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Toxicity of heavy metals adversely affects environment and human health. Organic materials derived from natural matters or wastes have been applied to soils to reduce the mobility of contaminants such as heavy metals. However, the application of cow bone powder (CB), biochar (BC), and eggshell powder (ES) is rarely investigated for the reduction of Pb bioavailability in soils irrigated with saline water. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of CB, BC, and ES additions as immobilizing substances on Pb bioavailability in shooting range soil irrigated with deionized and saline water. Each additive of CB, BC, and ES at 5 % (w/w) was mixed with soils and then the deionized and saline water were irrigated for 21 days. With deionized water irrigation, the soils treated with CB, BC, and ES exhibited higher pH when compared with saline water irrigation. With saline water irrigation, the electrical conductivity, water-soluble anions, and cations were significantly increased in soils treated with CB, BC, and ES. The water-soluble Pb in soils treated with CB, BC, and ES was significantly decreased with saline water irrigation. On the other hand, the water-soluble Pb in soil treated with CB was increased with deionized water irrigation. Only BC with saline water irrigation decreased the Pb concentration in maize shoots.  相似文献   

Effects of saline water irrigation on soil properties in northwest China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Due to the lack of freshwater, highly saline groundwater was the main irrigation source in the last few decades in the Minqin Basin, which is in northwest China. The study evaluates the effects of salt accumulation on the soil physical–chemicals properties. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were taken from the experiment site, which was irrigated with saline water at a concentration of 0.8, 2 and 5 g L−1 (coded later as C08, C2 and C5). Undisturbed soil samples, at depths of 0–45 and 45–60 cm were taken to determine the water retention curve (WRC). Moreover, in the same place, another set of undisturbed soil samples were taken to determine the porosity and pore-size distribution (PoSD). From the WRC, the water-holding capacity of the soil was estimated. Disturbed soil samples at depths of 0–20, 0–45, 45–60 and 80–100 cm were taken to determine the index of aggregates stability in water (IC). The electrical conductivity of the saturated paste (ECe) was determined at depths of 0–30, 30–60 and 60–90 cm, during the irrigation season on C08, C2 and C5 treatments. The results show that the total porosity and the index of aggregates stability in water decrease with the increasing salinity of irrigation water, and the ECe increases with the increasing salinity of irrigation water especially in the surface soil. The water-holding capacity (WHC) of soil also increases with the increasing salinity of irrigation water.  相似文献   

含盐量对滨海盐渍土物理及水理性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
含盐量的增加使滨海盐渍土含水率与含液率间的差值变大,并导致高估土的干密度,低估土的孔隙比和饱和度。物理性质指标换算和颗粒级配分析试验结果表明,从2%的含盐量开始,随含盐量增加,胶粒含量减少,粘粒和粉粒含量增加,但25μm及以上的粒组含量变化不大。2%以内的含盐量对土的稠度指标影响微弱,当含盐量增加到11%时,盐分结晶形成了较多的晶体颗粒,使土的塑性指数明显下降并呈现出区段性。  相似文献   

利用高密度电阻率法进行盐渍土含水率的测定   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
盐渍土中含有较多的可溶盐,其工程性质对含水率很敏感。将室内试验与现场试验相结合探索了电阻率法间接测定盐渍土含水率的可行性。采用高密度电阻率法对盐渍土浸水试验后的影响范围进行测试,通过在室内恒定温度下测定的盐渍土电阻率与含水率的关系,建立特定土体结构下的电阻率与含水率的数学模型。现场实测高密度电阻率值,利用现场观测的土层温度,计算出浸水范围的含水率,与现场分层实测含水率进行对比,验证了数学模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

固化剂对盐渍土物理力学性质的固化效果研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
盐渍土路基产生的盐胀、翻浆、冻胀、淋溶与湿陷等病害严重影响道路的稳定性和耐久性,结合已建工程路基病害和拟建铁路工程的重要性,归纳了改良盐渍土的常用方法. 分析了土体固化剂从单一传统型到离子型再到新型高分子等复合型的发展趋势,从化学角度讨论了盐渍土固化的机理,并就固化盐渍土的微观机制、物理力学性质等方面进行分析. 在此基础上,对盐渍土路基填料固化的研究前景进行了展望,提出将多种固化方法及固化剂对盐渍土路基进行综合固化.  相似文献   

