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以燃料油为研究对象进行室外自然风化实验(0~100 d),探讨了含硫多环芳烃的风化规律。研究结果表明:燃料油中二苯并噻吩系列化合物的分布特征保持相对稳定,苯并[b]萘[2,1-d]噻吩在短期风化时间内(0~45 d),其相对丰度相对稳定,经过100 d的风化,相对丰度逐渐降低。通过重复性限判别方法,13个含硫多环芳烃诊断比值在风化60 d内基本稳定,可以用于指示风化60 d内油样是否同源,诊断比值1-MDBT/DBT、C0-BNT/2-+3-MDBT、C0-BNT/1-MDBT和C3-DBT/C3-BNT在风化100 d内不稳定,不适用于60~100 d风化油品鉴定。  相似文献   

荧光光谱向量空间距离模式识别法鉴别海面溢油源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用向量空间距离模式识别法鉴别海面溢油源,研究出4个激发波长和4个发射波长用作数据处理的信息点.对未风化的和风化过的原油,燃料油和润滑油数据进行了研究.并采集了十多条船上的油品验证了方法的可靠性.给出了实验条件下的最小向量空间距离,建立了荧光光谱鉴别海面溢油源的新技术.  相似文献   

以渤海某原油作为研究对象进行50 d综合模拟风化实验,探讨了原油中五类PAHs组分的分布情况及其风化规律.结果表明:经过50 d风化,原油中PAHs的分布发生了较大的改变:萘系列化合物损失最为严重,相对浓度的损失达到56.78%;菲系列所占的比例有所提高,二苯并噻吩、屈、芴系列则保持相对稳定,其分布特征变化规律为进一步筛选溢油来源鉴别新诊断比值参数提供了一定的导向性;经风化检验,现有常用6种PAHs诊断比值在风化50 d后稳定性良好,可用于风化溢油的鉴别.  相似文献   

本文基于水槽溢油观测实验,研究溢油乳化过程中表面散射特性的变化。利用全极化C波段微波散射计和矢量网络分析仪等测量设备对易发生乳化反应沥青含量小于3%的原油(A型油)、油田中开采出的新鲜原油(B型油)和经过脱水去杂质处理的工业原油(C型油)进行观测。文中详细分析了在C波段微波下乳化油膜与平静水面的后向散射差异,以及油膜乳化过程对后向散射的影响,结果显示在低风速、无浪的条件下(最大波高低于3mm),原油的乳化反应可通过表面粗糙度和自身介电常数的变化来调制雷达后向散射,并且这两种方式中表面粗糙度的影响占主导地位。对比B型和C型原油在乳化状态和未乳化状态下的表面后向散射,结果显示在各状态下B型油膜表面后向散射均大于C型油,且在VV、HH、HV/VH极化方式下两者后向散射平均差异分别为2.19 dB、2.63 dB、2.21 dB,在20%油膜含水率的乳化状态下差异较未乳化状态时小,平均差异分别为0.98 dB、1.49 dB、1.5 dB,结果表明不同类型油种间由于成分和油膜属性的不同会在一定程度上导致油膜表面粗糙度存在差异,影响油膜表面后向散射。  相似文献   

Spilled oil floats and travels across the water’s surface under the influence of wind, currents, and wave action. Wave-induced Stokes drift is an important physical process that can affect surface water particles but that is currently absent from oil spill analyses. In this study, two methods are applied to determine the velocity of Stokes drift, the first calculates velocity from the wind-related formula based upon a one-dimensional frequency spectrum, while the second determines velocity directly from the wave model that was based on a two-dimensional spectrum. The experimental results of numerous models indicated that: (1) oil simulations that include the influence of Stokes drift are more accurate than that those do not; (2) for medium and long-term simulations longer than two days or more, Stokes drift is a significant factor that should not be ignored, and its magnitude can reach about 2% of the wind speed; (3) the velocity of Stokes drift is related to the wind but is not linear. Therefore, Stokes drift cannot simply be replaced or substituted by simply increasing the wind drift factor, which can cause errors in oil spill projections; (4) the Stokes drift velocity obtained from the two-dimensional wave spectrum makes the oil spill simulation more accurate.  相似文献   

渤海原油的蒸发风化对油指纹的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
选取渤海3个不同区块不同平台的原油样品,进行室内蒸发风化模拟实验.采用气相色谱法和气相色谱一质谱联用法,分析了在不同风化程度(最大风化、最大风化的1/3、最大风化的2/3)下正构烷烃、生物标志化合物以及用于溢油鉴别的诊断比值在风化过程中的变化特征,探讨了渤海不同原油的蒸发变化过程,对渤海溢油鉴定具有重要的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

从单油滴角度对波浪作用下漂浮溢油的入水过程(夹带、油滴的形成),演变过程(油滴的变形、破碎和聚并)和上浮过程的研究现状进行综述,介绍了溢油及相关领域的研究手段和实验方法,总结了海上溢油潜浮于水的行为机理及分布规律,并基于实验室和溢油现场的研究成果提出进一步需要探究的问题,为海上溢油污染的应急决策、追踪预测和损害评估等方面提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

