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本主要介绍了生产矿山按《固体矿产资源/储量分类》国家标准对资源储量进行了分类所作的一些探索与实践体会,特别是对可行性评价阶段划分和经济意义属性的分析,从生产矿山的实际情况出发进行了探讨。 相似文献
根据我国传统资源储量估算方法特点,以地矿点源数据库为基础,以矿山日常勘探与储量估算及开发工作流程为主线,在QuantyMine数字矿山软件中开发了实现传统资源储量估算的功能。解决了多源地矿勘查数据一体化管理与应用、资源储量估算与地矿勘查图件报表编制一体化、多金属矿山资源储量动态估算与管理、资源储量估算成果共享等关键技术问题。结合传统储量估算工作特点,采用智能化与人机交互相结合的方式实现了多金属矿山资源储量多维空间一体化与可视化动态估算与管理功能,可有效提高储量估算科学性和可靠性。相对传统手工储量估算,采用本系统可提高5倍以上的工作效率。在紫金矿业集团所属多个矿山的应用表明,结果偏差在10%以内,估算准确率明显提高。 相似文献
固体矿产资源储量估算应注意的问题 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
参与资源储量估算的探矿工程和原始资料质量应符合规范要求,并正确引用工业指标,根据地质规律和规范要求合理圈定和外推矿体;估算方法要符合矿床地质特征,能用简单方法的不用复杂方法;按照规范要求合理确定资源储量类型,块段划分要考虑资源储量类型、矿石类型和工程网度等;正确确定估算参数.从而获得可靠的资源储量结果. 相似文献
矿产资源储量管理框架 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
矿产资源储量管理是矿政管理的一个组成部分。对于矿政管理框架,蒋承菘同志曾概括为:以矿产资源国家所有为宗旨,以法律法规为依据;以矿产资源储量管理为基础;以矿业权管理为核心;以矿产开发监督管理为保证。以此为一级框架,每个部分都需要细化下级框架。研究行政管理框架要考虑的因素,一是管理对象 相似文献
固体矿产资源/储量分类要素 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对分类的矿产勘查阶段,地质可靠程度、可行性评价阶段,经济意义、扣除合理损失等五个要素的概念,意义,相互关系,可能产生的影响进行了论述,提出了基本要素组合、可能要素组合和要素组合归并的概念和条件,列述了五个要素的可能要素组合和按一定规则归并的基本要素组合。 相似文献
我国现行的固体矿产储量分类标准,G轴的含义规定的含糊,致使全国性的矿产资源储量套改结果并没有真正和国际接轨,既然选择了完全与联合国框架相套用的道路,G轴的代码含义就只能按勘查阶段划分,介绍国际权威人士对勘查阶段的诠释,对改进我国固体矿产资源储量分类标准提出建议。 相似文献
三维地质建模与地矿勘查图件编制一体化方法研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用先进的三维可视化模型改造传统地矿勘查图件编制是目前研究的一个重要方向,是实现地矿勘查图件定量化、精准化编制的一种有效途径和方法。以传统方法矿产资源储量估算为主线,以矿山三维地质建模及资源储量估算相关图件编制为切入点,对三维地质建模与地矿勘查图件编制一体化方法进行了探索性研究。通过矿山实际应用表明,该方法可有效解决矿山在不断勘探与开采过程中所面临的三维地质模型更新与地矿勘查图件动态编制问题,初步实现了矿山三维地质建模与地矿勘查图件编制的一体化与可视化;有效避免了地矿图件编制中的三维空间地质内容不一致问题,矿山图件编制及三维地质建模效率与精度明显提高,应用效果显著。 相似文献
矿产资源作为重要的战略资源,在促进国家经济和社会发展中起决定性作用。随着国家经济的发展,对矿产资源的依赖会越来越强。严峻的资源形势,迫切需要寻求缓解矿产资源短缺的方法。通过分析固体矿产勘探面临的困境,提出在当前形势下的应对措施:合理安排资金投入、提高矿产勘查理论研究水平、加强技术力量储备、引进吸收国外先进技术、完善市场引导机制、以及落实矿产资源的可持续发展。 相似文献
Application of 3-D Geoscience Modeling Technology for the Estimation of Solid Mineral Reserves 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract: Applying new approaches, methods, and technologies for the estimation of reserves can effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of assessments of solid mineral resources. After analyzing the development of 3-D geoscience modeling technology (3-D GMT), this paper discusses the application of 3-D GMT for the estimation of solid mineral reserves, emphatically introducing its workflow and two key technologies, 3-D orebody surface modeling, and property modeling. Moreover, the paper analyzes the limitations of traditional methods, such as the section method and geological block method, and points out the advantages of 3-D GMT: building more accurate 3-D orebody models, expressing the internal inhomogeneous attributes of an orebody, reducing the potential for errors in the estimation of reserves, and implementing dynamic estimations of reserves. 相似文献
浅谈固体矿产勘查的质量管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地质工作是经济社会发展重要的先行性、基础性工作,为了使固体矿产勘查成果更好地满足经济社会发展的需要,地质勘查单位必须加强固体矿产勘查的质量管理。从地勘单位和勘查项目两个层次上、重点从勘查项目实施的各个阶段上说明了质量管理的意义和要点。 相似文献
成矿区带深部有色金属矿产资源勘查评价方法技术研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目前我国大部地区的区域地质、物探和化探测量工作业已完成,确定出数十个成矿远景区带,成矿区带内进一步找矿工作,尤其是深部找矿工作一直是急于解决的主要问题。另一方面,危机矿山找矿问题早已提到议事日程,危机矿山大多处于成矿远景区带内,所以成矿区带找矿也是危机矿山深部和外围找矿的一个组成部分。物化探一直是寻找深部隐伏矿产资源的主要手段,如何把物化探方法技术有机地结合起来,如何将新方法新技术融入到找矿工作中是急需我们考虑的问题。就此问题,文中提出一些看法。 相似文献
多边形法是国外矿产储量估计中最常用的传统方法,其应用之广可与我国的剖面法相比。多边形法原理简单,易于理解,易学易用,深受各国勘查地质学家欢迎。多边形法以一个工程为核心,在其影响半径内估计储量,不与其他工程发生关系,使储量估计过程趋于简单化。这一方法无论在单个工程的条件下,还是在工程密度大大增加的情况下,都可顺利地估计储量。多边形法不依赖勘探线,不需要人为划分块段,储量估计块段能自动生成,储量估计更具客观性。在确定影响半径后,使用多边形法可自动完成资源储量分类。 相似文献
