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The upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada, shows typical anastomosing morphology — multiple interconnected channels that enclose floodbasins — and lateral channel stability. We analysed field data on hydraulic and sedimentary processes and show that the anastomosing morphology of the upper Columbia River is caused by sediment (bedload) transport inefficiency, in combination with very limited potential for lateral bank erosion because of very low specific stream power (≤ 2.3 W/m2) and cohesive silty banks. In a diagram of channel type in relation to flow energy and median grain size of the bed material, data points for the straight upper Columbia River channels cluster separately from the data points for braided and meandering channels. Measurements and calculations indicate that bedload transport in the anastomosing reach of the upper Columbia River decreases downstream. Because of lateral channel stability no lateral storage capacity for bedload is created. Therefore, the surplus of bedload leads to channel bed aggradation, which outpaces levee accretion and causes avulsions because of loss of channel flow capacity. This avulsion mechanism applies only to the main channel of the system, which transports 87% of the water and > 90% of the sediment in the cross-valley transect studied. Because of very low sediment transport capacity, the morphological evolution of most secondary channels is slow. Measurements and calculations indicate that much more bedload is sequestered in the relatively steep upper anastomosing reach of the upper Columbia River than in the relatively gentle lower anastomosing reach. With anastomosing morphology and related processes (e.g., crevassing) being best developed in the upper reach, this confirms the notion of upstream rather than downstream control of upper Columbia River anastomosis.  相似文献   

Sediment transport rates were estimated for two flood events on the cobble-bed Sainte Marguerite River in the Saguenay region, Canada. Morphologic methods were used to derive one set of estimates, and a combination of the Meyer-Peter and Muller equation with a dimensionless sediment transport ratio (after Dietrich et al. [Nature 340 (1989) 215]) was used to derive another set of estimates. Both sets of estimates give consistent results for the first event (which had a decade-scale return period), and for the second event (which was the largest flood on record and had a century-scale return period). The transport occurring during the second event was an order of magnitude greater than that occurring during the first event: despite this disparity in the transport intensity of the two events, the channel morphology remained qualitatively similar. The observed degree of channel stability is attributed to a change of channel pattern and the initiation of bed degradation following channel rectification in the 1960s.  相似文献   

The Malnant River is a rapidly incising river with a French name that translates as “bad creek,” reflecting local opinion of the hazards from dramatic channel changes that have occurred in the last few centuries. Downcutting in the last three decades has created severe problems for farmers in this small watershed (16 km2) as bridges are undermined, streamside roads are threatened, and irrigation diversion structures are rendered unusable. The purpose of our study was to determine the extent and causes of downcutting. A detailed landcover map dated 1732 revealed that forest cover had been reduced by that time to 10% of the present-day cover. The Malnant was strongly affected by floods and debris torrents during the 18th and 19th centuries that delivered massive amounts of sediment. During the 20th century, reforestation reduced the sediment delivery from hillslopes. In addition, gravel extraction in the Malnant and in the Fier River (of which the Malnant is a tributary) has lowered the base level for the river. This initiated a knickpoint that moved upstream. Weirs placed in the Malnant in 1968 were used to measure rates of bed incision in the field. With a mean width of 4.0 m and degradation up to 36 cubic meters per meter channel length, the lower 4.5 km of the Malnant has experienced a net loss of approximately 163,000 m3 of bed material. Above the 4.5-km point on the Malnant, bedrock controls exist that have arrested the upstream-progressing degradation.  相似文献   

胡春生  吴立  杨立辉 《地理科学》2016,36(6):951-958
通过对青弋江上游泾县段阶地砾石层进行砾组分析,讨论阶地砾石层的沉积环境及其对青弋江发育的启示。结果表明:砾径以中砾和粗砾为主,砾石沉积时水动力条件较强,流速基本为2 m/s左右,最大可达到3.5 m/s,特别是T3砾石层形成时期;砾向在T3和T2砾石层形成时期分别为南南西(SSW)和南西西(SWW)方向,古流向变化不大,呈自南而北的基本流向;砾态以次圆和圆为主,其总含量超过70%,较高的磨圆度暗示砾石经历了较远距离的搬运;砾性主要有石英砂岩、砂岩、脉石英和石英岩,其总含量达到90%以上,且砾石物源区变化不显著;T2砾石层和T1砾石层是典型的河流沉积,而T3砾石层可能是河流沉积和泥石流沉积叠加作用的产物,并且T3砾石层的沉积特征对于分析古青弋江的发育有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

