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Petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoirs are less predictable than that of siliciclastic reservoirs. One of the main reasons for this is the physical and chemical interactions of carbonate rocks with pore fluids. Such interactions can significantly change the elastic properties of the rock matrix and grains, making the applicability of Gassmann's fluid substitution procedure debatable. This study is an attempt to understand the mechanisms of fluid‐rock interactions and the influence of these interactions on elastic parameters of carbonates. We performed precise indentation tests on Savonnières limestone at a microscale level under dry, distilled water, and n‐Decane saturated conditions. Our experiments display softening of the rock matrix after water saturation. We have found that mainly the ooid cortices, peloid nuclei and prismatic intergranular cement are affected by water flooding. We also observed a shear modulus reduction in Savonnières limestone in an experiment performed at ultrasonic frequencies. One of the most important results obtained in our experimental study is that the Gassmann fluid substitution theory might not always be applicable to predict the elastic moduli of fluid‐saturated limestones.  相似文献   

The propagation of seismic waves through a saturated reservoir compresses the fluid in the pore spaces. During this transition, parts of seismic energy would be attenuated because of intrinsic absorption. Rock physics models make the bridge between the seismic properties and petrophysical reality in the earth. Attenuation is one of the significant seismic attributes used to describe the fluid behaviour in the reservoirs. We examined the core samples using ultrasonic experiments at the reservoir conditions. Given the rock properties of the carbonate reservoir and experiment results, the patchy saturation mechanism was solved for substituted fluid using the theory of modulus frequency. The extracted relationship between the seismic attenuation and water saturation was used in time–frequency analysis. We performed the peak frequency method to estimate the Q factor in the Gabor domain and determined the water saturation based on the computed rock physics model. The results showed how the probable fault in the reservoir has stopped the fluid movement in the reservoir and caused touching the water‐bearing zone through drilling.  相似文献   

CO2 saturations are estimated at Sleipner using a two-step imaging workflow. The workflow combines seismic tomography (full-waveform inversion) and rock physics inversion and is applied to a two-dimensional seismic line located near the injection point at Sleipner. We use baseline data (1994 vintage, before CO2 injection) and monitor data that was acquired after 12 years of CO2 injection (2008 vintage). P-wave velocity models are generated using the Full waveform inversion technology and then, we invert selected rock physics parameters using an rock physics inversion methodology. Full waveform inversion provides high-resolution P-wave velocity models both for baseline and monitor data. The physical relations between rock physics properties and acoustic wave velocities in the Utsira unconsolidated sandstone (reservoir formation) are defined using a dynamic rock physics model based on well-known Biot–Gassmann theories. For data prior to injection, rock frame properties (porosity, bulk and shear dry moduli) are estimated using rock physics inversion that allows deriving physically consistent properties with related uncertainty. We show that the uncertainty related to limited input data (only P-wave velocity) is not an issue because the mean values of parameters are correct. These rock frame properties are then used as a priori constraint in the monitor case. For monitor data, the Full waveform inversion results show nicely resolved thin layers of CO2–brine saturated sandstones under intra-reservoir shale layers. The CO2 saturation estimation is carried out by plugging an effective fluid phase in the rock physics model. Calculating the effective fluid bulk modulus of the brine–CO2 mixture (using Brie equation in our study) is shown to be the key factor to link P-wave velocity to CO2 saturation. The inversion tests are done with several values of Brie/patchiness exponent and show that the CO2 saturation estimates are varying between 0.30 and 0.90 depending on the rock physics model and the location in the reservoir. The uncertainty in CO2 saturation estimation is usually lower than 0.20. When the patchiness exponent is considered as unknown, the inversion is less constrained and we end up with values of exponent varying between 5 and 20 and up to 33 in specific reservoir areas. These estimations tend to show that the CO2–brine mixing is between uniform and patchy mixing and variable throughout the reservoir.  相似文献   

