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In the presence of background noise, arrival times picked from a surface microseismic data set usually include a number of false picks that can lead to uncertainty in location estimation. To eliminate false picks and improve the accuracy of location estimates, we develop an association algorithm termed RANSAC-based Arrival Time Event Clustering (RATEC) that clusters picked arrival times into event groups based on random sampling and fitting moveout curves that approximate hyperbolas. Arrival times far from the fitted hyperbolas are classified as false picks and removed from the data set prior to location estimation. Simulations of synthetic data for a 1-D linear array show that RATEC is robust under different noise conditions and generally applicable to various types of subsurface structures. By generalizing the underlying moveout model, RATEC is extended to the case of a 2-D surface monitoring array. The effectiveness of event location for the 2-D case is demonstrated using a data set collected by the 5200-element dense Long Beach array. The obtained results suggest that RATEC is effective in removing false picks and hence can be used for phase association before location estimates.  相似文献   

In studies on heavy oil, shale reservoirs, tight gas and enhanced geothermal systems, the use of surface passive seismic data to monitor induced microseismicity due to the fluid flow in the subsurface is becoming more common. However, in most studies passive seismic records contain days and months of data and manually analysing the data can be expensive and inaccurate. Moreover, in the presence of noise, detecting the arrival of weak microseismic events becomes challenging. Hence, the use of an automated, accurate and computationally fast technique for event detection in passive seismic data is essential. The conventional automatic event identification algorithm computes a running‐window energy ratio of the short‐term average to the long‐term average of the passive seismic data for each trace. We show that for the common case of a low signal‐to‐noise ratio in surface passive records, the conventional method is not sufficiently effective at event identification. Here, we extend the conventional algorithm by introducing a technique that is based on the cross‐correlation of the energy ratios computed by the conventional method. With our technique we can measure the similarities amongst the computed energy ratios at different traces. Our approach is successful at improving the detectability of events with a low signal‐to‐noise ratio that are not detectable with the conventional algorithm. Also, our algorithm has the advantage to identify if an event is common to all stations (a regional event) or to a limited number of stations (a local event). We provide examples of applying our technique to synthetic data and a field surface passive data set recorded at a geothermal site.  相似文献   

A new broadband electromagnetic induction (EMI) array sensor, GEM-5, for detecting and characterizing Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) has been developed in order to provide high production rates for EMI surveys. The sensor consists of a single rectangular loop transmitter around a linear array of seven pairs of coaxial receiver coils, with each coil in a pair located at the same vertical distance above and below the loop transmitter. The coil pairs are wired in an inverted series so that the signal consists of the difference between the voltage induced in the upper and lower coils. This particular configuration provides a high degree of primary field cancellation, dense spatial sampling rate due to simultaneous and continuous operation of all sensors, suppression of motion-induced and environmental noise, and strong source fields at typical UXO burial depths providing deep detection range. Our prototype tests indicate that the array yields a lower static and motion-induced noise over the critical low frequencies than that of existing sensors, and in particular, the signal-to-noise ratio at 90 Hz is 32 dB higher. Environmental noise can be largely removed from the difference measurements. The field test results from UXO test sites show that the prototype sensor has smoother background and appears to detect more seeded targets than the GEM-3 concentric sensor, however some of that gain can be attributed to higher power transmitter electronics.  相似文献   

