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Global plate tectonics and the secular motion of the Pole 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Astronomical data compiled during the last 70 years by the international organizations (ILS/IPMS, BIH) providing the coordinates
of the instantaneous pole, clearly shows a continuous drift of the “mean pole” (≡barycenter of the wobble cycle with respect
to the Conventional International Origin (CIO).
This study was undertaken to investigate the possibility of an actual secular motion of the barycenter (approximated by the
earth's maximum principal moment of inertia axis or axis of figure) due to differential mass displacements from lithospheric
plate rotations. The method assumes the earth's crust modeled as a mosaic of 1°×1° blocks, each one moving independently with
their corresponding absolute plate velocities. The differential contributions to the earth's second-order tensor of inertia
were computed, resulting in no significant displacement of the earth's axis of figure.
In view of the above, the possibleapparent displacement of the “mean pole” as a consequence of station drifting due to absolute plate motions was also analyzed, again
without great success. As a further step the old speculation of the whole crust possibly sliding over the upper mantle is
revived and the usefulness of the CIO is questioned.
Presented at the IAU Symposium No. 78, “Nutation and the Earth Rotation”, Kiev, 22–29, May, 1977. 相似文献
The secular latitude variations of the five ILS stations of Mizusawa, Kitab, Carloforte, Gaithersburg and Ukiah were analyzed
taking into account the recent continental drift theory. Using Le Pichon's 1968 reconstruction, the rate of rotation was computed
from the astronomical data, fixing the pole of rotation by Le Pichon's determination. The most reasonable solution was obtained
considering Mizusawa, Kitab and Carloforte lying on the Eurasia plate, the two American stations as one on the American plate
(Gaithersburg) and the other on the North—East Pacific plate (Ukiah). The resulting relative rate between the Euro-American
plates is found to be 0".0028/year and between the American—Pacific plates 0".0032/ years, or about 1°,3/106 years and in excellent agreement with the plate tectonic theory.
Luxembourg Meeting of the “Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique”, 1972. 相似文献
JIN Shuanggen ZHU Wenyao JIN Shuanggen Ph.D Shanghai Astronomy Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Nandan Road Shanghai China. 《地球空间信息科学学报》2003,6(2):8-12
1 IntroductionSouthAmericaplate (SOAM )liesamongtheCaribbeanSea ,Peru Chileseagouge ,Nazca ,Cocos ,CaribbeanplateandAtlantic .Ithasapeculiartectonicfeature ,andisastrongdeformationregionoftectonicmovementintheSouthHemi sphere .Especially ,theAndesMountaininthewestedgeofSouthAmericacameintobeingduetothedeformationofear lyCenozoic[1 ] .Aroundthisregionthetectonicplateactivities ,suchasearthquakes ,volcaniceruption ,occurfrequently(Fig .1 ) .Ontheotherhand ,becauseofaforcefuleastwardpus… 相似文献
This paper presents the contemporary motion and active deformation of South America plate and relative motion of Nazca-South America plate using space geodetic data. The South America plate is moving at average 14.5 mm/a with an azimuth of 15.2° and shrinking in the west-east at 10.9 mm/a. The geodetic deformations of sites with respect to the South America plate are in quite good agreement with the estimated deformations from NNR-NUVEL1A, but the deformation of the western South America regions is very large. 相似文献