Downhole monitoring with fibre-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) systems offers unprecedented spatial resolution. At the same time, costs are reduced since repeated wireline surveys can be replaced by the permanent installation of comparatively cheap fibre cables. However, the single component nature of fibre data requires novel approaches when designing a monitoring project such as cross-well seismics. At the example of the shallow CO2 injection test site in Svelvik, Norway, we model the evolution of velocity changes during CO2 injection based on rock physics theory. Different cross-well seismic design scenarios are then considered to evaluate the best design and the limits of this method to detect containment breach. We present a series of evaluation tools to compare the effect of different well spacings for cross-well seismic tomography. In addition to travel-times, we also consider characteristic amplitude changes along the fibre unique to DAS strain measurements, which might add a constraint to the inversion. We also compare the effect of using helical fibres instead of classical straight fibres. We thus present a toolbox to evaluate and compare different monitoring design options for fibre optic downhole installations for cross-well monitoring.  相似文献   

We used the 3D continuum-scale reactive transport models to simulate eight core flood experiments for two different carbonate rocks. In these experiments the core samples were reacted with brines equilibrated with pCO2 = 3, 2, 1, 0.5 MPa (Smith et al., 2013 [27]). The carbonate rocks were from specific Marly dolostone and Vuggy limestone flow units at the IEAGHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project in south-eastern Saskatchewan, Canada. Initial model porosity, permeability, mineral, and surface area distributions were constructed from micro tomography and microscopy characterization data. We constrained model reaction kinetics and porosity–permeability equations with the experimental data. The experimental data included time-dependent solution chemistry and differential pressure measured across the core, and the initial and final pore space and mineral distribution. Calibration of the model with the experimental data allowed investigation of effects of carbonate reactivity, flow velocity, effective permeability, and time on the development and consequences of stable and unstable dissolution fronts.The continuum scale model captured the evolution of distinct dissolution fronts that developed as a consequence of carbonate mineral dissolution and pore scale transport properties. The results show that initial heterogeneity and porosity contrast control the development of the dissolution fronts in these highly reactive systems. This finding is consistent with linear stability analysis and the known positive feedback between mineral dissolution and fluid flow in carbonate formations. Differences in the carbonate kinetic drivers resulting from the range of pCO2 used in the experiments and the different proportions of more reactive calcite and less reactive dolomite contributed to the development of new pore space, but not to the type of dissolution fronts observed for the two different rock types. The development of the dissolution front was much more dependent on the physical heterogeneity of the carbonate rock. The observed stable dissolution fronts with small but visible dissolution fingers were a consequence of the clustering of a small percentage of larger pores in an otherwise homogeneous Marly dolostone. The observed wormholes in the heterogeneous Vuggy limestone initiated and developed in areas of greater porosity and permeability contrast, following pre-existing preferential flow paths.Model calibration of core flood experiments is one way to specifically constrain parameter input used for specific sites for larger scale simulations. Calibration of the governing rate equations and constants for Vuggy limestones showed that dissolution rate constants reasonably agree with published values. However the calcite dissolution rate constants fitted to the Marly dolostone experiments are much lower than those suggested by literature. The differences in fitted calcite rate constants between the two rock types reflect uncertainty associated with measured reactive surface area and appropriately scaling heterogeneous distribution of less abundant reactive minerals. Calibration of the power-law based porosity–permeability equations was sensitive to the overall heterogeneity of the cores. Stable dissolution fronts of the more homogeneous Marly dolostone could be fit with the exponent n = 3 consistent with the traditional Kozeny–Carman equation developed for porous sandstones. More impermeable and heterogeneous cores required larger n values (n = 6–8).  相似文献   

