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"十二五"时期,我国经济将进入一个以转变经济发展方式为主线,以调整产业结构为主攻方向的发展新阶段。不久前闭幕的中央经济工作会议定下"稳中求进开新局"的总基调,进一步强调加快推进经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,提出"四个着力",其中一个就是"着力加强自主创新和节能减排"。  相似文献   

根据党的十五大精神,联系冶金地质具体实际,冶金地质部门资产重组、结构优化的总体思路是:着眼于整体搞好冶金地质经济,大胆运用资产经营、资本营运的方式,推进冶金地勘经济的战略性重组,促使冶金地质经济体制与经济增长方式的两个根本性转变。具体从两个层面上推进。 一、冶金部地勘总局应以资本运营为主要方式推进重组 国家体改委《关于城市国有资本运营体制改革试点的指导意见》第二条第五款规定:“国有资本营运体系由国有资本出资人和国有资本营运机构共同组成。出资人与营运机构之间以资本联结为  相似文献   

吴丽  吴飞  陈礼仪 《探矿工程》2011,38(4):69-72
风险指标体系的科学性是风险评价模型能否有效运行的重要前提,为建立风险评价模型中的指标体系,提出了一套基于层次分析法结构的指标体系框架,并引入了现代项目管理"三大控制两大管理"的思路,以此建立了五大准则层,并针对各准则层组成专家组,采用两个阶段的研究路线分别研究和建立了各准则层的子准则层和单项指标体系。新体系在锦屏某边坡工程中进行了实践应用。  相似文献   

锚杆支护的神经网络设计系统及其应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文简要地概括了锚杆支护设计理论存在的局限性。强调锚杆支护理论应用必须考虑地下工程的类型。为此,作者将地下工程划分为3类,指出每一类地下工程特性及其支护设计应遵循的准则,第3类采场巷道工程的锚杆支护设计应以工程类比和设计经验为主;并介绍了作者已经开发的锚杆支护神经网络设计系统。  相似文献   

在强调陆相沉积盆地岩相古地理图件编制重要性的基础上,着重提出若干编图准则:(1)编图对象必须是"同时相"的地层,亦即同一时期内沉积作用的产物;(2)所取地层间隔(作用单元)原则上是越短,越接近真实情况,具体比例尺选择应根据任务而定;(3)要严格遵循瓦尔特相律,沉积相在剖面上的变化序列应与沉积相在平面上的展布相一致;(4)必须综合分析各类沉积相标志,充分利用地质、地球物理、地球化学和古生物等多方面的信息,准确开展沉积相类型的划分;(5)图面上各类沉积相要配套,形成一个沉积体系。编图具体方法首先必须要有完备而可靠的第一手素材,然后按照先剖面图,后平面图;先基础性图件,后综合性图件的步骤有序地进行。  相似文献   

11月30日,国土资源部部长徐绍史签署国土资源部第49号令,发布实施《国土资源部关于修改部分规章的决定》,对部分规章名称、规定中的"征用"修改为"征收"。具体修改内容包括:将《征用土地公告办法》的名称修改为"征收土地公告办法"。同时将有关规章规定中的"征用"修改为"征收"还包括:一是《建设用地审查报批管理办法》部分条款;  相似文献   

文章介绍了通过科学钻探获取的地学信息的特点和地学信息获取方式。着重介绍了几种对探有特殊意义的地学信息获取方法。最后提出了为实现获取地学信息的目标而制定科学钻探技术主案时须遵循的准则。  相似文献   

探地雷达数据处理方法及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在现有探地雷达反射法剖面数据处理技术基础上,提出一个数据处理方法模式,包括数据编辑、常规滤波、时间增益、数字处理、图形处理、显示和解释等。主要以实例阐述了模式各阶段的作用及其相互关系,强调数据处理方法的组合方式应简洁至上,遵循地质解释的处理准则。  相似文献   

豫土 《河南地质》2011,(10):4-6
9月28日,《河南日报》第一版刊发"加快领导方式转变推进中原经济区建设新十八谈.国土篇"《方式一转天地宽》,并配发何平评论《地发千祥》。《方式一转天地宽》一文分析了当前国土资源管理工作面临的形势、任务以及存在的矛盾和问题,强调"加快领导方式转变,推动资源管理与利用方式转变,促进发展方式转变"势在必行。文章结合当前如火如荼的中原经济区建设,指出国土资源管理工作要"转变思维方式,统筹协调拓展空间;改进方法手段,节约集约拓展空间;提升能力素质,有保有压拓展空间;创新体制机制,先行先试拓展空间"。《方式一转天地宽》一文将理论与实践完美结合,高屋建瓴,对国土资源管理工作进行了全面的阐释,不仅有高度,而且有深度。评论《地发千祥》也很有特色和力度。这两篇文章引人共鸣,发人深省,值得一读。本刊特予以转发,供大家深入学习,进一步推动国土资源系统干部职工思想解放、方式转变和工作创新。  相似文献   

