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Anisotropy is often observed due to the thin layering or aligned micro‐structures, like small fractures. At the scale of cross‐well tomography, the anisotropic effects cannot be neglected. In this paper, we propose a method of full‐wave inversion for transversely isotropic media and we test its robustness against structured noisy data. Optimization inversion techniques based on a least‐square formalism are used. In this framework, analytical expressions of the misfit function gradient, based on the adjoint technique in the time domain, allow one to solve the inverse problem with a high number of parameters and for a completely heterogeneous medium. The wave propagation equation for transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetry axis is solved using the finite difference method on the cylindrical system of coordinates. This system allows one to model the 3D propagation in a 2D medium with a revolution symmetry. In case of approximately horizontal layering, this approximation is sufficient. The full‐wave inversion method is applied to a crosswell synthetic 2‐component (radial and vertical) dataset generated using a 2D model with three different anisotropic regions. Complex noise has been added to these synthetic observed data. This noise is Gaussian and has the same amplitude f?k spectrum as the data. Part of the noise is localized as a coda of arrivals, the other part is not localized. Five parameter fields are estimated, (vertical) P‐wave velocity, (vertical) S‐wave velocity, volumetric mass and the Thomsen anisotropic parameters epsilon and delta. Horizontal exponential correlations have been used. The results show that the full‐wave inversion of cross‐well data is relatively robust for high‐level noise even for second‐order parameters such as Thomsen epsilon and delta anisotropic parameters.  相似文献   

We present laboratory ultrasonic measurements of shear‐wave splitting from two synthetic silica cemented sandstones. The manufacturing process, which enabled silica cementation of quartz sand grains, was found to produce realistic sandstones of average porosity 29.7 ± 0.5% and average permeability 29.4 ± 11.3 mD. One sample was made with a regular distribution of aligned, penny‐shaped voids to simulate meso‐scale fractures in reservoir rocks, while the other was left blank. Ultrasonic shear waves were measured with a propagation direction of 90° to the coincident bedding plane and fracture normal. In the water saturated blank sample, shear‐wave splitting, the percentage velocity difference between the fast and slow shear waves, of <0.5% was measured due to the bedding planes (or layering) introduced during sample preparation. In the fractured sample, shear‐wave splitting (corrected for layering anisotropy) of 2.72 ± 0.58% for water, 2.80 ± 0.58% for air and 3.21 ± 0.58% for glycerin saturation at a net pressure of 40 MPa was measured. Analysis of X‐ray CT scan images was used to determine a fracture density of 0.0298 ± 0.077 in the fractured sample. This supports theoretical predictions that shear‐wave splitting (SWS) can be used as a good estimate for fracture density in porous rocks (i.e., SWS = 100εf, where εf is fracture density) regardless of pore fluid type, for wave propagation at 90° to the fracture normal.  相似文献   

Azimuthal variation in AVO response for fractured gas sands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural fractures in reservoirs play an important role in determining fluid flow during production, and hence the density and orientation of fractures is of great interest. In the presence of aligned vertical fractures, the reflection amplitude at finite offset varies with azimuth. The effect of natural fractures on the azimuthal AVO response from a gas-sandstone reservoir encased within shale is investigated. A simple expression for the difference in P-wave reflection coefficient from the top of the reservoir parallel and perpendicular to the strike of the fractures is obtained in terms of the normal and tangential compliances, ZN and ZT, of the fractures. This expression is valid for small anisotropy and material contrasts and is compared with the results of numerical modelling. For a given value of ZT, the azimuthal variation in reflection coefficient at moderate offsets is found to increase with decreasing ZN/ZT. For gas-filled open fractures ZN/ZT ≈ 1, but a lower ratio of ZN/ZT may result from the presence of cement or clay within the fractures, or from the presence of a fluid with non-zero bulk modulus. For ZN/ZT = 1 and moderate offsets, the variation with offset of the reflection coefficient from the top of the fractured unit is dominated by the contrast in Poisson's ratio between the gas sand and the overlying shale, the effect of fractures only becoming noticeable as the critical angle for the unfractured sandstone is approached. However, for reflections from the base of the fractured unit, the variation in reflection amplitude with azimuth is much greater at conventional seismic offsets than for the reflection from the top. Azimuthal variations in the strength of the reflection from the top of the reservoir depend only on the variation in reflection coefficient, whereas the raypath is also a function of azimuth for reflections from the base of the fractured unit, leading to stronger, more visible, variations of AVO with azimuth. It follows that an azimuthal variation in AVO due to fractures in the overburden may be misinterpreted as due to the presence of aligned fractures in the reservoir.  相似文献   