This paper presents a linear predictor (LP)‐based lossless sensor data compression algorithm for efficient transmission, storage and retrieval of seismic data. Auto‐Regressive with eXogenous input (ARX) model is selected as the model structure of LP. Since earthquake ground motion is typically measured at the base of monitored structures, the ARX model parameters are calculated in a system identification framework using sensor network data and measured input signals. In this way, sensor data compression takes advantage of structural system information to maximize the sensor data compression performance. Numerical simulation results show that several factors including LP order, measurement noise, input and limited sensor number affect the performance of the proposed lossless sensor data compression algorithm concerned. Generally, the lossless data compression algorithm is capable of reducing the size of raw sensor data while causing no information loss in the sensor data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential development of a probabilistic design methodology, considering hysteretic energy demand, within the framework of performance‐based seismic design of buildings. This article does not propose specific energy‐based criteria for design guidelines, but explores how such criteria can be treated from a probabilistic design perspective. Uniform hazard spectra for normalized hysteretic energy are constructed to characterize seismic demand at a specific site. These spectra, in combination with an equivalent systems methodology, are used to estimate hysteretic energy demand on real building structures. A design checking equation for a (hypothetical) probabilistic energy‐based performance criterion is developed by accounting for the randomness of the earthquake phenomenon, the uncertainties associated with the equivalent system analysis technique, and with the site soil factor. The developed design checking equation itself is deterministic, and requires no probabilistic analysis for use. The application of the proposed equation is demonstrated by applying it to a trial design of a three‐storey steel moment frame. The design checking equation represents a first step toward the development of a performance‐based seismic design procedure based on energy criterion, and additional works needed to fully implement this are discussed in brief at the end of the paper. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Passive seismic has recently attracted a great deal of attention because non‐artificial source is used in subsurface imaging. The utilization of passive source is low cost compared with artificial‐source exploration. In general, constructing virtual shot gathers by using cross‐correlation is a preliminary step in passive seismic data processing, which provides the basis for applying conventional seismic processing methods. However, the subsurface structure is not uniformly illuminated by passive sources, which leads to that the ray path of passive seismic does not fit the hyperbolic hypothesis. Thereby, travel time is incorrect in the virtual shot gathers. Besides, the cross‐correlation results are contaminated by incoherent noise since the passive sources are always natural. Such noise is kinematically similar to seismic events and challenging to be attenuated, which will inevitably reduce the accuracy in the subsequent process. Although primary estimation for transient‐source seismic data has already been proposed, it is not feasible to noise‐source seismic data due to the incoherent noise. To overcome the above problems, we proposed to combine focal transform and local similarity into a highly integrated operator and then added it into the closed‐loop surface‐related multiple elimination based on the 3D L1‐norm sparse inversion framework. Results proved that the method was capable of reliably estimating noise‐free primaries and correcting travel time at far offsets for a foresaid virtual shot gathers in a simultaneous closed‐loop inversion manner.  相似文献   

High force‐to‐volume extrusion damping devices can offer significant energy dissipation directly in structural connections and significantly reduce seismic response. Realistic force levels up to 400 kN have been obtained experimentally validating this overall concept. This paper develops spectral‐based design equations for their application. Response spectra analysis for multiple, probabilistically scaled earthquake suites are used to delineate the response reductions due to added extrusion damping. Representative statistics and damping reduction factors are utilized to characterize the modified response in a form suitable for current performance‐based design methods. Multiple equation regression analysis is used to characterize reduction factors in the constant acceleration, constant velocity, and constant displacement regions of the response spectra. With peak device forces of 10% of structural weight, peak damping reduction factors in the constant displacement region of the spectra are approximately 6.5 ×, 4.0 ×, and 2.8 × for the low, medium, and high suites, respectively. At T = 1 s, these values are approximately 3.6 ×, 1.8 ×, and 1.4 ×, respectively. The maximum systematic bias introduced by using empirical equations to approximate damping reduction factors in design analyses is within the range of +10 to ?20%. The seismic demand spectrum approach is shown to be conservative across a majority of the spectrum, except for large added damping between T = 0.8 and 3.5 s, where it slightly underestimates the demand up to a maximum of approximately 10%. Overall, the analysis shows that these devices have significant potential to reduce seismic response and damage at validated prototype device force levels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Risk‐based seismic design, as introduced in this paper, involves the use of different types of analysis in order to satisfy a risk‐based performance objective with a reasonable utilization rate and sufficient reliability. Differentiation of the reliability of design can be achieved by defining different design algorithms depending on the importance of a structure. In general, the proposed design is iterative, where the adjustment of a structure during iterations is the most challenging task. Rather than using automated design algorithms, an attempt has been made to introduce three simple guidelines for adjusting reinforced concrete frames in order to increase their strength and deformation capacity. It is shown that an engineer can design a reinforced concrete frame in a few iterations, for example, by adjusting the structure on the basis of pushover analysis and checking the final design by means of nonlinear dynamic analysis. A possible variant of the risk‐based design algorithm for the collapse safety of reinforced concrete frame buildings is proposed, and its application is demonstrated by means of an example of an eight‐storey reinforced concrete building. Four iterations were required in order to achieve the risk‐based performance objective with a reasonable utilization rate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Microseismic monitoring in the oil and gas industry commonly uses migration‐based methods to locate very weak microseismic events. The objective of this study is to compare the most popular migration‐based methods on a synthetic dataset that simulates a strike‐slip source mechanism event with a low signal‐to‐noise ratio recorded by surface receivers (vertical components). The results show the significance of accounting for the known source mechanism in the event detection and location procedures. For detection and location without such a correction, the ability to detect weak events is reduced. We show both numerically and theoretically that neglecting the source mechanism by using only absolute values of the amplitudes reduces noise suppression during stacking and, consequently, limits the possibility to retrieve weak microseismic events. On the other hand, even a simple correction to the data polarization used with otherwise ineffective methods can significantly improve detections and locations. A simple stacking of the data with a polarization correction provided clear event detection and location, but even better results were obtained for those data combined with methods that are based on semblance and cross‐correlation.  相似文献   

