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Sand transport in Lido and Chioggia inlets was measured using modified Helley–Smith sand traps equipped with 60-micron nets. The traps had an efficiency of about 4% only but provided enough material for analysis. Very fine sand (0.07 < d < 0.11 mm) only was collected in the traps. Transport of sand was greatest in the bottom 10% of the water column and followed a Rouse profile. Sand extended to a height of about 4 m above the bed during peak flows corresponding to the estimated thickness of the boundary layer; and observed in synoptic ADCP profiles. The sand in the benthic boundary layer was largely inorganic (>95%); above this layer, organic content varied widely and was greatest near the surface. The movability number Ws/UWs/U showed a linear relationship to dimensionless grain diameter (D*): (Ws/U)=(D/10)(Ws/U)=(D/10); D* < 10. Sand concentration in suspension was simulated by a mean Rouse parameter of −2.01 ± 0.66 (Lido inlet) and −0.82 ± 0.27 (Chioggia inlet). The β parameter ( Hill et al., 1988) was correlated with D* and movability number in the form: β=2.07−2.03D+59(Ws/U)2β=2.072.03D+59(Ws/U)2 (r2 = 0.42). Von Karman's constant was back-calculated from a Law of the Wall relationship as a test on the accuracy of U* estimates; a mean value of 0.37 ± 0.1 (compared to the accepted value of 0.41) suggest U* was accurate to within 10%. The constant of proportionality (γ = 3.54 × 10−4) between reference concentration (Ca) and normalized excess bed shear stress was in line with the published literature.  相似文献   

There are three major types of tidal channels along the coast of the Huanghe (Yellow) River Delta: tidal inlets, tidal creeks, and tidal channels developed from abandoned river channels. The tidal inlets develop mainly in two areas with weak erosion and barrier islands. The tidal channels formed from abandoned river channels mainly developed in the area of the new delta lobes formed since 1934. Tidal creeks developed in the intertidal zone and distributed along almost all parts of the Huanghe River Delta coast, but their scales and features are different.  相似文献   

介绍了海洋垂直混合过程参数化方案的发展,以及不同参数化方案在海洋模式中的应用情况。首先,介绍不同垂直混合参数化方案的物理问题、理论依据、数学表达和特征,并对不同参数化方案进行了比较。其次,针对中尺度涡、亚中尺度涡以及波浪、潮流混合参数化的最新研究进展进行了总结并对垂直混合参数化的未来发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Channel constrictions within an estuary can influence overall estuary-sea exchange of salt or suspended/dissolved material. The exchange is modulated by turbulent mixing through its effect on density stratification. Here we quantify turbulent mixing in Hikapu Reach, an estuarine channel in the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. The focus is on a period of relatively low freshwater input but where density stratification still persists throughout the tidal cycle, although the strength of stratification and its vertical structure vary substantially. The density stratification increases through the ebb tide, and decreases through the flood tide. During the spring tides observed here, ebb tidal flow speeds reached 0.7?m?s?1 and the buoyancy frequency squared was in the range 10?5 to 10?3?s?2. Turbulence parameters were estimated using both shear microstructure and velocimeter-derived inertial dissipation which compared favourably. The rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy reached 1?×?10?6?m2?s?3 late in the ebb tide, and estimates of the gradient Richardson number (the ratio of stability to shear) fell as low as 0.1 (i.e. unstable) although the results show that bottom-boundary driven turbulence can dominate for periods. The implication, based on scaling, is that the mixing within the channel does not homogenise the water column within a tidal cycle. Scaling, developed to characterise the tidal advection relative to the channel length, shows how riverine-driven buoyancy fluxes can pass through the tidal channel section and the stratification can remain partially intact.  相似文献   