Multiple vertical fracture sets, possibly combined with horizontal fine layering, produce an equivalent medium of monoclinic symmetry with a horizontal symmetry plane. Although monoclinic models may be rather common for fractured formations, they have hardly been used in seismic methods of fracture detection due to the large number of independent elements in the stiffness tensor. Here, we show that multicomponent wide-azimuth reflection data (combined with known vertical velocity or reflector depth) or multi-azimuth walkaway VSP surveys provide enough information to invert for all but one anisotropic parameters of monoclinic media. In order to facilitate the inversion procedure, we introduce a Thomsen-style parametrization for monoclinic media that includes the vertical velocities of the P-wave and one of the split S-waves and a set of dimensionless anisotropic coefficients. Our notation, defined for the coordinate frame associated with the polarization directions of the vertically propagating shear waves, captures the combinations of the stiffnesses responsible for the normal-moveout (NMO) ellipses of all three pure modes. The first group of the anisotropic parameters contains seven coefficients (ε(1,2), δ(1,2,3) and γ(1,2)) analogous to those defined by Tsvankin for the higher-symmetry orthorhombic model. The parameters ε(1,2), δ(1,2) and γ(1,2) are primarily responsible for the pure-mode NMO velocities along the coordinate axes x1 and x2 (i.e. in the shear-wave polarization directions). The remaining coefficient δ(3) is not constrained by conventional-spread reflection traveltimes in a horizontal monoclinic layer. The second parameter group consists of the newly introduced coefficients ζ(1,2,3) which control the rotation of the P-, S1- and S2-wave NMO ellipses with respect to the horizontal coordinate axes. Misalignment of the P-wave NMO ellipse and shear-wave polarization directions was recently observed on field data by Pérez et al. Our parameter-estimation algorithm, based on NMO equations valid for any strength of the anisotropy, is designed to obtain anisotropic parameters of monoclinic media by inverting the vertical velocities and NMO ellipses of the P-, S1- and S2-waves. A Dix-type representation of the NMO velocity of mode-converted waves makes it possible to replace the pure shear modes in reflection surveys with the PS1- and PS2-waves. Numerical tests show that our method yields stable estimates of all relevant parameters for both a single layer and a horizontally stratified monoclinic medium.  相似文献   

We present a method for inversion of fracture compliance matrix components from wide‐azimuth noisy synthetic PS reflection data and quantitatively show that reflection amplitude variations with offset and azimuth for converted PS‐waves are more informative than P‐waves for fracture characterization. We consider monoclinic symmetry for fractured reservoir (parameters chosen from Woodford Shale), which can be formed by two or more sets of vertical fractures embedded in a vertically transverse isotropic background. Components of effective fracture compliance matrices for a medium with monoclinic symmetry are related to the characteristics of the fractured medium. Monte Carlo simulation results show that inversion of PS reflection data is more robust than that of PP reflection data to uncertainties in our a priori knowledge (vertically transverse isotropic parameters of unfractured rock) than PP reflection data. We also show that, while inversion of PP reflections is sensitive to contrasts in elastic properties of upper and lower media, inversion of PS reflections is robust with respect to such contrasts.  相似文献   

