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Parametric geostatistical simulations such as LU decomposition and sequential algorithms do not need Gaussian distributions. It is shown that variogram model reproduction is obtained when Uniform or Dipole distributions are used instead of Gaussian distributions for drawing i. i.d. random values in LU simulation, or for modeling the local conditional probability distributions in sequential simulation. Both algorithms yield simulated values with a marginal normal distribution no matter if Gaussian, Uniform, or Dipole distributions are used. The range of simulated values decreases as the entropy of the probability distribution decreases. Using Gaussian distributions provides a larger range of simulated normal score values than using Uniform or Dipole distributions. This feature has a negligible effect for reproduction of the normal scores variogram model but have a larger impact on the reproduction of the original values variogram. The Uniform or Dipole distributions also produce lesser fluctuations among the variograms of the simulated realizations.  相似文献   

A multivariate probability transformation between random variables, known as the Nataf transformation, is shown to be the appropriate transformation for multi-Gaussian kriging. It assumes a diagonal Jacobian matrix for the transformation of the random variables between the original space and the Gaussian space. This allows writing the probability transformation between the local conditional probability density function in the original space and the local conditional Gaussian probability density function in the Gaussian space as a ratio equal to the ratio of their respective marginal distributions. Under stationarity, the marginal distribution in the original space is modeled from the data histogram. The stationary marginal standard Gaussian distribution is obtained from the normal scores of the data and the local conditional Gaussian distribution is modeled from the kriging mean and kriging variance of the normal scores of the data. The equality of ratios of distributions has the same form as the Bayes’ rule and the assumption of stationarity of the data histogram can be re-interpreted as the gathering of the prior distribution. Multi-Gaussian kriging can be re-interpreted as an updating of the data histogram by a Gaussian likelihood. The Bayes’ rule allows for an even more general interpretation of spatial estimation in terms of equality for the ratio of the conditional distribution over the marginal distribution in the original data uncertainty space with the same ratio for a model of uncertainty with a distribution that can be modeled using the mean and variance from direct kriging of the original data values. It is based on the principle of conservation of probability ratio and no transformation is required. The local conditional distribution has a variance that is data dependent. When used in sequential simulation mode, it reproduces histogram and variogram of the data, thus providing a new approach for direct simulation in the original value space.  相似文献   

The application of spectral simulation is gaining acceptance because it honors the spatial distribution of petrophysical properties, such as reservoir porosity and shale volume. While it has been widely assumed that spectral simulation will reproduce the mean and variance of the important properties such as the observed net/gross ratio or global average of porosity, this paper shows the traditional way of implementing spectral simulation yields a mean and variance that deviates from the observed mean and variance. Some corrections (shift and rescale) could be applied to generate geologic models yielding the observed mean and variance; however, this correction implicitly rescales the input variogram model, so the variogram resulting from the generated cases has a higher sill than the input variogram model. Therefore, the spectral simulation algorithm cannot build geologic models honoring the desired mean, variance, and variogram model simultaneously, which is contrary to the widely accepted assumption that spectral simulation can reproduce all the target statistics. However, by using Fourier transform just once to generate values at all the cells instead of visiting each cell sequentially, spectral simulation does reproduce the observed variogram better than sequential Gaussian simulation. That is, the variograms calculated from the generated geologic models show smaller fluctuations around the target variogram. The larger the generated model size relative to the variogram range, the smaller the observed fluctuations.  相似文献   

Calculation of Uncertainty in the Variogram   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
There are often limited data available in early stages of geostatistical modeling. This leads to considerable uncertainty in statistical parameters including the variogram. This article presents an approach to calculate the uncertainty in the variogram. A methodology to transfer this uncertainty through geostatistical simulation and decision making is also presented.The experimental variogram value for a separation lag vector h is a mean of squared differences. The variance of a mean can be calculated with a model of the correlation between the pairs of data used in the calculation. The data here are squared differences; therefore, we need a measure of a 4-point correlation. A theoretical multi-Gaussian approach is presented for this uncertainty assessment together with a number of examples. The theoretical results are validated by numerical simulation. The simulation approach permits generalization to non-Gaussian situations.Multiple plausible variograms may be fit knowing the uncertainty at each variogram point, . Multiple geostatistical realizations may then be constructed and subjected to process assessment to measure the impact of this uncertainty.  相似文献   

