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It is hypothesized that self-defined mixed-race persons live in residentially mixed areas in the largest metropolitan areas in California. The hypothesis is tested by examining the distribution of mixed-race persons among ethnically and racially diverse and nondiverse neighborhoods in the San Francisco and Los Angeles Metropolitan Areas. The research confirmed that mixed-race individuals are more likely to live in areas with ethnic diversity and that the tendency is greater for the mixed-race population in the San Francisco–Oakland Metropolitan Areas than in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Mixed-race individuals live in neighborhoods which are diverse with mixes of all four major ethnic and racial groups, and in “well-off” (but not the most affluent) neighborhoods. The study also shows that the mixed-race population is youthful. The association of mixed-race individuals and racially integrated neighborhoods will have important implications for the evolving nature of spatial integration in California specifically, and the United States more generally.  相似文献   

The Cactaceae are prominent members of national and international endangered species lists. This is true for even those that have not been studied in any significant detail, and given the need to assess these species there is still a general lack of information. Demographic studies in the Cactaceae have highlighted several threats some of which are clearly human induced (disturbance), and others that have a biological component (e.g. low survival rates of seedlings). We modelled the population dynamics of Astrophytum ornatum (the southernmost representative of Astrophytum) in one population in central Mexico, during a three year period. We constructed two size classified transition matrices and determined the growth rate (λ), as well as the stochastic log growth rate. We simulated changes in the matrix elements that correspond to the seed bank and the seed-seedling transition as these were the most important bottlenecks to population growth. In both years, the growth rate indicates a declining population, which will face serious problems in the next 2 to 3 decades. The simulations show that the seed bank is not as important as the seed-seedling transition. Any program that aims to restore A. ornatum populations needs to enhance seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The siliciclastic topset of a continental margin, or a shelf-margin prism in subsiding nonplate-margin deepwater basins, is the flat-lying upper part of the margin succession; it is coeval basinwards with deepwater slope clinoforms. Topsets develop by the aggradation of repeated, cross-shelf, shoreline regressions and transgressions, thereby hosting the shelf portion of stacked, fourth-order stratigraphic sequences. Sediment spreading downdip and along strike during the cross-shelf transit of the sediment delivery system, as well as process regime changes of deltas and shorefaces (regressive) and of estuaries, barrier–lagoon systems and shelf ridges (transgressive) are highly variable over short distances, so that correlation within a single stratigraphic sequence is far more difficult than correlation of the cross-shelf maximum flooding surface boundaries. Thickness of individual regressive–transgressive, fourth-order sequences is given by shelf accommodation, typically <10 m in embayment or on the inner shelf and up to 200 m on outer shelf. Tectonic subsidence and compaction will enhance this thickness only if rates are very high compared to shelf-transit time. In very high subsidence rate settings, the transgressive tracts are well preserved and often thickly developed. Topset sequences in an Icehouse climate setting tend to have a high proportion and greater landward development of marine vs nonmarine deposits, compared to Greenhouse sequences, because of the importance of eustatic rise of sea level in the former. Previous numerical experiments show that even for very wide shelves and irrespective of Icehouse or Greenhouse conditions, deltas rarely take more than 10 s of ky to reach their shelf edge, suggesting that it is fourth-order (or higher) sequences that are the fundamental ones in sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, Atlanta’s inner suburbs have experienced rising rates of poverty alongside growing racial/ethnic diversity. ? Meanwhile, on the built landscape, high-end (re)development projects incorporating New Urbanist features such as pedestrian accessibility, compact densities, and mixed land uses have become increasingly common. Although practitioners suggest that these developments promote social inclusivity and enhanced “livability,” individual cases suggest that some New Urbanist projects may be gentrifying underserved communities of color. This paper tests the extent of this concern by examining Atlanta's inner-suburban geographies of New Urbanism using a logit model. Results indicate that neighborhoods with older housing stock, more renters, lower incomes, lower rents relative to home prices, and higher Latino populations in close proximity to inner-suburban downtowns are most likely to be targeted for New Urbanist (re)development. Thus, despite the optimistic language, New Urbanism in this region appears to be serving as the inner-suburban face of gentrification.?  相似文献   

Australian farmers navigate their contemporary circumstances through the use of different business and legal arrangements that are shaped by the commercial realities of farming and the aspirations of farm-owning households. In posing the question ‘Family or Enterprise?’, this paper examines the extent to which various household and farm business indicators are associated with different forms of farm ownership, namely sole proprietorships, partnerships, trusts and companies. Results from a postal survey of farm enterprises in Victoria, Australia suggest that both household and enterprise factors contribute to the business structure used, although the strongest determinants appear to be those factors that are less well understood in the rural geographical and sociological literature: household composition, farmer age and farm size. Greater scrutiny of the business instruments deployed by farmers to manage family and enterprise pressures should inform expectations of the fate of family farming in advanced financialised economies.  相似文献   

