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估计转换波的静校正量是一个复杂的非线性问题,常规的线性静校正方法无法取得好的效果.粒子群算法是一种很好的非线性全局最优化方法,但其缺点是"早熟"现象严重.最大能量法是一种常规求取静校正量的方法,局部寻优能力强且收敛速度快是其优点,但是当地震记录含有大的静校正量时易收敛于局部极值.本文在标准粒子群算法的基础上发展出了一种改进的粒子群算法:团体粒子群算法.并且通过对Rastrigin函数的寻优实验证明了其全局寻优能力优于标准粒子群算法.同时为了解决转换波静校正问题串行融合了团体粒子群算法和最大能量法.最后,建立了含一个水平反射层的模型并合成地震记录,加入随机值作为检波点静校正量.对合成的地震数据分别利用团体粒子群和最大能量的串行融合算法、标准粒子群算法和最大能量法求取静校正量并进行静校正.结果证明串行融合算法得到的静校正量与理论值误差很小,静校正后的叠加剖面连续性较好.  相似文献   

In mineral exploration, increased interest towards deeper mineralizations makes seismic methods attractive. One of the critical steps in seismic processing workflows is the static correction, which is applied to correct the effect of the shallow, highly heterogeneous subsurface layers, and improve the imaging of deeper targets. We showed an effective approach to estimate the statics, based on the analysis of surface waves (groundroll) contained in the seismic reflection data, and we applied it to a legacy seismic line acquired at the iron-oxide mining site of Ludvika in Sweden. We applied surface-wave methods that were originally developed for hydrocarbon exploration, modified as a step-by-step workflow to suit the different geologic context of hard-rock sites. The workflow starts with the detection of sharp lateral variations in the subsurface, the existence of which is common at hard-rock sites. Their location is subsequently used, to ensure that the dispersion curves extracted from the data are not affected by strong lateral variations of the subsurface properties. The dispersion curves are picked automatically, windowing the data and applying a wavefield transform. A pseudo-2D time-average S-wave velocity and time-average P-wave velocity profile are obtained directly from the dispersion curves, after inverting only a reference curve. The time-average P-wave velocity profile is then used for the direct estimation of the one-way traveltime, which provides the static corrections. The resulting P-wave statics from the field data were compared with statics computed through conventional P-wave tomography. Their difference was mostly negligible with more than 91% of the estimations being in agreement with the conventional statics, proving the effectiveness of the proposed workflow. The application of the statics obtained from surface waves provided a stacked section comparable with that obtained by applying tomostatics.  相似文献   

Mass exchange between debris flow and the bed plays a vital role in debris flow dynamics. Here a depth‐averaged two‐phase model is proposed for debris flows over erodible beds. Compared to previous depth‐averaged two‐phase models, the present model features a physical step forward by explicitly incorporating the mass exchange between the flow and the bed. A widely used closure model in fluvial hydraulics is employed to estimate the mass exchange between the debris flow and the bed, and an existing relationship for bed entrainment rate is introduced for comparison. Also, two distinct closure models for the bed shear stresses are evaluated. One uses the Coulomb friction law and Manning's equation to determine the solid and fluid resistances respectively, while the other employs an analytically derived formula for the solid phase and the mixing length approach for the fluid phase. A well‐balanced numerical algorithm is applied to solve the governing equations of the model. The present model is first shown to reproduce average sediment concentrations in steady and uniform debris flows over saturated bed as compared to an existing formula underpinned by experimental datasets. Then, it is demonstrated to perform rather well as compared to the full set of USGS large‐scale experimental debris flows over erodible beds, in producing debris flow depth, front location and bed deformation. The effects of initial conditions on debris flow mass and momentum gain are resolved by the present model, which explicitly demonstrates the roles of the wetness, porosity and volume of bed sediments in affecting the flow. By virtue of extended modeling cases, the present model produces debris flow efficiency that, as revealed by existing observations and empirical relations, increases with initial volume, which is enhanced by mass gain from the bed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   