A common assumption in geostatistics is that the underlying joint distribution of possible values of a geological attribute at different locations is stationary within a homogeneous domain. This joint distribution is commonly modeled as multi-Gaussian, with correlations defined by a stationary covariance function. This results in attribute maps that fail to reproduce local changes in the mean, in the variance and, particularly, in the spatial continuity. The proposed alternative is to build local distributions, variograms, and correlograms. These are inferred by weighting the samples depending on their distance to selected locations. The local distributions are locally transformed into Gaussian distributions embedding information on the local histogram. The distance weighted experimental variograms and correlograms are able to adapt to local changes in the direction and range of spatial continuity. The automatically fitted local variogram models and the local Gaussian transformation parameters are used in spatial estimation algorithms assuming local stationarity. The resulting maps are rich in nonstationary spatial features. The proposed process implies a higher computational effort than traditional stationary techniques, but if data availability allows for a reliable inference of the local distributions and statistics, a higher accuracy of estimates can be achieved.  相似文献   

A combination of factorial kriging and probability field simulation is proposed to correct realizations resulting from any simulation algorithm for either too high nugget effect (noise) or poor histogram reproduction. First, a factorial kriging is done to filter out the noise from the noisy realization. Second, the uniform scores of the filtered realization are used as probability field to sample the local probability distributions conditional to the same dataset used to generate the original realization. This second step allows to restore the data variance. The result is a corrected realization which reproduces better target variogram and histogram models, yet honoring the conditioning data.  相似文献   

Assessment of the sampling variance of the experimental variogram is an important topic in geostatistics as it gives the uncertainty of the variogram estimates. This assessment, however, is repeatedly overlooked in most applications mainly, perhaps, because a general approach has not been implemented in the most commonly used software packages for variogram analysis. In this paper the authors propose a solution that can be implemented easily in a computer program, and which, subject to certain assumptions, is exact. These assumptions are not very restrictive: second-order stationarity (the process has a finite variance and the variogram has a sill) and, solely for the purpose of evaluating fourth-order moments, a Gaussian distribution for the random function. The approach described here gives the variance–covariance matrix of the experimental variogram, which takes into account not only the correlation among the experiemental values but also the multiple use of data in the variogram computation. Among other applications, standard errors may be attached to the variogram estimates and the variance–covariance matrix may be used for fitting a theoretical model by weighted, or by generalized, least squares. Confidence regions that hold a given confidence level for all the variogram lag estimates simultaneously have been calculated using the Bonferroni method for rectangular intervals, and using the multivariate Gaussian assumption for K-dimensional elliptical intervals (where K is the number of experimental variogram estimates). A general approach for incorporating the uncertainty of the experimental variogram into the uncertainty of the variogram model parameters is also shown. A case study with rainfall data is used to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Generating one realization of a random permeability field that is consistent with observed pressure data and a known variogram model is not a difficult problem. If, however, one wants to investigate the uncertainty of reservior behavior, one must generate a large number of realizations and ensure that the distribution of realizations properly reflects the uncertainty in reservoir properties. The most widely used method for conditioning permeability fields to production data has been the method of simulated annealing, in which practitioners attempt to minimize the difference between the ’ ’true and simulated production data, and “true” and simulated variograms. Unfortunately, the meaning of the resulting realization is not clear and the method can be extremely slow. In this paper, we present an alternative approach to generating realizations that are conditional to pressure data, focusing on the distribution of realizations and on the efficiency of the method. Under certain conditions that can be verified easily, the Markov chain Monte Carlo method is known to produce states whose frequencies of appearance correspond to a given probability distribution, so we use this method to generate the realizations. To make the method more efficient, we perturb the states in such a way that the variogram is satisfied automatically and the pressure data are approximately matched at every step. These perturbations make use of sensitivity coefficients calculated from the reservoir simulator.  相似文献   