A post–World War II Japanese business model has changed the cultural production of capitalism globally. Instead of a drive for uniformity, difference is a resource for the supply chains that have come to dominate Asia—and the world. This article offers a pocket history of the model's emergence and explores its implications for the (non)management of labor and natural resources. Heterogeneity and ruin intertwine in the making of supply chain pockets of political economy. Supply chains link precarity and prosperity, as well as varied cosmologies and ways of life, creating difference-in-connection. What we know as Asia reemerges within the linked niches and nodes of supply chains in which all kinds of difference matter and in which, indeed, global connection flourishes through structures for making and maintaining difference.  相似文献   

J Ross Barnett 《Area》1999,31(3):259-270
Summary This study applies Jessop's idea of the 'hollowed-out' state to an analysis of the restructuring of hospital services in New Zealand. Decentralization of responsibility for the funding and provision of hospital services to regional and local levels has had distinct fiscal and political advantages for the state and is rapidly changing the geography of hospital provision.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to increase knowledge of the causes of cooling in desert cities. We used a time-series of Landsat images to characterize the changes in daytime land surface temperature during the period of rapid urbanization in Dubai. Changes in land cover and albedo were also quantified from Landsat data and the development of different land use types and variations in urban geometry were characterized. The results demonstrate that urban growth has promoted a heat sink and that all urban land use types contributed to this effect. Vegetation generated the largest cooling effect per unit surface area but impervious surfaces dominated the urban environment and are responsible for the majority of the heat sink created by the city. Changes in albedo were not causally related to the urban heat sink, however, variations in urban geometry, particularly the amount of shading cast by buildings, had some influence on the magnitude of cooling. This study provides evidence that the expansion of the heat sink during urbanization in a desert environment is influenced by the forms of land cover transition, the type of urban land use that is developed, the thermal properties of construction materials used and the geometry of the city environment that is constructed. Future research should concentrate upon understanding these mechanisms in order to plan future developments which maximize cooling and reduce the environmental impacts of desert cities.  相似文献   

An in-depth analysis has been made to simulate hydrodynamic scenarios for understanding the nearshore sediment transport controls of placer mineral depletion at Manavalakurichi, India. From the analyses of topographic configuration (extracted from Hydrographic Nautical Chart No. 2048 and data generated during year 2010), we inferred that the 5-m isobaths had broadened and exhibited shallowness. Distances between the coastline and the isobaths were found to have increased significantly over the past five decades. Along with this, the 10 and 20-m contours were found to have shifted about 35–100?m horizontally landward. These changes led to severe sediment deposition in these regions due to the changed wave energy levels and refraction patterns. Numerical simulations linking bathymetry, hydrodynamics, sediment load, and significant wave heights revealed that changes in bathymetry would amplify the wave heights and convergence of wave energy. Associated removal of sand from the high-energy zones will eventually lead to sediment starvation situations and depletion of placers in the adjacent beaches. As the observed trends of depletion generate great concern, detailed oceanographic investigations should be taken up immediately in the region. Fine-resolution hydrodynamic data-sets should prove useful for further evaluating the physical responses of the system to the altered geometry and for exploring remedial measures for restoring the heavy mineral content of the beach sand.  相似文献   

Inshore artisanal fishing in Malta is under intense spatial competition as the coastal zone is fragmented by multiple uses and designations including maritime transport, infrastructure, industrial fisheries, aquaculture, tourism and recreation. This research, adopting a grounded visualization methodology, explains how the artisanal fishing sector has undergone and been affected by ‘spatial squeezing’. Our results show that artisanal fishermen have been forced to give up fishing grounds or co-exist with other uses to the point where the ability to fish is becoming increasingly challenging. These difficulties might escalate with the advent of the marine protected areas (MPAs) which encompass nearly half of the inshore fishing zones. Since there does not seem to be effective MPA consultation mechanisms that elicit the real social, cultural and economic value of artisanal fishing grounds, fishermen feel threatened, alienated and disempowered. This study urges for a more holistic approach to spatial marine planning and accentuates the need of realizing the dependency of the artisanal sector on the inshore zones in the implementation of conservation measures, such that the prolonged existence of the coastal fishing communities is not jeopardized.  相似文献   

