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西南地区泥石流灾害及防灾预警   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南地区山地分布广泛,地质条件复杂,构造运动剧烈,是山地灾害严重地区之一,其中泥石流灾害尤为突出。它们严重地威胁着人民生命财产安全,给国民经济造成重大损失。为此,加强泥石流灾害的防治和研究极为必要。文章论述了西南地区泥石流的特征、形成原因和分布规律,总结当前泥石流的防治及其预测预报的方法和经验,详细地论述了西南地区泥石流灾害仿治应以预防为主,指出今后防治泥石流灾害的发展方向是成灾信息采集和传输的网络化、实时化、自动化、数字化(可视化)等,使其成灾信息能够实现实时更新,便于科学管理及信息可视,从而准确、实时地预报、预警,为泥石流灾害防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Peng  Taixin  Chen  Ningsheng  Hu  Guisheng  Tian  Shufeng  Han  Zheng  Liu  Enlong 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(3):2855-2877
Natural Hazards - On 6 July 2020, 3 h 40 min after rainfall stopped, a delayed debris-flow disaster occurred due to colluvium deposits in a hollow region (CDH) in the...  相似文献   

生态功能优先背景下的西南岩溶区石漠化治理问题   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
文章分析了现有石漠化治理模式、物种选择、石漠化治理综合效益评估、消除贫困等方面存在的不足,并结合国家对西南岩溶石漠化区主体生态功能的定位,对未来石漠化治理过程中的几个关键问题进行了探讨,认为未来石漠化治理要更有效地兼顾生态与经济效益,提高生态补偿标准,完善生态补偿体制,促进石漠化区农村人口的城镇化转移,减少人口压力,消除农户破坏环境的驱动因素,促进石漠化治理成效的长期可持续发展,以保证西南岩溶石漠化区水土保持和生物多样性维护主体生态功能的实现。   相似文献   

喀斯特地质与生态系统是地球表层系统中的重要组成部分,其变化将对其他地区以及整个地球系统产生影响.生物地球化学循环是全球和区域变化研究的核心内容,而生态系统的演化与系统内水分和养分的生物地球化学循环密切相关。因此,我们有必要将喀斯特生态系统纳入到更大区域或全球生态系统中进行分析研究,在充分研究认识整个喀斯特生态系统物质生物地球化学循环规律的基础上,进一步研究喀斯特生态系统的全球变化响应或影响机制,为喀斯特生态系统优化调控对策和措施提供科学基础。研究生态系统演化过程中物质的生物地球化学循环规律,是研究植物适生性、物种优化配置和适应性生态系统调控机理的关键基础。在介绍前人工作基础的同时,本文全面而概括地总结了我们近年利用元素、同位素(如δ13C、δ15N、δ34S、87Sr/86Sr)示踪和化学计量学理论和方法对喀斯特生态系统中不同界面和流域中物质的生物地球化学循环及其生态环境效应的研究成果。认识到:喀斯特流域生物地球化学循环活跃,相互耦合,并与流域生态环境变化相互制约;人类活动正干预流域物质的自然生物地球化学循环过程,并导致相应的生态和环境效应;全球变化科学深化有赖于区域生态环境变化及物质生物地球化学循环的研究。这些认识是我们将来系统深入开展喀斯特以及其他流域生态系统物质生物地球化学循环研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

生态需水的概念及其计算方法   总被引:61,自引:2,他引:61       下载免费PDF全文
论述了生态需水的概念,从生态需水量的基本原理出发,探讨了各类生态需水量计算的框架。以渭河为例,估算其多年平均河道内生态需水为3980亿m3。并对未来生态需水研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

干旱区天然植被生态需水量计算方法   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
张丽  董增川  赵斌 《水科学进展》2003,14(6):745-748
依据生态适宜性理论,建立了植物生长与地下水位关系的对数正态分布模型;基于此模型,结合遥感技术进行的生态分区和植物生理需水的现场实验数据,提出了干旱区天然植被生态需水量计算方法;应用此方法计算了黑河流域额济纳旗天然植被生态需水量,计算成果与其他成果比较相差较小。结果表明,该计算方法是合理的,可以推广应用于干旱区其他地区。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对流域生态需水的影响分析   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
人类对流域生态系统的干预,导致季节性淹没区减少,天然湿地丧失,生态环境的恶化和生物多样性锐减,土地利用方式发生了剧烈变化。以流域整体性理论、物种多样性理论、物种耐性理论和景观生态学理论为基础,分析了土地利用方式对生态需水的影响。结果表明,河岸天然植被生态系统通过削减洪峰、增补枯水和截留污染物的作用,来影响流域的水量分配和水质改善,使流域受水分不足威胁的程度降低,即在更大的时间与空间尺度上,保证了流域对生态水的需求。因此,为了流域生态系统的可持续发展,应采取保护湿地、河溪森林植被、水陆交错带等合理的土地利用方式。  相似文献   