Surface soil water content (SWC) is one of the key factors controlling wind erosion in Sistan plain, southeast of Iran. Knowledge of the spatial variability of surface SWC is then important to identify high-risk areas over the region. Sequential Gaussian simulation (SGSIM) is used to produce a series of equiprobable models of SWC spatial distribution across the study area. The simulated realizations are used to model the uncertainty attached to the surface SWC estimates through producing a probability map of not exceeding a specified critical threshold when soil becomes vulnerable to wind erosion. The results show that SGSIM is a suitable approach for modelling SWC uncertainty, generating realistic representations of the spatial distribution of SWC that honour the sample data and reproduce the sample semivariogram model. The uncertainty model obtained using SGSIM is compared with the model achieved through sequential indicator simulation (SISIM). According to accuracy plots, goodness statistics and probability interval width plots, SGSIM performs better for modelling local uncertainty than SISIM. Sequential simulation provided a probabilistic approach to assess the risk that SWC does not exceed a critical threshold that might cause soil vulnerability to wind erosion. The resulted risk map can be used in decision-making to delineate “vulnerable” areas where a treatment is needed.  相似文献   

Two methods for generating representative realizations from Gaussian and lognormal random field models are studied in this paper, with term representative implying realizations efficiently spanning the range of possible attribute values corresponding to the multivariate (log)normal probability distribution. The first method, already established in the geostatistical literature, is multivariate Latin hypercube sampling, a form of stratified random sampling aiming at marginal stratification of simulated values for each variable involved under the constraint of reproducing a known covariance matrix. The second method, scarcely known in the geostatistical literature, is stratified likelihood sampling, in which representative realizations are generated by exploring in a systematic way the structure of the multivariate distribution function itself. The two sampling methods are employed for generating unconditional realizations of saturated hydraulic conductivity in a hydrogeological context via a synthetic case study involving physically-based simulation of flow and transport in a heterogeneous porous medium; their performance is evaluated for different sample sizes (number of realizations) in terms of the reproduction of ensemble statistics of hydraulic conductivity and solute concentration computed from a very large ensemble set generated via simple random sampling. The results show that both Latin hypercube and stratified likelihood sampling are more efficient than simple random sampling, in that overall they can reproduce to a similar extent statistics of the conductivity and concentration fields, yet with smaller sampling variability than the simple random sampling.  相似文献   

Spatial inverse problems in the Earth Sciences are often ill-posed, requiring the specification of a prior model to constrain the nature of the inverse solutions. Otherwise, inverted model realizations lack geological realism. In spatial modeling, such prior model determines the spatial variability of the inverse solution, for example as constrained by a variogram, a Boolean model, or a training image-based model. In many cases, particularly in subsurface modeling, one lacks the amount of data to fully determine the nature of the spatial variability. For example, many different training images could be proposed for a given study area. Such alternative training images or scenarios relate to the different possible geological concepts each exhibiting a distinctive geological architecture. Many inverse methods rely on priors that represent a single subjectively chosen geological concept (a single variogram within a multi-Gaussian model or a single training image). This paper proposes a novel and practical parameterization of the prior model allowing several discrete choices of geological architectures within the prior. This method does not attempt to parameterize the possibly complex architectures by a set of model parameters. Instead, a large set of prior model realizations is provided in advance, by means of Monte Carlo simulation, where the training image is randomized. The parameterization is achieved by defining a metric space which accommodates this large set of model realizations. This metric space is equipped with a “similarity distance” function or a distance function that measures the similarity of geometry between any two model realizations relevant to the problem at hand. Through examples, inverse solutions can be efficiently found in this metric space using a simple stochastic search method.  相似文献   

Sample schemes used in geostatistical surveys must be suitable for both variogram estimation and kriging. Previously schemes have been optimized for one of these steps in isolation. Ordinary kriging generally requires the sampling locations to be evenly dispersed over the region. Variogram estimation requires a more irregular pattern of sampling locations since comparisons must be made between measurements separated by all lags up to and beyond the range of spatial correlation. Previous studies have not considered how to combine these optimized schemes into a single survey and how to decide what proportion of sampling effort should be devoted to variogram estimation and what proportion devoted to kriging An expression for the total error in a geostatistical survey accounting for uncertainty due to both ordinary kriging and variogram uncertainty is derived. In the same manner as the kriging variance, this expression is a function of the variogram but not of the sampled response data. If a particular variogram is assumed the total error in a geostatistical survey may be estimated prior to sampling. We can therefore design an optimal sample scheme for the combined processes of variogram estimation and ordinary kriging by minimizing this expression. The minimization is achieved by spatial simulated annealing. The resulting sample schemes ensure that the region is fairly evenly covered but include some close pairs to analyse the spatial correlation over short distances. The form of these optimal sample schemes is sensitive to the assumed variogram. Therefore a Bayesian approach is adopted where, rather than assuming a single variogram, we minimize the expected total error over a distribution of plausible variograms. This is computationally expensive so a strategy is suggested to reduce the number of computations required  相似文献   