In this paper, by using concentration and carbon stable isotope the CO2 sources of soil profiles developed on limestone, dolostone and claystone basements in Central Guizhou, China are comparatively studied. The results show that CO2 concentration of soil profiles developed on different basements is different, having the following sequence: limestone>dolostone>claystone. Below the soil depth of 20 cm from the surface the ? 13C value of CO2 in soil profile developed on limestone ranges from -12.811‰ - -13.492‰(PDB), that in soil profile developed on dolostone varys from -13.212‰ - -14.271‰(PDB) and that in soil profile developed on claystone is about -20.234‰ - -21.485‰(PDB). Taking the carbon isotope of soil organic matter and carbonate rock as two isotopic endmembers, the proportion of soil CO2 generated by dissolution of carbonate rock is calculated, about 21%-25% for soil profile developed on limestone basement, 19%-21% for soil profile developed on dolostone basement. There is almost no influx of CO2 generated by the dissolution of carbonate rock in soil profile developed on claystone basement.  相似文献   

Common shot ray tracing and finite difference seismic modelling experiments were undertaken to evaluate variations in the seismic response of the Devonian Redwater reef in the Alberta Basin, Canada after replacement of native pore waters in the upper rim of the reef with CO2. This part of the reef is being evaluated for a CO2 storage project. The input geological model was based on well data and the interpretation of depth‐converted, reprocessed 2D seismic data in the area. Pre‐stack depth migration of the ray traced and finite difference synthetic data demonstrate similar seismic attributes for the Mannville, Nisku, Ireton, Cooking Lake, and Beaverhill Lake formations and clear terminations of the Upper Leduc and Middle Leduc events at the reef margin. Higher amplitudes at the base of Upper‐Leduc member are evident near the reef margin due to the higher porosity of the foreslope facies in the reef rim compared to the tidal flat lagoonal facies within the central region of the reef. Time‐lapse seismic analysis exhibits an amplitude difference of about 14% for Leduc reflections before and after CO2 saturation and a travel‐time delay through the reservoir of 1.6 ms. Both the ray tracing and finite difference approaches yielded similar results but, for this particular model, the latter provided more precise imaging of the reef margin. From the numerical study we conclude that time‐lapse surface seismic surveys should be effective in monitoring the location of the CO2 plume in the Upper Leduc Formation of the Redwater reef, although the differences in the results between the two modelling approaches are of similar order to the effects of the CO2 fluid replacement itself.  相似文献   

The effect of sub‐core scale heterogeneity on fluid distribution pattern, and the electrical and acoustic properties of a typical reservoir rock was studied by performing drainage and imbibition flooding tests with CO2 and brine in a laboratory. Moderately layered Rothbach sandstone was used as a test specimen. Two core samples were drilled; one perpendicular and the other parallel to the layering to allow injection of fluids along and normal to the bedding plane. During the test 3D images of fluid distribution and saturation levels were mapped by an industrial X‐ray CT‐scanner together with simultaneous measurement of electrical resistivity, ultrasonic velocities as well as amplitudes. The results showed how the layering and the flooding direction influenced the fluid distribution pattern and the saturation level of the fluids. For a given fluid saturation level, the measured changes in the acoustic and electrical parameters were affected by both the fluid distribution pattern and the layering orientation relative to the measurement direction. The P‐wave amplitude and the electrical resistivity were more sensitive to small changes in the fluid distribution patterns than the P‐wave velocity. The change in amplitude was the most affected by the orientation of the layering and the resulting fluid distribution patterns. In some instances the change due to the fluid distribution pattern was higher than the variation caused by the change in CO2 saturation. As a result the Gassmann relation based on ‘uniform' or ‘patchy' saturation pattern was not suitable to predict the P‐wave velocity variation. Overall, the results demonstrate the importance of core‐imaging to improve our understanding of fluid distribution patterns and the associated effects on measured rock‐physics properties.  相似文献   