This paper derives local formulae to estimate bed roughness and suspended transport and present a method to calculate net sediment transport at tidal inlet systems, combining field data and a range of well established empirical formulations. To accomplish this, measurements spanning a spring-tidal cycle of mean water levels, waves, near-bed flow turbulence and bed forms were obtained from the Ancão Inlet, Ria Formosa lagoon system, Portugal. High-resolution hydrodynamic data were gathered using acoustic equipments and by measuring sediment properties (grain-size diameter and bed form dimensions) under fair-weather conditions. The results compared favourably with available direct and indirect field observations of sediment transport rates. The approach appears to be robust and widely applicable and so can be applied to the same conditions in any tidal inlet system. This is of particular importance when attempting to understand sediment transport at inlet mouths, and has practical applications in a range of coastal engineering and coastal management areas concerned with navigation safety, coastal erosion, ecosystem health and water quality. The study discusses the applicability of the method on evaluating system flushing capacity, giving important insights on multiple inlet evolution, particularly with regard to their persistence through time. The methodological framework can be applied to assess the long-term stability of single- and multiple-inlet systems, provided that estimates of sediment storage at ebb-tidal deltas are available and sediment transport estimates during storm events are statistically considered.  相似文献   

Sea-level observations made during December, 1979, at six stations in Great South Bay (which is a coastal lagoon on the south shore of Long Island, New York) reveal that there were significant subtidal fluctuations in addition to the tidal oscillations. Harmonic analysis of the tidal oscillations of sea level indicates that M2 is the dominant tidal constituent. The M2 amplitude, however, suffered a more than 50% reduction in the interior of the Bay due largely to the narrow inlet. The subtidal sea level fluctuations within the Bay were forced primarily by the low-frequency fluctuations of the adjacent shelf water. The active subtidal exchange induced by this Bay-shelf coupling appeared to have suffered only minor attenuation within the Bay. As a consequence, the variance associated with subtidal sea level fluctuations was greater than that associated with the tidal oscillations over most of Great South Bay.  相似文献   

山东荣成月湖潮汐汊道的时间-流速不对称特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
月湖是山东半岛东端的一个小型潮汐汊道.在月湖进行了潮位、潮汐观测及地形测量,运用两种方法从潮位记录推算出口门落潮主干道垂线平均流速和断面平均流速.发现除涨潮优势型和落潮优势型外,月湖还表现出另外两种时间-流速不对称,即涨潮历时大于落潮历时且涨潮流速大于落潮流速、涨潮历时小于落潮历时且涨潮流速小于落潮流速.月湖的时间-流速不对称特征与不规则潮汐、涨(落)潮的流速跟潮位的匹配关系、汊道口门的断面形态、口门特殊的水流结构及循环过程等因素有关.时间-流速不对称类型的研究,对于理解潮汐汊道系统的沉积动力行为及进行人工整治有一定意义.  相似文献   

Details are given herein of the refinement and application of a three-dimensional layer integrated numerical model to predict morphological changes in tidal basins. The solution of governing differential equations, which consist of the conservation of mass and momentum for the hydrodynamics, the transport equation for the suspended sediment fluxes and the sediment mass conservation equation for the bed level changes are carried out by the use of Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Finite Difference Method (FDM). The model includes different criteria for the initiation of motion namely Shields (1936, Application of Similarity Principles and Turbulence Research to Bed load Movement, Hydrodynamics Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pub. No. 167), Kolahdoozan (1999, Numerical Modelling of Geomorphological Processes in Estuarine Waters, PhD Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK, 288) and Zanke (2003, On the Influence of Turbulence on the Initiation of Sediment Motion, International Journal of Sediment Research, 18(1), 17–31), to compare different aspects of flow conditions. As the flow is highly turbulent with the random nature of its components, many researchers have tried to express sediment transport processes by using stochastic approaches. In the current study both deterministic and stochastic methods are included in the numerical model to evaluate their accuracy and efficiency. To validate the numerical model results, laboratory measurements are used, with these being obtained from an earlier experimental program undertaken by the authors. Results of a short term bed level changes in a laboratory model harbor are included for the model verification purposes. Comparisons are undertaken using different criteria for the initiation of motion, with the results highlighting that the unsteadiness in the flow parameters included in the numerical model has a major effect on the bed level changes inside the harbor, in compare with the turbulence structure of the flow. The model is then applied to a real case study of the Humber Estuary, located in the UK, with comparisons being undertaken for different criteria for the initiation of motion, using both deterministic and stochastic approaches for the long term bed level predictions.  相似文献   