Histograms of observations from spatial phenomena are often found to be more heavy-tailed than Gaussian distributions, which makes the Gaussian random field model unsuited. A T-distributed random field model with heavy-tailed marginal probability density functions is defined. The model is a generalization of the familiar Student-T distribution, and it may be given a Bayesian interpretation. The increased variability appears cross-realizations, contrary to in-realizations, since all realizations are Gaussian-like with varying variance between realizations. The T-distributed random field model is analytically tractable and the conditional model is developed, which provides algorithms for conditional simulation and prediction, so-called T-kriging. The model compares favourably with most previously defined random field models. The Gaussian random field model appears as a special, limiting case of the T-distributed random field model. The model is particularly useful whenever multiple, sparsely sampled realizations of the random field are available, and is clearly favourable to the Gaussian model in this case. The properties of the T-distributed random field model is demonstrated on well log observations from the Gullfaks field in the North Sea. The predictions correspond to traditional kriging predictions, while the associated prediction variances are more representative, as they are layer specific and include uncertainty caused by using variance estimates.  相似文献   

Geologic uncertainties and limited well data often render recovery forecasting a difficult undertaking in typical appraisal and early development settings. Recent advances in geologic modeling algorithms permit automation of the model generation process via macros and geostatistical tools. This allows rapid construction of multiple alternative geologic realizations. Despite the advances in geologic modeling, computation of the reservoir dynamic response via full-physics reservoir simulation remains a computationally expensive task. Therefore, only a few of the many probable realizations are simulated in practice. Experimental design techniques typically focus on a few discrete geologic realizations as they are inherently more suitable for continuous engineering parameters and can only crudely approximate the impact of geology. A flow-based pattern recognition algorithm (FPRA) has been developed for quantifying the forecast uncertainty as an alternative. The proposed algorithm relies on the rapid characterization of the geologic uncertainty space represented by an ensemble of sufficiently diverse static model realizations. FPRA characterizes the geologic uncertainty space by calculating connectivity distances, which quantify how different each individual realization is from all others in terms of recovery response. Fast streamline simulations are employed in evaluating these distances. By applying pattern recognition techniques to connectivity distances, a few representative realizations are identified within the model ensemble for full-physics simulation. In turn, the recovery factor probability distribution is derived from these intelligently selected simulation runs. Here, FPRA is tested on an example case where the objective is to accurately compute the recovery factor statistics as a function of geologic uncertainty in a channelized turbidite reservoir. Recovery factor cumulative distribution functions computed by FPRA compare well to the one computed via exhaustive full-physics simulations.  相似文献   

Stochastic fractal (fGn and fBm) porosity and permeability fields are conditioned to given variogram, static (or hard), and multiwell pressure data within a Bayesian estimation framework. Because fGn distributions are normal/second-order stationary, it is shown that the Bayesian estimation methods based on the assumption of normal/second-order stationary distributions can be directly used to generate fGn porosity/permeability fields conditional to pressure data. However, because fBm is not second-order stationary, it is shown that such Bayesian estimation methods can be used with implementation of a pseudocovariance approach to generate fBm porosity/permeability fields conditional to multiwell pressure data. In addition, we provide methods to generate unconditional realizations of fBm/fGn fields honoring all variogram parameters. These unconditional realizations can then be conditioned to hard and pressure data observed at wells by using the randomized maximum likelihood method. Synthetic examples generated from one-, two-, and three-dimensional single-phase flow simulators are used to show the applicability of our methodology for generating realizations of fBm/fGn porosity and permeability fields conditioned to well-test pressure data and evaluating the uncertainty in reservoir performance predictions appropriately using these history-matched realizations.  相似文献   

马氏距离是一种多元异常识别方法,目前已有多种基于马氏距离的异常识别方法.笔者选择青海省东昆仑东段1∶50万水系沉积物测量数据,对比常规马氏距离、基于最小方差行列式(FMCD)的稳健马氏距离、基于校正的最小方差行列式的稳健马氏距离(Adaptive)和基于协中值的稳健马氏距离(Comedian)4种方法在识别Cu、Co、...  相似文献   