Time‐lapse 3D seismic reflection data, covering the CO2 storage operation at the Snøhvit gas field in the Barents Sea, show clear amplitude and time‐delay differences following injection. The nature and extent of these changes suggest that increased pore fluid pressure contributes to the observed seismic response, in addition to a saturation effect. Spectral decomposition using the smoothed pseudo‐Wigner–Ville distribution has been used to derive discrete‐frequency reflection amplitudes from around the base of the CO2 storage reservoir. These are utilized to determine the lateral variation in peak tuning frequency across the seismic anomaly as this provides a direct proxy for the thickness of the causative feature. Under the assumption that the lateral and vertical extents of the respective saturation and pressure changes following CO2 injection will be significantly different, discrete spectral amplitudes are used to distinguish between the two effects. A clear spatial separation is observed in the distribution of low‐ and high‐frequency tuning. This is used to discriminate between direct fluid substitution of CO2, as a thin layer, and pressure changes that are distributed across a greater thickness of the storage reservoir. The results reveal a striking correlation with findings derived from pressure and saturation discrimination algorithms based on amplitude versus offset analysis.  相似文献   

Time‐lapse seismics is the methodology of choice for remotely monitoring changes in oil/gas reservoir depletion, reservoir stimulation or CO2 sequestration, due to good sensitivity and resolving power at depths up to several kilometres. This method is now routinely applied offshore, however, the use of time‐lapse methodology onshore is relatively rare. The main reason for this is the relatively high cost of commercial seismic acquisition on land. A widespread belief of a relatively poor repeatability of land seismic data prevents rapid growth in the number of land time‐lapse surveys. Considering that CO2 sequestration on land is becoming a necessity, there is a great need to evaluate the feasibility of time‐lapse seismics for monitoring. Therefore, an understanding of the factors influencing repeatability of land seismics and evaluating limitations of the method is crucially important for its application in many CO2 sequestration projects. We analyse several repeated 2D and 3D surveys acquired within the Otway CO2 sequestration pilot project (operated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Technologies, CO2CRC) in Australia, in order to determine the principal limitations of land time‐lapse seismic repeatability and investigate the influence of the main factors affecting it. Our findings are that the intrinsic signal‐to‐noise ratio (S/N, signal to coherent and background noise levels) and the normalized‐root‐mean‐square (NRMS) difference are controlled by the source strength and source type. However, the post‐stack S/N ratio and corresponding NRMS residuals are controlled mainly by the data fold. For very high‐fold data, the source strength and source type are less critical.  相似文献   

Taking Huanglong Ravine and Kangding, Sichuan, and Xiage, Zhongdian, Yunnan, as examples, the authors summarize the hydrogeochemical and carbon stable isotopic features of the geothermal CO2-water-carbonate rock system and analyze the CO2 sources of the system. It was found that the hydrogeochemical and carbon stable isotopic features of such a system are different from those of shallow CO2-water-carbonate rock system, which is strongly influenced by biosphere. The former has higher CO2 partial pressure, and is rich in heavy carbon stable isotope. In addition, such a geothermal system is also different from that developed in igneous rock. The water in the latter system lacks Ca2+, and thus, there are few tufa deposits on ground surface, but it is rich in light carbon stable isotope. Further analysis shows that CO2 of the geothermal CO2-water-carbonate rock system is a mixture of metamorphic CO2 and magmatic CO2.  相似文献   

Although most rocks are complex multi‐mineralic aggregates, quantitative interpretation workflows usually ignore this complexity and employ Gassmann equation and effective stress laws that assume a micro‐homogeneous (mono‐mineralic) rock. Even though the Gassmann theory and effective stress concepts have been generalized to micro‐inhomogeneous rocks, they are seldom if at all used in practice because they require a greater number of parameters, which are difficult to measure or infer from data. Furthermore, the magnitude of the effect of micro‐heterogeneity on fluid substitution and on effective stress coefficients is poorly understood. In particular, it is an open question whether deviations of the experimentally measurements of the effective stress coefficients for drained and undrained elastic moduli from theoretical predictions can be explained by the effect of micro‐heterogeneity. In an attempt to bridge this gap, we consider an idealized model of a micro‐inhomogeneous medium: a Hashin assemblage of double spherical shells. Each shell consists of a spherical pore surrounded by two concentric spherical layers of two different isotropic minerals. By analyzing the exact solution of this problem, we show that the results are exactly consistent with the equations of Brown and Korringa (which represent an extension of Gassmann's equation to micro‐inhomogeneous media). We also show that the effective stress coefficients for bulk volume α, for porosity n? and for drained and undrained moduli are quite sensitive to the degree of heterogeneity (contrast between the moduli of the two mineral components). For instance, while for micro‐homogeneous rocks the theory gives n? = 1, for strongly micro‐inhomogenous rocks, n? may span a range of values from –∞ to ∞ (depending on the contrast between moduli of inner and outer shells). Furthermore, the effective stress coefficient for pore volume (Biot–Willis coefficient) α can be smaller than the porosity ?. Further studies are required to understand the applicability of the results to realistic rock geometries.  相似文献   

