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In this study, we propose and implement a Bayesian model to estimate a central equivalent dose from a set of luminescence measurements. This model is based on assumptions similar to the ones used in the standard statistical pipeline (typically implemented in the Analyst software followed by a subsequent central equivalent dose analysis) but tackles some of its main limitations. More specifically, it consists of a three-stage hierarchical model that has two main advantages over the standard approach: first, it avoids the introduction of auxiliary variables (typically mean and variance), at each step of the inference process, which are likely to fail to characterise the distributions of interest; second, it ensures a homogeneous and consistent inference with respect to the overall model and data. As a Bayesian model, our model requires the specification of prior distributions; we discuss such informative and non-informative distributions and check the relevance of our choices on synthetic data. Then, we use data derived from Single Aliquot and Regenerative (SAR) dose measurements performed on single grains from laboratory-bleached and dosed samples. The results show that our Bayesian approach offers a promising alternative to the standard one. Finally, we conclude by stressing that, relying on a Bayesian hierarchical model, our approach could be modified to incorporate additional information (e.g. stratigraphic constraints) that is difficult to formalise properly with the existing approaches.  相似文献   

Amplitude variations with offset or incident angle (AVO/AVA) inversion are typically combined with statistical methods, such as Bayesian inference or deterministic inversion. We propose a joint elastic inversion method in the time and frequency domain based on Bayesian inversion theory to improve the resolution of the estimated P- and S-wave velocities and density. We initially construct the objective function using Bayesian inference by combining seismic data in the time and frequency domain. We use Cauchy and Gaussian probability distribution density functions to obtain the prior information for the model parameters and the likelihood function, respectively. We estimate the elastic parameters by solving the initial objective function with added model constraints to improve the inversion robustness. The results of the synthetic data suggest that the frequency spectra of the estimated parameters are wider than those obtained with conventional elastic inversion in the time domain. In addition, the proposed inversion approach offers stronger antinoising compared to the inversion approach in the frequency domain. Furthermore, results from synthetic examples with added Gaussian noise demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach. From the real data, we infer that more model parameter details can be reproduced with the proposed joint elastic inversion.  相似文献   

Long-term trends in the ocean wave climate because of global warming are of major concern to many stakeholders within the maritime industries, and there is a need to take severe sea state conditions into account in design of marine structures and in marine operations. Various stochastic models of significant wave height are reported in the literature, but most are based on point measurements without exploiting the flexible framework of Bayesian hierarchical space–time models. This framework allows modelling of complex dependence structures in space and time and incorporation of physical features and prior knowledge, yet remains intuitive and easily interpreted. This paper presents a Bayesian hierarchical space–time model with a log-transform for significant wave height data for an area in the North Atlantic ocean. The different components of the model will be outlined, and the results from applying the model to data of different temporal resolutions will be discussed. Different model alternatives have been tried and long-term trends in the data have been identified for all model alternatives. Overall, these trends are in reasonable agreement and also agree fairly well with previous studies. The log-transform was included in order to account for observed heteroscedasticity in the data, and results are compared to previous results where a similar model was employed without a log-transform. Furthermore, a discussion of possible extensions to the model, e.g. incorporating regression terms with relevant meteorological data, will be presented.  相似文献   

Bayesian modelling of health risks in relation to environmental exposures offers advantages over conventional (non-Bayesian) modelling approaches. We report an example using research into whether, after controlling for different confounders, air pollution (NOx) has a significant effect on coronary heart disease mortality, estimating the relative risk associated with different levels of exposure. We use small area data from Sheffield, England and describe how the data were assembled. We compare the results obtained using a generalized (Poisson) log-linear model with adjustment for overdispersion, with the results obtained using a hierarchical (Poisson) log-linear model with spatial random effects. Both classes of models were fitted using a Bayesian approach. Including spatial random effects models both overdispersion and spatial autocorrelation effects arising as a result of analysing data from small contiguous areas. The first modelling framework has been widely used, while the second provides a more rigorous model for hypothesis testing and risk estimation when data refer to small areas. When the models are fitted controlling only for the age and sex of the populations, the generalized log-linear model shows NOx effects are significant at all levels, whereas the hierarchical log-linear model with spatial random effects shows significant effects only at higher levels. We then adjust for deprivation and smoking prevalence. Uncertainty in the estimates of smoking prevalence, arising because the data are based on samples, was accounted for through errors-in-variables modelling. NOx effects apparently are significant at the two highest levels according to both modelling frameworks.
Paul BrindleyEmail:

In this study, we focus on a hydrogeological inverse problem specifically targeting monitoring soil moisture variations using tomographic ground penetrating radar (GPR) travel time data. Technical challenges exist in the inversion of GPR tomographic data for handling non-uniqueness, nonlinearity and high-dimensionality of unknowns. We have developed a new method for estimating soil moisture fields from crosshole GPR data. It uses a pilot-point method to provide a low-dimensional representation of the relative dielectric permittivity field of the soil, which is the primary object of inference: the field can be converted to soil moisture using a petrophysical model. We integrate a multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)–Bayesian inversion framework with the pilot point concept, a curved-ray GPR travel time model, and a sequential Gaussian simulation algorithm, for estimating the dielectric permittivity at pilot point locations distributed within the tomogram, as well as the corresponding geostatistical parameters (i.e., spatial correlation range). We infer the dielectric permittivity as a probability density function, thus capturing the uncertainty in the inference. The multi-chain MCMC enables addressing high-dimensional inverse problems as required in the inversion setup. The method is scalable in terms of number of chains and processors, and is useful for computationally demanding Bayesian model calibration in scientific and engineering problems. The proposed inversion approach can successfully approximate the posterior density distributions of the pilot points, and capture the true values. The computational efficiency, accuracy, and convergence behaviors of the inversion approach were also systematically evaluated, by comparing the inversion results obtained with different levels of noises in the observations, increased observational data, as well as increased number of pilot points.  相似文献   

A unified approach to environmental systems modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper considers the differences between hypothetico-deductive and inductive modeling: between modelers who put their primary trust in their scientific intuition about the nature of an environmental model and tend to produce quite complex computer simulation models; and those who prefer to rely on the analysis of observational data to identify the simplest form of model that can represent these data. The tension that sometimes arises because of the different philosophical outlooks of these two modeling groups can be harmful because it tends to fractionate the effort that goes into the investigation of important environmental problems, such as global warming. In an attempt to improve this situation, the paper will outline a new Data-Based Mechanistic (DBM) approach to modeling that tries to meld together the best aspects of these two modeling philosophies in order to develop a unified approach that combines the hypothetico-deductive virtues of good scientific intuition and simulation modeling with the pragmatism of inductive data-based modeling, where more objective inference from data is the primary driving force. In particular, it demonstrates the feasibility of a new method for complex simulation model emulation, in which the methodological tools of DBM modeling are used to develop a reduced dynamic order model that represents the ‘dominant modes’ of the complex simulation model. In this form, the ‘dynamic emulation’ model can be compared with the DBM model obtained directly from the analysis of real data and any tensions between the two modeling approaches may be relaxed to produce models that suit multiple modeling objectives.  相似文献   

We develop a stochastic modeling approach based on spatial point processes of log-Gaussian Cox type for a collection of around 5000 landslide events provoked by a precipitation trigger in Sicily, Italy. Through the embedding into a hierarchical Bayesian estimation framework, we can use the integrated nested Laplace approximation methodology to make inference and obtain the posterior estimates of spatially distributed covariate and random effects. Several mapping units are useful to partition a given study area in landslide prediction studies. These units hierarchically subdivide the geographic space from the highest grid-based resolution to the stronger morphodynamic-oriented slope units. Here we integrate both mapping units into a single hierarchical model, by treating the landslide triggering locations as a random point pattern. This approach diverges fundamentally from the unanimously used presence–absence structure for areal units since we focus on modeling the expected landslide count jointly within the two mapping units. Predicting this landslide intensity provides more detailed and complete information as compared to the classically used susceptibility mapping approach based on relative probabilities. To illustrate the model’s versatility, we compute absolute probability maps of landslide occurrences and check their predictive power over space. While the landslide community typically produces spatial predictive models for landslides only in the sense that covariates are spatially distributed, no actual spatial dependence has been explicitly integrated so far. Our novel approach features a spatial latent effect defined at the slope unit level, allowing us to assess the spatial influence that remains unexplained by the covariates in the model. For rainfall-induced landslides in regions where the raingauge network is not sufficient to capture the spatial distribution of the triggering precipitation event, this latent effect provides valuable imaging support on the unobserved rainfall pattern.  相似文献   