Although it is believed that natural fracture sets predominantly have near‐vertical orientation, oblique stresses and some other mechanisms may tilt fractures away from the vertical. Here, we examine an effective medium produced by a single system of obliquely dipping rotationally invariant fractures embedded in a transversely isotropic with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI) background rock. This model is monoclinic with a vertical symmetry plane that coincides with the dip plane of the fractures. Multicomponent seismic data acquired over such a medium possess several distinct features that make it possible to estimate the fracture orientation. For example, the vertically propagating fast shear wave (and the fast converted PS‐wave) is typically polarized in the direction of the fracture strike. The normal‐moveout (NMO) ellipses of horizontal reflection events are co‐orientated with the dip and strike directions of the fractures, which provides an independent estimate of the fracture azimuth. However, the polarization vector of the slow shear wave at vertical incidence does not lie in the horizontal plane – an unusual phenomenon that can be used to evaluate fracture dip. Also, for oblique fractures the shear‐wave splitting coefficient at vertical incidence becomes dependent on fracture infill (saturation). A complete medium‐characterization procedure includes estimating the fracture compliances and orientation (dip and azimuth), as well as the Thomsen parameters of the VTI background. We demonstrate that both the fracture and background parameters can be obtained from multicomponent wide‐azimuth data using the vertical velocities and NMO ellipses of PP‐waves and two split SS‐waves (or the traveltimes of PS‐waves) reflected from horizontal interfaces. Numerical tests corroborate the accuracy and stability of the inversion algorithm based on the exact expressions for the vertical and NMO velocities.  相似文献   

Utilizing shear-wave (S-wave) data acquired with compressional waves (P-waves) is becoming more common as joint imaging and inversion techniques improve. Interest in S-waves radiated from vertical sources and buried explosives exploits conversion to P-waves as primary reflections (SP-waves) for reducing acquisition costs and for application to legacy data. However, recent investigations overstate the extent of SP-wave illumination and show isotropic processing results with narrow bandwidth frequency and wavenumber data. I demonstrate that illumination with SP-waves is limited in general to near vertical polar angles up to around 30° or 35° for VP/VS of 2 or 3, respectively. At greater angles, S-waves are typically in the P-wave evanescent range and cannot excite SP-wave reflections. Contrary to recent claims, these sources for P-wave do not radiate SH-waves polarized in horizontal planes in all azimuths. I show these properties for isotropic media with radiation expressions for amplitude derived in vector slowness coordinates. Also, I extend these expressions to transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis to show agreement with synthetic seismic data that only quasi SV-waves are radiated and become more narrowly focused towards 45°. Furthermore, in orthorhombic media, synthetic data show that fast S1- and slow S2-waves polarized parallel and perpendicular to fractures may appear as SV- and SH-waves. For the partially saturated fracture model studied here, S1-wave radiation has broader azimuthal illumination than slow S2-waves, which are more narrowly focused in azimuth. These produce SP-wave splitting signatures on vertical component reflection data that are nearly identical to PS-wave signatures on radial horizontal component data. Separating these fast and slow SP-waves is an additional processing challenge.  相似文献   

Fluid flow in many hydrocarbon reservoirs is controlled by aligned fractures which make the medium anisotropic on the scale of seismic wavelength. Applying the linear‐slip theory, we investigate seismic signatures of the effective medium produced by a single set of ‘general’ vertical fractures embedded in a purely isotropic host rock. The generality of our fracture model means the allowance for coupling between the normal (to the fracture plane) stress and the tangential jump in displacement (and vice versa). Despite its low (triclinic) symmetry, the medium is described by just nine independent effective parameters and possesses several distinct features which help to identify the physical model and estimate the fracture compliances and background velocities. For example, the polarization vector of the vertically propagating fast shear wave S1 and the semi‐major axis of the S1‐wave normal‐moveout (NMO) ellipse from a horizontal reflector always point in the direction of the fracture strike. Moreover, for the S1‐wave both the vertical velocity and the NMO velocity along the fractures are equal to the shear‐wave velocity in the host rock. Analysis of seismic signatures in the limit of small fracture weaknesses allows us to select the input data needed for unambiguous fracture characterization. The fracture and background parameters can be estimated using the NMO ellipses from horizontal reflectors and vertical velocities of P‐waves and two split S‐waves, combined with a portion of the P‐wave slowness surface reconstructed from multi‐azimuth walkaway vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data. The stability of the parameter‐estimation procedure is verified by performing non‐linear inversion based on the exact equations.  相似文献   