In the frame of the International DORIS Service (IDS), the Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS)/Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) Analysis Center (LCA) processes DORIS measurements from the SPOT, TOPEX/Poseidon and Envisat satellites and provides weekly station coordinates of the whole network to the IDS. Based on DORIS measurements, the horizontal and vertical velocities of 57 DORIS sites are computed. The 3D positions and velocities of the stations with linear motion are estimated simultaneously from the 12-year (1993–2004) combined normal equation matrix. We include 35 DORIS sites assumed to be located in the stable zones of 9 tectonic plates. For the motion of these plates, we propose a model (LCAVEL-1) of angular velocities in the ITRF2000 reference frame. Based on external comparison with the most recent global plate models (PB2002, REVEL, GSRM-1 and APKIM2000) and on internal analysis, we estimate an average velocity error of the DORIS solution of less than 3 mm/year. The LCAVEL-1 model presents new insights of the Somalia/Nubia pair of plates, as the DORIS technique has the advantage of having a few stations located on those two plates. We also computed (and provide in this article) the horizontal motion of the sites located close to plate boundaries or in the deformation zones defined in contemporary models. These computations could be used in further analysis for these particular regions of the Earth not moving as rigid plates. 相似文献
The New Hebrides experiment consisted of setting up a pair of DORIS beacons in remote tropical islands in the southwestern
Pacific, between 1993 and 1997. Because of orbitography requirements on TOPEX/Poséidon, the beacons were only transmitting
to SPOT satellites. Root-mean-square (RMS) scatters at the centimeter level on the latitude and vertical components were achieved,
but 2-cm RMS scatters affected the longitude component. Nevertheless, results of relative velocity (123 mm/year N250°) are
very consistent with those obtained using the global positioning system (GPS) (126 mm/yr N246°). The co-seismic step (12 mm
N60°) related to the Walpole event (M
W = 7.7) is consistent with that derived from GPS (10 mm N30°) or from the centroid moment tensor (CMT) of the quake (12 mm
Received: 19 November 1999 / Accepted: 17 May 2000 相似文献
Seasonal and secular positional variations at eight co-located GPS and VLBI stations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Time series of daily position solutions at eight co-located GPS and VLBI stations are used to assess the frequency features in the solutions over various time-scales. This study shows that there are seasonal and inter-annual signals in all three coordinate components of the GPS and VLBI solutions. The power and frequency of the signals vary with time, the station considered and the coordinate components, and between the GPS and VLBI solutions. In general, the magnitudes of the signals in the horizontal coordinate components (latitude and longitude) are weaker than those in the height component. The weighted means of the estimated annual amplitudes from the eight GPS stations are, respectively, 1.0, 0.8 and 3.6 mm for the latitude, longitude and height components, and are, respectively, 1.5, 0.7 and 2.2 mm for the VLBI solutions. The phases of the annual signals estimated from the GPS and VLBI solutions are consistent for most of the co-located stations. The seasonal signals estimated from the VLBI solutions are, in general, more stable than those estimated from the GPS solutions. Fluctuations at inter-annual time-scales are also found in the series. The inter-annual fluctuations are up to ∼5 mm for the latitude and longitude components, and up to ∼10 mm for the height component. The effects of the seasonal and inter-annual variations on the estimated linear rates of movement of the stations are also evaluated. 相似文献
G. R. Foulger G. Beutler Roger Bilham Pall Einarsson S. Fankhauser W. Gurtner U. Hugentobler W. Jason Morgan M. Rothacher Gunnar Thorbergsson U. Wild 《Journal of Geodesy》1993,67(3):148-172
Summary The 1986 GPS survey of Iceland aimed to: (1) establish geodetic control in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), to study destructive earthquakes there, (2) measure a country-wide network to form the basis of a new first order national network. 51 points were surveyed, with 20–30 km spacings within the SISZ and 100 km spacings elsewhere. The data were processed using the Bernese GPS software Version 3. Analysis was difficult due to poor satellite geometry and short-period ionospheric variations. However, an ambiguity-fixed, ionosphere-free solution gave accuracies of 1–2 cm in the horizontal and 2–3 cm in the vertical for the SISZ network and an ambiguity-free, ionosphere-free solution yielded accuracies of about 5 cm for the country-wide network. An ionosphere-free solution for the total survey with ambiguities fixed for the SISZ network only gave marginal additional improvements over the two separate solutions. GPS surveying has continued annually in Iceland with measurements in South Iceland in 1989 and 1992 (Hackman 1991; Sigmundsson 1992) and in North Iceland in 1987, 1990 and 1992 (Jahn et al. 1992; Foulger et al. 1992). 相似文献