以干旱半干旱地区固体废弃物资源化利用为研究背景,利用煤系固废煤矸石(CG)、煤系偏高岭土(CMK)联合干旱区易获取的固废材料电石渣(CS)协同普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)开发一种新型固化材料,探讨其固化干旱半干旱区盐渍土的力学性能与微观变化机理。基于室内实验,对比100%OPC固化盐渍土,研究不同矿区产出的CG以及煤矸石-煤系偏高岭土-电石渣协同固化剂(CGCMK-CS)替代52%、60%、68%、72%、84%OPC后各龄期的无侧限抗压强度(UCS)特征,并取特征组进行有害阴离子(Cl-、SO42-)浸出试验与微观测试,从微观角度对其强度变化机理进行探讨。结果表明,煤矸石–电石渣–煤系偏高岭土–普通硅酸盐水泥协同固化(CG-CMK-CS-OPC)体系具有良好的Cl-与SO42-结合能力,固化盐渍土后Cl-与SO42-浸出量是100%OPC的一半,其水化产物铝酸三钙能与盐渍土中的Cl-与SO42-生成AFm相产物,并使体系中的团粒内孔隙与团粒间孔隙向颗粒内与颗粒间孔隙转化,由此降低了盐渍土中盐分带来的危害。根据7 d UCS试验结果,使用山西运城CG固化体系的效果最佳,这与其活性钙质和铁铝...  相似文献   

Uniaxial compressive strength experiments were performed on saline loess different water and salt contents, and multiple freeze/thaw cycles at room temperature. The experiments revealed changes to the stress–strain curve and the failure mode of the saline loess. The results indicated that soil strength is intensified or weakened during freezing and thawing due to the injection of sodium sulfate solute. Cyclical freezing and thawing is a process to get a new dynamic equilibrium, and under these experimental conditions, six freeze–thaw cycles are need for loess with sodium sulfate to reach a new dynamic equilibrium.  相似文献   

不同冻结方式下盐渍土水盐重分布规律的试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邴慧  何平 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2307-2312
土体的冻融历史在土体的冻胀预报和评估的作用不可忽略,不同的冻结方式将影响土体中的水盐重分布及干密度的变化差异。选择土样底端温度相同情况下的单向冻结、正弦波曲线冻融循环和负温循环冻结3种冻结作用模式,对青藏高原铁路沿线红色粉质黏土进行了试验研究,分析了3种冻结模式下土体的冻胀量的变化、水分和盐分的重分布状况以及土体干密度的变化规律,试验结果表明单向冻结过程由于冰的自净作用,阻止了盐分的迁移;土体周期冻融循环后变形具有不可累加性,盐分在随水分发生对流迁移的同时会发生由浓度梯度诱导的扩散迁移;在冻融作用下,土体的压密变形是客观存在的,即体现了冻融对该试验条件下土体结构的强化作用  相似文献   

Ying  Zi  Cui  Yu-Jun  Benahmed  Nadia  Duc  Myriam 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(1):319-326
Acta Geotechnica - This study aims at investigating the lime treatment effect on the changes in microstructure and water retention property of compacted saline soil, with consideration of the...  相似文献   

硫酸钠盐渍土未冻水含量的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
马敏  邴慧  李国玉 《冰川冻土》2016,38(4):963-969
土体中的未冻水含量影响冻土的物理力学性质,也是评价冻土中水分迁移的重要指标.利用核磁共振技术对含有不同浓度硫酸钠溶液的兰州黄土的未冻水含量进行测试,并分析了温度、含盐量对未冻水含量的影响.同时,测试了不同含盐量下黄土的液塑限及液塑限含水率下土体的冻结温度,计算了不同含盐量下的未冻水含量并与实测值进行比较,给出了不同含盐量下幂函数方程wu=at-b中的参数值.在此基础上,分析了-5、-10、-15和-20℃条件下未冻水含量随含盐量的变化规律,建立了4个温度下不同含盐量区间的未冻水-含盐量拟合公式.  相似文献   

