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Low‐frequency ground‐penetrating radar is known to be effective in the detection of geological disasters in open pits owing to its good detection depth, high resolution and portability. However, because of the lack of a shield layer and the poor anti‐interference capability, low‐frequency ground‐penetrating radar has certain limitations. A strong linear interference due to direct waves can result in a complex mining environment, hindering the detection of geological disasters in open pits. Conventional methods, such as wavelet transform and curvelet transform, are ineffective, as they cannot adaptively remove noise in accordance with signal characteristics. In this paper, considering the high apparent velocity and energy of direct‐wave noise in open‐pit ground‐penetrating radar data, an empirical curvelet transform method is proposed to suppress the interference signals. The empirical curvelet transform not only is multi‐scale and multi‐directional, but can also adaptively perform filtering based on the characteristics of the ground‐penetrating radar interference signals. This method is applied to the simulation and processing of measured ground‐penetrating radar data and is compared with the conventional curvelet transform. The results confirm the effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

The genesis of alternate gravel bars in straightened rivers and braided rivers is closely coupled to the formation of scours. Scours can lead to riverbank failure, initiate lateral river dynamics and strongly impact the interaction between surface and subsurface flow and transport. It is, therefore, critical to account for scours in the design of flood protection measures. However, there is still little knowledge on the formation and characteristics of such scours, especially on the dynamic relationship between the riverbed morphology and the scours. Bathymetric riverbed surveys conducted at medium to low discharge may underestimate the real scour sizes and shapes if scours filled with sediments during waning discharge. Furthermore, the literature suggests that gravel bars and scours can jointly migrate on the riverbed, resulting in cut‐and‐fill sedimentary structures in the near subsurface. These cut‐and‐fill structures cannot be observed from the surface. We investigate with ground‐penetrating radar the presence of scour fills below the riverbed of two gravel‐bed rivers and study any indications of bar and scour migration. Thus, two ground‐penetrating radar surveys were conducted, one on the emerged part of an alternate bar of the channelized Alpine Rhine River (Switzerland) and the other on a flat gravel surface in a braided reach of the Tagliamento River (Italy) that is near the pristine state. At both sites, a scour fill could be clearly identified below a 2‐m‐thick sediment layer. The imaged part of the scour of the Alpine Rhine River (30 × 100 × 4.5 m) is located at the front end of the gravel bar next to the riverbank. This scour was only partially imaged by ground‐penetrating radar and is in reality significantly deeper and larger. The scour of the Tagliamento River (20 × 30 × 2.5 m) shows a clear internal structure consisting of inclined, planar cross‐beds that merge tangentially with the lower‐bounding erosional surface of the scour. At the light of the literature, we compare these two scours in terms of sedimentary processes resulting from the complex interplay between scours and gravel bars. The study findings offer a promising research avenue on the dynamic relationship between discharge, sediment transport, scour and bar formation and migration.  相似文献   

The detection of buried objects, particularly hazardous waste containers and unexploded ordnance (UXO), has gained significant interest in the Unites States in the late 1990s. The desire to remediate the thousands of sites worldwide has become an increasing concern and the application of radar to this problem has received renewed attention. The US Department of Energy's Special Technologies Laboratory (STL), operated by Bechtel Nevada, has developed several frequency-modulated, continuous-wave (FM-CW) ground penetrating radar (GPR) units. To meet technical requirements for higher-resolution data, STL and the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) is investigating advanced GPR hardware, signal processing, and synthetic-aperture imaging with the development of an innovative system. The goal is to design and fabricate a lightweight, battery-operated unit that does not require surface contact, can be operated by a novice user, and can achieve improved resolution. The latter is accomplished by using synthetic-aperture imaging, which forms the subsurface images by fully utilizing the data sequences collectively along a scan path. We also present the backward propagation algorithm as the basic structure of the multiple-frequency tomographic imaging technique, and the conventional fast Fourier transform (FFT) method which can be described as a degenerated case of the model where the computation procedure is approximated under the narrow-beam assumption.  相似文献   

