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The study on soil thermal conductivity (STC) was an important side of research on ground source heat pump technique,geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes,heat distribution of buried cable. Especially owing to technical requirement for shallow terrestrial heat recently, it directly influenced the design and solution in engineering problems. The authors measured the STC in the studied area with QTM-D2 and discussed the effect of samples in size, the measurement error between the samples in lab and in site. The results indicate measuring STC by heat pole method with less influence upon the samples in size, and measuring results on the different geometry size approach very much. The STC is fit for the empirical relation between the temperature and TC under the condition of normal temperature. It is significance for understanding STC in northern China and simulation of temperature field.  相似文献   

The study on soil thermal conductivity (STC) was an important side of research on ground source heat pump technique,geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes,heat distribution of buried cable. Especially owing to technical requirement for shallow terrestrial heat recently, it directly influenced the design and solution in engineering problems. The authors measured the STC in the studied area with QTM-D2 and discussed the effect of samples in size, the measurement error between the samples in lab and in site. The results indicate measuring STC by heat pole method with less influence upon the samples in size, and measuring results on the different geometry size approach very much. The STC is fit for the empirical relation between the temperature and TC under the condition of normal temperature. It is significance for understanding STC in northern China and simulation of temperature field.  相似文献   

针对页岩气藏压裂中清水压裂悬砂效果较差问题,分析压裂液和支撑剂性质,通过实验提出增强清水压裂悬砂效果方法:纤维复合清水压裂液技术和超低密度支撑剂技术.结果表明:纤维的加入不仅使清水压裂液的悬砂性能得到提高,同时还可以显著降低液体摩阻.低密度支撑剂可以降低沉降速度50%以上.综合采用纤维复合清水压裂液技术和超低密度支撑剂技术,支撑剂2h的沉降率为17%.不仅可以提高清水压裂的开发效果,还可以降低对地面泵车排量的要求,对于页岩气藏的开发具有指导意义.  相似文献   

水库滑坡约束条件影响其运动过程的几何形态,是滑坡涌浪预测的重要参数之一。为了探究约束条件对滑坡涌浪特征(波高、波幅与周期)的影响,采用正交试验设计法开展了54组滑坡涌浪室内模型试验,并基于统计学理论对约束散体和半约束散体的涌浪特征进行了分析。结果表明:涌浪波周期基本不受滑体约束条件的影响;而半约束散体模型的波高和波幅小于约束散体的波高和波幅,半约束散体的初始涌浪波高约为约束散体的0.95倍,半约束散体模型的最大波峰波幅约为约束散体模型的0.9倍。因此,在开展滑坡涌浪快速预测时,虽然滑体入水形态与破坏前形态差异巨大,但基于滑坡初始几何形态参数对其初始涌浪波高和最大涌浪波幅的预测结果是偏安全的。研究结论可以为更准确地预测水库滑坡涌浪提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Assessing and managing the spatial variability of hydropedological properties are important in environmental,agricultural,and geological sciences.The spatial variability of soil apparent electrical conductivity(ECa) measured by electromagnetic induction(EMI) techniques has been widely used to infer the spatial variability of hydrological and pedological properties.In this study,temporal stability analysis was conducted for measuring repeatedly soil ECa in an agricultural landscape in 2008.Such temporal stability was statistically compared with the soil moisture,terrain indices(slope,topographic wetness index(TWI),and profile curvature),and soil properties(particle size distribution,depth to bedrock,Mn mottle content,and soil type).Locations with great and temporally unstable soil ECa were also associated with great and unstable soil moisture,respectively.Soil ECa were greater and more unstable in the areas with great TWI(TWI 〉 8),gentle and concave slope(slope 〈 3%; profile curvature 〉 0.2).Soil ECa exponentially increased with depth to bedrock,and soil profile silt and Mn mottle contents(R2= 0.57),quadratically(R2 = 0.47),and linearly(R 2 = 0.47),respectively.Soil ECa was greater and more unstable in Gleysol and Nitosol soils,which were distributed in areas with low elevation(〈 380 m),thick soil solum(〉 3 m),and fluctuated water table(shallow in winter and spring but deep in summer and fall).In contrast,Acrisol,Luvisol,and Cambisol soils,which are distributed in the upper slope areas,had lower and more stable soil ECa.Through these observations,we concluded that the temporal stability of soil ECa can be used to interpret the spatial and temporal variability of these hydropedological properties.  相似文献   

By field experiment in Sandaozhuang W-Mo mining area in Luanchuan of Henan Province, the authors analyzed the Experimental result of reverse circulation bit on the basis of different structures and obtained the following conclusion: the design parameter of reverse circulation bit, the number, diameter and angle of the spurt hole can influence on the reverse circulation effect. The bit with inner spurt hole is better obviously than that one without inner spurt hole in reverse circulation, one or two right and the best choice of inner spurt hole is that the diameter is Φ8, the angle is 30° dip up and the suitable number is two to three.  相似文献   

