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初始扰动对一次华南暴雨预报的影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱本璐  林万涛  张云 《大气科学》2009,33(6):1333-1347
本文选取了2006年华南前汛期的一次暴雨过程, 采用AREMv2.3中尺度数值模式进行数值模拟, 分别在模式初始场的物理量场 (温度场、 风场、 湿度场) 上加扰动, 分析不同物理量场上的扰动对降水预报的影响, 以及物理量预报误差和扰动能量的增长情况。同时, 通过本个例讨论误差增长与湿对流的关系, 扰动振幅对误差增长的影响和华南区域的中尺度降水的可预报性问题。数值试验结果表明: 初始时刻不同物理量场加实际振幅的正态分布的随机扰动时, 对降水的影响是不同的。对于24小时降水预报, 温度场对降水的影响最大。误差的增长与湿对流不稳定有着密切的关系。小尺度小振幅误差增长很快, 而且是非线性增长。这意味着短期的较小尺度降水的可预报性很小。与大振幅扰动相比, 小振幅扰动造成的误差较小。但是小振幅扰动的迅速发展, 很快就会对降水预报造成较大的影响。因此, 只能有限地提高预报质量, 而且由于扰动非线性增长很快, 在预报时间的提前上, 不会有太大的改善。  相似文献   

The Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Model (AREM) is used to explore the predictability of a heavy rainfall event along the Meiyu front in China during 3-4 July 2003.Based on the sensitivity of precipitation prediction to initial data sources and initial uncertainties in different variables,the evolution of error growth and the associated mechanism are described and discussed in detail in this paper.The results indicate that the smaller-amplitude initial error presents a faster growth rate and its growth is characterized by a transition from localized growth to widespread expansion error.Such modality of the error growth is closely related to the evolvement of the precipitation episode,and consequcntly remarkable forecast divergence is found near the rainband,indicating that the rainfall area is a sensitive region for error growth.The initial error in the rainband contributes significantly to the forecast divergence,and its amplification and propagation are largely determined by the initial moisture distribution.The moisture condition also affects the error growth on smaller scales and the subsequent upscale error cascade.In addition,the error growth defined by an energy norm reveals that large error energy collocates well with the strong latent heating,implying that the occurrence of precipitation and error growth share the same energy source-the latent heat.This may impose an intrinsic predictability limit on the prediction of heavy precipitation.  相似文献   

Using the mesoscale model MM5, the development of initial condition uncertainties at different scales and amplitudes and their influences on the mesoscale predictability of the "0185" Shanghai heavy precipitation event are investigated. It is found that different initial conditions obtained from different globe model analyses lead to large variations in the simulated location and strength of the heavy precipitation, and the scales and amplitudes of the initial condition perturbations significantly influence the model error growth. The power spectrum evolution of the difference total energy (DTE) between a control simulation and a sensitivity experiment indicates that the error growth saturates after 12 h, which is the predictable time limit of the heavy precipitation event. The power spectrum evolution of the accumulated precipitation difference between the control and sensitivity simulations suggests a loss of the mesoscale predictability for precipitation systems of scales smaller than 300 kin, i.e., the predictable space for the heavy precipitation event is beyond 300 km. The results also show that the initial uncertainties at larger scales and amplitudes generally result in larger forecast divergence than the uncertainties at smaller scales and amplitudes. The predictable forecasting time and space can be expanded (e.g., from 12 to 15 h, and from beyond 300 kin to beyond 200 km) under properly prescribed initial perturbations at smaller scales and amplitudes.  相似文献   