Decision models for the verification of seismic collapse safety of buildings are introduced. The derivations are based on the concept of the acceptable (target) annual probability of collapse, whereas the decision making involves comparisons between seismic demand and capacity, which is familiar to engineering practitioners. Seismic demand, which corresponds to the design seismic action associated with a selected return period, can be expressed either in terms of an intensity measure (IM) or an engineering demand parameter (EDP). Seismic capacity, on the other hand, is defined by dividing the near‐collapse limit‐state IM or EDP by an appropriate risk‐targeted safety factor (γ im or γ edp ), which is the only safety factor used in the proposed decision model. Consequently, the seismic performance assessment of a building should be based on the best possible estimate. For a case study, it is shown that if the target collapse risk is set to 10?4 (0.5% over a period of 50 years), and if the seismic demand corresponds to a return period of 475 years (10% over a period of 50 years), then it can be demonstrated that γ im is approximately equal to 2.5 for very stiff buildings, whereas for buildings with long periods the value of γ im can increase up to a value of approximately 5. The model using γ edp is equal to that using γ im only if it can be assumed that displacements, with consideration of nonlinear behavior, are equal to displacements from linear elastic analysis.  相似文献   


上地壳地震各向异性主要受区域应力引起的裂隙定向排列影响,也受局部构造单元,如断裂带等的影响.受地震台阵台间距的限制,系统性地研究断裂带等构造因素对各向异性影响的研究还较少.基于云南宾川地区密集台阵在两个月内记录到的9819个S波记录,我们使用MFAST(Multiple Filter Automatic Splitting Technique)方法获得了831个高质量的横波分裂结果.结果显示,(1)该区域内的平均快波偏振方向为NNW向,与区域最大水平主压应力方向一致;(2)空间分布上,断裂带附近台站的快波偏振方向呈现与断裂带走向相关的特征;(3)平均慢波时延为0.087±0.002 s,计算得到的各向异性强度为2.4%,高于云南地区的平均值.研究结果表明,宾川地区的上地壳各向异性主要受区域应力控制,局部特征受断裂带的改造作用,各向异性强度较强.本研究展示了密集台阵在系统性地研究上地壳各向异性的优势,即利用高密度的空间采样可以更好地分析上地壳各向异性的空间分布细节和影响机制.