By field experiment in Sandaozhuang W-Mo mining area in Luanchuan of Henan Province, the authors analyzed the Experimental result of reverse circulation bit on the basis of different structures and obtained the following conclusion : the design parameter of reverse circulation bit, the number, diameter and angle of the spurt hole can influence on the reverse circulation effect. The bit with inner spurt hole is better obviously than that one without inner spurt hole in reverse circulation, one or two right and the best choice of inner spurt hole is that the diameter is Φ8, the angle is 30° dip up and the suitable number is two to three.  相似文献   

When filling embankment dams in cold regions,engineers must solve two freeze-thaw cycle(FTC)-induced soil problems.First,compacted soil constituting the dam is ...  相似文献   

岩溶洼地在西南地区分布广泛,岩溶地下水为当地居民生产和生活的主要水源,研究岩溶洼地内涝条件下裂隙系统中的溶质迁移及响应规律可为峰丛洼地区岩溶地下水的污染防控提供科学依据。基于相似原理构建了岩溶洼地-裂隙系统物理模型,采用对流-弥散模型和脉冲响应模型对溶质迁移过程进行了模拟分析,探讨了不同级次裂隙和内涝蓄水量大小对溶质迁移的影响。结果表明:大裂隙作为优先水流通道,对溶质迁移起主要的控制作用;小裂隙对溶质迁移起暂时储存和缓慢释放的调蓄作用,其溶质迁移的叠加过程使总出口溶质迁移的"拖尾"效应更加明显;随着内涝蓄水量的增加,稀释作用增强,导致溶质峰值质量浓度降低、溶质质量浓度回归至本底值的时间延长、延缓释放溶质的质量增加。该物理模型是对复杂岩溶洼地系统内污染物迁移研究的一种新探索,其模拟结果进一步深化了对洼地内涝条件下面源污染物在岩溶水系统中迁移规律的认识。   相似文献   

冻土斜坡模型试验相似分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
南水北调工程、青藏铁路建设工程等一系列工程的实施,将进一步影响和加剧青藏高原多年冻土区斜坡稳定性问题,冻土区边坡开挖及斜坡稳定性是工程活动中必须解决的问题之一,冻土斜坡稳定性研究在国内尚属空白。通过相似模型试验对高原多年冻土区斜坡在自然和人类活动影响下的失稳机制和活动规律进行分析,是开展研究的重要手段。根据相似理论第一定律,对冻土斜坡模型试验进行了相似分析,应用积分类比法推导并建立了冻土斜坡模型试验的相似指标和相似判据,得出在用原状土作模型介质时,6个相似常数减少为2个相似常数,即cτ和cl。模型与原型的时间比例尺是由几何比例尺决定的,即cτ=c2l,仅有一个相似参数为自变量,另一个为因变量。据此对青藏高原多年冻土区青藏公路沿线K3035处冻土斜坡进行了相似模型设计和冻融模型试验。模型再现了K3035处7°斜坡在4个冻融循环条件下,坡体中部(水平、垂向)4#位移伸张计质点位移曲线随时间的变化特征。实验表明,斜坡土体中部在第一次冻融循环中已有滑动迹象,随着滑坎进一步后退和靠近观测基准点,必然出现一次较大的位移,直至周边土体出现滑塌为止。模型试验结果与现场观测资料相比较是令人满意的。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model is proposed to simulate the thermal discharge from a power plant in Jiangsu Province. The equations in the model consist of two-dimensional non-steady shallow water equations and thermal waste transport equations. Finite volume method (FVM) is used to discretize the shallow water equations, and flux difference splitting (FDS) scheme is applied. The calculated area with the same temperature increment shows the effect of thermal discharge on sea water. A comparison between simulated results and the experimental data shows good agreement. It indicates that this method can give high precision in the heat transfer simulation in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration on a soil slope is usually an unsaturated seepage process that can be described by a water-air two-phase flow model. The effect of pore air pressure on rainfall infiltration has been widely recognized and validated by means of numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. However, whether a slope can actually seal pore air continues to be debated by researchers. In this study, a water-air two-phase flow model is used to simulate the rainfall infiltration process on a soil slope, and a field experiment is conducted to realistically test the sealing conditions of a slope. According to the numerical simulation, the areas of water and air flow in and out on the slope surface are relatively stable and can be classified as the "inhalation zone" and "overflow zone", respectively. Intermittent rainfall on the soil slope has an amplifying effect on pore air pressure because rainfall intensity is usually at the millimeter level, and it causes pore air pressure to reach the cm level. A field experiment was performed to determine whether a slope can realistically seal pore air and subsequently verify the regularity of rainfall infiltration. Air pressure sensors were buried in the slope to monitor the pore air pressures during the rainfall process. The monitoring results show that the pore air pressure in the slope changed, which indicates that the slope can seal air. Moreover, the amplification effects of intermittent rainfall on pore air pressure were observed for natural rainfall, which agrees well with the numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

