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Northeast region covers an area of 1.24 million km, making up 12.9% of the total area of China, with a population of 103 million, 9.9% of the total population of China. The grain commodity rate is over 35%. It is one of the very important regions of grain production in China. As population and grain demand unceasingly increase, the potential of grain production, and the commodity grain provided for the nation are the major problems about grain consumption and distribution in the future. And they directly affect the realization of national planning objective of grain production.The analysis of grain production conditions and history indicates that: 1) The increase of total grain output is mainly dependent on the increase of grain yield per unit area, but not the enlargement of grain sown area. 2) The factor to affect grain yield per unit area are materials input, correct policies, yearly climatic variation. 3) By the year 2000 and 2010 the total grain output in this region will be respectively 66.16-66.2  相似文献   

Based on the monthly mean temperature, the changing processes and tendencies of temperature during1951 -2000 in Jilin Province, which is in Northeast China, are analyzed. And the spatial characteristics of the changeare submitted. In the past 50 years the temperature of Jilin Province was increasing just like the other areas in the world.Since 1990, the increasing of temperature has been more obvious than that in the previous 40a. From the west to theeast, the province has larger temperature rising. According to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of temperature field,Jilin Province is divided into 3 regions and the degree of becoming warmer is different from region to region. During theperiod of 1951 to 2000, the annual temperature in Jilin Province has been rising, so has the temperature in winter andsummer. The average temperature in the 1990s was 0. 5 - 2. 0℃ higher than that in the 1950s. From the west to theeast, the increasing of temperature became smaller.  相似文献   

This paper's method simulates the tidal current field near piles to derive and predict the scale oftheir impacts on the tidal current field, and presents the empirically obtained damp coefficient needed inpedicting the current field. The substituted plans used in the prediction are studied using Qingdao.Crossway as an example.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONBydefinitionurbanizationistheprocessofruralareaschangingintourbanareasinnatureforasoci-etyitisanaturallyhistoricalprocessofthetransitionfromatraditionalruraloragriculturalsocietytoamodernizedurbansocietyGAO1991.Inbriefitrepresentsa…  相似文献   

The desertification process is rapidly developing at present and 61.5% of the land area in the zone are already desertified.Among the desertified lands, 26.9% are seriously desertified, 25% most seriously desertified and 47.4% are the lands where desertification is under way. They are caused by over-reclamation for farming, over-grazing, unreasonable collection of firewood,the destruction of vegetation and the misuse of water resources. Under the ecological environment in semi-arid zone,the degraded environment process possesses the ability of restoring to its original status as soon as the interruption of excessive human activities are eliminated. The fencing- and-self-cultivating method is an effective measure adopted universally in semi-arid zone to cure the desertified lands.The desertified lands can be readjusted and controlled easily if other controlling measures are supplemented. The fundamental ways to control desertification are to utilize rationally the resources, to readjust the existing land  相似文献   

Regarding climate change in China, ordinary people, even meteorologists, would think the cold waves from Siberia dominate winter temperature in southeast China. As oceanographers, however, we must know the role of ocean circulation in climate change. This text briefly discusses how important is the role of the Western Pacific Ocean circulation in climate change in southeast China on the basis of CTD data gathered by the R/V Science 1 in the western Pacific in September and October, 1986 and 1987 respectively , and statistical air temperature data in southeast China.  相似文献   

A third generation wave model was developed to simulate wind waves in the South China Sea near Hong Kong. The model solves the energy conservation equation of the two dimensional wave spectrum by directly computing the nonlinear energy interaction among waves of different frequencies, thus avoiding the imposition of restrictions on the shape of the predicted spectra. The use of an upwind difference scheme in the advective terms produces an artificial diffusion which partly compensates the dispersive effect due to the phase velocity differences among various wave components. The use of a semi-implicit scheme for the source terms together with a special treatment of the high frequency tail of the spectrum allows a large time integration step. Verification of the model was done for wave hindcasting studies under conditions of two typhoons and two cold fronts in the north part of the South China Sea near Hong Kong . The model results agree well with the field measurements except that the presence of a dista  相似文献   

This paper reports on the study on the protozoan community structure of the immersed sediment in the Three-Gorges Area of the Changjiang River. Protozoa observed included 7 phytoflagellates, 12 zooflagellates, 49 amoebae and 16 ciliates. Sarcodina dominated in sediment, ciliates in water. Analysis of species and horizontal density distribution of protozoan in sediment in 28 sampling points reflected the pollution degree of water quality at every site. It was shown that heavy metal contamination in sediment has some effects on the distribution of protozoan species in the Changjiang River.  相似文献   


The results of water sample analyses and investigation in the head area of the Changjiang River reveal that the characteristics of hydrochemistry of the river vary with drainage basins. In the drainage basin of the Tuotuo River, the mineral concentration of water is generally high, ions of Cl and Na are obviously dominant. The water tends to be salty, and the type of hydrochemistry is rather complex. In the drainage basin of the Dam River, the mineral concentration is mainly in a low and middle level, ions of HCO3- and Ca2 are higher than others, and the type of hydrochemistry is relatively simple. The ground water in deep layers plays an important role in recharging surface water, and the stable recharging results in little change in chemical composition of surface water.  相似文献   