Gravel deposits on fluvial terraces contain a wealth of information about the paleofluvial system. In this study, flow direction and provenance were determined by systematic counts of more than 2000 clasts of imbricated gravel deposits in the Xining Region, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. These gravel deposits range in age from the modern Huangshui riverbed to Miocene-aged deposits overlain by eolian sediments. Our major objectives were not only to collect first-hand field data on the fluvial gravel sediments of the Xining Region, but also to the reconstruct the evolution of the fluvial system. These data may offer valuable information about uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the late Cenozoic era. Reconstructed flow directions of the higher and lower gravel deposits imply that the river underwent a flow reversal of approximately 130–180°. In addition, the lithological compositions in the higher gravel deposits differ significantly from the lower terraces, suggesting that the source areas changed at the same time. Eolian stratigraphy overlying the gravel deposits and paleomagnetic age determination indicate that this change occurred sometime between 1.55 Ma and 1.2 Ma. We suggest that tectonic activity could explain the dramatic changes in flow direction and lithological composition during this time period. Therefore, this study provides a new scenario of fluvial response to tectonic uplift: a reversal of flow direction. In addition, field observation and statistical analyses reveal a strong relationship between rock type, size and roundness of clasts.  相似文献   

Fluvial process and morphology of the Brahmaputra River in Assam, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Brahmaputra River finds its origin in the Chema Yundung glacier of Tibet and flows through India and Bangladesh. The slope of the river decreases suddenly in front of the Himalayas and results in the deposition of sediment and a braided channel pattern. It flows through Assam, India, along a valley comprising its own Recent alluvium. In Assam the basin receives 300 cm mean annual rainfall, 66–85% of which occurs in the monsoon period from June through September. Mean annual discharge at Pandu for 1955–1990 is 16,682.24 m3 s 1. Average monthly discharge is highest in July (19%) and lowest in February (2%). Most hydrographs exhibit multiple flood peaks occurring at different times from June to September. The mean annual suspended sediment load is 402 million tons and average monthly sediment discharge is highest in June (19.05%) and lowest in January (1.02%). The bed load at Pandu was found to be 5–15% of the total load of the river. Three kinds of major geomorphic units are found in the basin. The river bed of the Brahmaputra shows four topographic levels, with increasing height and vegetation. The single first order primary channels of this braided river split into two or more smaller second order channels separated by bars and islands. The second order channels are of three kinds. The maximum length and width of the bars in the area under study are 18.43 km and 6.17 km, respectively. The Brahmaputra channel is characterised by mid-channel bars, side bars, tributary mouth bars and unit bars. The geometry of meandering tributary rivers shows that the relationship between meander wavelength and bend radius is most linear. The Brahmaputra had been undergoing overall aggradation by about 16 cm during 1971 to 1979. The channel of the Brahmaputra River has been migrating because of channel widening and avulsion. The meandering tributaries change because of neck cut-off and progressive shifting at the meander bends. The braiding index of the Brahmaputra has been increasing from 6.11 in 1912–1928 to 8.33 in 1996. During the twentieth century, the total amount of bank area lost from erosion was 868 km2. Maximum rate of shift of the north bank to south resulting in erosion was 227.5 m/year and maximum rate of shift of the south bank to north resulting in accretion was 331.56 m/year. Shear failure of upper bank and liquefaction of clayey-silt materials are two main causes of bank erosion.  相似文献   