华南暖区暴雨预报失误及可预报性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
覃武  刘国忠  赖珍权  覃月凤  梁依玲 《气象》2020,46(8):1039-1052
由于暖区暴雨产生的环境条件复杂和触发机制难以捕捉,数值模式对其预报能力弱,给预报带来困难,经常导致预报失误,是短期预报中的难点。2016年4月19—20日广西出现了一场暖区暴雨天气过程,预报员及数值模式预报出现较大失误。利用业务预报中的数值预报产品、地面中尺度自动气象站观测、常规地面及高空观测、新一代天气雷达及FY-2G卫星探测等资料对此次暖区暴雨预报失误进行剖析。结果表明:中低空急流增强及西南暖低压发展,为越南北部至广西中南部提供了高温、高湿、高能的环境条件,地形性辐合及涡旋触发了对流的发生,中尺度辐合线有效组织了对流的发展,雷达回波具有质心低、降雨效率高等暖云降雨的特征。预报员和数值模式短期时效内对暖区暴雨缺乏预报能力,未能准确把握可触发对流的机制,是预报失败的原因。预报员通过分析上游地区对流云团、地面中尺度辐合线演变及地形作用等触发条件,可以在短时临近时效内对暖区暴雨部分做出定性预报,发布预警信息,弥补短期预报的不足。因此,加强对暖区暴雨形成机理的认识,在预报中做好精细分析,是提高暖区暴雨预报能力的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

梅雨期暴雨系统的流依赖中尺度可预报性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中尺度天气系统的初值敏感性,导致了中尺度系统预报极限的存在.中尺度系统的初始误差的快速增长及其中尺度可预报性依赖于系统流的特征.梅雨暴雨形成是多尺度天气系统共同作用的结果,决定了梅雨期暴雨的形成机制的多样性,也决定了其初值敏感性的差异性.本文重点对比分析了五种不同类型的梅雨暴雨的误差增长特征及其机制.冷空气抬升、低层涡...  相似文献   

利用中尺度非静力MM5模式研究不同初始扰动(误差)对2003年7月4—5日发生在江淮流域的一次梅雨锋暴雨数值预报不确定性的影响,并着重分析了提前36h定量降水的可预报性。结果表明,利用常规观测资料和NCEP/NCAR分析资料形成初始场的控制试验能够提前36h做出较好的模拟。扰动温度场的敏感性试验表明,扰动温度的均方差愈大,降水预报不确定性也愈大。误差演变特征和增长机制分析表明,误差增长具有升尺度特征,误差首先在对流层低层和高层增长,然后大值区向对流层中层扩展;湿降水过程是对流层中低层误差增长的主要机制;对流层高层的误差增长是大气干动力与湿过程共同作用的结果,前期以干过程为主,后期以湿过程为主。  相似文献   

This study investigated the regime-dependent predictability using convective-scale ensemble forecasts initialized with different initial condition perturbations in the Yangtze and Huai River basin(YHRB) of East China. The scale-dependent error growth(ensemble variability) and associated impact on precipitation forecasts(precipitation uncertainties) were quantitatively explored for 13 warm-season convective events that were categorized in terms of strong forcing and weak forcing. The forecast err...  相似文献   

In south China, warm-sector rainstorms are significantly different from the traditional frontal rainstorms due to complex mechanism, which brings great challenges to their forecast. In this study, based on ensemble forecasting, the high-resolution mesoscale numerical forecast model WRF was used to investigate the effect of initial errors on a warmsector rainstorm and a frontal rainstorm under the same circulation in south China, respectively. We analyzed the sensitivity of forecast errors to the...  相似文献   

Limitations in the predictability of quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF) that arise from initial errors of small amplitude and scale are investigated by means of real-case high-resolution (cloud-resolving) numerical weather prediction (NWP) integrations. The case considered is the hail and wind disaster that occurred in Sichuan on 8 April 2005. A total of three distinct perturbation methods are used. The results suggest that a tiny initial error in the temperature field can amplify and influence the weather in a large domain, changing the 12-h forecasted rainfall by as much as one-third of the original magnitude. Furthermore, the comparison of the perturbation methods indicates that all of the methods pinpoint the same region (the heavy rainfall areas in the control experiment) as suffering from limitations in predictability. This result reveals the important role of nonlinearity in severe convective events.  相似文献   