—Reflectivity synthetic seismograms demonstrate that the type, layering and orientation of 1-D anisotropy influences strongly the coda of teleseismic P waves at periods T > 1 sec, particularly P-SH converted waves. We assume the simplest form of anisotropy described by an elastic tensor with a symmetry axis ? of arbitrary orientation. The resulting phase velocities vary as cos 2ξ with respect to that axis. Using three families of simple crustal models, we compare the effects of an anisotropic surface layer with reverberations caused by both "thick" and "thin" layers of anisotropy at depth. If anisotropy in the surface layer is significant, the polarization of direct P can be distorted to generate a transverse component, followed by Ps and a prominent shear reverberation converted from direct P at the free surface. If the anisotropic layer is buried, the first, and often the most prominent, arrival on the transverse component is the P-to-SH conversion at its upper surface. If the anisotropic layer is sufficiently thin, P-to-SH conversions from its boundaries interfere to form a derivative pulse shape on the transverse component, which could be mistaken as the signature of shear-wave splitting. If ? is horizontal, compressional (P) and shear (S) anisotropy both produce similar waveform perturbations with four-lobed azimuthal patterns, suggesting that a weighted stack of P coda from different back-azimuths would improve signal-to-noise. For ? tilted between the horizontal and vertical, however, the effects of P- and S-anisotropy differ greatly. The influence of P-anisotropy on P-to-S conversion is greatest for a symmetry axis tilted at 45° to the vertical, where its azimuthal pattern has two lobes, rather than four. Combinations of P- and S-anisotropy typically lead to a composite azimuthal dependence in the P-coda reverberations.  相似文献   

The azimuthally varying non‐hyperbolic moveout of P‐waves in orthorhombic media can provide valuable information for characterization of fractured reservoirs and seismic processing. Here, we present a technique to invert long‐spread, wide‐azimuth P‐wave data for the orientation of the vertical symmetry planes and five key moveout parameters: the symmetry‐plane NMO velocities, V(1)nmo and V(2)nmo , and the anellipticity parameters, η(1), η(2) and η(3) . The inversion algorithm is based on a coherence operator that computes the semblance for the full range of offsets and azimuths using a generalized version of the Alkhalifah–Tsvankin non‐hyperbolic moveout equation. The moveout equation provides a close approximation to the reflection traveltimes in layered anisotropic media with a uniform orientation of the vertical symmetry planes. Numerical tests on noise‐contaminated data for a single orthorhombic layer show that the best‐constrained parameters are the azimuth ? of one of the symmetry planes and the velocities V(1)nmo and V(2)nmo , while the resolution in η(1) and η(2) is somewhat compromised by the trade‐off between the quadratic and quartic moveout terms. The largest uncertainty is observed in the parameter η(3) , which influences only long‐spread moveout in off‐symmetry directions. For stratified orthorhombic models with depth‐dependent symmetry‐plane azimuths, the moveout equation has to be modified by allowing the orientation of the effective NMO ellipse to differ from the principal azimuthal direction of the effective quartic moveout term. The algorithm was successfully tested on wide‐azimuth P‐wave reflections recorded at the Weyburn Field in Canada. Taking azimuthal anisotropy into account increased the semblance values for most long‐offset reflection events in the overburden, which indicates that fracturing is not limited to the reservoir level. The inverted symmetry‐plane directions are close to the azimuths of the off‐trend fracture sets determined from borehole data and shear‐wave splitting analysis. The effective moveout parameters estimated by our algorithm provide input for P‐wave time imaging and geometrical‐spreading correction in layered orthorhombic media.  相似文献   

