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We take the line-of-sight velocity dispersions as functions of radius for eight Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies and use Jeans analysis to calculate the mass-to-light ratios (M/L) in Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). Using the latest structural parameters, distances and variable velocity anisotropy, we find six out of eight dwarfs have sensible M/L using only the stellar populations. Sextans and Draco, however, have  M/L = 9.2+5.3−3.0  and  43.9+29.0−19.3  respectively, which poses a problem. Apart from the need for Sextans' integrated magnitude to be reviewed, we propose tidal effects intrinsic to MOND, testable with numerical simulations, but fully orbit dependant, which are disrupting Draco. The creation of the Magellanic Stream is also re-addressed in MOND, the scenario being the stream is ram pressure stripped from the SMC as it crosses the LMC.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented for the post-collapse equilibrium structure of virialized objects that condense out of a low-density cosmological background universe, either matter-dominated or flat with a cosmological constant. This generalizes the model we derived previously for an Einstein–de Sitter (EdS) universe. The model is based upon the assumption that cosmological haloes form from the collapse and virialization of 'top-hat' density perturbations, and are spherical, isotropic and isothermal. This leads to the prediction of a unique, non-singular, truncated isothermal sphere (TIS), a particular solution of the Lane–Emden equation (suitably modified when Λ≠0) . The size and virial temperature are unique functions of the mass and redshift of formation of the object for a given background universe. The central density is roughly proportional to the critical density of the universe at the epoch of collapse. This TIS model is in good agreement with observations of the internal structure of dark-matter-dominated haloes on scales ranging from dwarf galaxies to X-ray clusters. It also reproduces many of the average properties of haloes in simulations of the cold dark matter (CDM) model to good accuracy, suggesting that it is a useful analytical approximation for haloes that form from realistic initial conditions. Our TIS model matches the density profiles of haloes in CDM N -body simulations outside the innermost region, while avoiding the steep central cusp of the latter which is in apparent conflict with observations. The TIS model may also be relevant to non-standard CDM models, such as that for self-interacting dark matter, recently proposed to resolve this conflict.  相似文献   

A geometric method based on the high-order 3D Voronoi tessellation is proposed for identifying single galaxies, pairs and triplets. This approach allows us to select small galaxy groups and isolated galaxies in different environments and to find the isolated systems. The volume-limited sample of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 spectroscopic survey was used. We conclude that in such small groups as pairs and triplets, segregation by luminosity is clearly observed: galaxies in isolated pairs and triplets are on average two times more luminous than isolated galaxies. We consider the dark matter content in different systems. The median values of mass-to-luminosity ratio are  12 M/L  for the isolated pairs and  44 M/L  for the isolated triplets, and 7 (8)  M/L  for the most compact pairs (triplets). We also found that systems in denser environments have greater rms velocity and mass-to-luminosity ratio.  相似文献   

We present a new method of constraining the mass and velocity anisotropy profiles of galaxy clusters from kinematic data. The method is based on a model of the phase-space density, which allows the anisotropy to vary with radius between two asymptotic values. The characteristic scale of transition between these asymptotes is fixed and tuned to a typical anisotropy profile resulting from cosmological simulations. The model is parametrized by two values of anisotropy, at the centre of the cluster and at infinity, and two parameters of the NFW density profile, the scale radius and the scale mass. In order to test the performance of the method in reconstructing the true cluster parameters, we analyse mock kinematic data for 20 relaxed galaxy clusters generated from a cosmological simulation of the standard Λ cold dark matter model. We use Bayesian methods of inference and the analysis is carried out following the Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. The parameters of the mass profile are reproduced quite well, but we note that the mass is typically underestimated by 15 per cent, probably due to the presence of small velocity substructures. The constraints on the anisotropy profile for a single cluster are in general barely conclusive. Although the central asymptotic value is determined accurately, the outer one is subject to significant systematic errors caused by substructures at large clustercentric distance. The anisotropy profile is much better constrained if one performs joint analysis of at least a few clusters. In this case, it is possible to reproduce the radial variation of the anisotropy over two decades in radius inside the virial sphere.  相似文献   

