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A correlation study between solar wind activity and Jupiter's decametric radiation seems to indicate that the solar wind has a suppressive effect on the non Io-related emission. A basic model for the non Io-related emission is presented, to explain this and other characteristics of the non Io-related emission.  相似文献   

Dynamic spectra of a Jovian non-Io-A storm recorded simultaneously by the Voyager 1 spacecraft and by the Kiiminki radio spectrograph are compared. It seems that the emission beam of the storm co-rotates with the planet and has a sloped leading edge, in accordance with the result of Maeda and Carr (1984).  相似文献   

Dynamic spectra of Jupiter's L-bursts are observed with high-resolution radio spectrographs. The L-bursts are characterized by their emission envelopes. The duration of envelopes varies from one to a few seconds increasing towards the opposition of Jupiter to reach a maximum in the vicinity of 10 to 20 d after opposition. Modulation lanes appear within the emission envelopes. The magnitude of thef-t slopes of lanes is determined by the central meridian longitude (CML) of Jupiter, and partly by the longitude of Io. The sign of the slopes depends on the CML only. The yearly averages for thef-t slopes do not seem to be related to the Jovicentric declination of the Earth. Most lanes are relatively faint. A summary of the properties of modulation lanes is given. A peculiar case of polarization of an L-burst is shown. Certain shadow events are interpreted as occultation effects caused by overdense meteor trails drifting in the upper atmosphere winds.  相似文献   

Dynamic spectra of Jupiter's S-bursts are observed with sweep-frequency and multi-channel receivers operating at frequency ranges 21–30 and 20.85–23.20 MHz, respectively. Spectra obtained with time resolutions of 0.2, 0.02, and 0.004 s are compared, the frequency resolution being 50 kHz. The most normal appearance of S-bursts is in trains with a frequency range of the order of 1 MHz. Narrow-band Strains also occur. Narrow-band L-emissions in region B are often associated with S-bursts, obviously in the manner described by Flagget al. (1976). Synoptic spectral observations indicate that region B for S-bursts exhibits a drift in longitude similar to that for L-bursts. The Io phase profile for S-bursts has a maximum in the vicinity of 80° in region B and 230° in region C. S-bursts observed in 1976 have higher drift rates than those compiled by Krauscheet al. (1976). Region C bursts have simpler spectra and lower drift rates than region B bursts.  相似文献   

Dynamic spectra of Jupiter's decametric emission often display narrow-band features, referred to as events of type N (Carr et al., 1983). The average bandwidth of these emissions is in the vicinity of 200 kHz, their durations are typically in the decasecond range, and their f-t slopes are small and random. Although the N-bursts can be described as narrow-band L-bursts, it seems that they are realted to S-bursts in their area of occurrence in the Io-B region, the durations of the emission envelopes, and their bandwidths. Possible implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Spectra of complex Jovian S-storms can be interpreted as groups of tilted-V variants. In such an approach the basic components (wide-range S-bursts, narrow-range S-trains, emissions of type N, and shadow events) are arranged in a predictable sequence. It seems that the application of tilted-V variants offers some order for the chaos evident in many S-storm spectra.  相似文献   

Dynamic spectra of Jupiter's decametric emission are observed with a high-resolution radio spectrograph. Certain events observed in region Io-B display interaction effects between the S- and L-emissions. The effect appears as a gap in the L-emission after a passage of an S-burst. In a typical case the L-emission has a relatively narrow bandwidth, the S-burst appears as a sloping line crossing it, and the duration of the emission gap is a substantial fraction of a second. The gap has sharp, sloped edges; its leading edge has anf-t slope which is the same as that of the S-burst while the slope of the trailing edge is lower. A kind of tilted V-pattern is thus formed. It is suggested that some more complicated spectral patterns may also be produced this way. It seems that an emission model consisting of S-bursts from bunches of gyrofrequency-emitting electrons ascending a flux tube and interacting with L-emitting bunches of electrons having more stationary guiding centers is inadequate to explain the complex S-L interactions.Contribution of No. 36 of the Department of Astronomy, University of Florida, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A crossed Yagi antenna array at 35 MHz was employed in conjunction with a polarization switch so as to enable spectral observations of solar noise storm activity in R and L polarizations. Intense decametric solar noise storms were recorded during the third week of November 1975 and fourth week of March 1976 with the help of a high resolution spectroscope operating near 35 MHz.The paper describes some of the new microscopic spectral features observed during these two noise storms. Three sets of high resolution dynamic spectra of decametric solar bursts, two of which are explained in terms of induced scattering of Langmuir waves by thermal ions and the third in terms of additional propagation effects through dense coronal irregularities, are presented. The microscopic bursts, classified as inverted U U and dots, represent small-scale (104 km) phenomena with durations of less than a second.Some burst spectra appear as chain of dots with individual bandwidths 40 kHz and durations 0.3 sec. It is suggested that the bandwidth of such dot emissions (40 kHz) provides an evidence that they might indeed be generated by the process of induced scattering of plasma waves which predicts emission bandwidth f × 10–3, where f is the center frequency.Some bursts are observed as a chain of striations showing curvature along the frequency axis which is attributed to dispersion in propagation delays through the dense coronal irregularities.  相似文献   

