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Using the model data for surface mass changes of the atmosphere, ocean, soil moisture and snow depth, the vertical crustal displacements of 25 ficual stations in China were calculated according to the ...  相似文献   

武汉基准台气压对重力潮汐观测的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
武汉基准台超导重力仪观测重力残差和台站气压的相关分析结果表明,重力残差信号主要是由气压变化引起的。本文在频率和时间域内分别测定了大气重力导纳值,结果说明在时域内的导纳值为-0.307μGal/(1Gal=1cm/s^2),而在频域内的大气重力导纳值变化范围在0.3 ̄0.5μGal/hPa之间,这一结果与理论模拟计算相符。对实测资料作气压改正的结果表明气压改正效果非常显著,各频段内的观测残差振幅均有  相似文献   

In recent years, several studies have demonstrated the sensitivity of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) station time series to displacements caused by atmospheric pressure loading (APL). Different methods to take the APL effect into account are used in these studies: applying the corrections from a geophysical model on weekly mean estimates of station coordinates, using observation-level corrections during data analysis, or solving for regression factors between the station displacement and the local pressure. The Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) is one of the global analysis centers of the International GNSS Service (IGS). The current quality of the IGS products urgently asks to consider this effect in the regular processing scheme. However, the resulting requirements for an APL model are demanding with respect to quality, latency, and—regarding the reprocessing activities—availability over a long time interval (at least from 1994 onward). The APL model of Petrov and Boy (J Geophys Res 109:B03405, 2004) is widely used within the VLBI community and is evaluated in this study with respect to these criteria. The reprocessing effort of CODE provides the basis for validating the APL model. The data set is used to solve for scaling factors for each station to evaluate the geophysical atmospheric non-tidal loading model. A consistent long-term validation of the model over 15 years, from 1994 to 2008, is thus possible. The time series of 15 years allows to study seasonal variations of the scaling factors using the dense GNSS tracking network of the IGS. By interpreting the scaling factors for the stations of the IGS network, the model by (2004) is shown to meet the expectations concerning the order of magnitude of the effect at individual stations within the uncertainty given by the GNSS data processing and within the limitations due to the model itself. The repeatability of station coordinates improves by 20% when applying the effect directly on the data analysis and by 10% when applying a post-processing correction to the resulting weekly coordinates compared with a solution without taking APL into account.  相似文献   

An efficient method is proposed for the analysis of atmospheric pressure effects on gravity variations. It processes gravity and pressure signals using an orthogonal filter bank derived from high-degree Daubechies wavelets. The method introduces the atmospheric pressure admittance, which is both time- and frequency-dependent, and thus provides more information about when and how the frequency components in the pressure signal influence gravity variations. We demonstrate the efficiency of the wavelet method by applying it to observations from the Wuhan (China) superconducting gravimeter station. The analysis of gravity and pressure signals in 14 sub-bands with different bandwidths covering a frequency range from 0.176 to 720 cpd (cycles per day) reveals that local atmospheric pressure fluctuations start to induce obvious effects on gravity variations in the seismic band 0.52–1.04 mHz (periods 16 to 32 min) and highly correlate with gravity variation in the long-period seismic mode band 0.26–0.52 mHz (periods 32–64 min). The harmonics of solar-heating-induced atmospheric tides play a leading role in interfering with the variation of gravity residuals in the frequency band 0.704–11.25 cpd (periods 128 min to 1.42 day). Local atmospheric pressure effects on gravity variation are very strong in the frequency band 0.176–0.704 cpd (periods 1.42–5.69 day). Accurately filtering quarter-diurnal tides into a narrow band further demonstrates the efficiency of the wavelet method. After removing secular gravity changes and long-period atmospheric pressure variations, we show that there are obvious variations of local pressure admittance on time scales of hours to days. We also reveal seasonal variability of pressure admittances in the band 0.176–0.352 cpd (periods 2.84–5.69 day) after removing the effects of solar-heating atmospheric tides.  相似文献   