A partially non-ergodic ground-motion prediction equation is estimated for Europe and the Middle East. Therefore, a hierarchical model is presented that accounts for regional differences. For this purpose, the scaling of ground-motion intensity measures is assumed to be similar, but not identical in different regions. This is achieved by assuming a hierarchical model, where some coefficients are treated as random variables which are sampled from an underlying global distribution. The coefficients are estimated by Bayesian inference. This allows one to estimate the epistemic uncertainty in the coefficients, and consequently in model predictions, in a rigorous way. The model is estimated based on peak ground acceleration data from nine different European/Middle Eastern regions. There are large differences in the amount of earthquakes and records in the different regions. However, due to the hierarchical nature of the model, regions with only few data points borrow strength from other regions with more data. This makes it possible to estimate a separate set of coefficients for all regions. Different regionalized models are compared, for which different coefficients are assumed to be regionally dependent. Results show that regionalizing the coefficients for magnitude and distance scaling leads to better performance of the models. The models for all regions are physically sound, even if only very few earthquakes comprise one region.  相似文献   

In climate science, collections of climate model output, usually referred to as ensembles, are commonly used devices to study uncertainty in climate model experiments. The ensemble members may reflect variation in initial conditions, different physics implementations, or even entirely different climate models. However, there is a need to deliver a unified product based on the ensemble members that reflects the information contained in whole of the ensemble. We propose a technique for creating linear combinations of ensemble members where the weights are constructed from estimates of variation and correlation both within and between ensemble members. At the heart of this approach is a Bayesian hierarchical model that allows for estimation of the correlation between ensemble members as well as the study of the impact of uncertainty in the parameter estimates of the hierarchical model on the weights. The approach is demonstrated on an ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) output.  相似文献   

The inversion of induced‐polarization parameters is important in the characterization of the frequency electrical response of porous rocks. A Bayesian approach is developed to invert these parameters assuming the electrical response is described by a Cole–Cole model in the time or frequency domain. We show that the Bayesian approach provides a better analysis of the uncertainty associated with the parameters of the Cole–Cole model compared with more conventional methods based on the minimization of a cost function using the least‐squares criterion. This is due to the strong non‐linearity of the inverse problem and non‐uniqueness of the solution in the time domain. The Bayesian approach consists of propagating the information provided by the measurements through the model and combining this information with a priori knowledge of the data. Our analysis demonstrates that the uncertainty in estimating the Cole–Cole model parameters from induced‐polarization data is much higher for measurements performed in the time domain than in the frequency domain. Our conclusion is that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to retrieve the correct value of the Cole–Cole parameters from time‐domain induced‐polarization data using standard least‐squares methods. In contrast, the Cole–Cole parameters can be more correctly inverted in the frequency domain. These results are also valid for other models describing the induced‐polarization spectral response, such as the Cole–Davidson or power law models.  相似文献   

In recent years, a strong debate has emerged in the hydrologic literature regarding what constitutes an appropriate framework for uncertainty estimation. Particularly, there is strong disagreement whether an uncertainty framework should have its roots within a proper statistical (Bayesian) context, or whether such a framework should be based on a different philosophy and implement informal measures and weaker inference to summarize parameter and predictive distributions. In this paper, we compare a formal Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) with generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) for assessing uncertainty in conceptual watershed modeling. Our formal Bayesian approach is implemented using the recently developed differential evolution adaptive metropolis (DREAM) MCMC scheme with a likelihood function that explicitly considers model structural, input and parameter uncertainty. Our results demonstrate that DREAM and GLUE can generate very similar estimates of total streamflow uncertainty. This suggests that formal and informal Bayesian approaches have more common ground than the hydrologic literature and ongoing debate might suggest. The main advantage of formal approaches is, however, that they attempt to disentangle the effect of forcing, parameter and model structural error on total predictive uncertainty. This is key to improving hydrologic theory and to better understand and predict the flow of water through catchments.  相似文献   

This study compares formal Bayesian inference to the informal generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) approach for uncertainty-based calibration of rainfall-runoff models in a multi-criteria context. Bayesian inference is accomplished through Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling based on an auto-regressive multi-criteria likelihood formulation. Non-converged MCMC sampling is also considered as an alternative method. These methods are compared along multiple comparative measures calculated over the calibration and validation periods of two case studies. Results demonstrate that there can be considerable differences in hydrograph prediction intervals generated by formal and informal strategies for uncertainty-based multi-criteria calibration. Also, the formal approach generates definitely preferable validation period results compared to GLUE (i.e., tighter prediction intervals that show higher reliability) considering identical computational budgets. Moreover, non-converged MCMC (based on the standard Gelman–Rubin metric) performance is reasonably consistent with those given by a formal and fully-converged Bayesian approach even though fully-converged results requires significantly larger number of samples (model evaluations) for the two case studies. Therefore, research to define alternative and more practical convergence criteria for MCMC applications to computationally intensive hydrologic models may be warranted.  相似文献   