We have performed a comparative analysis of the fine structure of two decametric type II bursts observed on July 17 and August 16, 2002, with the 1024-channel spectrograph of the UTR-2 radio telescope in the frequency range 18.5–29.5 MHz and with the IZMIRAN spectrograph in the frequency range 25–270 MHz. The August 16 burst was weak, ~2–5 s.f.u., but exhibited an unusual fine structure in the form of broadband fibers (Δf e > 250–500 kHz) that drifted at a rate characteristic of type II bursts and consisted of regular narrow-band fibers (Δf e > 50–90 kHz at 24 MHz) resembling a rope of fibers. The July 17 burst was three orders of magnitude more intense (up to 4500 s.f.u. at 20 MHz) and included a similar fiber structure. The narrow fibers were irregular and shorter in duration. They differed from an ordinary rope of fibers by the absence of absorption from the low-frequency edge and by slow frequency drift (slower than that of a type II burst). Both type II bursts were also observed in interplanetary space in the WIND/WAVES RAD2 spectra, but without any direct continuation. Analysis of the corresponding coronal mass ejections (CMEs) based on SOHO/LASCO C2 data has shown that the radio source of the type II burst detected on August 16 with UTR-2 was located between the narrow CME and the shock front trailing behind that was catching up with the CME. The July 17 type II fiber burst also occurred at the time when the shock front was catching up with the CME. Under such conditions, it would be natural to assume that the emission from large fibers is related to the passage of the shock front through narrow inhomogeneities in the CME tail. Resonant transition radiation may be the main radio emission mechanism. Both events are characterized by the possible generation of whistlers between the leading CME edge and the shock front. The whistlers excited at shock fronts manifest themselves only against the background of enhanced emission from large fibers (similar to the continuum modulation in type IV bursts). The reduction in whistler group velocity inside inhomogeneities to 760 km s?1 may be responsible for the unusually low drift rate of the narrow fibers. The magnetic field inside inhomogeneities determined from fiber parameters at 24 MHz is ~0.9 G, while the density should be increased by at least a factor of 2.  相似文献   

An analysis of the bandlike Jovian decametric emission is presented. A model for the active region that accounts for the observed radiation characteristics is described using the measured parameters of the bandlike emission and a model of the Jovian magnetic field. The active region is characterized not only by the fact that an upward-flowing electron stream is caused to radiate in this region, but the stream itself is broken into radiating electron bunches within the active region. Observed undulations of the emission band on the time-frequency plane are interpreted as motions of the active region along a flux tube. The instantaneous location of the active region along the flux tube shows a dependence on the density of the stream entering the active region. The mechanism responsible for density modulation of the stream appears to be common to both the bandlike and simple-S-burst emission types.  相似文献   

In this work we analyze the spatial structure of Jupiter's cloud reflectivity field in order to determine brightness periodicities and power spectra characteristics together with their relationship with Jupiter's dynamics and turbulence. The research is based on images obtained in the near-infrared (∼950 nm), blue (∼430 nm) and near-ultraviolet (∼260 nm) wavelengths with the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995 and the Cassini spacecraft Imaging Science Subsystem in 2000. Zonal reflectivity scans were analyzed by means of spatial periodograms and power spectra. The periodograms have been used to search for waves as a function of latitude. We present the values of the dominant wavenumbers for latitude bands between 32° N and 42° S. The brightness power spectra analysis has been performed in the meridional and zonal directions. The meridional analysis of albedo profiles are close to a k−5 law similarly to the wind profiles at blue and infrared wavelengths, although results differ from that in the ultraviolet. The zonal albedo analysis results in two distributions characterized by different slopes. In the near infrared and blue wavelengths, average spectral slopes are n1=−1.3±0.4 for shorter wavenumbers (k<80), and n2=−2.5±0.7 for greater wavenumbers, whereas for the ultraviolet n1=−1.9±0.4 and n2=−0.7±0.4, possibly showing a different dynamical regime. We find a turning point in the spectra between both regimes at wavenumber k∼80 (corresponding to L∼1000 km) for all wavelengths.  相似文献   

