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日本西南部的南海海槽是一个典型的俯冲系统,由菲律宾海板块向欧亚板块俯冲形成,其俯冲板片包含了九州-帕劳洋脊(KPR)、Kinan海山链、四国海盆和伊豆-小笠原岛弧(IBA)等多种地质单元。为了研究不同地质单元的板块俯冲效应,本文系统分析了南海海槽的地球物理和岩石地球化学特征。重力和热流特征显示南海海槽中部具有低的重力异常(-20–-40 mGal)和高的热流值(60–200 mW/m2),而东西两侧的热流值(20–80 mW/m2)较低。地震模拟结果显示俯冲板块的地壳厚度为5–20 km。地球化学结果表明俯冲板块的下覆地幔成分从西到东逐渐亏损。无震洋脊(如KPR、Kian海山链和Zenisu洋脊)的俯冲是控制南海海槽俯冲效应的主要因素。首先,无震洋脊的俯冲可能使上覆板块发生变形,沿着增生楔前缘出现不规则的地形凹陷。其次,无震洋脊的俯冲是大型逆冲地震的止裂体,阻碍了南海海槽1944年Mw 8.1和1946年Mw 8.3地震破裂的传播。此外,KPR和热的、年轻的四国海盆的俯冲会导致俯冲板片熔融,在日本岛弧上出现埃达克质岩浆活动,并为斑岩铜金矿床提供成矿物质。地球物理和地球化学特征的差异表明尽管IBA已经和日本岛弧发生碰撞,但作为IBA的残留弧,KPR仍然处于俯冲阶段,与日本岛弧之间有明显的地形分界,呈现单向收敛的状态。  相似文献   

We installed a real-time operating regional observation network of Ocean-Bottom-Seismometers, connected to an electro-optical fiber communication cable, at the Sagami trough subduction zone, just south of the Tokyo metropolitan area, central Japan. The network, called ETMC, has six seismic observation sites at approximately 20 km spacing. In addition, there are three tsunami observation sites along the ETMC network to monitor the propagation process of tsunamis around the Sagami trough region.The on-line data from the ETMC has been improving the detection capability of smaller-magnitude earthquakes even at areas close to the margin of the trough. The ETMC data analyzing system, which has a function of real-time digital filtering for each seismic channel, can read the arrival times of P- and S-waves precisely, constraining well the automatic on-line hypocenter locations. The network has been providing useful information regarding the bending and downgoing process of the Philippine sea plate at the Sagami trough subduction zone.The pressure sensors of the installed network have a detection capability of tsunami wave trains with an amplitude of less than 1 cm. For example, the sensors recorded the full time history of tsunami wave trains, with mm order resolution, originating from a tsunami earthquake with 5.7 MW and the tsunami magnitude of 7.5 occurred near Tori Shima (Tori Is.) of the Izu-Bonin Is. arc on September 4, 1996. The maximum amplitude of the tsunami signals on the trough-floor was approximately 1 cm (P-P), in contrast with approximately 20 cm (0-P) at a coastal site on Izu-Oshima, near the trough. Also, the pressure sensors observed tsunamis due to a large tsunami earthquake (7.1 MW) at the northern New Guinea, on July 17, 1998.  相似文献   