We compare the performances of four stochastic optimisation methods using four analytic objective functions and two highly non‐linear geophysical optimisation problems: one‐dimensional elastic full‐waveform inversion and residual static computation. The four methods we consider, namely, adaptive simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, neighbourhood algorithm, and particle swarm optimisation, are frequently employed for solving geophysical inverse problems. Because geophysical optimisations typically involve many unknown model parameters, we are particularly interested in comparing the performances of these stochastic methods as the number of unknown parameters increases. The four analytic functions we choose simulate common types of objective functions encountered in solving geophysical optimisations: a convex function, two multi‐minima functions that differ in the distribution of minima, and a nearly flat function. Similar to the analytic tests, the two seismic optimisation problems we analyse are characterised by very different objective functions. The first problem is a one‐dimensional elastic full‐waveform inversion, which is strongly ill‐conditioned and exhibits a nearly flat objective function, with a valley of minima extended along the density direction. The second problem is the residual static computation, which is characterised by a multi‐minima objective function produced by the so‐called cycle‐skipping phenomenon. According to the tests on the analytic functions and on the seismic data, genetic algorithm generally displays the best scaling with the number of parameters. It encounters problems only in the case of irregular distribution of minima, that is, when the global minimum is at the border of the search space and a number of important local minima are distant from the global minimum. The adaptive simulated annealing method is often the best‐performing method for low‐dimensional model spaces, but its performance worsens as the number of unknowns increases. The particle swarm optimisation is effective in finding the global minimum in the case of low‐dimensional model spaces with few local minima or in the case of a narrow flat valley. Finally, the neighbourhood algorithm method is competitive with the other methods only for low‐dimensional model spaces; its performance sensibly worsens in the case of multi‐minima objective functions.  相似文献   

静校正问题是我国西部复杂地形和复杂近地表地区地震勘探迫切需要解决的一个关键问题,也是一个十分复杂的问题.而复杂近地表地区的静校正问题往往归结为近地表层速度的求解问题,地表越复杂,近地表速度的求解就越困难.塔中地区表层地质条件变化剧烈,潜水面以上覆盖着大小不一的疏松沙体,沙体高度从几米到近百米,地震波在地表的传播速度随沙丘厚度而变化,因此,研究该区表层速度变化规律,成为该区静校正的主要问题.本文在总结前人所研究的沙漠地区静校正方法的基础上,提出了一种新的静校正方法,通过多项式拟合来求取表面速度,实际应用见到了良好的效果.  相似文献   

Static correction is a common step in a seismic data proccessing flowchart for land data. Here we propose a new algorithm for automatic short‐period static correction. The algorithm is based on the assumption that seismic events after short‐period static correction should be locally plane nearly everywhere. No other assumptions are made. Therefore the proposed method does not require a preliminary velocity analysis. The algorithm consists in two main parts: evaluation of second spatial differences of trajectories and subsequent regularized integration of these differences. The proposed method proves its robustness and shows results comparable with conventional residual static correction based on improving common‐midpoint stacking. In contrast to the conventional residual static, the proposed algorithm can estimate short‐period statics in complex cases where common‐midpoint stacking fails because of non‐hyperbolic events.  相似文献   

We present a modified interferometry method based on local tangent‐phase analysis, which corrects the cross‐correlated data before summation. The approach makes it possible to synthesize virtual signals usually vanishing in the conventional seismic interferometry summation. For a given pair of receivers and a set of different source positions, a plurality of virtual traces is obtained at new stationary projected points located along the signal wavefronts passing through the real reference receiver. The position of the projected points is estimated by minimizing travel times using wavefront constraint and correlation‐signal tangent information. The method uses mixed processing, which is partially based on velocity‐model knowledge and on data‐based blind interferometry. The approach can be used for selected events, including reflections with different stationary conditions and projected points with respect to those of the direct arrivals, to extend the interferometry representation in seismic exploration data where conventional illumination coverage is not sufficient to obtain the stationary‐phase condition. We discuss possible applications in crosswell geometry with a velocity anomaly and a time lapse.  相似文献   

郭为  唐新功  盛冠群 《地震学报》2022,44(2):302-315
静态效应一直是影响大地电磁测深法精确性的主要原因之一.在相位校正法的基础上提出了一种更适用于电性变化较为平缓的地质情况的静态校正方法—最高频相位法,其核心是用需要校正测点两侧受静态效应影响较小测点的最高频视电阻率的算术平均值代替相位法递推公式中每个频点前一个频点的视电阻率值,以消除相位法中的误差积累.以二维模型的正反演...  相似文献   