Measurements in the mixing zone of the Elbe estuary were performed during three consecutive tidal cycles with three types of instruments—a moored tripod with velocity and temperature/conductivity/light attenuation sensors, a profiling sonde with similar sensors lowered from an anchored vessel, and instrumented moorings. Acoustic-travel-time sensors were used for velocity measurements.Spectral analysis of 12·8 min pieces of the obtained time series gives results that are consistent with isotropic turbulence for part of the frequency space. Temporal changes of turbulent kinetic energy are correlated with tidal current velocity. A retardation is found between changes in tidal current and turbulent energy. Not all shear stress terms are in similar phase with tidal flow. Mean gradients, Reynolds stress terms, and turbulent salt flux terms are combined to determine eddy viscosity and eddy diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   

Australia's largest river, the River Murray, discharges to the southern ocean through a coastal lagoon and river-dominated tidal inlet. Increased water extractions upstream for irrigation have led to significantly reduced flows at the mouth and, as a result, the area is undergoing rapid change, particularly with regard to the rate at which sediment is being transported into the lagoon. Based on detailed and accurate bathymetric surveys it has been possible to estimate that the rate of lagoon in-filling is of the order of 100,000 m3 per year for the period June 2000 to May 2003, although the actual rate shows significant year to year variability. Dredging of the lagoon commenced in 2000 in an attempt to reverse the trend.In an effort to understand the behaviour of the inlet a one-dimensional numerical model of the inlet has been developed. The model extends the original of van de Kreeke by including a dynamic inlet throat area based on predicted river flows and a sediment transport module to predict the resulting net sediment transport. Comparisons with water level data collected on both the ocean and lagoon sides of the mouth have shown that the model is able to predict the attenuation and lag of the tidal signal reasonably well. The sediment transport model was based on predicted sediment concentrations in the surf zone and was found to predict the rate of sediment in-filling to an acceptable level of accuracy. It is envisaged that the model will be a useful management tool, especially since it is possible to manipulate river discharges to the mouth.  相似文献   

渤海的潮混合特征及潮汐锋现象   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
人们对黄海的潮汐锋现象已有一些报道和研究[1~4],但对渤海的潮汐锋现象却没有进行过认真的分析和讨论,迄今只有赵保仁[1]在讨论黄海的潮汐锋时,指出过渤海海峡的潮汐锋现象;而黄大吉等[5]在数值计算渤海的温度变化时也指出在渤海内部存在着潮汐锋现象,但却没有进行深入的分析和给出任何实测证据.本文试图根据方国洪和曹德明最近在渤海取得的潮汐潮流数值计算结果1),计算由Simpson等[6]提出的陆架海的潮混合层化参量,来讨论渤海的潮混合特征;并进一步利用实测水文资料和海面温度的卫星遥感图像来说明渤海潮汐锋的分布和变化特征.  相似文献   