Ground‐penetrating radar is widely used to provide highly resolved images of subsurface sedimentary structures, with implications for processes active in the vadose zone. Frequently overlooked among these structures are tunnels excavated by fossorial animals (e.g., moles). We present two repeated ground‐penetrating radar surveys performed a year apart in 2016 and 2017. Careful three‐dimensional data processing reveals, in each data set, a pattern of elongated structures that are interpreted as a subsurface mole tunnel network. Our data demonstrate the ability of three‐dimensional ground‐penetrating radar imaging to non‐invasively delineate the small animal tunnels (∼5 cm diameter) at a higher spatial and geolocation resolution than has previously been achieved. In turn, this makes repeated surveys and, therefore, long‐term monitoring possible. Our results offer valuable insight into the understanding of the near‐surface and showcase a potential new application for a geophysical method as well as a non‐invasive method of ecological surveying.  相似文献   

To investigate transient dynamics of soil water redistribution during infiltration, we conducted horizontal borehole and surface ground penetrating radar measurements during a 4‐day infiltration experiment at the rhizontron facility in Selhausen, Germany. Zero‐offset ground penetrating radar profiling in horizontal boreholes was used to obtain soil water content information at specific depths (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.2 m). However, horizontal borehole ground penetrating radar measurements do not provide accurate soil water content estimates of the top soil (0–0.1 m depth) because of interference between direct and critically refracted waves. Therefore, surface ground penetrating radar data were additionally acquired to estimate soil water content of the top soil. Due to the generation of electromagnetic waveguides in the top soil caused by infiltration, a strong dispersion in the ground penetrating radar data was observed in 500 MHz surface ground penetrating radar data. A dispersion inversion was thus performed with these surface ground penetrating radar data to obtain soil water content information for the top 0.1 m of the soil. By combining the complementary borehole and surface ground penetrating radar data, vertical soil water content profiles were obtained, which were used to investigate vertical soil water redistribution. Reasonable consistency was found between the ground penetrating radar results and independent soil water content data derived from time domain reflectometry measurements. Because of the improved spatial representativeness of the ground penetrating radar measurements, the soil water content profiles obtained by ground penetrating radar better matched the known water storage changes during the infiltration experiment. It was concluded that the combined use of borehole and surface ground penetrating radar data convincingly revealed spatiotemporal soil water content variation during infiltration. In addition, this setup allowed a better quantification of water storage, which is a prerequisite for future applications, where, for example, the soil hydraulic properties will be estimated from ground penetrating radar data.  相似文献   

The application of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) at two archaeological sites, Serrano and Morro Grande, situated in Araruama County, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aids the study of a prehistoric indigenous culture, associated with the “Tupinambá” that inhabited the region during prehistoric times.The archaeological remains of the study area are mainly characterized by pottery artifacts for several uses, including funerary urns, which were buried within layers of sand and clay. Several profiles were acquired using a RAMAC system, with a 200 and 400 MHz frequency antennae. At the Serrano site, the profiles were acquired around some partially exposed pottery shards, due to sand exploitation. The resultant profiles provided a response model to guide the interpretation of new profiles acquired at other sites in the area, which present similar characteristics.The results showed the great importance of the dielectric permittivity contrast which exists between the targets and the host media, in order for possibly significant features to be identified in radar data.  相似文献   

多次覆盖技术作为一种增强信号、压制干扰的方法,广泛用于地震勘探工作中,可以大大提高有用信号的信噪比。本文作者把多次覆盖技术引入探地雷达测量工作中,通过与剖面法作对比试验来论证多次覆盖技术在探地雷达勘探中应用的可行性及优缺点。作者根据试验资料总结探地雷达工作中雷达波传播规律、工作参数、资料处理方法,对丰富探地雷达勘探技术作了一次有益的尝试。  相似文献   

Alcatraz Island National Historic Landmark is best known as a former high‐security federal penitentiary that once housed many of the United States most notorious gangsters. Today, it is a popular tourist destination adjacent to the Golden Gate Bridge in scenic San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz is less known in its former military role as a 19th‐century coastal fortification protecting the interests of a rapidly westward‐expanding nation during the turbulent era of Manifest Destiny, the 1849 Gold Rush and the Civil War. The fortification, with its underground ammunition magazines and tunnels, is important from a military history perspective, marking the transition to earthen structures from the traditional brick and masonry constructions that characterized earlier 19th‐century coastal defences. In this paper, geophysical interpretations based upon an attribute analysis of ground‐penetrating radar data are combined with terrestrial laser scans, georectifications based on historical documents, maps and photographs to develop an iterative model for locating and determining the extent and integrity of subsurface historical architectural remains beneath the former recreation yard of the Alcatraz penitentiary. Using this approach, remnants of buried structures including a ‘bombproof’ earthwork traverse and its underlying vaulted brick masonry tunnel and ventilation ducts were discovered to run east‐west beneath the recreation yard. This integrative and iterative process permits accurate spatial identification of these and other 19th‐century architectural structures depicted in historical documents. This approach can be applied to subsurface investigations at other important cultural landmarks worldwide.  相似文献   