Morphological analyses of high resolution spectral recordings of Jovian decametric radiation show a regime of phenomena not seen at lower resolutions. Observed emissions range from narrowband (50 kHz) simple quasiperiodic bursts to wideband emissions (extending over a 500 kHz passband) exhibiting complex structural detail. Assuming gyroemission from electrons in a dipole field for which the magnetic moment is 10 Gauss RJ3, drift rate measurements of the bursts indicate that the source size is of the order of 600 km and its location is near R = 1.3 RJ at a colatitude of 27.3°. The measurements suggest that the emitting electrons belong to a population having a very specific equatorial pitch angle near 3.5°. This study concludes that it may be possible to verify gyroemission as the mechanism responsible for the decametric radiation.  相似文献   

Jon Legarreta 《Icarus》2008,196(1):184-201
Numerical simulations of jovian vortices at tropical and temperate latitudes, under different atmospheric conditions, have been performed using the EPIC code [Dowling, T.E., Fisher, A.S., Gierasch, P.J., Harrington, J., LeBeau, R.P., Santori, C.M., 1998. Icarus 132, 221-238] to simulate the high-resolution observations of motions and of the lifetimes presented in a previous work [Legarreta, J., Sánchez-Lavega, A., 2005. Icarus 174, 178-191] and infer the vertical structure of Jupiter's troposphere. We first find that in order to reproduce the longevity and drift rate of the vortices, the Brunt-Väisälä frequency of the atmosphere in the upper troposphere (pressures P∼1 to 7 bar) should have a lower limit value of 5×10−3 s−1, increasing upward up to 1.25×10−2 s−1 at pressures P∼0.5 bar (latitudes between 15° and 45° in both hemispheres). Second, the vortices drift also depend on the vertical structure of the zonal wind speed in the same range of altitudes. Simulations of the slowly drifting Southern hemisphere vortices (GRS, White Ovals and anticyclones at 40° S) require a vertically-constant zonal-wind with depth, but Northern hemisphere vortices (cyclonic “barges” and anticyclones at 19, 41 and 45° N) require decreasing winds at a rate of ∼5 m s−1 per scale height. However vortices drifting at a high speed, close to or in the peak of East or West jets and in both hemispheres, require the wind speed slightly increasing with depth, as is the case for the anticyclones at 20° S and at 34° N. We deduce that the maximum absolute vertical shear of the zonal wind from P∼1 bar up to P∼7 bar in these jets is ∼15 m s−1 per scale height. Intense vortices with tangential velocity at their periphery ∼100 m s−1 tend to decay asymptotically to velocities ∼40 to 60 m s−1 with a characteristic time that depends on the vortex intensity and static stability of the atmosphere. The vortices adjust their tangential velocity to the averaged peak to peak velocity of the opposed eastward and westward jets at their boundary. We show through our simulations that large-scale and long-lived vortices whose maximum tangential velocity is ∼100 m s−1 can survive by absorbing smaller intense vortices.  相似文献   

The vertical fine structure in a quiescent prominence was modelled as an assembly of very narrow, optically thin threads. Random clusterings of the threads can account for the observed contrast and H line profiles of the fine structures. In this picture, each structure consists of a cluster of 7–20 elementary threads.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.NAS/NRC Research Associate, on leave from Institut d'Astrophysique, CNRS, Paris, France.  相似文献   

Decametric radiation from Jupiter impinging on the Earth's ionosphere is not in a magnetoionic base mode. If one assumes, as most researchers in the field do, that the radiation is generated at Jupiter in the extraordinary base mode, one must conclude that coupling has occurred somewhere near Jupiter. It is shown here that coupling does not occur in Jupiter's ionosphere but further out in the Jovian magnetosphere. The lack of observed Faraday rotation within Jupiter's ionosphere and magnetosphere cannot be used to rule ou ta hot, dense ionosphere and magnetosphere as was suggested previously. It is also shown that the radiation emerging from Jupiter should be elliptically polarized with an axial ratio varying between 0.4 and 0.9. The orientation of the polarization ellipse varies as a function of emitting longitude.  相似文献   

A reexamination of the Voyager images has yielded a refined understanding of Jupiter's diffuse ring system. The system is composed of a relatively bright narrow ring and inner toroidal halo, in addition to the exterior “gossamer” ring discussed elsewhere (Showalter et al., 1985, Nature 316, 526–528). The previously suspected inner disk is absent. The main ring is ∼7000 km wide and has an abrupt outer boundary at a radius of 129,130 ± 100 km. Visible in the ring are several narrow bright features, which may bear some relationship to Adrastea and Metis; these features appear to be narrower and relatively brighter in backscatter. The smallest ring particles obey a power law size distribution, and have an optical depth of 1–6 × 10−6 for grains up to 100 μm in radius. The largest bodies are dark, rough, and red, and of comparable total optical depth. The halo arises at the bright ring's inner boundary and rapidly expands inward to a ∼20,000-km full thickness, but remains symmetric about the ring plane. It disappears from sight at a radius of 90,000 km, roughly halfway between the main ring and the planet's cloudtops. The halo particles are not predominantly Rayleigh scatterers; they appear to obey a size distribution similar to that of the micron-sized population in the main ring, and comprise a similar optical depth.  相似文献   