采用非平衡量子统计方法讨论了地幔矿物声子热传导的3种不同情况,得到了较为普遍的结果,结果表明在下地幔声子热传导将是主要机制.  相似文献   

地学时序大数据具有多传感器、多目标、多分辨率、多类型的多源异构特征,是地学领域机器学习与数据挖掘的重要数据来源,分为基于时点和基于时段的两大类时序数据。现有时序数据的相似性度量与索引研究主要聚焦在前者。时序数据表达方法的核心思想是降维处理,是相似性度量与索引方法的基础,主要包括基于域变换和模型的表达方法和基于极限分段思想的表达方法。相似性度量的核心是相似性距离计算,主要分为锁步度量和弹性度量。它为时序数据索引中索引项的聚合与划分提供了基本准则。多源异构地学时序大数据的高效相似性度量与分布式索引方法是地学大数据领域未来的重要研究方向。   相似文献   

To assess the recovery rate of meiofaunal and nematode communities upon abatement of sewage pollution, a field transplantation experiment was conducted in Tai Tam, which is a non-polluted, shallow subtidal habitat on the southern portion of Hong Kong Island. The sediments used were from one site located in Victoria Harbour that was heavily influenced by sewage pollution, and one site in the outside-harbor area, which was relatively clean. In addition, sediments from Tai Tam were used as a control. Fresh sediments with meiofauna were collected from the aforementioned sites, placed in plastic trays and transplanted to Tai Tam. Sediments were retrieved at the beginning of the experiment and at 1-, 3-, and 8-weeks after transplantation for analysis of the meiofaunal and nematode communities as well as the sediment characteristics. The results showed that the meiofaunal and nematode communities in the control sediments were consistent at the four sampling periods, while it took three and eight weeks, respectively, for the nematode communities from the outside-harbor and inside-harbor sites to become similar to the control. These findings indicated that the relatively poor habitat quality and the nematode community composition in the sewage polluted inside-harbor sediments required a longer time for recovery than samples from the better habitat quality and the nematode community composition in the outside-harbor sediments.  相似文献   

采用VAP(Velocity Azimuth Processing)方法反演多普勒雷达风矢量场,在利用各个距离圈径向速度随方位角分布的廓线推算风向和风速的设计中,要求基数据速度资料中没有明显的脉动.介绍了在多普勒天气雷达风场反演设计中,直接将方格法的速度资料处理过程融入到方格法风场反演的过程中,利用距离方格内保持中尺度特性的特点,不改变原始资料的同时保证风场反演的正确性.  相似文献   

公路、铁路、水利水电、矿山等隧道工程建设和运营过程中,不可避免地会遭遇塌方、突涌水等地质灾害问题,围岩失稳破坏和渗流突变是发生突水的直接原因。为查明龙南隧道F8富水断层洞身范围涌水来源及其涌水量的大小,采用非标准三角堰测法结合矩形堰测法现场监测F8断层地表上、下游流量。本研究提出非标准三角堰测法的基本概念,并根据标准三角堰测法流量公式,结合流量的等效原理,推导出了非标准三角堰测法流量公式。通过理论与实测数据进行比较,证明了本公式的合理性。研究结果表明,非标准三角堰测法流量公式的推导为现场流量实测提供了方便,克服了标准三角堰测法公式适用范围不足的缺点,为分析断层破碎带洞身围岩范围内涌水量大小提供了可靠依据。   相似文献   

一种基于卷积的正弦波频率稳定度测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了通过离散卷积实现对频率稳定度的测量,介绍了该方法的原理和实现过程,并且与通用的硬件频率测量仪器进行比较,结果表明,与仪器测量频率稳定度的方法相比,此方法灵活简单,测量精度和仪器测量结果一致性较好.  相似文献   

Raindrop size,rainfall intensity and runoff discharge affect the detachment and transportation of soil particles.Among these three factors,the rainfall intensity seems to be more important because it can change other two factors.Storm patterns can be determined by changing the rainfall intensity during the storm.Therefore,the objective of this research is to test the influence of storm pattern on runoff,soil erosion and sediment concentration on a rangeland soil slope under field rainfall simulation.Four storm rainfall intensity patterns were selected for examining the effects of variations in storm event characteristics on soil erosion processes.The selected storm patterns were:I(45,55 and 70 mm h-1);II(45,70 and 55 mm h-1);III:(70,55 and 45 mm h-1);and IV(55,45 and 70 mm h1).The last pattern is a new one instead of the uniform pattern which has been sufficiently studied in previous researches.The experiments were conducted in field plots(in Kojour watershed,Mazandaran Province,Iran)with an area of one square meter and an constant slope gradient of 18%,surrounded by galvanised sheets.Following the nonuniform prioritization of the storm patterns for the studied variables,time to runoff(I>II>IV>III),runoff volume(III>IV>II>I),sediment concentration(IV>III>I>II)and soil erosion(III>IV>II>I)),it can be generally inferred that each pattern has specific effect on soil erosion processes during a storm.The results of the general linear model(GLM)test indicated that the effects of storm pattern on time to runoff,total runoff volume,runoff coefficient and soil erosion were significant at a level of 99%.The Duncan test showed that the storm patterns can be divided into three groups of III,IV;II;I(for time to runoff),I,II;IV,III(for runoff coefficient),and I;II;IV,III(for runoff volume and soil erosion).  相似文献   

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