通过自然条件下沙表层和水面溢油的模拟风化实验,采用GC-MS作为检测器,研究原油中的正构烷烃在厦门地区的风化规律.结果表明,在一个月的风化模拟实验中,两种不同介质溢油风化均明显体现轻组分的正构烷烃丢失现象,且正构烷烃组分在水面溢油的风化速率低于沙表层溢油速率1~2个碳数.沙上模拟实验后期APr/APh比值明显受到风化影响,诊断比值不适用于油源鉴别.诊断比值An-C17/APr、An-C18/APh在短期风化过程中受风化影响小.水面溢油模拟实验结束后发现水体中n-C13-n-C29的正构烷烃组分含量升高2.9%~327.4%.  相似文献   

全极化SAR图像中溢油极化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
相比于单极化SAR图像,全极化SAR图像不仅能体现海面目标的几何特征、后向散射特征,还能体现目标的极化特征。因此,在溢油检测方面,极化SAR更具优势。特征提取作为溢油检测的关键步骤,直接影响到溢油检测的精度。在本文中,我们分析了全极化SAR图像中海面溢油的极化特征,如极化散射熵、平均散射角等。并提出了新的极化特征P,该特征参数能够反映海面目标电磁散射过程中布拉格散射机制和镜面散射机制的比例。为了研究极化特征溢油检测的能力,本文基于SIR-C/X-SAR和Radarsat-2全极化SAR图像开展了相关实验,并对比分析了溢油的多种极化特征。实验结果显示,在中低风速情况下,C波段溢油探测效果优于L波段;本文提出的极化特征P对海面散射机制敏感;基准高度和特征参数P在C波段比其他极化特征更适于溢油检测。  相似文献   

海上溢油数值模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是海洋大国,近年来,海上活动持续增多,发生海上溢油事故的风险随之加大,海上溢油污染事故一旦发生,如不得到及时控制,必将严重损害我国近海海洋环境。为了完善我国海上溢油应急反应体系,提高我国处理重大海上溢油事故的应急反应能力,海上溢油污染应急技术研究已经得到开展。本文综述了溢油预测模型的发展过程以及相关的研究成果,包括:溢油扩展模型、溢油漂移模型、油粒子模型和溢油风化模型等。这为进一步开展溢油预测和溢油污染应急工作提供了理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

张晖  母清林  韩锡锡  王悠 《海洋科学》2023,47(1):99-107
海洋石油污染是全球性的海洋环境问题之一,对海洋生态系统影响极大。本文综述了溢油入海后降解、转化及其随食物链的传递过程,分析其对海洋三大生物类群的毒性效应及可能的作用机制,探讨评价溢油环境风险的方法,并对今后的研究进行展望,为深入研究溢油的生态学效应、科学评价溢油的环境生态风险提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究溢油对海面电磁散射的影响,作者根据海面复合微波散射模型理论和蒙特卡洛统计模型理论,通过引入单分子油膜的黏性阻尼,对粗糙的溢油海面进行建模,定量分析溢油对海浪谱和海面后向散射系数值两个方面的影响。为实现基于X波段雷达海面溢油检测提供理论支撑,有助于解决溢油检测中的虚警率高的问题。  相似文献   

多环芳烃油指纹应用于船舶溢油鉴别研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
溢油种类主要包括船舶燃料油和原油,二者性质的差异决定了鉴别方法也相应不同,寻求适合于船舶溢油的鉴别方法具有重要意义。在使用柱色谱层析方法对样品进行分离前处理的基础上,以气相色谱/质谱方法(GC-MS)为主要分析手段,对溢油样品和可疑船舶溢油源样品的多环芳烃油指纹特征进行对比,并在多环芳烃油指纹参数的基础上进一步进行多环芳烃内组成三角图分布特征与聚类分析研究,成功为珠江口水域某船舶溢油事故追踪到肇事溢油源。结果表明:取自丁船的油样和现场溢油样芳烃油指纹特征最为相近,是此次溢油事故的溢油源。受风化作用后的船舶燃料油中饱和烃类化合物数量稀少,且含量极低,不适合用于溢油鉴别,而多环芳烃类化合物较饱和烃类化合物而言具有含量高、种类丰富的特点,是该类溢油鉴别的主要油指纹依据。使用油指纹参数进行可疑溢油源识别时,充分考虑油品中有机分子所受风化影响程度的不同是风化条件下溢油鉴定的关键。因此,多环芳烃油指纹可以有效应用于船舶燃料油溢油的鉴别。  相似文献   