The Usutu virus is an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes and causing disease in birds. The virus was detected in Austria for the first time in 2001, while a major outbreak occurred in 2003. Rubel et al. (2008) developed a nine-compartment deterministic SEIR model to explain the spread of the disease. We extended this to a hierarchical Bayes model assuming random variation in temperature data, in reproduction data of birds, and in the number of birds found to be infected. The model was implemented in R, combined with the FORTRAN subroutine for the original deterministic model. Analysis was made by MCMC using a random walk Metropolis scheme. Posterior means, medians, and credible intervals were calculated for the parameters. The hierarchical Bayes approach proved to be fruitful in extending the deterministic model into a stochastic one. It allowed for Bayesian point and interval estimation and quantification of uncertainty of predictions. The analysis revealed that some model parameters were not identifiable; therefore we kept constant some of them and analyzed others conditional on them. Identifiability problems are common in models aiming to mirror the mechanism of the process, since parameters with natural interpretation are likely to exhibit interrelationships. This study illustrated that Bayesian modeling combined with conditional analysis may help in those cases. Its application to the Usutu model improved model fit and revealed the structure of interdependencies between model parameters: it demonstrated that determining some of them experimentally would enable estimation of the others, except one of them, from available data.  相似文献   

In recent years, a strong debate has emerged in the hydrologic literature regarding what constitutes an appropriate framework for uncertainty estimation. Particularly, there is strong disagreement whether an uncertainty framework should have its roots within a proper statistical (Bayesian) context, or whether such a framework should be based on a different philosophy and implement informal measures and weaker inference to summarize parameter and predictive distributions. In this paper, we compare a formal Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) with generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) for assessing uncertainty in conceptual watershed modeling. Our formal Bayesian approach is implemented using the recently developed differential evolution adaptive metropolis (DREAM) MCMC scheme with a likelihood function that explicitly considers model structural, input and parameter uncertainty. Our results demonstrate that DREAM and GLUE can generate very similar estimates of total streamflow uncertainty. This suggests that formal and informal Bayesian approaches have more common ground than the hydrologic literature and ongoing debate might suggest. The main advantage of formal approaches is, however, that they attempt to disentangle the effect of forcing, parameter and model structural error on total predictive uncertainty. This is key to improving hydrologic theory and to better understand and predict the flow of water through catchments.  相似文献   

In the present study, a seasonal and non-seasonal prediction of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) time series is addressed by means of linear stochastic models. The methodology presented here is to develop adequate linear stochastic models known as autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and multiplicative seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) to predict drought in the Büyük Menderes river basin using SPI as drought index. Temporal characteristics of droughts based on SPI as an indicator of drought severity indicate that the basin is affected by severe and more or less prolonged periods of drought from 1975 to 2006. Therefore, drought prediction plays an important role for water resources management. ARIMA modeling approach involves the following three steps: model identification, parameter estimation, diagnostic checking. In model identification step, considering the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) results of the SPI series, different ARIMA models are identified. The model gives the minimum Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) is selected as the best fit model. Parameter estimation step indicates that the estimated model parameters are significantly different from zero. Diagnostic check step is applied to the residuals of the selected ARIMA models and the results indicated that the residuals are independent, normally distributed and homoscedastic. For the model validation purposes, the predicted results using the best ARIMA models are compared to the observed data. The predicted data show reasonably good agreement with the actual data. The ARIMA models developed to predict drought found to give acceptable results up to 2 months ahead. The stochastic models developed for the Büyük Menderes river basin can be employed to predict droughts up to 2 months of lead time with reasonably accuracy.  相似文献   

Groundwater prediction models are subjected to various sources of uncertainty. This study introduces a hierarchical Bayesian model averaging (HBMA) method to segregate and prioritize sources of uncertainty in a hierarchical structure and conduct BMA for concentration prediction. A BMA tree of models is developed to understand the impact of individual sources of uncertainty and uncertainty propagation to model predictions. HBMA evaluates the relative importance of different modeling propositions at each level in the BMA tree of model weights. The HBMA method is applied to chloride concentration prediction for the “1,500‐foot” sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana from 2005 to 2029. The groundwater head data from 1990 to 2004 is used for model calibration. Four sources of uncertainty are considered and resulted in 180 flow and transport models for concentration prediction. The results show that prediction variances of concentration from uncertain model elements are much higher than the prediction variance from uncertain model parameters. The HBMA method is able to quantify the contributions of individual sources of uncertainty to the total uncertainty.  相似文献   