探地雷达衰减补偿逆时偏移成像方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱尉强  黄清华 《地球物理学报》2016,59(10):3909-3916
探地雷达信号在地下介质中传播时易受到电导率所产生的衰减影响,从而使得传统偏移成像结果在高衰减区域变得模糊.本文提出了衰减补偿的逆时偏移方法来消除电导率的影响.该方法基于麦克斯韦方程组实现电磁波的正演模拟和逆时传播.通过改变衰减项的正负号,保证了逆时传播的时间对称性,从而能够重构出原始波场,实现衰减补偿.数值实验比较了传统逆时偏移方法和衰减补偿逆时偏移方法在存在高导异常区域情况下的成像效果,结果证明了衰减补偿逆时偏移方法能够很好地恢复由电导率造成的信号衰减,从而提高探地雷达剖面的分辨率.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the investigation of the Mars subsurface by means of data collected by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding working at few megahertz frequencies. A data processing strategy, which combines a simple inversion model and an accurate procedure for data selection is presented. This strategy permits to mitigate the theoretical and practical difficulties of the inverse problem arising because of the inaccurate knowledge of the parameters regarding both the scenario under investigation and the radiated electromagnetic field impinging on the Mars surface. The results presented in this paper show that it is possible to reliably retrieve the electromagnetic properties of deeper structures if such strategy is accurately applied. An example is given here, where the analysis of the data collected on Gemina Lingula, a region of the North Polar layer deposits, allowed us to retrieve permittivity values for the basal unit in agreement with those usually associated to the Earth basaltic rocks.  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey was conducted in the Wushanting mud volcano field (Yanchao, Kaohsiung) using a 500 MHz antennae, which allowed high-resolution imaging of subsurface structures. Seven GPR reflection characteristics are recognized. Sigmoid GPR reflection patterns resulted from a recent mud lobe deposited above an underlying older mud lobe front. Contorted GPR facies resulted from recent mud flow which encountered obstacles. Subparallel reflections resulted from mud volcano deposits of limited flowability, low velocity and gentle gradient. Hummocky reflection patterns are formed by interfingering of recent mud lobes building onto low land. Disrupted GPR facies were due to lateral breaks of continuity from mud cracks, which, according to field observation, can provide channels for erosion and form deeper erosion gullies. GPR time slices of different depths are rendered as a three-dimensional model. Approximately orbicular GPR reflection characteristics can indicate arcuate stacked mud lobe fronts of different periods. Some depositional models to explain GPR reflection characteristics can be founded upon observations of recent sedimentary phenomena. The models of this study may be applied to paleoenvironments and the depositional evolution of mud volcanoes in similar geological settings.  相似文献   

地质雷达能快速、准确地探测地下潜在的地质缺陷体的空间位置、形状大小及电性质等其他一些地质参数,可以为滑坡的加固设计、施工提供可靠的资料,简述了地质雷达的勘探原理和方法,并以实例说明了地质雷达在滑坡治理中的应用方法及效果。  相似文献   