Both interchannel wetlands and multi-channels are crucial geomorphologic units in an anastomosing river system. Planform characteristics and development of interchannel wetlands and multi-channels control the characteristics of anastomosing rivers. To understand the role that interchannel wetlands play in the development of anastomosing rivers, a study was conducted on the Maqu Reach of the Upper Yellow River (MRUYR), a gravel-bed anastomosing river characterized by highly developed interchannel wetlands and anabranches. Geomorphologic units in the studied reach were extracted from high resolution satellite imagery in Google Earth. The size distributions of interchannel wetlands and interchannel wetland clusters (IWCs), a special combination of interchannel wetlands and anabranches, were investigated. Geomorphologic parameters, including the ratio of interchannel wetland area to IWC area (P), shoreline density (Dl), and node density (Dn) were used to analyze planform characteristics of IWCs and the development of multi-channels in the studied reach. The results suggest that small or middle sized interchannel wetlands and large or mega sized IWCs are more common at the study site. The area of IWC (Su) is highly correlated with other geomorphologic parameters. P increases with increasing Su, and the upper limit is about 80%, which indicates that the development of interchannel wetlands and anabranches in the IWC is in the equilibrium stage. In contrast, Dl and Dn show a tendency to decrease with increasing Su due to diverse evolution processes in IWCs with different sizes. There are three main reasons leading to the formation of IWCs: varying stream power due to the meandering principal channel; development of the river corridor due to the weakening of geologic structure control; and high stability of interchannel wetlands due to conservation by shoreline vegetation.  相似文献   

刘博一  王随继 《地理学报》2017,72(7):1195-1206
河间湿地是网状河流体系中与多河道系统同等重要的地貌单元,其特征和发育程度与河道系统共同决定着网状河流的特性。本文以黄河玛曲网状河段作为研究对象,利用高分辨率Google Earth影像对研究河段河道与河间湿地等微地貌单元进行提取,利用湿地面积与湿地数对河间湿地的组成进行了分析,利用河间湿地面积占比、岸线密度、分汊点密度3个地貌参数,对河间湿地群体(河间湿地与分支河道特定组合体)的平面形态及多河道发育程度进行了研究。结果表明,河间湿地个体以中小型的为主,河间湿地群体则以大型和巨型的为主。河间湿地群体的发育程度与河间湿地群体面积(Su)明显相关,河间湿地面积占比(P)随Su的增大而增大,P值70%是河间湿地发育成熟的指标,而P值80%基本是河间湿地发育的上限值,此时河间湿地与分支河道基本达到动态平衡态。岸线密度、分汊点密度随Su的增加呈减小趋势,这种变化主要是由于不同大小河间湿地群体中河道发育过程差异导致。黄河玛曲段河间湿地群体的形成在于弯曲主河道的主导作用、地形限制因素削弱导致的河道带的发育,以及植被维护的河岸使得河间湿地群体得以较长时间保存。  相似文献   

Sequential aerial photography, sonar bathymetry, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and sediment sampling and analysis provide the basis for calculating the volumetric and mass rate of progradation of the delta of Fitzsimmons Creek, a steep, high-energy, debris-flow-dominated channel draining about 100 km2 of the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia. Fitzsimmons Creek is typical of small mountain rivers in the region. GPR imaging is used to define the pre-depositional morphology of the receiving basin, a technique that improves the accuracy of the volumetric survey. The 52-year record (1947–1999) of progradation yielded an average annual volumetric transport rate of 1.00±0.16×104 m3 year−1 for bed load, corresponding to a mass transport rate of 1.60±0.28×104 Mg year−1. Bed load yields are consistent with those obtained in hydrogeomorphically similar basins in the region and elsewhere. Decade-based annual rates, which vary from 0.64±0.11×104 to 2.85±0.38×104 Mg year−1, provide poor estimates of the 52-year average. Indeed, the 52-year record may also not be long enough to fully integrate the significant fluctuations in the sediment efflux from Fitzsimmons Creek. The methodology proposed in this paper can be transferred to other comparable mountain environments worldwide.  相似文献   