模型约束三维折射静校正方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文详细的介绍了模型约束三维折射静校正技术的基本原理和计算步骤,具体给出了三维抽线,目的层质量监控,三维速度内插,三维底界内插等技术的实现方法,并结合了西部某工区的具体实例加以说明.结果表明,这种由微测井、小折射求取近地表深度-时间速度模型,由大炮记录折射初至旅行时求取各点延迟时,两者联合反演低降速层底界的厚度和高程,最终求取低降速层静校正量的方法,可明显提高低降速带的反演精度,较好地解决表层结构复杂地区的静校正问题.  相似文献   

厚风化层覆盖区转换波静校正方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
P-SV转换波处理与传统的P-P波处理有很大的不同,如S波静校正、CCP叠加、P-SV速度分析和偏移等,其中最大的难题就是S波静校正问题.S波速度基本不受潜水面的影响,与纵波静校正没有直接相关性,有时横波静校正量能达到纵波静校正量的十倍,用纵波静校正量乘以比例系数来解决横波静校正问题将导致较大误差.同一接收点X和Z分量存在一定的初至时差,该时差代表了P波和S波在低降速带的走时差,可以利用该时差和近地表纵横波速度比信息去除低降速带对横波的影响,得到准确的静校正量.本文利用多分量初至时差推导了较为精确的横波静校正公式,再结合共检波点叠加求取剩余静校正量的方法,形成了完整的转换波静校正配套方法.利用该方法对苏里格气田二维及三维多波地震资料进行了实际处理,数据处理结果证明了该方法的有效性,该方法尤其适用于其他方法难以奏效的风化层较厚地区的横波静校正量求解,该方法也同时考虑了长波长横波静校正问题.  相似文献   

目前Walk-away VSP和3D-VSP处理中尚缺乏有效的静校正手段,主要是借用面地震静校正量.本文根据Walk-away VSP和3D-VSP观测系统和数据特点提出了自适应静校正的思路.主要包括自适应高程静校正和自适应剩余静校正,自适应高程静校正的要点是通过VSP初至时间和激发点高程差,求出替换速度,然后根据高程...  相似文献   

浅层地震反射法是一种常用的勘探方法.在浅层地震资料处理中,静校正的精度直接影响速度反演的结果和叠加剖面的质量,在地形平缓时,固定基准面静校正可以满足勘探精度的要求,但在复杂地形条件下,其存在较大误差,即使采用浮动基准面,仍会由于地表一致性假设而残余静校正量,不能消除地形起伏引起的影响,为了提高浅层地震反射静校正的精度必须在常规静校正后进行一次剩余静校正,本文给出起伏地形条件下,滑动基准面(过共中心点的水平面即为该共中心点的滑动基准面)的剩余静校正量,该校正量与炮检距、反射层埋深、地层波速以及炮点和接收点高程有关,适用于单一介质和层状介质情况,本文通过对典型地形起伏的3个水平均匀层状介质理论地质模型的速度谱计算和分析,阐明在复杂地形条件下,应用本文提出的剩余静校正方法可以消除地形起伏的影响,提高静校正精度,在此基础上做动校正可以得到高质量的水平叠加剖面.  相似文献   

The application of semi‐automatic interpretation techniques to potential field data can be of significant assistance to a geophysicist. This paper generalizes the magnetic vertical contact model tilt‐depth method to gravity data using a vertical cylinder and buried sphere models. The method computes the ratio of the vertical to the total horizontal derivative of data and then identifies circular contours within it. Given the radius of the contour and the contour value itself, the depth to the source can be determined. The method is applied both to synthetic and gravity data from South Africa. The Matlab source code can be obtained from the author upon request.  相似文献   

In many engineering problems, such as flood warning systems, accurate multistep‐ahead prediction is critically important. The main purpose of this study was to derive an algorithm for two‐step‐ahead forecasting based on a real‐time recurrent learning (RTRL) neural network that has been demonstrated as best suited for real‐time application in various problems. To evaluate the properties of the developed two‐step‐ahead RTRL algorithm, we first compared its predictive ability with least‐square estimated autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs (ARMAX) models on several synthetic time‐series. Our results demonstrate that the developed two‐step‐ahead RTRL network has efficient ability to learn and has comparable accuracy for time‐series prediction as the refitted ARMAX models. We then investigated the two‐step‐ahead RTRL network by using the rainfall–runoff data of the Da‐Chia River in Taiwan. The results show that the developed algorithm can be successfully applied with high accuracy for two‐step‐ahead real‐time stream‐flow forecasting. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