乐清湾近期海岸演变研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乐清湾是一个与东海相通的半封闭型强潮海湾。通过对1934,1968和1992年的海图对比研究表明:近期乐清湾各等深线所围水域面积持续减小。后一阶段,围垦使岸线推进速度加快,滩涂面积由前一阶段的不断增加转变为不断减小。1934到1968年,西南部最大潮滩华岐潮滩岸线和零米线平均外推速率分别为4.88m/a和13.24m/a;1968到1992年平均淤进速率分别为6.17m/a和8.08m/a。实地采样分析表明:表层水样平均悬沙浓度为0.1043kg/m3,从湾顶向湾口呈不断增加的趋势。悬沙浓度虽较低,但湾内处于低能动力沉积环境,有利于细颗粒沉积物落淤,这是湾内地貌演变的要因。长江入海南移和陆架区再悬浮的细颗粒物质是乐清湾主要的泥沙来源。泥沙自然淤积和人类活动影响是近期乐清湾大部分岸线处于淤进状态的原因。漩门二期工程前后乐清湾的纳潮量减小了5.73%,落潮流相对携沙能力降低为工程前的79%。而根据实测落潮平均流速计算得围垦后落潮流的相对携沙能力减弱为原来的54%。而从1934年到漩门二期围垦工程后,纳潮量减小了22.57%。开辟盐田和围垦造陆工程等人类活动,对海岸演变的影响显著。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionAn effective method of wastewater disposal in estuarine and coastal watersisto discharge partiallytreated effluentthrougha submerged multiport diffuserlocated atthe end of a sea outfall .Atypical dif-fuser designinvolves multiple jets all discharginginthe same direction awayfromthe shoreline ,per-pendicular to an alongshore ambient current to minimize the environmental impact .This is one type ofa multiple jet groupin crossflow(MJGC) . Whenthe jets are arrangedintandem,withthe…  相似文献   

射流作为流体运动的一种特殊形式,在工程中具有非常广泛的应用。其中,卷吸和掺混效应是射流的两大重要特征,其影响贯穿射流发展的整个过程。长期以来研究人员从理论分析、实验测量和数值模拟等几个方面对射流的卷吸、掺混性能进行了大量的研究工作,并探索出多种提高射流卷吸、掺混性能的方法。文中从喷嘴形状,喷嘴数目,喷嘴间距,喷嘴矩形截面宽高比和射流流速比等几个方面,对增强射流卷吸、掺混性能的研究方法、研究现状和研究结果进行了整理、分析,讨论了该领域存在的问题,并对该领域的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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Tidal current velocity profile in the near-bed layers has been widely studied. The results showed that velocity profile in the near-bed layer obviously departure from the traditional logarithmic profile, due to the acceleration or deceleration. Although the logarithmic linear profile can reduce the rate of deviation from this, only it is a lower-order approximate solution. In this paper, considering the unsteady and non-linear features of tidal motion, the double logarithmic profile near-bed layers in estuarine and coastal waters is established on the assumption that the turbulent shear stress along the water depth was parabolic distribution, and on the basis of Prandtl''s mixing length theory and von Karman''s self-similar theory. Having been verified the data observed at the West Solent in the south of England, and comparison of the logarithmic linear profile, it found that the double logarithmic profile is more precious than the latter. At last, the discussed results showed that:(1) The parabolic distribution of the tidal shear stresses verified good by the field data and experimental data, can be better reflected the basic features of the tidal shear stress deviating from linear distribution that is downward when to accelerate, upward when to decelerate. (2) The traditional logarithmic velocity profile is the zero-order approximation solution of the double logarithmic profile, the logarithmic linear profile is the first order, and the logarithmic parabolic profile is the second order. (3) Ignoring the conditions of diffusion and convection in the tidal movement, the double logarithmic profile can reflect the tidal properties of acceleration or deceleration, so that the calculation of the friction velocity and roughness length are more reasonable. When the acceleration or the deceleration is about zero, the double logarithmic profile becomes the logarithmic profile.  相似文献   