冻融季节苏打盐渍土的水盐变化规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过野外定位观测和室内分析,探讨了冻融季节的微域尺度(32 m长的横剖面)苏打盐渍土的水分和盐分的变化规律.结果表明:冻结期大量地下水迁移并储存在盐化草甸土的冻层中,同时地下水位埋深迅速从1.2 m下降到2.5 m以下;苏打盐化草甸土冻结层的含水率明显增加,其中30~40 cm土层的含水率变化最明显(从冻结前的20%增加到50%).苏打碱土冻层的含水率增量不明显,但盐分显著增加,其中白盖苏打碱土表层的盐分增量幅度达80%.盐分变化主要表现为苏打盐渍土表层HCO3-、CO32-、SO42-以及Na+的增加,大量盐分表聚使消融期土壤的盐渍化程度不断加重.  相似文献   

Ground water bodies are important resources for drinking water, including bottled water, and national regulatory bodies should assess their quality continuously. For this purpose, an effective assessment system of bottled water at source should be installed. A hierarchical nested balance design for the collection of random primary duplicate water samples, and their replicate analyses, is described, and the use of robust analysis of variance to estimate measurement uncertainty. The latter is subsequently used for the development of four probabilistic categories for the classification of element concentrations in bottled water with respect to legislative standard values, i.e., (a) compliant (below Lower Threshold Limit), (b) possibly non-compliant (possibly above Standard Value), (c) probably non-compliant (probably above Standard Value), and (d) non-compliant (above Upper Threshold Limit), for the reliable assessment of compliance to European Union and national drinking water standards. Overall, the quality of European bottled water is considered good, with the exception of a few that have concentrations in Mn, B, Ba, As, Fe, Ni, Se, and Al, which are definitely above the estimated respective Upper Threshold Limit and, thus, exceed the corresponding legislative standard value defined by European Union directives. National regulatory bodies should verify these results, and install an efficient assessment system of compliance to regulatory limits using the methodology described in this paper.  相似文献   

Modern and effective water management in large alluvial plains that have intensive agricultural activity requires the integrated modeling of soil and groundwater. The models should be complex enough to properly simulate several, often non-linear, processes, but simple enough to be effectively calibrated with the available data. An operative, practical approach to calibration is proposed, based on three main aspects. First, the coupling of two models built on well-validated algorithms, to simulate (1) the irrigation system and the soil water balance in the unsaturated zone and (2) the groundwater flow. Second, the solution of the inverse problem of groundwater hydrology with the comparison model method to calibrate the model. Third, the use of appropriate criteria and cross-checks (comparison of the calibration results and of the model outputs with hydraulic and hydrogeological data) to choose the final parameter sets that warrant the physical coherence of the model. The approach has been tested by application to a large and intensively irrigated alluvial basin in northern Italy.  相似文献   

水化学作用对滑坡滑带土的物理力学特性影响试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤文  姚志宾  李邵军  孙钱程 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2885-2892
滑带是影响滑坡稳定的最关键内在因素之一。对原状土进行X射线衍射、压汞试验,获得了滑带土体的成分及其含量和孔隙结构参数,结果表明,滑带土成分以石英、拉长石、伊利石等为主,孔隙孔径以小孔和过渡孔居多;依据工程实例滑坡滑带土所处的水化学环境,模拟不同水化条件,通过剪切试验、渗透试验和扫描电镜试验,获得不同化学条件的强度和渗透性参数及微细观结构特征,分析了滑带土在不同水化学条件下力学特性和渗透性变化规律。试验结果表明:相同pH条件下,较之蒸馏水,土样经化学溶液浸泡后峰值强度和残余强度变大,且残余强度的变化更明显;不同pH条件下,酸碱性溶液使得土的强度参数显著降低。该研究结果为水化学条件下滑坡滑带土力学特性变化、多场耦合理论模型分析提供了重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