2002年11月,俄罗斯总理卡西亚诺夫签署已核准的原苏联商业债务转换为欧洲债券的决定.原苏联商业债务是指苏联时期的对外贸易差额及各种商业债务,共计60亿美元.目前俄政府已核准和准备转换的有11亿美元,而债权人要求转换18亿美元.《生意人报》说,将根据伦敦债权人俱乐部债务重组的条件来解决这笔债务,即勾销1/3的债务,其余的转换成欧洲债券,分别于2010年和2030年偿还.卡西亚诺夫总理说。这是原苏联债务中最后一笔没有  相似文献   

资金匮乏和应收账款巨大是严重影响勘察设计企业快速发展的两大障碍。本文探索一条融资新模式——应收账款保理业务,通过此项业务不但可以为企业融通资金,解决勘察设计企业的资金瓶颈问题,而且还可以提高企业收款的能力和收款的及时性,进而优化企业财务结构,加速企业的资金周转、减少企业的风险,使企业有效参与市场竞争。  相似文献   

白沙地区位于龙永煤田的北部,区内地质条件复杂,东部大面积出露白垩系上统沙县组,西部出露二叠系中统童子岩组,北部出露奥陶系中上统罗峰溪组及泥盆系上统天瓦栋组。童子岩组含煤岩系含可采煤层5层,局部可采煤层3层,大部分隐伏于深部。区内构造以断裂为主,推覆构造发育,主要有印支期的滑脱断层,燕山期的逆冲推覆断层,推覆构造控制煤系的赋存厚度与形态。应用"红层下"与"老地层推覆体下"找煤理论,认为东部"红层"下、北部"老地层"下具有找煤潜力。  相似文献   

Nigeria is an important test case of the socio-political effects of debt in Sub-Saharan Africa. First, its level of debt is greater than that of any other nation on the continent. Second, its oil wealth bought it a degree of influence in international relations as evidenced by the leading role played by Nigeria in negotiating the first Lomé Convention. It seems possible that Nigeria may also have a leading influence in determining the reaction of other African states to the debt crisis. Third, Nigeria has taken an ‘independent’ line in dealing with its debt obligations, preferring to keep the IMF at arm's length. Fourth, Nigeria has helped to pioneer the use of techniques such as countertrade and partial default in the management of its debt crisis. This paper surveys the politics of Nigerian debt with a view firstly to assessing what light it throws on the merits and demerits of the IMF medicine for indebtedness and, secondly, to determine whether or not it has produced any viable alternatives to this medicine.  相似文献   

In this paper, I articulate a notion of ‘social dispossession,’ an optic that extends current theorizing on agrarian dispossession into the realm of social reproduction, by examining the testimonies of microcredit borrowers in rural Bangladesh. In recent years, research on microcredit has highlighted new forms of subject-making employed by microcredit and other NGO entrepreneurship development programs. These developments have received insufficient attention in scholarship on agrarian change, both globally and in specific places. I correct this by arguing that microcredit drives social dispossession through three specific mechanisms: the confiscation of assets necessary to social reproduction (as well as to production); the construction of debt relations within a community which reshape what reproduction can look like; and the re-configuration of women’s social status and subjectivities in relation to their communities.  相似文献   

当前全球矿业形势分析与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球矿业发展与工业化进程密切相关,具有与全球经济发展周期基本一致的显著的周期性特征。在同一个周期内,各种资源需求在时间上具有波次(递进)性,它决定着矿业的持续与繁荣。从2003开始全球矿业进入了第3个周期,其特征包括矿业产业集中度加剧、垄断特征更加显著、矿产品低成本时代终结等。同时,这一时期出现了大量国际金融资本进入矿产品市场的现象,使得矿产品价格体系趋于复杂化。从中长期来看,中国、印度、非洲等新兴经济体工业化、城镇化进程不会停滞,刚性资源需求将推动此轮超级周期继续前行。从中短期来看,欧美债务危机继续升级恶化,中东格局正发生着重大变化,全球经济二次探底风险愈发增大。在全球经济增长不如预期、矿产品需求下降、新增矿山产能释放和矿产品价格进入新一轮调整阶段的情况下,未来一段时期内,全球矿业形势将表现为"需求放缓、价格高位、震荡加剧"。  相似文献   