Accumulated temperature above 100℃ (Σ t) and minimum annual temperature (Tm) are the major indexes for demarcating agroclimatic thermal zones. The paper calculated the return period (τ) of Σ t and Tm, and the shift ofΣ t-and Tm-isopleths with T. The results show: (1) According to the magnitude of shift of Σ t-and Tm-isopleths, in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and northern Xinjiang the fluctuation of thermal resources in growing season from year to year is the greatest and strongly impacts the yield of annual thermophilous crops, but in the Changjiang River basin the fluctuation of the low temperature in winter is the greatest and seriously injures the perennial subtropical tree crops. ( 2) In the anomalous cool summer year with t = 30, the northern boundaries of the southern subtropical, northern subtropical and warm temperate zones and the southern boundary of the frigid temperate zone in China could be expected to shift southward 150, 220, 250 and 300 km from their normal positions, respective  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThere have been many literatures about the regional disparity of economic development in China since the late 1970s. Some scholars argue that disparity of re-gional development in China has been expanded since 1978, but others find it has reduced since 1978. The findings of some scholars show that the evolutionary process of the disparity of regional economic develop-ment in China follows the inverted U shape, but some others do not think so. What is the true tendency, and i…  相似文献   

TheSouthChinaSea(SCS)islocatalinthejunCti0noftheEurasian,PacificandIndodeustralianPlates,andisoneofthebiggestrnarginalseasinthewesternPadfic~n.Uyeda(l977)regardedtheSCS'soriginasoneofthebasicprobboincompletelyre-solvedbytheTheoryofPlateTeCtoniesrv).Heaskedfl.Whydoesanarcriseup(theoriginofarcmountains)?2.Whyisthestressinthebackurcbasinregionextensional(theoriginofbackurcbasin)?3.Whyisthernantleintheinnerurcbelthot(theoriginofvohanismandhighgcothermalflow)?Therewermanyviewnointsontheori…  相似文献   

STUDYONTHESPATIALDEVELOPMENTOFRURALAREASINCHINA¥ZengJuxin(曾菊新)(DeportmentofGeography,HuazhongNormalUniversity,Wuhan430070,PRC...  相似文献   

The Economic Area of Zhujiang Delta (EAZD for short) includes 14 cities and counties: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Huizhou, Huiyang, Huidong, Boluo, Zhaoqing, Gaohui and Sihui. In 1999, the population of EAZD is 22.62 million, 30.99 %of the total population of Guangdong Province, and the land area is 41 698km2, 23.36%of the total area of Guangdong Province (Guangdong Province Statistics Bureau,2000). EAZD is the important base of many …  相似文献   

The deep water ( 1000-3000 m) circulation in the area east of Taiwan and the Philippines has been little studied . Moriyasu (1972) and Reid (1981) discussed the 3000 db surface (3000/1200 db ) and 2000 db surface (2000/3500 db ) circulations of the Philippine Sea Basin .respectively . They both showed that there may be a northward current close to the western margin of the Sea Basin . Recent analyses of two sets of deep sea hydrographic data yielded quite different results, i. e ., at deep waters in the area east of Taiwan and the Philippines southward countercurrents flow under the upper northward currents .The possible causative mechanism of these southward deep countercurrents is the blocking effects of the submarine ridge east of Suao and of the Ryukyu Islands Shelf on the northward flowing upper currents .The above-mentioned preliminary deductions were wholely based on consideration of the relative geostrophic current and calculation, though the reference surface (3500 db ) was very deep . It is su  相似文献   

1 POPULATION STATUS AND DISTRIBUTION OF RED-CROWNED CRANE IN CHINAAccording to aerial survey, the number of Red-crowned Crane(Grus japonensis) is about 700 in breeding areas of China in 1981-1984, accounting for 65%of total numbers in the world (LI et al., 1987; MAet al., 1987; MA, 1987; FENG et al., 1985). In August 1992, the international symposium of crane in the world was convened in Calgary, Canada. The number of the crane was estimated accurately. There w…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONContinentalshelfareasarereportedtohavehighproductivity (GuoandPan ,1 992 ;Furuyaetal.,1 998.,Ningetal.,1 988) .Eventhoughtheycompriseonlyasmallpartoftheworld’stotaloceanicarea ,theirproductivityaccountsforalargeproportionofthetotalprimaryproductivity(Wol…  相似文献   

Cotton is the leading cash crop in China. The cotton sown area accounts for about 30per cent of the total sown area of all the various cash crops. It is the main material used in the textile industry in China. More than 95per cent of textile materials were cotton during the 1950s; and it still occupies 80per cent at present. There are some problems concerning rational location of cotton production in China. In order to solve the problems existing in civil cotton production and supply, in view of strategy, a number of cotton production bases must be selected and built step by step in a planned way. The location of cotton production should be adjusted progressively in accordance with the existing problems. The existing cotton production regions should be consolidated and improved. The cotton production region of the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River should be renewed quichly to make it become the largest stable and high-yield cotton preduction region. In the regions with suitable natural condi  相似文献   


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