The loading exerted by atmospheric pressure on the surface of the Earth causes deformations, mainly in vertical direction. Consequently, these deformations are also subject to pressure variations. At present this effect is only modeled by a few research groups in the post-processing of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) and global positioning system (GPS) observations. As the displacements may clearly exceed the accuracy goals, we implement vertical pressure loading regression coefficients as a new estimable parameter type in the Bernese GPS software. This development is applied to a network of 60 European permanent GPS stations extending from 35 to 79° northern latitude. The analysis comprises 1,055 days of observations between January 2001 and February 2004. During that period pressure variations as large as 80 hPa occurred at high latitude sites. A least squares solution including all observations and all relevant parameters yields significant regression coefficients for all stations but reveals also some critical issues with regard to the capability of this geodetic approach to verify results based on the geophysical convolution method.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Incorrect unwrapping of dense interferometric fringes caused by large gradient displacements make it difficult to measure mining subsidence using conventional Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). This paper presents a Range Split Spectrum Interferometry assisted Phase Unwrapping (R-SSIaPU) method for the first time. The R-SSIaPU method takes advantage of (i) the capability of Range Split Spectrum Interferometry of measuring surface displacements with large spatial gradients, and (ii) the capability of conventional InSAR of being sensitive to surface displacements with limited spatial gradients. Both simulated and real experiments show that the R-SSIaPU method can monitor large gradient mining-induced surface movements with high precision. In the case of the Tangjiahui mine, the R-SSIaPU method agreed with GPS with differences of approximately 4.2 cm, whilst conventional InSAR deviated from GPS with differences of nearly 1 m. The R-SSIaPU method makes phase unwrapping less challenge, especially in the cases with large surface displacements. In addition to mining subsidence, it is believed that the R-SSIaPU method can be used to monitor surface displacements caused by landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and glacier movements.  相似文献   

我国GPS基准站地壳垂直位移周年变化的气象激发   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用全球大气、海洋、积雪和土壤水的地表质量负荷资料 ,计算了中国GPS基准网 2 4个台站垂向位移周年变化的气象激发 ,得到振幅 5mm10mm的高程变化。通过与GPS观测资料解算的垂向位移结果比较 ,大部分台站的结果与GPS结果在振幅上符合比较好 ,但相位普遍超前一到二个月  相似文献   

 Horizontal displacements, and gravity and tilt changes induced by filling the Three Gorges Reservoir are modeled using elastic loading Green functions. When the water surface reaches its highest level, the effects become maximum on the reservoir banks. The longitudinal and latitudinal components of the horizontal displacements reach −8.2 and 7.7 mm respectively, gravity is increased by up to 3.4 mGal, and the prime vertical and meridian components of the tilt changes are −7.8 and −17.5 arcseconds respectively. Accordingly, the filling of the reservoir will influence values observed from global positioning system (GPS), gravimetry and tilt measurements in the area. The results given can be used to provide important corrections for extracting earthquake-related signals from observed data. Received: 19 January 2001 / Accepted: 3 September 2001  相似文献   

针对当前重力观测数据处理中大气负荷效应改正的不确定性问题,该文提出一种分时段改正方法。通过采用不同时段观测数据,基于回归分析方法系统讨论时段选取对大气负荷重力效应改正的影响。利用高精度Wettzell台站超导重力观测数据进行实验分析。实验结果表明:采用不同时段观测数据,大气导纳值差异最大值约为-0.1μGal/hPa;采用不同时段的观测数据进行大气效应改正,其最大差异整体上可以达到2μGal。本文的研究可为精确计算大气负荷重力效应提供一定参考。  相似文献   

地表下行短波辐射DSSR(Downward Surface Shortwave Radiation)的准确估算在气候变化研究和地表太阳能估算等领域具有重要作用。新一代静止气象卫星葵花-8(Himawari-8)具有高达10 min的对地观测能力,为DSSR近实时估算提供了新机遇。然而,日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)对外公开的葵花-8辐射产品中,没有将其反演的云、气溶胶产品作为DSSR的输入参数,从而没有形成一整套的DSSR估算算法流程,缺乏产品输出的一致性。大气中的云、气溶胶是DSSR的重要影响因子,本文重点考虑云、气溶胶对太阳辐射的影响,基于大气辐射传输模式RSTAR构建了DSSR查找表,开发了DSSR的快速计算方法,进而将JAXA葵花-8二级云、气溶胶产品(光学厚度,粒子有效半径等)作为快速化计算方法的输入参量,计算得到了DSSR。通过与JAXA葵花-8二级DSSR产品(JAXA DSSR)对比,发现两者具有很好的空间一致性。为了进一步评价本文的DSSR计算精度,分别选取了陆地(Yonsei)和海洋(0n_165e)的观测数据验证了2016年4、7、10和12月本文计算的DSSR和同时期的JAXA DSSR产品,验证结果显示两者的DSSR在两个观测站点均具有非常高的相关性(全天空、晴空和云天条件下的相关系数R均大于0.88)。在两个站点云天条件下的验证结果中,考虑了云相态并在冰云模型中使用了非球形冰晶粒子(六棱柱)来计算DSSR,获得了比JAXA DSSR更小的偏差。本文提出的快速化计算方法能快速准确地计算DSSR,可为计算地表辐射收支等研究提供重要数据支撑。  相似文献   