Initial errors and model errors are the source of prediction errors. In this study, the authors compute the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP)-type initial errors and nonlinear forcing singular vector (NFSV)- type tendency errors of the Zebiak-Cane model with respect to El Nifio events and analyze their combined effect on the prediction errors for E1 Nino events. The CNOP- type initial error (NFSV-type tendency error) represents the initial errors (model errors) that have the largest effect on prediction uncertainties for E1 Nifio events under the perfect model (perfect initial conditions) scenario. How- ever, when the CNOP-type initial errors and the NFSV- type tendency errors are simultaneously considered in the model, the prediction errors caused by them are not am- plified as the authors expected. Specifically, the predic- tion errors caused by the combined mode of CNOP-type initial errors and NFSV-type tendency errors are a little larger than those caused by the NFSV-type tendency er- rors. This fact emphasizes a need to investigate the opti- mal combined mode of initial errors and tendency errors that cause the largest prediction error for E1 Nifio events.  相似文献   

史珍  丁瑞强  李建平 《大气科学》2012,36(3):458-470
根据非线性局部Lyapunov指数的方法, 以Logistic映射和Lorenz系统的试验数据序列为例, 研究了在初始误差存在的情况下, 随机误差对混沌系统可预报性的影响。结果表明: 初始误差和随机误差对可预报期限影响所起的作用大小主要取决于两者的相对大小。当初始误差远大于随机误差时, 系统的可预报期限主要由初始误差决定, 可以不考虑随机误差对预报模式可预报性的影响; 反之, 当随机误差远大于初始误差时, 系统的可预报期限主要由随机误差决定; 当初始误差和随机误差量级相当时, 两者都对系统的可预报期限起重要作用。在后两种情况下, 在考虑初始误差对可预报性影响的同时还必须考虑随机误差的作用。此外, 我们在已知系统精确的控制方程和误差演化方程的条件下, 研究了随机误差对可预报性的影响, 理论所得结果与试验数据所得结果相似。这表明在随机误差较小的情况下, 对系统可预报期限的估计相对准确, 但在随机误差较大的情况下, 可预报期限的估计误差也较大。本文利用三种不同的滤波方法对序列进行了试验, 结果表明, Lanczos高通滤波得到的高频序列与原始加入的噪声序列无论是在强度上还是在演变趋势上都表现得相当一致, 其能有效地去除高频噪音继而提高对系统的可预报期限的估计, 这对实际气象观测资料如何有效地去除噪音具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

A reduced-gravity barotropic shallow-water model was used to simulate the Kuroshio path variations.The results show that the model was able to capture the essential features of these path variations.We used one simulation of the model as the reference state and investigated the effects of errors in model parameters on the prediction of the transition to the Kuroshio large meander (KLM) state using the conditional nonlinear optimal parameter perturbation (CNOP-P) method.Because of their relatively large uncertainties,three model parameters were considered:the interfacial friction coefficient,the wind-stress amplitude,and the lateral friction coefficient.We determined the CNOP-Ps optimized for each of these three parameters independently,and we optimized all three parameters simultaneously using the Spectral Projected Gradient 2 (SPG2) algorithm.Similarly,the impacts caused by errors in initial conditions were examined using the conditional nonlinear optimal initial perturbation (CNOP-I) method.Both the CNOP-I and CNOP-Ps can result in significant prediction errors of the KLM over a lead time of 240 days.But the prediction error caused by CNOP-I is greater than that caused by CNOP-P.The results of this study indicate not only that initial condition errors have greater effects on the prediction of the KLM than errors in model parameters but also that the latter cannot be ignored.Hence,to enhance the forecast skill of the KLM in this model,the initial conditions should first be improved,the model parameters should use the best possible estimates.  相似文献   

中国季降水量的气候噪声和潜在可预报性估计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用中国130个测站1961—2004年的日降水量资料,使用低频白噪声延伸法和方差分析法估计了中国季降水量的气候噪声方差和潜在可预报性。结果表明:中国季降水量的气候噪声方差由南向北、由沿海向内陆逐渐减小,且有明显的季节变化,夏季最高,其次是春秋季,冬季最小,而且内陆的季节变化比东南沿海的季节变化显著。季降水量的潜在可预报性有较大的季节和区域差异,但总体来说,全国大部分地区的季降水量是潜在可预报的。以绝对误差小于均方差0.68倍作为预测正确标准,全国大部分地区季降水量的预报正确率上限为50%-60%。  相似文献   

