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Circulation could be generated over bottom topography by vertical shrinking or stretching of a water parcel, in which potential vorticity is conserved. The water parcel moves up or down over the bottom topography yielding shrinking or stretching. In addition to a prevailing current which advects the water parcel in one direction, an oscillatory motion can also induce shrinking and stretching, and circulation is consequently generated over the bottom topography, once it is averaged in time. A two-layer quasi-geostrophic model has been used to reproduce mesoscale variabilities both in and under the Kuroshio Extension around the Shatsky Rise. A combination of TOPEX and ERS altimeters provided information on an eddy field near the sea surface, while a data assimilation method was used to reconstruct the flow field below the main thermocline. Among various mesoscale processes associated with the Kuroshio, it is remarkable that topographic Rossby waves trapped over the Shatsky Rise are generated by the upper-layer mesoscale variability. A persistent anticyclonic circulation is produced on the Shatsky Rise through a water parcel moving up and down over the bottom slope, and is consistent with the observed density anomaly in the WOA94.  相似文献   

Smaller mesoscale eddies (SMEs) have an important effect on the transmission of ocean temperatures, salinity, energy, and marine biochemical processes. However, traditional altimeters, the dominant sensors used to identify and track eddies, have made it challenging to observe SMEs accurately due to resolution limitations. Eddies drive local upwelling or downwelling, leaving signatures on sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and chlorophyll concentrations (Chls). SST can be observed by spaceborne infrared sensors, and Chl can be measured by ocean color remote sensing. Therefore, multisatellite observations provide an opportunity to obtain information to characterize SMEs. In this paper, an eddy detection algorithm based on SST and Chl images is proposed, which identifies eddies by characterizing the spatial and temporal distribution of SST and Chl data. The algorithm is applied to characterize and analyze SMEs in the Kuroshio Extension. Statistical results on their distribution and seasonal variability are shown, and the formation processes are preliminarily discussed. SMEs generation may be contributed by horizontal strain instability, the interaction of topographic obstacles and currents, and wind stress curl.  相似文献   

黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场的涡动能和涡特征尺度存在显著地年代际振荡,和黑潮延伸体路径的年代际变化有很好的相关性。当黑潮延伸体路径比较稳定时,其上游区域涡动能比较高,涡特征尺度比较大,反之相反。通过对黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场进行集合分析发现:当黑潮延伸体处于稳定状态时,上游涡场几乎是各向均匀地,有轻微的径向伸长;而当黑潮延伸体处于不稳定状态时,上游的中尺度涡场有显著地纬向伸长。对与中尺度涡场的产生相关的线性斜压不稳定和正压不稳定进行了计算分析,结果显示,线性斜压不稳定不是控制中尺度涡场年代际变化的机制,而正压不稳定对中尺度涡场的年代际变化有积极的贡献。不稳定产生的中尺度涡之间存在非线性涡-涡相互作用。  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse acoustic-propagation character in the front area of Kuroshio Extension (KE). By analysing Argo data and the Sea surface height (SSH) data in this KEF area, a two-dimensional (2D) sound-speed feature model (SSPFM) characterising the KEF is proposed. The SSPFM has a transition zone with a width about 100 km and the sound channel changes from 1000 m south of KEF to 300 m north of KEF, resulting in a sharp gradient about 7 m/km. Along with the meandering character of the KEF axis, the sharp gradient results in a rather complicated acoustic environment in the KEF area. With reanalysis data from the hybrid coordinate ocean model, a three-dimensional (3D) sound-speed environment is established. The acoustic propagation character in the KEF area is then analysed with the 2D SSPFM and the 3D acoustic environment. Results show that the KEF affects acoustic propagation mainly by modifying the sound channel depth. Given that acoustic propagation in the KEF area is influenced mainly by the meandering KEF, with the near-real-time SSH data to locate the KEF, the 2D SSPFM is able to provide a near-real-time estimate of the underwater 3D acoustic environment.  相似文献   