求解地震静校正问题的双尺度反演方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
通过对地震静校正问题的分析,综合线性反演方法的计算速度快和非线性反演方法寻找全局最优解能力强的优点,提出了求解地震静校正问题的双尺度反演方法.在大尺度下采用非线性反演方法为小尺度下的线性反演计算初始模型,利用小尺度下的线性反演方法获得精细模型.对反演参数的选取进行了讨论,使双尺度反演算法具有自适应的特点.理论模型和实际资料的计算表明该方法计算结果精度高、计算速度快.  相似文献   

The capability of the numerical discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method to perform site response analysis is tested. We begin with modeling one‐dimensional shear wave propagation through a stack of horizontal layers and compare the obtained resonance frequency and amplification with results obtained with SHAKE. We use the algorithmic damping in DDA to condition the damping ratio in DDA by changing the time step size and use the same damping ratio in SHAKE to enable meaningful comparisons. We obtain a good agreement between DDA and SHAKE, even though DDA is used with first order approximation and with simply deformable blocks, proving that the original DDA formulation is suitable for modeling one‐dimensional wave propagation problems. The ability of DDA to simulate wave propagation through structures is tested by comparing the resonance frequency obtained for a multidrum column when modeling it with DDA and testing it in the field using geophysical site response survey. When the numerical control parameters are properly selected, we obtain a reasonable agreement between DDA and the site response experiment in the field. We find that the choice of the contact spring stiffness, or the numerical penalty parameter, is directly related to the obtained resonance frequency in DDA. The best agreement with the field experiment is obtained with a relatively soft contact spring stiffness of k = (1/25)(E × L) where E and L are the Young's modulus and mean diameter of the drums in the tested column. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A tracer test was conducted in a laboratory chamber representing a two‐dimensional aquifer to investigate the longitudinal dispersivity (αL) and the ratio (αTL) of transverse to longitudinal dispersivity of sandy aquifer materials. Dispersive parameters were obtained by matching the observed chloride plumes at 9 hours and 16 hours after tracer injection with those simulated by a flow and transport model. The best match was found for αL = 0·2 ? 0·25 cm and αTL = 0·2. The ratio of αTL = 0·2 was within the range of laboratory values reported in the literature. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the tracer plume concentration and shape were more sensitive to variations in longitudinal dispersivity than to the ratio of transverse to longitudinal dispersivity. This result contrasted with findings of others, showing that the dispersivity ratio greatly affects contaminant plume shape. However, our experimental boundary conditions restricted expansion of the plume normal to the direction of flow and thus affected the parameter estimation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a robust method for the automatic detection and picking of microseismic events that consists of two steps. The first step provides accurate single-trace picks using three automatic phase pickers adapted from earthquake seismology. In the second step, a multi-channel strategy is implemented to associate (or not) the previous picks with actual microseismic signals by taking into account their expected alignment in all the available channels, thus reducing the false positive rate. As a result, the method provides the number of declared microseismic events, a confidence indicator associated with each of them, and the corresponding traveltime picks. Results using two field noisy data records demonstrate that the automatic detection and picking of microseismic events can be carried out with a relatively high confidence level and accuracy.  相似文献   

Artificially straight river channels tend to be unstable, and ultimately develop into river meanders through bank erosion and point‐bar deposition. In this paper account is taken of the effects of riparian and floodplain vegetation on bank strength, floodplain flow resistance, shear stress partitioning, and bedload transport. This is incorporated into an existing 2D hydrodynamic‐morphological model. By applying the new model to an initially straight and single‐threaded channel, the way that its planform and cross‐sectional geometry evolve for different hydraulic and floodplain vegetation conditions is demonstrated. The results show the formation and upstream migration of gravel bars, confluence scouring and the development of meandering and braiding channel patterns. In cases where the channel becomes unstable, the instability grows out of bar formation. The resulting braiding patterns are similar to analytical results. The formation of a transition configuration requires a strong influence from vegetation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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