Common‐midpoint moveout of converted waves is generally asymmetric with respect to zero offset and cannot be described by the traveltime series t2(x2) conventionally used for pure modes. Here, we present concise parametric expressions for both common‐midpoint (CMP) and common‐conversion‐point (CCP) gathers of PS‐waves for arbitrary anisotropic, horizontally layered media above a plane dipping reflector. This analytic representation can be used to model 3D (multi‐azimuth) CMP gathers without time‐consuming two‐point ray tracing and to compute attributes of PS moveout such as the slope of the traveltime surface at zero offset and the coordinates of the moveout minimum. In addition to providing an efficient tool for forward modelling, our formalism helps to carry out joint inversion of P and PS data for transverse isotropy with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI media). If the medium above the reflector is laterally homogeneous, P‐wave reflection moveout cannot constrain the depth scale of the model needed for depth migration. Extending our previous results for a single VTI layer, we show that the interval vertical velocities of the P‐ and S‐waves (VP0 and VS0) and the Thomsen parameters ε and δ can be found from surface data alone by combining P‐wave moveout with the traveltimes of the converted PS(PSV)‐wave. If the data are acquired only on the dip line (i.e. in 2D), stable parameter estimation requires including the moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves from both a horizontal and a dipping interface. At the first stage of the velocity‐analysis procedure, we build an initial anisotropic model by applying a layer‐stripping algorithm to CMP moveout of P‐ and PS‐waves. To overcome the distorting influence of conversion‐point dispersal on CMP gathers, the interval VTI parameters are refined by collecting the PS data into CCP gathers and repeating the inversion. For 3D surveys with a sufficiently wide range of source–receiver azimuths, it is possible to estimate all four relevant parameters (VP0, VS0, ε and δ) using reflections from a single mildly dipping interface. In this case, the P‐wave NMO ellipse determined by 3D (azimuthal) velocity analysis is combined with azimuthally dependent traveltimes of the PS‐wave. On the whole, the joint inversion of P and PS data yields a VTI model suitable for depth migration of P‐waves, as well as processing (e.g. transformation to zero offset) of converted waves.  相似文献   

The thin-layer build of the Carpathian Foredeep Miocene formations and large petrophysical parameter variation cause seismic images of gas-saturated zones to be ambiguous, and the location of prospection wells on the basis of anomalous seismic record is risky. A method that assists reservoir interpretation of standard recorded seismic profiles (P waves) can be a converted wave recording (PS waves). This paper presents the results of application of a multicomponent seismic survey for the reservoir interpretation over the Chałupki Dębniańskie gas deposit, carried out for the first time in Poland by Geofizyka Kraków Ltd. for the Polish Oil and Gas Company. Seismic modeling was applied as the basic research tool, using the SeisMod program based on the finite-difference solution of the acoustic wave equation and equations of motion. Seismogeological models for P waves were developed using Acoustic Logs; S-wave model (records only from part of the well) was developed on the basis of theoretical curves calculated by means of the Estymacja program calibrated with average S-velocities, calculated by correlation of recorded P and PS wavefields with 1D modeling. The conformity between theoretical and recorded wavefields makes it possible to apply the criteria established on the basis of modeling for reservoir interpretation. Direct hydrocarbon indicators (bright spots, phase change, time sag) unambiguously identify gas-prone layers within the ChD-2 prospect. A partial range of the indicators observed in the SW part of the studied profile (bright spot that covers a single, anticlinally bent seismic horizon) points to saturation of the horizon. The proposed location is confirmed by criteria determined for converted waves (continuous seismic horizons with constant, high amplitude) despite poorer agreement between theoretical and recorded wavefields.  相似文献   