黄河下游游荡段河道平面形态与河热变化趋势预测   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
陆中臣  陈劭锋 《地理学报》2000,55(6):729-736
黄河下游可道平面形态与河势演变,从20世纪60年代起,地貌界就用地图法和航片资料作过不同程度的研究。随着资料的不断积累,该项研究得到逐步的深化。“八五”期间,水利界又对主流线作了深入分析,结果表明:各家所得结论不同,需要作进一步的分析讨论。我们认为:从长远的角度来看,小浪底水库清水下泄期间,黄河下游游荡性可段不对称的河谷形态不会改变;在继承性新构造运动造成的地壳向南掀沉、科氏力和人类活动的综合影响  相似文献   

通过野外观察研究,在黄河中游晋陕峡谷永和县佛堂村(FTC)支沟口的回水湾内发现了全新世古洪水滞流沉积物。结合沉积学分析,判定它们是典型的全新世古洪水悬移质泥砂颗粒在高水位滞流环境中的沉积物。利用“古洪水SWD厚度含沙量法”恢复古洪水洪峰水位,借助HEC-RAS模型估算出4次古洪水事件洪峰流量在25 200~51 500 m3·s-1之间。OSL测年结果显示,FTC地点的古洪水发生在1 900~1 700 a BP、3 400~3 000 a BP。全新世气候变化研究表明,这两个时期气候恶化,旱涝灾害多有发生。FTC地点的两期四次洪水反映了这两个时期的气候异常变化成果,表明了黄河中游水文系统对气候变化作出的响应,也印证了季风区河流对气候突变的响应规律,为黄河中下游地区防洪减灾和水资源开发提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲城市空间形态及其演化机制对比   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
改革开放以来,珠江三角洲地区的经济增长和城市空间形态的演变引人注目。利用RS与GIS技术方法,并结合经济、政治、规划等因素,对比回顾了改革开放30年来珠江三角洲六大城市——广州、深圳、佛山、东莞、中山和珠海城市形态的时空演化。研究发现,1979-2008年间,各主要城市在各自的地理条件和制度实践的基础上,演变出不同的空间形态。广州、深圳和珠海是自上而下的发展管治模式,其城市用地随着产业发展和优化而扩张并调整,但不同的城市发展政策造成了各异的空间形态;佛山、东莞和中山是自下而上的发展管治模式,空间形态总体上较为分散破碎,并在不同地理区位呈现不同程度的空间联系。  相似文献   

The delta evolution and erosion process of the abandoned Yellow River Delta (AYRD) have been extensively studied. However, the variation of sediment at a large littoral scale along the north coast of Jiangsu is less understood. In this study, the data of surface sediment samples obtained in the littoral area of the Yellow River Delta in 2006 and 2012 is used to study the sediment variability and sediment transport trends by using the geostatistics analysis tool and the grain size trend analysis model. In order to ensure the applicability of the model, the geostatistics method is used to determine the characteristic distance (Dc) with the average range value (Ao) of grain size parameter. Filtering method (removing data that not at a sampling station) is used to improve accuracy of data selection. The results show that sedimentary spatial correlation in Lianyun Port area and southern part of the abandoned Yellow River Delta (AS) is better than that in the northern part of the abandoned Yellow River Delta (AN). Sediment in the area is found to be anisotropy at the northeast-southeast direction. The grain size trend analysis reveals that the sediment trend is towards bayhead and southerly in the Haizhou Bay, southeasterly along the shoreline in the south Lianyun Port, northwesterly in AN and easterly-southeasterly in AS respectively. The investigation of possible relationships between Dc, Ao, sediment transport and delta evolution shows a close link between Dc and Ao of one sediment combination. It is also found that sediment transport trends could reasonably represent the delta evolution to a certain degree.  相似文献   