叶坤辉  肖子牛  刘波 《气象》2012,38(4):402-410
利用云南地区42年气候资料,使用低频白噪声延伸法和方差分析方法,估计了该地区季节降水量和季节气温的气候噪声方差和潜在可预报性。分析结果表明:(1)云南季降水量的气候噪声方差随着季节降水量的增加而增加,空间上主要是由南往北减小,夏季降水量的气候噪声方差显著大于其他季节,季气温的气候噪声方差则随着季节气温的减小而增加,空间上春、冬季由东往西减小而夏、秋季由南往北增加;冬季气温的气候噪声方差显著大于其他季节;(2)云南季降水量和季气温的潜在可预报性同样具有显著的季节变化和空间变化,云南春季的降水量和气温的潜在可预报性均显著大于其他季节,夏季降水量和气温的潜在可预报性均较其他三个季节小;春、秋季降水量潜在可预报性西部大于东部,夏季北部大于南部,冬季则是南部大于北部,云南季气温除夏季外均是西部大于东部。(3)季风和冷空气活动可能对云南地区的季降水量和气温的潜在可预报性有重要影响。  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between the limit of predictability and initial error was investigated using two simple chaotic systems:the Lorenz model, which possesses a single characteristic time scale, and the coupled Lorenz model, which possesses two different characteristic time scales. The limit of predictability is defined here as the time at which the error reaches 95% of its saturation level; nonlinear behaviors of the error growth are therefore involved in the definition of the limit of predictability. Our results show that the logarithmic function performs well in describing the relationship between the limit of predictability and initial error in both models, although the coefficients in the logarithmic function were not constant across the examined range of initial errors. Compared with the Lorenz model, in the coupled Lorenz model-in which the slow dynamics and the fast dynamics interact with each other-there is a more complex relationship between the limit of predictability and initial error. The limit of predictability of the Lorenz model is unbounded as the initial error becomes infinitesimally small; therefore, the limit of predictability of the Lorenz model may be extended by reducing the amplitude of the initial error. In contrast, if there exists a fixed initial error in the fast dynamics of the coupled Lorenz model, the slow dynamics has an intrinsic finite limit of predictability that cannot be extended by reducing the amplitude of the initial error in the slow dynamics, and vice versa. The findings reported here reveal the possible existence of an intrinsic finite limit of predictability in a coupled system that possesses many scales of time or motion.  相似文献   

Recent Advances in Predictability Studies in China (1999-2002)   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
Since the last International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly (1999), the predictability studies in China have made further progress during the period of 1999-2002. Firstly, three predictability sub-problems in numerical weather and climate prediction are classified, which are concerned with the maximum predictability time, the maximum prediction error, and the maximum allowable initial error, and then they are reduced into three nonlinear optimization problems. Secondly, the concepts of the nonlinear singular vector (NSV) and conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) are proposed,which have been utilized to study the predictability of numerical weather and climate prediction. The results suggest that the nonlinear characteristics of the motions of atmosphere and oceans can be revealedby NSV and CNOP. Thirdly, attention has also been paid to the relations between the predictability and spatial-temporal scale, and between the model predictability and the machine precision, of which the investigations disclose the importance of the spatial-temporal scale and machine precision in the study of predictability. Also the cell-to-cell mapping is adopted to analyze globally the predictability of climate,which could provide a new subject to the research workers. Furthermore, the predictability of the summer rainfall in China is investigated by using the method of correlation coefficients. The results demonstrate that the predictability of summer rainfall is different in different areas of China. Analysis of variance, which is one of the statistical methods applicable to the study of predictability, is also used to study the potential predictability of monthly mean temperature in China, of which the conclusion is that the monthly mean temperature over China is potentially predictable at a statistical significance level of 0.10. In addition,in the analysis of the predictability of the T106 objective analysis/forecasting field, the variance and the correlation coefficient are calculated to explore the distribution characteristics of the mean-square errors.Finally, the predictability of short-term climate prediction is investigated by using statistical methods or numerical simulation methods. It is demonstrated that the predictability of short-term climate in China depends not only on the region of China being investigated, but also on the time scale and the atmospheric internal dynamical process.  相似文献   