The temperature and salinity data obtained by the Iwate Fisheries Technology Center for the 25-year period from 1971 to 1995 were analyzed to clarify the seasonal variations in the sea off Sanriku, Japan. The variations of three typical waters found in this region, the Tsugaru Current water, the Oyashio water, and the Kuroshio water are discussed in terms, of a T-S scatter diagram referring to the water mass classification proposed by Hanawa and Mitsudera (1986). The mean temperature and salinity fields averaged for each month show clear seasonal variation. Distributions of the Tsugaru Current water and the Oyashio water can barely be distinguished in the fields deeper than 200 m since the Tsugaru Current has a shallow structure; however, the fields at 100 m depth indicate remarkable seasonal variation in the area of the Tsugaru Current. At 100 m depth, the temperature and salinity fronts between the Tsugaru Current water and the Oyashio water gradually disappear in January through April, appear again in May, then become clearest in September. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study fish scales as a proxy of fish abundance and preservation biases together with phosphorus from fish remains (Pfish) in a sediment core retrieved off Callao, Peru (12°1′S, 77°42′W; water depth=179 m; core length=52 cm). We interpret our results as a function of changing redox conditions based on ratios of redox-sensitive trace elements (Cu/Al, Mo/Al, Ni/Al, Zn/Al, V/Al), terrigenous indicators (Fe in clays, Ti, Al), and biogenic proxies (CaCO3, biogenic opal, total nitrogen, organic carbon, barite Ba). The core covers roughly 700 years of deposition, based on 210Pb activities extrapolated downcore and 14C dating at selected intervals. Our fish-scale record is dominated by anchovy (Engraulis ringens) scales followed by hake (Merluccius gayii) scales.The core presented an abrupt lithological change at 17 cm (corresponding to the early 19th century). Above that depth, it was laminated and was more organic-rich (10–15% organic carbon) than below, where the core was partly laminated and less organic-rich (<10%). The lithological shift coincides with abrupt changes in dry bulk density and in the contents of terrigenous and redox-sensitive trace elements, biogenic proxies, and fish scales. The remarkable increase in redox-sensitive trace elements in the upper 17 cm of the core suggests more reducing conditions when compared with deeper and older horizons, and is interpreted as an intensification of the oxygen minimum zone off Peru beginning in the early 19th century. Higher fish-scale contents and higher Pfish/Ptotal ratios were also observed within the upper 17 cm of the core. The behavior of biogenic proxies and redox-sensitive trace elements was similar; more reduced conditions corresponded to higher contents of CaCO3, Corg, total nitrogen and fish scales, suggesting that these proxies might convey an important preservation signal.  相似文献   

Meiofauna in a cold-seep community off Hatsushima,central Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The community structure of the bathyal meiofauna of a cold-seep community found off Hatsushima in Sagami Bay, central Japan, was compared with the community composition outside the influence of the seep, using sediments collected during dives 226 and 227 of the deep-sea submersibleShinkai 2000. The sediment from the Hatsushima seep site (HSS) was very coarse, black in color, and with an odor of hydrogen sulfide, suggesting reduced thiobiotic conditions. The sediment from the control area was well-oxygenated, fine silt. Despite the differences in the characteristics of the sediments, the abundance of meiofauna in the HSS was not very different from that in the control area. However, its composition even at the major taxonomic group level was distinct; for example, a high nematode/copepod ratio occurred in one of the samples collected at the HSS. At the species level, nematodes were less diverse at the HSS than at the control area. The composition of the nematode fauna at the HSS showed stronger affinity with that collected at the adjacent control area than with a community sampled from other deep-sea environments or another seep community in shallow water. This emphasizes that the adaptation of nematodes to the thiobiotic condition is controlled by local conditions.  相似文献   

2004年1月到5月,METI/JOGMECMH21在日本南部南海海槽实施了天然气水合物的勘探计划,包括钻探、测井和使用DTS/FBG的长期温度监测。从A站位和T站位两个全取心钻孔中采集了约1000个水样,用于分析南海海槽增生楔中天然气水合物的分布和所含液态甲烷的地球化学作用。分析了从沉积岩心中取出的间隙水所含的氯化物,硫酸盐,Na、Ca和Mg离子的浓度。  相似文献   

为了解广东吴川市近岸海域表层沉积物中重金属的污染状况,2020年10月底在吴川市近岸海域采集了41个站点的表层沉积物,系统地进行了典型重金属检测与沉积物粒度分析,并运用单因子指数法、富集因子评价法和潜在生态风险指数法对研究区内重金属的污染程度进行评价,分析了沉积物粒径大小对重金属含量分布的影响,并讨论了重金属的可能来源。研究结果表明:重金属含量分布由西向东总体上呈高-低-高的趋势,高值区主要分布在西部近岸、东北部和东南部,低值区主要分布在北部和西南部,平均含量依次为Zn>Cr>Pb>Cu>As>Cd,均符合国家一类沉积物质量标准。通过计算得出,吴川海域表层沉积物中6种重金属元素的污染程度排序为Cu≈Cr>Pb>Cd>Zn>As,单因子污染指数均<1;重金属富集程度主要集中在强富集,平均富集系数排序为Cu>Pb>Zn>Cr>Cd>As;吴川海域的近岸海洋生态环境受到一定污染,Eir的平均值排序为:Cd>Cu>Pb>As>Cr>Zn,仅有29.2%的站点属于轻微风险,其中对综合潜在生态风险指数影响最大的重金属元素是Cd,综合分析可得,重金属的毒理作用占主导因素,推断养殖场废水、工业废水是造成此风险指数较高的主要原因。研究区内表层沉积物中6种重金属的分布均遵循“元素粒度控制规律”,即重金属含量与沉积物平均粒径(Mz)呈显著正相关。此外,重金属之间的相关性分析结果表明,Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、As主要来源于陆域岩石自然风化剥蚀,Cd受人类活动影响导致变异系数偏高。  相似文献   