We study the mass distribution in six nearby  ( z < 0.06)  relaxed Abell clusters of galaxies A0262, A0496, A1060, A2199, A3158 and A3558. Given the dominance of dark matter in galaxy clusters, we approximate their total density distribution by the Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) formula characterized by virial mass and concentration. We also assume that the anisotropy of galactic orbits is reasonably well described by a constant and that galaxy distribution traces that of the total density. Using the velocity and position data for 120–420 galaxies per cluster we calculate, after removal of interlopers, the profiles of the lowest order even velocity moments, dispersion and kurtosis. We then reproduce the velocity moments by jointly fitting the moments to the solutions of the Jeans equations. Including the kurtosis in the analysis allows us to break the degeneracy between the mass distribution and anisotropy and constrain the anisotropy as well as the virial mass and concentration. The method is tested in detail on mock data extracted from the N -body simulations of dark matter haloes. We find that the best-fitting Galactic orbits are remarkably close to isotropic in most clusters. Using the fitted pairs of mass and concentration parameters for the six clusters, we conclude that the trend of decreasing concentration for higher masses found in the cosmological N -body simulations is consistent with the data. By scaling the individual cluster data by mass, we combine them to create a composite cluster with 1465 galaxies and perform a similar analysis on such sample. The estimated concentration parameter then lies in the range  1.5 < c < 14  and the anisotropy parameter in the range  −1.1 < β < 0.5  at the 95 per cent confidence level.  相似文献   

The microlensing optical depth to Baade's Window constrains the minimum total mass in baryonic matter within the Solar circle to be greater than ∼     , assuming the inner Galaxy is barred with viewing angle ∼20°. From the kinematics of solar neighbourhood stars, the local surface density of dark matter is ∼     . We construct cuspy haloes normalized to the local dark matter density and calculate the circular-speed curve of the halo in the inner Galaxy. This is added in quadrature to the rotation curve provided by the stellar and ISM discs, together with a bar sufficiently massive so that the baryonic matter in the inner Galaxy reproduces the microlensing optical depth. Such models violate the observational constraint provided by the tangent-velocity data in the inner Galaxy (typically at radii     . The high baryonic contribution required by the microlensing is consistent with implications from hydrodynamical modelling and the pattern speed of the Galactic bar. We conclude that the cuspy haloes favoured by the cold dark matter cosmology (and its variants) are inconsistent with the observational data on the Galaxy.  相似文献   

We argue that a universal density profile for dark matter haloes arises as a natural consequence of hierarchical structure formation: it is a fixed point in the process of repeated mergers. We present analytic and numerical arguments for the emergence of a particular form of the central cusp profile. At small radii, the density should vary as r −α, with α determined by the way in which the characteristic density of haloes scales with their mass. If small haloes are dense, then α is large. The mass–density relation can be related to the power spectrum of initial fluctuations, P ( k ), through 'formation time' arguments. Early structure formation leads to steep cusps. For P ( k ) ∼  k n we find α ≃ 3(3 +  n )/(5 +  n ). The universal profile is generated by tidal stripping of small haloes as they merge with larger objects.  相似文献   

Although very successful in explaining the observed conspiracy between the baryonic distribution and the gravitational field in spiral galaxies without resorting to dark matter (DM), the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) paradigm still requires DM in X-ray bright systems. Here, to get a handle on the distribution and importance of this DM, and thus on its possible form, we deconstruct the mass profiles of 26 X-ray emitting systems in MOND, with temperatures ranging from 0.5 to 9 keV. Initially, we compute the MOND dynamical mass as a function of radius, then subtract the known gas mass along with a component of galaxies which include the cD galaxy with   M / L K = 1  . Next, we test the compatibility of the required DM with ordinary massive neutrinos at the experimental limit of detection  ( m ν= 2 eV)  , with density given by the Tremaine–Gunn limit. Even by considering that the neutrino density stays constant and maximal within the central 100 or 150 kpc (which is the absolute upper limit of a possible neutrino contribution there), we show that these neutrinos can never account for the required DM within this region. The natural corollary of this finding is that, whereas clusters  ( T ≳ 3 keV)  might have most of their mass accounted for if ordinary neutrinos have a 2 eV mass, groups  ( T ≲ 2 keV)  cannot be explained by a 2 eV neutrino contribution. This means that, for instance, cluster baryonic dark matter (CBDM, Milgrom) or even sterile neutrinos would present a more satisfactory solution to the problem of missing mass in MOND X-ray emitting systems.  相似文献   

We have studied a mass model for spiral galaxies in which the dark matter surface density is a scaled version of the observed H  i surface density. Applying this mass model to a sample of 24 spiral galaxies with reliable rotation curves, one obtains good fits for most galaxies. The scaling factors cluster around 7, after correction for the presence of primordial helium. For several cases, however, different, often larger, values are found. For galaxies that cannot be fitted well, the discrepancy occurs at large radii and results from a fairly rapid decline of the H  i surface density in the outermost regions. Because of such imperfections and in view of possible selection effects, it is not possible to conclude here that there is a real coupling between H  i and dark matter in spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

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