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Papadimitriou  P.  Voulgaris  N.  Kassaras  I.  Kaviris  G.  Delibasis  N.  Makropoulos  K. 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):15-33
On 7 September 1999 at 11:56 GMT a destructive earthquake (Mw = 6.0) occurred close to Athens (Greece). The rupture process is examined using data from the Cornet local permanent network, as well as teleseismic recordings. Data recorded by a temporary seismological network were analyzed to study the aftershock sequence. The mainshock was relocated at 38.105°N, 23.565°E, about 20 km northwest of Athens. Four foreshocks were also relocated close to the mainshock. The modeling of teleseismic P and SH waves provides a well-constrained focal mechanism of the mainshock (strike = 105°, dip = 55° and rake = -80°) at a depth of 8 km and a seismic moment M0 = 1.01025 dyn·cm. The obtained fault plane solution represents normal faulting indicating an almost north-south extension. More than 3500 aftershocks were located, 1813 of which present RMS < 0.1 s and ERH, ERZ < 1.0 km. Two main clusters were distinguished, while the depth distribution is concentrated between 2 and 11 km. Over 1000 fault plane solutions of aftershocks were constrained, the majority of which also correspond to N–S extension. No surface breaks were observed but the fault plane solution of the mainshock is in agreement with the tectonics of the area and with the focal mechanisms obtained by aftershocks. The hypocenter of the mainshock is located on the deep western edge of the fault plane. The relocated epicenter coincides with the fringe that represents the highest deformation observed on the differential interferometric image. The calculated source duration is 5 sec, while the estimated dimensions of the fault are 15 km length and 10 km width. The source process is characterized by unilateral eastward rupture propagation, towards the city of Athens. An evident stop phase observed in the recordings of the Cornet local stations is interpreted as a barrier caused by the Aegaleo Mountain.  相似文献   

Stavrakakis  G.N.  Chouliaras  G.  Panopoulou  G. 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):47-60
A regional telemetric network of twelve digital broad-band seismic stations has been in full operation since the beginning of 1999, in Greece, operated by the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens (GI-NOA). On 7 September1999, a ML = 5.4 main shock occurred just 18 kilometers to the north of the Greek capital Athens, causing severe damage and loss of life. The broad band network recorded the seismic sequence and the main shock and 18 aftershocks were selected in order to determine their seismic source parameters and scaling relations by the spectral analysis method.The results indicate a main shock seismic momentM0 = 5.7 × 1024 dyn-cm in general agreementwith that reported by other agencies and two different source models were used to determine the respective fault radii and displacements for comparison and evaluation purposes.In addition, by investigating source parameters for the aftershocks, it was found that the seismic moment correlates very well with the earthquake magnitude (ML) and corner frequency (FC) through the following relationships:Log M0 = 1.80ML + 15.19 and Log M0 = - 3.17FC + 22.09,respectively. These results and scaling relations are in general agreement with those obtained by other studies and in view of the fact that digital seismic instrumentation is now expanding in Greece, these first results from spectral analysis of digital broad band data can be considered useful for future relevant investigations.  相似文献   

Pomonis  Antonios 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):171-199
Natural Hazards - Strong earthquakes in the proximity of densely inhabited urban areas pose one ofthe most complicated disaster management situations faced by societies today. Herethe experience...  相似文献   

Bouckovalas  G.D.  Kouretzis  G.P.  Kalogeras  I.S. 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):105-131
The strong ground motion from Athens, Greece 07/09/1999 earthquake has been recorded by eighteen (18) stations, fourteen (14) within the central Athens area and four (4) at the centers of nearby towns. The ground conditions for most of the recording sites were identified, based on previous geotechnical investigations carried out in the wider area of the sites, and consequently correlated to the seismic motion characteristics. Hence, it has been possible to evaluate the accuracy of different seismological methods for site characterization and also estimate soil effects on peak ground acceleration and elastic response spectra. In addition, preliminary estimates are drawn for the seismic motion characteristics at the epicentral area, where no strong motion recordings are available. The detailed soil profiles at the recordingsites are placed in the Appendix.  相似文献   