地矿勘查工作信息化的理论与方法问题 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
实现地矿勘查工作信息化的有效途径与方法是根据地矿勘查工作自身的特点, 建立以主题式地矿点源数据库(包括空间数据库和属性数据库)为基础的共用数据平台; 利用信息系统技术对地矿勘查工作主流程进行充分改造, 实现全程计算机辅助化; 进行“多S”的技术集成、网络集成、数据集成和应用集成, 同时实现勘查数据的三维可视化.为此, 需要加强地质信息科学和地矿勘查工作信息化的理论框架、技术体系和方法论研究, 重视与地矿勘查工作相适应的集成化信息技术开发. 相似文献
Gaston Georges Jr. Claude Lepeltier Pierre Nicolini Stanislaw Przenioslo 《Mathematical Geology》1978,10(5):629-636
Agriculture has always been the major source of income of the Republic of Haiti. Only in the late sixties did the Haitian
Government decide to move toward industrialization and explotation of natural resources, but no reliable inventory of mineral
potential was available. In June 1970 the Resources and Transport Division of the U.N. (now CNRET) undertook a structural
analysis of the Caribbean with reference to defining favorable loci for ore disposition. One of the conclusions of this survey
was that from the metallogenetic point of view, the Northern part of Haiti was a favorable area for prospecting for habe metal
deposits, especially for copper. Those conclusions were acknowleadged with great enthusiams by the Haitian authorities, and
they welcomed in July 1971 a UN technical adviser who outlined a first phase of exploration. Following this mission, a “Mineral
exploration Project” was created by the Haitian Government with the cooperation of UNDP, and an area of 9000 km2 was selected, based on structural, lithological, and metallogenetic reasons, as an exploration target. The most important
aspects of this project were:Mineral Exploration—First Phase (1973–1974). The following operations were carried out by a small team: (a) photo interpretation at 1:50,000 and 1:200,000 scale, (b)
geological reconnaissance at 1:50,000 scale, (c) geochemical reconnaissance (stream sediment) at 1:50,000 scale. The photo
interpretation helped outline zones of particular structural interest and was followed up by ground control studies. Stream
sediment geochemical reconnaissance was carried out over half of the project area, following the indications given by the
photo geological interpretation. finally, combining all the data, five areas were selected for detailed follow up survey:
(1) Terrier Rouge—Perche, (2) Vallieres, (3) Mont-Organise, (4) Limonade, (5) Gros Morne—Le Borgne.Mineral Exploration—Second Phase (1975–1976). The main zones of interest were reduced to a few hundred km2 and porphyry copper type deposits appeared to be the most promising target. Detailed geological mapping (1:25,000 to 1:2,000)
and soil geochemistry were carried out on the above mentioned five areas, the most promising appearing quickly to be Terrier
Rouge-Perges, with porphyry-type copper mineralization. A geophysical survey (IP and Mag) confirmed the geochemical results.
At the end of the second phase of exploration (December 1976) two of the five prospects of the Terrier Rouge area have been
diamond drilled and appeared to be of potential economic interest. Because of the number and importance of the prospects discovered
a third phase of exploration was deemed necessary with the purpose of continuing the detailed prospection work and drilling
the other prospects. This third phase started in January 1977 and was expected to last until December 1979.
This paper was presented at the International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP) Project 98: “Standards for Computer Applications
in Resource Studies” held at Taita Hills, Kenya, November 8–15, 1977. 相似文献