A methodological approach for modelling the occurrence patterns of species for the purpose of fisheries management is proposed here. The presence/absence of the species is modelled with a hierarchical Bayesian spatial model using the geographical and environmental characteristics of each fishing location. Maps of predicted probabilities of presence are generated using Bayesian kriging. Bayesian inference on the parameters and prediction of presence/absence in new locations (Bayesian kriging) are made by considering the model as a latent Gaussian model, which allows the use of the integrated nested Laplace approximation ( INLA ) software (which has been seen to be quite a bit faster than the well-known MCMC methods). In particular, the spatial effect has been implemented with the stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) approach. The methodology is evaluated on Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) in the Western Mediterranean. The analysis shows that environmental and geographical factors can play an important role in directing local distribution and variability in the occurrence of species. Although this approach is used to recognize the habitat of mackerel, it could also be for other different species and life stages in order to improve knowledge of fish populations and communities.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal estimation of precipitation over a region is essential to the modeling of hydrologic processes for water resources management. The changes of magnitude and space–time heterogeneity of rainfall observations make space–time estimation of precipitation a challenging task. In this paper we propose a Box–Cox transformed hierarchical Bayesian multivariate spatio-temporal interpolation method for the skewed response variable. The proposed method is applied to estimate space–time monthly precipitation in the monsoon periods during 1974–2000, and 27-year monthly average precipitation data are obtained from 51 stations in Pakistan. The results of transformed hierarchical Bayesian multivariate spatio-temporal interpolation are compared to those of non-transformed hierarchical Bayesian interpolation by using cross-validation. The software developed by [11] is used for Bayesian non-stationary multivariate space–time interpolation. It is observed that the transformed hierarchical Bayesian method provides more accuracy than the non-transformed hierarchical Bayesian method.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal modeling of relative risk of dengue disease provides useful risk maps for surveillance and forecasting. The objective of the study was to generate smoothed estimates of relative risk applying hierarchical Bayesian spatiotemporal models, including covariates derived from satellite images containing land surface temperature (LST) and normalized difference vegetation index, for the period January 2009–December 2015, in a medium–sized Colombian city. Our models are based on the spatiotemporal interaction modeling framework of relative risk, where the interaction effects are unstructured, temporal, spatial or inseparable, at a small spatial and temporal scales. We fitted the models using Markov chain MonteCarlo Simulations, selecting the best model using leave-one-out cross-validation and widely applicable information criteria. Our best model was the inseparable spatiotemporal interaction-effects plus LST with constant coefficient model. We found a weak, positive association between LST and cases of dengue. We discussed the strengths and weaknesses of our spatiotemporal models given the spatial and temporal resolution selected in the study.  相似文献   

The similarity between maximum entropy (MaxEnt) and minimum relative entropy (MRE) allows recent advances in probabilistic inversion to obviate some of the shortcomings in the former method. The purpose of this paper is to review and extend the theory and practice of minimum relative entropy. In this regard, we illustrate important philosophies on inversion and the similarly and differences between maximum entropy, minimum relative entropy, classical smallest model (SVD) and Bayesian solutions for inverse problems. MaxEnt is applicable when we are determining a function that can be regarded as a probability distribution. The approach can be extended to the case of the general linear problem and is interpreted as the model which fits all the constraints and is the one model which has the greatest multiplicity or “spreadout” that can be realized in the greatest number of ways. The MRE solution to the inverse problem differs from the maximum entropy viewpoint as noted above. The relative entropy formulation provides the advantage of allowing for non-positive models, a prior bias in the estimated pdf and `hard' bounds if desired. We outline how MRE can be used as a measure of resolution in linear inversion and show that MRE provides us with a method to explore the limits of model space. The Bayesian methodology readily lends itself to the problem of updating prior probabilities based on uncertain field measurements, and whose truth follows from the theorems of total and compound probabilities. In the Bayesian approach information is complete and Bayes' theorem gives a unique posterior pdf. In comparing the results of the classical, MaxEnt, MRE and Bayesian approaches we notice that the approaches produce different results. In␣comparing MaxEnt with MRE for Jayne's die problem we see excellent comparisons between the results. We compare MaxEnt, smallest model and MRE approaches for the density distribution of an equivalent spherically-symmetric earth and for the contaminant plume-source problem. Theoretical comparisons between MRE and Bayesian solutions for the case of the linear model and Gaussian priors may show different results. The Bayesian expected-value solution approaches that of MRE and that of the smallest model as the prior distribution becomes uniform, but the Bayesian maximum aposteriori (MAP) solution may not exist for an underdetermined case with a uniform prior.  相似文献   

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