王茹  李海艳  孟雷 《海洋学报》2019,41(11):1-14
不同科研工作者对黑潮延伸体区域和北太平洋副热带逆流区域的中尺度现象进行过不同的研究,但对两区域中尺度涡进行统一比较分析的工作较少。因此,本文利用11年的卫星高度计海表面高度异常资料分别对这两个区域的中尺度现象特征及其能量变化过程进行系统的分析和对比。研究发现,两区域的气旋涡与反气旋涡在分布、振幅、能量和寿命上均存在差异;进一步的动能谱分析和能量串级讨论发现:两区域的动能谱密度虽均集中在2×10–3~4×10–3 周/km的波数域上,但黑潮延伸体区域大部分涡旋信号分布在经向上,而北太平洋副热带逆流区域主要分布在纬向上,这可能与两区域中尺度涡能量来源的不同有关。由于两区域在2×10–3~3×10–3 周/km的波数域上动能转移项以负值为主,这说明两区域在此波数域上均存在能量源,并且发生能量逆向串级。  相似文献   

台湾以东黑潮的低频变化及机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于AVISO(Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data)1993-2015年间的海表面绝对动力高度数据,研究了台湾以东黑潮的低频变化特征,并探讨了影响其变化的机制。结果表明,台湾以东多年平均的黑潮流幅值约为136 km,表层流量值约为7.75×104 m2/s,对应的标准差分别为28 km和2.14×104 m2/s。台湾以东黑潮不仅具有显著的季节变化特征,还具有显著的年际变化特征。功率谱分析结果表明,台湾以东黑潮表层流量具有1 a和2.8 a的显著周期。空间上,台湾东南部黑潮的年际变化幅度比东北部强烈。相关性及合成分析结果表明,台湾以东黑潮的年际变化与PTO(Philippines-Taiwan Oscillation)之间存在显著的相关性。PTO年际震荡所导致的副热带逆流区反气旋式涡旋与气旋式涡旋的相对强度是影响台湾以东黑潮年际变化的主要动力因素。  相似文献   

本文利用1993-2015年AVISO卫星高度计融合数据,统计分析了从黑潮延伸体流轴脱落涡旋的空间分布特征、运动属性以及季节、年际和类年代际变化。研究结果表明,23年间共追踪到242个气旋涡,276个反气旋涡,脱落的涡旋主要分布在沙茨基海隆以西区域。从脱落涡旋的源地空间分布来看,气旋涡的形成区域有两个高值区,一个位于黑潮延伸体流轴稳定弯曲处,即144°~146°E之间的上游区域;另一个位于沙茨基海隆西侧156°E处。而反气旋涡的形成区域也有两个高值区,一个位于沙茨基海隆以西的下游区域,另一个位于148°E处。这些在上游和下游脱落的涡旋大多向西移动,其中有88%的涡旋再次被流轴吸收。脱落涡旋的数量显示出了明显的年际和类年代际变化。在流轴的上下游区域,类年代际和年际变化分别占主导地位。并且在上游区域,脱落涡旋的类年代际变化与黑潮延伸体的强度呈负相关。在季节变化上,夏季脱落形成的涡旋最多,冬季最少。  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies in the Kuroshio recirculation region south of Japan have been investigated by using surface current data measured by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) installed on a regular ferry shuttling between Tokyo and Chichijima, Bonin Islands, and sea surface height anomaly derived from the TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter. Many cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies were observed in the region. Spatial and temporal scales of the eddies were determined by lag-correlation analyses in space and time. The eddies are circular in shape with a diameter of 500 km and a temporal scale of 80 days. Typical maximum surface velocity and sea surface height anomaly associated with the eddies are 15–20 cm s–1 and 15 cm, respectively. The frequency of occurrence, temporal and spatial scales, and intensity are all nearly the same for the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies, which are considered to be successive wave-like disturbances rather than solitary eddies. Phase speed of westward propagation of the eddies is estimated as 6.8 cm s–1, which is faster than a theoretical estimate based on the baroclinic first-mode Rossby wave with or without a mean current. The spatial distribution of sea surface height variations suggests that these eddies may be generated in the Kuroshio Extension region and propagate westward in the Kuroshio recirculation region, though further studies are needed to clarify the generation processes.  相似文献   