The Predictability of a Squall Line in South China on 23 April 2007   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the predictability of a squall line associated with a quasi-stationary front on 23 April 2007 in South China through deterministic and probabilistic forecasts. Our results show that the squall-line simulation was very sensitive to model error from horizontal resolution and uncertainties in physical parameterization schemes. At least a 10-km grid size was necessary to decently capture this squall line. The simulated squall line with a grid size of 4.5 km was most sensitive to long-wave radiation parameterization schemes relative to other physical schemes such as microphysics and planetary boundary layer. For a grid size from 20 to 5 km, a cumulus parameterization scheme degraded the squall-line simulation (relative to turning it off), with a more severe degradation to grid size <10 km than >10 km. The sensitivity of the squall-line simulation to initial error was investigated through ensemble forecast. The performance of the ensemble simulation of the squall line was very sensitive to the initial error. Approximately 15% of the ensemble members decently captured the evolution of the squall line, 25% failed, and 60% dislocated the squall line. Using different combinations of physical parameterization schemes for different members can improve the probabilistic forecast. The lead time of this case was only a few hours. Error growth was clearly associated with moist convection development. A linear improvement in the performance of the squall line simulation was observed when the initial error was decreased gradually, with the largest contribution from initial moisture field.  相似文献   

以一个江淮梅雨锋低涡的48h模拟结果为基态计算了奇异矢量,并利用奇异矢量构造了假反扰动。分析表明,假反扰动能在一定程度上描述初始误差,可以借助其进行初始误差分析;在假反扰动中,发展缓慢的奇异矢量分量是主体,描述了绝大部分模拟误差且增长迅速的奇异矢量所占比例却很小;分析假反扰动的具体形势发现850hPa上初始误差主要是低涡西南方向的低压槽偏弱,而在500hPa,渤海湾低压槽向西南方向的伸展不够,低压槽东边的高压脊应进一步向北伸展,这些初始误差都分布在关键系统的周围,并且具有中尺度的特征。另外,假反扰动中不同物理量场改进预报质量的贡献各不相同,各种物理量场间存在着使其空间分布趋于一致的动力相关关系。  相似文献   

一种新型的中尺度暴雨集合预报初值扰动方法研究   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:41  
陈静  薛纪善  颜宏 《大气科学》2005,29(5):717-726
提出一种针对对流不稳定构造具有中尺度运动特征的集合预报扰动初值的新方法--异物理模态法, 介绍了异物理模态法产生初值扰动区域和扰动振幅的数学处理方案, 即由不同对流参数化方案预报离差获得集合预报初值扰动区域、扰动结构和扰动振幅的数学处理过程. 利用美国PSU/NCAR的MM5中尺度模式, 对一次典型暴雨进行异物理模态法初值扰动集合预报试验, 详细分析了扰动初值的结构和集合预报结果. 结果表明, 该方法产生的初值扰动场具有合理的中尺度环流结构, 可以反映对流敏感区域的对流不稳定的预报不确定性, 集合预报结果可以明显改善控制预报.  相似文献   

气候系统可预报性理论研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
介绍了作者近年来关于气候系统可预报性理论研究的一些工作,包括:非线性最快增长扰动理论以及在气候预测的可预报性研究中的应用;从一个新的角度研究了2类可预报性问题,并提出可预报性的3类子问题;根据计算不确定性原理,讨论了模式可预报性与机器精度的关系;探讨了可预报性与时空尺度的关系,建立了可预报性的相对观.  相似文献   

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