基于生态流量过程线的水库生态调度方法研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
传统的水库调度以兴利调度和除害调度为主,而水库生态调度则是为了实现人类需要的生态环境目标而进行的水库调度,相关的生态目标涉及水质、泥沙、生态系统和防治血吸虫病等。以水电站年发电量最大为优化目标,以生态方案为约束,提出了基于生态流量过程线的水库优化调度模型。利用该模型对黄河流域某子流域进行了水库生态调度计算,提出了4项生态环境目标,组合出5个生态方案。优化计算结果表明,与不考虑生态目标的方案相比,满足4项生态目标的水库调度方案的年发电量仅减少7.6%,可以看出如果采取合理的调度方案实现生态环境目标不会对水库的经济效益产生大的影响。  相似文献   

祁连山海北高寒湿地植物群落结构及生态特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
海北高寒湿地系沼泽型和湖泊型湿地相并存.海北高寒湿地植物种类组成较少,从湿地中央到边缘植物优势种组成不同,群落结构变化明显.中部以帕米尔苔草为主要植物建群种的沼泽草甸,边缘地带以藏嵩草为主要建群种的沼泽化草甸,从中央到边缘地带主要有25种植物组成,隶属10科20属.高寒湿地植物有较高的地上生物量(349.373 g·m-2)和地下生物量(仅1~40 cm层次最高可达10769.301 g·m-2),而且地下部分远高于地上部分,地下生物量从表层到深层基本均匀下降,与矮嵩草草甸和金露梅灌丛草甸区的地下生物量分布截然不同.因湿地帕米尔苔草、藏嵩草、黑褐苔草、华扁穗草等为主的植物粗纤维高,牲畜利用率下降,不论地上还是地下对土壤有机物的补给均较高,多年的积累使其海北高寒湿地有深达2~3 m的泥炭层,使湿地形成一个非常重要的碳库.在气候变暖的条件下,这些未分解或半分解的土壤有机物质(或残体)将加速分解,对大气有更多的CO2、CH4等温室气体的排放.  相似文献   

Sediment macropores (with effective diameters larger than 100 μm) comprise 11% of the bulk sediment volume in a tidal freshwater wetland vegetated withPeltandra virginica. In order to determine effects of macroporous sediment structure on solute transport, we conducted a solute tracer experiment in the sediment. The effective transport volume (θeff, the volume of sediment through which solute was transported normalized to sediment bulk volume) was 0.15 cm3 cm?3, which is considerably smaller than the total pore space that is potentially available for transport (porosity of sediment is 0.63 cm3 cm?3). A mean transport time of 13 d was required to flush preferential flow paths inPeltandra hummocks; hydrologic turnover of the volumetrically dominant matrix pores (0.53 cm3 cm?3) was apparently much slower. Based on porewater sampler design and hydrological principles, we suggest that N2-purged tension solution samplers and diffusion equilibrators preferentially sample porewater from macropore and matrix domains, respectively. Dissolved ammonium and orthophosphate concentrations were three-fold higher in matrix pores compared to macropores, which is consistent with our finding that more rapid hydrological flushing occurred in macropores compared to matrix pores. Further evaluation of porewater sampler designs in macroporous sediment is needed to improve studies of hydrologic transport and biogeochemical cycling in wetlands.  相似文献   