从生产资产到生态资产:资产—资本完备性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胡聃 《地球科学进展》2004,19(2):289-295
本研究探讨从生产资产(produc edassets)到生态资产的完备化理论。其内容主要包括:资产-资本完备化;生态资产定义、构成、分类与比较;经济权与完备化,为该研究的第一部分内容。首先,回顾了国内外环境、资源与生态经济学领域有关资产和资本的研究概况,指出当前该领域的前沿热点之一是从生产资产走向生态资产的综合与系统化,这一发展趋势突出体现在关于资产-资本的完备化研究。通过简要地分析新古典经济学中资产和资本范畴的局限性及其所产生的不完备性,总结出其主要表现是概念不完备性、价值不完备性和权义不完备性,而价值不完备性是当前研究的核心问题。在此基础上,进一步评述了现代经济学在资产或资本完备化研究中所取得的重要进展及有待解决的重大问题。该文从系统学意义上提出,推出完备化过程首先需要建立系统资产和资本概念,并进一步讨论了系统资产和资本的基本内涵,提出了资产-资本完备化的 5个法则。  相似文献   

This paper reviews a series of proposals for dealing with the debt crisis. It also considers the economic philosophies which underpin contrasting proposals. Three main schools of thought are reviewed. Section 2 considers the views of the system-stability theorists (including Beenstock and Cline). System-stability theorists assume that Third World debts will be made good once the adoption of sound money policies provides for real and sustained growth in the world economy. They further assume that the debt crisis results from a temporary crisis of liquidity which must be dealt with on a country-specific basis. Section 3 examines the work of the system-instability theorists (including Brandt, and Griffith-Jones and Sunkel). Such theorists see in the debt crisis a serious threat to world economic stability which results from a crisis of global solvency. They urge concerted and collective action in debtor and surplus nations to avoid a worsening crisis. They also highlight a damaging link between debt and underdevelopment. Section 4 reviews the work of selected Marxian political economists. It considers the view that the debt crisis is one manifestation of a deeper crisis in the process of capital accumulation and regulation.  相似文献   

In this paper it is argued that the re-establishment of a metropolitan government in the Greater Copenhagen Area in 2000 (Greater Copenhagen Authority) is not to be seen as a return to the kind of regional, coordinative authority (Greater Copenhagen Council) that was abolished in the Thatcherite climate of the 1980s. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s new forms of urban governance, entrepreneurialism and a higher national priority to the capital region were introduced, which changed the conditions under which the new metropolitan government is operating. This `contextualization' of the analysis of the two generations of metropolitan government points to the fact that typologies of metropolitan government, such as the one put forward by Sharpe (1995), often lacks analytical cogency. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Márton Pécsi 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):117-131
In the process of loessification, the development of loess fabric, the role of zonal, regional and partly of local environmental factors is regarded decisive. In the loess sequences various genetic types of loess pockets and paleosols occur and reflect different climatic and paleogeographical conditions.As a consequence, even within a single profile the colour, grain size and mineral composition, CaCO3 content, degree of weathering and fabric of loess may vary. Zonal, regional or even local variations in such loess properties may equally derive from syngenetic or postgenetic processes. For similar reasons, spatially and temporally different forms, types and subtypes of paleosol also developed.This way, loess and soil formation resulted in various spatial types in the same glacial, interstadial or interglacial phase in the various geographical zones and regions. Although there exist major loess regions where the interglacial soils (eg brown forest soils) are markedly distinct from interstadial steppe soils or from other types of humic soils, continental loess areas can also be observed where the paleosols developed under interglacial and interstadial conditions (eg steppe or forest steppe soils) cannot be referred into different genetic types. In such cases the changes in paleoenvironments are difficult and uncertain to reconstruct.The interregional correlation of paleosols is occasionally hindered by the various terminologies applied to denote them. In addition, there are uncertainties concerning the dating and identification of paleoenvironments of polygenetic soils and of soil complexes consisting of paleosol units: how many soil formation phases they represent and how long erosional gaps can be reckoned with between these phases.  相似文献   

孙丽华  王时麒 《地质科学译丛》2010,(1):23-25,42,I0002
绿帘石透闪石玉是市场上发现的一新品种,主体呈特征的黑绿色和黄绿色,商家称其为“青花玉”。采用薄片观察、电子探针、红外光谱等测试手段,对其样品的矿物学、宝石学、谱学特征进行了研究。结果显示,其主要矿物组成为透闪石和绿帘石,含有少量的石英、方解石、绿泥石、褐铁矿和榍石等,因此,将其定名为“青花玉”不恰当,建议定名为“绿帘石透闪石玉”。其结构致密,硬度高,是一种较好的玉石材料,以特征的颜色和结构易与其它玉石相区分。  相似文献   

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