The planktonic food web structure in the subarctic coastal water off Usujiri south-western Hokkaido, Japan was investigated from June 1997 to June 1999, based on seasonal biomass data of pico- (<2 µm), nano- (2–10 µm), micro- (10–200 µm) and mesoplankton (>200 µm), and path analysis using the structural equation model (SEM). In spring, microphytoplankton predominated due to diatom bloom, while pico- and nanophytoplankton predominated in the other seasons, except November and December 1997. The seasonal change in size distribution of heterotrophic plankton was almost similar to that of phytoplankton, and mesozooplankton biomass was high in spring. The path analyses suggest that the main channel in the microbial food web could vary according to phytoplankton size composition, indicating not only the classical food chain (microphytoplankton - copepods) but also the indirect route (microphytoplankton - naked dinoflagellates - copepods).  相似文献   

依据对长江口外表层沉积物187个站位沉积物样品的黏土矿物含量分析,研究了长江口外表层沉积物黏土矿物的组合特征和分布规律。长江口外表层沉积物伊利石为优势矿物,平均含量为60.3%;次之为蒙脱石,平均为14.9%;高龄石平均含量13.5%,绿泥石平均含量为12.3%。黏土矿物的组合类型以伊利石-蒙脱石-高岭石-绿泥石型为主,伊利石-高岭石-绿泥石-蒙脱石型次之;长江口外表层沉积物黏土矿物主要为陆源成因,物质主要来源于黄河和长江的供给。Q型聚类分析显示,现代黄河物质及老黄河物质主要沉积于研究区东北部北纬29°30′以北地区,长江物质主要在研究区西部及中部区域沉积。  相似文献   

Subducted sediments play an important role in the magmatism at subduction zones and the formation of mantle heterogeneity, making them an important tracer for shallow crustal processes and deep mantle processes.Therefore, ascertaining the chemical compositions of different subduction end-members is a prerequisite for using subducted sediments to trace key geological processes. We reports here the comprehensive major and trace element analyses of 52 samples from two holes(U1414 A and U1381 C) dri...  相似文献   

Monitoring sediment microbial community metabolism and structure is instrumental to understanding biogeochemical processes in and ecological impacts on bottom environments. The aim of this study was to determine potential community respiration and to reveal community dynamics of the microorganisms in the dead zone sediments of Omura Bay, Japan. The bay is highly enclosed and develops severe hypoxia in the central regions every summer. We collected sediment core samples from the center of the bay during hypoxia, estimated sediment oxygen consumption by using an adapted in vivo electron transport system activity (in vivo ETSA) assay, enumerated abundance of bacteria, and analyzed bacterial community structure by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. Higher ETSA and bacterial diversity were found in upper sediments (within 3?cm depth) from the center than the fringe of the bay. Sediment bacterial community structure of the bay center was distinct from that of the fringe. From these results, upper sediment in the dead zone of Omura Bay was characterized by (1) greater community respiration and (2) greater diversity of bacterial components compared with the non-hypoxic sediment of the bay fringe. These characteristics have important implications for understanding the interaction between microbial communities and the development of hypoxia in Omura Bay.  相似文献   


To help the decision making regarding where to locate new observation instruments on the seafloor, we examined the detectability of interplate earthquakes and slow slips in the Nankai subduction thrust in Japan using seafloor observation instruments. Here, the detectability is defined as the smallest magnitude of the interplate fault slip detected by the assumed observation points based on crustal deformation simulation. In the detectability analyses, we considered the effect of sensor drifts that are particularly associated with seafloor observations. In addition, we introduced high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) finite element modeling of crustal deformation to consider the effect of the topography and 3D heterogeneous crustal structure around the Nankai Trough. The results of the detectability analyses show that introducing new seafloor stations for tilt observation in the Nankai region should increase the detectability of small- or medium-sized interplate earthquakes and slow slips significantly. Based on the obtained results, we also discuss the advantage of both the existing and the new observation instruments in detecting interplate fault slips.