The offshore tide becomes strongly distorted as it propagates into shallow estuarine systems. Observations of sea surface elevation and horizontal currents over periods ranging from three days to one year, at nine stations within Nauset inlet/estuary, document the non-linear interaction of the off-shore equilibrium tidal constituents. Despite strong frictional attenuation within the estuary, the overtides and compound tides of M2, S2 and N2, in particular, reach significant amplitude, resulting in strong tidal distortion. High frequency forced constituents in sea surface are phase-locked, consistently leading the forcing tides by 60–70°, resulting in a persistent distortion where falling tide is longer than rising tide. Forced constituents in currents are more nearly in phase with equilibrium constituents, producing flood currents which are shorter but more intense than ebb currents. A compound fortnightly tide, MSf, modulates the mean water level such that lowest tides occur during neap phase instead of spring phase. This fortnightly tide can be contaminated by storm surge, changing the phase characteristics of this constituent. Implications of the overtides, compound tides, and lower frequency tides on near-bed, suspended and dissolved material transport are profound.  相似文献   

Many tidal inlets are scoured in loose granular material, and the morphological changes in these inlets are discussed. The changes are the result of the predominantly fortnightly variations in the tide, the seasonal variations in storm activity and the occurrence of extreme meteorological events. The adjustment of an inlet to changes in the hydraulic environment and sudden changes in its morphology associated with extreme meteorological events is primarily via a change in the cross-sectional area. For a single-inlet bay system, the response of the inlet cross-sectional area can be determined using the stability analysis presented by Escoffier (1940). Rather than one inlet, many bays are connected to the ocean by several inlets. In this study, Escoffier's analysis is expanded to include the interaction of these inlets. In the analysis, the sediment carrying capacity of the inlet currents is characterized by the bottom shear stress. The stability analysis is applied to Pass Cavallo, Texas. Assuming the absence of future influences of tropical storms and hurricanes, the analysis shows that as a result of the opening of a companion inlet, Pass Cavallo ultimately will close.  相似文献   

Reynolds stress and TKE production in an estuary with a tidal bore   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report new measurements of the turbulent properties of the flow in a tidally energetic estuarine channel of almost uniform cross-section. A high-frequency (1.2 MHz), bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) has been used to observe the velocity field at a sampling rate of 10 Hz in parallel with measurements of the surface elevation by tide gauges. Our data have been analysed using the Variance Method to determine turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), shear stress and TKE production over the tidal cycle with a time resolution of 60 s. During the highly energetic but brief flood period, when the surface axial velocity reaches 2 m s−1, we observed large values of stress (>2 Pa) and shear production (5 W m−3). TKE is also input through the release of energy in the bore itself which results in a brief but intense injection of energy at the bore front with large transient TKE levels (100 J m−3). Subsequent input by shear production maintains TKE levels which are generally lower (20 J m−3) than the strong peak associated with the bore for the rest of the flood. On the ebb, the flow is relatively tranquil with maximum speeds 0.5 m s−1 and peak TKE production rates of 0.1 W m−3.The flow and elevation data have also been used to estimate the energy fluxes into and out of the estuary. Short (1 h), intense energy inputs (8 MW at springs) on the flood flow are largely balanced by longer, less intense seaward energy flow on the ebb. The net energy input is found to be 0.1 MW at springs which is consistent with estimates of upstream dissipation. Peak dissipation in the bore itself may exceed the mean energy input but it is active only for a small fraction of the tidal cycle and its average contribution does not exceed 12% of total dissipation.  相似文献   

综合利用4个验潮站的逐时观测潮位资料,采用最小二乘原理的调和分析方法得到验潮站的潮汐调和常数。根据调和常数计算沿岸海域潮汐特征值,分析4个站位海域潮汐的时空特征。结果表明:秦皇岛附近受半日潮无潮点的影响为正规全日潮,其余3站位均为不规则半日潮性质;4个验潮站中龙口站和秦皇岛站属于弱潮海区,葫芦岛站和塘沽站属于中潮区。4个站位平均大潮差、平均小潮差、最大可能潮差与平均潮差的变化趋势基本一致,月平均潮差存在"双峰型"和"多峰型";葫芦岛验潮站、塘沽验潮站以及龙口验潮站均呈现出较不明显的潮高日不等现象;涨、落潮历时日不等,存在区域性分布。  相似文献   

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