Certain crack-influence parameters of Sayers and Kachanov are shown to be directly related to Thomsen's weak-anisotropy seismic parameters for fractured reservoirs when the crack/fracture density is small enough. These results are then applied to the problem of seismic wave propagation in polar reservoirs, i.e., those anisotropic reservoirs having two axes that are equivalent but distinct from the third axis), especially for horizontal transversely isotropic seismic wave symmetry due to the presence of aligned vertical fractures and resulting in azimuthal seismic wave symmetry at the Earth's surface. The approach presented suggests one method of inverting for fracture density from wave speed data. A significant fraction of the technical effort in the paper is devoted to showing how to predict the angular location of the true peak (or trough) of the quasi-SV-wave for polar media and especially how this peak is related to another angle that is very easy to compute. The axis of symmetry is always treated here as the x 3-axis for either vertical transversely isotropic symmetry (due, for example, to horizontal cracks), or horizontal transversely isotropic symmetry (due to aligned vertical cracks). Then, the meaning of the stiffnesses is derived from the fracture analysis in the same way for vertical transversely isotropic and horizontal transversely isotropic media, but for horizontal transverse isotropy the wave speeds relative to the Earth's surface are shifted by  90o  in the plane perpendicular to the aligned vertical fractures. Skempton's poroelastic coefficient B is used as a general means of quantifying the effects of fluids inside the fractures. Explicit Biot-Gassmann-consistent formulas for Thomsen's parameters are also obtained for either drained or undrained fractures resulting in either vertical transversely isotropic or horizontal transversely isotropic symmetry of the reservoir.  相似文献   

Converted PS-wave Reflection Coefficients in Weakly Anisotropic Media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—?I derive converted P S-wave reflection coefficients at a planar weak-contrast interface separating two weakly anisotropic half-spaces using first-order perturbation theory. The general expressions are further specified for the interface separating any of the two following media: isotropic, transversely isotropic with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI), transversely isotropic with a horizontal symmetry axis (HTI) and orthorhombic. Relatively simple forms of small-angle reflection coefficients are also obtained. The coefficients are expressed as functions of Thomsen-type medium parameters and incidence and azimuthal phase angles. Derived expressions, as well as their application, are more complicated than the corresponding expressions for P P-wave reflection coefficients. General characteristics and pitfalls are discussed. Numerical tests reveal a good agreement between exact and approximate coefficients for most models presented.  相似文献   

Wave‐induced fluid flow plays an important role in affecting the seismic dispersion and attenuation of fractured porous rocks. While numerous theoretical models have been proposed for the seismic dispersion and attenuation in fractured porous rocks, most of them neglect the wave‐induced fluid flow resulting from the background anisotropy (e.g. the interlayer fluid flow between different layers) that can be normal in real reservoirs. Here, according to the theories of poroelasticity, we present an approach to study the frequency‐dependent seismic properties of more realistic and complicated rocks, i.e. horizontally and periodically layered porous rock with horizontal and randomly orienting fractures, respectively, distributed in one of the two periodical layers. The approach accounts for the dual effects of the wave‐induced fluid flow between the fractures and the background pores and between different layers (the interlayer fluid flow). Because C33 (i.e., the modulus of the normally incident P‐wave) is directly related to the P‐wave velocity widely measured in the seismic exploration, and its comprehensive dispersion and attenuation are found to be most significant, we study mainly the effects of fracture properties and the stiffness contrast between the different layers on the seismic dispersion and attenuation of C33. The results show that the increasing stiffness contrast enhances the interlayer fluid flow of the layered porous rocks with both horizontal and randomly orienting fractures and weakens the wave‐induced fluid flow between the fractures and the background pores, especially for the layered porous rock with horizontal fractures. The modelling results also demonstrate that for the considered rock construction, the increasing fracture density reduces the interlayer fluid flow while improves the dispersion and attenuation in the fracture‐relevant frequency band. Increasing fracture aspect ratio is found to reduce the dispersion and attenuation in the fracture‐relevant frequency band only, especially for the layered porous rock with horizontal fractures.  相似文献   

