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The general form of the surface density of an infinitely thin disc is given that generates a Sta¨ckel potential in the disc only, using formulae for the potential of elliptic and hyperbolic strings. This is useful for problems in which a simple form for the potential is important, while the corresponding surface density need only be known to check (numerically) that it is positive. A simple potential with a positive surface density is given. Also, formulae are given to calculate the surface density of such a Sta¨ckel disc, in the case in which the rotation curve is given and all the mass is concentrated in the disc.  相似文献   

We present new equilibrium component distribution functions that depend on three analytic integrals in a Stäckel potential, and that can be used to model stellar discs of galaxies. These components are generalizations of two-integral ones and can thus provide thin discs in the two-integral approximation. Their most important properties are the partly analytical expression for their moments, the disc-like features of their configuration space densities (exponential decline in the galactic plane and finite extent in the vertical direction) and the anisotropy of their velocity dispersions. We further show that a linear combination of such components can fit a van der Kruit disc.  相似文献   

The stability of the dynamical trajectories of softened spherical gravitational systems is examined, both in the case of the full N -body problem and that of trajectories moving in the gravitational field of non-interacting background particles. In the latter case, for   N 10 000  , some trajectories, even if unstable, had exceedingly long diffusion times, which correlated with the characteristic e-folding time-scale of the instability. For trajectories of   N ≈100 000  systems this time-scale could be arbitrarily large – and thus appear to correspond to regular orbits. For centrally concentrated systems, low angular momentum trajectories were found to be systematically more unstable. This phenomenon is analogous to the well-known case of trajectories in generic centrally concentrated non-spherical smooth systems, where eccentric trajectories are found to be chaotic. The exponentiation times also correlate with the conservation of the angular momenta along the trajectories. For N up to a few hundred, the instability time-scales of N -body systems and their variation with particle number are similar to those of the most chaotic trajectories in inhomogeneous non-interacting systems. For larger N (up to a few thousand) the values of the these time-scales were found to saturate, increasing significantly more slowly with N . We attribute this to collective effects in the fully self-gravitating problem, which are apparent in the time variations of the time-dependent Liapunov exponents. The results presented here go some way towards resolving the long-standing apparent paradoxes concerning the local instability of trajectories. This now appears to be a manifestation of mechanisms driving evolution in gravitational systems and their interactions – and may thus be a useful diagnostic of such processes.  相似文献   

A general inversion technique for the recovery of the underlying distribution function for observed galactic discs is presented and illustrated. Under the assumption that these discs are axisymmetric and thin, the proposed method yields a unique distribution compatible with all the observables available. The derivation may be carried out from the measurement of the azimuthal velocity distribution arising from positioning the slit of a spectrograph along the major axis of the galaxy. More generally, it may account for the simultaneous measurements of velocity distributions corresponding to slits presenting arbitrary orientations with respect to the major axis. The approach is non-parametric, i.e. it does not rely on a particular algebraic model for the distribution function. Special care is taken to account for the fraction of counter-rotating stars, which strongly affects the stability of the disc. An optimization algorithm is devised — generalizing the work of Skilling &38; Bryan — to carry this truly two-dimensional ill-conditioned inversion efficiently. The performance of the overall inversion technique with respect to the noise level and truncation in the data set is investigated with simulated data. Reliable results are obtained up to a mean signal-to-noise ratio of 5, and when measurements are available up to 4  R e. A discussion of the residual biases involved in non-parametric inversions is presented. The prospects of application of the algorithm to observed galaxies and other inversion problems are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a method for recovering the distribution functions of edge-on thin axisymmetric discs directly from their observable kinematic properties. The most generally observable properties of such a stellar system are the line-of-sight velocity distributions of the stars at different projected radii along the galaxy. If the gravitational potential is known, then the general two-integral distribution function can be reconstructed using the shapes of the high-velocity tails of these line-of-sight distributions. If the wrong gravitational potential is adopted, then a distribution function can still be constructed using this technique, but the low-velocity parts of the observed velocity distributions will not be reproduced by the derived dynamical model. Thus, the gravitational potential is also tightly constrained by the observed kinematics.  相似文献   

We investigate the morphological relation between the orbits of the central family of periodic orbits ( x 1 family) and the bar itself using models of test particles moving in a barred potential. We show that different bar morphologies may have as a backbone the same set of x 1 periodic orbits. We point out that by populating initially axisymmetric stellar discs exponentially with test particles in circular, or almost circular motion, we may end up with a response bar which reveals a shape different in crucial details from that of the individual stable x 1 orbits. For example, a bar model in which the x 1 orbits are pure ellipses may have a much more complicated response morphology. This depends on the particular invariant curves around x 1, which are populated in each model.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the in-plane normal modes in the self-consistent and the cut-out power-law discs. Although the cut-out discs are remarkably stable to bisymmetric perturbations, they are very susceptible to one-armed modes. For this harmonic, there is no inner Lindblad resonance, thus removing a powerful stabilizing influence. A physical mechanism for the generation of the one-armed instabilities is put forward. Incoming trailing waves are reflected as leading waves at the inner cut-out, thus completing the feedback for the swing-amplifier. Growing three-armed and four-armed modes occur only at very low temperatures. However, neutral m  = 3 and m  = 4 modes are possible at higher temperatures for some discs. The rotation curve index β has a marked effect on stability. For all azimuthal wavenumbers, any unstable modes persist to higher temperatures and grow more vigorously if the rotation curve is rising (β < 0) than if the rotation curve is falling (β > 0). If the central regions or outer parts of the disc are carved out more abruptly, any instabilities become more virulent. The self-consistent power-law discs possess a number of unusual stability properties. There is no natural time-scale in the self-consistent disc. If a mode is admitted at some pattern speed and growth rate, then it must be present at all pattern speeds and growth rates. Our analysis — although falling short of a complete proof — suggests that such a two-dimensional continuum of non-axisymmetric modes does not occur and that the self-consistent power-law discs admit no global non-axisymmetric normal modes whatsoever. Without reflecting boundaries or cut-outs, there is no resonant cavity and no possibility of unstable growing modes. The self-consistent power-law discs certainly admit equi-angular spirals as neutral modes, together with a one-dimensional continuum of growing axisymmetric modes.  相似文献   