Conditioning realizations of stationary Gaussian random fields to a set of data is traditionally based on simple kriging. In practice, this approach may be demanding as it does not account for the uncertainty in the spatial average of the random field. In this paper, an alternative model is presented, in which the Gaussian field is decomposed into a random mean, constant over space but variable over the realizations, and an independent residual. It is shown that, when the prior variance of the random mean is infinitely large (reflecting prior ignorance on the actual spatial average), the realizations of the Gaussian random field are made conditional by substituting ordinary kriging for simple kriging. The proposed approach can be extended to models with random drifts that are polynomials in the spatial coordinates, by using universal or intrinsic kriging for conditioning the realizations, and also to multivariate situations by using cokriging instead of kriging.  相似文献   

Many variogram (or covariance) models that are valid—or realizable—models of Gaussian random functions are not realizable indicator variogram (or covariance) models. Unfortunately there is no known necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be the indicator variogram of a random set. Necessary conditions can be easily obtained for the behavior at the origin or at large distance. The power, Gaussian, cubic or cardinal-sine models do not fulfill these conditions and are therefore not realizable. These considerations are illustrated by a Monte Carlo simulation demonstrating nonrealizability over some very simple three-point configurations in two or three dimensions. No definitive result has been obtained about the spherical model. Among the commonly used models for Gaussian variables, only the exponential appears to be a realizable indicator variogram model in all dimensions. It can be associated with a mosaic, a Boolean or a truncated Gaussian random set. In one dimension, the exponential indicator model is closely associated with continuous-time Markov chains, which can also lead to more variogram models such as the damped oscillation model. One-dimensional random sets can also be derived from renewal processes, or mosaic models associated with such processes. This provides an interesting link between the geostatistical formalism, focused mostly on two-point statistics, and the approach of quantitative sedimentologists who compute the probability distribution function of the thickness of different geological facies. The last part of the paper presents three approaches for obtaining new realizable indicator variogram models in three dimensions. One approach consists of combining existing realizable models. Other approaches are based on the formalism of Boolean random sets and truncated Gaussian functions.  相似文献   

Simulated annealing (SA) is being increasingly used for the generation of stochastic models of spatial phenomena because of its flexibility to integrate data of diverse types and scales. The major shortcoming of SA is the extensive CPU requirements. We present a perturbation mechanism that significantly improves the CPU speed. Two conventional perturbation mechanisms are to (1) randomly select two locations and swap their attribute values, or (2) visit a randomly selected location and draw a new value from the global histogram. The proposed perturbation mechanism is a modification of option 2: each candidate value is drawn from a local conditional distribution built with a template of kriging weights rather than from the global distribution. This results in accepting more perturbations and in perturbations that improve the variogram reproduction for short scale lags. We document the new method, the increased convergence speed, and the improved variogram reproduction. Implementation details of the method such as the size of the local neighborhood are considered.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is one of most widespread process of degradation. The erodibility of a soil is a measure of its susceptibility to erosion and depends on many soil properties. Soil erodibility factor varies greatly over space and is commonly estimated using the revised universal soil loss equation. Neglecting information about estimation uncertainty may lead to improper decision-making. One geostatistical approach to spatial analysis is sequential Gaussian simulation, which draws alternative, equally probable, joint realizations of a regionalised variable. Differences between the realizations provide a measure of spatial uncertainty and allow us to carry out an error analysis. The objective of this paper was to assess the model output error of soil erodibility resulting from the uncertainties in the input attributes (texture and organic matter). The study area covers about 30 km2 (Calabria, southern Italy). Topsoil samples were collected at 175 locations within the study area in 2006 and the main chemical and physical soil properties were determined. As soil textural size fractions are compositional data, the additive-logratio (alr) transformation was used to remove the non-negativity and constant-sum constraints on compositional variables. A Monte Carlo analysis was performed, which consisted of drawing a large number (500) of identically distributed input attributes from the multivariable joint probability distribution function. We incorporated spatial cross-correlation information through joint sequential Gaussian simulation, because model inputs were spatially correlated. The erodibility model was then estimated for each set of the 500 joint realisations of the input variables and the ensemble of the model outputs was used to infer the erodibility probability distribution function. This approach has also allowed for delineating the areas characterised by greater uncertainty and then to suggest efficient supplementary sampling strategies for further improving the precision of K value predictions.  相似文献   

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