High‐resolution three‐dimensional images are used in digital rock physics to numerically compute rock physical properties such as permeability and elastic moduli. These images are not widely available, and their preparation is both expensive and time consuming. All of these issues highlight the importance of alternative digital rock physics methods that are based on two‐dimensional images and use different approaches to compute effective properties of three‐dimensional samples. In addition, the scale of study in both standard and alternative digital rock physics is very small, which applications of its results are questionable at wells or reservoir scale. The aim of this study is to use two‐dimensional images and alternative digital rock physics techniques for computing seismic wave velocity and permeability, which are compared with well and laboratory data. For this purpose, data from one well in a reservoir located in the southwestern part of Iran are used. First, two clean (carbonate) and two cemented (limy sandstone) samples were collected from well cores at different depths. Then, two‐dimensional images by scanning electron microscope and conventional microscope were captured. In the next step, two alternative digital rock physics methods, namely, empirical relations and conditional reconstruction, have been employed to compute P‐wave velocity and permeability of a three‐dimensional medium. Results showed that, in clean (mono‐mineral) samples, velocity values were reasonably close to well data. However, permeability values are underestimated compared with laboratory data because laboratory data were obtained at ambient pressure, whereas alternative digital rock physics results are more representative of reservoir pressure conditions. Nevertheless, permeability–porosity trends are valid for both samples. In the case of cemented samples, a two‐scale procedure, along with a method for two‐scale computation and grain‐cement segmentation, is presented and developed. Results showed that P‐wave velocity is overestimated probably due to random sampling in this method. However, velocity–porosity trends are in agreement with well data. Moreover, permeability results obtained for cemented samples were also similar to those obtained for the clean samples.  相似文献   

In this study we performed three categories of steady- and unsteady-state core-flooding experiments to investigate capillary trapping, relative permeability, and capillary pressure, in a scCO2 + SO2/brine/limestone system at elevated temperature and pressure conditions, i.e., 60 °C and 19.16 MPa. We used a Madison limestone core sample acquired from the Rock Springs Uplift in southwest Wyoming. We carried out two sets of steady-state drainage-imbibition relative permeability experiments with different initial brine saturations to study hysteresis. We found that the final scCO2 + SO2 drainage relative permeability was very low, i.e., 0.04. We also observed a rapid reduction in the scCO2-rich phase imbibition relative permeability curve, which resulted in a high residual trapping. The results showed that between 62.8% and more than 76% of the initial scCO2 + SO2 at the end of drainage was trapped by capillary trapping mechanism (trapping efficiency). We found that at higher initial brine saturations, the trapping efficiency was higher. The maximum initial and residual scCO2-rich phase saturations at the end of primary drainage and imbibition were 0.525 and 0.329, respectively. Each drainage-imbibition cycle was followed by a dissolution process to re-establish Sw = 1. The dissolution brine relative permeabilities for both cycles were also obtained. We characterized the scCO2 + SO2/brine capillary pressure hysteresis behavior through unsteady-state primary drainage, imbibition, and secondary drainage experiments. We observed negative imbibition capillary pressure curve indicative of possible wettability alteration throughout the experiments due to contact with scCO2 + SO2/brine fluid system. The trapping results were compared to those reported in literature for other carbonate core samples. We noticed slightly more residual trapping in our sample, which might be attributed to heterogeneity, different viscosity ratio, and pore-space topologies. The impact of dynamic effects, i.e., high brine flow rate imbibition tests, on trapping of the scCO2-rich phase was also explored. We performed two imbibition experiments with relatively high brine flow rates. The residual scCO2 saturation dropped to 0.291 and 0.262 at the end of the first and second imbibition tests, i.e., 11.5% and 20.4%, respectively, compared to 0.329 under capillary-dominated regime.  相似文献   