About 60 hydrologic changes in response to the Chi-Chi earthquake with Ms7.6 on September 21, 1999, occurred in 52 wells, including groundwater level, temperature, discharge rate, well pressure and radon, etc., in the subsurface fluid monitoring network. These response changes were mainly co-seismic, but some pre- and post-earthquake changes occurred mainly within 5 days before and after the Chi-Chi earthquake. The response changes of different wells clustering in different tectonic areas showed different features. These changes are distributed in five areas named as A, B, C, D and E. The response changes in A area with short hypo-central distance (less than 550 km) were mainly pre-earthquake changes occurring more than 5 days before the event. Those in area B (in Huanan tectonic block) and C (in Huabei tectonic block) were mainly co-seismic changes. The hypo-central distance is about 1100–1280 and 800–1160 km, respectively. These changes were high-frequency water-level oscillations induced by seismic waves and accompanied by prominent and permanent water-level jumps and drops. There are also some post-seismic changes including discharge rate and water radon and well pressure changes in area C. Those in area D in the Yanshan tectonic block were mainly co-seismic and post-seismic changes including water level, water temperature, and water radon concentration, etc., showing prominent and permanent water-level jumps and drops and rising concentrations of water radon. The hypo-central distance is about 1750–2060 km. Those in Area E were mainly co-seismic changes showing prominent and permanent water-level jump. The hypo-central distance is about 1810–2120 km. Three moderate earthquakes occurred in area D and one strong earthquake occurred in area E 4 months after the Chi-Chi earthquake. The different features of the response changes might be caused by the changes of local hydrologic conditions (like permeability) induced by seismic waves. On the other hand, these response changes might indicate the near-critical conditions in the area where the response changes clustered. Such changes might be understood by the crustal buckling hypothesis. It is thought that the response changes might be a kind of precursor that implies elevated earthquake risk in the region.  相似文献   

In the present study, distribution of the seismic acceleration at base rock level has been computed for the Zakynthos (Western Greece) Ms = 6.6 earthquake of 18 November 1997, using a semi-empirical approach, taking into consideration the shape and dimension of the fault as well as the direction of the rupture propagation. Considering the geological conditions of the region under investigation and a simplifiedamplification factor, the distribution of peak ground acceleration is obtained. The results derived in this study are based on the amplification factors and velocity response spectra observed in Japan. To get more realistic results we also incorporated in our model attenuation factors obtained by using data from earthquakes in Greece. Different sets of results are compared with peak ground acceleration values recorded by instruments installed in the investigated area and the validity of the applied method is discussed.  相似文献   

On April 20 th, 2013, an earthquake of magnitude MW 6.6 occurred at Lushan of Sichuan on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, with no typical coseismic surface rupture. This work plotted an isoseismal map of the earthquake after repositioning over 400 post–earthquake macro–damage survey points from peak ground acceleration(PGA) data recorded by the Sichuan Digital Strong Earthquake Network. This map indicates that the Lushan earthquake has a damage intensity of IX on the Liedu scale, and that the meizoseismal area displays an oblate ellipsoid shape, with its longitudinal axis in the NE direction. No obvious directivity was detected. Furthermore, the repositioning results of 3323 early aftershocks, seismic reflection profiles and focal mechanism solutions suggests that the major seismogenic structure of the earthquake was the Dayi Fault, which partly defines the eastern Mengshan Mountain. This earthquake resulted from the thrusting of the Dayi Fault, and caused shortening of the southern segment of the Longmenshan in the NW–SE direction. Coseismal rupture was also produced in the deep of the Xinkaidian Fault. Based on the above seismogenic model and the presentation of coseismic surface deformation, it is speculated that there is a risk of more major earthquakes occurring in this region.  相似文献   

华北地区下古生界烃源岩研究对前第三系油气战略资源选区具有重要意义。从沉积学角度出发,通过对研究区有机碳含量、生烃潜力和氯仿沥青"A"等参数的统计分析和平面制图,划分了烃源岩类型,并进行了品质评价,分析了烃源岩的成因,总结了烃源岩发育模式。研究认为:华北东部奥陶系上、下马家沟组及峰峰组为较好的烃源岩,平均有机碳含量分别为0.183%、0.21%和0.181%;下寒武统发育优质烃源岩(TOC平均值为6.46%,最高值为11.2%),但分布范围局限。华北地区东部烃源岩按岩石类型不同可分为两套,即下寒武统泥质烃源岩,中、下奥陶统的碳酸盐岩烃源岩。烃源岩的成因取决于沉积环境,泥质烃源岩发育于陆棚浅海环境,而碳酸盐岩烃源岩则受控于云坪和局限台地环境。对烃源岩空间展布规律研究发现,合肥盆地为潜在的泥质烃源岩发育区,而东濮拗陷、临清拗陷、冀中拗陷为潜在的碳酸盐岩烃源岩发育区。  相似文献   

Teleseismic and strong-motion data are inverted to determine the rupture process during the November 1999 Düzce earthquake in NW Turkey. The fault geometry, rise time and rupture velocity are determined from the aftershock distribution and preliminary inversions of the teleseismic data. Joint inversion of the teleseismic and strong-motion data is then carried out for the slip distribution. We obtain the strike 264°, dip 64°, rake −172°, seismic moment 5.0×1019 N m (Mw 7.1), and average stress drop 7 MPa. This earthquake was characterized by bilateral fault rupture and asymmetric slip distribution. Two asperities (areas of large slip) are identified, the eastern one being 1.5 times larger than the western one. The derived slip distribution is consistent with the aftershock distribution, surface rupture and damage. The point of rupture initiation in this Düzce earthquake coincided with the eastern tip of the aftershock distribution of the August 1999 Izmit earthquake.  相似文献   