Satellite data provides important inputs far estimating regional surface emisslviiy and surface temperature. The methodology for estimation of emissivity over heterogeneous areas is based on the calculation of fraction vegetation cover per pixel taking NDVI, reflectances of pure pixels as input. The surface temperature is calculated using a sptit-window equation, which depends on atmospheric water vapour, viewing angle and channel surface emissivities. In the present study model coefficients for atmospheric corrections to NOAA AVHRR thermal data Fqr tropical atmospheres have been derived with a view to operationally use the methodolpgy for generating land surface temperature information from satellite data. The results of the study show that the estimated temperature values are comparable with the ctimatological values over the region Suggesting the possible use of the methodology.  相似文献   

Displacements of the Earth’s surface caused by tidal and non-tidal loading forces are relevant in high-precision space geodesy. Some of the corrections are recommended by the international scientific community to be applied at the observation level, e.g., ocean tidal loading (OTL) and atmospheric tidal loading (ATL). Non-tidal displacement corrections are in general recommended not to be applied in the products of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, in particular atmospheric non-tidal loading (ANTL), oceanic and hydrological non-tidal corrections. We assess and compare the impact of OTL, ATL and ANTL on SLR-derived parameters by reprocessing 12 years of SLR data considering and ignoring individual corrections. We show that loading displacements have an influence not only on station long-term stability, but also on geocenter coordinates, Earth Rotation Parameters, and satellite orbits. Applying the loading corrections reduces the amplitudes of annual signals in the time series of geocenter and station coordinates. The general improvement of the SLR station 3D coordinate repeatability when applying OTL, ATL and ANTL corrections are 19.5 %, 0.2 % and 3.3 % respectively, w.r.t. the solutions without loading corrections. ANTL corrections play a crucial role in the combination of optical (SLR) and microwave (GNSS, VLBI, DORIS) space geodetic observation techniques, because of the so-called Blue-Sky effect: SLR measurements can be carried out only under cloudless sky conditions—typically during high air pressure conditions, when the Earth’s crust is deformed, whereas microwave observations are weather-independent. Thus, applying the loading corrections at the observation level improves SLR-derived products as well as the consistency with microwave-based results. We assess the Blue-Sky effect on SLR stations and the consistency improvement between GNSS and SLR solutions when ANTL corrections are included. The omission of ANTL corrections may lead to inconsistencies between SLR and GNSS solutions of up to 2.5 mm for inland stations. As a result, the estimated GNSS–SLR coordinate differences correspond better to the local ties at the co-located stations when applying ANTL corrections.  相似文献   

Land development is one of the major anthropogenic processes shaping environmental sustainability. However, no standard method exists for evaluating this spatial process. This article proposes a method of modeling a spatially explicit representation of land development pressure, resorting to an inverse distance weighting interpolation. The study area encompasses four Macaronesian islands where land development has caused dramatic changes to the landscape: São Miguel, Madeira, Gran Canaria, and Tenerife. The method is demonstrated over 1990–2006, a period marked by a rapid increase in land development which ended with the 2007–2008 financial crisis. First, centroids of land change in/into artificial surfaces were used as a proxy of land development pressure. Second, these centroids were coupled with ancillary sampled points, which took into account a topographic resistance factor representing areas absent of land change. These ancillary points allowed for confinement of the interpolation values while acting as structural information for the rescaling of the interpolation into a higher resolution of a digital elevation model. The results show that the method captured the overall trend and magnitude of artificial land change. Quantifying and identifying the islands’ pattern of land development pressure creates a variable that can play an important role in further modeling of anthropogenic spatial processes.  相似文献   

吴浩  王先华  叶函函  蒋芸  段锋华  吕松 《遥感学报》2019,23(6):1223-1231
大气温室气体监测仪GMI(Greenhouse gases Monitor Instrument)是高分五号(GF-5)卫星载荷之一,主要用于全球温室气体含量监测和碳循环研究。高精度反演是卫星大气CO2遥感的基本需求。地表反射率影响卫星遥感辐射量及辐射传输过程中的地气耦合过程,严重制约着CO2的反演精度,针对GMI开发高精度的大气CO2反演算法,地表反射是一个需要重点考虑的因素。城市是CO2重要的发射源,且城市下垫面存在明显的二向反射特性,加上城市大气条件不良,复杂的地气耦合效应存在这都考验反演算法的准确性和鲁棒性。本文针对北京城市地区,利用2011年—2016年共5年的MODIS(MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)地表二向反射分布函数BRDF(Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function)数据,构建了适合利用单次观测数据反演的BRDF模型,并提出一种同时反演地表BRDF参数和大气CO2含量的算法。结果表明在550 nm波长处气溶胶光学厚度AOD(Aerosol Optical Depth)小于0.4时,大部分GMI模拟数据的反演误差控制在0.5%(~2 ppm)内。利用GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite)实测数据的反演结果与修正后的日本国立环境研究所NIES(National Institute for Environmental Studies)反演结果进行对比,其平均误差为1.25 ppm,相关性达到0.85。本算法满足GMI数据在北京城市区域高精度CO2反演的需求,并使得反演高值气溶胶区域数据成为可能,增加了GMI观测数据的利用率。  相似文献   