The added value of the joint pre-stack inversion of PP (incident P-wave and reflected P-wave) and PS (incident P-wave and reflected S-wave) seismic data for the time-lapse application is shown. We focus on the application of this technique to the time-lapse (four-dimensional) multicomponent Jubarte field permanent reservoir monitoring seismic data. The joint inversion results are less sensitive to noise in the input data and show a better match with the rock physics models calibrated for the field. Further, joint inversion improves S-impedance estimates and provides a more robust quantitative interpretation, allowing enhanced differentiation between pore pressure and fluid saturation changes, which will be extremely useful for reservoir management. Small changes in reservoir properties are expected in the short time between the time-lapse seismic acquisitions used in the Jubarte project (only 1 year apart). The attempt to recover subtle fourth-dimensional effects via elastic inversion is recurrent in reservoir characterization projects, either due to the small sensitivity of the reservoirs to fluid and pressure changes or the short interval between the acquisitions. Therefore, looking for methodologies that minimize the uncertainty of fourth-dimensional inversion outputs is of fundamental importance. Here, we also show the differences between PP only and joint PP–PS inversion workflows and parameterizations that can be applied in other projects. We show the impact of using multicomponent data as input for elastic seismic inversions in the analysis of the time-lapse differences of the elastic properties. The larger investment in the acquisition and processing of multicomponent seismic data is shown to be justified by the improved results from the fourth-dimensional joint inversion.  相似文献   