Performance‐based seismic design (PBSD) can be considered as the coupling of expected levels of ground motion with desired levels of structural performance, with the objective of achieving greater control over earthquake‐induced losses. Eurocode 8 (EC8) already envisages two design levels of motion, for no collapse and damage limitation performance targets, anchored to recommended return periods of 475 and 95 years, respectively. For PBSD the earthquake actions need to be presented in ways that are appropriate to the estimation of inelastic displacements, since these provide an effective control on damage at different limit states. The adequacy of current earthquake actions in EC8 are reviewed from this perspective and areas requiring additional development are identified. The implications of these representations of the seismic loads, in terms of mapping and zonation, are discussed. The current practice of defining the loading levels on the basis of the pre‐selected return periods is challenged, and ideas are discussed for calibrating the loading‐performance levels for design on the basis of quantitative earthquake loss estimation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology based on structural performance to determine uniform fragility design spectra, i.e., spectra with the same probability of exceedance of a performance level for a given seismic intensity. The design spectra calculated with this methodology provide directly the lateral strength, in terms of yield‐ pseudo‐accelerations, associated with the rate of exceedance of a specific ductility characterizing the performance level for which the structures will be designed. This procedure involves the assessment of the seismic hazard using a large enough number of seismic records of several magnitudes; these records are simulated with an improved empirical Green function method. The statistics of the performance of a single degree of freedom system are obtained using Monte Carlo simulation considering the seismic demand, the fundamental period, and the strength of the structure as uncertain variables. With these results, the conditional probability that a structure exceeds a specific performance level is obtained. The authors consider that the proposed procedure is a significant improvement to others considered in the literature and a useful research tool for the further development of uniform fragility spectra that can be used for the performance‐based seismic design and retrofit of structures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a design approach for seismic rehabilitation of frames having a beam‐collapse mechanism using a technique termed minimal‐disturbance seismic rehabilitation. This technique pursues enhancing the seismic performance of buildings with the intention of improving the continuity of business. It minimizes obstruction of the visual and physical space of building users and the use of heavy construction equipment and work requiring fire permit (welding/cutting). The developed design approach is simple to use. Yet it leads to designs that limit the beams' plastic rotations to allowable values, while minimizing the number of locations where devices are installed and the devise dimensions. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the design approach and the rehabilitation technique is numerically studied through retrofitting a four‐story steel moment‐resisting frame. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Yield frequency spectra (YFS) are introduced to enable the direct design of a structure subject to a set of seismic performance objectives. YFS offer a unique view of the entire solution space for structural performance. This is portrayed in terms of the mean annual frequency (MAF) of exceeding arbitrary ductility (or displacement) thresholds, versus the base shear strength of a structural system having specified yield displacement and capacity curve shape. YFS can be computed nearly instantaneously using publicly available software or closed‐form solutions, for any system whose response can be satisfactorily approximated by an equivalent nonlinear single‐degree‐of‐freedom oscillator. Because the yield displacement typically is a more stable parameter for performance‐based seismic design compared with the period, the YFS format is especially useful for design. Performance objectives stated in terms of the MAF of exceeding specified ductility (or displacement) thresholds are used to determine the lateral strength that governs the design of the structure. Both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties are considered, the latter at user‐selected confidence levels that can inject the desired conservatism in protecting against different failure modes. Near‐optimal values of design parameters can be determined in many cases in a single step. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recent spate of large earthquakes has triggered diverse performance requirements for structures. This has led to increasing worldwide interest in performance‐based design methods. To establish such methods, however, it is necessary to evaluate structure conditions after defining the loads, and this is difficult to accomplish. On the other hand, there has been steady progress on research and development of structural control techniques for improving structural performance. These technological innovations need to be rationally incorporated into structural design. In particular, semi‐active structural control techniques are effective in improving structural performance during large earthquakes. By effectively incorporating them into the design, it is possible to meet the various structural performance requirements. This paper first outlines the various structural control methods and focuses on the semi‐active structural control technique as the main topic. It then describes an example to verify the effectiveness of the semi‐active structural control technique in high‐rise buildings. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventional design methodology for the earthquake‐resistant structures is based on the concept of ensuring ‘no collapse’ during the most severe earthquake event. This methodology does not envisage the possibility of continuous damage accumulation during several not‐so‐severe earthquake events, as may be the case in the areas of moderate to high seismicity, particularly when it is economically infeasible to carry out repairs after damaging events. As a result, the structure may collapse or may necessitate large scale repairs much before the design life of the structure is over. This study considers the use of design force ratio (DFR) spectrum for taking an informed decision on the extent to which yield strength levels should be raised to avoid such a scenario. DFR spectrum gives the ratios by which the yield strength levels of single‐degree‐of‐freedom oscillators of different initial periods should be increased in order to limit the total damage caused by all earthquake events during the lifetime to a specified level. The DFR spectra are compared for three different seismicity models in case of elasto‐plastic oscillators: one corresponding to the exponential distribution for return periods of large events and the other two corresponding to the lognormal and Weibull distributions. It is shown through numerical study for a hypothetical seismic region that the use of simple exponential model may be acceptable only for small values of the seismic gap length. For moderately large to large seismic gap lengths, it may be conservative to use the lognormal model, while the Weibull model may be assumed for very large seismic gap lengths. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous comparison studies on seismic isolation have demonstrated its beneficial and detrimental effects on the structural performance of high‐speed rail bridges during earthquakes. Striking a balance between these 2 competing effects requires proper tuning of the controlling design parameters in the design of the seismic isolation system. This results in a challenging problem for practical design in performance‐based engineering, particularly when the uncertainty in seismic loading needs to be explicitly accounted for. This problem can be tackled using a novel probabilistic performance‐based optimum seismic design (PPBOSD) framework, which has been previously proposed as an extension of the performance‐based earthquake engineering methodology. For this purpose, a parametric probabilistic demand hazard analysis is performed over a grid in the seismic isolator parameter space, using high‐throughput cloud‐computing resources, for a California high‐speed rail (CHSR) prototype bridge. The derived probabilistic structural demand hazard results conditional on a seismic hazard level and unconditional, i.e., accounting for all seismic hazard levels, are used to define 2 families of risk features, respectively. Various risk features are explored as functions of the key isolator parameters and are used to construct probabilistic objective and constraint functions in defining well‐posed optimization problems. These optimization problems are solved using a grid‐based, brute‐force approach as an application of the PPBOSD framework, seeking optimum seismic isolator parameters for the CHSR prototype bridge. This research shows the promising use of seismic isolation for CHSR bridges, as well as the potential of the versatile PPBOSD framework in solving probabilistic performance‐based real‐world design problems.  相似文献   