Surface sediment samples in the near shore area of the north Shandong Peninsula are collected for grain size and element analyses. The results indicate that the surface sediments in the study area are primarily composed of the silt-sized components similar to the Huanghe River. The total concentration of aluminum varies from 5.57% to7.37%(average(6.33 ± 0.40)%), and its spatial distribution is mainly controlled by the grain size. Correlations between the ratio of aluminum to titanium concentration and aluminum concentration, titanium concentration and the mean grain size indicate that aluminum in the near shore surface sediments is affected majorly by the terrigenous source, and partially by the anthropogenic source. The ratios of aluminum to titanium concentrations are larger than the background value of loess matter at some stations due to the existence of excess aluminum associated with human activities. Thus, the sources of aluminum should be identified firstly when aluminum is used as an index of terrigenous matter even in the near shore area dominated by terrigenous deposits.  相似文献   

The narrow shelf along the coast of central Vietnam is seasonally supplied by large amounts of sediment from the adjacent mountainous hinterland following monsoonal precipitation. This study examines the fate of these sediments, and their accumulation rates along two transects across the shelf, based on analyses of radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs), sediment texture and structure, as well as carbonate content. The inner shelf is covered by sands, and probably serves as bypass zone for fine sediments transported offshore. Sediment characteristics suggest that the transport to the mid and outer shelf is related to flood events. Averaged over the last century, the 210Pb-based mud mass accumulation rates on the mid and outer shelf vary between 0.25 g cm −2 and 0.56 g cm −2 year −1 (corresponding to linear sediment accumulation rates of 0.20–0.47 cm year −1). Along with high excess 210Pb inventories, these high accumulation rates suggest a significant sediment depocentre on the mid shelf. The 210Pb-derived sediment accumulation rates were found to be several times higher than 14C-derived rates previously reported for the Holocene, at the same location on the outer shelf. This is probably due to the incompleteness of the Holocene record, and an overestimation of the modern rate. Another explanation would be increased erosion within the rivers’ drainage basins, due to 20th century deforestation. This hypothesis is supported by the difference between recent (less sand, more lithic grains in the sand fraction) and older sediments. In terms of modern sedimentation processes and rates, the central Vietnam shelf, although being a part of a narrow passive continental margin, is similar to active flood-dominated continental margins.  相似文献   

山东半岛南部近岸全新世泥质区表层沉积物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥质区沉积记录是全新世海洋环境演变的重要信息载体。中国近海沿岸发育着若干小型泥质沉积体,比较明确的有南海西部近海的泥质区,但尚未进行研究。通过对山东半岛南部近岸海域采集的浅地层剖面资料精细解释后发现,在该区近岸海域存在一个小型泥质沉积区,主要分布在青岛崂山头以北至乳山口附近的近岸海域,整体上平行海岸线呈条带状分布,由近岸向海逐渐变薄,等厚深度分布平行于岸线,沉积中心位于鳌山湾海域,沉积中心最厚可达22.5 m。AMS14C测年结果表明,该泥质区形成于全新世。本文利用在泥质区采集的表层沉积物的粒度、黏土矿物、碎屑矿物、地球化学元素等分析测试结果,对比研究区周边主要入海中小河流物质成分和黄河物质成分,探讨了山东半岛南部近岸海域泥质沉积区的沉积特征和物源情况。结果表明,该泥质区的形成是黄河与周边入海河流共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Because the marine picoplanktonic communities are made up of phylogenetically different microbial groups, the re-evaluation of key processes such as bacterial secondary production (BSP) has become an important contemporary issue. The difficulty of differentiating the metabolic processes of Bacteria from the rest of the microorganisms in the water column (i.e., Archaea and Eukarya) has made it difficult to estimate in situ BSP. This work presents the seasonal variability of the prokaryote secondary production (PSP) measured by the incorporation of 14C-leucine in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off central-southern Chile. The BSP and potential archaeal secondary production (PASP) were determined through the combined use of 14C-leucine and N1-guanyl-1, 7-diaminoheptane (GC7), an efficient inhibitor of archaeal and eukaryote cell growth. BSP accounted for the majority of the PSP (total average, 59 ± 7.5%); maximum values were ∼600 μg C m−3 h−1 and, on several dates, BSP represented 100% of the PSP. Similarly, PASP was also an important fraction of the PSP (total average, 42.4 ± 8.5%), although with levels that ranged from not detectable (on given dates) to levels that represented up to ∼97% of PSP (winter 2003). Our results showed that both Bacteria and Archaea accounted for almost equal portions of the prokaryote heterotrophic metabolism in the OMZ, and that PASP is notoriously enhanced through temporal pulses of heterotrophy. This indicates that, at least in marine systems with high abundance of Archaea (e.g., mesopelagic realm), the secondary production obtained through methods measuring the uptake of radiolabeled substrates should be considered as PSP and not as BSP. If the latter is the target measurement, then the use of an inhibitor of both archaeal and eukaryote cell growth such as GC7 is recommended.  相似文献   