相对于常规砂岩,致密砂岩在岩石物理性质、力学性质等方面具有明显差异,并呈现出很强的非均质性.岩石物理模型能将储层参数与地震特性信息联系起来,因此可以作为致密砂岩储层参数与地震特性信息转换的桥梁.常规的岩石物理模型通常只考虑单一因素(例如非均匀性,单一孔隙,单一尺度等),建立的岩石物理模板并不适用于致密砂岩.本文针对高饱和气、微裂隙发育、非均质性强的致密砂岩储层,利用Voigt-Reuss-Hill模型计算混合矿物的弹性模量,采用微分等效介质(DEM)模型描述含裂隙、孔隙岩石的骨架弹性模量,基于Biot-Rayleigh波动方程构建了岩石物理弹性模板,给出了致密砂岩储层弹性参数与物性的关系.基于测井数据和实验数据对岩石物理弹性模板进行校正,并将校正后的岩石物理弹性模板结合叠前地震资料应用于川西地区储层孔隙度与裂隙含量预测.结果显示,反演裂隙含量、孔隙度与储层试气报告、测井孔隙度基本吻合,表明该模板能够较合理地应用于致密砂岩储层孔隙度及裂隙含量解释中.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal variations in CO2 and CH4 concentrations in streamwater and adjacent soils were studied at three sites on Brocky Burn, a headwater stream draining a peatland catchment in upland Britain. Concentrations of both gases in the soil atmosphere were significantly higher in peat and riparian soils than in mineral soils. Peat and riparian soil CO2 concentrations varied seasonally, showing a positive correlation with air and soil temperature. Streamwater CO2 concentrations at the upper sampling site, which mostly drained deep peats, varied from 2·8 to 9·8 mg l?1 (2·5 to 11·9 times atmospheric saturation) and decreased markedly downstream. Temperature‐related seasonal variations in peat and riparian soil CO2 were reflected in the stream at the upper site, where 77% of biweekly variation was explained by an autoregressive model based on: (i) a negative log‐linear relationship with stream flow; (ii) a positive linear relationship with soil CO2 concentrations in the shallow riparian wells; and (iii) a negative linear relationship with soil CO2 concentrations in the shallow peat wells, with a significant 2‐week lag term. These relationships changed markedly downstream, with an apparent decrease in the soil–stream linkage and a switch to a positive relationship between stream flow and stream CO2. Streamwater CH4 concentrations also declined sharply downstream, but were much lower (<0·01 to 0·12 mg l?1) than those of CO2 and showed no seasonal variation, nor any relationship with soil atmospheric CH4 concentrations. However, stream CH4 was significantly correlated with stream flow at the upper site, which explained 57% of biweekly variations in dissolved concentrations. We conclude that stream CO2 can be a useful integrative measure of whole catchment respiration, but only at sites where the soil–stream linkage is strong. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国内深层-超深层碳酸盐岩储层普遍经历多阶段、多期次的成岩作用改造,非均质性极强,致使脱离地质背景的岩石物理分析方法难以准确地给出岩石物理变化规律与储层特征之间的联系.本文通过对合川地区震旦系灯影组四段深层白云岩岩石物理性质的测量,并结合岩石学特征分析、多尺度孔隙结构分析及沉积环境的划分,在成岩作用过程框架下分析岩石物理特征的变化规律.研究结果表明,目标层段白云岩差异性成岩过程形成了不同的岩石孔隙结构特征与微观结构特征.丘滩相高能微生物白云岩分别经历同生期微生物白云岩化与渗透回流白云岩化作用、准同生期选择性溶蚀作用、埋深白云岩化作用以及构造-热液白云岩化,形成的晶粒白云岩主要为致密"焊接"型和紧密型白云石晶体接触边界,溶蚀孔隙发育,微裂隙与孔喉共同作为流体渗流通道.滩间海低能硅质、泥质与灰质云岩主要经历弱毛细管浓缩白云岩化作用、强机械压实致密化与埋深白云岩化作用,形成的晶粒白云岩存在致密"焊接"型、黏土型、石英胶结型与方解石型晶体接触边界,孔隙以残余原生粒间或晶间孔为主,以微裂隙作为主要的流体渗流通道.晶粒边界性质与孔隙结构共同控制了样品的宏观物性及地震弹性性质,相同晶粒边界的样品具有一致的纵波-横波速度和纵波速度-速度比变化关系.微裂隙等软孔隙对纵、横波速度影响程度的差异造成有效压力-速度、纵波-横波速度、纵波速度-速度比、孔隙度-速度关系以及孔隙尺度流体相关频散作用的强弱发生明显变化.研究结果可为深层碳酸盐岩的储层特征地震预测提供岩石物理依据,并可作为示例形成在地质过程中研究岩石物理特征演化的新方法.  相似文献   

More than 50 000 tons of CO2 have been injected at Ketzin into the Stuttgart Formation, a saline aquifer, at approximately 620 m depth, as of summer 2011. We present here results from the 1st repeat 3D seismic survey that was performed at the site in autumn 2009, after about 22 000 tons of CO2 had been injected. We show here that rather complex time‐lapse signatures of this CO2 can be clearly observed within a radius of about 300 m from the injection well. The highly irregular amplitude response within this radius is attributed to the heterogeneity of the injection reservoir. Time delays to a reflection below the injection level are also observed. Petrophysical measurements on core samples and geophysical logging of CO2 saturation levels allow an estimate of the total amount of CO2 visible in the seismic data to be made. These estimates are somewhat lower than the actual amount of CO2 injected at the time of the survey and they are dependent upon the choice of a number of parameters. In spite of some uncertainty, the close agreement between the amount injected and the amount observed is encouraging for quantitative monitoring of a CO2 storage site using seismic methods.  相似文献   

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