The delta evolution and erosion process of the abandoned Yellow River Delta (AYRD) have been extensively studied. However, the variation of sediment at a large littoral scale along the north coast of Jiangsu is less understood. In this study, the data of surface sediment samples obtained in the littoral area of the Yellow River Delta in 2006 and 2012 is used to study the sediment variability and sediment transport trends by using the geostatistics analysis tool and the grain size trend analysis model. In order to ensure the applicability of the model, the geostatistics method is used to determine the characteristic distance (D c) with the average range value (Ao) of grain size parameter. Filtering method (removing data that not at a sampling station) is used to improve accuracy of data selection. The results show that sedimentary spatial correlation in Lianyun Port area and southern part of the abandoned Yellow River Delta (AS) is better than that in the northern part of the abandoned Yellow River Delta (AN). Sediment in the area is found to be anisotropy at the northeast-southeast direction. The grain size trend analysis reveals that the sediment trend is towards bayhead and southerly in the Haizhou Bay, southeasterly along the shoreline in the south Lianyun Port, northwesterly in AN and easterly-southeasterly in AS respectively. The investigation of possible relationships between D c, Ao, sediment transport and delta evolution shows a close link between D c and Ao of one sediment combination. It is also found that sediment transport trends could reasonably represent the delta evolution to a certain degree.  相似文献   

怒江流域悬移质输沙时空分布特征及变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘新有  何大明 《地理学报》2013,68(3):365-371
利用怒江-萨尔温江上游地区怒江流域5 个水文站长序列日悬移质输沙与径流观测记录,运用Mann-Kendall 检验和R/S 分析等方法,分析了50 多年来(1956-2011) 怒江干流和支流南汀河输沙时空格局和变化特征及其与径流的关系.结果表明:(1) 怒江干流平均含沙量和输沙模数远小于支流南汀河,流域悬移质输沙率年际变异系数随控制面积增大而减小;(2) 怒江干流木城站悬移质输沙率小于其上游道街坝站,部分泥沙淤积在区间河床可能是其原因之一;(3) 怒江流域悬移质输沙年内分配极不均匀,干流悬移质输沙集中程度在月以上时间尺度高于支流南汀河,而在日时间尺度则低于支流南汀河;(4) 怒江干流和支流南汀河悬移质输沙率均呈明显上升趋势,且未来仍将延续上升趋势,二者的突变分别始于1987 年和1980 年;(5) 怒江干流中上游悬移质输沙与径流的相关性不显著,中下游、下游以及支流南汀河悬移质输沙与径流的相关性均显著.  相似文献   

彭文昌  李永山 《中国沙漠》2016,36(3):805-813
河流悬移质泥沙的输移方式按照水沙来源可以分为水沙同源与水沙异源两大类。黄河内蒙古段水沙来自不同的区域,冲泻质泥沙主要来源于陇西黄土高原区,而径流则主要来自唐乃亥以上的山区,呈现异源特性。通过分析内蒙古河段石嘴山与巴彦高勒水文站1951-2003年的水文数据,发现期间共发生了13次大流量和29次高含沙事件且大流量、高含沙量同时出现现象很少,多呈现大流量、低含沙量,或者小流量、高含沙量的态式。同时,通过改变传统流量-含沙量幂函数公式Ci=aQb(Ci为悬移质浓度,Q为流量)的参数项,建立了2种水沙异源情况下流量-含沙量的公式。  相似文献   

Five diagnostic experiments with a 3D baroclinic hydrodynamic and sediment transport model ECOMSED in couple with the third generation wave model SWAN and the Grant–Madsen bottom boundary layer model driven by the monthly sediment load of the Yellow River, were conducted to separately diagnose effects of different hydrodynamic factors on transport of suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River in the Bohai Sea. Both transport and spatio-temporal distribution of suspended sediment concentration in the Bohai Sea were numerially simulated. It could be concluded that suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River cannot be delivered in long distance under the condition of tidal current. Almost all of sediments from the Yellow River are deposited outside the delta under the condition of wind-driven current, and only very small of them are transported faraway. On the basis of wind forcing, sediments from the Yellow River are mainly transported north-northwestward, and others which are first delivered to the Laizhou Bay are continuously moved northward. An obvious 3D structure characteristic of sediment transport is produced in the wind-driven and tide-induced residual circulation condition. Transport patterns at all layers are generally consistent with circulation structure, but there is apparent deviation between the depth-averaged sediment flux and the circulation structure. The phase of temporal variation of sediment concentration is consistent with that of the bottom shear stress, both of which are proved to have a ten-day cycle in wave and current condition.  相似文献   