钱思佳  于方杰  陈戈 《海洋科学》2021,45(11):10-19
本文使用基于热成风速度的涡旋识别拓展方法,通过海表面温度数据对黑潮延伸体区域50~100 km涡旋进行研究,发现50~100 km涡旋主要分布在黑潮延伸体流轴两侧,气旋涡和反气旋涡的寿命、半径分布具有一致性。气旋涡多出现在35°N以北,反气旋涡在35°N以南比较集中,与尺度较小的中尺度涡旋分布特征较为相似。冬夏两季涡旋地理分布存在一定差异,主要与不同季节该区域海表温度梯度及风应力旋度的变化有关。35°N以南50~100 km涡旋数量的季节性变化与风速大小的季节性变化存在明显的正相关性。35°N以南50~100 km涡旋三倍半径内风速异常和风应力旋度归一化表明,气旋涡对应风速负异常而反气旋涡对应风速正异常,反气旋涡的产生依赖于风应力负旋度,气旋涡的生成与风应力正旋度有关。  相似文献   

By utilizing multiple datasets from various sources available for the last 100 years, the existence for the interdecadal change of the winter sea surface temperature(SST) variability in the Kuroshio Extension(KE) region is investigated. And its linkage with the Aleutian Low(AL) activity changes is also discussed. The results find that the KE SST variability exhibits the significant ~6 a and ~10 a oscillations with obvious interdecadal change. The ~6 a oscillation is mainly detected during 1930–1950, which is largely impacted by the anomalous surface heat flux forcing and Ekman heat transport associated with the AL intensity variation. The ~10 a oscillation is most evident after the 1980s, which is predominantly triggered by the AL north-south shift through the bridge of oceanic Rossby waves.  相似文献   

为了探究东海黑潮周边涡旋分布、形成机理及运动规律,基于法国国家空间研究中心(CNES)卫星海洋学存档数据中心(AVISO)的中尺度涡旋数据集展开了研究。首先,统计了近27年东海黑潮周边的涡旋分布,发现在黑潮弯曲海域产生了650个涡旋,在黑潮中段海域产生了271个涡旋,其中直径100~150 km之间的涡旋数量最多,涡旋振幅主要集中在2~6 cm。其次,分析了东海黑潮的运动路径和涡运动过程,结果表明,黑潮气旋式弯曲海域内侧易产生气旋涡,且移动路径较长,如台湾东北海域黑潮流轴气旋式弯曲处产生的涡旋,其平均位移达到了87.6 km;当反气旋式弯曲海域内侧产生反气旋涡时,涡旋往往做徘徊运动。黑潮中段海域的涡旋呈现出气旋涡在黑潮主轴西侧、反气旋涡在黑潮主轴东侧的极性对称分布特征,两类涡都沿黑潮主轴向东北方向移动。最后,结合再分析的流场、海面高度数据,讨论了涡旋运动规律和生成机制。黑潮弯曲处涡旋的生成与黑潮流体边界层分离有关,奄美大岛南部到冲绳岛西侧的黑潮逆流对黑潮中段海域涡的极性对称分布起到了关键作用,涡旋在运动过程中通常经历生长、成熟和衰变三个阶段。  相似文献   

为了研究南海中尺度涡强度的季节和年际变化规律,利用Matlab提取50 a(1958~2007年)简单海洋资料同化(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation,SODA)月平均数据集中流场和海表面高度场数据,应用一个涡旋自动探测算法对南海中尺度涡初始生成位置进行分析,并分析了海表面高度异常均方根值的季节变化和年际变化。结果表明:50 a里南海中尺度涡主要分布在吕宋岛西北海域、吕宋岛西南海域和越南以东广大海域,秋、冬季中尺度涡能量较高,春季中尺度涡最弱,中尺度涡强度高值区年际变化明显。从季节变化上看,海面高度异常均方根春、夏季最小,秋冬季最大;从年际变化上看,与同时期Nino3指数有显著负相关,周期大约为3 a。  相似文献   

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