The error source analysis of oil spill transport modeling: a case study   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Numerical modeling is an important tool to study and predict the transport of oil spills. However, the accu- racy of numerical models is not always good enough to provide reliable information for oil spill transport. It is necessary to analyze and identify major error sources for the models. A case study was conducted to analyze error sources of a three-dimensional oil spill model that was used operationally for oil spill forecast- ing in the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center (NMEFC), the State Oceanic Administration, China. On June 4, 2011, oil from sea bed spilled into seawater in Penglai 19-3 region, the largest offshore oil field of China, and polluted an area of thousands of square kilometers in the Bohai Sea. Satellite remote sensing images were collected to locate oil slicks. By performing a series of model sensitivity experiments with different wind and current forcings and comparing the model results with the satellite images, it was identified that the major errors of the long-term simulation for oil spill transport were from the wind fields, and the wind-induced surface currents. An inverse model was developed to estimate the temporal variabil- ity of emission intensity at the oil spill source, which revealed the importance of the accuracy in oil spill source emission time function.  相似文献   

渤海海域溢油事件频发,所以进行海洋溢油风险时空特征分析,对于开展卫星遥感溢油精确监测具有重要意义.作者采用多源高分辨率卫星遥感数据,提取渤海海域船舶及石油平台两类主要溢油风险源分布状况,结合2015—2020年间渤海海域海上溢油卫星遥感监测结果,分析多种传感器下不同类型溢油的成像特征,通过溢油风险源核密度分析方法,获得...  相似文献   

Oil spilled on the sea ice surface in the Bohai Sea of China is studied through the field measurements of the reflectance of a simulated sea ice-oil film mixed pixel. The reflection characteristics of sea ice and oil film are also analyzed. It is found that the mixed pixel of sea ice and oil film is a linear mixed pixel. The means of extracting sea ice pixels containing oil film is presented using a double-band ratio oil-film sea-ice index(DROSI) and a normalized difference oil-film sea-ice index(NDOSI) through the analysis of the reflectance curves of the sea iceoil film pixel for different ratios of oil film. The area proportion of the oil film in the sea ice-oil film pixel can be accurately estimated by the average reflectance of the band of 1 610–1 630 nm, and the volume of the spilled oil can be further estimated. The method of the sea ice-oil film pixel extraction and the models to estimate the proportion of oil film area in the sea ice-oil film pixel can be applied to the oil spill monitoring of the ice-covered area in the Bohai Sea using multispectral or hyperspectral remote sensing images in the shortwave infrared band(1 500–1 780 nm).  相似文献   

陈韩  谢涛  方贺  孟雷  赵立  艾润冰 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):181-190
针对海洋表面SAR影像的特点,采用基于灰度共生矩阵的纹理特征方法是提取海面溢油信息的常用方法,但实际海洋表面复杂的信息使得SAR图像上产生类似溢油现象的暗斑区域,这导致在利用纹理特征方法提取溢油信息时存在虚警率,降低了溢油信息的提取精度。基于RADARSAT-2 SAR四极化影像,本文提出基于SAR极化比影像的纹理特征识别方法对海面油膜进行识别提取。结果显示,基于SAR极化比影像的纹理特征识别方法可以有效且准确地提取海面溢油信息,相比于VV极化影像的纹理特征识别方法,溢油监测过程中的虚警率降低了17.96%,溢油监测总体精度达到96.83%。  相似文献   

2011年6月-8月渤海湾溢油事故长期后报数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
三维业务化溢油应急预报系统不仅能提供逐时的海洋环境信息预报和溢油漂移扩散,还能对溢油事件进行后报数值模拟。2011年6月4日在渤海湾蓬莱19-3B采油平台发生溢油事件,同月17日19-3C平台也发生溢油事件。此次溢油事故造成了数千平方公里海水受污染。本文采用国家海洋环境预报中心自主研发的溢油模型对蓬莱19-3溢油事件进行长期后报数值模拟,在风流海洋环境场的驱动下,模拟了2016年6月到2016年8月,两个平台溢油的漂移扩散情况、影响范围,靠岸时间和影响岸段等。风场采用基于WRF模型模拟得到的再分析风场,并用实测风对再分析风场进行订正,流场采用基于POM模式在再分析风场驱动下得到的海流。后报结果显示,溢油主要向西北方向漂移,并最终靠岸,其扫过的海域也主要在平台的西北方向,这与观测结果一致,验证了后报的可靠性。  相似文献   

In the identifying process of an oil spill accident, manual integral and artificial visual comparison are commonly used at present to determine the oil spill sources, these methods are time-consuming and easily affected by human factors. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of rapid identification of an oil spill accident. In this paper, an intelligent method of automatic recognition, integration and calculation of diagnostic ratio of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) spectrum are established. Firstly, four hundreds of samples collected around the world were analyzed using a standard method and Retention time locking technology (RTL) was applied to reduce the change of retention time of GC/MS spectrum. Secondly, the automatic identification, integration of n-alkanes, biomarker compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and calculation of the diagnostic ratios were realized by MATLAB software. Finally, a database of oil fingerprints were established and applied successfully in a spill oil accident. Based on the new method and database, we could acquire the diagnostic ratios of an oil sample and find out the suspected oil within a few minutes. This method and database can improve the efficiency in spilled oil identification.  相似文献   

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