This paper unravels a variety of perspectives about the concept of social mix, drawing on a case study of the implementation of a redevelopment project in Melbourne. The first part provides a theoretical overview of two internationally predominant academic debates around policy interpretations of this concept, namely social mix as a means for promotion of social inclusion; and as a state-led form of gentrification. These two arguments are usually presented as one, with social inclusion and reductions of concentrations of disadvantage one side of the ‘social mix policy’ coin, and state-led gentrification the other. This paper contributes to the national and international literature on public housing estate regeneration and social mix policies through exploring the question of whether these two ideas about social mix were shared by different stakeholders as the ‘messy’ process of redevelopment unfurled. Interviews were conducted with public tenants, homeowners and homebuyers, private renters and local service providers at the Carlton Housing Estate to explore the diverse perspectives of various stakeholder groups as estate design and implementation shifted. The study identified that as a result of the global financial crisis and the developers exerting pressure on government there was a gradual move away from perceiving social mix as a policy tool for encouraging social inclusion at Carlton, between public housing tenants and private residents, towards a different form of social mix and inclusion. Contrary to intentions, the revised form of social mix at Carlton was perceived as a means to harness market capital and attract higher income residents to the inner city.  相似文献   

This study answers the following research questions: 1) What are the change trajectories of woody vegetation elements at the landscape level? 2) What are the differences in change trajectories amongst the various categories of forest, non-forest and reclamation woody vegetation? 3) How do the change trajectories differ in mining and non-mining landscapes? The study area, measuring 209.6 km2, is located in the north-western part of the Czech Republic and may be broken down into 76.8 km2 of mining landscape and 132.8 km2 of non-mining landscape. Brown coal mining began in this region during the second half of the 18th century and led to the radical transformation of the landscape, including woodlands, during the second half of the 20th century. The source data for this study was obtained from the original stable cadastre maps (1842) and the landscape field mapping performed in 2010. The various woody vegetation elements (forest, non-forest, and reclamation woody plants) and land use/cover (LULC) categories were identified. The GIS symmetrical difference tool was subsequently used to perform an overlay analysis for the individual woody vegetation elements in order to study the change trajectories and to obtain information about the woodlands that have remained unchanged (continuous), the ones that have disappeared (extinct), and the ones that have newly appeared in the landscape (recent). In the case of the non-mining landscape, the total proportion of woodlands has increased (from 17 to 32%), but there has been a decline in the overall volume of forest woody plants found in these areas (from 93 to 74%). As far as the mining landscape is concerned, there has also been an increase in the area covered by woodlands (from 10 to 20%), however, the proportion of forest woody plants has decreased to a much greater extent (from 90 to 31%). From the perspective of extinct woody vegetation, 23.3% of all types of woodlands in the mining landscape may be classified as such, as compared to 10.8% in the non-mining landscape. The primary causes of this decline are mining activities and newly built-up areas. More continuous woody vegetation may be found in the non-mining landscape (42.1%) as compared to the mining landscape (15.4%). Recent woody vegetation, which has primarily replaced grasslands and partially arable land, prevails in both the mining (61.3%) as well as the non-mining (47.1%) landscapes. Different categories of woodlands (forest, non-forest, and reclamation woody vegetation elements) exhibit various change dynamics due to their different structure and the functions they serve. At the most basic level, there has been an overall increase in the occurrence of woodlands in the studied areas. However, once GIS spatial analysis is applied it is possible to see more complex processes in the development of woodland areas as characterised by gains and losses, and it is possible to identify mining and agricultural extensification as the two most significant factors behind the historical changes. Mining leads to a direct decrease in the area of woodlands; conversely, the spontaneous succession of vegetation resulting from agricultural extensification and forest reclamation facilitates woodland recovery. Forest reclamation and reforestation are essential on order to ensure the time continuity of woodlands in both types of landscape, i.e. mining and non-mining. The study presented in this paper proves that it is relevant to analyse the changes occurring in different woodland categories separately. The same methodology may be applied when studying the change dynamics of other important landscape elements, such as wood pastures and wetlands.  相似文献   

Urban expansion is one of the major causes of many ecological and environmental problems in urban areas and the surrounding regions. Understanding the process of urban expansion and its driving factors is crucial for urban growth planning and management to mitigate the adverse impacts of such growth. Previous studies have primarily been conducted from a static point of view by examining the process of urban expansion for only one or two time periods. Few studies have investigated the temporal dynamics of the effects of the driving factors in urban expansion. Using Beijing as a case study, this research aims to fill this gap. Urban expansion from 1972 to 2010 was detected from multi-temporal remote sensing images for four time periods. The effects of physical, socioeconomic, and neighborhood factors on urban expansion and their temporal dynamics were investigated using binary logistic regression. In addition, the relative importance of the three types of driving factors was examined using variance partitioning. The results showed that Beijing has undergone rapid and magnificent urban expansion in the past forty years. Physical, socioeconomic, and neighborhood factors have simultaneously affected this expansion. Socioeconomic factors were the most important driving force, except during the period of 1972–1984. In addition, the effects of these driving factors on urban expansion varied with time. The magnitude of the unique effects of physical factors and neighborhood factors declined while that of socioeconomic factors increased along with the urbanization process. The findings of this study can help us better understand the process of urban expansion and thus have important implications for urban planning and management in Beijing and similar cities.  相似文献   

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