杨廷锋 《中国岩溶》2016,35(3):332-339
生态可持续发展是区域永续发展的重要条件,西南岩溶石山地区生态承载力供给状况及其支撑社会经济发展的水平是地区发展关注的重要问题。文章以贵州为例,采用基于生态足迹理论下的生态承载力计算方法,利用贵州1978-2013年各类型土地利用面积数据计算并分析了贵州生态承载力的演变特征和动力机制。结果表明:贵州多年平均的生态承载力总量为2 690.560万hm2;经历了1978-1986年的低值期(年均2 440.734万hm2)、 1987-1989年的提高过渡期,到1990-2013年达到较高水平(多年平均值2 899.654万hm2);但贵州的人均生态承载力总体上呈降低趋势(多年平均值为0.796 hm2);各类土地提供的承载力中,耕地的生态承载力最大,占65.9%,其次是林地占25.4%,建筑用地占7.2%,牧草地占1.4%,水域约占0.13%;1978-1985年,贵州生态有盈余,但逐年减少,从1986年开始出现亏损,并呈逐年增大趋势;贵州生态承载力的演变主要受土地利用方式、土地生产能力和人口数量的驱动。   相似文献   

植物生长季海北高寒湿地辐射收支特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据祁连山海北高寒湿地植物生长期观测资料,分析了区域辐射收支情况及其变化特征.结果表明:祁连山海北高寒湿地有较强的太阳总辐射(DR),但地表反射辐射(UR)、地面有效辐射(ELR)较低;地表长波辐射(ULR)、大气逆辐射(DLR)、净辐射(Rn)均较高,且具有明显的日、季节变化.植物生长期5~9月的日变化振幅DR>Rn>UR>ULR>DLR>ELR,其总量表现出ULR>DLR>DR>Rn>UR>ELR,分别达4650.6、4225.5、3058.8、2156.2、477.6和425.1 MJ·m-2.从月际分布来看,ULR、DLR、DR最高出现在7月,Rn出现在6月,UR出现在5月,ELR出现在8月,分别为980.3、913.1、721.5、554.9、112.1和127.4 MJ·m-2.  相似文献   

中国寒区湿地研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
谭雅懿  王烜  王育礼 《冰川冻土》2011,33(1):197-204
中国是世界上湿地资源最丰富的国家之一,其中寒区湿地占我国自然湿地的60%以上,因此它在调节气候、涵养水分、碳源汇以及牛物多样性保护等方面均具有不可替代的作用.由于结构和功能上的独特性,寒区湿地对气候和环境变化反应极为敏感,因此深入探讨和分析其目前的研究状况对于中国湿地的生态保护和环境管理意义重大.从寒区湿地的类型和分布...  相似文献   

Carbon (POC, DOC) and carbon isotopes (δ13C) within two headwater tributaries to the Xi River Basin, southwest China were analyzed to document the geochemical characteristics and sources of organic carbon (C) within basins characterized by a monsoonal climate and karst landforms. δ13 C POC value and C/N ratio data indicate that suspended soil organic carbon (SOC) was an important source of POC in both the Nanpan and Beipan rivers (i.e., the studied tributaries). However, differences in C sources exist between the Nanpan and Beipan River Basins. Higher terrestrial plants supplied a portion of the POC within the Beipan River. In contrast, the Nanpan River was characterized by an inverse correlation between POC and DOC, and a positive relationship between the δ13C values. These trends indicate that DOC within the Nanpan River was partly derived from the degradation of soil C within the water column. In addition, the interception of C by hydrological projects (e.g., dams) positioned along the Nanpan River led to higher DOC/POC ratios. In contrast, within the Beipan River δ13C DOC values range from ?20 to ?25.2 and are consistent with ratios associated with soil C, suggesting that leaching of C from catchment soil was the dominant source of DOC. Organic C in tributaries to the Beipan River may also have been derived from intense upland soil erosion, a process that resulted in the lowest DOC/POC ratios. The collected data indicate that land-use changes have potentially influenced regional- to local-scale organic C budgets within subtropical basins subjected to karstification.  相似文献   

西南某水电站闸址区右岸三坪子沟,历史上曾多次发生泥石流活动。通过现场系统调查和室内的综合分析认为,该泥石流的特点如下:①地处扬子板块西缘(槽台结合部位),小流域主要出露浅变质的三叠系岩层,岩体经历多期强烈变形,具有复杂的构造背景;②小流域内见11条不同规模的断层,并发育多组节理,岩体破碎,有利于次生改造;③新构造活动强烈,第四纪以来抬升幅度大,多在2mm a以上;④降雨丰富,年降雨达1000mm以上,而且集中在6~9月份;⑤泥石流形成区汇水面积大,崩坡积及洪积物发育,物源丰富;⑥流通区窄陡,有利于泥石流的加速;⑦堆积区位于离沟口上游2km的古堰塞湖内;⑧由于沟口泥石流搬运的大部分固体物质未到沟口就已堆积下来,然后被携沙水流所代替;⑨该泥石流沟仍有发生泥石流的可能性;⑩三坪子沟100a一遇泥石流输送到雅砻江的泥沙量在3×104m3以下。因此,即使未来发生100a一遇的泥石流,对上、下闸址也不会构成直接威胁。  相似文献   