利用密集台阵对水力压裂微地震进行监测将有助于优化储层压裂、揭示断层活化.为满足密集台阵海量采集数据的处理需求, 本文建立了一种综合运用多种机器学习方法和台阵相关性的、无需人工干预的自动处理流程, 从而能够快速得到高质量的密集台阵震相到时目录.该综合策略包括: (1)利用迁移学习在连续波形中快速检测地震事件; (2)利用U型神经网络PhaseNet自动拾取P波、S波震相; (3)利用三重线性剔除法, 结合密集台阵到时相关性剔除异常到时数据和地震事件; (4)利用K-means和SVM两类机器学习算法, 进一步区分发震时刻接近的多个地震事件, 减小事件漏拾率.通过将该流程应用于四川盆地长宁—昭通页岩气开发区微地震监测数据, 并将自动处理结果与人工拾取结果进行比对发现, 二者在震级测定、定位以及走时成像结果等方面具有很好的一致性, 表明本文处理流程结果精度可达到手动处理精度.本文结果为密集台阵地震监测数据的高效、高精度处理提供了新思路.


Fundamental period of vibration appears to be one of the most critical parameter for the seismic design of buildings because this period strongly affects the magnitude of seismic forces. In this paper, an empirical formula for estimating the fundamental period of reinforced concrete structures is recommended, on the basis of the vibration analysis of 20 different real building configurations. These structures have already been constructed in Greece, and they are analyzed by using in detail 3‐D finite element models and modal eigenvalue analysis. These models take into account the presence of external and internal infill walls, which are usually ignored as nonstructural elements. This neglect leads to unreliable evaluation of period because the infill walls' contribution to the lateral stiffness and therefore to the fundamental period of vibration is also ignored. Furthermore, taking into account that the flexibility of soil elongates the fundamental period, the soil–structure interaction effect is also considered. To achieve a unique, simple, and effective empirical expression for the fundamental period of vibration, a comprehensive nonlinear regression analysis is applied for the datasets of buildings under consideration. This empirical expression is also compared with the similar expressions from the pertinent literature. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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