We show that the multiple scattering by small fractures of seismic waves with wavelengths long compared to the fracture size and fracture spacing is indistinguishable from multiple-scattering effects produced by regular porosity, except for an orientation factor due to fracture alignment. The fractures reduce theP-wave andS-wave velocities and produce an effective attenuation of the coherent component of the seismic waves. The attenuation corresponds to 1000/Q of about unity for a Gaussian spectrum of fractures, and it varies with frequencyf asf 3. For a Kolmogorov spectrum of fractures of spectral index the attenuation is an order of magnitude or so larger and varies with frequency asf 3-v The precise degree of attenuation depends upon the matrix properties, the fracture porosity, the degree of fracture anisotropy, the type of fluid filling the fractures, and the incidence angle of the wave.For fracture porosities less than about 15% theP-wave andS-wave velocities are decreased by the order of 5–10% with a lesser dependence on the type of fluid filling the fractures (gas, oil, or brine) and with a dependence on both the degree of anisotropy and the incident angle made by the wave. The tendency of fractures to occur perpendicularly to bedding suggests that the best way to measure seismically fractured rock behavior in situ is by using the travel-time delay and reflection amplitude. As both the offset and the azimuth of receivers vary from a shot, the travel-time delay and reflection amplitude should both show an elliptical pattern of behavior—the travel-time delay in response to the varying seismic speed, and the reflection amplitude in response to angular variations in the multiple scattering. Observations of attenuation at several frequencies should permit (a) determination of the spectrum of fractures (Gaussian versus Kolmogorovian) and (b) determination of the contribution of viscous damping to the effective attenuation.  相似文献   

转换波方位各向异性裂缝检测技术研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HTI裂缝各向异性介质中,转换波随方位角的变化比较复杂,目前还没有解析公式可以表达其变化特征,只能通过物理实验或数值模拟来分析其应用的可能性.数值模拟结果表明,转换波在裂缝各向异性介质中传播时,其R分量和T分量的振幅属性都具有明显的方位各向异性特征,R分量振幅方位各向异性拟合椭圆的长轴方向指示裂缝方位,这与纵波方位各向异性特征相似;根据P波AVAZ方位各向异性分析原理,对转换波R分量振幅方位各向异性曲线进行方位椭圆拟合,寻找椭圆的长轴方向,即裂缝主方位,再由P波AVAZ技术中振幅响应与炮检方向和裂缝走向之间的夹角关系式得到裂缝的发育密度,从而构建转换波方位各向异性AVAZ裂缝检测技术.该技术已用于川西新场气田某区块的裂缝储层预测,取得了较好的应用效果.  相似文献   

The formal solutions of displacement field to the problem of elastic wave scattering and diffraction due to an infinitely long rigid cylinder embedded in an infinite elastic medium by an impulsive point source have been obtained in the integral form. The integrals for the reflected and the diffracted waves both in the shadow zone and in the illuminated zone are evaluated asymptotically for the early time motion by the Reisdue-Cagniard method and the Saddle-point-Cagniard method.Numerical results of the diffractedP, S andPS waves at a fixed circum-distance from the surface of the rigid cylinder show noticeably that (1) the energy partition for the diffractedS wave is small in comparison with that for the diffractedP wave, (2) the wave form of the diffractedS wave is broader and more diffused than that of the diffractedP wave, (3) the direction of the radial motions of the diffractedP andS waves varies as a function of the observational point, and (4) the energy partition for the diffractedP wave is much smaller than that for the direct or the reflectedP waves.This paper has been presented at the 46th Annual International Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists in Houston, Texas, Oct. 28, 1976.  相似文献   

An approximation is developed that allows mapped 4D seismic amplitudes and time‐shifts to be related directly to the weighted linear sum of pore pressure and saturation changes. The weights in this relation are identified as key groups of parameters from a petroelastic model and include the reservoir porosity. This dependence on groups of parameters explains the inherent non‐uniqueness of this problem experienced by previous researchers. The proposed relation is of use in 4D seismic data feasibility studies and inversion and interpretation of the 4D seismic response in terms of pore pressure and water saturation changes. A further result is drawn from analysis of data from the North Sea and West Africa, which reveals that the relative interplay between the effects of pore pressure and saturation changes on the seismic data can be simplified to the control of a single, spatially variant parameter CS/CP. Combining these results with those from published literature, we find that CS/CP = 8 appears to be a generality across a range of clastic reservoirs with a similar mean porosity. Using this CS/CP value, an in situ seismic‐scale constraint for the rock stress sensitivity component of the petroelastic model is constructed considering this component carries the largest uncertainty.  相似文献   

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