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A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This peridotite is collected from Ching Kuang Shan (青矿山), Hui Li Hsien (会理县), Szechuan Province Its colour is greenish black The texture is medium coarse grained. The cleavage surfaces of the amphibole 相似文献
The Early Pleistocene fossiliferous deposits of Yenchingkou,nearWanshien (Szechuan) are the oldest known and the most famous ones inSouth China.For years,native searchers have excavated the deep 相似文献
While on a trip to Szechuan in the spring of 1934,I spent a few days,together with Dr.G.B.Barbour and P.Teilhard de Chardin,at Wanhsien,inorder to visit the famous fossiliferous site of Yenchingkou.The latter site hadalready been visited and excavated in 1921-23 and 1925-26 by Dr.WalterGranger of the Third Asiatic Expedition of the American Museum of NaturalHistory~1. 相似文献
In the summer of 1936,Prof.C.L.Camp and the present authorexcavated important parts of a Sauropoda skeleton at Hsikuashan near 相似文献
C. Y. HSIEH M. A 《地质学报》1929,8(1):67-105
That the geology cf the Chinese coal fields is becoming better and better known is evidenced by the numerous publications put out from tirne to time by the different investigators, especially by the members of the National Geological Survey in Peking. But little attention seems to have been paid to the microscopical 相似文献
本文所述之苔藓蟲係 1946年尹贊勳、穆恩之二先生在四川廣元中子铺志留紀之泥質石灰岩中採獲,計Orbignyella一屬,二新種,和Pisocrius,Spirifer,Coronocephalus及一屬於Asaphidae科之三葉蟲共生,其時代為中志留纪。此二新種之內部构造相似,外形相差甚遠。Orbignyella mui為圓柱狀,O.globata為圓球狀,雖產在一起,但甚易識別。 相似文献
1. General Remarks of Calceola sandalina.2. Pal(?)ontological Character and Stratigraphical Distribution of Calceola sandalina and its Varieties. (1) Discussion of the Systematic Position of Calceola sandalina. 相似文献
INTRODUCTION The geology of Szechuan and the adjoining regions has been studied by the pioneer geologists such as F. von Richthofen~1, L. von Loczy~2, B. Willis and E. Blackwelder~3 and E. C. Abendanon~4 respectively on the northern and eastern 相似文献
赵亚曾 《《地质学报》英文版》1929,8(2):139-154
After a period of four months' field work in South Shensi and North Szechuan, Mr. T. K. Huang and I at last arrived, at the end of June, Chengtu where we decided to pass our summer vacation. Shortly after the arrival, Mr. Huang, for some personal affairs, went home in his native 相似文献
川西磷酸岩的特征,对阐明磷的沉积作用和磷块岩的成因,有一定的重要性。多年来,四川省地质局在该区作了大量的详细的勘查和研究。这里仅就我们的工作所及,讨论磷酸岩的一些沉积学问题。一、含磷岩系的岩性序列与岩相系列掌握含矿岩系本身在纵横两个方向上变化更替的规律,对沉积矿床的勘查是很重要的。这种变化规律,可以用岩性序列与岩相系列表示之。岩性序列是含矿岩系的各个岩类在纵剖面上转换的次序,反映它成生时期沉积盆地的地质、自然地理、物理、化学和生物等诸方面的状况及其在时间上的演化;而岩相系列则是含矿岩系的各个岩类及其组合在横向上的转换次序,反映上述诸方面状况在空间上的演变。 相似文献
INTRODUCTION The western part of Szechuan province is a great copper-bearing dis-trict.This mineralized region lies north of Penghsien (彭县) and extendingwith some interruptions to the south of Huili (会理).The hypothermal 相似文献
ARNOLD HEIM 《地质学报》1930,9(1):55-63
The following notes are rapidly written as part of the result of a five days excursion. It has been made on a geological expedition to Szechuan during the summer of 1929, executed under the auspices of the Sunyatsen University of Canton and of the Geological Survey of Kwangtung and Kwangsi. 相似文献
Cruziana-localities in China. The fossil animal trails known as Bilobites have been found for the firsttime in China by A.F.Legendre in 1910 at the surface of a sandstone forma-tion near the village Tapishan,NE of Paimakou (白马口),Luchuan- 相似文献
Lors d'une expedition geologique dans la province de Szechuan, M. A. Heim a decouvert un niveau de marne grise au sommet de la serie triasique d'Omeishan~1 Cette marne lui a fourni une petite faune de Mollusques qu'ila bien voulu nous envoyer pour la determination. 相似文献
Remains of Mesozoic Reptiles have been recorded for several yearsfrom various places in N.China.But no discovery of this kind had beenannounced from the South until Dr.W.H.Wong in 1931 found the fossili-ferous site of Erh-yen,near Chungking,in the Tzekuei series (Lower Cretace-ous) of Szechuan~1. 相似文献