Coseismic displacements play a significant role in characterizing earthquake causative faults and understanding earthquake dynamics. They are typically measured from InSAR using pre- and post-earthquake images. The displacement map produced by InSAR may contain missing coseismic values due to the decorrelation of ASAR images. This study focused on interpolating missing values in the coseismic displacement map of the 2003 Bam earthquake using geostatistics with the aim of running a slip distribution model. The gaps were grouped into 23 patches. Variograms of the patches showed that the displacement data were spatially correlated. The variogram prepared for ordinary kriging (OK) indicated the presence of a trend and thus justified the use of universal kriging (UK). Accuracy assessment was performed in 3 ways. First, 11 patches of equal size and with an equal number of missing values generated artificially, were kriged and validated. Second, the four selected patches results were validated after shifting them to new locations without missing values and comparing them with the observed values. Finally, cross validation was performed for both types of patch at the original and shifted locations. UK results were better than OK in terms of kriging variance, mean error (ME) and root mean square error (RMSE). For both OK and UK, only 4 out of 23 patches (1, 5, 11 and 21) showed ME and RMSE values that were substantially larger than for the other patches. The accuracy assessment results were found to be satisfactory with ME and RMSE values close to zero. InSAR data inversion demonstrated the usefulness of interpolation of the missing coseismic values by improving a slip distribution model. It is therefore concluded that kriging serves as an effective tool for interpolating the missing values on a coseismic displacement map.  相似文献   

Seasonal and latitude dependent corrections to the gravity and height anomalies are developed in order to account for the neglect of the atmospheric masses outside the geold, when using Stokes’ equation. It is shown that the atmospheric correction to gravity at sea level is almost constant, equal to0.871 mgals with a variation of2 μ gals whereas the height anomaly correction varies between −0.1 cm and −1.3 cm. Further, when the combined latitudinal/seasonal dependence is neglected in the atmospheric corrections, the maximum error introduced is of the order of40 μ gals for the gravity corrections and0.7 cm for the height anomaly corrections.  相似文献   

针对HJ-1卫星CCD数据,利用改进的暗像元法反演气溶胶光学厚度(AOD),再利用反演的AOD对其进行大气校正。将反演的气溶胶与地基太阳光度计数据进行对比验证,发现当反演的AOD值大于0.2时,反演值与地基观测值的相关系数为0.964,符合MODIS业务化反演AOD的精度要求。再将反演得到的气溶胶带入6S辐射传输模型中,对HJ-1卫星CCD数据进行大气校正实验。结果表明,该方法能有效提高HJ-1卫星CCD数据大气校正的精度,更好地复原地物的真实光谱信息。  相似文献   

目前,利用MOD IS近红外波段反演大气水汽含量主要采用两通道比值加权法和三通道比值加权法,为了对比研究这两种的方法,本文结合四川地区MOD IS影像,采用两通道比值法和三通道比值法分别获得17、18、19近红外通道大气水汽值,然后对两通道比值法和三通道比值法计算的三个近红外通道大气水汽值取加权平均,分别得到该地区加权平均大气水汽含量。对子区域(成都地区)MOD IS的两种加权平均大气水汽含量与同时同地SONDE大气水汽含量进行对比分析,实验结果表明:用MOD IS近红外波段反演大气水汽含量拟采用三通道比值加权法。  相似文献   

随着GAMIT软件版本的不断更新,对BDS数据基线解算已成为可能。本文提出了一种基于GAMIT软件的BDS大气可降水量反演方法,并对利用探空数据计算得到的大气可降水量与GPS数据反演结果进行精度验证。结果表明,通过BDS反演得到的大气可降水量与探空数据计算结果之间的平均相对误差、均方根误差均小于2 mm,相关系数大于0.98;与GPS反演结果之间的平均相对误差、均方根误差均小于3 mm,相关系数大于0.96。BDS反演结果精度较高,基本能够满足气象需要。  相似文献   

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