对珠江口外CJ14区块250个站位的表层沉积物进行底栖有孔虫分析,共发现底栖有孔虫118种,其中玻璃壳质80种,瓷质壳质21种,胶结壳质17种。有孔虫丰度基本随水深变深而增大。为研究底栖有孔虫分布与沉积环境之间的关系,对底栖有孔虫含量进行Q型因子分析,并选取前4个主因子,分别对应4个有孔虫组合。它们总共解释了总方差的86.2%,基本上反映了沉积物中有孔虫的群落结构。研究表明,水深和盐度是影响珠江口表层沉积物中有孔虫组合分布的控制因素,其他影响因素主要包括沉积物类型、水动力条件和沉积速率。水动力条件主要影响有孔虫的含量;沉积速率主要影响有孔虫的丰度。  相似文献   

Along the Nankai Trough megasplay fault off SE Japan, the effect of fluid migration on subduction-related seismogenesis and tsunamigenesis remains unresolved. To investigate the existence and role of fluid flow, a SmartPlug borehole observatory was installed at Site C0010 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program NanTroSEIZE Kumano transect, where a shallow branch of the fault was intersected and in situ fluid pressure monitored from August 2009 to November 2010. The tidal signal in the formation showed no phase shift relative to seafloor loading. The attenuation of 0.73 reflects the loading efficiency accurately, and enabled calculation of a formation compressibility of 1.0×10–9 Pa–1 and a hydraulic diffusivity (HD) of 1.5×10–5 m2 s–1. A similar HD is predicted by a tidal response model based on SmartPlug pressure data. By contrast, permeability measurements on intact samples from Site C0004 SE along-strike the splay fault and from Site C0006 in the frontal thrust zone were found to be similar and one magnitude smaller respectively, despite having a higher porosity. This is explained by the presence of fractures, which are covered by the larger scale of in situ measurements at Site C0010. Consequently, HD can be set to be at least 10–5 m2 s–1 for the splay fault and 10–6 m2 s–1 for the frontal thrust fault zone. Considering recent publications makes fluid flow at the splay fault unlikely, despite the presence of fractures. If the influence of fractures is limited, then processes leading to fault weakening may be enhanced.  相似文献   

The reservoir architecture of methane hydrate (MH) bearing turbidite channels in the eastern Nankai Trough, offshore Japan is evaluated using a combination of 3-D seismic and well data. On the 3-D seismic section, the MH-bearing turbidite channels correspond to complex patterns of strong seismic reflectors, which show the 3-D internal architecture of the channel complex. A seismic-sequence stratigraphic analysis reveals that the channel complex can be roughly classified into three different stages of depositional sequence (upper, middle, and lower). Each depositional sequence results in a different depositional system that primarily controls the reservoir architecture of the turbidite channels. To construct a 3-D facies model, the stacking patterns of the turbidite channels are interpreted, and the reservoir heterogeneities of MH-bearing sediments are discussed. The identified channels at the upper sequence around the β1 well exhibit low-sinuosity channels consisting of various channel widths that range from tens to several hundreds of meters. Paleo-current flow directions of the turbidite channels are typically oriented along the north-northeast-to-south-southwest direction. High-amplitude patterns were identified above the channels along the north-to-south and north-northeast-to-south-southeast directions. These roughly coincide with the paleo-current flow of the turbidite channels. An interval velocity using high-density velocity analysis shows that velocity anomalies (>2000 m/s) are found on the northeastern side of the turbidite channels. The depositional stage of the northeastern side of the turbidite channels exhibits slightly older sediment stages than the depositional stages of the remaining channels. Hence, the velocity anomalies of the northeastern side of the channels are related to the different stages of sediment supply, and this may lead to the different reservoir architectures of the turbidite channels.  相似文献   

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