军用车辆运动速度数学模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以军事地形分析应用为背景,分析了决定军用(轮式、履带)车辆运动速度的主要因素;以动力平衡为基础,建立了各有关因素与运动速度之间的函数关系,给出了求解方法,并指出了实际运用时应注意的问题。试算表明,该方法计算结果与试验统计数据基本吻合。 相似文献
Short-term forecast of the polar motion is considered by introducing a prediction model for the excitation function that drives the polar motion dynamics. The excitation function model consists of a slowly varying trend, periodic modes with annual and several sub-annual frequencies (down to the 13.6-day fortnightly tidal period), and a transient decay function with a time constant of 1.5 days. Each periodic mode is stochastically specified using a second-order auto-regression process, allowing its frequency, phase, and amplitude to vary in time within a statistical tolerance. The model is used to time-extrapolate the excitation function series, which is then used to generate a polar motion forecast dynamically. The skills of this forecast method are evaluated by comparison to the C-04 polar motion series. Over the lead-time horizon of four months, the proposed method has performed equally well to some of the state-of-art polar motion prediction methods, none of which specifically features forecasting of the excitation function. The annual mode in the 2 component is energetically the most dominant periodicity. The modes with longer periods, annual and semi-annual in particular, are found to contribute more significantly to forecast accuracy than those with shorter periods. 相似文献
Sheng-Yuan Zhu 《Journal of Geodesy》1982,56(3):258-273
Based on an analysis of polar motion behavior, we found the possibility of predicting polar motion up to one year in advance.
Comparing these predicted polar coordinates with the observed ones (smoothed), the rms of the differences is about 0".02.
The differences of the relative polar motion are much smaller. For any time interval of 20–30 days throughout the whole year,
the rms of the relative polar motion differences is about 0".01. It appears that 80–90% of the polar motion is composed of
the stable, predictable Chandler and annual terms. 相似文献
针对不同特征提取算法对不同传感器平台获取的影像空间相对关系估计的适用性问题,该文以不同来源的影像数据为研究对象进行实验分析。采用基于特征的影像匹配算法SIFT,SURF,ORB对影像进行特征提取和匹配,利用RANSAC算法进行粗差剔除,随后使用归一化的八点法估计基础矩阵,最后采用辛普森距离统计像素均方根误差。结果表明,在不考虑速度的情况下,SIFT算法对于各类影像的相对位置关系估计有较好的精度;ORB算法在速度上有较大优势,检测和匹配的特征点数目最多;SURF算法的速度和精度介于两者之间。 相似文献
基于新参考系的极移改正 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文利用IAU2000决议中关于CIP的定义阐述了极移坐标系和极移坐标的定义,在总结微分旋转矩阵的性质的基础上给出了极移旋转矩阵的详细推导,结合极移产生的主要原因,详细介绍了目前国际上关于极移模型化工作的最新进展,最后给出了获取极移坐标和TIO位置的方法和途径。 相似文献
The polar motion excited by the fluctuation of global atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is investigated. Based on the global AAM data, numerical results demonstrate that the fluctuation of AAM can excite the seasonal wobbles (e.g., the 18-month wobble) and the Chandler wobble, which agree well with previous studies. In addition, by filtering the dominant low frequency components, some distinct polar wobbles corresponding to some great diurnal and semi-diurnal atmospheric tides are found. 相似文献
The polar motion excited by the fluctuation of global atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is investigated. Based on the global AAM data, numerical results demonstrate that the fluctuation of AAM can excite the seasonal wobbles (e.g., the 18-month wobble) and the Chandler wobble, which agree well with previous studies. In addition, by filtering the dominant low frequency components, some distinct polar wobbles corresponding to some great diurnal and semi-diurnal atmospheric tides are found. 相似文献
地图分版错误一直是困扰地图出版的重要因素之一,而目前的地图分版审校工作主要还是沿用传统的手工方式进行作业,因此,急需改进和完善,以满足当前数字化条件下地图快速生产的需求.文中提出并设计基于栅格叠置分析的分版审校模型,并通过实践进行验证.该模型与传统的手工分色版审校模式相比较,自动化、智能化程度进一步增强,大大提高审校的... 相似文献