The location of the Jovian decametric radiation main source is determined to be the south magnetic pole while the location of the early source is found to be near the north magnetic pole, with an equal contribution from a region near the south magnetic pole. The results are based on calculations of the region observable from the Earth (ROE) for Jovian decametric radio waves that are emitted in the direction ± 10° centered on the direction perpendicular to the Jovian magnetic field and based on a Pioneer 11 model of the field at the level of the topside region of the Jovian ionosphere. Ground-based observations of the occurrence frequency of the decametric radiation as a function of Jovian longitude, which indicate a remarkable asymmetry between the early and main sources, agree with the calculated ROE area that varies as a function of CML observed from the Earth. The observations support a recent theory for the origin of the decametric radiation which is based on a wave-mode conversion from plasma waves into electromagnetic waves.  相似文献   

F. MarzariH. Scholl 《Icarus》2002,159(2):328-338
We have numerically explored the mechanisms that destabilize Jupiter's Trojan orbits outside the stability region defined by Levison et al. (1997, Nature385, 42-44). Different models have been exploited to test various possible sources of instability on timescales on the order of ∼108 years.In the restricted three-body model, only a few Trojan orbits become unstable within 108 years. This intrinsic instability contributes only marginally to the overall instability found by Levison et al.In a model where the orbital parameters of both Jupiter and Saturn are fixed, we have investigated the role of Saturn and its gravitational influence. We find that a large fraction of Trojan orbits become unstable because of the direct nonresonant perturbations by Saturn. By shifting its semimajor axis at constant intervals around its present value we find that the near 5:2 mean motion resonance between the two giant planets (the Great Inequality) is not responsible for the gross instability of Jupiter's Trojans since short-term perturbations by Saturn destabilize Trojans, even when the two planets are far out of the resonance.Secular resonances are an additional source of instability. In the full six-body model with the four major planets included in the numerical integration, we have analyzed the effects of secular resonances with the node of the planets. Trojan asteroids have relevant inclinations, and nodal secular resonances play an important role. When a Trojan orbit becomes unstable, in most cases the libration amplitude of the critical argument of the 1:1 mean motion resonance grows until the asteroid encounters the planet. Libration amplitude, eccentricity, and nodal rate are linked for Trojan orbits by an algebraic relation so that when one of the three parameters is perturbed, the other two are affected as well. There are numerous secular resonances with the nodal rate of Jupiter that fall inside the region of instability and contribute to destabilize Trojans, in particular the ν16. Indeed, in the full model the escape rate over 50 Myr is higher compared to the fixed model.Some secular resonances even cross the stability region delimited by Levison et al. and cause instability. This is the case of the 3:2 and 1:2 nodal resonances with Jupiter. In particular the 1:2 is responsible for the instability of some clones of the L4 Trojan (3540) Protesilaos.  相似文献   

R. Muller 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):237-255
The observed properties of the small-scale features visible in the quiet photosphere — the granulation, of convective origin, and the network bright points, associated with kG magnetic fields — are described. The known properties of the magnetic flux tubes associated with network bright points are also presented. Empirical models derived from the observations are discussed, as well as a few theoretical models of particular importance for the understanding of the origin of the small-scale features of the quiet photosphere. Finally, the observational evidences showing that the structure of the granulation and of the photospheric network are varying over the solar cycle are reported.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the Evershed effect was studied using spectrograms obtained on 3 July 1969 at the Pulkovo Observatory. The results of the study of Fei and Cai lines show that the outward motion in the penumbra is concentrated only in dark filaments. It is supposed that interfilamentary spaces are parts of the photosphere not covered by dark filaments. The velocity variation along a few dark filaments shows that maximum velocity is at a distance 0.8 Rs from the center of the sunspot. The mean velocity in the interfilamentary elements is of the same order as that in the photosphere directly adjoining the penumbra. The results of measurement in Ti ii, Fe ii and CH lines show that in the colder upper part of the penumbra (CH) the velocity is greater than the velocity measured in the deeper layers (Feii and Tiii). The mean velocity at the outer boundaries of the dark filaments (Tii) is 1.5–2.0 km/s.  相似文献   

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