We analyse the phase-space structure of simulated thick discs that are the result of a 5:1 mass-ratio merger between a disc galaxy and a satellite. Our main goal is to establish what would be the imprints of a merger origin for the Galactic thick disc. We find that the spatial distribution predicted for thick-disc stars is asymmetric, seemingly in agreement with recent observations of the Milky Way thick disc. Near the Sun, the accreted stars are expected to rotate more slowly, to have broad velocity distributions and to occupy preferentially the wings of the line-of-sight velocity distributions. The majority of the stars in our model thick discs have low eccentricity orbits (in clear reference to the pre-existing heated disc) which give rise to a characteristic (sinusoidal) pattern for their line-of-sight velocities as a function of galactic longitude. The z -component of the angular momentum of thick-disc stars provides a clear discriminant between stars from the pre-existing disc and those from the satellite, particularly at large radii. These results are robust against the particular choices of initial conditions made in our simulations.  相似文献   

We show that the algorithm proposed by Gauss to compute the secular evolution of gravitationally interacting Keplerian rings extends naturally to softened gravitational interactions. The resulting tool is ideal for the study of the secular dynamical evolution of nearly Keplerian systems such as stellar clusters surrounding black holes in galactic nuclei, cometary clouds or planetesimal discs. We illustrate its accuracy, efficiency and versatility on a variety of configurations. In particular, we examine a secularly unstable system of counterrotating discs, and follow the unfolding and saturation of the instability into a global, uniformly precessing, lopsided  ( m = 1)  mode.  相似文献   

In N -body simulations the force calculated between particles representing a given mass distribution is usually softened, to diminish the effect of graininess. In this paper we study the effect of such a smoothing, with the aim of finding an optimal value of the softening parameter. As already shown by Merritt, for too small a softening the estimates of the forces will be too noisy, while for too large a softening the force estimates are systematically misrepresented. In between there is an optimal softening, for which the forces in the configuration best approach the true forces. The value of this optimal softening depends both on the mass distribution and on the number of particles used to represent it. For a higher number of particles the optimal softening is smaller. More concentrated mass distributions necessitate smaller softening, but the softened forces are never as good an approximation of the true forces as for non-centrally concentrated configurations. We give good estimates of the optimal softening for homogeneous spheres, Plummer spheres and Dehnen spheres. We also give a rough estimate of this quantity for other mass distributions, based on the harmonic mean distance to the k th neighbour ( k =1,…,12), the mean being taken over all particles in the configuration. Comparing homogeneous Ferrers' ellipsoids of different shapes we show that the axial ratios do not influence the value of the optimal softening. Finally we compare two different types of softening, a spline softening and a generalization of the standard Plummer softening to higher values of the exponent. We find that the spline softening fares roughly as well as the higher powers of the power-law softening and both give a better representation of the forces than the standard Plummer softening.  相似文献   

We have tested the applicability of the global modal approach in the density wave theory of spiral structure for a sample of spiral galaxies with measured axisymmetric background properties. We report here the results of the simulations for four galaxies: NGC 488, NGC 628, NGC 1566, and NGC 3938. Using the observed radial distributions for the stellar velocity dispersions and the rotation velocities we have constructed the equilibrium models for the galactic disks in each galaxy and implemented two kinds of stability analyses - the linear global analysis and 2D-nonlinear simulations. In general, the global modal approach is able to reproduce the observed properties of the spiral arms in the galactic disks. The growth of spirals in the galactic disks can be physically understood in terms of amplification by over-reflection at the corotation resonance. Our results support the global modal approach as a theoretical explanation of spiral structure in galaxies. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We examine the local stability of galactic discs against axisymmetric density perturbations with special attention to the different dynamics of the stellar and gaseous components. In particular, the discs of the Milky Way and of NGC 6946 are studied. The Milky Way is shown to be stable, whereas the inner parts of NGC 6946, a typical Sc galaxy from the Kennicutt sample, are dynamically unstable. The ensuing dynamical evolution of the composite disc is studied by numerical simulations. The evolution is so fierce that the stellar disc heats up dynamically on a short time-scale to such a high degree, which seems to contradict the morphological appearance of the galaxy. The star formation rate required to cool the disc dynamically is estimated. Even if the star formation rate in NGC 6946 is at present high enough to meet this requirement, it is argued that the discs of Sc galaxies cannot sustain such a high star formation rate for extended periods.  相似文献   

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