探地雷达小波域三维波动方程偏移   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了矩阵多分辨分析理论中的标准形式与非标准形式,并以Hilbert算子为例,说明了算子多分辨表示的压缩效果,为小波域偏移算法奠定了理论基础.从三维雷达波动方程出发,利用爆炸反射原理和浮动坐标变换,推导出三维探地雷达波动方程差分格式,并通过方程分裂算法及小波多分辨算法,在小波域求解波场外推矩阵,进而得到探地雷达小波域三维波动方程偏移算法,在此基础上,开发了探地雷达小波域偏移处理程序,并把该程序应用于三个球体空洞的3-D正演结果及实际的雷达数据中,通过对比偏移处理前后的雷达资料,得知该三维偏移算法能使3-D正演剖面中的反射波归位、绕射波收敛,极大地提高了雷达剖面的分辨率,有利于探地雷达资料的地质解释.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method of integrated system calibration that uses the transmitting and receiving signals from the impulse ground penetrating radar itself. In order to eliminate the influence from each subsystem or part including antenna, transmitter, receiver, signal processing circuits and transmission cables, two new calibration parameters that are different from the conventional S-parameters are introduced. The characteristic and influence of all parts in the transmitting and receiving channels are incorporated into the calibration equation through the new parameters. The calibration results of the radar detection data show that the new integrated system calibration can improve the quality of the data greatly in many aspects. It removes direct coupled waves, suppresses wave distortion and tail oscillation, and improves the quality of waveform and signal-clutter-ratios. It also compresses the pulse width and enhances resolution.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the generation of tools to aid inspection and identify buried plastic pipes in water supply systems (WSS). In our study we use ground penetrating system (GPR) images as a non-destructive method of obtaining information without altering the system conditions and the environmental characteristics. A viability study for extracting features, and an approach to the above-mentioned application based on multi-agent systems are addressed in this paper. Firstly, we use intensive matrix manipulation of the GPR output for preprocessing the images. As a result, two matrices are produced that classify initial data based on the original radargram of the wave amplitude parameter. Then the plastic pipe characteristics that offer an enhanced likelihood of location are defined. This procedure is evaluated through two case-studies. One study corresponds to a simple case (one pipe) and the other corresponds to various pipes (made of different materials). Both cases were developed under controlled laboratory conditions. The obtained results are promising, and we show that automatic plastic pipe location has been achieved. The main contributions of the procedures proposed in this work are: firstly, highly skilled GPR prospection operators become unnecessary for plastic pipe location using GPR images; and secondly, we have opened a route to further classification that makes use of other methodologies.  相似文献   

A series of closely spaced parallel ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles of glaciotectonic deformed glacio-fluvial sediments have been obtained in an ice marginal environment in Northwest Zealand, Denmark. The radar profiles can be differentiated into several radar facies with distinct reflection characteristics. The lithology and depositional environment of the radar facies is interpreted by correlation with information from profiles in gravel pits, geological maps and drill hole data. The radar facies include glaciotectonically disturbed glacio-fluvial sediments, sediments deposited penecontemporaneously with the deformations and sediments deposited post-tectonically. Several thrust planes with dip angles between 25° and 30° as well as major folds and minor faults have been interpreted from the GPR data. The deformation style of the deformed glacio-fluvial sediments is a thin-skinned pro-glacial thrust complex, with associated folding. The deformations have resulted in the present ridge morphology seen in the rim of the composite ridge. Syn- and post-tectonic sediments are deposited on top and in front of the deformed sediments, smoothing the ridge relief created by the thin-skinned thrust complex. A structural geological map constructed from the ground penetrating radar data reveals the extension of the individual radar facies in the thrust complex. Tectonic features such as thrust planes and folds can be followed throughout the mapped area.  相似文献   

In this work, the design and construction of a special trailer designed to evaluate traffic infrastructure with GPR is presented. This trailer is adapted to the requirements of a multipurpose GPR system and different ground-coupled antennas to allow for multi-frequency surveys of roads without obstructing traffic. The prototype presented in this work is completely non-metallic, allowing massive data acquisition at a cruising speed up to 80 km/h. It provides the possibility of carrying two bowtie antennas simultaneously with a simple mechanism that allows for changing the elevation from the roadbed to the antenna/s for adequate and safe operation. The work includes the results of tests conducted to evaluate the performance of the system under different field work conditions.  相似文献   




地质雷达技术在巴彦查干地区地震勘探中的应用   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
简要介绍地质雷达技术原理,利用大庆探区巴彦查干地区地质雷达实测资料进行解释,并结合微测井资料进行地区地震波表层层速度的教育处和静校正量的提取。结果表明,地质雷达能获得连续浅下地剖面,可弥补微测井资料的不足,因而在地震勘探表层地质调查和静校正量提取等方法方面上的有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Field experiments show ground penetrating radar (GPR) can be used to image shallow carbonate stratigraphy effectively in a variety of settings. In south Florida, the position and structure of cap rock cover on limestone can be an important control on surface water flow and vegetation, but larger scale outcrops (tens of meters) of cap rock are sparse. GPR mapping through south Florida prairie, cypress swamp and hardwood hammock resolves variations in thickness and structure of cap rock to 3 m and holds the potential to test theories for cap rock–vegetation relationships. In other settings, carbonate strata are mapped to test models for the formation of local structural anomalies. A test of GPR imaging capabilities on an arid caliche (calcrete) horizon in southeastern Nevada shows depth penetration to 2 m with resolution of the base of caliche. GPR profiling also succeeds in resolving more deeply buried (5 m) limestone discontinuity surfaces that record subaerial exposure in south Florida.  相似文献   

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