Ag during their hydrothermal transfer and precipitation was conducted with regard for the formation of continuous nonideal Au-Ag solid solutions (or AuXAg1?X) alloys) and with the analysis of the effects of principal physicochemical parameters (temperature, pH, redox potential, and the concentrations of sulfide sulfur and chloride ions) on the solubility of Au-Ag alloys of various composition. Predominant Au and Ag complexes and the types of solutions were identified, which are characterized by different extractive ability with respect to these metals. A tendency in the variations in the Au/Ag ratio in the solid phase during the evolution of the hydrothermal process was revealed with regard for various conditions under which Ag sulfides can occur. The possible effect of the AuXAg1?X/solution ratio on the composition of the Au-Ag mineralization was demonstrated, and tendencies in the variations in the composition (fineness) of the alloys during their redeposition were identified.  相似文献   

During serpentinization and subsequent alteration in the absence of brucite, kimberlites accumulate uncompensated silica. Its amount can be calculated from the average compositions of the rock-forming minerals (olivine, calcite, phlogopite) and the chemical compositions of the rocks. The contents of rock-forming oxides and REE were determined in 12 kimberlite pipes of the Yakutian kimberlite province, in 413 samples from secondary-alteration zones and of unaltered kimberlites. Columns of successive kimberlite alterations were constructed for each pipe on the basis of secondary-quartz data; here, the behavior of rock-forming oxides and REE was assessed. All the studied rocks had experienced different degrees of postmagmatic hydrothermal metasomatism at different depths in all the pipes. The changes were reflected in the supply/loss of rock-forming oxides and REE. The supply of REE during the hydrothermal metasomatism enriched the kimberlites with TiO2, P2O5, and CaO. During the removal of REE, most of the rock-forming oxides were partially lost. The maximum REE supply was 67% in the Udachnaya-Vostochnaya pipe and 59% in the Nyurbinskaya pipe as compared with the unaltered kimberlites. The maximum REE loss was 87% in the Aikhal pipe and 81% in the Internatsional’naya pipe as compared with the unaltered kimberlites. The initial REE contents of the postmagmatically altered kimberlites changed considerably in all the studied cases. This conclusion was drawn owing to the use of normative-quartz content as a criterion for secondary alteration.  相似文献   

REE mobility during hydrothermal ore-forming processes has been extensively investigated in recent years and the potential of REE to provide information about ore forming processes has commonly been recognized.The Dongping gold deposit,which is located in northwestern Hebei Province,China,occurring in the inner contact zone of the Shuiquangou syenite complex,is spatially,and probably genetically,related to the syenite,the deposit was formed under the moderate to high temperature(220℃ to 320℃),weakly acidic to weakly alkaline,rather high fo2(lgfo2=-30~-34)environment.The REE study of the host rocks,altered wall rocks,ores and gangue minerals from the deposit suggests that the REEs have been mobilized and differentiated during K-feldspathization and silicification.The extremely altered syenite enveloping auriferous quartz vein shows positive Ce anomaly and larger LREE/HREE ratio than that of the unaltered syenite.The REE concentrations and patterns of the ores are determined by the ore types and mineral assemblages,LREE/HREE ratios in the gangue quartz and hydrothermal Kfeldspars are relatively low.The most significant observation is that the gangue quartz shows significant positive Eu anomaly,whereas the hydrothermal K-feldspars show less significant or no positive Eu anomaly at all relative to the primary feldspar in the unaltered syenite. It is evident that the REEs are mobile during K-feldspathization and silicification in the ore forming process.Weak to moderate K-feldspathization caused REE mobility without apparent differentiation with the exception of extreme K-feldspathization and silicification which resulted in significant depletion of HREE and Eu and relative enrichment of Ce.The REE,Y,U,Th and Au contents of the syenite decrease as the degrees of K-feldspathization and silicification of the rocks increase towards the auriferous quartz veins.As the ores were deposited under a rather oxidized environment,Ce^4 predominated over Ce^3 .The precipitation of the former in the form of CeO2 or absorpted onto the secondary mineral assemblage resulted in the inconsistent removal of the REE and the relative Ce enrichment in the strongly altered rocks.in contrast,Eu was present mainly in a low valence state (Eu^2 ).The geochemical differences from the other REE^3 and much less sites in the secondary minerals to accommodate the Eu released form the original minerals resulted in the enrichment of Eu in the fluids.The mobility and differentiation of REE and the coherent mobilities of Y,U,Th and Au also support the argument that the syenite is one of the source rocks for gold mineralization.The REE contents and patterns of the altered rocks enveloping the auriferous quartz vein could be used as a guide for locating ore veins in mineral exploration.  相似文献   

The distribution and content of rare-earth elements (REEs) were determined in two radish species, the cultivated Raphanus sativus and the wild Raphanus raphanistrum, that were grown under laboratory-controlled conditions, in three substrates consisting of illite for one and two smectite substrates for the others, with the two smectite substrates being characterised by different porosities. The plants were split into leaves and stems + roots for analysis. The results indicate that both species take up systematically higher amounts of REEs when grown in the illite substrate, even considering that the smectite equivalent contains about three times more REEs. The REE uptake is also more plant species than mineral composition dependent: R. raphanistrum takes up 3.5–6.7 times more REEs than R. sativus, depending on the substrate, its porosity and the considered plant segments. Increased substrate porosity favours the take up of the REEs, but no specific uptake is observed in leaves relative to that in the combined stems and roots. The transfer of the REEs from minerals to plant organs does not appear to induce systematically identical patterns: (1) in the case of R. sativus, a positive Eu anomaly is visible in all patterns from both segment groups grown in both substrates. When grown in illite, the heavy REEs are also enriched in the stems and roots, which has not been observed in any other organ or in the other substrate and (2) in the case of R. raphanistrum, a very significant positive Gd anomaly, which is not expected to fractionate relative to the other REEs as do Ce and Eu, is observed in all segments of the plants grown in both substrates. A slight negative Ce anomaly is also visible in some of the REE patterns, suggesting some changes in the oxidation–reduction conditions in the substrates near the roots during plant growth. The comparison of the REE patterns from leaves relative to those of the roots + stems shows that those of R. raphanistrum grown in illite provide a spectrum that is very specific with significant deficits in La, Ce, Gd, Tm, Yb and Lu in the leaves. In the other cases, the patterns do not outline significant differences except for R. sativus grown in illite, in which the leaves are enriched in light and medium REEs from La to Gd relative to the stems + roots.  相似文献   

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