Evidence for former fast glacier flow (ice streaming) in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet is identified on the basis of regional glacial geomorphology and sedimentology, highlighting the depositional processes associated with the margin of a terrestrial terminating ice stream. Preliminary mapping from a digital elevation model of Alberta identifies corridors of smoothed topography and corridor‐parallel streamlined landforms (megaflutes to mega‐lineations) that display high levels of spatial coherency. Ridges that lie transverse to the dominant streamlining patterns are interpreted as: (a) series of minor recessional push moraines; (b) thrust block moraines or composite ridges/hill–hole pairs constructed during readvances/surges; and (c) overridden moraines (cupola hills), apparently of thrust origin. Together these landforms demarcate the beds and margins of former fast ice flow trunks or ice streams that terminated as lobate forms. Localised cross‐cutting and/or misalignment of flow sets indicates temporal separation and the overprinting of ice streams/lobes. The fast‐flow tracks are separated by areas of interlobate or inter‐stream terrain in which moraines have been constructed at the margins of neighbouring (competing) ice streams/outlet glaciers; this inter‐stream terrain was covered by more sluggish, non‐streaming ice during full glacial conditions. Thin tills at the centres of the fast‐flow corridors, in many places unconformably overlying stratified sediments, suggest that widespread till deformation may have been subordinate to basal sliding in driving fast ice flow but the general thickening of tills towards the lobate terminal margins of ice streams/outlet glaciers is consistent with subglacial deformation theory. In this area of relatively low relief we speculate that fast glacier flow or streaming was highly dynamic and transitory, sometimes with fast‐flowing trunks topographically fixed in their onset zones and with the terminus migrating laterally. The occurrence of minor push moraines and flutings and associated landforms, because of their similarity to modern active temperate glacial landsystems, are interpreted as indicative of ice lobe marginal oscillations, possibly in response to seasonal climatic forcing, in locations where meltwater was more effectively drained from the glacier bed. Further north, the occurrence of surging glacier landsystems suggests that persistent fast glacier flow gave way to more transitory surging, possibly in response to the decreasing size of ice reservoir areas in dispersal centres and also locally facilitated by ice‐bed decoupling and drawdown initiated by the development of ice‐dammed lakes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

西南地区铀资源现状与找矿前景展望   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
陈友良 《铀矿地质》2004,20(1):1-3,15
本文概述了西南地区铀资源现状,简要介绍了滇西、川西高原、川北、黔中4个铀成矿区的基本特征,并对西南地区的找铀前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

高寒湿地生态系统土壤有机物质补给及地-气CO2交换特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海北高寒湿地植物地上、地下生物现存量较高,2004年海北高寒湿地植物净初级生产力为1799.7 gC·m-2.由于家畜对湿地植物采食量低,每年将有大量的枯黄植物残留于地表,表现出地上、地下生物量以及苔鲜均成为土壤有机物质的补给源.由于区域温度低,积水严重,对植物残体分解缓慢,导致湿地土壤有机质含量很高,形成了厚达2 m左右的泥炭层.观测结果表明,海北高寒湿地净生态系统CO2交换量具有明显的季节变化,年内4月和10月存在两个CO2释放高峰期,夏季的7~8月为一个强吸收期,全年来看为一个巨大的碳源.2004年净生态系统年碳交换量为76.7 gC·m-2.计算结果表明,植被的呼吸消耗量每年为1199.8 gC·m-2,其植物总固碳量为2999.5 gC·m-2,而土壤呼吸为1876.4 gC·m-2.  相似文献   

Tian  Shufeng  Chen  Ningsheng  Rahman  Mahfuzur  Hu  Guisheng  Peng  Taixin  Zhang  Yong  Liu  Mei 《Landslides》2022,19(3):647-657
Landslides - In 2019, the catastrophic Zhaiban slope debris flow (ZSDF) crushed an open road tunnel in Ganluo County, Sichuan Province, China, causing seven deaths and interrupting traffic flow for...  相似文献   

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