Five diagnostic experiments with a 3D baroclinic hydrodynamic and sediment transport model ECOMSED in couple with the third generation wave model SWAN and the Grant-Madsen bottom boundary layer model driven by the monthly sediment load of the Yellow River, were conducted to separately diagnose effects of different hydrodynamic factors on transport of suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River in the Bohai Sea. Both transport and spatio-temporal distribution of suspended sediment concentration in the Bohai Sea were numerially simulated. It could be concluded that suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River cannot be delivered in long distance under the condition of tidal current. Almost all of sediments from the Yellow River are deposited outside the delta under the condition of wind-driven current, and only very small of them are transported faraway. On the basis of wind forcing, sediments from the Yellow River are mainly transported north-northwestward, and others which are first delivered to the Laizhou Bay are continuously moved northward. An obvious 3D structure characteristic of sediment transport is produced in the wind-driven and tide-induced residual circulation condition. Transport patterns at all layers are generally consistent with circulation structure, but there is apparent deviation between the depth-averaged sediment flux and the circulation structure. The phase of temporal variation of sediment concentration is consistent with that of the bottom shear stress, both of which are proved to have a ten-day cycle in wave and current condition.  相似文献   

The use of paleolimnology to reconstruct the collapse of the Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations following the landslides at the Hells Gate section of the Fraser canyon (British Columbia, Canada) is explicitly tested. Construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway caused a series of landslides in 1913–1914, partially blocking the Fraser River, preventing spawning salmon migration, and causing a near-complete collapse of upstream salmon stocks. We selected three sockeye nursery lakes upstream of Hells Gate, which varied in spawner density, migration length, and lake catchment characteristics. In each of the lakes, geochemical (stable nitrogen isotopes and C:N) and biological (diatoms) proxies failed to register the impact of a dramatic decrease in marine-derived nutrients (MDN). Additional variations in sockeye abundance, documented by the onset of commercial fishing and modern escapement records, were also not imprinted on the sediment record. Changes in diatom assemblages are coincident with 20th century climate warming and local catchment disturbances and are not attributable to variability in MDN subsidies. These results suggest that MDN do not remain within lakes in the Fraser River drainage long enough to become faithfully archived in the sediment record or that the lakes do not receive sufficient MDN to produce a recognizable sedimentary signature.  相似文献   

Frequent and serious aeolian disasters occur in the upper and middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, which runs through the high-elevation Tibet Plateau. Sediment geochemical characteristics can be used as a proxy to identify the sediment's provenance. To determine the provenance of aeolian sediments in the river's basin, we analysed major and trace element contents from surface samples and local clastic rocks throughout the basin. We found that the major and trace elements differed between the middle reaches, upper reaches and regions south of the river. Major element contents were similar in the upper and middle reaches, but trace elements differed. Al2O3, MgO and Na2O concentrations increased from the upper reaches to the lower reaches, and in the lower reaches, MgO and Na2O were enriched compared with the crustal average. The similarities between samples in the lower part of the upper reaches and those in the middle reaches indicated that sediment transported by fluvial systems from the upper reaches were first deposited in the wide valleys near Xigaze, where they formed a large area of shifting sand. These deposits were then transported by the wind to the river's middle reaches, where they formed a large area of shifting sand. When we compared aeolian sediment in the middle reaches with the local clastic rocks, they appeared to be unrelated. The difference between sediments south of the river and those in the middle reaches means that the southern sediments were not transported to the middle reaches. Therefore, the aeolian sediment in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River mainly came from the lower part of the upper reaches, not from the local clastic rocks.  相似文献   

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