According to the field experiment in the sodic saline soil region in the Songnen Plain, the dynamics of the soil water and solute affected by the shallow groundwater were explored during the growing season in 2004. The results presented that, influenced by the strongly evaporative demand, the soil water tended to transport to the upper soil layer with salt. The layered soil water balance model (LSWB model) revealed that the ratio of the water exchange between the groundwater and upper layer of the soil was 11.7:1. The groundwater discharge was 53.86 mm, but the groundwater recharge from the upper layer of soil was only 5.04 mm from 11 July to 06 September, which indicated that the groundwater could discharge to upper layer of soil and influence the soil salinization through capillary rise. The observed values of the salt content from July to mid-October presented that the soil solute was more changeable influenced by the climatic condition at 30 cm depth. As the field saturated hydraulic conductivity was low, the salts mainly accumulated in about 50–70 cm depth soil layer and hardly leached into deeper soil layer. Furthermore, the salt content was mainly controlled by the groundwater in the subsoil below 100 cm depth, the salt content decreased with the groundwater level receding. As influenced by the shallow groundwater and freeze-thaw action, further studies should be performed on the mechanism of soil salinization in the sodic saline soil region in the Songnen Plain of China.  相似文献   

青海地区盐渍土分布规律及其盐胀溶陷机制探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对青海一些地区盐渍土当硫酸钠含量小于1%时也会产生盐胀,而超氯盐渍土却不会产生溶陷的事实,进行了较为深入细致的论证和研究。得出如下结论:建(构)筑物由于盐胀问题引起破坏,往往由其所处地质环境因素起决定性作用,而并非完全符合相关规范所给出的硫酸钠含量超过1%才应考虑盐胀性。柴达木盆地腹地超氯盐渍土却由于难溶盐及中溶盐含量偏高,导致其反常态不产生溶陷。这些认识及观点与现行理论、规范有较大出入。  相似文献   

冬季冻结与春季融化引起北方滨海盐渍土的工程性质劣化。为研究纤维加筋对固化土的抗压性能、抗冻融性能与微观结构变化,开展了石灰固化盐渍土和纤维与石灰加筋固化盐渍土的冻融试验、无侧限抗压试验、扫描电镜试验、核磁共振试验和压汞试验,系统分析冻融后纤维加筋固化盐渍土的抗压强度与孔隙特征间的相关性、抗冻融性能及其变化规律。结果表明:随冻融次数增加,石灰固化土和纤维与石灰加筋固化土的抗压强度、孔隙体积、孔隙率均呈阶段性变化,即冻融1~3次、冻融4~7次、冻融8~10次、冻融11~15次共4个阶段。随冻融次数增加,破坏应变增大。相同冻融次数下,2种土的破坏应变均随压实度的增大而增大,且纤维与石灰加筋固化土的抗压强度、破坏应变均大于石灰固化土,孔隙率则反之。加筋土越密实,筋土摩擦作用越强,土的抗压性能越好;纤维在土中随机分布与交织分布,对土起到了空间约束作用,提高了加筋土的抗冻融性能。研究成果可为北方盐渍土的工程利用提供理论和技术指导。  相似文献   

Contaminant risk factors in surface soil were evaluated within the urbanized Rouge River watershed in southeastern Michigan, USA, which includes metropolitan Detroit. An analytical risk factor model and Geographic Information Systems overlays were used to quantify and characterize the potential impacts of five categories of contaminants including DNAPLs (dense nonaqueous phase liquids), LNAPLs (light nonaqueous phase liquids), PAHs (polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons), PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), and lead. The results indicate that DNAPL compounds released into sand, moraine, and sandy and silty clay soil types have the greatest potential to affect groundwater, and impact the Great Lakes ecosystem and the public health.  相似文献   

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