地质条件下湖相烃源岩生排烃效率与模式   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
烃源岩排烃研究是油气地球化学研究中最薄弱的环节,而排烃效率又是准确评价常规油气与非常规页岩油气资源的关键参数。目前对于烃源岩排烃效率的认识差异很大,尚未建立完整的各种类型有机质湖相烃源岩在地质条件下生排烃效率与模式。本文以中国渤海湾、松辽等4个大型湖相含油气盆地以及酒泉青西凹陷、泌阳凹陷等9个中小型湖相富油盆地/断陷为对象,通过15000余个湖相烃源岩样品在自然热演化过程中热解生烃潜力指数的变化研究,揭示了湖相烃源岩在地质条件下的生排烃特征,构建了湖相烃源岩在地质条件下的生排烃效率与模型。无论是大型湖相沉积盆地还是中小型断陷盆地,甚至是盐湖相沉积盆地,烃源岩生排烃特征基本一致。随着成熟度的增高,湖相烃源岩排烃效率逐渐增高,在低成熟阶段排烃效率较低,在成熟与高成熟阶段具有高或很高的排烃效率。Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型有机质类型烃源岩排烃模式相似,相对排烃效率在低成熟阶段小于45%,成熟生油高峰时达85%~90%,至生油窗下限时达90%以上;累积排烃效率在低成熟阶段小于10%,生油高峰时达50%~60%,生油窗下限时达75%~85%,主要的排烃阶段在镜质组反射率0.7%~1.2%之间,生油窗阶段生成并排出了绝大部分烃类。湖相Ⅲ型有机质烃源岩排烃效率明显低于Ⅰ、Ⅱ型有机质烃源岩,生油窗阶段累积排烃效率仅为50%左右,主要生排烃阶段在镜质组反射率0.8%~2.0%之间。控制湖相烃源岩排烃量和排烃效率的主要因素是有机质丰度、类型和成熟度,而盆地类型、断裂发育程度、烃源岩沉积环境、相邻输导层孔渗条件等因素均不影响烃源岩排烃与排烃效率。  相似文献   

Research on the distribution of mantle CO2should involve comprehensive analysis from CO2source to accumulation.The crust-mantle pathway system is the key controlling factor of the distribution of mantle CO2,but has received little attention.The pathway system and controlling factors of CO2distribution in the Bohai Sea are analyzed using data on fault styles and information on the mantle and lithosphere.The relation between volcanic rocks and the distribution of mantle CO2is reassessed using age data for CO2accumulations.The distribution of mantle CO2is controlled by uplift of the asthenosphere and upper mantle,magma conduits in the mantle and fault systems in the crust.Uplifted regions of the asthenosphere are accumulation areas for CO2.The area with uplift of the Moho exhibits accumulation of mantle CO2at depth.CO2was mainly derived from vertical migration through the upper mantle and lower crust.The fault style in the upper crust controls the distance of horizontal migration and the locations of CO2concentrations.The distribution of mantle CO2and volcanic rocks are not the same,but both probably followed the same pathways sometimes.Mantle CO2in the Bohai Sea is concentrated in the Bozhong sag and the surrounding area,particularly in a trap that formed before 5.1 Ma and is connected to crustal faults(the Bozhang faults)and lithospheric faults(the Tanlu faults).  相似文献   

Previous studies have postulated the contribution of present-day low-total organic carbon(TOC) marine carbonate source rocks to oil accumulations in the Tabei Uplift, Tarim Basin, China. However, not all present-day low-TOC carbonates have generated and expelled hydrocarbons; therefore, to distinguish the source rocks that have already expelled sufficient hydrocarbons from those not expelled hydrocarbons, is crucial in source rock evaluation and resource assessment in the Tabei Uplift. Mass balance can be used to identify modern low-TOC carbonates resulting from hydrocarbon expulsion. However, the process is quite complicated, requiring many parameters and coefficients and thus also a massive data source. In this paper, we provide a quick and cost effective method for identifying carbonate source rock with present-day low TOC, using widely available Rock-Eval data. First, we identify present-day low-TOC carbonate source rocks in typical wells according to the mass balance approach. Second, we build an optimal model to evaluate source rocks from the analysis of the rocks' characteristics and their influencing factors, reported as positive or negative values of a dimensionless index of Rock-Eval data(IR). Positive IR corresponds to those samples which have expelled hydrocarbons. The optimal model optimizes complicated calculations and simulation processes; thus it could be widely applicable and competitive in the evaluation of present-day low TOC carbonates. By applying the model to the Rock-Eval dataset of the Tabei Uplift, we identify present-day low-TOC carbonate source rocks and primarily evaluate the contribution equivalent of 11.87×10~9 t oil.  相似文献   

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